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Private Health Care: Toni The Life Guard.

"A boring spell of pool duty becomes something quite different for young Antonia."

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Author's Notes

"This is the second adventure of Antonia, the sexy young nurse in the Care Unit. Any suggestions for further escapades featuring Toni and the horny patients, please feel free to tell me. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Her next chapter will feature Toni being in charge of a coach trip arranged for the residents."

It was Toni's turn to act as a lifeguard for the afternoon's session in the Recovery Unit's pool. The Recovery Unit was part of a private medical facility, and patients only got in there if they had money, and plenty of it. 

All the patients were well on the way to recovery, and this unit was their last stop before going back home, so there was almost no stress or trauma such as would be found in a normal hospital. While this meant much easier workloads than in a regular hospital, it had its own problems.

Mainly the twenty plus, all male, patients who were near enough healthy, bored and very horny. As part of the solution to that problem, the unit had cable television, a games room, tennis courts and a swimming pool complete with sauna and Jacuzzi. 

All the staff were attractive females, with the exception of a male nurse and some of the doctors, and all were fully trained in all they would need to do their job, and to take care of their patients. As there was not a large staff, those who were employed there were expected to cover a variety of duties, including the swimming pool, where they would assist any patient in difficulties, and even help with teaching them how to swim.

Swimming was regarded as healthy exercise, and a way for the men to work off some of the excess sexual energy. That was the theory, anyway. Today was Antonia's turn in the swimming pool of the unit.

Toni went to her locker for her swimwear, only to find that somehow, someone had been in there and switched her bikini with another. It puzzled her, but there was no time now to investigate, she was needed in the pool area, and soon. She put the new bikini on, noticing it was at least a size too small.

Fortunately, it was one with tie-sided briefs and ribbon strap halter-neck top, so it was able to be fastened securely, even if it did not cover too much of her very sexy body. In her twenties, slim and with perfectly formed 34B boobs, she had recently become aware that the men, for some reason she did not understand, found her very sexy, and she was enjoying the mild flirting that they indulged in with her.

Not to mention the fun they had all enjoyed with her the previous weekend, when she had been coerced into putting on an impromptu strip-show for them. And the sexy fun following her display. As she walked into the pool area, she was greeted with wolf-whistles and applause.

She went over to the raised chair where she would sit and be able to see clearly the whole pool. Another nurse, Annie, saw her and got down from the seat.

"Not your usual bikini, Toni," she mentioned, a hand on Antonia's behind, "what gives?"

"Hi, Annie," she greeted her co-worker, "someone switched my stuff for this one."

"Oh, yes," Annie told her, "they did that to me more than once. Never mind, gives them a bit of a thrill I suppose."

"Any problems?" Toni asked, "not that there ever is."

"Not so much problems," Annie told her, "but watch them. They are up to something. Maybe it was just that they were waiting to see you in that bikini. Or at least, almost in it."

They both laughed, then, with a quick kiss on the cheek from Toni, which somehow turned into a full-bloodied kiss back from Annie, Annie was gone, leaving Toni alone with the men. Antonia suspected that with just the tiniest bit of encouragement, Annie would gladly bundle her into bed, or onto any reasonably flat surface.

Antonia had never been with another woman, she had always been satisfied with attention from rigid cocks, so she was not certain how she felt at the idea of being enjoyed by Annie.

The men had stopped their activity, and watched with enjoyment as Annie had kissed Toni. Toni climbed the three steps up to the raised seat, sexy bottom wiggling delightfully as she climbed. Once she was sat comfortably, she checked the occupants of the pool area.

A few of the men in the large Jacuzzi, two or three in the sauna, and about ten in the pool itself. A good turn out today. Pool duty was okay but she found it so boring, nothing ever happened, which was fine with her, so it was just a matter of staying awake and waiting for the time to pass. Or at least that was usually how it was.

Even as she noticed some men who were not usually in the pool, one of them, Mister Jackson, Bill, waved to her, indicating he needed her for something. She stood at the edge of the pool, and called to him.

"Yes? What is it, Bill?"

He put his hand behind his ear, to indicate he could not hear her. Reluctantly, she eased herself down into the water, and waded across to him, grateful that he was in the part that was only chest deep, which saved her the need to swim to him.

"What is it, Bill?" she asked, "you called me over?"

"You called me 'Bill'," he smiled, "at last. Took you long enough."

She grinned at him, "I think after last weekend, when you removed my panties for me," she explained, "we are past the formalities. Now, what was it you wanted?"

"I could not find any floats or swimming aids," he told her, "and I don't really swim too good, so if you could find me something?"

"Of course," Toni promised, "back in a minute."

As she turned away she felt his hand squeeze her bottom. She lifted herself from the water, going to the store cupboard, and suddenly aware of all the men standing still, watching her. As she walked back to the pool, she glanced down, and saw the bikini that had been substituted for hers had turned almost transparent once it had got wet, her nipples and slit clearly visible through the thin fabric.

Applause and cheers rang through the pool area as she blushed crimson, and hurriedly got back into the water. At least in the pool, her body was hidden beneath the water. Being in the water though, had its own dangers.

As she stood with Bill, making sure he was going to be okay using the float, she felt something brush against her sides, and turned around just in time to see somebody swimming away under the water.

Moments later, the same thing happened, only this time, when the mystery figure swam away, he took her bikini bottom with him. As she turned to look who was near, pressure on her back told her that the top had just been snatched away as well.

She was naked, in a pool full of men, all of whom had already enjoyed her body in the recent past. She blushed at the thought, yet had to admit to a warm tingle between her legs, and could feel her nipples harden. Suddenly, Rod, one of her patients, appeared beside her. His hand gripped her backside gently.

"Feel up for a bit of fun, Toni?" he asked, "if not, say so, and we will forget our plans for that sexy body."

"Plans?" Toni queried, "plans like last week, you mean?"

"More or less," admitted Rod, "but only if you are up for it."

"And if I say no, it will disappoint everyone, won't it?" she guessed, "but you would all still accept whatever I decide?"

"Of course, you silly, sexy girl," Rod assured her, "what kind of men do you think we are?"

"Well, it will probably involve exercise for all involved," Toni pointed out, trying to keep a straight face, "and exercise is supposed to help in your recovery, so as a nurse, I can hardly refuse, can I?"

Rod grinned broadly at this, and Toni noticed the other men had all been watching, waiting for a sign of approval or refusal.

"Before we start anything," Rod interrupted, "nobody else is likely to come wandering in, are they?"

Toni shook her head. "No, there is only Annie and myself on this afternoon, and she will be in the staff room watching her soaps unless she is buzzed. Although I suspect if she came in and saw what was happening, she would join in with you lot."

Rod raised a hand, and the other men gathered around her, hands stroking gently over her whole body until she was wriggling. They led her to the side of the pool, at a depth where her sexy tits were clear of the water.

"Lie back, and stretch out your arms to hold onto the safety bars," Rod instructed her.

She did so, blushing furiously, conscious that this exposed her naked pussy to the watchers. Not that they hadn't all seen it in detail previously. Quickly Rod and one of the others, Charles, used the long ribbon straps of her bikini to secure her wrists and elbows to the bar. Antonia squirmed deliciously, wondering if the men knew how much she enjoyed being helpless.

With one of the men stood each side of her, two others grasped her ankles, and pulled her up so she was floating on the surface, legs pulled apart. The two either side of her started teasing her tits, nipples were nibbled to rigidity, then teased more.

Meanwhile one of the group was squatting between her held-open legs, tongue teasing his way along her slit. She squirmed helplessly as he increased his pressure, and her breath was coming faster. He stopped suddenly, leaving Toni writhing in frustration. The men laughed at her reactions, and a new tongue started teasing.

Then she was totally absorbed by the tongue forcing its way past her pussy lips to tease her already sensitive clit. She lay contentedly, waiting as the climax grew. And then it stopped.

Toni was growing desperate by then, this was pure torture for her. She hated being denied a climax after getting so near to it. New men at her boobs, forcing soft moans from her, other hands stroking her bottom, and a new tongue between her thighs taking her higher, higher, yes, this time, a bit more.

"Aaargh," She screamed out loud as this session of teasing stopped short of letting her come.

She struggled against those holding her legs open, but to no avail. She was helpless to stop the next man do just the same as the others, and the next. She was almost crying.

"What is wrong, sexy girl?" asked Rod, "do we want something?"

She looked at him, gritting her teeth, determined not to give in, and the next in line started teasing her aching slit, higher and higher, then stopping. The next began,

Toni was babbling softly, "yes, yes, this time, please, yes, please, oh God, please." 

This time when it stopped, Toni looked at Rod standing next to her. 

"Yes?" queried Rod.

Toni said nothing. She could outlast him. Him and all the other men who were in on this.

The next one began, her clit was throbbing, rigid, and she felt her desperation grow with every flick of his tongue against her love button. She started trying to buck, striving to get more pressure against the tongue, but it too stopped, leaving her gasping and close to tears.

"Yes, I do want something," she blurted out through clenched teeth to Rod, "I want to come."

"Really?" queried Rod, "I think you will have to ask the rest, if you want it that badly."

Toni looked at him in shocked surprise. Surely he was not going to make her beg in front of them all. A look at his face told her it was her only chance to be allowed to come. She did not know how many more arousals and denials she could stand.

The next man took his turn, and again Toni was taken to the very edge before he stopped, looking at Rod. Rod looked enquiringly at her, an eyebrow raised. She raised her voice.

"Please, I want to come. Truly, I need to come. Let me, please?"

The men smiled.

"But which of us gets to make you come?" he asked, "just one of us? That hardly seems fair."

"Any of you, all of you," Toni pleaded, "please?"

Rod smiled and nodded to the man, Alan, if Toni recalled correctly. He carried on from where he had left off, and in moments, Toni was enjoying a glorious and violent climax. She lay back contentedly, a satisfied smile on her face, Then she remembered what she had asked for. A climax from each of them? Oh, God.

Sure enough, each of the group happily enjoyed making her come, while the others watched as Toni wriggled, bucked and struggled in the grip of those currently holding her legs, screaming her pleasure at each climax. She was glad she was in the pool and well supported, because she knew she could never have stood unaided.

Her legs were trembling furiously, and her pussy twitching, not to mention being so short of breath through gasping as each man took her to a new climax. Finally, the last man had enjoyed watching her come for him, and her legs were released, leaving her half-floating contentedly.

Rod stood next to her, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"We'll let you relax and get your breath back," he told her, "enjoying it so far?"

She nodded happily, then the meaning of what he had said slowly sank in.

"How do you mean, 'so far?'" she asked.

"Well, you just enjoyed coming," Rod pointed out, "wouldn't it be a bit unfair if the men didn't get to come as well?"

She thought about that for a while, then grinned wickedly. "It would rather disappoint them, wouldn't it," she said, trying to keep a straight face, "and as a nurse, it is my duty after, all, to see to the well-being and comfort of those in my charge."

"Oh, absolutely," grinned Rod, "and believe me when I say, an untended erection is very uncomfortable. As a nurse, surely one of your duties is to get rid of painful swellings?"

Rod untied the bikini straps, releasing her arms, then walked with an arm around her to the corner of the pool at the shallow end, where the water was less than three foot. Rod looked at how she stood, with the water a few inches below the safety bars and just hiding her sexy slit.

Toni slid down deeper into the water, resting her arms on the floor at the sides of the pool. He left her there, relaxing, and spoke to another of the men, who got out of the pool and left. Rod was back next to Antonia when the man returned carrying a box of something.  Rod grinned, then squatted down level with Antonia.

"How wide can those sexy legs open?" he whispered, "can you do the splits for example?"

"Horizontal or vertical?" responded Toni, "in Pilates, I do both comfortably."

Rod smiled and beckoned Bill over to join them. He handed Bill the bikini top, then bent and lifted Toni's right leg.

"Tie this off to the bar at the edge of the pool," he instructed Bill, "not too tight though, just enough so the leg can't move."

Bill did as Rod had indicated, while Toni balanced on one leg, having to hold the bars to steady herself. Then Roy lifted her left leg.

"Now this one," he told Bill.

Her left ankle was secured to the bar running down the side of the pool, leaving her with legs at an angle of ninety degrees. She had to support her upper body with her arms on the poolside floor. At a signal from Roy, the long safety pole was brought over and her arms secured to that, stretched wide, and the pole resting across the corner, tied off with a long cord to one of the shower stall supports, stopping her tipping forward.

Bill stroked along her open slit, and Toni squirmed, unable to move either leg, and realising how helpless and exposed she was. The box brought for Rod was opened, and Antonia saw it was packed with condoms. It was no more than she had expected when she agreed to Rod's suggestion of "a bit of fun", she was going to be fucked by any and all who wanted her.

Rod was already stood between her spread thighs, his erection touching the gaping entrance to her pussy, then nudging its way in smoothly and slowly until she was totally impaled on his prick. He gripped her hips, then started shafting her, slowly at first, watching her growing arousal, then rough-fucking her as he saw she was nearing climax.

She came explosively, every muscle in her vagina contracting, and feeling his cock twitching as Rod himself came. She hardly had time to catch her breath before the next man was inside her, and she lost track of who was who, as she was treated to a long sequence of climaxes, coming over and over for the men.

Most of them had tried holding back until they had made her come, and she was trembling and twitching helplessly by the time the last one had enjoyed her. She vaguely noticed Rod over near the internal phone, but was too busy squirming and coming down from the intensity of her climaxes.

Rod was back next to her, and she expected to be released, seeing as everyone present had helped screw her senseless. Instead, he just kissed her cheek.

"Are you not letting me go now everyone has had their fun?" she asked him, "including me, I will add."

"Not quite yet, sexy slut," he murmured, "we have just one more little surprise for you."

She looked at him quizzically.

"Remember how you could not find your bikini?" he asked, " well, we had to have a little help switching bikinis, and the helper demanded payment for their help."

Antonia puzzled over this. They had needed help? But only staff could get into the staff changing area, and even then they would need locker keys. Suspicion started to form, but before she had time to continue thinking it through, Annie appeared, and all was suddenly clear.

Annie was still in the costume she had been wearing for pool duty, and she got into the pool, moving to where Toni was tied. She stroked fingers along Toni's slit, pressing on her clit and rubbing gently.

Toni tried ignoring the sensations created, ready to tell Annie she was not gay, or even bi, but warm lips were covering hers, and a tongue was exploring in her mouth, inviting cooperation. As the fingers carried on rubbing, Toni opened her mouth wider and responded to the kiss, all the time being taken higher and higher by the probing, teasing fingers, until she was coming for Annie.

Annie smiled triumphantly as she felt Toni quiver deliciously for her. She stepped closer until her tits were against Antonia's and rubbed her crotch against Toni's open pussy lips. Toni felt her arousal start growing again, not caring that all the men were enjoying watching Annie play with her.

Annie kneeled between Antonia's spread legs, her head going to Toni's slit, and Toni was being tongue-fucked by a woman for the first time in her life. She started to come, but Annie ignored her struggles and her screams of pleasure, and carried on. Teeth started nibbling Toni's sensitive clit, and fingers slid in and out, pumping hard, and Antonia was climaxing over and over, or was it just one long unending climax?

Who cared? Toni gave herself up to the sheer pleasure. Annie stopped and stood, looking satisfied with her play.

"You owe me at least five climaxes," she whispered to Toni, "I expect payment after your shift ends tonight. Clear?"

"Yes, Annie," responded Toni without hesitation, "whatever you say."

She was released by the men, having to be helped out of the pool and onto a lounger where she could recover from the incredible session she had experienced. So much for pool duty being boring.

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Written by marie5555
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