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Playing With Fire

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Anne has always said I'm a control freak, but after many years in business, I've learned the devil is in the details. Even the small things can change the course of events of your life. Oh yeah, I admit it, I'm that guy. You know, the one that won't go shopping without a list, the one that changes his oil exactly every four thousand miles. I plan my days like a weather report. I had always found that there is a great amount of security in organization. Then, something happened a few months ago that rendered my philosophy null and void, reshaping our lives forever, and... I loved it.

That change came about in the form of a petite young blond named Gail. She swept into our life like a Gail force tsunami. We didn't know it at the time, but our eventful threesome with her would send us on a path of adventure and self-discovery that would challenge almost every aspect of our lives. Anne was so right when she said that if we let the Genie out of the bottle, he wasn't going back easily. It was like the sexual revolution of the sixties came to roost on our household. We were seeking to spice up our boring, predictable lifestyle, and got much more than we bargained for. In retrospect, all I can say is, be careful what you wish for.

The first and most notable changes came from Anne. Her whole demeanor was revamped in many ways. She carried herself with greater confidence, dressed more provocatively, and seemed to enjoy flirting and teasing more than ever. It was interesting for me to watch men watching her. Since we live at the beach, Anne has worn a two piece bathing suit almost daily for years, but my mouth dropped open when I saw her in her new string bikini. It consisted of a string that disappeared between her cheeks, and the top barely covered her nipples. I stood there gawking at her like the rest of the men on the beach. It was going to take awhile for me to get accustomed to having such a hot wife.

A few weeks ago, I was finishing up in the kitchen while she went up to prepare for bed. I poured a couple glasses of wine, which had become a nightly tradition, and made my way carefully up the stairs, trying not to spill the drinks. After I set her wine glass on her nightstand, I slipped into bed, awaiting her entrance. Walking out of the bathroom like a model on a runway, Anne didn't disappoint. She pulled out the hair pin, and shook her head to fluff out her long flowing locks. Then, with a tug at the waist belt, her robe fell to the floor. This was one of those moments you wished you had a camera. She was stunning, and I immediately whistled my approval. I sat on the edge of the bed and reached out to claim my gorgeous wife, but she stopped short, and did a pirouette like a ballet dancer.

"Do you notice anything different?"

"Hmmm, your hair?"

"Well... Almost correct. I shaved. How do you like your bald wife?" she said, thrusting her hips forward, displaying her bare pussy.

"Wow! I like! But didn't you say that you wanted a bush, because you didn't want to look like a little girl?"

"I changed my mind. A woman's prerogative," she chuckled, squeezing her tits together.

"Comere, I wanna taste," I said, pulling her to me, and kissing her freshly shaven womanhood.

"Your beard tickles," she giggled, pushing me back on the bed, straddling my shoulders.

Her scent was drawing me in. I engulfed her mound in my open mouth, and slid my tongue between her wet lips, and flicked her erect clit. I mumbled my approval of naked pussy. Then, I reached up and cupped her titties, pinching her hard nipples between my fingers.

"Oh, that is sooo good! Give mama what she needs," she gasped, grinding her hips back and forth on my face.

I released her tits and held her butt firm. It is difficult trying to lick a moving target. As soon as she slowed, I buried my tongue as deep as it could go. I could feel her start to spasm and constrict around my probing tongue. "Ohhh, don't stop!" she gasped, grabbing me by the hair. Her bald pussy was a delight. She had one of the most intense orgasms I have ever seen her have in all our years together. I rolled her over, pushing her legs open with my knees. I took my rock-hard cock in hand, wiping my swollen head in her juices, and started to penetrate. Suddenly, she placed her hands on my chest and pushed me back.

"Wait a minute, buster!" Anne said firmly.

"Wha... What's the matter?"

"I'll tell you what's the matter. It's been over two months since you agreed to do your part of the deal, and you have not done diddly-squat! No more nooky for you until you show some progress."

"You're gonna cut me off because I didn't find some stud? Besides, I never agreed to a deal."

"I'm not cutting you off; I'm giving you incentive, and... you agreed to the deal when you slipped your cock into little miss surfer girl's wet pussy."

"Come on, Anne. Can't we just rethink this?"

"I told you. The deal is, after I've had three guys, we can revisit it. If we decide not to ever do it again, we'll stop, and never look back, but that will be a mutual decision made on a level playing field. Remember, this was your fantasy to see me fucked by other men, and now that I have bought into it, you back out? No fucking way! Show me some progress and this pussy is yours."

Desperately, I tried to think of something, and remembered an incident that occurred a couple days ago. "Hey, I-I've got something. Remember Steve?"

"The Steve you almost got into a jealous fight with at the party? Didn't he move to Vegas?"

"Yeah, that Steve. I saw him at the grocery store on Monday. He apologized for being a drunken fool at the party, then said he is in town on vacation, and if I wanted to go out surfing with him, to give him a call. See? I made progress. Now can we finish what we started?" I begged, squeezing her breast.

"Seeing some guy in a grocery store is not progress! Call him, and set something up and I'm yours," she knocked me away.

"Damn, Anne! I don't know what to say. I don't exactly have experience in pimping out my wife. What do say... 'hey dude, remember my wife, the one with the big tits? How would you like to come over and fuck her brains out?'"

"Hahaha... no, silly. Just ask him over for dinner, and nature will take its course. Call him. You're clever. You'll figure something out."

I reached for my wine and took several gulps, then retrieved my phone, charging on the nightstand. After searching for his number, I pushed send. It rang three times, and I was hoping he wouldn't pick up. I put it on speaker-phone.

"Hey, this is Steve. Who's this?"

"This is Alan. We talked at the store the other day."

"Yeah, I remember. Wassup?"

"I just saw the surf report and there's a big swell coming in Friday. The low tide is at three. How would you like to tear up some waves with me?"

"That sound righteous, mate, but I'll have to rent a board."

"No you don't. You can use my new six foot fun board, I'll use my short board. Then, after we finish, we can throw a couple steaks on the Barbie and knock down a couple beers."

"I dunno dude. I don't want to put out Ms. Hotness."

Anne pulled over the phone and said,"Hi Steve, this is Ms. Hotness!"

"Shit! I didn't know you were listening!"

"You're welcome for dinner. It's just simple fare, but I have something you'll really like planned for dessert."

"Well how could I refuse that? See ya at three, Alan."

"Great. I'll have the board and wetsuit waiting... Later dude."

Anne was grinning like a Cheshire Cat from ear to ear. She motioned me to her with a crooked finger, and said in a sultry voice, "Comere, stud. You earned this! I'm gonna fuck your brains out."


It was Friday morning and I got up early, shutting off the alarm so as not to wake Anne. She was restless all night, and I decided to let her sleep while I made breakfast. I knew her restlessness was over the anticipated meeting this evening with Steve. She asked me twice if she was doing right thing. I told her that all that was planned was surfing and dinner. The fucking was up to her.

The bacon was frying, and I was whipping the eggs when Anne staggered down the stairs, wearing my 49ers jersey. She ran her fingers through her hair, stretched her arms and said, "Coffee! I need Coffee!"

"Sit down, sweetie. Here's your coffee. Your scrambled eggs will be ready in a minute. Would you like some blueberry pancakes?" I asked, whipping up the batter.

"Why the special treatment?"

"I thought you could use the calories, because today is the day."

"Don't remind me. Am I doing the right thing? What do you think is gonna happen?"

"Hmmm, only you will know if it's the right thing. It's what you wanted. As far as what's gonna happen, right off hand, I would guess you're going to get fucked... a lot."

"I know that, smart ass. I meant, how do we approach Steve?"

"Didn't you say nature would take its course? I'm sure you won't have any trouble seducing him. He's male," I laughed.

"Alan, I have something to confess, that puts a different twist on this."

I raised an eyebrow and asked, "What confession?"

"Well, remember the day you kicked him out because he butt-grabbed me?"

"How could I forget?"

"There was more. We were both pretty drunk, and he cornered me in the pantry. He kissed me. I pushed him away, but not very hard. He kissed me again and I kissed him back. I swear, Alan, I swear I've never kissed another man before, ever."

"No big deal. You were drunk, and that's all that happened. Right?"

"Not exactly. He also pulled up my bikini top and sucked my breasts, and pushed a hand in my shorts, slipping his finger between my pussy lips. Then someone came into the kitchen and I quickly rearrange myself, and acted like nothing happened. I was a bit shocked when you brought up Steve. We have history."

"I remember that day well. Not just because I kicked-out Steve from the party, but because you screwed me that night like a woman possessed. All this time I thought your passion was because I was the stud for kicking him out, when in reality, it was because he finger-fucked you."

"He didn't finger-fuck me. He just was... just, um... caressing me a little."

"And tonight he's gonna be caressing you with his dick. How in the hell did I ever get myself into this?"

"It's not happened yet. He might not even be interested," Anne said coyly with a grin.

"Yeah right! Here's your pancakes. You're gonna need the strength."


The surf was cranking. It seemed like it was going to be an epic day. Several guys were already out tearing up those overhead sets. I was waxing my board when Steve came walking up the beach in his board shorts. I forgot what a hard body he was. His six-pack looked more like an eight-pack. He waved, and I gave him the thumbs-up.

"Hey, mate!"

"Dude! Here's your board and wet suit, and board wax. Left-hand break means the rip is on the right."

"Thanks, Al."

"No problem. See ya out there," I replied, grabbing my board and diving in the white water.

After duck-diving the first wave, I could feel the power of this icy-cold surf. The roar of the break was deafening, crashing with immense force. No one has more respect for nature than surfers. Out beyond the break, I sat on my board, waiting for Steve. Since Anne shared about her encounter with Steve, I didn't feel much like buddying-up with him, but I put on a good face.

"Hey, man. These sets are ridiculous. Any advice, since this is your home wave?" Steve asked.
"The sand bar is high here, so kick out and don't dive in. It's so shallow, you'll break your neck. There's one outside. Take it!"

Steve paddled and pushed off, dropping into the wave like a pro. He was looking good, considering he was on a borrowed board. I followed soon after, sliding down the face, I made my turn and found myself in a tube. It became quiet inside for a few seconds before it closed out and sent me tumbling like I was in a washing machine. After several more attempts, and fighting the current, I was beat. The wind was blowing out the sets. It was time to call it a day. I signaled Steve that I was headed in.

Sitting on the shore, I watched Steve catch his last of the day, and he rode it all the way in. He ripped off the ankle leash and dropped the board in the sand, and plopped down beside me.

"Thanks for the use of your board, man. I'm stoked."

"How about that beer now?" I said, wrapping my leash around my skeg.

"Awesome! Where to?"

"Straight ahead. The grey-blue building."

"Damn, those are some nice digs!"

"Thanks, I built it myself, but it's getting old now and I have tons of repairs. The enclosed lower deck has a shower, board racks, and some dry board shorts."

I held the door open for Steve, because the spring-loaded latch is tricky, and it can slam shut. Anne would never let me hear the end of it if her potential lover was injured walking into the house. I took his board and hung it in the rack along with mine.

"Fuck! This room is bigger than my whole damn apartment," he stated, while unzipping his wetsuit and hanging it on the hook.

I turned on the showers and adjusted the temperature, while Steve stripped off his board shorts. Now, I try not to stare at another guy's equipment, but that piece of sausage hanging between his legs made my seven-and-a-half inches look like a cocktail weenie. I guess I was so amazed, I was staring.

"Ten!" he said.

"I beg your pardon," I said, trying to pretend I hadn't noticed.

"Ten inches erect," he replied, shaking it like a snake.

"When God gave out cocks, you must have gone through the line twice," I laughed, and threw him a towel. Then I added, "Shorts and shirts are in the cabinet. Come into the den when you get dressed. I'll put on the game and start the grill."

"Awesome, dude. I'll be right in."

I turned on the indoor grill and was brushing the grates when Steve came in. He walked around looking at the house, peeking into the different rooms, but I sensed he was really looking for Anne. He plopped himself down in my recliner, and started watching the game. I don't think he had a clue how fortunate he was. I mean, he was getting a BBQ ribeye steak with all the fixens, my best beer, sitting in my favorite recliner, and was going to have my hot wife to use.

"Hey, you wanna beer?" I asked.

"Sure, that's awesome.

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What kind?"

"You have several to choose from. I have Dos Equis and Samuel Adams on tap, Fosters, Miller Light and Bud in the bottle."

"Damn, dude! You've got quite a setup here. I'll have a... Sams."

After I finished pouring him the beer, I heard Anne coming through the door. She had a bag of groceries, and was cursing at the door closing on her. Steve went scrambling to help her.

"Thank-you, Steve. You're a gentleman, unlike some people around here! Alan, when are you going to fix this fucking door? It's gonna kill me some day. Here's the groceries you asked for. I also got some dip. I'm going up to change. You guys play nice."

With that, she scurried up the stairs. We both watched her disappear into the bedroom.

"Man, you've got it all. A fine big home, awesome cars, and the hottest old lady on the planet."

"Hey, you better be careful about calling Anne old. She is sensitive about her age, at thirty-eight."

"No fucking way. She's thirty eight? She's fourteen years older than me. I would have never guessed."

"Want a refill on your beer? Sams, right?"

"Yeah, I like it with a head."

I was pouring the beer and thought, when Anne sees that cock of his, he's going to have a head. I was thinking I was going to hate this, but my cock was telling me otherwise. It was truly erotic, thinking he had no clue she was going to seduce him. This was not the Anne I knew, the proper house-wife, PTA president, civic leader, and soccer mom. She was embracing the hot-wife roll well, maybe too well. I wondered if she was going to wear the sexy, low-cut yellow sundress I bought her just for this occasion. I didn't have to wait long, as the bedroom door flew open and she came out.

"Here I come, ready or not!" she said, and bounded down the stairs.

The dress was even sexier than at the store. Some of it was because she wore no bra, and her large breasts bounced with each step down the stairs. She was barefoot, and had that pixie look about her.

"Gawd!" Steve gasped, as she approached.

She came up to him and offered her cheek. As he went to kiss her cheek, she turned quickly and kissed him on the mouth.

"Gotcha! How's the dinner coming, hun?" Anne asked with a wink.

"Potatoes in the oven, green beans are steaming, salad is in fridge, and I'm ready to to cook the steaks. So how do you like your meat?"

"Medium-rare, for me," Steve replied.

"Anne, how about you? How do you like your meat?"

"How do I like my meat? Well, you know how I like my meat... extra... hard!"

Steve choked on his swallow of beer, and looked at her with a red face, not quite believing what he had heard.

I threw the steaks on with a sizzle, and repeated the order, "one medium, one medium-rare and one... extra hard," I laughed, but was amazed at the aggressiveness Anne was exhibiting. Plus, the bulge in my shorts was showing me I was on board with this.

Anne came behind the bar with me to pour yet another drink for Steve. She was giggling and flirting like a high school girl. I reached under her dress and discovered what I suspected. No undergarments, and a dripping-wet pussy. She grinned at me. I slapped her butt, kind of like what the quarterback in football does to a lineman, signaling they are on the same page. Anne bent over the table, handing him the beer, and paused long enough for him to examine her ample bosom, which he did without blinking. Then, she sat down a bit closer to him than necessary, and I could see he was extremely nervous. Steve kept glancing at me to see my reaction during the meal. I could see why he had apprehension, because I was the one that kicked him out of the BBQ last year.

"This is the best steak I have ever tasted. This whole meal was over the top. Plus, the beers have me a bit buzzed. You both have been good to me."

"Thanks. It's my peace offering to you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. But... there is more to come."

"Oh, that's right. Your beautiful wife promised a special dessert. What is it?" he asked, looking at Anne.

She stood, and took his hand by the wrist, put his hand under her dress, and said, "This is your lucky day, because I plan to make your banana cream."

The shock on his face was priceless. He looked at me, then at her, and then back to me. I gave him the thumbs-up and a smile. Anne pulled him toward the stairs and looked back at me.

"Hun, give us ten minutes before you come up, okay?"

"You guys have fun. I'm gonna clean up." I said, as I watched them disappear with his hand cupping her butt.

It is hard to describe my feelings at this moment. I was a kaleidoscope of emotions. I was excited, aroused, jealous, nervous, and apprehensive, all at once. I started cleaning the table off and heard them murmuring. I looked at the clock. Two minutes had passed. I continued to work, then I heard a distinct "Oh my!" After four minutes, I heard, " Oh, my God!" I think she discovered his giant cock. I heard the bed springs start to squeak, then a scream of ecstasy, "Fuck me! Don't stop! Please, fuck me!" Eight minutes passed, and the bed was hammering against the wall with such force, the wall-hangings were banging in rhythm with his vigorous thrusts.

I undid my shorts, and let them drop to the floor. My rock-hard cock sprung forth, pointing the way. The pounding increased, along with the gasping, grunting, and begging, as I climbed the stairs. Entering the bedroom, I paused, to see the sight before me. It was a scene I never thought I would see. My beautiful wife, on her back, with her legs wrapped around her lover, and hanging on while he pummeled her wet pussy with his enormous pole.

Her new dress laid crumpled on the floor where it was hastily thrown. There was a bottle of lube, which I did not remember, thrown on top. Could he have come today prepared to fuck my wife? He picked up the pace, and the bed was hopping on the floor. She was getting the fucking of her life, the clapping of their skin sounded like a well-deserved applause.

"Don't stop! Don't stop! I'm cummmming!" Anne screamed. Jealously, I thought how my love-making never brought her that much pleasure.

Steve suddenly stopped, and he pressed forward. He was moaning, and his balls were contracting as he pumped his semen into her. It was pouring out around the edges and puddling on the bedspread. Anne saw me now, and motioned me over. I knelt on the bed and put the purple head of my swollen penis in her mouth. After watching that live porn scene, it didn't take long before I was erupting in her mouth, with her eagerly swallowing my fun. There was some running down the corner of her mouth, and I wiped it up with my finger and held it out to her.

"Hmmm, finger-lickin' good!" She giggled, as she slurped it up.

Steve was still panting from his vigorous workout, when Anne said, "Look at that cock. Have you ever seen anything so huge? It's a good thing he brought that lube."

"Yeah, I saw it. Why did you bring lube to a dinner party?"

Steve was a bit startled with my question and replied, "I'm like a good Boy Scout. I always come prepared."

"No, I'm serious. Did you come here with the intention of fucking my wife?" I said sternly.

"Well, I was hopin'. When you asked me over, I couldn't believe you had a change of heart after you tossed me out on my ear. Then... when Anne said she had something very special for dessert, I kinda knew."

"So you've done this sort of thing before?"

"You mean shag someone's wife like this?"

"Yes. That is exactly what I mean."

"I've done it lots. You can't believe how many couples are into this. I could do it twice a day if I wanted," Steve grinned.

"Well, big boy, with equipment like this, you should be a porn-star," Anne said as she squeezed his cock.

"I've been told that before, but I don't think it would be fun fucking plastic chicks with phony tits," he replied, cupping Anne's big natural boobs.

Then he asked, "Is that it, or are we going for more?"

"You're not getting off that easy, stud. The night is still young. Besides, that steak dinner wasn't free. You gotta earn it." Anne answered, pulling him in for a kiss.

This night was one of firsts. Anne's first cock besides mine. My first time sharing my wife. Her first really big cock, and now we have positioned ourselves to give her her first double-penetration. Anne straddled Steve with his monstrous member buried in her pussy as deep as it would go. I had fingered and lubed her tight little rosebud. I added a generous amount to the head of my cock, and eased it in.

"Owww! Be gentle," Anne cooed, as her tight little opening stretched to accommodate me.

The head popped in, and inch-by-inch, I disappeared into her cavity. Steve lay motionless as I worked my way in.

I pushed past her sphincter muscles, and she cried out, "Oh my god that hurts."

"Sweetheart, just try to relax."

"Relax??? You try to relax with a base-ball bat up your ass! Oh fuck, that is burning! Owww!"

"Squeeze it. It will make it easier, and just be happy it's not Steve!" She laughed, and tightened her muscles, then they relaxed, and I was buried to the hilt. I just stayed there for a few seconds.

"How is that, Babe? Any better?"

"Hmmmm... yeah, much. I feel real full. I kinda like it."

"Good. You ready?"

"Yeah. Fuck me!"

I pulled out and slammed back in, and she whimpered a bit. I poured more lube on my shaft and it slid like a finely-machined piston. Steve was being stimulated by my movements through the thin membrane separating us. He started thrusting in time with me. It was obvious he had done this before. He pick up the rhythm quickly. This was a lot more complex than I thought it would be. Even our moans were in time.

"Ahhhh, that is incredible!" Anne moaned, then gasped with each movement. Steve was caressing and biting her nipples that were hanging in his face, adding to her pleasure. We became a team that was trying to reach the goal.

"Ohhhh, I'm cumming! Please keep going. Don't stop! Don't stop! Ahhhhh," Anne verbalized her orgasm.

We had been at this for over twenty minutes, and I knew I needed to release soon. I guess Steve felt the same way, as he erupted first, spilling his remaining seed in her pussy. He was screaming out profanities after being quiet most of the night.

"Take it bitch! Take all my cum, you fucking whore-slut. Tell me you want it."

Anne seemed stimulated by the verbal abuse, and screamed back, "Yes, fuck me. Fuck my whore cunt. Give it all to me!"

I felt my own build up, and with Steve finished, I picked up the pace. My balls were slapping on her ass. A force was welling up in me, one that could not be stopped. It was like a wave about to break. Every nerve in my being was linked to a unified purpose of exploding in a grand crescendo.

"Ohhhhhh, ahhhhh!" I cried out, pumping my load deep in her bowels. Exhausted, I pulled out and rolled on my back, gasping for air. Anne lay on Steve, winding down. I looked at the nightstand and almost four hours had gone by. Steve inched out from under Anne, and put on the board shorts.

"Hey, I know when it's time to go. Thanks for the great meal. I especially liked the dessert. I gotta run. I'll return the shorts and shirt, man. You got my number."

"Naw, keep 'em as a memento. Be seeing you around. Maybe I'll see you on the waves."

"Wait, Steve! I'll walk you to the door," Anne told him, walking towards the door, wiggling her freshly fucked ass.

"Don't you think you should put on a robe, hun?" I said, "The neighbors might see."

"Silly you. They have been watching us through the bedroom window the whole time," she replied, facing the window, squeezing her boobs together, and sticking out her tongue.

I looked out the window, and sure enough, the old farts were standing with binoculars, looking in our house. I stood up and flipped them off, mouthing 'f u c k y o u.' They scrambled off their deck. I knew they were gossips, and our reputations were now shot to hell. Even if we ended it today, we've now been branded swingers.


We were showering later, and enjoying our solitude. There was something about her. She just seemed sexier. I cupped her breasts and pulled her to me, and kissed the back of her neck. I whispered in her ear how I loved her.

"I love you too, hun, but if and when we do this again, could you do me a huge favor?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Make your aim better. Dried cum is a bitch to get out of my hair!" she laughed.

"Sweetheart, I am seriously concerned about something," I stated, turning her to face me.

"What?... And why the sad face?"

"Our daughter is coming home from college in June. How is it going to affect her if she discovers our new life-style?"

"Just so you know. She's no virgin. We talk lot. Karen is an adult now, and I'm sure she's had her share of boyfriends at university. Stop worrying. The question for me, is how you felt about me with another man?"

"Well... I felt all kinds of things. Excitement, jealousy, apprehension, love, desire, and insatiable, uncontrollable lust. How about you?"

"It's probably good that I waited until now to spread my wings, as you might say. I was so ready for this. It didn't hurt that it was Steve, seeing how he is young, and hung like a stallion. When he first tried to put it in, I felt there was no chance it would fit. I couldn't believe my eyes, he was so fucking huge, but after several minutes, it was finally in, and I had the most intense orgasm of my life."

"So you want him again? He's here another week. Would you wash my back?" I handed her the soap.

"Of course I want him again, but... it breaks the rules. One and done, remember?" She scrubbed the washcloth on my shoulders.

"Yeah, but I still owe you two, and have no clue where I'll find them."

"At our last party, I saw how distraught Gary was after losing his wife last year. Vicky says he is not dating, and just moping around. After no women for a year, I think he might need to get back in the saddle."

"Are you saying you want to give Gary a mercy fuck?"

"Hmmm... maybe."

To be continued.

Written by ChuckEPoo
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