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Peter’s Dilemma

"Peter has fallen for a much older woman and turns to his former brother-in-law for help"

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Author's Notes

"Peter has endured annus horribilis x 2. Wife paralysed. No sex. Then, he meets Eve, a much older woman, who captivates him. <p> [ADVERT] </p>With the help of his friend and former brother-in-law, can he find a little joy?"

Peter had a dilemma. He had rather fallen in love, or was it lust, and didn't know what to do about it! Peter chided himself for being an old fool. He ought to know better at his age. After all, he was thirty-five, for pity's sake, not some lovelorn teenager "young, dumb and full of cum”, as his American friend and former brother-in-law Bart would have succinctly put it.

Bart had been a steadfast friend, particularly over the last difficult couple of years, which would have been unbearable without his staunch presence. He was always the first to step forward and offer help when needed. They had first met in the local pub in the small Lincolnshire village where Peter was born and had spent the greater part of his life.

Bart was a young airman at the nearby airforce base and was lost and homesick for his Connecticut home's green hills and rolling meadows.

They hit it off immediately and became firm friends. Peter had invited Bart to the family home, a farmhouse just outside the village. Peter's father, John, was a farmer, as had been his father and his father before him in an unbroken line that stretched back to the seventeenth century and probably before. When his father decided it was time to retire, Peter would continue the tradition, but he would be the last as he had no children.

Bart met Tulip, Peter's sister, at Peter's house, and they immediately fell for each other. The romance had blossomed into love, and the two had married six months after first meeting. Bart had left the Air Force and settled in the UK, initially at the farm where he worked as a farm labourer and later in Lincoln, where he had moved with Tulip. They had two children, and Bart had done rather well and owned and ran one of the largest employment agencies in the area. Unfortunately, the marriage had fallen apart several years ago due to Bart playing around. Bart couldn't keep his pecker in his pants.

And what a pecker he had, Peter thought. It was at least nine inches in length and thick, too. He had seen it closely in action many times and was always impressed. His own six inches was a fine enough specimen but looked tiny compared to Bart's monster. It was Bart and his dirty little secret that many times in the past few years since Bart had split up with Tulip, they had teamed up for a threesome with a girl or woman whom Bart provided. He didn't know where Bart sourced them, but he had always found attractive girls willing and enthusiastic to be fucked every which way by a couple of horny men.

Peter had enormously enjoyed these sessions, which Bart organised in the luxury flat Bart had bought after his marriage break up. But circumstances had changed, and it had been over two years since the last time they had partied together. He sighed as he thought of how long it had been since he last had sex. Too long.

'Peter, are you there,'

He heard his name called weakly as if the caller had used up all their available energy in speaking these few words and had exhausted themselves in the effort. He walked into the downstairs dining room, converted into a bedroom for his wife, Poppy. She had been paralysed in a riding accident two years before and was bed-bound.

Peter tenderly helped his wife to drink water and then wiped her mouth. He hated seeing Poppy like this. She had been such an energetic, dynamic person who was universally loved and respected by all within her orbit. Now, she was a pale shadow of that person, and Peter knew that she longed for death to release her from this nightmare. Peter loved his wife and still thought of her as the most beautiful woman he had ever met, even though her face was now gaunt and careworn, tinted with yellow, the result of a permanently damaged liver.

Poppy now needed constant care, and her dedicated team of Sally and Marcia came twice a day to tend to her. Between their visits, a care worker visited and spent a few hours helping Poppy feed herself, keeping her clean, and tending to the bed sores from which Poppy inevitably suffered.

The other carers attending Poppy were one in the morning and another in the late afternoon, both provided by Bart's Agency at minimal cost to the family. The carers sent by the agency were usually women or girls employed on an ad hoc basis and receiving minimum wages. They were typically young and foreign, coming and going like dew on a hot summer morning. Some were pretty good, but most were hopeless, and Peter had to watch them while they were in the house.

Thus, Peter was surprised when Eve had turned up one morning a few days before. The agency had rang to inform Peter of her imminent arrival, so Peter was expecting her. What surprised him was the age of the lady. She looked to be in her fifties or early sixties. Her somewhat lived-in face suggested a hard life, although her body looked in good shape for a woman her age. She had somewhat startlingly wavy, blonde hair down to her shoulders. He thought it looked like a wig, but he was sure it was not. She cared for it, and the colour was probably out of a bottle.

When she spoke, he was immediately captivated by its sexy huskiness and timbre, which betrayed a past or maybe current smoking habit. Her accent was hard to place. At first, he thought she was Polish, but when he asked her, she laughed and said close. She was from Moldova, that tiny country sandwiched between its much larger neighbours, Ukraine to the north and Romania to the south. Most people had never heard of the country, or at least until February 2022, when the Russian invasion of Ukraine had shone the spotlight of World Media attention on the region. Even so, its capital, Chisinau, was probably the least known or visited in Europe.

Eve said she had been a doctor in Moldova for many years, but the money she got for working long hours in a hospital was inadequate. Eve found she could earn better money working abroad, initially in Germany and later in the UK. She had left her husband and family in Moldova but visited home at every opportunity.

After their brief chat, Eve went about her duties. Peter was impressed by the gentle efficiency in her dealings with Poppy, who could be difficult, particularly with new carers. Still, she appeared happy with Eve and allowed her to give her the daily bed bath without a murmur.

Over the next few days, Peter found that his thoughts increasingly turned to Eve and daydreamed about what he would do with her if given the chance. It was unusual for him as he had no previous history of a particular attraction to older women. So when Bart turned up unexpectedly, he told his friend about his strange interest in the Moldovan woman.

'Eve, she's one of my girls,' he said and laughed.

'I mean, she works for my agency. Why do you want to fuck her? I guess we can arrange that. Maybe she would like me to join in too, and we can party like we used to. It's been too long, and you'll be forgetting what the thing between your legs is for apart from pissing.'

Peter was amazed. He had often wondered whether the girls he found for their threesomes worked for his agency and now thought he had the answer.

'Do you think that she will agree?'

'Yeah, I think she will. Why not? When I promise her some of my famous mega-cock and some extra hours, I'm sure that she go for it.'

In most men, Peter would have thought them boastful idiots, but he had seen Bart in action and how women seemed to be attracted to him and like to be near him. Despite all of the pain and anguish he had put her through, his sister Tulip still loved him to bits and never had a bad word to say about him or tolerated others who did. He had to admit that he was envious.

The following day, the agency rang to say that a new carer would be coming that morning. He asked what had happened to Eve, and she told him Eve had other duties and had been reassigned. The girl who came was grossly overweight and had bad skin. It was the work of Bart, the fixer.

Several days passed, and there was no word from Bart. And finally, just as he had concluded that she had rejected Bart's offer, he received a message. The carer to come that afternoon was to stay an extra couple of hours and could Peter go to his former brother-in-law's apartment to deal with some urgent business.

As Peter drove the short distance to Lincoln, his excitement rose the nearer he got to his destination. His cock responded by getting so hard that it was uncomfortable, and several times, he had to adjust his trousers. Could Bart have convinced Eva to join them in a threesome? It seemed unlikely, and Peter prepared himself for the slight disappointment he would feel if he were to find a different woman waiting at Bart's flat.

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He would undoubtedly find out soon as he drove into Bart's upmarket apartment block car park. He was buzzed in and made his way up to the penthouse floor. He knocked on the door, and Bart opened it in his dressing gown. He had a cheesy smile on his handsome face.

He whispered, 'I hope you don't mind, but we started without you. We couldn't wait.'

Bart pointed to the bedroom.

'Man, she's some gal,' Bart gasped. 'I had trouble keeping up with her.' Bart laughed. 'She's waiting for you. Go get her, tiger. I'll join you in a little while. I need to recover with a cold 'un. You want one?'

Peter nodded and headed to the bedroom. He felt excited but quite nervous. Peter hadn't had a woman since Poppy's accident. What if he couldn't perform? That would be an embarrassment.

He entered the bedroom. Eve lay sprawled on her back, stark naked. His cock, still hard, twitched in response to the sight of this woman who so attracted him.

'Hello, Peter. How are you? Take your clothes off and come and join me.' Eve purred in that sexy, husky voice.

Peter quickly undressed and jumped onto the bed. He could see that Eve had a tremendous body for a woman her age. Face of a granny, body of a goddess, Peter thought.

Their lips met in a passionate kiss whilst Eve grabbed hold of Peter's throbbing hard-on. He ran his left hand over her relatively small but perky breasts. They looked very suckable, so that is what Peter did. First, the right and then the left. He licked and sucked until her nipples stiffened and Eve started quietly moaning, and then he untangled himself from their embrace and went down on her, first kissing her flat belly and teasing the sparse blonde pubic hair before separating her legs so he could get at her cunt.

Again Peter was surprised to see that her pussy looked as if it belonged to a much younger woman. Her labia was just right. Not too big or too small, and her cunt opening was just the perfect size for fucking. He went to work teasing her with his tongue, getting her to what he thought was the moment just before she orgasmed before pulling back from her clitoris at the last moment and inserting two fingers in her pussy and frigging her for a few moments. Then back to the tongue on clit until she was squirming with pleasure.

At this point, Bart came in with the drinks. He set them down on the dressing table and approached the bed.

'Looks like you are having a lot of fun there. Can I join in?'

He untied his dressing gown and dropped it on the floor. His enormous penis swung halfway down to his knees and was getting bigger by the moment. Peter wondered if Bart's libido had lessened over the two years since they had last done this. He doubted it. Bart had enormous stamina for sex and could seemingly fuck for hours and come three or four times in a session and still seem ready to go again at a moment's notice. He was unreal.

Peter grabbed Bart's penis and put it in his mouth, and began to suck. He knew that his friend loved him to suck his cock. Neither was gay, but neither had any qualms when it came to the joys of sex. Anything was acceptable as long as it did not involve pain or blood or any bodily secretions except those coming from the mouth, cock or cunt. Both of them liked uncovered sex, and Bart got regular check-ups and usually insisted that his partners did the same. He thought that Eve, as a caregiver, would have had a complete check-up recently, and he had been out of the game for so long that it was inconceivable that he had anything nasty.

Eve was turned on by Peter blowing Bart. Her hand slid between her legs, and she began to frig herself furiously. Bart withdrew his cock from her mouth and, with a gesture, invited her to take him in her mouth. She didn't need to ask twice, and Bart's super-dick disappeared into Eve's mouth. Peter was astonished to see that virtually his entire cock had been taken in. Had the woman no gag response?

Peter was close to coming just by watching Eve and Bart play. He hopped off and stood beside her head at the top of the bed. She knew just what Peter wanted and switched from Bart to his cock. He was much less of a strain on her jaws, and she was able to take him deep into her throat. He assumed this as an invite to skull fuck, which he proceeded to do with utmost vigour. The sounds of slurping as she noisily sucked him added to the wet noises coming from below as Bart amused himself by inserting four fingers, and then his entire hand into Eve's cunt was music to his ears and excited him beyond recall.

He had linked his hands behind Eve's head, and now he redoubled his efforts, driving his cock into her mouth and, at the same time, pulling her head onto him. Eve gagged and retched a little but withstood the abuse well, but when Peter began spurting large gobbets of come down her throat, she just had to come up for air. The final dribble from Peter's cock landed on Eve's lips, which she licked off and then used her tongue to lick off any sperm residue off his dick. Eve swallowed the lot.

There was no time to clean up as Bart was ready for his second fuck of the day. He roughly swung Eve over so she was on her hands and knees. Peter felt like telling Bart to be more gentle. She was, after all, an older woman in her sixties. Eve, however, didn't seem to mind and gave a delighted yelp when he smacked her arse hard. Her pained yelp when he began driving his massive tool into her cunt was more genuine.

Peter scooted down the bed so he could closely watch as he rammed hard into her. Bart steadied himself and grabbed Eve first by the shoulders and then by the neck as he increased his stroke rate. The predominant sounds now were the slapping sound of thighs slapping against buttocks, moans coming from Eve and loud animal grunts from Bart. Peter could smell the heady smell of bodily fluids mixed with sweat, a musky perfume that was unmistakable and one that Peter had almost forgotten.

Although it was a matter of minutes since he had ejaculated, Peter was becoming aroused again at the close-up sight of Bart's cock going like a steam piston in and out, in and out. He saw that Eve's cute little cunt was stretched to its limits as Bart pounded her mercilessly. Suddenly he wanted to be fucking her. He said, 'Hey, mate. It's my turn now.'

Bart grunted something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like 'fuck you, brother' but pulled out. Eve's cunt was like a gaping wound, but she smiled at him and looked happy and loving every minute. She whispered in her sexy accented voice:'Fuck me hard, Peter. Just like Bart. I love it rough.'

Peter entered her just as Eve pulled Bart by his cock into her mouth and started to suck him off noisily. Peter had positioned her diagonally on the edge of her bed so that they were in an ideal "spit roast" position, with Peter pounding her as hard as he could behind her whilst Bart was enjoying himself at the front. It looked like Eve was having a ball in the middle. Peter felt joyous and happy to be alive for the first time in over two years. The worries and struggles of his present life just fell away, and he felt great.

He watched as Bart withdrew from Eve's mouth, and with a few jerks of his hand enclosing his massive tool and a shout of pure joy, he came over Eve's face. He then used his cock like a paintbrush moving his thick, creamy sperm until her he had coated her face in his come.

It was Peter's turn. He withdrew his cock from Eva's cunt with a meaty squelch and sidled around the bed where Eve, eyes closed but with an enigmatic little smile on her face, was patiently waiting for him. Bart drew back with his still erect penis in his hand. Peter positioned himself in front of her and slapped his cock against her lower face and mouth. She opened her mouth, and he pushed his tool, still coated in her cunt juices, into it. She licked and sucked him for a few moments before he withdrew and emulated Bart; he started wanking as fast as he could until a thick stream of semen shot from his cock and splashed onto her face. Eve's face was now a sticky mess. She reached up and wiped come from her eyes. She looked up at him with a smile.

'Did you enjoy that, Peter?' she purred in that sexy voice she had.

'Loved every minute,' he replied truthfully. 'You are a great fuck.'

Peter's dilemma was resolved.

The End

Written by Vivago666
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