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Pajama Time-Traveler’s Party

"A couple throws a Hawking time-travel pajama party for themselves and they show up!"

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June 28. The year is irrelevant. 

Julia and Terry were throwing a pajama party. The decorations and refreshments were simple. The coffee table was decked with a fuchsia table runner and sprinkled with confetti. Champaign glasses flanked the ice bucket holding a bottle of Krug champagne. Some of the hors d'oeuvres were staying warm in the kitchen while the others waited on the dinette. Balloons floated about and streamers hung from the ceiling next to the banner. 

“Welcome, Time Travelers!” 

No invitations were sent because they weren’t needed. The only invited guests were any future Julias and Terrys who wanted to come, and they already knew they were invited, didn’t they? 

Julia checked her makeup. She chose a smoky eyeshadow pallet with hints of pink, with carefully-applied mascara to emphasize her long lashes. She left her hair down, brushed silky smooth, with no other adornment. Julia’s pink, floor-length silk nightgown clung to all the best places. She admired herself in the full-length mirror. There wasn’t much fabric on top, and she had to cover up an exposed nipple. She slid a foot into a feathered stiletto slipper and reached around to adjust its back-strap. As she leaned forward, one of her swooping breasts tumbled out and she had to adjust her gown again. She would be dealing with her tits all night. Terry will love that! 

On cue, Terry approached her from behind as she placed her pink-polished toes into the second slipper. He held her waist with one arm as he pulled the other backstrap up for her. Then he wrapped both arms around her, pulled her close, and together they gazed at the beauty in the glass. 

Julia’s husband wore silk pajamas, robin’s egg blue with white pin stripes. It had two large side pockets and a slim sash around his waist. Julia half expected him to pull a pipe out of one of those pockets even though he didn’t smoke. She wriggled her backside into him and he held her tighter. They felt his cock get hard as he pressed between her cheeks. 

“Am I going to have to put up with that all night?” 

Terry slipped one of Julia’s straps off her shoulder. “Probably.”  

Julia laughed and spun in his arms to push him away, but he drew her back into a prolonged kiss. In those heels, Julia was almost as tall as Terry, which made it easy for her to surround his neck with her arms. 


In 2009, Stephen Hawking arranged an event for Time Travelers. “You are cordially invited to a reception for time travelers hosted by Professor Stephen Hawking,” the invitation said. It gave a date, June 28, 2009, and location. However, the invitation wasn’t posted until the day after the party. “No RSVP required,” it stated. To the disappointment of many, nobody showed up. 

Terry and Julia were both working on their graduate degrees in physics. They bonded early in their friendship trashing movies and TV shows that got time travel “all wrong.” They had their favorites, though, like “The Time Machine” with Rod Taylor and the all of the “Back to the Future” movies. One day they were watching a documentary on Hawking which reminded them about his time travel experiment. 

“It’s almost June 28. We should do that!” exclaimed Julia. 

“A party for time travelers?” 

“No.” She gave him her ‘really?’ look. “No, a party just for us. It would be a fun night in. We could decorate and drink champagne and maybe watch ‘12 Monkeys.’ You know, something we can afford to do.” 

Terry pushed his idea. “I like it, but we can still make it a time-traveler party. Let’s invite future us!” 


“Listen. If time travel is invented in our lifetime, maybe we can come back and visit us. We’ll know the date and time and place, right? ‘Hi! Long time no see, kind of. Fourteen kids, huh? Really?’” 

“Ha-ha, yeah! ‘Come on in, help yourselves, you know your way around. Oh, and thank-you for watching my figure. We look great!’” 

Terry stood and took Julia’s hands. He raised them up over their heads. “Attention Future Julia and Future Terry!” 

“Now what?” Julia asked, laughing. 

“Shh! You’ll spoil it. Attention Future Julia and Future Terry! You are hereby invited to a Time Traveler’s Party at our place on June 28. Eight o’clock PM. Refreshments provided. Dress casual.” 



“Tell them, tell us, pajamas. It’s a Pajama Time-Traveler’s Party!” 

“Correction, correction. Dress in Pajamas.” He dropped their hands. “Anything else?” 

“No, I think that covers it.” 

He raised their hands back up again and Julia laughed harder. “Do not RSVP. That is all.” 


It was almost eight o’clock on June 28. They had started their second bottle of wine and had nibbled at some of the snacks. They had been necking on the couch like teenagers to pass the time. 

“I can’t believe I’m this nervous about whether or not we show up.” 

“Me too,” added Terry. “Well, if they don’t show up it will be their loss. OK, ‘our’ loss but, their loss too.” Julia’s phone alarmed at eight and nothing happened. “Oh, well.” Terry snatched the champagne from its bucket and started to unwrap the foil when their hairs stood on end and all the light seemed to get sucked out of the room. When the light faded up, they saw that their party guests had arrived. 

Terry and Julia stood face to face with Terry and Julia. Future Julia was wearing a white, sleeveless, silky baby-doll that flowed to just below her cheeks. The deep V neckline displayed her chest between her generous, sloping breasts. Her fingers and toes were painted the same shade of pink as Present Jula’s. Future Terry had on a satin, burgundy tank top and matching pants that fit tightly against his backside. They were both barefoot, but Future Julia was carrying the same feathered slippers that Julia had on her feet. Future Terry showed the others a bottle of Krug and placed it in the ice. “In case we run out,” he said. 

“Are you seeing this?” 

Terry shook the hand that Terry offered. “Uh, huh.” 

“Omigod, omigod, OMIGOD!” Julia leaped to her feet and shuffled in her heels over to give herself a hug. Both girls squealed in delight as they rocked each other side to side. 

Present Terry recovered and gave his future self a bear hug with lots of back slaps. “Holy shit, you’re from the future, right? You time-fucking-traveled from the fucking FUTURE!” 

“We did indeed,” grinned Future Terry. “And if you’ll pardon us for just a second, we’ve talked about doing this for a while now.” Future Julia stepped aside as Future Terry pursued her younger twin. He looked her in the eye with a sly smile and without looking slid off one of her gown’s straps. The cup fell to reveal an exquisite breast, which he lifted with the back of his hand, nibbling lightly on a standing nipple. She gasped as she looked over at her husband - her other husband. Future Terry gave her a tentative small kiss on the lips and then they kissed as only Terry and Julia do. 

Future Julia wiggled a finger to Terry telling him to come get her. They too kissed as she cupped his balls over his pants, using her thumb to stroke his swelling cock. He lifted her nightie to reveal her white silk bikini panties (his favorite) and then her breasts. They were a little heavier but tasted oh, so familiar as he seriously sucked on one. She took his face in both hands and they kissed again. She stood on tip-toe and wrapped her arms around his neck. 

Future Terry was the first to break off, leaving Julia swaying. He picked up the bottle that Present Terry had started to uncork earlier. “Champagne, anyone?” 


Julia took off her slippers and placed her feet in Terry’s lap; he took the hint and started to massage them. Future Julia took the warm hors d’oeuvres off the heat. No need for them to overcook again. She brought the tray out and sat on the floor, leaning against Future Terry’s legs. 


“Hell yes! How?!” 

Future Julia replied, “With a time machine, of course!” 

“Of course. Who invented it?” Terry asked. 

“Can’t tell you.” 


Julia wondered, “What year are you from?” 

“We’re you plus eleven years.” 

“Well, I must say we look great!” 

“Where did you get a time machine?” 

“Julia managed the software project.” 

“I put in a back door.” She tasked Present Julia, “Take note of that!” 

“How does it work? Government or private? Future and past?” 

“Can’t tell you, can’t tell you, can’t tell you.” 



“Ha-ha, nope!” 

“Do we have kids?” 

Future Julia glanced at her Terry, who added, “Uh, can’t tell you.” Present Terry gave his Julia’s feet a squeeze. 

“How long can you stay?” 

“Only a few more hours until we’re drawn back.” 

Julia asked the big question. “Why?” 

Future Terry glanced down at his wife. “You said it better than I could.” 

“Could we have some more wine?” 

Julia swung her legs off of Terry’s lap and he opened another bottle. 

Future Julia started with a simple reply. “Why not?” They all chuckled, but Terry and Julia waited for a real answer. 

“First, let me say there’s nothing wrong with our marriage – your marriage. Sex is good, actually better than when we were younger. And we fall in love over and over again all the time.” Julia squeezed Terry’s hand. “The reason is sensual, a little decadent. Ever since we first considered visiting you, we started fantasizing about being with you. With us. How wild is that? We’ve still never had sex in a group or with anyone else and we don’t want to. This is about connecting and reconnecting with ourselves. What’s changed? What hasn’t?” 

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“The point is,” Future Terry added, “we want the four of us to make love as much as we can until it’s our time to leave.” He looked directly at Terry and then Julia. “So, how much has our thinking changed since we were you? We’re excited for the opportunity but won’t shame you into saying yes.” 

Julia answered for herself and her Terry by hiking up her gown and sliding her panties off. She kept the hem above her waist as she sat on Future Terry’s lap, facing him with her knees on either side. Future Julia looked on with approval, gently rubbing his knee as her younger self ground onto her husband’s cock. She looked over at Terry as he approached. She started to rise but he told her to stay where she was. 

Terry got on his knees behind his older wife. He nuzzled her neck and fondled her over her baby-doll. She tipped her head back for a kiss. This was Julia, this was his bride, no doubt. He lifted her nightie up over her head and placed her gently onto her back. While his Julia and her Terry were kissing and grinding above them, he placed his mouth over her moistened panties and sucked her through the cloth. She placed both hands on his head and moaned in approval. Then she felt Terry tug at her panties with his teeth. She grabbed him by the ears and lifted, giggling as he maintained his grip. She threw her legs over his shoulders and lifted her butt so he could remove them properly. He dipped a finger in, tasted it, and dove in to drink. She was so familiar and so much better. Is this what they meant by an aged wine being so much more complex? She was close to climax and wanted him inside her when she did but he was too immersed to hear her stutter, “S-S-S-stop!” Too late, she arched into the air and slammed her pussy into his mouth with every convulsion. 

Julia, meanwhile, was riding Future Terry for all he was worth. She had stripped off his top and his bottoms were down to his ankles. Her gown was hiked up from below and stripped from above, bunched at her waist. Her hands were on his shoulders as she raised herself to just the right length before plummeting back down, over and over. At first he was amazed at her energy but the memories flooded back despite his difficulty thinking. Julia had shuddered through two small orgasms, going in now for the third, big one. 

Terry had stripped and entered Future Julia, still on the floor. His thrusts and withdrawals matched those happening on the couch. They all grunted and moaned in time with each other until all four climaxed almost as one. The cries from each fueled the ecstasies of the others. Julia collapsed on her man as Terry collapsed on his woman. They rolled off their partners, catching their breath. Julia on the couch looked down on Terry on the floor. “Damn, baby, you are good!” 


The men pulled their britches back up and the women swapped gowns. They took a break and poured more wine and champagne as Future Julia covered up an exposed breast. 

“I had forgotten how much energy we had in our twenties,” Future Julia huffed. She stroked the material of her new gown and slid a hand under to feel her heart as it slowed. She lingered, caressing her nipple. 

Present-day Julia supported her future self. “Honestly, I think you two held your own.” 

“I’m glad you accepted our invitation,” Terry added. “Julia, and, uh, Julia, I always said you were more appealing and sexier every day. And now I have proof – exhaustive proof.” 

“I hope you’re not too exhausted because we want to ask you for another favor,” the elder Terry said. “We’re pretty sure you’ll say yes because well, we’re pretty sure.” 

Julia agreed. “We’ll do anything you ask as long as I can rest another minute.” 

“Actually, you’d have the least to do.” Future Julia sighed, deciding to just say it. “I want both of my men in me at the same time.” 

“Oh my god yes!” exclaimed her young counterpart. Her Terry stared at her, eyes wide with dropped jaw. “Baby, having two men at once had been a fantasy of mine that never happened. Before we met, I mean, and I certainly wasn’t going to mention it after. This is perfect!” 

“You’re OK with me and not you?” 

“It is me! I just need to be patient about it, right?” 

“What do you say, young man? She’s talked about this since we planned to attend the party. I wouldn’t dare disappoint her.” 

Terry addressed his Julia. “You never told me.” 

Julia shrugged. “There was no need to. Until now.” 

“I would never pass this up. I imagine you have it all worked out? 

They did have it all worked out. “Let’s go to bed.” 

They all got naked. The men were as hard as steel and streaming pre-cum, while the women were dripping buckets. Terry sat on the bed with his back against the headboard. Future Julia sat on his rigid pole with her back to his front. She moaned with the feeling and the anticipation. They rocked gently. Future Terry lubricated himself with current Julia’s drenched box as they stood by, watching the other two. She kissed him with passion and encouragement until he withdrew. 

The older man straddled his young counterpart’s outstretched legs, facing his woman. “Ready?” She closed her eyes and nodded. She leaned back against Terry’s chest and dropped her head onto his shoulder. He kissed her neck and caressed her breasts, pinching her nipples. “Just relax.” 

Future Julia held her breath as her Terry teased her clit before looking for passage past young Terry’s embedded prick. He used his fingers to try to find and gain entry. Young Julia wet her fingers in her snatch and helped. Together they slid his rod alongside the other. She gasped when she felt it slip alongside. “Ooohhh,” she exhaled. The men took that as their cue to begin their thrusts. Their cocks slid around each other and around the walls of her pussy. Sometimes one pushed deeper as the other withdrew. Sometimes they both thrust and held them in place. They took turns pressing on her clit and her g-spot. She didn’t know where to put her hands until Terry took them and she held on tight. 

Young Julia was watching and enviously masturbating. “You guys, you should see this. You look amazing!” 

Future Julia let go of Terry’s hands and reached for her husband. He held her tight as they feverishly kissed. Three pairs of hips found their rhythm and she moaned as they rocked together. Young Julia had had enough of just watching and jumped on the bed. She stood in front of her Terry’s face and he grabbed her ass and put his tongue to use once his mouth met her snatch. She held onto his head as he kissed her belly over and over before returning to her agonizingly empty pussy. 

Elder Terry nursed on his Julia’s nipple when without warning her body locked up. Her eyes were open in disbelief. “I, I, oh, god, I’m, I’m, cumming!” Her spine was unbending as the spasms pulsed up to her head and down her limbs. She was only able to take a single breath before the next wave hit. She felt like each cock inside her had granted its own orgasm. She collapsed, knocking her Terry onto his back. 

Young Terry’s cock fell out and Future Terry’s took over, claiming her hole as its own. Julia in turn claimed her husband’s cock which easily slipped inside. He never fell out as he lowered her onto her back. The girls were side by side on as their men fucked them. They held hands as their men’s asses rose and fell in concert, plunging into their women. Both Julias wrapped their legs around their men as they squeezed each other’s hands. They arched their backs as their climaxes took over. Both men drove themselves one more time as deep down as they could go and unloaded their seed into their wives’ bellies. The sheets didn’t know how to handle all the fluids being deposited. Their climaxes subsided and the men rolled off their wives. The silence was broken when young Julia declared, “I need to do that someday.” 


They all tried to fit into the shower together and laughed at their failure. The Julias changed the bedsheets while the men cleared the living room of snacks and dishes. The girls joined the men and they revisited the night’s events. 

“Now what?” Julia asked. 

Future Terry answered, “In a little more than ten minutes, we go back.” 

“Do you have to? I mean, so soon?” 

“Physics,” Future Julia responded. “The temporal matrix has a finite life. When it collapses, we’ll fade back to when and where we started.” 

They said their goodbyes, hugging and kissing and crying.  

“Same time next year?” 

“Assuming we don’t get caught or they don’t fill in the back door, absolutely!” 

The time came. The hosts felt their hairs stand on end. They silently waved as the room faded to black. When the light returned, they were gone. 


One year later. 

The party was set and the banner was up. Julia’s hair was up in pig tails and she was wearing a matching plaid bralette and short-short skirt. Terry peeked under her skirt. “You’re not wearing panties?” 

“Why bother?” 

“Because it’s so sexy to take them off!” 

“Good point.” Julia was hopping on one foot when she returned, pulling up a pair of plaid bikinis. She didn’t want to miss their entrance. 

Terry was wearing microfiber pajamas with a Henley top that Julia bought for him. It was an accident, she had said, that she bought mediums instead of large. “They look so nice on you, though,” she said as she drew her hands down his chest and snatched at his crotch. 

The feeling of static electricity they had anticipated filled the room. Julia stood and leaned against Terry as he put his arm around her waist. They didn’t know where to look as the room’s light faded away. When they could see again, their 11-year counterparts were by the front door. They rushed toward each other and embraced when their hairs stuck up and the room darkened a second time. 

“Is something wrong?” 

“I don’t know.” 

The four anxiously clung to each other as the light returned. Another couple stood before them, dressed for bed time. 

“Hi kids! We’re from 20 years in the future. Mind if we crash?” 

Written by dronette56
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