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P90SEX Allie’s squash tournament

"Allie enters a squash tournament where the winner takes it all!"

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“Ouch!” Allie yelped. “That really hurt."

Allie began frantically rubbing her ass after receiving the full velocity of a squash ball right on her butt cheek. Dave rushed over to apologize and to assist her in any way he could.

“I’m so sorry. I hope you’re OK," he said apologetically.

“This is going to leave a mark on my ass for sure. I did not realize that the competition was so fierce in this squash tournament," Allie said with a smile as she continued to rub her ass to relieve the sting. She knew he was feeling bad about hitting her.

“I’d be willing to make it up to you," Dave said with a devious grin on his face.

“What do you have in mind?” Allie replied.

“Would you be free for dinner tonight?” Dave asked.

“Oh that’s not required. Let’s just meet at the bar for a drink. It will be nice to have some company this evening," Allie suggested.

Dave agreed, then to add insult to injury, he claimed his point and took his position in the server’s box, ready to continue with the game.

Feeling more motivated than ever, Allie won the next 4 points making the score 14-14. A tie-breaker was now required. Allie’s serves were impossible for Dave to return and before long she had won the game by 2 points.

Dave was clearly insulted to have lost to a woman but Allie looked him in the eye and gave him her alluring smile. “Thank you for the game,” she said as she shook his hand. “Good luck with your other games today."

Dave was thrown off by her captivating smile and was humbled very quickly. “Thank you Allie. You are quite the player," he said still holding onto her hand. “I’ll see you at the bar across the road at around 6pm. OK?”

“I’ll be there,” Allie said. “My hotel is only a block away and my last game is at 4:00pm, so I’ll have plenty of time to go back, shower and be there for 6pm. See you then," and they followed each other to the games roster to check the location of their respective games.

Squash is Allie’s favorite sport to play and she excels in it. This annual tournament was open to any player in North America and Allie looked forward to it every year. She always made sure to coordinate her vacation time with this tournament and traveled half way across the country to be able to participate in it. The games were always challenging, the people were always friendly and it validated all of the hours that she put into training throughout the year.

For the rest of the day, Allie played two very intense games and just marginally won both of them. It had been a very competitive day. Conscious of being on time to meet Dave, she did not stay for the usual end-of-day social event. She simply collected her things from her locker and headed back to her hotel room.

The game on court 1 attracted her attention as she left the gym and she couldn’t help but notice how much one of the players looked like her 'Cowboy' from the night her and her friends went to the strip club downtown. That night still stands out in her mind as one of the raunchiest and sexiest nights EVER! What a weekend that was, and Allie began to laugh out loud at the possibility of her imagining one of the squash players was her 'Cowboy'. Obviously, she was missing her husband!

On her walk back to the hotel, Allie began to think about the P90SEX activity that her husband had challenged her to this weekend. It required her to have sex with two guys that she had never met before within hours of each other. A possible plan of attack flitted through her mind, starting with Dave, although she didn’t really think that her husband expected her to do it.

“Well maybe I’ll surprise him”, she thought. Certainly Dave qualified, with his charm and taunt body. She felt excited at the thought of making love with a perfect stranger while her husband was imagining it from back home. It would be a first for her and a little out of her comfort zone, but it would be fun! It had always been her husband, Andre, who had orchestrated their evenings of passion with complete strangers before. “Oh Andre, what have you got me into this time," Allie said discreetly to herself.

She had to admit that her sex life had taken a drastic change for the better with her husband’s unique P90SEX program. He had such creative ideas and as long as they both continued to do things with the consent of the other and everything was disclosed, then she was OK with it. Besides, at the end of the weekend, she will be back in bed with her husband and hungrier for him than ever before.

In the hotel room, Allie spent time inspecting her closet; not much there compared to her own at home, and she started wondering how she should dress for an occasion like this. “It’s not like I am trying to make a lasting impression, and the poor unsuspecting guy may have a partner back home that he is devoted to,” she voiced. “But I do want to increase my chances of having sex if the opportunity arises."

Still she couldn’t decide. The one thing that she knew for sure was that her underwear was going to be matching, because you know what they say when a women goes out at night with matching underwear; it means that she is expecting to be able to show it to someone.

Allie thought that she would save time by showering first and come back to the dilemma of choosing what to wear later. She opened up her drawer and reached for her razor. She was going to need some further grooming before going out. She always liked to look her best; pussy included. Her waterproof vibrator was next to the razor and she smiled as she reached for it also. The room was already starting to steam up!

She entered the shower and let the warm water run down her body. While lathering up her hair, she began fantasizing about the night at the strip club when she and her friend Nadia performed a live sex show in a shower with six dancers. Her imagination took her back there and she started to feel the 'Fireman' washing her hair, using the bubbles to also lather up her breasts.

She was touching herself and burning with desire. She applied a little of the shampoo to her pussy, took the razor and very carefully removed all of her pubic hair. She took the shower head down from the wall and brought the water to her pussy. The warmth of the water on her clitoris was sending shock waves through her body.

Her pussy felt so smooth and she started to caress herself. It felt so good. She spread the lips of her pussy and tantalized her entrance with her middle finger. She remembered the feeling of her favorite dancer, as he gently brushed his penis against her lips, splitting them open just a little. Thoughts of her 'Cowboy' made her so hot, and she picked up her vibrator and began playing out her fantasy with him.

She began brushing the vibrator against her lips letting the vibrations do their magic. She remembered how much she longed for the 'Cowboy' to penetrate her, and she inserted the vibrator deep inside of her. Slowly she moved it in and out; her eyes tightly closed; her mind still playing out the scene at the strip club. She was now at her favorite part, when the five dancers held her horizontally and guided her onto the 'Fireman’s' hose. She could feel his enormous cock going deep inside of her.

She was on the verge of an explosive orgasm and stopped abruptly to let that feeling linger. She wanted the ache of an oncoming orgasm to remain with her all night. It would help her to exude sexuality and make the evening with Dave more promising. She could always return to her fantasy if nothing eventuated with Dave. Her vibrator never let her down!!

She dried herself and inspected herself in the mirror. Not bad for a woman who had had two kids. She wrapped her hair in a towel and applied just a hint of perfume to her neck. She used a small amount of makeup to highlight her facial features, making sure not to overdo it. Finally she used the blow-dryer to give her hair a naturally flowing look. Now if she could only decide what to wear.

She walked over to the closet and picked out her black dress. Maybe it was a bit much for this occasion, but it made her feel so sexy. This dress was like a second skin and looked great on her. She laid the dress on the bed next to the underwear that she had chosen and prepared to get dressed. For a second she hesitated. The full effect of this dress would be wasted with underwear on, so she decided not to wear any. She raised her hands in the air and pulled the dress over her head. With the flexibility that no man could ever have, she zipped up her dress, picked up her high-heeled shoes and headed for the door.

The elevator was already on her floor when she approached and she ran to catch it. The man in the elevator stepped aside to make room for her and positioned himself behind her. Allie could feel his admiring glances all over her body, and exaggerated her walk as she left the elevator. She felt totally hot.

It took her only a few moments to locate Dave sitting towards the back of the bar. He could not disguise the lust that he had in his face as he stood and watched her strut confidently through the bar. Unsure of the appropriate greeting, he reached out to shake her hand and felt her lean in to kiss him on the cheek.

Finally Dave conjured up some words, “Wow Allie, you look stunning. I’m glad you made it.”

“Thank you Dave," she replied. “I don’t usually get the chance to wear anything but my sportswear over this weekend. It’s nice to get out and enjoy a little nightlife. How were the rest of your games today?”

“Won one, lost one. What can I get you to drink, and don’t be shy it’s on me," he asked.

“I’m a champagne kind of a girl!! Will you share a bottle with me?” Allie asked.

“Sure!” Dave replied. “Sounds like fun!”

A few moments later, the waiter brought over a nice bottle of champagne, poured it into two glasses and left the remainder of the bottle in a cooler next to the table.

Dave raised his glass, “Here’s to losing to the most beautiful opponent ever,” he exclaimed.

“Thank you,” Allie smiled and became slightly coy. “This is very nice of you.”

The two of them spent a short amount of time struggling with that awkward initial chatter covering what they do and how they got to be in the tournament. But gradually the bottle of champagne started lifting any inhibitions that they may have had. Before long, their conversations had started to take on a more open and friendly tone and their mannerisms were quite flirtatious.

“So Allie," Dave said as he reached out to touch the bare skin of her shoulders. “Did my ball leave a mark on that pretty ass of yours?”

“Yes it did actually; a nice little purple one right on my butt cheek,” she giggled.

“Well, perhaps I could make it better?” he teased.

“That’s a very nice offer. What did you have in mind?” Allie replied with a taunting look on her face. She knew that she was leading him exactly where she wanted him, but before he could reply his attention shifted to two men approaching their table.

He extended his hand out to one of them, “Shaun, it’s great to see you again. I suspected that you’d be at this tournament but I hadn’t seen you. You look like you’ve just come from playing a game now. Did you win?”

Allie was annoyed that her moves on Dave had been interrupted and turned to see the men whom he was talking to. “Oh sorry guys, please allow me to introduce you to the lady who beat me today – Allie this is Shaun and I’m sorry but I don’t know your friend.”

Shaun assisted, “This is Peter. He owns the gym and is the organizer of the tournament.”

Suddenly Shaun and Allie locked glances. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Her imagination was not playing tricks on her this afternoon after all. She really did see her 'Cowboy' playing squash. She instinctively reached out to embrace him but hesitated unsure of whether or not he would recognize her. A huge smile appeared on his face and he moved in to kiss her.

Dave was a little shocked. “Do you two know each other?” he asked.

Shaun was quick to answer, “Sort of. We met last summer. Anyway, I didn’t mean to impose on your evening together. Peter and I will let you guys get back to your drinks.”

But before Dave could respond, Allie said, “Oh it’s no imposition. Why don’t you join us? It would be a pleasure to catch up with you again.”

Shaun regarded Dave for a reaction. “Well that does sound like fun. Dave I hope you don’t mind, but how am I supposed to refuse an invitation like that from such a beautiful woman," Shaun said.

“Of course I don’t mind. Shaun, Peter, please have a seat," Dave replied, although you could tell by the look on his face that he was not a 100% happy about it. Instantly he began devising ways in his mind to get Allie alone again, however for the time being, she was clearly enjoying herself. She was all smiles and very girlish as she attempted to engage Shaun in conversation.

Dave called the waiter over to the table and both Shaun and Peter ordered a beer. Dave completed the order by requesting another bottle of champagne and with their drinks in hand they all raised their glasses and toasted the day’s events.

The conversation returned to the games that everyone had play today. Allie was very proud of having beaten Dave. Naturally, Peter and Shaun gave Dave a hard time for losing to a girl and they all laughed so hard.

“So Dave…” Shaun said, but before continuing he turned to Allie and winked. “I think I know what’s going on here! Either you are trying to regain some self respect or you’re trying to gain the upper hand for the play-offs tomorrow by getting Allie drunk tonight!”

Dave laughed, “Actually Shaun, I’m buying her a drink to make up for smashing my ball against her ass during our game. I’m feeling really bad about it."

Allie jumped in and said, “Yes you should see the bruise that I have on my ass."

“Well Dave, if I were you I would try to make it better by doing something else other than buying her drinks!” said Peter with a smile that told us exactly what he was thinking of.

Shaun continued in that vain, after all he knew very well the pleasures that he received from touching her amazing body and being touch by her that night in the strip club. “Allie you should show it to us. We could all help to make it better!”

Allie leaned over and spoke very quietly to Shaun, “Be careful for what you wish for 'Cowboy'. I may not be able to resist you a second time!” Allie was feeling herself becoming more and more aroused. She felt her pussy tingle as she imagined a foursome with these three very handsome men.

Dave’s cock was as hard as a rock as he imagined Allie standing up on the bar showing off her bruise to the crowd – Coyote Ugly style! He was finding her more and more desirable and wondered about his chances of taking her back to his hotel room tonight.

To Allie, Dave was looking very uncomfortable so she reached over and put an arm around him. “Dave what are you thinking about, you look like you’ve gone somewhere else," she said.

“Oh no, I was just thinking that I was getting a bit hungry. Why don’t we all go upstairs to the restaurant? It’s not very fancy but the food is nice and I’ve decided that I’m paying," Dave exclaimed.

They all stood up to move upstairs. Allie couldn’t help but notice Shaun and Dave’s erections ballooning their pants and made no effort to be discreet about it. She raised her eye brows as though telling them that she was very impressed and led them closely up the stairs in her tight dress.

The four of them sat at a small round table; Allie was between Shaun and Dave and across from Peter. Allie could feel Shaun and Dave’s knees against hers; she could feel the heat coming from them. Across from her, Peter was looking longingly at her, and she knew he wanted her. She confidently returned his glances with a look that told him that he had a very good chance tonight.

Peter and Shaun ordered another beer and before long had directed the conversation back to Allie’s ass.

“Allie”, Dave said reaching for her hand. “What would a guy have to do to be able to kiss your ass and make it better? After all, I am the one who hurt you.”

“Well since you put it like that, I’m feeling compelled to let you do just that. Would anyone object to me bending over this table right here, right now, and allowing Dave to kiss my ass?” Allie toyed.

“Whoa!" Dave blushed, completely taken off guard by Allie’s forwardness.

“Go for it Dave.” Shaun replied. “This girl has the prettiest ass I have ever seen." And they all began to laugh to ease the awkward situation that Dave had found himself in.

Peter and Dave both looked questioningly at Shaun. “Shaun, why don’t you tell us where you met Allie and how you know so much about her," Peter announced.

“Well you guys know what I do for a living back at home, right?” Shaun began.

Dave looked puzzled and shook his head. He had only known Shaun from the squash tournament.

“Well, I dance at a strip club for women and one day Allie was there with her friends and I had the pleasure of dancing privately for them.”

Allie reached under the table and grabbed his cock, “Yes he did and he has one of the most beautiful cocks I have ever seen. I even got to touch it, just like I am doing now," she added.

Dave and Peter looked at both Allie and Shaun unsure if what she was saying was true and a huge smile appeared on their faces. Shaun continued with his story, “Allie and her friends were very affable. They made me feel like they wanted me, so bad, as I danced. I don’t know if it was a dare or not, but one by one, Allie’s friends all revealed that they were not wearing any underwear and when Allie spread her legs I saw her perfectly shaven pussy. She made me so hot.”

Dave jumped in, “Wait a minute, I thought you were familiar with her ass, not her pussy. Allie, I hope you are not offended by our conversation, but I definitely want to hear more of this story!”

Before Allie replied, she took her free hand and reached for Dave’s cock. “Dave it will take more than that to offend me," she answered.

Shaun continued, “Well, to make a long story short, Allie and another one of her friends were invited to come on stage to participate in the finalé of the show. They were completely naked and performed our famous shower scene on stage, like I have never seen it performed before!”

Allie said, “It was a night to remember!”

“One day you will have to tell us the extended version of that story,” Peter said.

Their meals arrived at the table and the four of them continued to get to know each other. The conversation returned to the squash tournament and how it was possible that Dave could have lost to a woman.

“Are you guys suggesting that he felt sorry for me and let me win? You guys are lucky that the gym is closed because I would go there and show you a thing or two.”

Peter looked at Allie and reminded her, “Allie, I own the gym. If you’d like to play these guys, I can let you in.”

“Perfect! Let’s all go back and play to see who wins this time," Allie said with heightened confidence. “I will just need to go back to the hotel and get changed out of this dress.”

Shaun looked at her and said, “Not being dressed properly did not stop you the last time we met. Come on, we all have the same disadvantage. We’ll play with what we have on.”

“You at least have running shoes on," Allie stated.

“I’ll play without them," Shaun responded.

They all knew that they were being a bit ridiculous but the alcohol was talking now. Peter stood up to leave and they all followed him across the street to the gym. Peter took out his keys and unlocked the front door. The others found their way to one of the courts, while Peter went into the equipment cupboard to get some rackets and balls for them to use. He got them all a beer out of the fridge and joined them to discuss the details of this little competition that they had begun.

“Guys, what do you say the winner gets to kiss Allie’s ass," Dave exclaimed.

“Oh, I’m not in this competition," Peter said. “I may own the courts, but squash just isn’t my thing. I’m more of a body-building…”

“No excuses. We are all in this competition together," Allie cut him off. “If I remember correctly, you were the guy who was questioning how a little girl like me could beat an athletic man like Dave. So here’s your chance to find out. But I’m just wondering what I am going to get if I should beat all of you,” she said while gradually looking each one of them up and down and lingering around their crutches.

“Name your reward, Allie!” Shaun replied.

“OK, well here’s how I see it. Anyone who beats me will go into a pool and play off for the ultimate prize - my ass! But if I should beat all of you, I get to name my prize. In the meantime, anyone who loses to me must strip down naked and spend the rest of the evening this way."

Allie was confident that she could beat Dave again, but she had no idea about the other two. It promised to be fun no matter what, and here before her was the opportunity that she needed to be able to fulfill her husband’s P90SEX challenge!

All the guys agreed to her conditions and suggested that they only play ‘first to 5 points’ so that the games did not last all night. Allie took off her high-heeled shoes and went into the court to warm up. Playing under the influence of alcohol in a tight dress was not easy and she was just hoping that the guys were more drunk than she was.

The first one to play against her was Peter. He walked into the court without his shoes or his shirt and prepared to play wearing only his pants. She couldn’t help noticing how incredibly good looking and well built he was. Clearly he made good use of all those hours that he spent working at the gym.

Allie pulled her dress up a little so that she could move more freely. It started the men cheering and high-fiving. Their rising levels of testosterone were out on display now.

The game started and in no time Allie knew that Peter was right about not being able to play squash. The score was 5-0 in no time and Peter moved over to shake her hand.

“I think that there is something that you are forgetting," Allie said. “You need to reveal the rest of that gorgeous body to me now."

He laughed and proceeded to undo his belt. Allie moved in close to him and pulled his hand away. He looked puzzled.

“I have decided that since I am the winner, I should have the privilege of unwrapping my prize," Allie gloated.

Peter was given no choice and Allie took her time to unzip him, seductively pulling at his pants until he was left wearing just his bulging boxers. Peter stepped out of his pants and turned to leave the court when Allie said, “Whoa there Peter. I’m not finished. The deal was that you would get completely naked. I didn’t win this game for nothing, you know!”

Peter turned to face her. The guys on the other side of the window were laughing, unsure of what Allie was going to do to him. They watched her put one of her hands in the front of his boxers and one in the back. She looked him in the eye to check for any objection, then slowly bent down to slide his boxers over his engorged cock. His cock flung free and pointed straight out before Allie’s very eyes. She couldn’t resist giving him a kiss right on the end of his dick and squeezed it as she stood up. “Good game," she said, thanking him for holding up his end of the deal.

“It was my pleasure," Peter answered with a huge smile on his face.

When Peter was out of the court, he took a bottle of water and his beer and sat down next to Dave and Shaun. Dave looked at him, “She’s pretty good isn’t she. At least your cock thinks so!” he joked.

“Funny! OK, let’s go. It’s your turn and I hope she beats you…. Again!” Peter jeered.

Dave entered the court shirtless. Allie looked him over and couldn’t help wishing that she could bury herself into his strong looking chest. But she had to focus to win this game first of all. The game started and before long it was 3-2 for Dave. He was very motivated and was adamant that he was not going to lose to her again. Allie was working hard for every point. Dave was enjoying watching her ass become ever so slightly visible as she reached forward for his little drop-shots. He nailed the next point and the score was 4-2. Dave was quietly confident at this point.

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To win the game he would either have to win the next point, or Allie would have to lose it.

“Allie, it looks like your ass is mine," Dave smirked.

“This game is not over yet, my boy. Serve it up!” Allie replied.

Allie was getting intense. She raised her dress a little higher so she could freely move. For the two guys sitting at the window, the view was fabulous. Her ass was half exposed as she leaned over, ready to receive the serve.

Allie returned his serve with a small cross-court shot that dropped down low. Dave didn’t have a chance of reaching it and the score became 4-3. Allie served the ball high, right into the back corner. Dave missed it, and the score was now 4-4. From the other serving box, Allie did the same thing to the opposite corner and Dave was unable to successfully return it. The score was 5-4; Allie wins again.

“What were you saying? Actually it looks like your ass is mine,” Allie teased. “Would you like some help getting out of your pants, or are you just going to concede defeat and take them off for me?”

“I think that it would be more fun if you helped me out of them. I can’t believe you won that game. Two lucky serves…that’s what it was," Dave replied.

Allie removed Dave’s pants and underwear in one shot. She was anxious to see his body, so why waste time, she thought. Their eyes met and they embraced in a kiss. Slowly she moved her hand down to his erection and without feeling any resistance from him, she squeezed it. Their kiss was long enough to give Dave a hunger for more, but she pulled back and whispered, “Thank you for this wonderful evening. I’m hoping it lasts much, much longer.”

Dave was taken by surprise but said nothing. He had never met someone as forward and easy-going as Allie. He walked out of the court and signaled to Shaun that it was his turn. Dave took his beer and sat next to Peter in front of the glass window ready to witness the match between Allie and Shaun.

Shaun stripped down to his boxers before entering the court. His pants were not going to slow him down.

“Wow, I remember that amazing body. This time your ass is mine and I look forward to reacquainting myself with that gorgeous package of yours," Allie teased.

“I have had so many dreams about you since that shower scene," Shaun admitted.

“Wow! That’s quite a compliment for a one-time girl like me. Thank you. Your touch that night was amazing. I wanted to bring you back to my hotel room and have you so bad. But all that being said, let’s play," Allie said.

Shaun was clearly affected by the alcohol that he had consumed and in no time the score was 5-2 for Allie. Shaun approached her eagerly allowing her to claim her trophy.

Allie bent down on her knees. The two guys outside the court stood up and pressed up against the window. They watched Allie remove Shaun’s boxers in one easy movement. His penis sprung up, and Allie’s imagination took her back to the night at the club when she had rubbed her soapy breasts against his cock. That night she had handled six different cocks. Shaun’s was not the biggest one, but was her favorite. His touch was like magic.

With both hands, she grabbed his erection and started stroking his penis. She walked her fingers from its base to his tip and squeezed his gland. With her other hand, she fondled his balls and leaned in to take his penis into her mouth. Allie glided up and down on his cock, coating his prick with saliva. His cock tasted so good and Allie savored the moment. The other guys, still pressing hard up against the window were amazed at the show that was being performed in front of them.

“Looks like they are feeling left out," Allie said as she stood up. She led Shaun out of the court by the hand and rejoined the others.

“So gentlemen, I guess I win," Allie said. “Not only do I have you all completely naked men, but I get to choose my prize. I’ve got to tell you that seeing all of your gorgeous bodies is making me incredibly horny, but before I decide who or what will be my prize I am going to need to rinse off.”

“Why don’t we all jump into the spa tub?" Peter suggested. “We could even use the Sauna room once it has heated up again. It only takes 15 minutes."

Everyone thought it was a fantastic idea. One could only imagine what they could get up to alone in the warmth of a sauna.

“I’ll go and turn it on," Peter said, and disappeared upstairs.

Soon after, the rest of the group followed. The boys led Allie through the guys’ changing room and in to where the spa and sauna were. Peter had turned the sauna on and was taking off the cover from the spa tub.

“OK, OK, I have finally decided what my prize is going to be," Allie started. “Peter, you need to squirt bubble bath into the spa and turn the jets on ; Dave, you need to help me out of my dress; and Shaun, you need to pick me up and lift me into the water, where the rest of you will be waiting for me.” Allie felt like quite the diva, but she knew that it was not going to be a problem for these aroused men.

The guys all laughed at her directness, but were not showing any signs of resistance. In no time Dave was next to Allie and spun her around to access her zipper. She stood facing Peter and Shaun and imagined that she was back on the stage performing in a show for them. She held out her arms and wriggled as Dave brought down her dress and revealed her fully naked body. Allie noticed their erections twitch as they realized that she had not been wearing any underwear all this time.

Peter and Shaun couldn’t take their eyes off her. Dave ran his hand down along her body and she threw back her head as she enjoyed his touch on her bare skin.

All of them now stood naked and Allie walked over towards Shaun ready to be taken into his arms. Dave and Peter tested the spa and climbed in ahead of them.

Shaun couldn’t resist kissing her on the shoulder as he reached down to take her in his arms. His strong body felt amazing up against her nakedness. Like a true gentleman, he lifted her into the spa tub and gently released her into the warmth of the bubbling water.

Within seconds, there were six hands touching her all over. She closed her eyes and surrendered to them. Shaun started kissing her and Allie opened her mouth to welcome his tongue in. With her arms out-reached, she pulled him in to her feeling his body pressing up against hers. She felt his erection pressing into her and his hand go into the water to reach for her breasts.

Peter and Dave each reached for one of her legs and brought her to the surface, where she laid floating on top of the water. Shaun floated around behind her where he continued stroking her hair and kissing the delicate skin of her neckline.

Two pairs of hands were moving up her legs and she felt the anticipation of their touch on her pussy. They gently massaged her inner thighs and she opened up her legs further to invite them higher. Shaun was massaging her shoulders and moved his hands around her body to take her breasts into each one.

Dave and Peter each had a hand fondling her pussy and massaging her ass. They tantalized her by letting their fingers part her lips and dare to enter her vagina. In turns, they used a combination of one or two fingers to finger-fuck her. Allie began to moan as her pleasure took her away to a place of ecstasy.

Dave lowered his head and rolled his tongue over her clitoris and Peter continued to penetrate her with his fingers. Allie let out a squeal of delight and lifted her head out of the water to embrace Shaun in a kiss. With all the stimulation that she could bear, Allie’s legs were becoming weak. Her body was like a slab of jello in the warmth of the water and she could barely hold back her fast approaching orgasm. She threw her arms around Shaun’s neck and said, “Baby, take me into the sauna with you. I’m going to need to sit down after all of this special treatment that I am receiving.”

Shaun eagerly took her into his arms and lifted her out of the water. Peter followed them and opened the door for him. Shaun laid Allie down on the lower bench seat and all three guys gathered around her. Their cocks were fully erect and anticipating getting some action. Shaun offered a towel to Allie which she folded up and placed on the floor between her legs. She moved herself to the edge of the bench and leaned back against the bench above her. She looked at her hot companions and said, “Shaun, my pussy is in dire need of your attention.” She pointed to the towel on the floor and he obediently dropped to his knees and began lapping at her pussy.

“I’ve always wondered if I could fit two cocks into my mouth at the same time. Dave and Peter how about we give it a try?” Allie suggested.

Dave and Peter looked at each other and moved to either side of Allie. The feeling of Shaun eating her pussy was incredible and she lifted a leg onto his back to provide further access. He moved from her pussy to her inner thighs and back again, kissing everything in sight.

He watched as she took hold of Dave and Peter’s cocks and guided them into her mouth. The view reminded him of the night at the strip club. Back then he knew that he wanted more of her and tonight he was going to get it.

His tongue was working its way between her lips and he could taste her sweetness. It was even better that he imagined and he felt her pull him further into her with her leg.

Dave withdrew his penis from Allie’s mouth and leaned down to kiss her. She felt the passion in each one of his kisses as he gradually worked his way down to her breasts. She continued sucking on Peter’s manhood as she reached out a hand and felt for Dave’s penis. She started stroking him and he responded by gently nibbling on her nipples.

Allie intensified the action on Peter’s cock and began licking his shaft up and down. Her tongue stopped at his knob each time to maximize the pleasure that he was feeling. She could taste his pre-cum as it started dripping from his cock. Her eyes met his and the look on his face told her that he was on the verge of cumming. She pushed his cock further down her throat and sucked him off. The taste of his cum aroused her even more and she began concentrating on the feelings that Shaun was giving her between her legs.

Peter collapsed next to her and she kissed him on the top of his head. She turned her head back around only to find Dave lining up his penis with her mouth. Allie took him ferociously into her mouth and he became cautious. Her fingers search his scrotum and she gently massaged the skin around his anus. Dave could not believe the pleasure that he was getting from this and began pumping his cock in and out of her mouth. Dave let go of a small cry and Allie increases her pressure around his cock. She inserted a finger into his anus and gently went in search of his G-spot.

At the same time, Shaun was busy performing his magic on her pussy with both his tongue and his fingers. She continued to struggle to hold back her orgasm, but it was becoming more and more difficult. He licked the entrance of her pussy over and over again and moved up to pay special attention to her clitoris. He sucked and rubbed his tongue all over her love spot. With his thumb and forefinger, he caressed her lips and delicately inserted his middle finger into her. This was all that she could take and Shaun felt the muscle contractions of her orgasm. He continued to subtly kiss her clitoris allowing her the chance to enjoy the effects of her orgasm. However, Dave, being unaware of what had just happened, became disappointed that she had stopped giving him his blow job.

“Give her just a few minutes Dave. She is recovering from the explosive orgasm I just gave her," Shaun boasted.

In the meantime, Peter had made a full recovery and was ready to rejoin the action. He moved over to Allie’s side where she could reach his manhood. Allie turned to Dave and said, “Why don’t you sit on this nice bench right in front of my mouth. This way, I could finish what I started while Shaun fucks me from behind.”

Shaun thought he was hearing things. He had been fantasizing about exactly this ever since last summer. Allie turned over and positioned herself in front of Dave’s penis. She had a hold of Peter’s cock and anticipated the feeling of Shaun entering her pussy.

Shaun took Allie by the hips and brought himself closer to her until she could feel his penis strong and erect rubbing against her ass. Gradually he used his penis to spread her lips open and began to penetrate her. He had no doubt she could take him, as he had seen her with the huge penis of the 'Fireman' at the strip club.

With all of the stimulation that she had received, together with her orgasm, Allie’s pussy was so wet and warm. Shaun could feel the heat as he pushed himself into her. She was bringing his fantasy to life and with this thought he was already on the verge of an orgasm. Allie moaned with such pleasure as she started to bob up and down on Dave’s penis with her mouth and tug frantically at Peter’s cock with her hand.

She felt in total control. She had three strapping men to herself; what more could she wish for. For her husband’s sake, she was going to do her best and forget the rest!!

Allie pulled off of Dave’s cock momentarily and turned around to speak to Shaun. “Stop teasing me and push that cock all the way in. Fuck me as hard as you can. I want you so bad," she said.

Shaun did just that. Allie’s head lifted and she let go small scream. “Oh it feels so good. Faster now, faster.” Shaun got a good rhythm going and Allie synchronized his movements with her mouth on Dave’s penis together with the jerking of Peter’s cock. The four of them were going hard at it.

Allie’s perfect ass was tempting Shaun and he decided to take his penis and rub it all over her ass. He traced the bruise that she had on her left cheek and, feeling no resistance, decided to enter his penis into her anus. Allie gasped and stopped sucking on Dave for a split second. She moved her ass to change angles slightly giving Shaun better access to it.

She signaled to Peter to sit up on the bench next to Dave where she could have better access to him. Shaun continued pumping his penis in and out of her ass. The pleasure was so intense and before long he pulled his cock out and came all over her ass cheeks.

“Oh that was good. But I was just starting to enjoy myself," she teased and looked at Dave. “It’s your turn, if you think you’re up to it.”

Dave moved in behind Allie and entered her pussy. He grabbed her by the waist and held on tight as he started pounding away at her with the full length of his penis. Allie didn’t lose a beat and hungrily feasted on Peter’s cock.

Shaun had laid down next to Allie and was enjoying watching her. With his free hand he reached out and touched her breasts, tweaking her nipples ever so gently between his fingers.

With the temperature and humidity in the sauna, Allie’s body was soaked in sweat. Her breathing increased and her moaning became more throaty. It seemed to Shaun that she was on the verge of another climax. He moved his hand down her body and started rubbing her clitoris. Dave slowed down his speed and pulled his penis all the way out of Allie and pushed it all the way in. Allie couldn’t hold back anymore and her body began to shake. Dave could feel her pussy squeezing him tightly which pushed him over the edge and he erupted into a raging orgasm, spurting cum deep inside her.

Allie let go of Peter’s cock and collapsed onto the bench. Shaun noticed how sexy Allie’s limp body was and moved over to massage her. “Oh Shaun, you are such a good lover. You all are," she clarified.

“It is getting hot in here. Let’s get out and go back in the spa," Peter suggested. “The night is just young.”

As they all left the sauna room, Shauna notice a massage table in the corner of the room. “Allie! Look, a massage table. Why don’t you lay down on it and let me pleasure you one more time," he dared to ask.

Allie was still feeling the tingling effects of her first orgasm that Shaun had engineered with his tongue and she wanted more of him. She wanted to feel him cumming inside of her; her mouth, her ass, her pussy; she really didn’t mind. She just couldn’t get enough of Shaun’s incredible cock. It was so beautiful; perfect in every way.

Peter overheard them and moved over to the massage table to prepare it for them. He adjusted the height so that it was as low as it would go. Allie walked over to Peter and took his cock forcibly in her hands. She brought him closer to her and kissed him, arousing yet another erection in him. “I wouldn’t want you to feel neglected," she said as she guided him down onto the massage table and climbed on top of him. “I need to satisfy all of my men tonight!”

With one hand on his shaft she lowered herself onto him. She leaned flat onto his chest and rubbed her sweaty breast over his sweaty torso. They kissed for a while and Peter moved his head to take one of her breasts into his mouth. He loved the feeling of Allie’s nipple in his mouth and tenderly bit it. It sent a shock wave of pleasure through Allie’s body and she raised herself up and started moving rhythmically on his penis.

His penis felt fantastic inside of her. She grinded herself against his pelvis, rubbing her clitoris at the same time. Peter was under her control and was feeling so much pleasure. He had never had such intense sex before. This was truly an incredible experience with an incredible woman. He felt the beginning of a new orgasm brewing inside of him and he slowed down her movements.

Allie enjoyed seeing the other two guys watching her perform on top of Peter and she motioned Shaun to come closer. She positioned him in front of her and took the full length of his cock into her mouth.

She closed her mouth tightly around his cock and sucked her cheeks in. It felt like he was being vacuum sealed. She began playing with his balls, gently tantalizing the sensitive skin of his scrotum. Allie felt Dave kneel behind her and felt him reach around to fondle her breasts. With a cock in her pussy, one in her mouth and a man fondling her breasts, Allie thought that life could not get any better than this.

Allie used her tongue to circle Shaun’s love gland and tasted his sweet pre-cum in her mouth. She knew that Shaun was getting ready to cum again but Allie was not ready. She wanted more.

She released her grip around Shaun’s penis and did an about turn on Peter’s cock to face Dave. She positioned herself carefully on Peter’s cock knowing that he would be able to go deeper into her in this new position. She moved up and down, gradually leaning backwards to give Dave a good view of them. “Dave, why don’t you lick my pussy while I bounce up and down on Peter’s cock?" Allie asked.

Dave was unsure at first. He did not want to mistakenly lick Peter’s penis, but he knew that this would be the ultimate ride for Allie. He laid down on the floor and reached his tongue out for her swollen clit. He lapped at it furiously, feeling her continuing to ride Peter’s cock. The sight of Peter’s penis entering her pussy was arousing him and he began licking with more energy. Allie raised her head with a look begging Shaun to kiss her. He leaned over her from behind and kissed her with the passion of a true lover.

She lifted herself off Peter and grabbed his shaft. It was drenched with their combined lubrication and she used it to slide it into her anus. His penis filled her and she felt a slight pain. She wiggled on his penis until it felt more comfortable and resumed moving up and down on him.

The tightness of her ass was driving him wild and he was getting closer and closer to exploding. She lifted Dave’s head from her pussy and signaled for him to insert his penis into her pussy. Allie had never done this before and had been curious ever since she had seen her friend, Nadia, do it and love it.

Dave went carefully with his cock and gradually got in sync with her movements on Peter. The sensation was incredible, overwhelming, and Allie started screaming with intense pleasure.

This scene was so exciting for Shaun and too much to miss out on, so he brought his shaft to Allie’s mouth. Allie sucked furiously on his knob while he stroked his shaft. The pace increased and Peter let out a large cry as he experienced the most intense orgasm he has ever had. He shot his load inside of Allie’s ass filling it until it dripped down her ass cheeks.

Dave couldn’t hold back any longer. He let go of his load into her pussy squeezing her breasts as he did it.

Shaun continued jerking off until he exploded yet another load of cum into her mouth and all over her breasts. Allie felt the warmth of his jism on her breasts and began rubbing it all over them. She brought her hand down to her pussy and started furiously rubbing her clitoris. The guys were so excited to see Allie taking care of business. They watched her as her body began to shake and erupt into a magnificent orgasm.

All four of them collapsed into a big pile of naked bodies. They laid there not saying anything. Allie was the first one to break the silence, “Guys this was the most amazing sex that I have ever experienced. I loved having all three of you to myself. And now I can proudly tell my husband that I have excelled at the P90SEX challenge that he gave me to do!”

“What do you mean?” Dave said looking guilty.

“My husband challenged me to have sex with only two strangers this weekend, but I outdid myself and had three all at the same time!” Allie explained.

“You have a husband… and he knows about this?” Peter replied.

“Of course he does. If he could have had a camera set up, he would have been at home watching!” Allie said.

They all laughed. Allie took a good look at her three lovers and could hardly believe that she had just had each of them cum inside of her.

They walked into the men’s change room and entered a shower cubicle to rinse off. The three guys stayed close to Allie’s side and admired her as she washed herself.

“Guys, this woman is the sexiest and most incredible woman I have ever met, I hope our paths cross again," Peter said.

“You could not have said it better," Dave replied and Allie shot them one of her alluring smiles.

When they were all washed up, the three guys watched as Allie stepped into her dress, and then left to go find their own clothes.

“No offense Peter, but this has been the highlight of this tournament this year," Dave joked. “I hope we can make it an annual event!”

Peter nodded in agreement as the friends all packed up and left. Peter armed the alarm and locked up before driving off in his car. The three out-of-towners walked together to their respective hotels.

Shaun escorted Allie to her hotel room and stood staring at her as she fumbled to unlock the door. He reached over and kissed her with such passion that Allie melted into him. He lifted her up and carried her through the door and laid her on her bed.

Shaun leaned over her and froze staring into her eyes. Allie reached up and began unbuttoning his shirt. She sat up to kiss the length of his torso as she did so. Shaun reached around to unzip her dress. With his chest bare, Allie began to caress his body. Shaun dropped her dress to the floor.

They laid in silence, intimately feeling each other’s body. Allie felt Shaun’s penis come back to life and lifted him on top of her. He gently opened her legs and inserted his penis into her. This time the passion was like never before. Allie could feel the love that he felt for her and, without any disrespect to her husband, she felt love for him too. Just the thought of him gave her so much pleasure.

Allie started moaning and breathing heavily. She loved the feeling of him inside of her, and for the next hour they made love to each other taking their time and changing positions regularly.

They both brought each other to climax, and laid for a long time in each others’ arms. “Well you should probably leave now," Allie eventually said and saw the look of disappointment on Shaun’s face. “My husband and I are open, but sleepovers are out of the question. Why don’t we meet up again for breakfast before our squash games tomorrow?”

“Sounds good. Thank you Allie for an amazing evening," Shaun answered.

Once he had left, Allie opened up her laptop, connected to her email and composed the following message:

Honey, can you write today’s date across the “Sex with Two Strangers” challenge that you gave me from our P90SEX program. Mission is complete! I’ll tell you all about it when I get home. I love you. xx

The next morning, Peter met up with Dave, Shaun and Allie at the entrance to the gym. The four new friends greeted each other and stood chatting for some time. Peter offered to open up the gym for them after hours again, and they all just laughed.

Allie played four games that day and won all of them. In her opinion, she had had a highly successful weekend. She left feeling exhausted, but extremely satisfied. She couldn’t wait to get home to give Andre the finer details about her adventure. She knew that halfway through her story, she would be naked and they would be making love.

Written by p90sex90
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