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"Josh and Sara have a surprise party"

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1221 Woodland Lane

Josh and Sara sat quietly in front of the television after a dinner filled with silence. Sara was stretched out on the couch, while Josh was kicked back in the recliner. They were watching another episode of their favorite show. This was not an atypical evening. Most nights were exactly like this one. They had two types of evenings. One is as previously described. The second was the romantic night, a night that both knew would end in sex.

Sadly, the romantic evenings had become few, and far between. The couple had been married for five years and familiarity and the stresses of their careers had taken the edge off their desire. They loved each other dearly and both wanted the romance back, but neither knew how to do it.

They were too reserved to share their innermost desires. The thought of sharing a fantasy was too much. What if their spouse didn’t like it, thought it was gross, or worse yet, laughed? The result was two people that love each other sitting in quiet misery and need in front of the television. The really sad part about it was if Josh and Sara knew what each other was thinking they wouldn’t have had a problem. They both needed the same thing, physical closeness with the one they loved, but neither knew how to ask.

The couple are not ugly people. In fact, both are extremely attractive. Josh is an extremely well-fit man with striking blue eyes. He moves like a panther, slinky and smooth, his muscles flexing naturally. Women stop and stare when he moves like that. Women don’t find him romantic; they find him almost irresistibly sexual. Their eyes tend to look downward, just to see if the package at his groin keeps the promise the rest of his body makes. They are never disappointed.

Sure, Josh was walking sex, but did he learn the skills needed to take advantage of what his body promised? You have to start somewhere. In Josh’s case that would be a religiously conservative household. His entire education was in religious schools and at university. Not a great start if you are going to be Casanova revisited.

If not for his natural curiosity, he probably would have turned out to be a total dud. It was almost as if Josh’s brain was pre-wired to make the best use of his natural endowments. His first kiss turned into an epic make-out session. As soon as he felt her lips on his, he began to improve on the process. His lips explored and it occurred to him that his tongue could be part of the process as well. The results provided their own reward.

His first touch of a real boob, his first touch of a vagina, his first taste of one, and the first time he pushed his cock into one, were all subject to his enthusiastic curiosity. All were improved at the time, and every time after, until Josh became an amazing lover. He just didn’t get to practice all that much. His religious upbringing inhibited him, and he didn’t take advantage of the large supply of very willing women.

Josh and Sara met in their Junior year at university. They had been watching each other for more than a year. Both trying to find the courage to talk to the other. Both were outgoing people and it normally wouldn’t have been a problem. In this case, both thought the other was so amazing that they were unobtainable. Neither dared dream that the other would want to be with them.

When Josh looked at Sara, he felt drawn to her like an industrial magnet. He constantly fought his instinct to pull her into his arms. He was convinced that she would fit him perfectly. She was just a few inches shorter than him and had such wonderful legs. He would never forget the first time her big green eyes captured his. He had to force himself to look away before she read his mind.

His gaze moved down to avoid her eyes. Down her sleek neck and further, taking in her amazing c-cup tits. Tits that seemed to be perfectly formed and stood up on their own. It was obvious to him that she wasn’t wearing a bra under that sweater. Her erect nipples gave that away. He forced his eyes away from her wonderful chest and they wandered down her flat belly to her prominent mound, pressing against her skintight jeans.

A primal urge came over Josh and it took all his will to fight it off. If he had only known that Sara was fighting the same urges the couple could have saved themselves a year. As it was, they were on their way to suffering for another one if things didn’t change. As luck would have it, they were forced together as lab partners. They began to balance their lust for each other with learning about the rest of the person. They barely finished their labs because they got distracted getting to know each other.

For the sake of their lab grade, they agreed to meet for coffee after class. That way they could talk without interruption or failing lab. The coffee meetings became more frequent and lasted longer until the couple became close friends. After their first real date of dinner and dancing, Josh kissed her for the first time. Five minutes later, they were frantically stripping each other. Their first time making love was beyond anything they could have imagined. They were inseparable after that and engaged six months later.

They married immediately after graduation and began their careers. They bought a large house with the idea that they would need the room when they had kids. They fucked like bunnies for the first three years, then things began to taper off. Stresses from work and the routine gradually bled their desire until the well ran dry.


1221 Woodland Lake

Sid and Terry were very excited because it was their turn to host. The first thing on Terry’s list was the invitations. She had her secretary Angela do the mailing. Angela was going to be attending as well for the first time, and Terry was ecstatic that she had convinced her to give it a try. Angela would be an amazing unicorn at the party and Terry promised herself that she would watch out for her. She didn’t want Angela getting so much attention that it scared her off.

Angela was great at her job, but garbage in, garbage out. Terry wasn’t known for her penmanship. Her notes were often nearly impossible to read, and Angela had done her best to read her boss’s scribbling of her home address. It wasn’t really Angela’s fault that the address glitch occurred. It did occur though. Woodland Lake became Woodland Lane and thirty invitations to the next swinger party were sent out. A one-letter mistake in the address made all the difference. Josh and Sara were in for a surprise.


Josh and Sara had settled in at their usual spots in front of the television. Sara was comfy in her boy-short panties and silky camisole. Josh wore a T-shirt and a loose pair of running shorts. Their show had just started when the doorbell rang. The couple, startled, jumped in their seats. Neither could remember anyone ever ringing their doorbell They were separated far enough from their neighbors that they didn’t even get Trick or Treaters on Halloween.

Josh got out of his chair and went to the door. His wife’s eyes followed him in curiosity until he went out of view in the foyer. She could still hear him though, as his bare feet padded toward the door. Josh noticed for the first time that not only was the door solid, but it didn’t have a peephole. He made a mental note to take care of that.

He opened the door and a nicely dressed couple smiled at him. “Hey! This is Barb and I’m Steve. We had better get out of the way. There are folks waiting behind us.”

Steve took Barb’s hand in his and the couple walked right by Josh and entered the house. Josh looked after them in shock. “Hey! Wait a min…”

His half-shout ended as couple after couple entered his house and walked by him, casually giving him their names as they went. He tore himself away from the door. He had to get to Sara! He would feel better with her while whatever was happening happened. Then, maybe they could deal with whatever this was.

He slowly moved through the growing crowd and into his living room. He could see Sara across the room on the couch sitting stunned. Just as he turned to walk over to her he was distracted by a man walking up to him with a bag in his hand. “Hey, Bud. Where’s the bar being set up?”

Josh was trying to get a good view of his wife and didn’t give it much thought. He just pointed in the direction of the kitchen. That began a cycle of people setting up their favorite beverages on the kitchen island. There was a bit of grumbling about the lack of preparation for the party. Josh couldn’t see a way through the growing crowd without being rude about it. Someone must have found his music system because suddenly the room was filled with dance music.

Mark and Lee entered the house together. The two men were used to making an entrance. Both were experienced seducers and had often worked together to convert reticent wives into three-way sluts. They were smooth operators and very skilled at their chosen hobby. Their swinger group was always happy to see them show up. They knew that the two studs would provide some great entertainment before the night was over.

Mark was the first to spot Sara and he quickly brought her to Lee’s attention. The two men homed in on her and meandered through the crowd until they were next to the couch. Recognizing that the legendary duo was moving in for the kill, the two people sitting on either side of Sara stood and walked away. Mark instantly sat on Sara’s right just as Lee sat down on her left. The game began.

Josh noted the two men sitting down next to his wife and he wasn’t sure that he wanted them near her. He was about to force his way through the crowd when a vision of beauty walked into the room. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she shyly made her way through the crowd. Josh made his way over to her. “Hi. I’m Josh. I guess, welcome to my home?”

She looked up at him shyly. “I’m Angela. Nice to meet you. This is my first time at one of these things and I’m not sure what to do.”

Josh looked into her pretty blue eyes. “Yeh, I guess you could say it’s my first time too. I do have a question though if you wouldn’t mind educating me.”

Angela smiled up at the sexy man in front of her. “Sure, if I can.” Wow, he’s hot!

Josh realized that he was checking her out and brought his attention back to her face. “Uhm, Yeh… Oh, what exactly is this thing?”

Angela giggled. “Yeh, like you don’t know!”

Then she noticed the serious look on his face. “Wait a minute. You mean to tell me you really don’t know? How is it that you’re having the party and don’t know what it’s about?”

Josh’s confusion deepened. “That’s just the thing. Sara and I were just watching television when everyone showed up. We definitely weren’t planning on having a party.”

Angela wasn’t sure that she believed him even though he looked so sincere. “I think you might be teasing the new girl a little bit, but I’ll play along. This is a swinger party.”

Josh was confused. “What’s a swinger?”

Angela laughed. “Oh, you are good at this! Okay, our swinger group is a bunch of married and unmarried people that like to have sex with each other. Swinger parties are how we all get together and have fun. Like I said, this is my first one and I’m not an expert on the process.”

Josh was stunned. “Holy shit! Do you mean that I have a house full of people that want to have sex with each other? What the hell do I do now?”

Angela suddenly got the sneaking suspicion that Josh wasn’t teasing her at all. She pulled her folded invitation out of her clutch purse and handed it to him. “Here’s my invitation. This is 1221 Woodland Lane, isn’t it?”

Josh read the invitation and turned pale. “That’s our address all right, but I would remember if we had planned to have sex with a house full of strangers. It’s not something I would forget, and I can tell you without a doubt it wasn’t our plan for this Friday evening.”

It was Angela’s turn to be stunned. “Oh my god! Wait a second.”

Angela pulled out her phone and did a Google search for Sid and Terry. She soon found their address. “Holy shit. They live at 1221 Woodland Lake, not Woodland Lane. Terry is my boss. I’ll call her right now.”

Josh held up his hand. “Let’s go somewhere quiet so I can listen in.”

Josh took a quick look over at his wife. She was in deep conversation with the two men sitting on either side and didn’t seem to be in any trouble. He wished that she would put some more clothes on but realized that she probably couldn’t get through the crowd. He took Angela’s hand and led her from the room.

He couldn’t help but notice how nice her hand felt in his and a twinge of guilt settled in his stomach. He approached one of the spare bedrooms and found it to be in use. The four people screwing on the bed didn’t seem to mind brushing against each other. He was shocked that the men switched partners! He wanted to scream at them to get out of his house but knew that they were just the tip of the iceberg.

All three spare rooms were busy and he arrived at the closed door to the master bedroom with some trepidation. He knew that he would lose his temper if he found swingers sullying his marital bed. He pushed open the door to find an empty room. Letting out a sigh of relief, he pulled Angela into the room, shut the door, and pressed the lock button. The couple sat on the bed as Angela called her boss on speaker.

Angela waited as the phone rang on the other end. “Hello?”

Angela was surprised at how tremulous Terry’s voice was. “Terry! It’s Angela. There’s been a huge mistake. Everybody in the swingers club showed up at Woodland Lane! They’ve invaded this nice young couple’s house and we don’t know what to do.”

After a short pause, Terry took control. “Sid and I were wondering where the hell everyone was. I thought we’d been blackballed or something.

“Ok, here’s what we’re going to do. It’s going to take Sid and I a good forty-five minutes to get there from here. You’re just going to have to wait until we get there. Please, whatever you do, don’t try to fix this on your own. I’ll take care of it as soon as we get there.”

Josh was pissed. “What the hell am I supposed to do with these people until you get here? They’re already having sex in my spare bedrooms. Sara and I didn’t ask for this shit. I think I’ll just call the police and let them sort it out!”

Terry’s voice was panicked. “Please! I’m begging you not to do that! It will be all over the news and lives will be ruined. I swear I will make it up to you. We’ll pay to get your house cleaned and will cover any damages. I’m sure we can compensate you for your trouble. Just please don’t do anything until I get there.”

Angela was rubbing Josh’s arm trying to calm him and it worked. Her caress on his arm distracted him from his anger. “All right I guess, but hurry. Things have already gotten crazy.”

Angela ended the call and turned toward Josh. She looked up into his eyes as he looked back. The attraction between them was palpable and they instinctively moved closer until their mouths were nearly touching. Josh’s voice was husky with arousal. “You are very beautiful Angela.”

Her voice was a whisper. “You are the sexiest man I have ever seen.”

She covered the short distance between them, and their lips met in a soft kiss. Within moments the kiss became much more and the couple completely lost track of time. Josh hadn’t felt such arousal for years and nearly became lost in it. Suddenly Josh pulled away. His face flushed with guilt and lust. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I have to go check on Sara.”

He moved toward the bedroom door with Angela right behind him clinging to his hand. He opened the door, then looked back at her. “That was amazing, but I’m married and can’t be doing that.”

He walked into the hall and closed the bedroom door behind him. The couple walked down the hall toward the rest of the impromptu party. A lot had happened in the living room during the half-hour that Josh and Angela had been making out like teenagers.



Sara was in a mild state of shock as her house began to fill with strangers. Two very hot-looking guys sat down on either side of her, and she blushed at the thoughts running through her head. They quickly introduced themselves as Mark and Lee and soon had her head in the clouds with their smooth talk. She hadn’t felt this way for a long time. Josh almost never said the sweet things these two were saying. Their intelligent flirting was having a profound impact on her.

Then things got really crazy. Right in front of her a man was seriously making out with a hot-looking woman. Sara’s nerves were nearly out of control as she watched the man slowly strip the woman while kissing everywhere that he bared. The tingle in her crotch told her that she was becoming aroused at their sex show. It never occurred to her to say something. What they were doing seemed so intimate, and so far out of her experience, that all she could do was sit and watch in fascination.

Mark and Lee were more than happy to take advantage of the situation. They could see the signs of Sara’s building arousal and set out to ensure that it became a wildfire of lust. Casual touches became light caresses. When the man went down on the woman and she began to moan, Mark leaned in and kissed his way up Sara’s neck. He nibbled her ear and the goosebumps grew on her arms.

Mark whispered into her ear. “They look really hot, don’t they. Look at her. She’s loving everything he’s doing. Watch her face. See the joy and the arousal? She wants him.”

Sara knew she should shove him away and was going to do so real soon, just not right this second. Mark moved back a little and Lee swooped in. He kissed up the other side of her neck until he reached her ear. “Imagine you’re her. Wouldn’t it be amazing to have someone eat you like that? Can you imagine two men doing things like that to you, loving your body, and making you cum so wonderfully.”

Sara’s heartbeat was through the roof and she was breathing rapidly. Regardless of her good intentions, she was rapidly losing herself to their seduction. Mark’s hand came up and turned her face toward him. He planted a soft kiss on her lips while his partner in crime licked down her neck, nibbling her skin as he went. When her hand came up and rested on Mark’s shoulder, he knew they had her on the hook. Now, the two men just had to reel her in.

Mark released her lips and turned her head toward the couple. Sara watched the woman laying spread on her coffee table with the man’s face buried in the woman’s crotch. She continued to watch with fascination and lust as the woman orgasmed. The woman sat up and reached for her partner’s pants. Soon the pants were on the floor and the man’s respectable erection was pointing at the woman.

Mark had been massaging his way down her arms, then over to her stomach. He rubbed her lightly while his hand moved higher. He ran his hand under her breasts, getting her used to his presence. Then, he extended his thumb and let it brush across her erect nipples as his hand brushed back and forth.

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Not to be outdone, Lee had been running his hand up and down her thigh. Each time he came closer to her pussy. When the woman took the man’s cock into her mouth his fingers began to caress Sara’s pussy through her satin boy shorts. Mark pulled up her camisole and his mouth found her nipple.

Sara was well and truly lost in the eroticism of the moment. The two men were touching her in the most amazing ways and the sight of the man’s hard cock sliding in and out of the woman’s mouth only served to magnify her arousal.

She softly said, “No, we shouldn’t do this," but offered no resistance as Mark pulled her camisole up and over her head. Mark kissed her passionately, then went back to kissing and nibbling at her amazing tits. Lee took Mark’s place at her mouth. Their kiss was as heated as it could get, and his hand slid into her boy shorts to play with her pussy. He soon discovered that she was very wet and knew it was time to take things to the next level.

Lee got onto his knees on the floor and reached for Sara’s boy shorts. Mark was again kissing her deeply while his fingers manipulated her nipples. She raised her hips slightly and Lee slid her panties off. Mark broke the kiss and Sara looked down as Lee pulled her hips toward the edge of the couch. He spread her unresisting legs and ran his tongue between her labia. Mark immediately latched onto her breast and sucked her nipple between his teeth.

Sara moaned as Lee began applying his expert cunnilingus skills. Her butt rose from the couch as she tried to force her pussy against his talented tongue. Mark stood and removed his clothes efficiently before kneeling back on the couch. Sara’s head was back, and her eyes were closed as Lee tongued her pussy. Mark held his big cock and brushed the head across Sara’s lips.

At this point, Sara was beyond thinking about anything but the sensations running through her body. She had come so close twice already and she needed to orgasm desperately. Lee recognized how close she was and brought her back from the brink. He knew he was driving her insane with lust. When he finally brought her to orgasm it was going to be epic.

Sara loved the feel of the satiny smooth cock against her lips, but she wanted to taste it more. She opened her mouth and lowered her head onto the hot cock. Her hand came up and gripped the shaft and she began to slowly pump Mark’s cock as she sucked him lovingly. A few minutes later, Lee decided that it was time, and his tongue brought her again to the peak. This time he didn’t stop. Mark’s cock forgotten, Sara’s hands gripped his head and her thighs tightened around Lee as her orgasm overcame her.

Her orgasm was so intense that her body continued to quiver for some time allowing Lee to stand and strip. Sara had Mark’s cock in her mouth again, but he slowly pulled away as Lee approached. Lee gently pushed Sara onto her back and moved between her legs. He guided his cock to her opening, pushed her legs up and apart, and slowly fed his massive cock into her soaked pussy. Sara watched his beautiful cock as it slowly penetrated her and was nearly overwhelmed with lust.

Lee knew what she was feeling but continued to slowly fuck her until her lubrication ensured her comfort. He then settled into his perfect pace, a pace that he could maintain for a long time. His moderate pace and long strokes soon had Sara crying out as another orgasm charged through her body. Mark kissed her hard and fed her his tongue as Lee continued his welcome assault on her pussy. Minutes passed and Sara screamed into Mark’s mouth as she came again.

Lee slowly pulled out and Mark had Sara get on her hands and knees. He got behind her and sank his big cock into her. Lee got onto the couch at her head and she dove onto his cock, sucking him with abandon. Mark began hammering his cock into her and she rapidly found herself approaching yet another orgasm.

She felt Lee’s cock begin to swell in her mouth and he began to grunt as his cum shot onto her tongue. Sara swallowed as fast as she could. She had barely finished when her own orgasm blew her mind. Her screams of joy could be heard clearly over the cacophony of the crowd.


Josh and Angela had made it back to the living room just in time to see his wife being spit roasted and so very obviously loving it. Josh was frozen in shock and Angela gripped his hand tightly. She studied his face as shock and jealousy were eventually replaced with acceptance. He turned away with tears in his eyes. Angela led him back to the master bedroom and locked the door behind them.

Back on the couch, Mark pulled his cock from Sara’s pussy. She turned around and began to suck him and moments later his cum flooded her mouth. Without another word said, the two men led her from the living room and down the hallway. They found a recently abandoned bedroom and led her inside. They locked the door behind them and returned to rocking Sara’s world.

Angela sat next to Josh on the bed while he sat in shock. She rubbed his shoulders. “It’s not her fault Josh. I’ve heard about those two guys. They’re experts at seduction. Sara never had a chance, especially considering the sex show that was going on in front of them. It was just too much for her. Please don’t blame her.”

Josh considered her words. “I suppose. It’s not like we’ve been having sex. We seemed to go longer and longer without making love until we just didn’t bother anymore. This is my fault. If I had paid more attention to her this wouldn’t have happened. I should have been a better husband.”

Angela squeezed his arm. “Then tell her how you feel tomorrow. She’s not entirely off the hook either, but when she wakes up in the morning she is going to be overcome with remorse. You need to decide if you still love her and if you do, you need to tell her.”

Josh took a deep breath. “Right now I’m feeling pretty down, like I failed her, and this is what I get for it.”

Angela’s hand came up and caressed his face. “What you get right now is me, if you want me.”

Josh leaned down and kissed her. Angela took his thoughts away from his errant wife and brought them in sharp focus on her. Their lips separated and she looked into his eyes. “Look, I don’t want to be your revenge fuck. I want to be much more than that. I want you to make love to me. When we are done, I want you to remember how it felt and recreate that with your lovely wife. I won’t make demands of you beyond tonight, but for tonight, I want all of you. Can you give me that? Am I asking for too much?”

Josh looked at her beautiful face. “No, you’re not asking for too much. You deserve so much more.”

Their lips met again and both put aside any thoughts except those for each other. They slowly and tenderly undressed each other and were soon entwined on the bed, totally focused on their bodies, the world around them be damned.

Sid and Terry let themselves in the front door and soon saw that it was way too late to redirect their guests to the correct address. The couple looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and joined the party. They only had an hour left until the party ended at midnight and they wanted to make the best of the time they had.

An hour and a half later the house was nearly silent. Various bottles of liquor were scattered across the kitchen island, cups and glasses were scattered across the house, and the towels that once had their home in the bathroom were scattered willy-nilly. Even the drawer with the kitchen towels was empty. Sara was going to have a shit fit when she saw the state of things in the morning.

For now, Sara was blissfully unaware of the state her house was in. Mark and Lee were working in concert to bring her to yet another amazing orgasm. In the afterglow she fell asleep, nestled between the two men. Two men who had been changed by the evening. Neither talked about it, but both men knew that Sara was something special. She was the first woman that had touched them both in a way that was totally new to them. They respected the fact that she was married, but if she decided to see one, or both, of them again, it would happen in a heartbeat.

Josh and Angela had set out on a discovery of each other’s bodies. Angela didn’t have high expectations when they started to make love. She expected a minimal amount of skill considering the shape his sex life was in, but she had found him so attractive, so damn sexy, that she didn’t care. Now, to her ecstatic surprise, she found him to be the best lover that she had ever had.

His long, thick cock filled her in a way that she had never experienced before, and the way he moved was sublime. She orgasmed over and over, never wanting the night to end. They showered together sometime around 3:00 am and, entwined together, fell into a deep sleep.


The morning was quietly approaching 11:00 am when Josh and Angela stirred. Josh kissed her deeply when she woke, with complete disregard for morning mouth. He wanted to make love to her again, but he needed to see his wife. Angela understood his need without him having to put it into words and the couple got up. Angela started to dress but Josh stopped her and handed her one of Sara’s robes. “Let’s have some breakfast and see how things go. There is no rush for you to leave. I really want Sara to meet you as long as it doesn’t make you too uncomfortable.”

A part of Angela actually would have loved to run away, but her heart made her stay. If she ran, she would end everything right then, with no baggage, and Josh would cease to exist in her life. If she stayed, there might be a chance for her and Josh to see each other again. Even if that didn’t, couldn’t, happen, she wanted to be there for him as he dealt with his crisis.

They walked into the kitchen and Sara was waiting. She looked at her husband, then at Angela, and the tears began to stream down her face, “I… Please don’t hate me.”

She began to sob uncontrollably, and Josh rushed to her side. He pulled her tight in his arms, “It’s ok baby. I love you.”

After a few minutes, she got her sobs under control enough to talk. “How can you still love me? You don’t know what I did. There are two men in the guest bedroom, and both had sex with me last night. If that’s not bad enough, I loved every second of it. I never gave a thought to what I was doing to you, to our marriage. I just let them fuck me. Then I begged them to fuck me. I’m a horrible wife!”

Josh held onto his wife. “I know what you did. I saw and I could have stopped it, but I didn’t. You looked so happy, so beautiful, that I couldn’t take that from you.”

Sara’s tear-filled eyes looked up at her husband. “You did that for me? I love you so much and I don’t deserve you.”

Josh gave his wife a wan smile. “I have a confession of my own to make. Sara, I would like you to meet Angela. Angela and I spent the night together.”

Sara looked over at a very nervous Angela. “This is fucking weird as hell, isn’t it?”

Angela chuckled nervously. “Yeh, really weird. Uhm… Can you and I talk in private for a while?”

Sara nodded and the two women walked down the hall. Half an hour later they walked back, arm in arm, smiling. Josh could only shake his head in wonder. He didn’t know what they said to each other, but he was glad that they had said it.

Sara walked up to her husband. “I never thought I would ever say these words, but if I were to choose a woman for your to take to bed, I couldn’t have chosen anyone better. Angela is an amazing woman, and I am glad that she was here to take care of you last night. I can’t imagine how horrible it would have been for you if you had been alone. I abandoned you, and for that, I will never forgive myself.”

Josh kissed his wife. “Don’t assume that it was all your fault. Those two guys have quite the reputation among the swingers. They are skilled seducers. Angela was the one woman at the party that they hadn’t been with. I accept the sex part of last night, and I’m glad you had a wonderful time. I just want the woman I love more than life itself to stay with me. I don’t want to lose you over this.”

Sara smiled up at her husband. “I don’t want to lose you either. We need to have some long talks about our sex life and our rules.”

Josh raised an eyebrow. “Rules?”

Sara looked lustily at her husband. “Don’t try to tell me that you don’t want Angela again and I won’t lie and say I don’t want Mark and Lee again. I will never see either of them again if it means losing you and I won’t be a bit sorry, as long as I have you. It was sex with them, not love, and that is all it would ever be. It was still a lot of fun, and I would enjoy doing that again if I could.”

Her face changed and he could see how she loved him. “Maybe you and I could create some of our own fun. I learned a few things last night and if I can’t share them with my hubby, who can I share them with?”

Josh smiled at his wife. “What kind of things?”

Sara’s eyes teared up. “Uhm, I swallow now and, uhm… I like it in the butt, and I like it a little rough sometimes. I’m so sorry, Josh. I should have discovered those things with you. I just didn’t know how to talk about it.”

Josh held his wife close. “Honey, I understand. I didn’t talk either. I assumed that you weren’t going to do any of that, so I never asked. Are we good now? I love you and you love me?”

Sara’s face lit up, “Yes, definitely, yes.”

The couple moved apart. Sara walked over to Angela while Josh began preparing brunch. Sara hugged Angela tightly, then let her go and went to help her husband. Josh got things going, then walked over to Angela. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. Angela was instantly aroused and wanted nothing more than to leave brunch behind and return to the bedroom.

When they stepped back from each other Sara came over to the island. Angela turned toward her, and the two women looked into each other’s eyes. Angela stepped close to Sara. “I’m going to do something I have never done before.”

She cupped Sara’s face and pulled her into a sweet kiss. A minute later the kiss was loving, then passion began to build. When Mark walked into the kitchen Josh was sitting on the bar stool at the island. Two women, one of which he had wonderful sex with the night before, were sucking face in the most erotic way.

Mark looked over at Josh, “Hey, I’m Mark.”

Josh smiled. “Hey, I’m Josh. The woman you fucked last night is my wife, Sara.”

Mark took a step back. “Oh… I didn’t know. Uh, sorry?”

Josh waved his hand. “Nothing to be sorry about. She had a wonderful time and I’m happy for her. I need to have a talk with you and the other guy before you leave though. We need to be clear about some ground rules.”

Mark nodded. “Sounds fair to me.”

He nodded toward the two women. “Say, do you mind if I touch your wife? She looks so fucking hot right now.”

Josh grinned. “Yeh, she does, doesn’t she? Sure, go ahead. If she’s all right with it, then I am.”

Mark walked over behind Sara and dropped down to his knees. He pushed her robe up above her ass and she spread her legs wide. He began to lick her from asshole to clit. Josh approached Angela soon after and ran his hands up under her robe. One hand snaked around to her front and the two hands met between her legs. He played with her clit while his other hand fed two fingers into her very wet pussy.

The women soon knew what they wanted, and they dropped their robes to the floor. Mark stood and lined his cock up with Sara’s entrance. She braced herself on Angela’s shoulders as she bent forward to take his cock. She looked over Angela’s shoulder and met her husband’s eyes. Josh gave her a sweet smile. Mark slid in deep, and Sara’s attention was taken away from her husband as Mark began to fuck her from behind.

Josh moved his focus to Angela’s sweet ass. He rubbed his cock up and down her slit until he had to be in her. Angela braced herself on Sara as Josh sank his cock deep. The two women looked into each other’s eyes and moaned. Their lips met again and their tongues swirled. The men continued their nice and easy standing fuck, their hands reaching around to play with aroused clits, and driving their lovers to knee-weakening orgasms. A flurry of strokes later the two men reached their own little nirvana deep in their lovers.

The four stood trembling in the aftermath until the guys started to shrink and slip out. Sara and Angela cupped their pussies and waddled to the bathroom. Josh saw the empty towel drawer and opened the cabinet under the kitchen sink. He reached inside, grabbed a washcloth for himself, and tossed one to Mark. They used the kitchen sink to clean up and were soon in the process of cooking brunch. Sara and Angela returned and put their robes back on.

Lee came into the room and looked around blearily. “Good morning. Did I miss anything?”

The laughter just got louder when they saw the confused look on his face. After the laughter died down Sara made the introductions. Brunch was a cordial affair, with much teasing and laughter. Mark and Lee were shocked when they found out about the mistaken address. They apologized to both Josh and Sara and told them that had they known the truth they would never have tried to seduce Sara. When it was over Angela helped Sara in the kitchen while Josh walked Mark and Lee to the door.

Josh shook both men’s hands as they readied to leave his house. “This is all very new and strange for us. I know that Sara enjoyed her time with you. Did you and Sara exchange contact information?”

Both men shook their heads. Mark explained. “I know we may act like two guys just out for a fuck, and we are those guys to a degree. We’re also guys that treat women and their husbands, if they have one, with respect. That means we understand that we’re just fun. Their love is for each other. If we didn’t respect those lines, we wouldn’t have lasted long in the swinger group. We don’t collect phone numbers and we don’t sneak around behind the husband’s back.”

Josh smiled. “Well, that makes me feel better, but just to be clear. You are never to contact Sara without my express knowledge and approval. Give me your phone numbers and we will see what the future brings.”

In the kitchen, Angela and Sara finished up and that’s when the sky fell for Angela. She realized that in moments she would be walking out the door. Her eyes were wet with tears as it hit her that she would never see Josh or Sara again.

Josh walked back into the kitchen, saw the tears, and saw his wife hug Angela. Sara turned Angela’s face up and kissed the tears from her eyelids. “Angela sweetheart? I want you to do something for me.” At Angela’s nod, she continued, “I want you to go home… Then I want you to pack what you need for the weekend and come back to us. We want to be with you if you want to be with us.”

Angela nodded her head so fast that the tears flew. “Oh yes! I would like that very much.”

Angela dressed and left a short time later with a smile on her face. Josh looked over at his wife, “Well, I guess we need to get started cleaning up this mess.”

Sara dropped her robe on the floor. “Angela will help us when she gets back. I have something better for us to do until she gets here.”

Josh and Sara went to their bedroom. Angela came back an hour later and found them still there, and she joined them just as quickly as she could get her clothes off. The rest of the house could wait until Sunday.

Written by Woodart
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