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New Years Truth or Dare

"Frat and Sorority members play Truth or Dare"

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Famous Story
[Note: This was written by my nephew Steve, myself (Coffeedude), with input from Ginger. All of the participants were at least eighteen years old, and their names have been changed.]

Jason and I were watching one of the NFL games when I looked out the window to our frat house and saw two girls from our Greek sorority walking up the sidewalk. I got up and went to the door. As I opened it they came in shivering. Heidi, the taller of the two at about 5’9” with long blond hair and C size tits grinned at me. “Are you guys up for coming over and playing games or having a potluck? There are only seven of us.”

I looked at Jason. “There’s not even that many of us. I’m for it, how ‘bout you, Steve.”

I nodded and said I’d ask the guys upstairs. As I said that Tony, a baseball player, and Dom, a half-African American half Caucasian came down the stairs. Dom looked at the girls and asked, “What’s up, Ladies?”

Shelly, who is a sophomore, like me, and stand 5’5” tall and has chestnut hair and B cup tits, replied, “We’re inviting you guys over for games and pooling food for a potluck.”

“Were you guys going to tell us, Steve?” Tony asked.

“They just got here,” I replied.

“How many more are here?” Heidi asked.

“Just Cody, and I think he’s asleep,” Dom said.

Heidi opened the door to exit, “Wake him up. We’ll see you in half an hour. If you have drinks bring them to. Except wine, we have a lot of wine.”

I brought four bags of chips and some salsa and dip. The other guys brought frozen pizza and a frozen lasagna. When we approached the door it was opened by Krystal. Krystal is 5’2” and a fox. She is from South Carolina and talks like it. She has B cups tits and black hair with big brown eyes. Also there was Amber who was from near my home town and went to my rival high school. She was a junior, 5’7” tall, and a swimmer. She had blond hair cut short.

Coming down the stairs in sweats was Danica (Dani). Dani was slightly chubby and 5’5” tall. She looked slightly Italian or Greek in complexion, and appeared to have just gotten up. Shiva is from India. She stands 5’4” tall, thin, and has probably A cup boobs. She is reserved at first, but after a while opens up. A sophomore, we’ve ended up with some classes together. Lastly was Ginger. Ginger has hair the color of dark honey, is 5’7” and has C cups tits. I’ve had the hots for Ginger since the beginning of last year. She’s a year ahead of me, and while she’s always been nice to me, I don’t think she considered me boyfriend material.

We put the food in the kitchen and two of the girls put the pizzas in the oven. We made some drinks and sat down. Doing the math, five guys and seven girls, I thought this could get interesting. I sided up to Ginger, “How was your Christmas, Ginger?”

She looked at me, “It was good, Steve. How about yours?”

“I had a good one too. Got some nice clothes and my grandmother paid a years car insurance for me.”

“Hey, you made out.” She laughed. “I got mostly gift cards, and my parents paid for a tune up and oil change for my car.” She stepped back and looked at what I was wearing. “I do like your sweater. Someone in your family has better taste than you.”

“Hey!” I replied looking sad.

“Just kidding, Steve.”

Everyone was in the main room by now. “What are we doing?” Cody asked. Cody was the oldest of all of us, having spent four years in the Army before starting school full time.

“We thought we could play some games. We have Twister, and a couple decks of cards,” Heidi replied.

“Kids stuff,” Tony replied.

“Twister?” Amber asked.

“Well, you could put adult variations on it,” Tony replied.

Amber’s and Dani’s mouths dropped open. “Then what do you suggest?” Heidi asked.

“How about Truth or Dare, draw style?” Cody suggested.

“I played that once and it was kind of fun. But you need limits.” Shelly stated.

Amber looked curious. “What is it?”

“Everyone writes down some ‘truths’ and two or three levels of ‘dares.’ You put them on bags or bowls to draw from. Some take another person to do. And Shelly is right, we do need limits, like no cock in pussy dares.” Cody did his best to make it sound simple. I could see some embarrassing possibilities, but since I was drinking tequila I wouldn’t feel overly embarrassed myself.

“Wait a second,” Ginger said. “What about other things?”

“Like what,” Dom asked.

“Like there are parts of me that I may want to keep…private, not have them touched.” Ginger replied. I was hoping to see those parts, or touch them.

Dom spoke, “Well, I can’t speak for everyone, but I’d say you’re either in or out. Part of Truth or Day is who stays in the longest. But I’d say if you quit the game then you go somewhere else and not get to see what the others see and do.”

Ginger looked around. “Well, I guess I can try it.”

“I think we’re as gutsy and the guys any day,” Heidi challenged.

“Yeah, we are!” Dani stated emphatically.

“So let’s say, for now, no cock to pussy contact,” Cody said. “Anything else?”

“What if someone draws a dare and needs another person’s help?” Heidi asked.

“If the card doesn’t specify, like person on your right or left, then the person who drew gets to pick. If the person picked chickens out, then they are out and have to leave.”

“Everyone cool with it,” Heidi asked? Some nodded, some just kept looking at Heidi or Cody. “Then let’s make the challenges.”

“Everyone make four truths, two light dares, and four serious dares. Remember, you could draw your own.” Cody seemed to be in charge, with Heidi a close second.

“Let’s use computers and print them off so everyone’s handwriting is hidden,” Amber suggested. We all went to various rooms and typed and printed off challenges. I followed Ginger to her room which she shared with Shelly.

“What do you think of this, Steve?” Ginger asked.

“I don’t know,” I replied. “It could be fun.”

“It can be embarrassing,” Ginger stated.

“That too, though if I drink enough tequila I doubt I will be very embarrassed.”

Ginger took about five minutes to type her questions then printed them. She then took a pair of scissors and started cutting them out. I typed mine. Shelly was behind me at her computer. When she finished Cody walked in. “I need a computer, anyone’s free?” Shelly offered hers as she cut her questions out. Ginger and I walked downstairs together.

“What did you write down, “ I asked.

“I’m not telling you,” she replied. “You’ll have to guess when they’re drawn.” We moved furniture out of the way so everyone could sit on the floor. Soon we heard the timer on the oven go off and brought the pizzas out. I sat next to Ginger.

When everyone was seated in the main room, girl-guy-girl-guy, etc, except for where two girls were together for lack of guys, Cody put a bottle in the middle of the floor. “This will determine who goes first. Heidi, why don’t you spin.”

“Wait!” Shiva said. “I have a question. How do we pick between the first and second level dares?”

“Oh yeah,” Cody replied. “We do the light dares first, and then start the others.” He looked around. “OK, Heidi, spin.”

Heidi spun the empty wine bottle and it settled on Tony. “Truth,” Tony stated. Several of us razzed him but Heidi held the bowl up with the truths. Tony opened it and read, “How many times a week do you masturbate?” He arched his eyebrows. “I kinda wish I had taken a dare.”

“For you it’s more like how many times a day.” Dom was Tony’s roommate.

After everyone stopped laughing Tony said, “I think three or four times a week.” A couple people challenged him on the truthfulness but we let it stand. Heidi then told Tony to spin the bottle and it landed on Dani.

“I want a dare,” Dani said bravely. Heidi held the bowl out and Dani took and read, “Remove one article of clothing.” She looked around. “Hell, I only have four things on. Isn’t this a second level?”

Heidi looked at the bowls. “No, it’s the right bowl.”

“Shit!” Dani said as she took her sweatshirt off. Her tits looked to be D cups held by an underwire bra.

Dani spun and it landed on Krystal who was being the quietest so far. She seemed surprised but quietly asked for a truth. She took one from the bowl and read, “When did you lose your virginity? Oh my god, that’s pretty private.” Everyone sat quietly. “The night of my senior year Valentines Dance.” She blushed. “I’ve never been asked before.”

Krystal spun and it landed on me. “Dare,” I said. Heidi held the bowl out to me. I took the folded paper and opened it. “Drink a beverage from a member of the opposite sex’s navel.”

“Does it say how to pick?” Heidi asked.

“No, so I pick…Ginger.”

“Are you serious?” Ginger asked. I nodded and picked up the bottle of tequila and moved to her. “How much?” she asked.

“It doesn’t say,” Heidi replied and looked at Tony. “Should we say two minutes?” Tony nodded. Ginger laid back and raised her shirt up to the bottom of her bra. Without opening her jeans she pulled them down as far as she could.

“I hope it isn’t cold.” Was the last thing Ginger said before I poured a small amount into her navel. I already knew it was cold. She shrieked as it hit her. I slurped it up noisily and poured some more. I slurped it up and poured a little too much and it ran under her jeans. “Steve! Be careful, it’s cold.” Soon the two minutes was up and I returned to my seat. Before spinning the bottle I looked at Ginger, “That was fun. I like this game.”

“Slob!” she replied. “Now the top of my panties are wet.” Nearly everyone laughed.

I spun the bottle and it landed on Shiva. As quiet as Shiva was I totally expected her to ask for a truth, but she surprised many of us by asking for a dare. Heidi held the bowl out and Shiva drew and read, “French kiss with the person to your left.” Dom was to her left, and he is 6’3” so Shiva got on her knees and moved to Dom. Dom took her face in his large hands and their lips met. They didn’t appear embarrassed, and there seemed to be some passion in the frenching. Shiva’s arms found their way around Dom’s neck. After a little over a minute Heidi called time. Dom seemed disappointed. Shiva kept her eyes on Dom as she sat back down. She then spun the bottle and it landed on Dani again.

“Truth,” she said this time. She took the slip of paper and read, “Have you ever had anal sex?” She tossed the paper down and asked, “What the hell kind of questions are these?” She looked around. “Yes, once, and it hurt like hell.” She then spun the bottle and it pointed at Heidi.

“I’ll take a truth first.” She pulled a slip and read, “What’s the most embarrassing thing that happened when you were having sex?” Heidi turned bright red and said, “That was last summer. I had just had sex with my boyfriend and his mom came home unexpectedly. We hurried up and got dressed, except he wouldn’t give me my panties. She I left with his cum dripping down my leg. She tried to talk with me but I told her I was late.” We all laughed. She then spun the bottle and it landed on Jason.

“I’ll take a dare.” Heidi held out the bowl and he pulled, “If you’re a girl, remove your bra. If you’re a guy, remove your shorts.”

“Glad I didn’t just draw that,” Dani said.

Jason stood up and started to go behind a couch. “Nope!” Cody said. “Right here.”

“What? Are you serious?” Jason asked. Cody nodded so Jason struggled out of his pants and shorts. He then put his pants back on. He tossed the shorts behind him. He spun and the bottle pointed at Shelly.

“I’ll take a truth.” She took one and read, “What is your favorite sex position? That’s easy, the good ol’ missionary position.” She spun the bottle and it landed on Ginger.

“I’ll take a dare.” Ginger seemed determined. She took one from the bowl. “Remove one article of clothing.”

“Now I won’t be the only one like this,” Dani said.

Ginger was wearing a polo type shirt and she removed it. Her bra was thin and we could see the outline of her nipples. “We may need to turn the heat up,” she said as she spun. It landed on Heidi.

“Dare.” She dipped her hand in the bowl. “If you’re a girl, have the guy on your left remove your bra. If you’re a guy, have the girl on your left remove your shirts.” I was sitting on her immediate left. “Steve, you aren’t going to take my shirt off, and no copping feels,” she said giggling. I moved around the back of her and unhooked her bra. I then moved her arms through the arm holes and out of the straps. Once I felt it was free I pulled it out of her shirt.

“That was so smooth it looks like he’s done it before” Amber stated.

Heidi spun the bottle as I realized I was sitting there holding her bra. I handed it to her as the bottle landed on Dani. Dani thought for several seconds before she said “dare,” nervously. The bowl was passed and she took a slip and read, “Kiss the bare butt of the person to your right.” Dom was sitting to her right. His eyebrows arched. He turned his butt towards Dani and she pulled the waistband of his warmup pants down and planted a sloppy kiss on his right cheek.”

“I have had the bottle land on me but I get some good kissin’” he said. Dani spun the bottle and it landed on Shiva.

“Truth please,” she said. She drew from the bowl and read, “Have you ever been in a threesome or more?” She set the paper down and replied, “No, I have not.” She spun and it landed on Amber.

“I’ll take a truth.” Heidi held the bowl as Amber drew and read, “When and where was the first time you had sex?” She looked around. “It was at an out of town swim meet during my senior year. We were at a hotel, and my roommate’s boyfriend was in the room next door. So after the chaperones check on us, she went to his room and his roommate came into ours. I kind of liked him, so we did it.”


Over the next half hour we went around. Eventually everyone had to bottle land on them at least once. At one point it landed on Ginger again. “Dare,” she said.

“This is the last low-level dare,” Heidi advised her.

Ginger opened it and read, “French kiss a member of the opposite sex, your choosing, for one minute.” She put the slip down, looked at me and said, “Get over here, Steve.” I leaned towards Ginger and closed my eyes. Her lips were warm and soft, and her tongue swept the inside of my cheeks. I felt her put her hand behind my head and lean further into the kiss. I tried to be gentle and put my hands on her arms. All to soon the minute was up. Ginger looked into my eyes and said, “Damn, you’re a good kisser.” She sat back looking at me. She almost forgot to spin. The bottle landed on Jason.

“I’ll be the courageous one – dare!” Heidi held the bowl out to him. She had to lean way across and could see Jason looking down her top at her bare tits. “If you’re a girl, have the guy on your right suck one of your nipples for one minute. If you’re a guy, suck the nipple of the girl on your right for one minute.”

“Oh my god, are you for real?” Dani asked taking the slip from Jason. “That’s what it says” Dani stated. “Which one do you want?” Jason pointed at her left tit, the closest to him. Dani lowered the cup over it and Jason latched on. I looked across the circle at Krystal and she seemed mesmerized and she crossed her legs. She had lost her shirt in a dare and her nipples were puffing out in her bra. After the minute was up Dani took a napkin and dried her tit before covering back with the bra’s cup. Jason leaned back up and spun the bottle. It landed on Shiva.

“I’ll take a truth, please.” Shiva took the truth and read, “What size bra do you wear if you’re a female. How long is your penis if you’re a male?” She put the slip down. “I wear a 32 A.” She spun the bottle and it landed on Krystal.

Krystal thought for a moment and then said, “Dare.” Heidi passed the bowl to her. Krystal took the folded paper and read, “If you’re a girl, have a guy hold your bare tit for the next two minutes as the game goes on. If you’re a guy have a girl hold your bare dick for the next two minutes as the game goes on. “ She put the paper down. “Oh shit,” she said quietly. She had lost her bra earlier on a dare. She looked around and picked Tony. Tony was sitting next to her and watched as Krystal unbuttoned the top four buttons of her blouse. Tony tried to work his hand in but it was still tight. Finally Krystal just unbuttoned all the buttons. And we could see her tits. Tony grabbed her nearest tit.

“Go ahead and spin, Krystal.” Heidi advised. Krystal leaned toward the bottle as Jason held her tit. The bottle spun and landed on Ginger.

Ginger looked at Krystal and Jason then down at the bottle again. “I’ll take a dare,” she said slowly.” Heidi held the bowl out. Ginger slowly removed a slip and read it. Quietly. Her eyes got big and she looked down.

“What does it say?” Heidi asked.

“Have a person sitting next to you stick their finger in your ass for five minutes.” She looked up, “I..I don’t know if I can do this.”

“C’mon, Ginger, don’t chicken out on us!” Dani advised. We can kick the guys’ asses.”

“Wait,” Tony stated.

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“No one should be forced to do something. If she doesn’t want to do it she can leave, but it’s her choice.”

I looked at her but didn’t say anything. “I’ve never had anything in…there.”

“You’d need lube. There’s lotion behind you.” Amber stated. I was tempted to reach for it, but that could be seen as pressure. No one else said anything for a few moments.

Finally Ginger looked at me. “Are you willing to help me?” I nodded. She turned and grabbed the lotion. “Do I put it on me, or on his finger?”

“Both,” several players replied.

Ginger was wearing pajama type pants. She rose up to where she was kneeling. She started to pull them down, paused, and then pulled them down just in the back. She handed the lotion to me. “You put it on both of us.” I took the lotion and squirted some on my index and middle finger. As I moved my fingers towards her butt she spread her cheeks a little. I smeared the lotion on the outside of her rosebud, and then slid a little inside. I then spread some around my index finger. I looked at her and she had her eyes closed.

“Here it goes,” I said.

“It will be easier if you’re on your hands or elbows, Ginger,” Amber said.

Ginger slowly leaned down on her elbows which caused her to slide her knees back. I had to slide back a bit too. That placed her ass out of the view of those next to us, and spread her cheeks open. I put my finger at her rosebud and slid it in slowly to the first knuckle. “How is that?” I asked.

“Not bad, go a little further.” I slid it in to the second knuckle. At first she tensed and then relaxed. I slid the rest of the way in. She was leaning down on her elbows so she looked over at Heidi and said, “I’m a little preoccupied, can you spin for me?” Heidi spun.

It landed on Jason. “After watching her,” he indicated to Ginger, “I can’t woose out, so gimme a dare.” Heidi passed the bowl and Jason drew. “Aww shit! It says, “Strip naked for the rest of the game.” I heard Amber giggle and was certain she had written it.

While everyone’s attention was on Jason I slowly moved my middle finger to the entrance of Ginger’s vagina. She tensed up for a second then relaxed. As soon as she relaxed I slipped it in. She really tensed then and looked hard at me. Since everyone else was watching Jason strip they didn’t notice. I looked at Ginger and she mouthed, “What do you think you’re doing?” I started a slow in and out motion with both fingers – finger-fucking. Her eyes opened wide. I then slipped my ring finger down through her sparse pussy hair in search of her clit. I flicked my ring finger over her clit hood and felt her pussy and ass spasm and release. I looked at Jason and saw him spin. It landed on Krystal.

“Dare.” She drew from the bowl and her eyes opened wide. “No, I can’t do it. I quit the game.” She quickly folded the paper, “What do I do with this?” she asked Tony.

“What does it say?”

“I’m not even going to read it out loud.”

“Back in the bowl,” Tony said taking the bowl from Heidi. Krystal put the folded paper back in the bowl and walked up the stairs. A couple comments were made wondering what the dare had said.

Heidi waited a few seconds and spun again. It landed on Tony.

“Dare.” It sounded like a declaration. He drew from the bowl. “Masturbate for one minute.” He looked around. “”It doesn’t say I have to do it to me.”

“Either to yourself or Dom!” Dani said quickly.

“He ain’t touching me!” Dom said quickly. At that Tony pulled his jeans down and started rubbing himself. He was already near full mast. No one spun during the minute. While he was doing himself I was still doing Ginger. Her pussy was becoming wetter and every few second she moved her hips. While Tony was jacking off she looked me in the eyes and smiled.

“Time!” Heidi chimed. She looked at me and said, “You still have about two minutes. Jason pulled his boxers up but left his Levis opened. He then spun the bottle and it landed on Shiva.

Shiva looked like she was nearly in shock. “Truth,” she stated. She took one and read,” How many different people have you had sex with?” She looked slightly embarrassed. “Two.” She said no more and spun the bottle. It stopped at Heidi.

“I’ll take a…dare.” She reached in the bowl. Unfolding the paper she read for a moment then said, “This must be the one Krystal drew.” Her voice sounded nervous.

“What does it say?” Amber asked.

“If you’re a guy, remove a tampon from the girl of your choice using your mouth. If you’re a girl, pick a guy to remove a tampon from you. I never…I…I can see why Krystal left.”

“You aren’t going to leave are you?” Dani asked.

“I don’t know…I guess not.” She looked pale. “I’ve never had sex while I was on my period.”

“Are you having your period now?” Dani asked.

“No, not for a few days.” She stood, “I better go get a tampon.” She started for the stairs. “Oh, it says I need at least one witness or to do it in front of the group.”

I looked at Ginger and asked, “Is our time up?”

“I don’t know. I’m not sure I want it to be up.”

A few people in the group laughed. “You like that, eh?” Dom asked.

“He’s doing more than just holding his finger in my butt.”

“Oh, what else is he doing, “Shelley asked.

“Never mind,” Ginger stated. Heidi came back down the stairs. She looked around the downstairs and said, “I guess we can do it in the bathroom.

“Sounds rather chicken to me,” Jason stated. Sitting there naked he sounded bold.

“I don’t want to do it in front of the whole group.”

“Then how about…over behind the loveseat?” Jason pointed to a loveseat behind Shiva.

“That’ll work.” She looked around the group. “Cody, I pick you.” She looked around again. “Amber, you be the witness. “ She walked behind the loveseat as Amber and Cody got up and walked behind with her. “Oh, shit,” she said. “I have to take my pants off completely.” Soon her pants and panties were draped over the back of the loveseat. The small couch wasn’t high enough to hide her pubic region and she showed more than I think she intended. “I’m all dry, does anyone have any lubricant?”

“Have Cody lick it,” Amber suggested. Cody didn’t look too happy with the suggestion.

Heidi opened the wrapper and handed it to Cody. He licked it several times. It looked like Heidi rubbed her clit a few times before Cody handed the tampon back. Heidi squatted, grimaced, and then inserted the tampon. “Let me lay down before you take it out,” Heidi said to Cody. As Heidi lay down Cody took her panties and slipped them into his back pocket. No one said a work about it. Soon Cody slipped down. “Carefully, I’m still dry,” Heidi said. I looked at Amber and she was smiling. Cody’s head disappeared for a few seconds, then reappeared with a tampon dangling from his teeth. Several of us applauded (not me of course) and then Cody dropped the tampon. He reached down and helped Heidi up. She looked at the back of the loveseat and asked, “Where’s my underwear?” No one said anything. “Well, I can’t wear my pants without underwear.”

“Then don’t wear your pants,” Jason stated.

“Alright.” She sounded like she had a new found boldness. She returned to her position, but instead of sitting on the carpet, she kneeled down and put her butt on her heels. She looked at her watch then at Ginger. “Your dare is over.”

Ginger had become quite wet. As I withdrew my fingers she gripped them twice with her pussy and sphincter muscles. I got up and went to wash my fingers. When I returned I saw Dom sitting without pants. He was spinning. Shiva.

“I’ll take a dare, please.” The bowl was passed to her and she drew. “If you’re a girl, pick two guys to suck your tits for one minute.” She looked up. “That’s as far as I need to read, obviously.” She unbuttoned her silk shirt. Underneath she was wearing a black bra, which she also removed. “Dom, and….” She looked at me, then Ginger, and turned to Cody. “Cody, please.” Both guys moved to Shiva and latched on to a nipple. We all watched for the full minute. When Heidi called time we all exhaled loudly. Without putting her bra and blouse back on Shiva spun the bottle and it landed on me.

“Dare.” After what Ginger did with my help I couldn’t ask for a truth. I drew and read, “Have a member of the opposite sex shave your pubic hair.” I looked up surprised. I had written this one hoping I’d get to see a girl being shaved, but I couldn’t say that.

“Do you want me to go get my shaving stuff?” Ginger asked.

“Uh, yeah, I guess so,” I replied.

“Dani, can you get a bowl of hot water,” Ginger asked.

“What? I can just go in the bathroom with you,” I stated.

“No, you had your finger up my ass right here, and right here you’ll be shaved. Have your pants off by the time I get back.” Oh shit.

Dani brought a bowl of hot water, and Ginger brought some scissors, shaving cream, and a razor. She also had two towels, one she stuck under my butt. “Hold still so I don’t cut you.” I felt hot water being smoothed on my genitals, and she’d comb it up and snip it. Soon the shaving started. I turned my head and found myself looking right at Heidi’s pussy. I could feel myself becoming hard. Had I not been nervous I probably would have been hard already. Ginger worked quickly and I didn’t feel any nicks. Some of the group took bathroom breaks or got drinks due to the time involved. Soon she was done. “Leave your pants off so you dry,” Ginger advised. I think she really wanted to advertise her work. I spun. It landed on Dani.

“I’ll take a dare.” Shit!” she exclaimed on reading the slip.” “Just two words – strip naked.” She stood and removed her remaining clothes. I was surprised. Her clothing made her look heavier than she actually was. Her boobs were at least D cups, and I guessed she wore loose clothing to hide their size. Ginger elbowed me in the side when she realized I was staring. She spun and it landed on Dom.

“Are there any truths left?” he asked.

“A couple,” Heidi replied. She passed the bowl to him.

Dom unfolded the paper. “Have you ever given a rim job?” He looked around before replying, “Yes.”

The game continued on for a while longer until we ran out of slips. No one else had quit. We saw hand jobs, a couple short blow jobs, and nearly everyone was naked or close to it. We were hungry and decided to eat. After getting her plate Ginger joined me on the couch. She was topless and I was still bottomless. “What did you get for Christmas?” she asked me.

“Mostly clothing, and a few CDs.”

“Any I’d like?”

“I don’t know. I kinda like music from the sixties and seventies, and got the who Moody Blues collection.”

“What are they like?”

“They’re interesting. Their songs are like…one continuous song, and it tells a story.” As I finished a drop of tomato sauce dripped onto Ginger’s left tit near the nipple. As she looked for a napkin I leaned over and licked it off, then started sucking the nipple. “Hey,” she whispered. “The game is over and there are people here.”

“Get a room!” Amber called and everyone laughed.

Soon Cody and Heidi came to sit on the couch. There wasn’t much room, and when Heidi tried to sit on Cody’s lap, he held his cock up. When Heidi sat it nearly went into her pussy. Heidi shrieked and said, “Unless you want to be a daddy you can forget that!” Everyone laughed hard.

Ginger stood and told Heidi we were going to my frat house to listen to Moody Blues. Heidi laughed like she didn’t believe Ginger. I knew Ginger had a roommate (Amber), and she knew I had a room to myself. I threw my pants on while Ginger put her blouse on, and took her bra up to her room. As we walked across the street we held hands, a first. Once we got to my room I shut my door and put in Days of Future Past, which has my favorite song Tuesday Afternoon. When I turned to my bed to sit down Ginger was wearing only her panties. “You’re wearing too much,” she said to me.

I remedied the situation stripping down to my boxers. I lay down next to her and she offered one of her tits to me. As I sucked it gently I reflected on the day. I had always had the hots for Ginger, but she had been distant the whole time. I reached for the other tit and rolled the nipple between my thumb and forefinger. Ginger’s had snaked down into my boxers and she started jacking me. I pulled my mouth away. “I’ve been on the verge for hours, so if you keep doing that it’s going to get messy.”

“Let’s make a mess so you’ll have staying power. Is that OK?” She then planted her mouth on mine and her tongue explored mine. She pulled my boxers past my knees and I pulled them the rest of the way off. She grabbed them and put them on my abdomen and I knew that’s where my seed would go. I reached into her panties and began rubbing her clit lightly. She pulled away from my mouth and groaned. “Put a finger in me.” I slipped my middle finger in her and rubbed her clit with my thumb.

My hips started going up and down and I told Ginger I was getting close. She grabbed my boxers and put them over my cock then resumed jacking me. I soon spurted a good sized load into my boxers. I stuffed one of her tits in my mouth and sped my finger movements. Ginger let out a loud groan and wrapped her arm around my head as she had her orgasm. I pulled off her tit and looked at her. Her chest was bright red, her head was tilted back, her eyes were closed, and her breathing was deep and raspy. She tossed my boxers onto the floor and grabbed my semi-hard cock. “How soon can you recover?” Normally about half an hour, but with you, five minutes.”

She giggled, “Maybe I can speed you up. Take my panties off me.” I removed her wet panties and she kneeled on the side of me and took my cock into her mouth. In less than two minutes I was steel hard. “Do you have a condom?” she asked.

“Uh, no. I wasn’t planning this.”

“This is my most fertile time,” She said rubbing me slowly. “We’ll start in my pussy, but then I want you to finish where you fingered me earlier.”

“In your ass?”

“Yeah. I’ve never done it there before, so you’ll have to be careful. And be really careful not to cum in my pussy.”

“I will.”

“Do you have any lube? I’ve heard lube is really important.”

“No, I’ve never…wait, I have some sun block.”

“That should work.”

I went to my drawer and got the sun block and set it on the nightstand. Ginger pulled her knees back and rotated her hips, “Go ahead and lube my ass now. Don’t do your cock, I’m pretty wet in my pussy.” I smeared sun block around her anus, then pushed some inside rotating my finger. Ginger moaned as I did so saying it felt good. I knelt between her knees and looked at her. “Ginger, you are by far the most beautiful girl I know.”

“You’re already going to screw me, so you don’t have to be mushy.”

“Ginger, I’m serious. I’ve liked you since the day I met you.”

“I know,” She said sitting up and putting her hands on my side. “I never went out with a guy younger than me, and I had a boyfriend for a while. We broke up in September. “

“I guess his loss is my gain.” It sounded corny at first.

“In more ways than one. I haven’t had a cock in me since. His is the only one I’ve had. He was selfish and self-centered. “She pushed me back and climbed over me. “Enough talk, let’s do this. And remember, don’t cum in me.” She knelt over my hips, grabbed my cock, rubbed the head around her pussy lips and set it outside her entrance. Then looking me in the eyes she started to sit down taking the first inch of me into her hot moist sheath. “Oh, that already feels so good.” Her voice was sultry.

“For me too.” I reached down and rubbed her clit. She arched her back and put her hands next to my head. Her up and down movements soon had me all the way inside her. She began a slow up and down, in-out movement that sped up. Her breathing became ragged and her chest flushed again and she yelped as she threw herself back and gushed.

“Ginger, you tightened up as you came, and I feel like I’m getting close,” I warned her.

Her eyes opened wide as she stopped all movement. “I’m almost temped to let you cum in me,” she stated.

“Do you want to get on your knees?”

“No, I don’t like doggy. Let’s spoon.” She rose up off me and lay down on my right. I rolled to face her as she raised her left leg and placed it behind her over my hip. She reached behind her and took my cock, and placed it at her dark pink star. “Slow and gentle.” I grabbed her hips and applied pressure. At first nothing happened, but then Ginger forced herself back and the head popped in. Ginger inhaled sharply.

“Are you OK? I’m not hurting you am I?”

“No, it doesn’t hurt, but I feel sort of…full.” She moved her hips in a circular motion taking a little more of me in. “I think I’m a little loose since I came twice already.” She pushed back and took about two more inches. “I like this.”

“Me too. I like it a lot.” I did too.

“More than my pussy?”

“I loved your pussy. This is good in a different way.”

She pushed back and I thrust forward, and soon she had all six-and-one-half inches of me in her ass. She rolled her shoulders and head towards me, reached her hand behind my head, and pulled me down for a long, sensuous kiss. As she broke the kiss she said, “I feel close to cuming again, so as hard and fast as you want.”

I was feeling close too, but she was tight and I couldn’t really speed up much. I gripped her hips tighter. She again pulled my mouth to hers and we played tongue duel until I felt myself ready to explode. As I felt the first burst explode out of me I pulled my head back and growled, rammed into her and began unloading. Ginger ground back into me and I felt her ass grip me as she groaned and flailed her head from side to side. I reached up and grabbed her breast feeling the diamond tip. I started to pull out of her and she grabbed my hip. “Stay in a bit longer, I like the feeling.”

“I think it’s going to get messy. I unloaded a lot in you.”

“I could feel it.” She turned and looked in my eyes. “I…wish I got to know you better sooner.”

“I know. Me too. But we have the future.”

“Anything I should know about you?”

I thought for a moment. “I don’t like sleeping or showering alone.”

She smiled and turned a bit more taking my cock out of her ass. She quickly grabbed my shirt and stuffed it under her. “Not much we can do about the sleeping and showering during the week. Oh, and plan on coming home with me Spring break so you can meet my family.”

Written by coffeedude
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