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My Wife’s Nurses

"Tragedy leads to erotic pleasure for caretaker husband"

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Part 1:

After twenty years of a great marriage, my wife, Kim, was paralyzed from the waist down from a tragic auto accident that killed several people. The other driver was at fault resulting in a large financial settlement that allowed me to leave my Senior Management Position at a large manufacturing company to care for her full time. We had saved and invested wisely, and the settlement put me in a good position to focus on her care.

We worked on Kim's rehab for nine months and were finally at the point where I was able to take her home. She had built enough strength to be mobile in her custom built wheelchair and she was anxious to leave the rehab facility. We had spent the money needed to make our home accommodated to her needs and I was, as they say, ready to rock and roll in taking care of her.

The big day finally happened and we got home. The house renovations allowed Kim to move freely about in her wheelchair without any problems, so we settled in and re-started our lives together.

Our daily routine focused on Kim's needs. It started with me getting her up, bathed, dressed and I'd make her breakfast. We'd work on her physical therapy, have lunch, then I'd get her ready for her nap. While she slept I would prepare dinner, pick up the house or do laundry, take care of yard work, then we'd eat, watch a little TV and then I'd help get Kim ready for bed. It was a tough schedule, but for better or worse, right? As time moved Kim continued to get stronger.

Six months after Kim got home, I'd been out grocery shopping. As I put the store items away, she said to me, "We need to talk."

We are always talking, but I said, "Okay."

"I've been thinking. You've given up everything for the last year and a half to care for me and that's not fair."

I said, "Doesn't matter, I'm good taking care of you and I'm going to keep doing it. I want you exactly where you are, home, so please don't worry about me. I'm good."

Kim replied, "I know that, but your complete attention to me is starting to make me feel guilty. And I know you have needs and wants that I can no longer take care of."

We kept going round and around with this conversation. I had no problem with our situation and told her so. Kim argued I needed some relief. Maybe I agreed with her, but I was going to live up to taking care of Kim until she was gone, or I was.

We continued having this discussion over the course of several weeks, but one day Kim said to me, "I have an announcement."

I sat down and reluctantly said, "Announcement about what?"

Kim said, "I've decided to set up interviews with some people that can help out. I'm going to hire a live in nurse/caregiver. I've done my research and talked to a recruiter that specializes in this."

I argued again for the hundredth time I didn't need help, but once Kim had her mind made up, she was like a train rolling down the track-unstoppable. She said that we could have the guest room and bath on the opposite side of our house set up for whoever we hired. Or we could use the bedrooms and bath in the basement. We would provide room and board and a small salary. As we discussed her plan I thought it was something that might happen down the line in several months, if not a year. So I decided to not worry about it.

Then the bombshell dropped...

Kim told me, "On Monday I've arranged for four interviews. Would you like to participate?"

I had run out of arguments, so I reluctantly agreed. As I started to think about having a live in caregiver helping Kim I became more comfortable with the idea. I had willingly put my agenda on the back burner and this would give me a little time on my own. If things didn't work out having someone else in the house, I had no problem helping Kim the way we had already done it. I didn't realize how this was going to change our lives.

Monday arrived. Kim said, "The interviews will be spaced two hours apart. What you'll do is give them a tour of the house and show them where their space would be. You can also let them know our routine and get a feeling if they could be a fit for you. I'll let them know my expectations and interview them. Does that work for you?"

I told her it sounded like a good plan, but I didn't know what to expect.

First up was a middle aged, forty something Latina named Dora. She was somewhat reserved, but as the three of us chatted she relaxed and opened up. She was a registered caregiver, not quite a nurse, but with plenty of experience. She was, as I came to find out about all the candidates, single and living alone. Dora saw this as an opportunity to get away from the crushing burden that Covid had imposed on medical and caregiver personnel. She hoped to save a little money too. Dora was attractive in an understated way with jet black hair with streaks of white. A petite, yet fully curved body and, once she had relaxed, a radiant smile. When she left we actually hugged to say good by.

We next interviewed a thirty something woman named Alice. We repeated the interview process as we had done with Dora and found we were going to have a difficult time making our choice. Alice was an attractive redhead with a slim, athletic, freckled body. She was had an outgoing personality and she and Kim were soon talking and giggling like schoolgirls.

Next was an Asian woman, Thai by birth, named Asa. She was attractive in a way all Asian women are; petite, long dark hair, beautiful olive skin and a mysterious aura about her. Her age? We never really found out, but she was, by our estimate, in her early 40's. She too was a fully registered nurse. And she too was looking to escape the medical environment created by Covid. Asa told us they were severely understaffed and, in her opinion, under appreciated. She remained a bit more reserved throughout our conversations, but she was certainly qualified. As the our meeting with her ended, she said she really hoped this could work out for her and us.

The final candidate was...a no show. She called and left a message saying that when her current employer found out she might leave, she has been given a substantial pay increase. She apologized for her absence and left us to decide which woman would work best.

By now it was late in the afternoon. I made us a quick, light dinner and while we were eating we discussed the women we had interviewed.

Kim: "Who did you like the best?"

Me: "Wrong question, who did YOU like the best?"

We talked about Dora, Alice and Asa in order and after an hour we hadn't decided anything because they were all excellent candidates. Kim did bring up a commonality among the three of them: they were tired of working in an crowded environment and it seemed they all needed a place to call home. A secure living situation that they each probably couldn't afford on their own.

Kim suddenly had an idea. She said, "Let's offer the job to all of them. We have the guest room on this level of the house and three more in our finished basement."

I said, "Are you crazy? You want to invite three women to share our house? Would they even get along? How could we possibly pay each of them a living wage? We're financially set, but we need to be smart about how we spend. How would this work?"

Kim replied, "I like all three of them. I can tell they are hurting professionally and I think financially. They might need our help as much or more than I need their help. All our friends have basically abandoned us, so I'm not going to worry about what people think. I say we offer them a safe place to live. We challenge them to set up a schedule that helps you and me, but we let them know it's without pay. They share in the duties of the house and helping me. And if they want to work outside of the house it okay as long as our needs are met first."

I thought Kim was crazy, fucking nuts, but she had this idea in her head and nothing I could say would derail her thinking. I couldn't imagine that they would go for Kim's offer, so I agreed that she could float the idea to the three of them. One thing in Kim's favor was that housing costs in our area was skyrocketing. The cost of living alone had to be crushing.

The next day Kim contacted the three women and invited them over for dinner. She told each lady she had a proposal and wanted to present it to them face to face. They probably thought it would be an individual offer and so they were quite surprised when they all showed up at our house at the same time.

Kim introduced everyone while I was busy getting drinks for them. Kim and I had decided that she would detail the offer we were going to make. After a brief "social" hour Kim started talking to them together as a group.

"My husband and I were impressed by all of you and know that any one of you individually would meet our needs. But we are thinking of your needs as well. We know, and you know, that you want to escape the rat race of your jobs and have a stable, affordable place to live safely without the constant stress of making ends meet. We'd like to offer our home to each of you in exchange for helping me care for myself and helping maintain our home. We would challenge you to set a schedule that does that. Continue to work away from here, that's okay, providing our needs are met and the schedule is worked out to everyone's satisfaction."

As I watched the faces of the three women, I saw surprise, confusion and then calculation.

Asa asked, "Where would we stay?"

Kim said, "We have four extra bedrooms and baths. The three of you could work it out or we could do a lottery to decide."

Dora said, "When I was recruited to interview with you, the attraction was room AND board. How would that work now?"

Kim looked at me, so I answered without really thinking, "Cooking for three or cooking for five is basically the same thing. But we could share that duty. After talking with Kim about her idea, and after meeting you, we agreed that we would honor that commitment of room AND board."

Alice spoke up and asked, "What about utilities and water and heat and AC? Would we split that up?"

I answered again, "No. We'll take of that. The role for each of you would be to equally help with Kim's needs. I'd encourage you to keep your outside gig or find a new one and use this as an opportunity to save money. But one condition is set in stone and unconditional. You live here, I hope comfortably, but only you. No other family comes here, no boyfriends, no ex's. This is going to be be an interesting experiment as it is without anymore complications."

They looked at each other and almost in unison said they were unattached. I was surprised to discover they each basically had no family connections.

Kim said, "I know this is a lot to process, but we'll give you time to think about it. If you think we're crazy you're right. But I need to let my husband have more of a life than attending to me every minute of every day of every week of every year. That's why I'm offering this. And I like all of you and think this helps you, too. Now let's have dinner and get to know each other better."

While the ladies talked and shared wine, I asked them how they liked their steaks grilled. I made a big salad and some garlic bread. When everything was ready I called them to eat. We enjoyed dinner and I watched amazed as these three attractive women and my wife became friends before my eyes.

They each shared stories with each other about how their work was killing them. But we also found out that each of them in their own way was recovering from a bad relationship. Only Dora had been married, but Alice and Asa, along with Dora, had been in romantic situations that were ultimately unfulfilling, but without physical abuse as far as I knew. We also found out that they each didn't have much in material possessions. They were seemed to be in survival mode.

As I cleaned up after dinner, (I turned down help from our guests) Kim took them to our patio and spoke to them away from my hearing. What she said turned out to be a shock and surprise for me later on. A surprise that could only come from a willing and sharing wife and desperate women.

As the evening ended, I proposed to meet again in two days to hear what each of them decided. Kim interrupted me and said they had decided.

Alice said, "I'm in. This is what I need right now."

Dora said, "Me too. I need a little peace and stability in my life."

That left only Asa. She said, "I'd like to try this, too."

I must have been registering surprise in my face because, bottom line, I had never expected that anyone would agree to Kim's idea.

Part 2:

Over the course of the next few weeks, the individual ladies moved into our home. First Dora, then Asa and finally Alice. They had each taken the time to close apartment leases, utilities, TV and internet service and so on. They had also each, on my recommendation, set up private mailing addresses separate and apart from our address. I didn't know, but suspected that they had gone to a mailing service such as a UPS storefront and gotten mailing addressed that looked like a street address.

As each woman moved in there was no squabbling about who stayed in what room. The three of them decided to each take a room in the basement leaving the upstairs bedroom vacant. They each found new jobs that required them to be on duty for 24 hours straight, then they were off for four consecutive days before having to return to work for another 24 hour shift.

I was now living with a household full of women.

They immediately bonded with each other and Kim. The sisterhood was almost too good to be true. Before I knew it, the three of them took over all of the care of helping Kim and most of the house work and almost all the cooking! I had insisted on getting Kim ready for bed, but this too was taken over by our "guests." I was on the outside looking in, but was happy because Kim was happy.

I think things were going well because for the maybe the first time in Asa, Dora and Alice's lives, they were not worried about surviving from one paycheck to the next. The environment we provided was one where they could stop worrying about having a safe place to live and it gave them an opportunity to save a good portion of their earning. I had solid, not tremendous financial experience, and I helped each start a savings/retirement plan. The excitement of seeing their earning grow into savings was fun to watch and participate in. I think our neighbors wondered what was going on in our home, but quickly it really was no issue at all. Life was good and about to get better.

I started taking care of myself and I resumed the workout schedule I had before Kim's accident. I was never really out of shape, but in a few months I was toned and feeling great.

Having three additional women around the house in the beginning was awkward, but now it was getting distracting in spite of me trying to ignore three attractive women in various states of undress at any time. At least once a day I'd run into one of the women just getting in or out of the shower; being asked to zip them up; or seeing them have coffee in their pj's. Sometimes they would be helping Kim bathe and I'd be treated to an unplanned wet t-shirt contest. I truly believed that most guys would have thought they died and went to heaven: heaven occupied by three beautiful women and my equally beautiful wife, Kim. It was wonderful being home and surrounded by gorgeous women. But it was a strain too. I certainly didn't stare at them, but it was hard not to look and admire them. All of our greetings and goodbyes now included a hug and a kiss that stirred a reaction in my pants that I tried to hide.

After a couple of months of having Dora, Alice and Asa in our home, Kim asked, "Well, what do you think of our live-ins?"

I replied, "It's actually working out better than I could have predicted. They are attentive to your needs, they get along and I'm enjoying their company."

Kim asked, "Would you like to be enjoying it more?"

Not knowing how to respond I said, "I don't know how to answer that."

All Kim said was, "Keep an open mind."

The following week, Kim, Asa and Alice decided to take an overnight trip out of town to go to a wholesale outlet a few hours drive away. Dora was working and couldn't go with them. Kim was excited because this her first overnight adventure since her accident. It seemed like something else was up, but I ignored my feeling.

The morning of their departure the girls bustled about getting ready. Suddenly they were gone and I was left to an empty house for the first time what seemed like years. It was quiet and I thought I'd enjoy being with myself, but quickly it felt like a tomb.

About noon Dora got home from work and I was surprised that I was so glad for her company. I made her a light lunch and then she left to shower and planned, I assumed, to take a short nap to recover from her long shift. I was cleaning up the lunch dishes when Dora called me downstairs.

Without any hesitation I walked downstairs and approached her room. I found her with her damp hair pulled back wearing a black fishnet top, matching black crotchless panties and, for the first time I had ever seen on her, black heels - CFMs.

Speechless, I blurted out, "What are you doing?!?"

I couldn't take my eyes off her. With her prompting, my cock had started growing and it was showing by tenting my sweat pants.

Dora replied, "Hasn't Kim talked to you about us?"

Still confused and getting horny, I said, "What are you talking about?"

Dora smiled and replied, "Part of our arraignment included taking care of you. We've been building up to that...I'm just the lucky one that's first."

As she finished talking, she walked up to me, placed her arms around my neck and leaned into me. She opened her mouth and kissed me while pressing her body into mine. My cock was pressing into her as I realized I hadn't been fucked in over a year and a half.

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The kiss felt like it went on for a year. I was drawn in, in spite of weakly trying to not fall under Dora's spell. I kissed back tasting her mouth, sucking her tongue and pulling her tighter to my body and my now fully erect cock. I was grinding myself into her and she was grinding back. (Later I found out that Dora had been without a good fucking for as long as I had.)

Dora reached down and squeezed my manhood, massaging my cock as our frenzy towards one another grew. She suddenly dropped to her knees, pulled off my sweats and boxers and began licking me from my balls to the entire length of my cock before giving me an amazing blowjob. She sucked me in and released me. She took all of me into her mouth until I was deep into her throat. Without thinking I started face fucking her and she was taking my entire seven inches into her mouth and into her throat without any problem.

I could feel myself getting ready to unload into her mouth, but I needed to taste her pussy. I lifted her up as my cock plopped out of her mouth with a "pop." By now we were on the edge of the bed and I pushed her onto her back, spread her legs and planted my face on her wet, neatly trimmed pussy. I parted her pussy lips and plunged my tongue into her tasting her tartness. Finding her rigid clit, now as hard as a small marble, I sucked it into my mouth. Finally finding release, Dora exploded into a shattering orgasm. As she bucked against my mouth, she was moaning loudly. She screamed, "Oh my god, oh my god, I'm cumming. Oh Fuck! I'm cumming!" Her pussy juices suddenly flooded my face and I swallowed as much as I could, but I couldn't keep up with her flowing cum. For the first time I experienced a squirting woman...and I loved it.

I quickly stood, positioned my cock at the entrance of her cunt and in one thrust, impaled myself into Dora. I was pistoning in and out her almost violently and after no more that a minute I erupted in Dora unloading all the cum that had been pent up in me for over a year.

I collapsed on top of Dora, our bodies drenched in sweat and the juices and fluids dripping out of her as my semi-rigid cock started to slip out of from between her legs. As we caught our breath, I couldn't believe how good I felt in spite of feeling guilty that I had enjoyed sex with someone other than Kim for the first time in over twenty years.

Dora sat up and went to the bathroom. I could hear her peeing and it sounded familiar. When she climbed back into bed, she had pulled off the top and panties, but she was still wearing her sexy shoes. She laid across my chest and kissed me.

Dora looked at me and asked, "Are you okay?"

I said, "I feel great, but tell me about the arrangements the three of you made with Kim."

She explained that Kim had actually interviewed each if them before the interviews I participated in. It was hard for me to believe that because it felt that Kim and I had been welded at the hip since the time she came home. After talking about the caretaker part, Kim probed their personal lives and the status of their relationships. Kim had bragged about her "wonderful husband" and how the accident had destroyed our sex life. Kim had no desire whatsoever for any sex, but felt she should manage my needs by keeping me home. She knew, thankfully, that I would never abandon her. But she didn't want me deprived of physical love.

I listened totally amazed that Kim had done this and amazed Kim had found three willing women to take part in her scheme. Dora said that Kim thought she would be lucky to find one woman willing to be part of her plan. When she found Dora, Asa and Alice she decided to make the offer to all three.

Still dumbfounded I asked why they agreed? "The three of you are smart, gorgeous and hard working. There has to be a thousand guys looking for ladies like you. I've still got to wrap my mind around this. And I'll be in Heaven, but why would you agree to do it?"

Dora thought for a minute. "I can't speak for Asa or Alice, but almost every man I've ever been involved with was a selfish and egotistical ass. You and Kim have been so open and kind that I wanted to be intimate with you and Kim wanted it too. I'll admit I didn't know if I could really do this, but I grew comfortable the more I got to know you. Do you realize how difficult it is to live alone. Owning a home is out of the question, renting is expensive and getting more expensive everyday. Utility bills, maintenance, insurance. I was working hard, making decent money and going deeper in the hole every payday. I was afraid I couldn't survive and I was afraid all the time. You and Kim saved my life. After we met, I thought you were attractive and nice. I didn't know how this would work out, but now you, Kim, Asa and Alice are more family to me than my real relatives and I think they think the same way I do."

Dora was quiet for a minute, then her hand found my semi- limp dick and stroked it back to rock hardness. We kissed as she rolled me on my back. "Suck my nipples," she commanded me as she pushed her breasts into my face. I sucked one then the other as she took my cock by the base, positioned her snatch and slid me into her. The feeling of warmth and wetness and tightness was indescribable. Dora fucked me slowly, talking as we fucked, "Does my pussy feel good. Are you my new daddy? Your cock feels so good!"

We were experiencing first time sex that was good and getting better. She picked up the pace while I kept sucking her underboob until I was sure I was marking her with a half dollar sized, purple, hickey. I had always marked Kim and decided I would mark Dora, and Asa and Alice too, unless they stopped me. Dora did not stop me. I could tell she was building to a climax by the the way she was pumping me and moaning, "Oh my god, Fuck me! I love your fucking my pussy!" Dora started cumming and clamped me tighter as my cock spurted into her for the second time.

Dora slid into my arms and we fell asleep in the glow of the mid afternoon.

Part 3:

Dora and I had the house to ourselves until the afternoon of the next day. We had showered together after walking from our nap, made dinner and went back to bed. We enjoyed each other's company, made love again and slept with me spooned up against her. I hadn't realized how much I missed touch after Kim's accident.

The next day I woke up early and eased out of bed to let Dora sleep in. For some reason I didn't understand I wasn't nervous about seeing Kim, Asa or Alice. I think I decided to go with the flow and see how things would work out. I didn't have any expectations about being physical with Asa or Alice, but I decided I would react to the opportunity if and when it happened. My priority would be to satisfy their sexual needs first, as I hoped I had with Dora.

I needed to talk with my wife, too.

Her idea had come to fruition, but now we had to deal with the reality of the situation. I had slept with Dora and I hoped that if things had changed, it would be for the better.

The "girls" got back from their shopping expedition in the late afternoon. Dora had stepped out to run errands and I had already prepped dinner. When they came into the house, Kim looked at me and simply asked, "How was you day with Dora?" Alice and Asa were looking at me with questioning eyes, too.

I asked Kim, "Do you want me to answer that question now?"

Kim replied with a wicked smile, "Yes, and I'm sure Asa and Alice want to know, too."

I said, "I was surprised and pleased and confused and grateful and horny and more confused and still in love with you and want to know how you feel knowing I slept with Dora."

Kim said, "This was part of my plan all along. I'm happy you've gotten some well deserved relief I can't provide. I, we (Alice and Asa) didn't know if this would happen, but I won't speak for them, but I'm glad you were laid. And I think they are going to want some of you soon..."

I looked at Asa and Alice and they weren't blushing as they stared at me with hungering looks. Just then Dora entered the house and guessing what had just been discussed, looked at Kim, smiled and said, "You were right - he's awesome in bed."

As the ladies left Kim and I alone, I wheeled her to our room. I had a million questions and I thought she did too.

When we were alone, I asked Kim, "What were you thinking when you came up with this plan? Aren't you angry I've slept with another woman?"

Kim replied, "How could I be angry? I found the woman you fucked, and I wanted to do that for you. Was it good? Did you make sure, as you did with me, that she was satisfied first? I knew you would eventually need a sexual release and I didn't want that filled away from our home."

I could hardly believe the conversation and where it was going. My wife had arranged to provide for me the sex life we could no longer share. I kissed her and told her I needed to finish laying out dinner. Kim said, "I'll be out in a few minutes."

As I entered the kitchen, Dora, Asa and Alice were huddled around the table talking. They stopped for a minute before resuming their conversation while, I thought, they looked me over and giggled. When I asked what they were discussing, Alice spoke up and said, "You."

We enjoyed dinner together that evening and afterwards we all had a glass of wine. Dora and Alice looked at Kim and said they'd help her get ready for bed early as their trip had tired them out. After another glass of wine, the three of them left to get ready for bed while Asa and I remained behind. Of the women in my home, I had always found Asa to be the most attractive. She had on white yoga pants, a sports bra in red and a man's white dress shirt tied at her waist and with the sleeves rolled up. Sandles on her feet revealed a weakness (fetish?) of mine; sexy feet with red polished toenails that matched her manicured hands.

There was an awkward silence. Neither of us knew what to do next. Asa broke our shared indecision by asking if I wanted to go to her room. I made a decision without any forethought and told Asa, "Let's go to the guest room." She understood we would go to the unoccupied upstairs bedroom.

I stood, pulled her to her feet, pulled her into me and I kissed her. It felt as though an electric shock passed between us. I was amazed to think that being in my home, with three other women, was a more appealing alternative that a traditional relationship for Asa, Dora and Alice.

The passion radiating from Asa made me want only one thing...I wanted to fuck Asa more than I had wanted any woman before her. She was almost hot to the touch as I put my hands on her perfect ass and ground my rock hard seven inches against her. A groan escaped her lips as she told me, "Fuck me now!"

We stumbled into the bedroom and closed the door behind us. I pulled off her shirt and sports bra, hooded my thumbs on the sides of her yoga pants and slid them off. Asa pulled my clothes off and we fell into bed. Her body was a dream come true. Her olive skin was creamy and perfect. I broke our kiss and moved down her body. I wanted, no, I NEEDED to taste her sex. Her pussy was completely hairless and smooth. I plunged my tongue into her sopping pussy before licking her from her asshole to her perineum and back into her pussy. I had never licked or tasted an anus but with Asa I pushed my tongue as deep as I could into Asa's asshole while she moaned and cried out, "Fuck! What are you doing? DON'T stop!! Lick me!"

I kept eating her ass for a few delicious minutes, then climbed up her body and sucked on her tits. She grabbed my throbbing shaft and positioned it at the entrance of her cunt. Asa was so wet that even though her pussy was tight, I slipped in to the hilt with only my first thrust.

I felt like my dick was in a velvety vice and tried to remain still to savor the feeling, but Asa had other ideas as she started to buck underneath me and commanded me to fuck her.

Our foreplay was over and I pumped in and out of her as hard and deep as I could. I knew I was moaning out loud, and I started telling Asa, "Do you love my cock, do you love me fucking your wet cunt?!?"

Asa screamed out, "Oh my god, don't stop, don't stop fucking me. I love your cock...OH fuck I'mmm cumming!" Her body and screaming pushed me over the edge as I pumped my hot load into her and collapsed onto her. I was thankful for my time with Dora, otherwise I wouldn't have lasted a minute with Asa.

As we caught our breath, she simply told me, "That was amazing..." Then she kissed me and then cuddled into my arms as laid contented and sated. Asa said, "Do you think the girls heard us?" Then she leaned into me and kissed me and said, "The girls told me that they'll take care of Kim tonight. Will you stay with me?"

I only had one answer, "Yes."

Asa was laying against my chest we dozed off. A few hours later Asa's head was in my lap as she was sucking my cock back to life. She stopped long enough to look up and tell me to relax. Then she continued to give me a world class blow job. I laid there enjoying her working mouth before she sat on me and guided my rigid prick into her cunt. She sat astride me and worked her hips, grinding me into her. When she reached back and and inserted a.finger into my anus, I exploded into her as her own orgasm shook her body. As she crumbled on me I remained inside of her. Slowly I shrank out of Asa and we fell back into a deep sleep.

The next morning I woke up in an empty bed. At some point Asa has gotten up. I put my shirt and pants and went looking for coffee. In the kitchen I found the four women having breakfast. Asa smiled at me and said, "Morning sleeping beauty." Looking at the clock I saw that it was already past 10:00 a.m.

Kim asked me if I had slept well. I couldn't lie, so I said, "I absolutely did." As I sat with four with four incredible women I understood the concept of polyamory.

The rest if the week passed quickly and quietly. Kim and and I had some quality together time and I divided some nights with Dora and Asa. I continued to be amazed at our living situation, but it was working well.

It was Sunday night. Dora and Asa had started one of there 24 hour shifts. Alice, Kim and I had a late dinner and I could tell Kim was tired. Alice said she'd help Kim get ready for bed while I cleaned up the dinner dishes. About an hour later Alice joined me on the couch.

I asked Alice, "Are you still comfortable with our living situation?"

She thought for a few minutes and said, "Yes. I've been good here. You've probably heard this from the others, but I haven't felt secure for a long, long time. I have that here, plus women that act like my sisters. And you. You've been very generous and kind. I'm glad to be here."

I said, "I didn't know if this would work, I mean five different people living together. I really owe you three for the care and comfort you're giving Kim."

Alice approached me and shyly gave me a hug. Alice said, "You're welcome." I hugged her tight to me; she didn't resist, and in fact molded her athletic body against me. I immediately began to grow hard and my cock started to strain and push into Alice's crotch. Alice looked up and kissed me deeply, pushing her tongue into my mouth.

Alice said, "I guess it's my turn, do you want to go to bed?" My reply was to take her hand and walk her to the upstairs bedroom. I had taken the responsibility to change out the bedding after my love making (fucking?) with Asa.

I undressed Alice, slowly. I removed her top, then her sweat pants. I unfastened her bra and admired the freckles that were all about her breasts. Her nipples were hard and engorged. The areola around her nipples were pink, the size of silver dollars. I leaned down and sucked a nipple into my mouth as a moan escaped Alice's mouth.

I laid Alice on the bed, on her back. I quickly undressed because I wanted to taste, to eat Alice's pussy. Unlike the neatly trimmed pussy on Dora or the bald slit belonging to Asa, Alice had bushy red hair covering her cunt. It looked inviting and nasty and I wanted it. I kneeled between her pale legs and pushed my face into her bush, parted her labia and searched for and found her clit. I licked, then sucked her clit with steady pressure until Alice's moans signaled her imminent orgasm. She stiffened up and suddenly cried out. "I'm cumming! Don't stop! Fuck I'm cumming!" Alice unleashed a flood of of her juices onto my face and I lapped it up.

I put the head of my rock hard dick at the entrance of her pussy and slowly pushed into Alice an inch at a time before stopping. Then I would push a bit more. When I bottomed out, I could feel Alice working her pelvic floor muscles, her kegels squeezing me with a surprisingly strong grip. I started pistoning in and out of Alice. Quickly as I was fucking Alice, her athletic body was using just as much energy fucking me back.

We were building up to a mutual climax and it came quickly with Alice trying to contain her moaning that she was cumming.

She cried out, "I'm cumming, don't stop, don't stop. Oh my god, fuck my pussy!!!" I was over the edge and pumped my cum into her steaming pussy. As I dropped onto her sweat covered body, we kissed while trying to breath.

We cuddled and held tightly to each other.

I had now had sex with three women my wife had personally selected for me. Each woman was an incredible lover. Each woman was caring and kind to my wife. I was the luckiest man I know. I didn't know how long this situation would last, but I decided I would take care of and protect them for as long as they wanted to stay under my roof.

Little did I know what would happen next...

Written by Kc1952
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