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Met Through a Swing Club III

"two's company, three's a menage, fours an orgy"

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Met Through a Swing Club III

The morning arose with the 4 of us tangled in a naked jumble. Jim laid sprawled on his back snoring. Mary between he and I, her head on his chest, arm across his waist. me, my arm was across Mary, hand on her tit, shrunken cock laid at Mary's ass cheeks, dried cock and pussy juices on it. Phyllis, the only one that hadn't had fun with us last night was spooned against mt back, right hand on my shoulder, sleeping peacefully.

Feeling a need to pee, I slowly untangled myself and slipped into the nearby bathroom. I could hear others start to awake while washing myself, wondering if we were about to continue our escapades. I looked at my watch and saw it was almost noon. DAMN! We had less than 7 hours to get the house in order, ready for the evening's festivities. Not time for fucking now. I shook everyone awake, then strolled naked downstairs to get the coffee on. Looking over my shoulder I saw Mary reaching for Jim's cock and knew she didn't give a damn about the time, she wanted his cum.

Phyllis crawled out of bed, saw what was happening as she walked towards the bathroom herself. By the time she arrived downstairs I had the coffee on and was in preparation of making an omelet for us all. "I want more than eggs this morning Mike." Phyllis said. "I missed all the fun last night, but not now". Saying this she bent down and took my cock in her mouth. As she did, I reached down and took a breast in each hand, squeezing them and tweaking their respective nipples. I could tell by the hunger with which she sucked my cock this wasn't going to last long. One of her hands cupping my scrotum as the other held onto my cock for balance.

Up and down her mouth went. The wetness and tight confines getting me closer and closer to blasting her throat with the juices she so desired. Leaning against the sink, I thrust my hips forward and buried myself as deep in her face as I could while blasting ropes of hot cum down her gullet. She never missed a drop, sucking and slurping me like a woman possessed.

"I see you met Mary," she said as she licked the last evidence of my orgasm from her lips. All I could do was smile and wink at her as I returned to making breakfast. By now the coffee was ready and Phyllis made 4 cups, one for each of us. As the table was being set, Jim and Mary came downstairs from the bedrooms. Seeing food was about ready they took their prospective seats. Both had sheepish looks on their faces, like the cat that ate the canary.

After we ate, I headed back upstairs to start making beds and getting the bedrooms ready. Mary went to the laundry room to make sure towels were cleaned and to put them at the showers. Jim got out the vacuum and began sweeping the floors and Phyllis got dressed and headed to the store to get tonight's food. With almost 40 beds to straighten, I kept pretty busy. As it sometimes gets warm in the bedrooms, I do this nude. Easier to climb all over the beds without clothes on. Jim as well always went around nude in his home. Mary felt shy about being nude so had put a robe on.

About 5 Phyllis returned from the store. I put on some sweats and helper her with the groceries and ice. I carried the 12 bags of ice to the freezer in the garage, put the groceries in the kitchen and resumed with finishing the bedrooms. Jim had by now done as much as he could. I took the vacuum upstairs with me. The beds made, our blankets from the night before folded and put away, I finished by sweeping all the bedrooms. Done with that, I went to the cabinet where all the 'toys' are kept, brought them to the bathroom and made sure they were all clean in case people wanted to use them tonight. That done I made sure ever bedroom had a bowl of condoms at the ready, for use by those who wished.

Just as I came downstairs with the vacuum the first couple arrived at the door. As I hugged Nancy, I felt her hand on my cock. 'I hope you save some of this for me hon" she tells me. Jerry, her hubby see's Mary beside me and calls out her name. I knew she was a member here long before me, and she knew many more of the members than I. As they hugged and kissed, Jerry cupping her ass, Phyllis announced how she'd introduced me to Mary and that I'd brought her down.

Jerry and Nancy brought their things to the locker room and also began assisting in making the place look good. Jerry went behind the bar and got the plastic cups out, filled the ice buckets, and made certain the fountain was fully charged. Nancy went about the tables surrounding the dance floor and straightened out chairs and cleaned table tops. We all finished with the major chores in time for Nancy and Jerry to go out on the fenced in patio out back for a bit of nude sunbathing.

Next to arrive was Tomas and his wife Jackie. he was the clubs DJ and was getting the music planned and set for the evening. As this all was going on, couples started arriving now at a pretty fair pace. They would arrive, register, than wander off to put their things in the lockers, their liquer at the bar. Tomas (he hated Tom) put some light tunes on that could either be danced to or relaxed and enjoyed. One cpl arrived with a new, first time couple, and one of the long time members was asked to show them around and give them the rules. By the time of the nights 8PM start, over 50 couples had arrived. This evening brought three new couples.

As I left the door to Phyllis, I went down and took the cover off the hot tub then went to my locker and put on a pair of silver Lame` thongs I'd bought for the party. People were still arriving but at a far slower pace than earlier. By 9 PM there were like 70 cpl s attending. By 9:30 the music was thumping, most had dressed down to their 'Party clothes' and begun mingling around meeting old friends, introducing themselves to new.

Andrea, a gal I'd met on my first time to the club asked if I was interested. I told her yes and no. If her hubby would like to join in as well, with Mary and I, I'd be very interested. She went and whispered in Steve's ear. I could see the grin on his face across the room. Within a few moments the four of us found an empty king sized bed to frolic in. Andrea was a sultry brunette. Hair beneath her shoulders her ample breasts stood proud from her frame. Darkened circles surrounded her large chocolate nipples. They stood hard and excited. Other than a triangle d tuft, her pussy was shaved bare.

Before we ever hit the bed she'd shed her lingerie, anxious to get started. Mary was enjoying being undressed at the foot of the bed as she and Steve watched his wife assault my body. And assault she did. I'd barely got my thong off when she pushed me on my back and took hold of my cock. Semi hard, Andrea ran her tongue from the base of my cock, upwards along the rounded bulge on the underside of my penis. Slowing down near the glans, she lapped like licking a soft ice cream cone. Her left hand played with ny nuts as her right stroked the base of my shaft, riding up tp her tongue, only to slide back down meeting it's partner at my balls.

I knew if Andrea kep this up I would blow soon. I wanted that to happen deep in her pussy. So, taking her by the shoulders I turned her so she fell on the bed next to me. Reaching between her thighs, spreading her legs apart, I quickly stabbed my tongue as deep in her hole as I could. As my lips met her entrance, my nose and mustache met her hardened clit. Her hips thrust up, almost bucking me off. But I wasn't finished. Like a man possessed I devoured her pussy. Her juices freely flowing over my face.

To my left, on the bed beside me Andrea's husband had Mary on all fours, pulling her cheeks apart and lapping her pussy. With his face thoroughly buried in Mary's slit, his hands traveled around her sides cupping and massaging her tits.

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I knew from the few times I'd been with Mary that she wasn't a silent lover. "FUCK ME! CRAM THAT COCK IN ME!!", Mary screamed. Not needing any further encouragement. Steve climbed up behind Mary and stabbed nut deep in her hot, wet tunnel. As her drove forward, Mary drove her ass back to him, seeming to want to take everything Steve had to off and then some.

I looked momentarily and saw both women were holding each others hands. As if doing so, would make all 4 of us one. I climbed up between Andrea's spread open legs, placed her calves over my shoulders and teasingly, slowly slid my cock into her. "Mike! YOU BASTARD! GIVE IT TO ME!!!" How could I deny such a request? Driving downwards our pubic bones hit together so hard it stung. But not so bad that I didn't keep plunging into her with everything I had. I could hear Andrea take a gasp of air each time my dick bottomed out inside her. Locking her heels behind my head she kept rocking her hips up to me with every thrust.

Beside us Mary was screaming Steve's name with every plunge into her. You could hear the slap of his scrotum against the top of her pussy....slap.....slap......slap, followed by Mary's echoing moans and screams. It seemed Steve and I were try to outdo each other with their respective mates. Fucking both with everything we could muster. Sweat pouring from our brows. Juices splashing from each gals pussy. Moans, grunts, and screams spoken by all. Mary was first to cum. her body started shaking and while in the throws of her orgasm, Steve exploded! After the first shot, he pulled his erupting cock from Mary's cunt and sprayed her back with his seed.

Seeing this going on beside us brought Andrea and I to our violent climaxes. So close to being together, I was too bust cumming to give a damn about wondering who came first. All I knew this passionate brunette underneath me was thrashing as if she'd been hit with a cattle prod. It felt as if her vagina was trying to suck my entire being inside. My thighs ached, my balls tightened as the cum rushed from my core and flooded Andrea. I started to pull out but she pulled me harder and closer saying 'DON'T YOU DARE!' I could feel our mutual cum seep from around my shaft and run down her ass crease.

The four of us collapsed in a heap. Panting, sweating we laid there spent. After what seemed like forever, but was probably only 5 minutes Steve and I rose, helped the ladies from the bed and went off to bathrooms to freshen up. Shortly we all met back downstairs at our table, and refreshed ourselves with some drink. Mary asked me to take her to the hot tub, so we excused ourselves and made our way through the shower, where we rinsed off, then on to the tub room.

Laying back we relaxed, recovering from our feverish foursome. Enjoying the view of other couples soaking and groping each other in the tub. One couple would rise and leave, only to be quickly replaced by another. Some time 4 at a time would leave. But rarely did the tub fall short of it's 10 person capacity. After a nice soak, Mary and I got out, rinsed ourselves again and put our respective lingerie back on. I told Mary to go visit more of her friends as I ask Phyllis if she needed any help.

The party went on during the evening, Couples if not two and three and four at a time would disappear and head upstairs. In 30 or 40 minutes they would all re-appear with that fresh fucked look. deli meats and sandwich fixings were brought out and folks that were ravished from their lovemaking recharged themselves with food. I at back enjoying a sandwich I'd made when Mary came up to me asking if it was OK if she went with a friend. Beside her was George, 40 something, standing nude. His thick black Greek hair and mustache, and muscular body made him a favorite of the ladies at the club. That and the fact that flaccid he measured just under 10"! I'm straight but seeing this monster in front of me gave me penis envy, LOL.

As they strolled off to the bedrooms, Sue, a gal I'd been introduced to before sat next to me and asked if I was 'in the mood'. 'For what', was my response. She then told me her husband and she had always wanted a threesome with another man. By this time Rob, her hubby arrived and sat with us. I reminded both I was straight and might not be what they wanted. They assured me they knew this and wanted to fulfill Sue's desire for two cocks at the same time. Finishing the last bite of my sandwich, I stood took Sue by the hand, Rob taking her other hand, and we led her to the 'bunk bed' (please read earlier swinging stories to know about this bed).

Sue laid between us and Rob and I both started caressing her. We seemed to match our movements, sliding our hands down her shoulders, over Sue's breasts, down her flat stomach, over her Mons, meeting at the juncture between her legs. Pausing for but a moment, we continued down the insides of her legs as she spread them wide, almost begging our hand to return. As we did this Sue took hold of each of our cocks, gently squeezing, stroking, rubbing our dicks.

Our hands slid down the inner part of Sue's legs, massaged her feet then began tracing a trail up the outside of her legs. Then came the ultimate question who goes where. Sue decided that as she sat up, got on her hands and knees and fed my stiffening shaft into her mouth. She set the pace. Rob slid into his wife from behind and match her movements on my cock. If she paused relishing in the feel of me buried deep inside her, Rob would pause too. If Sue sped up with her sucking, Rob would speed up with his thrusts. Whimpers came from Sues mouth each time Rob bottomed in her pussy. The vibration of her moans and whimpers around my cock both excited me and brought me closed to the edge. Seeing I was nearing, Sue removed my cock from her mouth and paid attention to my nuts, taking them into her mouth, one at a time.

She never touched me with her hands, using them to brace herself on the mattress. But, her lips, her tongue, her sounds, and the overall sight brought me to a climax. My ass rose from the bed, my thighs tightened and my juices filled Sue's mouth. As Rob was still fucking her from behind, I turned around, reached under her, cupping her tits and twisting her nipples. That was enough, along with Robs plowing of her to bring Sue off. As she screamed and came, her ass cheeks tightened and gloved Robs cock as it drove in and out. A flush in her face, her breasts swollen, her cunt spasming on her husbands cock, finally drove Rob to his nut.

Man could he cum! He seemed to shoot rope after rope of sperm into is wife's hole. All the while she kept going back and forth on his shaft. sperm and cunt juice sprayed from her hole splashing her thighs, soaking his balls. Dripping from the both of them onto the bed. Finally stopping his thrusting, placing his hands at the top of her ass at her hips, Robs head hung down as he gasped for air. After catching our breaths, we waddled down the hall to the bathrooms to rinse off. We didn't even bother getting dressed as we returned to the dance floor. About 15 minutes after I'd returned from the bedrooms, Mary and George made their re-entrance. Asking if she'd had fun, Mary replied probably as much as I, Rob and Sue did.

It was starting to get late. At least for me. I told Mary I was going to go up and find us a bed to sleep in. She told me to hold on she'd come with me. So as others continued to dance, soak in the hot tub, and have sexy fun, we found our way the the blanket area, selected a nice comforter and found a nice area to crash. Was this a boring end to the night? No more fucking? Read the next installment and find out :-)
Written by irishmik60
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