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Manly Maiden Voyage

"You learn something new every day."

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I open my front door to you standing there with a big red bow tied around your chest.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" you say, grinning ear to ear. “I'm your present from James, I hope you like me," you add with a little uncertainty noting the surprised look on my face.
A big smile lights up my face and I take you by the hand and eagerly pull you inside. Then I frame your face between my hands and kiss you deep and fiercely. You wrap your arms around me and nestle me against your growing erection. I lead you into the kitchen where James has set up Champagne, strawberries and melted chocolate sauce.

Apparently, tonight's agenda includes some extra tasty treats to liven up the festivities. We treat ourselves to a glass of Champagne each and chat amiably about nothing while we each let our nerves settle down and let arousal settle in.

I notice your eyes tracking my body, taking in the molded skin-tight pencil skirt, the flowing muslin blouse with the lace topped chemise underneath. Your gaze slides down my shapely, bare legs, over delicate ankles to the ice pick heels I'm wearing. Then it slowly meanders back up to rest on my cleavage.

My breath gets heavier as the weight of your stare gets my juices flowing. The conversation has died off and been replaced with the sounds of strained breath as our mutual arousal gains intensity.

"Let's take this up stairs shall we?" I suggest.

"Good idea," you agree. "But let me get something from the car really quickly."

"That's fine," I say, "I've got to put all these goodies on a tray to bring with us."

I'm just finishing up with the tray when you come back inside. We climb the stairs together, with me carrying the tray, and you, the package you've retrieved from your car.

When we enter my bedroom, it's to find that James has been to work there, too. Candlelight and incense, the kind that is designed to heighten arousal -- and thus pleasure -- are the accompaniment to black satin sheets and a bowl of warmed flavored massage oil.

A note is placed against the bowl of oil. I lay the tray on the bed and pick up the note. Its reads: "Enjoy him! I'll be joining you both soon enough. Love, James." I smile and lay the note back on the night stand. Then I turn to you.

"So we've got some time to ourselves. How would you like to spend it?"

You walk over and hand me the package you brought from the car.

"I'd like to start out by seeing you in this."

I open the package and pull out the satin and lace teddy in bright electric blue and black. Nestled in the tissue paper beneath it is a pair of black thigh high stockings and electric blue peep toe snake skin stilettos.

A slow, wicked smile spreads across my face and I toe out of my heels and start unbuttoning my blouse where I stand. I go slowly, dragging out the moment, second by suspense filled second. One button, then the next, as more lace and cleavage is exposed. Finally I let the blouse slide from my shoulders and hit the floor.

The suspense proves to be too much for you as I slide the skirt down my hips and you come to stand behind me and run your hands up my arms, over my shoulders and around to cup my breasts. Your thumbs graze my nipples clumsily as this exploration is new to you. Then you grip the hem of my chemise and pull it over my head, tossing it aside.

I hook my thumbs into the elastic of my black silk thong and slide it off my hips, letting it too hit the floor. I kick it off my ankle and then together we pour me into the skin tight teddy. Balancing like a graceful egret on one leg at a time, I slip on one, then the other stocking up to my thigh and hook the garters in place with your help. Lastly come the stilettos. I pirouette for you to admire the newly dressed package.

"Well, what do you think?"

Plucking a strawberry out of the dish on the tray, you dip it into the chocolate and let it drizzle down my neck.

"MMM, I think I'm going to enjoy devouring you an inch at a time."

Then you trace your tongue along the trail left by the chocolate before feeding me the tip of the strawberry.

My lips part and I slowly, teasingly, swirl my tongue over the chocolate covering the end of the succulent red fruit before sinking my teeth into its delicate meat. I let my mouth linger there, my lips grazing your fingertips.

Swallowing, my gaze travels over your entirely too clothed body. For too many weeks now, I've been dying to get my hands on you. I start to unbutton your shirt. Your hands move to your belt but I teasingly slap them away. I open your shirt and trail my fingertips over your hard chest with no more pressure than that of a feather. Then I follow that same trail with my mouth. Lips and tongue tease lightly over exposed skin. Everywhere my hands roam, my mouth follows.

The scent of your body entices and arouses me. I can't wait to see and feel the rest of you, but I want to draw out my pleasure, so I take my time. I feel your breathing quicken, and smile as I slowly unbuckle your belt. You kick off your shoes as I undo your pants and slide them off. I'm pleasantly surprised to find you free styling underneath.

Your hot, hard cock jumps as I graze the backs of my fingers over your shaft. It pulses in response, but I'm not done with you yet. As I said, I want to draw out my pleasure. It's my turn to feed you a strawberry, but not before I return the gesture and use it to paint chocolate onto your chest. I use my tongue to clean every last drop of it from your heated flesh. Finally, I bring the berry to your lips and you tease my fingers with your tongue before finishing the fruit. By mutual unspoken agreement, we both climb onto the bed.

You push me onto my back and murmur into my ear, tracing the soft shell like contours of it with lips and tongue. “I'm going to teach you the art of surrender."

My breath shudders out in excitement and anticipation. My muscles tense up. I'm not good at surrender. You pull the top of the teddy down, exposing my erect nipples. Then dipping another strawberry into the chocolate you drip it onto my nipples and into the valley of my cleavage. Then you draw the tip of the fruit against my breasts, teasing my pebble hard nipples with its rough texture.

My nerves are screaming with sensation and my stomach tightens with desire. I feel the heat pooling between my legs as my shaved bare mound starts to dampen.

You use your tongue on me again, lapping up the chocolate. Then you bite off the tip of the strawberry and drip its juices onto my nipples as well. You lap that up and feed me the rest of the strawberry. My chest is heaving, my skin furnace hot with need. You lean in and I lift my head to meet your mouth with mine.

Our tongues dance and wrestle, our hot breath mingling. I breathe in the unique scent that is your essence, so different from that of my husband, and I can feel the wetness start to slide down between my legs. I start to bring my arms around you, but you catch my wrists and pin them above my head.

"Not yet. Remember, you need to learn to surrender."

I whimper with need, but I subside for now.

"That's a good girl" you praise me. "Don't you want to learn to be my slut?"

"Yes," I pant in response.

My reward is your tongue on my nipples again, this time accompanied by your grazing teeth. You nibble and suckle, nudge and nip until I'm positively writhing beneath you. My wrists are still pinned under your hand, your body is poised hovering over mine.

"More! Please, I want more!" I breathe.
"You'll have more," you assure me. "Patience, my little slut. Patience."

God but it's so hard to be patient.

You let go of my wrists long enough to help me out of the teddy, taking particular care to leave the stockings and stilettos on. Then you lay me back down and lean over to retrieve the massage oil. You rub your hard but gentle hands over every inch of my chest, abdomen and thighs, working me into a near frenzy. You slide your slick fingers over and between my swollen lips, damp already with my need. I arch my back a little, pushing myself into your hand more.

"Please! I need more! I want you inside me!" I beg.

Slowly, tortuously you slide one then two fingers into my wet heat. I cry out with aroused pleasure as I grind myself against your slowly thrusting fingers. You bring me right to the edge, but you don't take me over yet.

"Please don't stop!" I all but weep.

"Don't be selfish my little slut. Your master isn't finished teaching you the art of surrender. There's more to it than just receiving pleasure. There's giving it as well."

You then direct me to use the massage oil to rub you down from head to toe. Your mahogany eyes burn into mine as I knead my fingers into your hot hard flesh. I trail my tongue over your skin following where my fingers have aroused. I tease and nip your nipples with my lips and teeth then work my way down to your throbbing cock. I slide my oil slicked hands up and down your shaft. Then I lean in to take you into my mouth but you stop me.

"Not yet. I have something special in mind for that soon." You roll onto your stomach and instruct me to continue the massage. "Don't forget to pleasure my ass as well," you command me.

I do as I'm told, my desire at an almost painful peak. I want more. I want your hands on me, your mouth. But I have to surrender my wants in order to get what I need. Your cock!

I slide my hands over your sculpted ass and run my finger between your ass cheeks. I find that tiny puckered hole and start to massage the pad of my finger against it.

"MMM that's it my little slut. Finger fuck me."

I dip my finger into the massage oil and the slide it slowly, carefully into your nether hole. In and out, slowly, then faster and faster at your encouragement. Then you stop me before you reach your peak. You lay me back down on the bed, and then position yourself so that your cock is dangling in my face in a sixty-nine position.

"Swallow my cock my little slut!"

I don't have to be told twice! Eagerly I wrap my mouth and tongue around your appetizing meat. I use my hands, my fingers, my lips, tongue, even carefully slide the edges of my teeth against your swollen head and shaft. And such a beautiful cock it is too, so tasty. I take you all the way into the back of my throat, swallowing the length of you with fervor.

Meanwhile, you attack my throbbing clit with abandon! You swirl it around in your mouth with your lips and tongue, rubbing against the shaft and teasing the nub. You slide your fingers in my now dripping cunt, finger fucking me while your tongue does incredible things to my clit. I'm moaning against your cock in my throat as I get closer and closer to my peak.

I feel your cock get harder and harder as you get close yourself. Finally your cock spasm's the beginning of your orgasm and the first pearly rope of your cum hitting my tongue sends me over the edge. I scream out my orgasm even as you continue to spill your seed into my mouth, my pussy throbbing around your still buried fingers.

"That's my good girl! Swallow my spunk!" you encourage me.

That's an easy command to follow.

We indulge in a recovering glass of Champagne and nibble some strawberries before moving onto the next phase of this seduction. When we get our breath back, you pull me onto your lap to straddle your still hard cock.

"I want you to stay very still and let me guide you in what to do. Can you do that?"

I bite my lower lip in nervous anticipation, "I think so.

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I hope so."

"Well we'll have to see then won't we?"

You grip my hips firmly and very slowly slide your cock into my pussy. Inch by creeping inch you fill me. When you're balls deep you stop and let me savor the feeling of having you fill me completely. I want so badly to move, to start thrusting and pistoning my hips on you, but I'm supposed to stay still. The tension's almost killing me. You read the strain on my face and smile.

"That's it my little slut. That's the way to obey."

And with that praise you start to move inside me ever so slowly. The pace is hard on you as well, but it's that pace which builds the tension to earth shattering heights.

"Rotate your hips slowly in a circle," you demand.

I gladly do as I'm told, thankful for being allowed to move. The friction it creates is sheer heaven and hell all in the same breath. It feels so good, but I want to move faster. You draw it out more, just a little longer before you can no longer stand it yourself. With one final slow caress, you plunge deep and hard into my hungry pussy!

"GOD!!!!" I scream in instant orgasm as I ride you hard and fast. "OH FUCK! YES, YES, YES!"

I scream over and over and over as you thrust deep and hard and fast. I cum two, three, four times. Over and over the waves of pleasure crash over me! My cries of pleasure bounce off the walls and ceiling as I cum again and again.

James finally decides that it's time to join the fun. He's been watching the entire event from the other room on the video equipment. He enters the room and, naked, climbs onto the bed with us. He straddles your legs as he slides up behind me to chew on my neck and tweak my nipples.

"Looks like you've been enjoying each other," he says smugly.

"Yes, we very much are!" I pant at him.

He reaches around my hips to grab your ass and force you deeper and harder into my happily abused pussy. While he's there, he starts massaging his fingers against your puckered hole.

"Oh FUCK!" you holler in total excitement. "Yeah, that feels so good! Finger fuck my ass James!"

He licks his finger then slides it into your ass while still tweaking my nipples and licking and sucking on my neck. I cum again, wave after wave of pleasure batters my nerves. I'm beyond speech, beyond screams. I'm panting and grunting, reduced to primal animal sounds. I'm a bitch in heat!

After a few minutes of fucking you with his fingers, he has us pause long enough to slide his cock in with yours, stretching my pussy wider than she's ever been before!

"Oh my GOD!" I scream in ecstasy.

I can't be still any longer. I thrust my hips hard and fast on both hard cocks! My swollen pussy stretches and contracts around your slick shafts. I'm practically jumping on the bed before my head falls back, my hair sliding down James' chest, and I let loose an ear splitting howl of pure unadulterated pleasure.

My triumphant cry sends you both over the edge and you both empty into me at the same time. James slips out of me and I slide off your lap to collapse into a boneless heap on the bed next to you, panting as if having just run an Olympic marathon. My system is battered by sensation. You hand us both some more Champagne and collect your own as well.

"That was great!" James says exuberantly as we sip from our glasses. "But I do believe it's my turn!"

You grin mischievously at us, "Yes it is."

You set aside your glass and take the glass from his hand before pinning him to the bed and sinking your teeth into his neck as your fingers find his hardening cock.

No longer the least bit sleepy, I sit up and start to fondle myself as I watch the two of you play. This is a night for firsts. Your first woman, James' first man, my first experience with Bi/Gay men.

You kiss and lick your way from James' neck, down his chest, making sure to bite gently at his nipples. Then you trail your tongue down his stomach and teasingly bypass his throbbing head to lightly chew on the inside of his thighs.

Slowly you walk your fingers up and down the length of his shaft. It twitches against your hand as you stimulate the sensitive nerve endings so close to the skin. You wrap your fist around his shaft and start stroking him up and down. My fingers move in and out of my dripping pussy in concert with your strokes.

You bring your mouth to his balls and delicately begin licking and sucking them, taking one then the other into your mouth. All the while your hand never stops moving. James' moans are a chorus with mine through our mutual pleasure.

I can see the head of his cock start to glisten with pre-cum and my own damp sex gets even wetter. You trail your tongue up his shaft and twirl it around his head, lapping up the few little drops of cum. Then you kiss your way back up his torso until your scrotum dangles above his face.

"Suck them!" you demand.

Stroking his own cock now, James hesitantly parts his lips and brushes them against your sack. Finding that he likes the sensation, he gets bolder and begins using his tongue. He swirls it over and around the wrapped oval orbs before finally sucking one into his mouth. He uses his whole mouth to work one then the other of your testicles.

I've paused in my solo play long enough to get my blue double penetration vibe from the toy box. I'm so wet from watching the two of you play that lube is superfluous. The toy easily slides into both my pussy and ass and I twist the dial to full vibe sensations.

James moves his attention from your balls to your cock. You stop him long enough to switch your position to sixty-nine rather than straight tea bag. You swallow the length of him and he grips the base of your cock and takes as much of you into his mouth as his virgin throat can handle.

I thrust the vibe harder and faster inside me while I watch your heads bob up and down on each others' cocks! It's the most erotic thing I've ever seen and I can't wait to join in the fun again.

You must be reading my mind because you beckon me to join you at James’ cock. I eagerly comply and you let up so I can take a taste. I quickly kiss you hard and fierce before swallowing James’ entire cock down! It tastes so good following your mouth. I want to be greedy but I know that the two of us working him will be even better so I let up to share him with you. Together our tongues mingle and joust over his swollen member. His chest is heaving with his intense arousal.

"MMM yes! Unh, that feels so good!" he moans, his words muffled by your cock filling his mouth.

As fast as we work him, he works you faster. I pause to kiss you before heading over to help James suck your cock. I want to taste how different you both are.

I place my mouth against James’ ear and whisper, "It's time to share, baby!"

Then I suck my fingers and slide them into your tight ass before taking both your balls into my mouth at the same time! Your throat vibrates against James’ cock head as you moan your pleasure. I slide my tongue from your balls to your ass and back again leaving a glistening wet trail of passion behind. You're both bobbing faster and faster on each others' hard meat until finally you explode almost simultaneously into each others' waiting mouths.

I quickly kiss James, sharing your cum with him then lean over to kiss you sharing yours and James’ cum all together. It tastes so good! I want more! We all swallow your mutual spunk and wash it down with the Champagne.

"I'm thinking it's getting to be time for a daisy chain!" I exclaim eagerly.

You both agree whole heartily and I grin ferociously. We get the lube ready and you decide you'd like to fuck my ass while James fucks yours first. We take a few moments to let you both recover from multiple orgasms before finally figuring out the logistics of a three way fuck.

I lie on my back and spread my legs wide in a V. You slide between them and slowly, gently guide your thick cock inside my tight eager little ass. Once your completely sheathed, Jason lubes both his cock and your ass and kneels behind you. Bending you over me further (and causing very pleasurable friction for both of us in the process) he guides his hot meat into your receptive hole.

The three of us groan in unison, and then laugh. But laughter quickly reverts to soft cries and guttural grunts of primitive pleasure. We've created our own hedonistic harem of three.

In and out, slow, then faster and faster, we thrust and pound and arch and fuck! Sweat gleams on damp flesh, the musky aroma of sex permeates the room, mixing with the scents of melted wax, and the burning incense.

James decides that he's ready to explore the realms of getting his ass fucked. I've cum several times by now and could definitely use the brief respite to catch my breath while we switch positions. I climb off the bed to stand and bend over the edge. James gets behind me and slides his cock in my still quivering and open hole.

You pour a generous amount of lube into your hand and slick up your cock and James’ still virgin hole. Then very carefully you push the head of your cock into the shallow entry of James’ ass. You pause there for a moment, letting his sphincter relax before sliding more of your length inside.

It's so difficult to be still with every pleasure center in my body humming, but I know I need to give you both time in this, James’ maiden voyage into bi-sexuality. My pussy drips my arousal down my legs as I stand there waiting.

You push deeper into him and he groans in excitement. Once you're completely sheathed again, you pause once more, allowing him to savor this new feeling of fullness in his ass. Finally you slowly start to work your throbbing meat in and out of his tight canal.

The motion of you fucking begins to move James’ cock in my open hole. We both instruct him to stand completely still while I work his cock from the front and you work his ass from behind. As you pull out, I pull up and as you thrust in I thrust back. We're working in an incredible and natural rhythm that has James begging us both for more. He reaches around to start pulling at my taught nipples and you do the same to him.

"Oh GOD!" he cries out. "Faster!" he pleads.

We increase our pace, not losing the rhythm. It feels so good as we're all panting, grunting, groping, fucking!

"More!" I cry out. "I need more! Harder James! Fuck me harder, pull on those titties harder! YES! YES! FUCK! YES!"

Finally you both spend your loads in his and my asses, everyone hollering out their respective orgasms, myself included.

We climb back onto the bed and arrange ourselves into a group sixty-nine with me sucking James, James sucking you and you eating me. By mutual agreement, you both decide to finish not in mine or James’ mouths, but on my tits.

We suck and lick and slurp and taste. Tongues groping, caressing, fucking. It's so good I want to cry! I can feel by his twitching that James is getting close. He pulls out of my mouth and slowly starts to stroke himself.

You bring me orgasm one final time before pulling out of James’ mouth and both of you stroke yourselves empty onto my tits. The two of you clean my tits off with your mouths and share your spunk with me in deep drugging kisses.

Finally spent for the night, we curl up together with both of you on each side of me. Soft caresses and quiet murmurs of satisfaction lull us into sleep as we agree that we'll definitely have to do this again....and again, and again.
Written by eroticeli
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