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Making the List

"His naughtiness might plant him on the nice list permanently"

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Competition Entry: Festive Unexpected

Author's Notes

""This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, businesses, places, events, or incidents are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is purely coincidental." "No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author.""

Mark walked into the back storage room and cut the lights.  He felt tired, as he had just finished dealing with the massive parade of Christmas shoppers. 

The store had finally emptied of all the loud and obnoxious kids who had stood in line all day to see Santa Claus.

Mark chuckled that the kids still believed in that crap. He had to endure hours of picking them up and placing them on Rent-a-Santa’s lap, then reversing the process. 

He loathed Christmas time with all its bright lights and spoiled kids. 

He turned the corner back into the area where the hired Santa Claus was finishing up packing his bag. 

Mark had to hand it to him; he was the best yet and even brought all his stuff in a crushed red velvet bag.

It was seriously full and never changed shape as he sat next to him while he collected his other things on the table.

Mark didn’t give it much more thought as he locked the rear exit of the store, thinking about the second job he had to be at in twenty minutes, which paid a hell of a lot more.

He knew why; it turns out, taking your clothes off and flapping your cock under a speedo for the older married women always did. 

He did love the attention; his cock was his best asset besides his hair, so it never hurt him to strut his stuff.   

Mark hoped that this Santa would get the hint and speed up his packing as Mark moved around the store hurriedly. He just cut the front lights when Santa spoke.

“Hey Mark, how about you join me for a Christmas Eve toast,” Santa said and gave a belly laugh after he finished.

Was this guy serious? What was this guy's problem? Doesn’t he know I need to get going? Mark thought inwardly.

“I appreciate that, sir, but I really need to get to my next job,” Mark replied tiredly.

“Nonsense, those under-sexed women can wait to see your money maker, and the names Santa Claus or just Kris would suffice,” Santa replied in a cheerful voice.

What the hell? How? Why? Shit, Mark thought as he walked up to him.

“Uh, how did you know that?” Mark asked quizzically.

“I told you, I’m Santa Claus,” Kris replied, patting Mark on the back.

“Now, let’s have that toast; it may very well get you on the nice list for once,” Kris said as he reached into his velvet sack and produced a golden flask.

“What? Why am I not on the nice list?” Mark said as if it were more of a joke than any serious question. He figured he would play along to hopefully speed this geezer out of his store so he would be on time.

“You take your clothes off for tips, Mark; that’s more of a naughty list thing to do, wouldn’t you agree,” Kris said with a deep-hearted laugh as he handed Mark the flask.

Mark grabbed the flask and was mesmerized by the glint from the golden surface. He stared at it with want and need suddenly. His body could feel an electric vibration from the surface of it.

“Here is the deal, Mark: one drink and you will have an experience to remember, and you’ll get on the nice list for next year. Turn it down, and it’s the naughty list for life,” Kris said with a wink.

“Well, I suppose one drink wouldn’t hurt; I wouldn’t mind being on the nice list for once,” Mark said with a chuckle, raised the flask, and took a deep pull from it, wondering what the experience would be.

Mark stood still as the liquid hit his stomach; the warm sensation was a mix of peppermint and something he couldn’t place.

His eyes began to weigh down when he looked up at Kris; Kris began to belly laugh, and the lines around Kris’s face began to blur.  Mark's world winked into bright Christmas lights and the smell of sugar cookies. 


Mark’s eyes bounced under his lids and opened with a startle. His eyes began to adjust to the light that seemed to surround him. His eyes finally took in the ceiling of what appeared to be a log cabin. 

New multi-colored Christmas lights dangled from every direction while silver tinsel poured down the rafters.

He looked left and then right. The room was warm and cozy, like a cabin in the woods. A massive fireplace burned and crackled in the corner of the room, with three Christmas stockings that hung on the front of the mantle. 

Mark went to sit up but couldn’t. He was confused, but then noticed his hands had been strapped to both sides of what seemed to be a gurney table. 

He looked down and noticed his feet were also strapped down. It was then he finally saw he was completely naked, and his cock was rock hard.

“Fuck me, what the hell was in that drink,” Mark thought as he pondered his predicament but was amused at what was happening.

Mark wondered again at what experience the old geezer promised would be.

“Well, hello, Mark; I see you have finally woken from Kris’s peppermint schnapps,” a sultry woman’s voice said as Mark turned his head to the side to see where it was coming from.

Mark’s mouth dropped an inch at what his eyes were taking in. 

A six-foot tall, blond bombshell dressed in an all-red, very tight Lycra mini-dress with red garters and a set of red stripper heels walked over to stand beside him.

Her bust poured from the top of the dress as she bent down and talked directly in his ear.

“Here’s the deal, Mark. I get to pick one male from the naughty list every year and hopefully get him on the nice list. You are my selection this year, and I hope you don’t disappoint.” The attractive woman said.

“Uh, disappoint?” Mark said, still taking in the erotic body next to him while his cock twitched below.

“Oh, you’ll see very soon, but you’ll need to decide first,” replied the very sexy Domme woman.

“Oh, where are my manners? You can call me Mrs. C, or just Cassie would suffice, and yes, Mark, I’m going to ravish this fine body of yours for my enjoyment,” Cassie said with a sultry voice and erotic glare that sent an ache directly to Mark's cock.

“Uh, fuck, I must be dreaming,” Mark stared at her and then looked around.

“You’re not dreaming, Mark; this is real, and I think if you say yes, you’ll not regret it,” Cassie said, looking around at his body and running her fingernails down his chest.

Cassie grabbed a dark green horsewhip from under the table and slapped it against the leather padding beside his thigh.

Mark took her in again while the noise from the crack sent chills down his spine. Her slender legs rose to a perfectly shaped ass with a rack that he could get down with.

Cassie turned for his enjoyment as the open-back Domme dress came into view that just covered her ass crack and parted at the shoulders.

She looked like a fifties pin-up on a Heavy Metal Christmas calendar. She couldn’t be older than fifty. Himself being twenty-three, Cassie would undoubtedly be the oldest he had slayed. 

His heart thudded looking at her. Her beauty couldn’t compare with anyone. What stood before Mark, he thought, was a twelve out of a possible ten in the hotness category, and he knew he had to have her.

“Well, what will it be, Mark, the Naughty or the Nice list?” Cassie asked as she paused next to him for his answer.

“I’m going to take the Nice List option, but it’s going to take me being very naughty to get there, right?” Mark said with a wry smile on his face.

“Oh, very much so, Mark; it’s going to take all of us to get you on the nice list,” Cassie replied with her devilish smile.

“Us?” Mark replied as the door to the next room swung open, and Christmas music poured in from the other room.

Mark looked over in amazement as not one, not two, but three very petite women strolled through the doorway.

All wore knee-high socks under sets of stripper heels, and their Domme mini dresses were green with fur covering the edges. They could also fill a Metal pin-up calendar as well, Mark thought as he watched them walk towards him.

All three stood just under five feet tall with the heels on, and Mark noticed they all had very pointy ears.

The brunette was carrying a box, the blonde had a silver platter, and the redhead was holding a golden canister.

“Holy Shit,” Mark blurted out before he could catch himself while the ladies strolled in behind Cassie.

“Oh, there is nothing holy about these elves other than the ones they were born with,” Cassie replied as she walked over to the redhead and grabbed the canister.

“I would like you to meet Annette, Bella, and Fire, and they are hopefully going to help me get you on that nice list,” Cassie said as she walked the canister to Marks's midsection.

“Hello, ladies, looking forward to having you help me get on the nice list,” Mark replied as he winked at the triplets.

“Be careful what you wish for,” all three elves replied simultaneously in young voices.

Mark didn’t know much about elves; hell, he didn’t even think this was real; it all felt like a dream, but looking at them, he figured they would be around his age due to their voices and younger-looking skin.

“Is there any way one of you can undo these straps for me,” Mark said as he moved his legs and arms a bit.

“All in due time, Mark; first, we need to prep you,” Cassie said with a sly smile and reached down and picked his rigid cock off his stomach.

Mark's cock twitched as she grabbed it firmly and raised it to point directly at her.

“This is going to feel very warm, and I need you to hold very still,” Cassie said while removing the bottom of the canister.

Mark watched in part horror mixed with curiosity when Cassie slid the canister completely over his rigid member.

Heat rose from his cock as it felt like warm honey pouring over it and covering it to the base.  He could smell whiffs of peppermint while he lay entirely still for Cassy.

He could feel his balls start to swell and fill full, and his cock turned to stone; it was a very odd sensation.

A few moments passed as he looked at the elves; they were all stunning, but the Blonde Bella was extraordinarily sexy. He was going to remember this night forever.

“Now you’re ready,” Cassie said as she raised the canister from his member, bringing Mark’s gaze back to her.

Mark looked down in shock as he took in what Cassie had done. His cock was utterly starch white with a candy cane strip around it. 

He could still make out his thick protruding veins running across his cock and bulbous head, so he supposed it didn’t add anything other than the look of it. 

Maybe they just love Christmas, he thought while Cassy put the canister on the platter and walked up next to him.

“Wow, you all must really love candy canes, huh,” Mark said while flexing his cock up and down on his stomach.

“We love your candy cane, and we are going to devour it,” replied all three elves in unison.

Mark’s cock hardened, and his heart and mind raced at the rebuke.

Cassie stroked her nails up and down on Mark’s chiseled abs while Mark stared at the elves in total fascination and lust.

“This should keep you from blowing your Christmas Tinsel early,” Cassie said, pointing at his candy-caned coated cock while Annette walked to the other side of the table and grabbed Mark’s cock with both petite hands.

Annette hungrily wrapped her soft lips around Mark's shaft and sucked it like a candy cane.

Cassie moved to the end of the table above Mark’s head, slapping the horsewhip next to his ear onto the soft leather padding.

Bella walked over and started cupping and licking his balls with her own petite, soft hands and her swollen red lips.

“Oh, fuck,” Mark moaned at the feeling of Annette and Bella’s tongues.

Fire, with her blazing red hair, rushed next to his side, climbed up, and rested her perfect and completely bare pussy on Mark’s chest. She bounced as she ground herself across his chest and up to his chin.

Mark realized with clarity that all the women in the room weren’t wearing underwear. His candy-caned shaft bulged as he looked between Fire’s legs, mesmerized by watching the red candy stripe below Annette's mouth expand.  

“Want to taste something hot and delicious,” Fire asked seductively, moving her gorgeous pussy up to Marks's mouth without waiting for a response as Mark’s eyes focused in on her.

Fire dropped her ass on Mark’s chin hard.

Mark dove his tongue deep into her, lapping at her opening while her wetness spread across his face.

Fuck me, he thought; she tasted like a hot tamale’s. It was his favorite cinnamon candy during the holidays.

“Oh, mmm, you taste delicious, Mark moaned while his cock was now being swallowed whole by beautiful Bella and Annette, while Fire’s pussy dripped over his lips.

“You like it hot; you’re so fucking naughty,” replied a moaning Fire, still grinding her hips on Mark’s face.

Her pussy was so wet with cinnamon deliciousness pouring from her Mark couldn’t get enough.

Bella and Annette worked Mark’s cum filled candy-coated cock like two Hoover vacuums in hyperdrive.

She must not have a gag reflex at all, Mark thought, as Bella drank in his cock and was licking his balls at the same time.

Mark was no Pickle Pete either; his cock was a massive ten inches to the base with about a two-inch girth to it. Bella had some serious skills, and Mark wanted to drench her throat so badly with his hot, delicious seed.

He felt his cum pressing against the tip of his cock, wanting to flow to the back of Bella’s throat, but he couldn’t release it.

“Fuck me,” Mark moaned while Bella sucked his entire cock. The heat from her mouth was driving him insane with pleasure.

“Mmm, looks like my Candy-Caned Cock Coating is working; I should remember to patent that formula next time I’m in the States,” Cassie said with a sultry laugh, slapping the whip again.

“Fuck, I need to cum, please, fuck,” Mark replied while Fire ground his tongue for her pleasure.

“No, you cum when I tell you; I give the orders, and you are my sex slave,” Barked Cassie, slapping the whip against his forearm, sending a hot pulse down to his hand.

“Fuck,” Mark groaned loud with Fire’s wet pussy covering his mouth.

The edging was terrific as he felt Bella’s warm tongue and throat envelope his thick hard cock while Annette sucked his balls in and out of her mouth.

Mark could finally feel Fire’s orgasm building, turning his tongue and flapping against her clit, she released more of her, and she did taste like hot tamales.

“Oh, Momma C, Oh Fuck, I’m going to cum,” Fire screamed and bucked on top of Mark’s face.

“Then Cum for me, Fire, Cum Hard,” Cassie said, turning the whip and slapping it against Fire’s ass with a crack.

Mark could feel her pussy tighten down on his tongue as the rush of her juices sprayed his entire face in what still tasted like hot tamales.

“FUCK ME,” Fire screamed as her body convulsed and bounced on Mark’s face.

Mark worked his tongue deeper and harder as Fire ground down on his lips until she was spent.

Mark drank her hungrily at the flavor of his favorite candy.

Fire caught her breath, slid off, and moved down as Annette replaced her.

“Mmm, you look like fun,” Mark said with a sly smile, drinking down the rest of Fire’s cum while Bella and Fire slid in to work his still-rigid, still candy-cane-coated cock.

“Oh, I am, and you are in for a real treat,” Annette said as she slid her perfect wet flower across his chest to his mouth.

Mark could feel Bella and Fire now working his cock like a flute. Their tongues crisscrossed across his painted shaft while it pulsated and stretched even longer.

He could see between Annette's legs, Bella's, and Fire’s long lizard-like tongues. It was riveting to watch them work his Candy-Caned Cock as their tongues would wrap the entire shaft.

“You are going to love this,” Annette said, pulling Mark’s gaze back to her.

Annette bucked across his mouth and reached over and undid his left arm strap while Mark dived into her sweet, tight pussy.

“Mmm, thank you,” Mark said, instantly grabbing Annette’s right cheek and slapping it hard.

“Oh, I like that,” Annette said while working her pussy and asshole across Marks's face.

“Then you’ll love this,” Mark said as he reached in and buried two fingers into her ass.

“Oh, fuck yes, Mmm, fucking love it,” Annette said with a moan.

Mark suddenly realized that Annette had her own unique taste, and it was terrific.

Her sweet pussy tasted like a gingerbread house with frosting on top. ‘

“Fuck me, you taste fantastic,” Mark mumbled between licks.

“You like gingerbread houses, don’t you? You’re a naughty boy, aren’t you,” Annette responded, grinding down harder on his mouth.

Annette was working her pussy front to back over Marks's lips.

Mark’s edging continued as the two below worked his cock with their hands and mouths.

He ached to cum but was loving every second of his edging.

Mark could feel Annette's asshole tighten around his fingers as they worked, and his tongue felt her release coming on quickly, drinking in her gingerbread-flavored pre-cum.

“I’m cumming, Momma C, Oh Fuck me, Oh, what delicious lips, Oh, yes!” Annette bellowed while her head raised to the ceiling.

“Cum for me, Annette, cum all over his face,” ordered Cassie turning the whip again and slapping Annette so hard it made her jump and cum at the same time.

“FUCK!” Annette screamed as her body convulsed and shuttered.

Mark's face and mouth became instantly filled with Annette’s delicious cum.  He could taste every piece of gingerbread and candy that would adorn a gingerbread house as it poured and flowed over his entire face.

Mark was gitty like a schoolboy with the unexpected sugar rush he had just had for the second time as he drank her in; he used his free hand and wiped his eyes and face, licking his fingers clean.

Annette rubbed her drenched gash with her petite hand for a few minutes as she came down from her orgasm.

Finally, Annette slid off as Bella worked her way to him.

“Oh, fuck yes,” Mark bellowed as the sultry blonde rubbed her sweet, perfect pussy across his chest and rested her pussy on his face.

Mark loved blondes; it was his favorite if he had to pick a hair color.

“Eat me even harder,” Bella said, looking down into Mark's eyes. Her eyes flashed with pure white light, and she reached over and undid the last of Mark’s arm straps.

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“Oh, I will, Bella,” Mark exclaimed while she lowered herself onto him.

Mark dug into her like a starving man eating a pie without a fork. He instinctively reached his hand around Bella’s backside and started working his fingers between her sweet gash and her asshole.

It hit Mark a second later that Bella’s sweet pussy tasted like a pure sugar cookie, which was his all-time favorite treat year-round.

“Fuck, you are the most delicious thing I have ever tasted,” Mark sputtered between breaths.

Bella moaned loudly as she ground down on Marks's tongue. Her body writhed like an elf possessed.

Mark could taste Bella’s sweet sugary pussy dripping her pre-cum around his mouth, which continued to flow between Bella’s sexy legs.

“Oh, fuck, oh, Mark, fuck, oh for the love of St. Nick, Oh, Yes Daddy, make me cum,” Bella moaned while Mark worked her wet, tight pussy for all it’s worth.

Mark’s cock felt like it was going to explode from the sounds coming from Bella as Annette and Fire drank his Candied cock for all their worth. He had never been this turned on in his life.

Mark felt Bella’s pussy and asshole tighten, and he drove another finger into her ass and the other into her gash.

“Oh, Daddy, Oh, Fuck, Momma C, I’m cumming; Oh, fuck me, Daddy!” yelled a shaking Bella while Cassy held her arms in hers.

“Cum, Bella, cum for me,” Cassy ordered the beautiful elfish woman.

“FUCK ME, DADDY,” Bella Screamed

Mark felt her shudder as he buried another two fingers deep in Bella’s ass when the complete and utter tidal wave hit his face.

The scream from Bella echoed across the walls, shattering two glasses on the table next to them.

Bella’s pussy released pure liquid sugar that coated his entire face and throat, almost drowning him in the thick substance.

Mark drank hungrily for every drop she gave him as he swallowed the thick, sugary liquid, wiping his face dry and lapping his fingers clean.

“That’s my Bella,” Cassy said with true adoration in her eyes.

“Thanks, Momma C,” Bella said, looked down at Mark's still-wet lips, and kissed him.

“Bella, there will be none of that,” Cassy ordered to Bella and pulled her up.

“Sorry, Momma C, but there is something exceptional about this one,” Bella said, looking back at Cassie with pure lust for him.

“We shall see about that,” Cassie said as she waved the elves off Mark.

Mark looked down when Annette and Fire’s lips pulled from Mark’s cock. He immediately noticed the Candy-Caned coating was gone, but his cock was not only still hard, but it was also bigger.

“Holy shit, would you look at that,” Mark said to himself more than anyone else.

“Oh, I see it, and now the reins have been removed from my hung and hungry reindeer,” Cassie said with a grin and a slap of the whip onto his abs.

“Fuck,” Mark sputtered.

“Oh, we will, all fucking night,” Cassie replied with a devilish look in her eyes.

“Mmm, I like the sounds of that,” Mark replied, rubbing his abs to get the sting away.

“And with all of their cum inside you now, you have more vigor, and you are also more fertile as well,” Cassie said with a wink.

Mark thought that was weird, but if their elfish deliciousness gave him superpowers, it was all the better for him.

The three elves walked next to her and untied Cassie’s dress carefully.

Cassie moved and let the dress fall to the floor.

Mark gaped at how clean-shaven Cassie’s mound was, and the apple-sized gap between her thighs to her pussy was exquisite.

He took in her tiny lips and how her gash started to spread when she turned away from him.

She walked down and unstrapped Mark’s legs so he could move freely. Mark watched her ass jiggle as she walked.

Mark held his breath while the stunning blonde figure in front of him gracefully moved around the table.

The three elves moved to the platter and box to watch the show, which ratcheted his lust up a notch.

Cassie reached back and unclipped her strapless, red-laced bra. It floated to the floor as Mark watched her breasts get released from their cage. 

“Fuck me, nice rack, Cassie,” Mark uttered to her while his cock twitched.

“You haven’t seen anything yet,” Cassie exclaimed while she climbed onto the table.

Cassie mounted Mark, reaching between her legs, taking his bulbous head, and rubbing it against her wet gash.

“Mmm, you ready, young Mark, for the ride of your life,” Cassie said in her most wicked and sultry voice.

“Fuck yes, I am, but are you,” Mark said with a sly smile while Cassie lowered herself onto him.

“Oh, you are big, aren’t you, fuck me, holy shit!” Cassie moaned, trying to take in his now even more enormous cock.

Mark’s eyes closed as he could feel Cassie’s warm-coated pussy stretch wide for his arrival. He couldn’t believe how fucking tight she was as she lowered herself an inch at a time onto his rigid shaft.

Mark pushed his hips up and then released down after Cassie’s eyes started to water, and an audible groan came from her pursed lips.

With the smell of Christmas all around them, Cassie slowly moved up and down, taking his cock in until her pussy gave way to his intrusion and settled onto his balls.

“Fuck, you are tight,” Mark exclaimed while Cassie could finally start working him in and out.

“You are way bigger than I expected, fuck me, fuck,” Cassie moaned, feeling his massive cock fill her void with tightness and pressure she had never felt before.

Mark worked his hips into it and watched Cassie’s tits sway in front of his face while Cassie’s eyes exploded in tears of ecstasy.

Mark grabbed each one with a hand and suckled on each of her dime-sized nipples while Cassie moaned and bucked.

The ecstasy Mark was giving her was unbelievable. She could feel every vein and every inch of his beautiful cock. Her stomach fluttered and then tightened with her first of many anticipations.

Mark could feel Cassie’s womb tighten around his shaft while his cum wanted to release into her more than ever when Cassie bounced down hard on his cock.

“Fuck, Oh, Mark, Oh, Mark, Oh, Fuck Me!” Cassie moaned and then screamed Mark's name when her first orgasm spilled from her loins.

“Fuck Cassie,” Mark exclaimed when her pussy clamped down so hard he had trouble moving it in and out.

The sheer tightness of her orgasm pulled Mark’s cock deeper into her, hitting all her spots at once as her eyeliner poured from her teared-up eyes.

Cassie rode the wave for a few minutes. She opened her eyes and looked down.

“I need you to fuck me from behind,” Cassie said, more as an order than a request.

“Your wish is my command,” Mark said as she moved off him and let him move behind her.

“Now stick that big cock and cum in me,” Cassie barked to him over her shoulder.

Mark reveled at the scene in front of him; for being around fifty, Cassie’s ass had the perfect heart shape to it, and he noticed the sexiest gap between her legs when he drew his cock to her lips.

“You got it, Cassie,” said Mark as he thrust his enormous cock in till it hit pay dirt.

Cassie's audible groan could have been heard throughout the house, with the thud sending her body forward and her legs shaking.

“Uggghhh, fuck, fuck yes, fuckin give it to me,” Shouted Cassie as Mark fucked her deep and hard.

Mark worked her pussy hard, he could feel himself wanting to cum, and until Cassie uttered the following words, he wasn’t sure she would let him.

“Cum, Mark, give me your hot fucking seed, fill me up!” Cassie screamed as she reached back and slapped Mark’s hip with the horsewhip.

“Oh, FUCK!” Mark shouted to the ceiling when his cock finally released its hot seed into her.

Mark pounded Cassie’s womb with what he could only describe as a monsoon of seamen. His cock stretched and pulsated like a snake in distress. Showering into her and all over him.

He had never seen so much cum in his life, and the orgasm made his legs quiver at its release while his cock pumped his thick seed deep into her while she groaned and moaned like a dog in heat.

Mark kept fucking Cassie hard, his cock wasn’t going down, and his libido was higher than it had ever been.  The heat coming from him could have started a fire.

“Again,” Cassie bellowed back at him.

“Give it to me even harder,” Cassie ordered with another hard whip to his hip.

Mark, in his mind, was thinking this woman was possessed, but he wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

“As you wish,” Mark barked back. 

Grabbing the back of her blonde locks with one hand and then shoving his other thumb in Cassie’s ass made her buck against him.

“Fuck, there you go, thumb that asshole,” Cassie moaned back at Mark, sending another whip to his hip.

Mark wondered if he would ever be able to fuck her asshole one day, he certainly hoped so if he was being honest with himself.

Cassie could feel every crevice of Mark's cock as it buried itself into her womb, his thumb stretched her ass nicely, and she could feel herself going over the edge again.

“Fuck, I am going to cum again,” Cassie exclaimed loudly while her sexy elves watched while fingering their own pussy hard and lustful.

“So am I, fuck,” Mark said with amazement and shock.

Mark had gone several times during an escapade but never this quickly in succession.

“Fuck Me, Oh, Fuck Yes!” Cassie screamed as her world went white and her cum pressurized her womb.

“Take that cock, Fuck yes!” Mark bellowed.

Cassie felt her fluid release, and her cum burst from the spillway when Mark's cock stretched her more expansive with his orgasm. His bulbous head swelled beyond her measure and took the breath from her.

“Oh, God,” Mark bellowed loudly when his cock dumped his seed deep into Cassie’s saturated pussy while her cum sprayed onto his stomach and thighs.

Mark looked down and realized his cum wasn’t just dripping from her; it was pouring in buckets from her. It poured down both of her thighs and puddled at her knees. 

The heat between the two could have lit an entire city when he finally stopped thrusting into her.

Cassie let Mark pull from her. The pouring from her was more than Mark had ever seen. It was as if he pumped her full of liquid icing. It was thick and marvelous, Mark thought.

 “Now, fuck me again,” Cassie said sternly but needlingly as she turned and lay on her back.

“As you wish,” Mark said.

“Here you go,” Blonde Bella said as she walked up next to him on the table and opened the box that Annette had carried in.

“What's this,” Mark asked, looking into the box of assorted candies.

“We call them Vigor candies, and they will make you fill all of Momma C’s desires and needs,” Bella said with the white light still in her eyes.

“Wow, okay, which one should I choose,” Mark asked, staring into Bella’s eyes.

“This one should do the trick,” Bella said, handing him a blue-coated chocolate.

“Mmm, that tastes like pure bliss,” Mark responded as he devoured the candy.

“Thank you, Bella,” Mark said with a wink as she closed the box.

Bella returned the wink, turned, and moved next to the others.

Mark turned and hovered over Cassie. He looked down to see his cock had swelled even more, and his balls expanded and ached for another release.

“You ready for this,” Mark asked as he took in Cassie’s sweet lips with his.

“Fuck me,” Cassie whispered sweetly in his ear.

Mark dipped his cock back into Cassie’s wet mound and began to slam harder and harder into her. He could feel her cervix give way as his bulbous head spread it wide, and Cassie’s screams reverberated off the walls.

“Breed me!” Cassie screamed to the heavens, sending her horsewhip so hard across Mark’s ass. It pitched him forward and deeper into her.

“FUCK,” Cassie screamed louder as her clamping cervix wrapped itself around Mark’s thick, pulsating cock.

“FUCK, Cassie!” Mark screamed when Cassie’s cervix pinned his cock deep and clenched down with her orgasm.


Mark’s cock felt like it was at total capacity when he heard her scream for him to breed her. Something clicked in his mind, telling him how hot it would be and that it was his duty to fill her full of his living seed.

Cassie wrapped her legs around his ass and pulled his hips further into her, spreading her crevice wider while Mark’s massive cock shot his hot, delicious cum into her.

Mark’s vision went white as his body quaked, and his legs shook uncontrollably, almost making him pass out from the experience.

“Oh, fuck me!” Cassie yelled in Mark’s ear when she poured her cum into the mix, and the couple came in waves of ecstasy while cum poured like hot wet sugar from between their thighs.

The couple fucked like animals in heat for a few moments as they covered their bodies in each other’s essences before the silence between them was broken.

“Holy shit, Cassie, fuck,” Mark sighed when he lowered himself onto her chest to rest.

“You are really making the nice list now,” Cassie said while her heart raced and her breath ragged.

They lay there for a few minutes, basking in each other’s arms. Mark was exhausted and wasn’t sure he could go another round.

“You smell like freshly baked bread; do you know that?” Mark asked, raising himself above her again.

“I smell different to every man. It's good to know that I smell like my favorite thing to you, though,” Cassie said with a smile.

Mark's cock was finally coming down from what felt like hours of being rigid. The last of himself poured from Cassie while he pulled himself from her to lie next to her.

Cassie could feel Mark’s cum flowing into her still while it coated her womb.

“I have a question,” Mark said after a few moments of silence.

“Yeah, what is it?” Cassie said in a soft voice as she turned her head towards his.

“Um, why do they call you Momma C?” Mark quietly asked, pointing to the three elfish women.

“Well, first, I am not their mom; they are divine beings. I suppose they look at me that way because they don’t have one,” Cassie softly replied, walking her fingernails across Mark’s chest.

“Yeah, but why Momma C or Mrs. C? Seems odd; usually, C is reserved for the last name, first letter, but they are using your first name, first letter?” Mark asked.

“That’s easy; C is the first letter of my last name, Cassie Claus, and technically, they are my Royal Harem,” Cassie retorted with another one of her devilish voices while pointing at the three gorgeous elvish women standing a few feet away.

“What? Wait, no way, no, this can’t be. Are you Mrs. Claus? Oh, fuck, I’m fucked for sure; oh shit,” Mark sat up quickly and stood looking for his clothes.

“Relax, no one is getting into trouble today or ever; I do this yearly. Hopefully, this is the year it works,” Cassie exclaimed with a bright smile.

Mark had turned and took in Mrs. Claus’s picturesque form, still lying on the gurney. Her body was like a porcelain doll with perfect breasts, long legs, and a pussy any man would die to touch.

He watched as the Herem rushed over as she stood and got her dressed. Each one took turns putting each item of clothing back on her. When they finished, all three skipped to the door they came through and vanished.

“What do you mean?” Mark asked, not understanding.

“Getting me pregnant, of course,” Mrs. Claus said while rubbing her inner thigh that had Mark's cum still pouring down it.

Mark's face went stark white, and he almost fell over before catching himself and uttering many indescribable words.

“Hope your seed works as good as it tastes,” Mrs. Claus said before licking her fingers covered in Mark’s seed.

“If not, well, we may have to have you cum back next year,” Mrs. Claus said while she walked up to him and grabbed his balls in her hand.

“What? What about Mr. Claus? I don’t think he would appreciate this too much. Fuck, I’m back on the naughty list for sure,” Mark said nervously, looking around and realizing his trouble.

“Jokes on you; he has been watching this whole time,” Mrs. Claus said, turning Mark's face with her hand towards a large mirror on the wall next to them.

Mark stared at the mirror as the reflection gave way to crystal clear glass. Sitting on a lazy boy chair was a passed-out Santa Claus with a sizable cock still in his right hand and a good amount of his own frosting on the inside of the two-way mirror.

His hat sat on the table next to him, and his long white hair hung on his open chest while he slept.

“See, he is into watching me; he loves it when I get fucked by a big hard cock,” Mrs. Claus said with admiration in her voice.

“Wow, I wouldn’t have expected that from Santa,” Mark retorted.

“Also, we have tried for years with no success on having any children; he is sterile, so every year, I get to pick from the naughty list to see if one sticks,” Mrs. Claus said, looking back at Mark and kissing him deeply.

Mark kissed her back and held her face to his. 

He now understood what Mrs. Claus needed, and he would cum for her whenever he was needed. 

“So, can I come back next year?” Mark asked with nothing but want in his voice.

“I think we can arrange that, just do some naughty things this coming year, and I’ll have Old Santa here swing in and grab you next Christmas,” Mrs. Claus said, still caressing his balls and rubbing his cock.

“You do have quite the piece of hardware on you,” Mrs. Claus said with a smile and lust in her eyes.

“But it’s my sparkling personality that got me here, though, right?” Mark said with a wink and a full laugh, looking down at her caressing his cock.

Mark stood staring at her hands for a few moments longer.

“Oh, how am I supposed to get this big cock and myself home, Mrs. Claus?” Mark asked.

“What’s the hurry? Your second job doesn’t start for another eight hours,” said a wry-smiling Mrs. Claus.

“How? We have been here for hours?” Mark said with genuine confusion in his eyes.

“Christmas magic, of course; the fat guy still hasn’t delivered the presents yet, unless you count him busting a nut watching your big cock spread his wife’s pussy wide,” Mrs. Claus replied, smiling with a glint of white light in her own eyes and lust pouring from her body.

“Besides, you are just minutes away from getting home with our new teleport up and running, and this body needs more attention,” Mrs. Claus retorted as she pointed at a deep green wallboard with black leather wrist and ankle straps.

“Holy shit, so, you have any more of those magical candies left? I don’t think my job is finished just yet?” Mark said in a devilish voice as he leaned in and grabbed her perfect ass with both hands pulling her into his arms.

“I don’t think that will be a problem,” Mrs. Claus whispered back in his ear as she turned and called for Bella.

“Maybe this time you can spread the seed around a bit,” Mrs. Claus said as Bella entered the room.

Written by James253
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