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Lucy Fucks The Neighbours Part 2 of 2

"Lucy, Martin and Jane take their relationship to the next level"

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It was a couple of days after the fateful party before I got together with Jane for a coffee. She seemed excited about something and barely waited until I'd sat down before she started.

'Remember how Martin was going on about Adam and Zoe having a threesome? Well, it's true. Zoe told me yesterday when we went out for lunch!' she blurted.

'Really?' I said, 'so did she go into detail then? Did she shag the other woman?'

'We were in a cafe at the time so she couldn’t go into detail. She did hint that she had made Adam sit and watch the two of them at one point so I assume she did,' answered Jane.

I continued questioning her, trying to figure out if Martin had suggested that we have a threesome. Her answers didn’t give me any clue that he had although I did find out that although she appeared to be shocked by her friend's actions, Jane was actually quite thrilled and turned on by it all.

'So would you ever fuck another woman?' I asked, intentionally using the word fuck to make Jane jump.

'I don't know. I suppose I've fantasised about it but I've never had the urge to go out and try it. What about you?' she said.

'I'm bisexual,' I explained, 'I’ve been with lots of women.'

Jane looked at me with her mouth open. I reached over and gently closed her mouth.

'Close your mouth love, there's a draft,' I laughed.

Jane started to say something but the phone rang, breaking her train of thought. I busied myself washing the cups we had just used as she answered the call.

'I have to go, Billy has been taken sick at school and they want me to pick him up,' she explained when the call was finished.

'Nothing serious I hope?' I said.

'No just vomiting. He was complaining about feeling ill this morning but I figured he was just trying it on,' Jane sighed. 'I hate having a sick kid in the house!'

'Well, you breeders bring it on yourself,' I taunted.

'This conversation is to be continued young lady,' she smiled back at me and then looked thoughtful saying, 'Does Martin know about your bisexuality?'

'I don't remember ever telling him but I was pretty pissed the other night and might have said something after you passed out. Why?' I replied, trying to look innocent.

'Oh, just something he mentioned in bed the other night. I'll see you later,' she replied, pulling on her coat and kissing me on the cheek.

I wandered back home, wondering if Martin had suggested a threesome and what Jane’s reaction had been. She didn't seem upset and I knew that under the frumpy exterior she was open minded and fairly liberal. I headed home and got myself engrossed in a novel until the phone rang three hours later. It was Jane.

'Billy is OK. He threw up because he'd eaten five bars of chocolate that he stole from the fridge after I told him he had to go to school. Little sod.' she said, sounding relieved and pissed off at the same time - something only a parent can do!

'Cool, I'm glad he's OK. Are you OK after my little revelation?' I asked. If she was upset or shocked or unhappy with our friendship I wanted to know straight away.

'Oh God yes Lucy. You know me; I take people as they come. Any shape or form or sexual persuasion! Listen, are you free Saturday night for a few drinks and a video or something? My Mum is having the kids so it'll just be the three of us.'

I said that I was free and would love to come over and she hung up. This wasn't unusual as we often got together on quiet Saturday nights but the kids were usually around. I couldn't help wondering if Martin had managed to persuade her, or if my revelations earlier had made the decision for her. Well, it might all come to nothing but what the hell, you can always hope can't you?

Saturday came and I wondered what to wear. Usually I'd go across in jeans or jogging bottoms so I'd be comfortable watching the TV but I wanted to be dressed nicely just in case anything did happen. I settled on a long Indian cotton skirt with black stockings and suspender belt. I left my knickers off; knowing it would turn Martin on if anything happened. I pulled a tight vest top over my braless boobs and headed over the road with a couple of bottles of wine.

Martin opened the door and invited me in. He was dressed in his usual comfortable weekend wear: jogging bottoms, t-shirt and a day’s growth of stubble on his chin. We walked into the kitchen and got busy opening the wine and pouring a glass for each of us.

'Where's Jane?' I asked.

'Upstairs getting changed,' he replied.

We walked into the living room with the wine and sat down.

'Did you talk to Jane then?' I whispered.

'I mentioned it as a fantasy and left it at that. We did spend a lot of time talking about threesomes in bed last night before making love but she didn't say yes or no either way,' he replied.

'Did she let you fuck her bum?' I asked out of the blue.

Martin turned bright red but nodded yes with a silly, smug grin on his face, which sent me into a fit of giggles.

'And what are you two doing down here without me?' called Jane from the doorway.

She walked in and accepted a glass of wine from Martin. She was dressed in a very pretty lemon summer dress that buttoned up the front. Her arms were bare and I figured she wasn't wearing a bra as her long nipples were almost poking through the thin material. Her legs were covered with white stockings and low-heeled shoes. She kissed Martin briefly then sat next to him on the sofa, kicking off her shoes and pulling her legs up underneath her. I kicked my own shoes off and stretched my legs out in front of me taking a long drink of my wine.

'Did you get a video then?' I asked.

'No, I didn't see anything that looked good. I thought we could play cards or something. Or just sit and chat. I'm not fussy.' Jane replied.

'What do you want to play? Strip poker?' I suggested cheekily.

'Maybe later when we've had a bit to drink!' she replied.

We chatted for an hour and a half about nothing in particular and were most of the way through the second bottle of wine when Martin suggested we get the cards out.

'Oh, are we drunk enough for strip poker now?' I laughed.

'I am,' replied Jane with a grin of challenge on her face.

'OK. If we're all agreed.' I said and started explaining a game of strip poker that I'd developed with my friends at college.

To make the game easy to play when drunk we had made it so that everyone had the same amount of 'capital' to start with. I looked at the clothes we were wearing and declared that we were each wearing three articles of clothing. Then we agreed on the number of chances we were each allowed.

The rules were simple: a five card draw for one chance or item of clothing in the ante. You could discard once to improve your hand then all cards were shown with the winner taking all. Clothes to be discarded after the cards were shown. If you won someone's clothing you put it to one side and it wasn’t used in the game. That meant no one could start getting dressed again. Okay, it's not that good a game and there's no skill involved, but it does have the advantage that everyone can play it even when drunk.

We decided to allow five chances plus our three items of clothing each. The game started and moved along fairly quickly. Martin had an astounding run of luck that left him with his clothes plus fourteen chances. Sadly five of them were mine and four of them, Jane's. On the next hand I was playing for my top and I could see Martin and Jane were on edge slightly. We played the hand and I took my time deciding which cards to discard, then tried to string out showing my useless hand for as long as possible to build tension. Jane won the hand and I lost.

I got off my chair and took a slow drink of wine before pulling my top off to reveal my full, white breasts to my friends. Martin sat back on the sofa, his eyes fixed on my chest.

'You have lovely breasts Lucy,' whispered Jane.

'Thanks. You've got nice tits yourself love,' I answered trying to break the tension that had built up.

The next couple of hands got me a couple of chances back and ate into Martins stockpile. Eventually we got to a situation where Jane was chancing her dress on the next draw of cards. Luckily for her she won and gained some chances back. The game seemed to stagnate for a while and I suggested that we scrap the chances we had, take two each and start again. This would hopefully lead to more nudity than my tits!

Jane and Martin agreed almost indecently quickly and we started again. Two games later Jane was playing for her dress again. This time Martin won. Jane slowly unbuttoned her dress then stood up and let the fabric part down her front. She slowly moved the two halves apart, revealing her stockings, white panties, flat stomach and lovely small, pert breasts. She let the dress fall off her shoulder on to the floor behind her then stood in front of us with her legs together and her arms at her side.

'Wow!' I exclaimed clapping my hands together.

Jane sat down next to Martin and give him a quick kiss. We played another hand, which Jane also lost to Martin. This time she slowly rolled her stockings off her legs, both stockings counting as one item. Martin threw the pieces of paper we were using as 'chances' aside and said:

'Right, I'm playing for clothes only now to make it a bit more even.'

I agreed and we drew cards. Martin lost and I briefly wondered if he'd cheated by throwing away his decent cards. I decided it didn't matter as it was hardly a competitive game anyway. Martin got rid of his t-shirt but was standing up again after the next hand to remove his jeans. The bulge under his boxer shorts was huge as he sat down next to Jane again.

They put their hands on each other's thighs and gave each other a quick smile as I dealt the next hand of cards. Jane was our next loser and stood up to take her panties off. She turned her back to us and slowly pushed them off her hips then down her thighs. My mouth began to water as her bum came into view. As her panties got to her knees she bent from the waist to push them all the way off giving us a lovely view of her dark haired pussy lips and her anus. Jane turned around, letting us feast our eyes on her body.

For a woman who has had two kids she has a great body. Her black pubic hair is trimmed into a neat triangle; her hips are full and her stomach flat with just a hint of the stretch lines from her pregnancies. Her boobs are small with long, pink nipples and big aureoles. I looked into her face and saw she was flushed pink from the excitement of exposing herself.

'Come on, play the next hand,' she said, sitting back down on the sofa and leaning forward.

She seemed comfortable with her nudity and eager to see who lost the next hand. The cards were drawn and played. I lost so I stood and wriggled out of my skirt revealing my sparse, blonde pubic hair and stockings. Jane stood, walked up to me, hugged me tightly and kissed me on the lips. Her tongue pushed into my mouth and I responded with my tongue. Jane broke the kiss after 20 seconds or so then stepped back to look at me.

'I think I can make love to you, Lucy.' she said.

Martin had a huge smile and an even bigger erection in his hand, his underpants discarded on the floor.

'Oay, so now we know what we all want.' I smiled.

Jane sat next to Martin and began to pull her stockings back on.

'I heard about what you and Martin did, we're always honest with each other by the way, and I heard your suggestion. The rules are that you can suck and lick Martin as much as you want but he isn't allowed to fuck you. I think I can make love to you but I'm still not 100% sure. Can you give me a little time?' she said in what I call her teacher voice.

'Okay. Why don't I watch you two make love and I'll join in if you want to? If you don't want me it's no big deal, I'll still get off watching you,' I replied.

Martin led us upstairs to their bedroom, his erection swaying in front of him. I sat in an easy chair at the side of the bed as they lay on the bed kissing and caressing each other. I opened my legs and began running my fingers over my clit and into my pussy as I watched Jane and Martin's foreplay. Jane took the lead after a minute or so and pushed Martin on his back, quickly mounting his long cock and sitting down on it.

Her breath seemed to rush out of her as she forced his eight inches into her pussy. She sat still at first then began to ride him, leaning forward so he could kiss her. His hands glided over her back and down to her big bum, gripping her buttocks as she moved up and down on top of him.

Martin sucked his index finger until it was covered in spit then slowly pushed it up Jane’s arse. Jane had been breathing heavily but moaned loudly as Martin's finger penetrated her bottom. I was aching to join in but remembered my promise and stayed where I was. My fingers became more urgent on my own pussy.

Jane finally held out her hand for me to come to her. I eagerly jumped on the bed and knelt next to her, our arms wrapping round each other and our lips meeting. I felt Martins hands move over my legs and bum then over my flat belly to my tits as I French kissed his wife. I ran my hands down her back to her bum, one hand slipping underneath to feel Martin's cock in her pussy. Jane pushed me towards Martin's head and I straddled his face, lowering my soaking lips onto his mouth. He began licking me as he had the week before, moving over my labia and around my clit.

I watched Jane lean back on Martin’s thighs to ride his cock. I leant forward and slowly brushed my fingers over her clit. She briefly stopped moving to look at me then carried on, moaning encouragement as I found the right spot. We continued like this until I felt Jane stiffen as she came. I slowed my movements until I was just lightly pressing on her clit.

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'Suck him off Lucy.' Jane said, sliding off Martin’s cock on to the bed.

I took Martin's cock in my mouth and reached between his legs to play with his balls. I looked up his body and watched him kissing Jane deeply. He didn't last long and was soon cuming. I kept him in my mouth and swallowed his semen then licked his cock clean. I sat back and watched Jane finish kissing him.

'What next Jane? You seem to be in charge!' I joked when we’d all caught our breath.

'I think it's time to see if my aversion to oral sex includes women too,' she laughed, pulling me over Martin's prone body and kissing me.

I moved over the bed so I was lying next to Martin and opened my legs for her. Jane lay between my thighs examining my bare pussy lips before tentatively licking my clit. Slowly at first, but then quicker and firmer as she gained confidence, her tongue moved over my pussy and clitoris. I moaned and whispered encouragement, telling her where to lick and indicating speed and pressure to her until she was lapping away at me as if she'd been doing it for years. Martin lay next to us, propped up on one elbow so he could lean over to lick and suck my nipples. Soon they brought me to a satisfyingly wet orgasm, my chest flushing red and my limbs shuddering as the waves of pleasure hit me. We broke away from each other again to get our breath back.

Martin's cock was fully hard once again. Jane looked at him and asked:

'What do you want to do with that Martin?'

'I want you on all fours so I can fuck you while Lucy plays with my balls and your nipples. When I'm ready I'm going to move you on to your side, spoon you and slide my cock up your bum and fuck you until you beg me to stop,' he said in a low voice.

Jane gave him a look of pure lust and got on all fours on the edge of the bed, wiggling her bum at him and pulling her arse cheeks apart. Martin stood at the end of the bed and quickly slipped his cock in and started fucking her. I knelt beside them, one hand sliding between Martin's legs from behind to massage his balls, my other hand reaching over to play with Jane's left breast. Her long nipple felt rock hard under my fingers and I squeezed it hard making her squeal in delight. I ran my fingers up and down Martin's bum, briefly tickling his anus until his buttocks clenched and denied me access! After a fast start Martin slowed down and pulled me to him, kissing me and slipping his fingers in my pussy.

'Go and get the baby oil from the dressing table. I want you to lube Jane's arse so I can fuck it,' he said pushing me away.

I got the baby oil and dribbled some on Jane's bum then moved my fingers to her anus. The slippery oil allowed my finger to easily slip inside and I stroked Martin's cock through the dividing wall. He held his hand out and I squirted baby oil on it. He slid his fingers over my butt cheeks then gently pressed his finger against my anus, sliding it in as I wiggled my arse on his hand.

I started fucking Jane's arse with my finger, Martin matching my stroke with his hand and cock. Soon I had two fingers in Jane and Martin had two fingers in me making my knees go weak. Jane was shouting out loud now, begging us to fuck her. Martin pulled out of us, moving Jane on to her side and lay behind her. I smeared more baby oil on his cock as they kissed each other. Jane opened her legs and pushed her bum back towards Martin and it was easy to grab his cock and push the end against her arse.

His long slim, cock slid smoothly up her arse and she cried out with pleasure as he rammed it all the way home. My hands moved straight to her pussy, slipping three of my lubricated fingers in as Martin started pumping his cock in and out of her arsehole. I could hear Martin and Jane moaning together as they fucked each other. Slowly but surely my fourth finger pushed in then my thumb until I was fisting her. I could feel Martin's cock against my knuckles and hear Jane calling

'Oooo fuck, I'm so full. I'm so full. Oooo, I'm cuming!'

Her legs straightened and her body shuddered as orgasm after orgasm hit her. I pulled my fist out as she thrashed around. Martin pushed her on to her stomach, squatting above her and fiercely thrust his cock in and out of her arse until he finally came deep inside her. I left them lying next to each other, soothing, kissing and caressing each other and went downstairs to pour us a glass of wine each. When I returned we sat on the bed and drank the wine, enjoying the closeness between us.

'How many fingers did you have in me?' asked Jane when Martin had gone to the toilet to clean up.

'I had my fist in you,' I said, leaning over and kissing her mouth.

'Bloody hell. How?' she asked.

'You've had two babies! Their heads are much bigger than my tiny little hands,' I laughed.

'Lie down and open your legs, I have tiny hands too,' she said pushing me back on the bed.

'Do it to me from behind Jane, I love it like that,' I asked, getting on all fours and throwing her the baby oil.

I felt her smearing oil on my pussy and then her fingers pushing against me. Taking it easy and asking me if I was okay when she added a third then a fourth finger she slowly pushed and twisted her hand into my pussy. I tried to give her advice on how to get her fist in between gasps of pleasure. She gave a squeal of delight as I felt her fist penetrate me. I arched my back and pushed back onto her fist just as Martin walked through the door.

'Bloody hell!' he exclaimed, his cock springing to life.

Jane fist fucked me, her free fingers rubbing my clit. I felt Martin join us on the bed and looked back over my shoulder to see him wanking himself off as he watched us.

'I thought you didn't get off on lesbian action Martin?' I purred.

'I didn't before but it's hard not to get excited by the site of your wife's hand in another woman's vagina,' he replied.

We all giggled which set a small orgasm off. I gasped then got back into rhythm with Jane's thrusts. Martin moved closer to me and started rubbing his cock over my stocking top. I looked back under my body to see Jane use her free hand to squirt baby oil on Martin's cock, lubricating it as he continued masturbating against my leg. Another small orgasm swept through my body as I felt Martin's hand on my bum. His slippery fingers moved to my anus and gently teased my hole. I moaned encouragement at him as his long finger penetrated my arse.

'God that looks good,' said Jane.

'It feel's good too,' I moaned pushing harder against her fist.

Jane and Martin went with my change in tempo matching their movement to mine. Martin reached out with his free hand and pinched my right nipple gently. I asked him to be rougher with it and he pinched it hard between two fingers. I cried aloud as he began to pull and twist my nipple then suddenly my body took over and I was cuming. My body shook and I screamed loudly finally collapsing face down on the bed. Jane gently pulled her fist out of my pussy but Martin kept his finger moving in my arse causing my body to quiver every time he pushed into me.

'Do you like that Lucy?' he asked.

'Mmmm!' was my only reply.

Jane lay down beside me on her stomach and we looked into each other's eyes. I felt Martin move position behind us, his finger still in my bum then a look of pleasure on Jane's face.

'Is he fingering you?' I asked softly.

'Yes. God his finger feels fantastic inside my bum,' she smiled.

Martin finger fucked our arses for a few minutes then I felt him move position again. His finger pulled out of my arse and I felt slightly deserted. I rolled over and watched as Martin straddled Jane's bum and pushed his cock deep inside her again. Jane sighed and closed her eyes, her face on her hands as Martin slowly fucked her arse for the second time.

'I think Martin has a new hobby,' I laughed.

'If I'd known he was this into anal sex I would have got him to fuck my arse ages ago,' laughed Jane gently, ‘I hadn’t realised how much I enjoyed it.’

I rolled on to my side and gently ran my hands over the two of them as they made love. Jane pulled me close and kissed me deeply. I kissed her for a minute then left her and kissed Martin deeply.

'I would love to fuck your arse too, Lucy,' whispered Martin.

'That's up to Jane,' I whispered back.

'I'm not deaf you know,' laughed Jane, 'no fucking the guests'

Martin rolled off Jane and lay on his back with his hard cock in the air.

'Your turn to do the work,' he said to Jane.

She got up slowly and squatted over his long cock again. I expected her to slide his cock into her pussy but she slowly took his cock up her arse. When it was fully inside her she stopped and settled herself, running her hands up and down her body and over her tits. Martin lay back and watched her, his hands moving gently over her stockinged legs. Jane slid up and down on Martin's cock, moving no more than two inches, keeping him deep inside her. I watched them fuck each other for a few minutes as I recovered from my own orgasm.

Jane shuddered and gasped then pulled off Martin's cock, moving up his body and sitting on his face, her clit pressed into his mouth. Martin immediately started licking her, his hands moving to her bum and pulling her tight into his face.

'Lucy, come here,' Jane said.

I knelt next to her and she told me to sit on Martin’s chest. I did as she asked, a ripple of excitement running down my spine, and wrapped my arms around her, cupping her small tits and squeezing her long nipples. Martin’s hands moved over our thighs seemingly obsessed with the difference in texture of our skin and stockings. My hard nipples pressed into Jane's back and I kissed and nibbled her neck as Martin licked her to another orgasm.

'Martin, you can do anything you want. What do you want to do?' she asked gently when he’d finished.

'I'd love to fuck Lucy while you watch,' he replied after a moment’s thought.

'Okay, but this is a one off, assuming Lucy wants to fuck you of course. I don't want you to cum inside her and I don't want you to do it on our bed,' she said. 'You can fuck her in the spare room.'

We both agreed to these fairly bizarre demands and headed for the spare room. Jane sat on the spare bed with us and we all looked at each other waiting for someone to start. Suddenly Jane leapt on me, pushing me down on to the bed and straddled my head, grabbing my legs and pulling them back and apart, exposing and offering me to Martin.

'Fuck her Martin. Fuck the little slut. I want you to fuck the bitch!' she shouted.

I felt Martin lean against me, shoving his long cock into my pussy. I gasped as he slid into me and struggled against Jane's weight, her bum pressing into my face as she held my legs back. Martin rammed his cock in and out of my cunt, fucking me as hard and as fast as he could. Suddenly he stopped and pulled out then I felt the head of his cock pressing against my anus. A hard push saw it half way up my bum. I screamed with pleasure as he pushed it all the way in and started fucking me hard. The feeling of helplessness was an incredible turn on, especially as it was Jane who was holding me down. Martin fucked my arse while Jane slapped the backs of my thighs and my pussy causing pain and pleasure together. Again Martin withdrew from me and Jane's weight left me.

'Jane, lay on your stomach with your legs open,' Martin demanded grabbing me by the hair and turning me around to bend me over.

Jane lay face down, her legs spread wide and Martin moved me so my face was over Jane's bum.

'Lick her arse you little slut,' he whispered in my ear as he pushed his cock back up my arsehole.

I parted Jane's bum cheeks to get to her anus and I started licking her, pushing my tongue into her oily hole. Jane slipped her hand between her legs and started rubbing her clit.

Martin fucked me hard and fast, slamming his lovely slim cock up my arse. I began to feel an orgasm building deep inside me, something that often happens when I get my arse fucked. Jane was moaning, calling me a slut and a whore and demanding that I eat her arse.

'Oh fuck!' shouted Martin, pulling his cock out of me.

I felt him move quickly up my body then wetness on my cheek as he directed his cum over Jane's bum and my face. I licked up all his semen and carried on licking Jane's arse. Jane came with a grunt, her anus clamping the tip of my tongue. I rolled off them, opening my legs and playing with my own clit, my orgasm infuriatingly near.

Jane was suddenly kneeling between my legs, her fingers pushing into my pussy, one finger penetrating my arse and her lips on my clit. I threw my head back and let her lick and finger fuck me to orgasm, screaming loudly as I came. She released me and we cuddled each other before finally dozing in each other's arms. When I awoke, an hour had passed and Martin was gone. Jane was lying in my arms smiling at me.

'You look so beautiful when you are asleep,' she said kissing my lips.

'Thanks,' I said, kissing her back, 'where did Martin go?'

'He's downstairs watching football!' she laughed.

We hugged each other for a while then got up and headed to their bedroom, getting under the covers together and kissing some more, our hands moving gently over each other's bodies.

'Thanks for letting Martin fuck me. I needed that after watching you two fuck,' I said.

'I enjoyed it. Sorry it had to be so rough, it was the only way that I could do it without getting jealous,' she answered.

'Not a problem. I like a bit of rough. Usually with a woman though. I'm not usually into being dominated by men,' I said kissing her nose.

'Really. I have some other fantasies I want to explore with you in that case.'

‘Tell me about them tomorrow, I’m exhausted!’ I laughed turning out the light.

Written by bikerbear600
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