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Lubed and serviced

"The wives get oiled up and serviced by each others husbands."

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On Saturday night following Sue's double-banger, Sue and Jake came to dinner at our place again. When they arrived Sue was clutching a carrier bag containing, of all things, a small coil of rope and a stack of telephone books!

She was looking very tasty in a micro-miniskirt, low-cut silk blouse and spike heels. It was quite obvious each time she moved that there was nothing under the silk blouse but her superb tits! The silk fabric was brushing her nipples, causing them to stand out provocatively, and the cleavage visible was delectable. When I asked what the stuff in the bag was for Sue replied that she knew we liked to play games so she had brought the equipment for one of theirs that we could play before supper. I fetched us all drinks and we all adjourned to the living room to drink and chat. After we had consumed a couple of drinks, Sue suggested that it was time to play their game and explained the rules.

The way it worked was that phone books were stacked into a six-inch pile.  Then a man and a woman had to balance on top of them together, and they were to be loosely tied together with a loop of rope around their waists. The couple then had to wriggle free of the rope without using their hands and without falling off the phone books. Sue volunteered to go first with me as her partner. We stepped up onto the phone books, holding each other tightly around the waist for balance, and Jake tied the loop around our waists. I suggested that Sue, being smaller than I, was the best one to try and wriggle out, so Sue started to wriggle her hips to try and get the rope down over her bum.

This, of course, meant that she was grinding her pelvis into my groin and her boobs into my chest as she wriggled up my front to work her butt through the loop of rope. It was delightful having all that bountiful femininity crawling all over me, but difficult to maintain my balance while holding her up too!

I, of course, got a massive erection as I felt those beautiful, large, unconstrained breasts rubbing all over me and her mound of Venus rubbing up against my cock. Sue was well aware of what she was doing and was thoroughly enjoying herself. She eventually managed to get the rope below her ass, where it promptly got caught below the hem of her extremely short skirt, causing it to ride up high above her panties, which proved to be skimpy black lace.  As she continued to try to squirm her way through the rope I now had a great view of pretty legs and panties as well as all the erotic tactile sensations.

Sue soon found that she could not work the rope down her legs and step out as she had intended, so she worked the rope back up over her hips and started trying to get her entire upper body down through it.

This caused her skirt to ride right up around her waist, improving the view still further and meant that she had to crush her upper body into me as she wriggled down. She slid her great tits slowly down my dick as she forced her way through the rope, compressing them hard to make herself fit, engulfing my dick between them in the process! Wonderful!

Having successfully got her tits below the rope she then had to work her shoulders through, which pushed her face right into my cock. It was absolutely rigid by this time and was pushing back into her face. Sue was smiling as she rubbed her lips over the bulge and I was heartily wishing we were naked!. As the loop slipped up over her head Sue put her arms out to the floor on either side of her, to balance her weight, and stepped off the phone books while still crouched. This spread her legs wide and provided a lovely view of black lace panties, shapely legs, and high heels. As she stood up and pulled her skirt back into place all I had to do was step off the phone books as Melanie and Jake gave us a round of applause.

They then stepped up onto the phone books and Sue tied them together.

Jake said to Melanie, “You go!” and Melanie commenced her escape attempt, obviously intent on both outperforming Sue and giving Jake the same kind of treat that Sue had given me. She was wearing one of her pretty print summer dresses with a button-through front, but most of the buttons below the waist were undone so there was a lot of long leg on display, and a few of the top buttons were undone too.  It was not difficult to see that she, like Sue, was not wearing a bra! Both ladies had obviously come ready for action! This boded well for the men's prospects later in the evening.

Melanie, of course, had Sue's example to work from when figuring out the best way to go about escaping the rope, so she immediately started trying to wriggle her way down through the confining loop. The upward pressure on the rope caused her dress to ride up and the unbuttoned front to fall wide open as she bent her legs, revealing the entire length of her beautiful, long, long legs and the fact that she was wearing white lace panties. Melanie was suppler than Sue, so she slid her tits smoothly down Jake's chest and over his groin as she squirmed her way through the rope.

Just as Sue had with me, she wriggled her tits sensuously along the length of Jake's rigid cock, taking a long time to do so, much to Jake's delight, as she endeavoured to work the loop up to and over her broad swimmer's shoulders. As the loop came up and over her shoulders, then her head, her face was pressed firmly into Jake's rock-hard cock and she was sliding her head slightly from side to side, lips parted slightly over the bulge, to enhance the sensations. She took an inordinate amount of time to work her way through these last few inches, ostensibly due to difficulties with the rope but in reality to prolong the fully-clothed mock blow-job for Jake's benefit.

When she finally freed herself from the rope loop her superbly athletic body allowed her to remain balanced and hands-free on the phone books.  Her mouth was still a fraction of an inch from Jake's dick with her legs and panties on full display while she giggled happily for a few moments before standing up gracefully and only then stepping down from the phone books.

Jake then stepped down too, walking a little awkwardly because of his rigid erection that Melanie had provoked.

Both women were laughing happily and chattering away to each other, both very well aware of how horny they had made the two men and absolutely delighted with their own performances and the power of their sexuality. They ambled off to the kitchen together, and shortly thereafter Melanie called us to dinner.

The meal was excellent and we consumed a litre bottle of wine with it, then moved on to screwdrivers after eating. With everybody feeling well-fed and relaxed, Jake enquired whether the girls would be providing the entertainment tonight. The two women looked at each other and grinned.  Then Melanie bounced up out of her seat, pulling Sue by the hand and heading for the bedroom, throwing over her shoulder, “Sure, so long as you are both naked when we come back!” then disappearing.

Jake and I were now grinning at each other like idiots, anticipating getting two naked ladies to play with. Jake said, “This looks good!” and I agreed that it certainly did. We both then quickly stripped buck naked and sat down on the floor in the living room to await the girls return.

Jake then, as usual, unable to resist the urge to talk, launched into singing Melanie's praises. He kicked off by saying that he wished Sue were more like Melanie because Melanie was so much more outgoing, devil-may-care, and always up for anything than Sue was. I informed him that, in fact, Sue seemed to be rapidly catching up with Mel in the slut accomplishments department and that she, too, was incredibly sexy.

He then launched into his usual spiel about what a great shag Melanie was, and how he could not believe how sexy she was when we had both done her together while Sue was away.  He told me that her blowing him while fucking me doggy-style had been the sexiest thing ever, but that the next part where she blew me while he shagged her doggy-style was even better.

He then gave a reprise of our last evening play date, skipping over us both doing his wife together, but rhapsodizing about how sexy Mel had been while we were taking turns on her and her grand finale of doing the two of us together while lying on her side. He culminated by saying that he could not keep from thinking about fucking her. This was, of course, not news to me, but he then went on to say that he was soooo looking forward to getting his dick into her again, etc., etc., etc.

The girls were gone for an unusually long time, so Jake's discourse was much longer than usual, although the basic theme was still the same – what a great ride Melanie was and could he please have some more! With anyone else, this avidity would have worried me, but Jake was my best friend and we happily shared our wives.  I knew it was just his enthusiasm for what was to come that was making him rattle on. He was simply incapable of keeping his thoughts to himself!

Just as he was asking me what I thought the girls had in mind for tonight, Melanie came trotting back into the room and what a great sight that was! She was wearing nothing but a tiny white thong, her tits bare and bouncing, large, dark nipples erect, long legs striding, dark bush showing through the thin, white thong, and that world-class ass completely bare except for the thin strip of white material between her buttocks. I said, “Wow!” and asked her to give us a twirl so that we could get the full effect. She obliged, turning full circle gracefully on her toes a couple of times to let us admire the goods.

Jake and I were both ready to jump her right there, but she reminded us that we had to wait for Sue. She then sat down on one of the two couches and crossed her legs, leaving Jake and me to gaze at those long, lovely legs and beautiful bare breasts.

I then said to Jake, “I don't think she needs those panties, do you?”

“No, I don't!” he replied.

I stood up, saying, “I think we should do something about that, don't you?”

“Oh, yeah!” he replied, also standing.

Melanie, giggling delightedly, said, “Now, boys, remember that a little something is always sexier than nothing!”

“I don't think so,” I said, approaching her from her right and nodding to Jake to take the left side, which he did.

Standing to either side of her we each reached down and grasped a leg, straightening them out in front of her, then lifted her bodily off the sofa with one hand on an ankle and the other under her ass. We lifted her like that to the height of our waists, so that Melanie had to brace herself with her hands behind her, flat on the cushions and her arms straight, to support her upper body on a level with her legs. Jake and I then each quickly grasped a side of the thong, and in one smooth motion whipped it down to her ankles, then switched hands to pull it over her feet and off, dropping it to the floor. Melanie was actually gurgling with laughter as we did this!

I then gave Jake the nod and we moved further into the room, taking Melanie off the couch so that she had to walk her arms down to the floor to avoid falling. When she was suspended over the floor we gently lowered her ass to the carpet then dropped her legs. This left her sitting stark naked on the floor, supported by her out-thrust arms behind her, tits thrust out delightfully, legs curled to one side of her body, but scissored wide open, with her dark pubic bush and lush pussy fully on display. She was still giggling delightedly at the manhandling!

As Jake and I were pondering what to do with her next.  We would probably have ended up with her on her knees between us, with one dick in her pussy and one in her mouth, but who would be in which end was up for grabs when Sue bounced into the room.

Temporarily distracted, Jake and I turned to get a look at Sue. She, too, was a delightful eyeful!

Like Melanie, she was wearing nothing but a thong, hers being black. She has truly magnificent tits, about a 38 DD, soft and creamy with large brownish-pink nipples, and they were bouncing provocatively as she loped into the room. Her legs are not as long as Melanie's, but they are very shapely, and she has a gorgeous ass, too, all of which was on display. As with Melanie, I requested a twirl and got it, allowing Jake and me to take in the full picture of her available, and I do mean available charms.

While Jake and I were busy ogling Sue, Melanie took advantage of the distraction to don her thong once more, so that when Jake and I turned our gazes back to her she was again seated on the couch with her legs crossed and her pussy covered, looking very pleased with herself. Sue seated herself next to Melanie, also crossing her legs. Jake and I now had the terrific view of two beautiful women sat side-by-side, wearing nothing but thongs. Two beautiful pairs of tits next to each other. While taking in the sights, I enquired of the ladies what was next on their agenda and was informed by Melanie that Jake and I were going to dance for them, sequentially, not simultaneously, for their viewing pleasure.

Jake volunteered to go first and I cranked the music up a notch. Jake was willing enough, but he was not a good dancer, so he just boogied about a bit, going in circles in front of the two women. However, the two women enjoyed his performance and applauded politely, while giggling together when the song ended.

Now it was my turn!

I trotted over to stand directly in front of the two women and started really shaking it! I remembered some moves I had seen performed by male strippers over the years and used those to good effect. Bopping to the music, with my dick almost in the girls' faces at eye level, I started rotating my hips to make my dick start swinging round in circles, slowly turning in a circle to give them a good view of my ass, then back to the front and flipping my hips to make my dick bounce up and down in vertical strokes. Hip shaking, bending from the waist to show them the ass again, edging forward again so that my dick was almost touching their faces as I swung it from side to side; I did it all!

Both girls were laughing hard at my performance, and Sue asked me jokingly if I was sure that I had not done this professionally.

As I was once more swinging my dick in circles close to their faces I enquired archly if either or both of the girls were hungry, hoping to get them both gobbling my dick, but was told no, thank you, they had just eaten! When the song finished they were both giggling like schoolgirls, and they applauded loudly with several ribald remarks.

Melanie then jumped off the sofa, which set her tits swinging nicely, and announced, “Alright, boys, you have done your part, now we will do ours! Let's go through to the bedroom!”

Jake and I were only too pleased to obey that command and followed those two lovely, thong-enhanced asses along the hallway into the bedroom. Once there, we saw why the two girls had been gone so long; there were two towels spread on the enormous waterbed, each with a bottle of warmed baby oil resting on it. The girls clearly had plans!

Melanie crawled onto the towel nearest the door, lying face down with her head on her arms. Sue assumed the same position on the second towel, leaving us to decide which of us was going where. Jake immediately pounced on Melanie, climbing onto the bed on his knees, then stepping over her thighs to sit astride her. Melanie picked up the bottle of baby oil and placed it into his hand, saying over her shoulder as I straddled Sue and she handed me her bottle, “Okay, boys, get to work!” laughing as she did so. My wife really is a great slut!

I poured some oil onto Sue's back, then handed her the bottle to hold upright. I saw Jake doing the exact same thing with Melanie. We both then started massaging the oil into the other guy's wife, sliding our slick hands all over their backs, making them slick in turn.

I worked the oil gently into Sue's back, starting at the shoulders and gradually working my way down, sitting astride her ass with my dick resting between her butt cheeks. Jake and I were still like carbon copies, with him in an identical position doing the same things to Melanie.

I slid down a little to sit straddling Sue's thighs, took the bottle again and poured a generous helping of oil onto Sue's sexy rear end, then began working it into those beautiful butt cheeks. Her thong was now in the way, so I slid it down over her ass, Sue helpfully lifting her tummy to help, down her legs and off. I then spent a considerable time oiling that delectable ass up really carefully, making sure that I lubricated her butt crack thoroughly, then moving down to the cleft of her pussy and working oil into her pussy lips from the back downwards.

Having lubricated the entire area thoroughly I slid back up her body once more, so that I was again astride her ass, working oil up from the hips to her shoulders again, and back down. This enabled me to adjust my position such that I located the shaft of my cock between her slick butt cheeks then dragged it along the entire length of her ass crack, moving on slowly to slide the head down and drag it slowly between the lips of her pussy. Having teased her gently, I slid back up and repeated the whole process several times. As I was doing so I saw Jake similarly dragging his dick down Melanie's ass, but she was still wearing her thong.

Turning my attention back to Sue I started oiling her legs, working from thighs to feet, first the left leg then the right. Having reached the bottom of both legs I then started working them from the bottom to the top, trailing my fingers lightly up the insides of Sue's thighs as I reached the top of each leg and brushing them lightly through the lips of her pussy each time I switched legs. When she reached the point where she was bucking slightly each time I brushed her pussy, I finally slid two fingers deep inside her and worked her a couple of times, then quickly withdrew them to tease her some more. She was murmuring quietly by this time.

As I slid my slick fingers from her I glanced at Melanie and Jake again and saw that he now had Melanie on her back with her legs held straight up in the air in front of his face as he slid her white thong off her ass, up her long legs and off over her toes, tossing it to the floor. There is something incredibly erotic about watching another guy remove your wife's panties and her arranging her body to assist him!

He then flipped her over onto her stomach again, spread her legs wide by kneeling between her thighs and started massaging more oil into her upper thighs. As I watched, he lay down between her legs with his head at the level of her knees and started licking up the insides of her thighs, first the left then the right, towards her pussy.

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I admired his fortitude because that baby oil tastes absolutely awful! Each time he reached her pussy he would slide his tongue along the length of her slit then move down to the bottom of the other thigh and do it all over again.

I watched this briefly as I turned Sue over onto her back, poured a generous quantity of oil onto her wondrous tits and began massaging it into them. As I worked down from her throat I slid my knee between her legs to open her up then brought my other knee over her other leg so that I now sat between her thighs as I cupped those beautiful breasts in my hands, working oil into their soft creaminess, tweaking up her nipples as I used my fingers to work oil into them, too.

Having played with those terrific toys for quite a while I began working my way down her tummy and hips until I reached her lovely, furry, dark bush. I felt that this area deserved special attention and so applied more oil to my hands before working it into first her pubic hair then down between her legs and into her soft, warm, wet cleft. As I slid three fingers up inside her and used my palm to massage oil into her clitoris she bucked against my hand and moaned quietly.

I worked her like that for a few minutes, watching Jake massaging oil into Melanie's tits as I did so. Melanie, like Sue, was just lying back and enjoying it.

When I finally withdrew my hand from Sue's pussy I poured more oil over the front of her thighs and proceeded to massage her legs from top to bottom and back again, sliding my fingers into her pussy briefly each time I switched legs.

By this time Sue was breathing hard and I knew she was getting desperate to get my cock inside her, so I slid up over her slick body to mount her, sliding my rigid cock easily into her sopping wet, well-oiled pussy. I drove the first stroke all the way home, deep inside her welcoming warm wetness, marveling again as I did so at how deliciously tight she still was. It felt wonderful!

Sue pulled her legs up so that her feet were flat on the bed, her knees were up and her legs were pointing in diametrically opposite directions, to give me maximum access and get the greatest possible amount of cock inside her. I then started to ride her with long, hard, powerful, slow strokes, focusing on nailing her deep initially. She spread herself wider somehow and ground her hips up into me as I rode her, pushing down on the bed with the flats of her hands to give herself more leverage. My ass was going up and down with a slow grinding motion as I drove my swollen cock deep inside her until it was rammed fully home each time. She was squirming beneath me as she tried to force me deeper and deeper into her, and she was using her hips in a kind of counter-grind, intent on stimulating me to more energetic performance.

We rode this way for several minutes before I again glanced at the other couple on the bed, to be greeted by the sight of my wife in the identical position to Sue – knees up, feet flat on the bed, legs pointed in opposite directions, pussy wide open – with Jake lying on his belly with his head between her legs and his face buried in her pussy...and when I say buried, I mean BURIED!

His face was so far inside her snatch that I could see neither his nose, nor his lips, nor his chin! I could, however, see the line of his jaw, which was flexing as he worked his tongue deep inside my wife's pussy, lapping up her juices with his eyes closed in ecstasy and half his face ensconced in Melanie's pussy lips! He was slurping away deep inside her hot, moist depths like a dog lapping from its bowl, really going for it, and Melanie was spreadeagled, pussy wider open than I would have thought possible, enveloping Jake's face almost to the ears!

I had the amusing thought that he might start to suffocate down there and Melanie would have to pull him out by his ears!

The sight of my wife once again being the full-service slut and obviously having a great time doing it, got me hornier than ever and I turned my attentions back to Sue, increasing both the speed and the force of my thrusts. I started jacking her up really hard, and she responded in kind, ramming her pussy up into the thrusts and bucking as each one hit home. This occupied my entire attention for several minutes until it finally occurred to me to check on our partners again.

When I looked over I saw that Jake was now doing Melanie in the missionary position and that he and Melanie were in identical body poses to me and Sue again. He was riding Melanie with long, hard strokes, nailing her to the bed, and she was riding his cock down to the root each time, grinding her hips and bucking up into him much as Sue was doing with me. The similarities between the two women then struck me forcefully and I commented to Jake that they could be sisters; not in body shape, but in their suntanned golden skin colour, large dark nipples, dark hair and even darker pubic hair. He agreed, without ever breaking stride in his fucking of Melanie. I then went back to jamming it into his wife, increasing the pace once more so that the two of us were now going at it hard and fast.

While busy banging the ass off Sue I again took a peek over at the couple next door. Jake was similarly engaged in banging the ass off Melanie, and she was just in the process of raising her legs to tuck them behind his shoulder blades when I looked over, obviously trying to get still more dick inside her! I noticed that our rhythms had synchronized and that Jake's ass was pounding up and down between Melanie's thighs in time with mine doing the same thing between Sue's thighs! Another of those stray thoughts struck me; a new Olympic event – synchronized fucking!

Fascinated by the sight of Jake's dick hammering in and out of my wife's snatch as his ass slammed up and down between her legs, I looked a little too long and Sue noticed. Placing the completely wrong interpretation on it, she started talking dirty to egg me on, saying, “Oh yes, that's alright, look at her but fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, harder, yes, harder, yes, look at her, yes, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me harder, harder, harder!” while obviously working up to her climax. Unfortunately, one thing that annoys the hell out of me is women who talk when you are having sex, so I looked into her eyes as I was banging her and said, quietly and gently but firmly, “Suzie, shut up!” This did not offend her, and she did quiet down, but I was now so pissed off that I called for a change of partners.

Melanie intuitively understood what the problem was, so she immediately pulled herself off Jake's dick, slid out from under him and crawled across the bed to me as I was dismounting from Sue. Knowing exactly how to cure my sudden bad mood, she said, “Roll over onto your stomach” to me. I obeyed and Melanie settled herself on her knees astride the small of my back, lowered her oily, slick pussy onto my back and began to massage me with it, moving her hips up and down, and from side to side, sometimes circling them, to slide her well-lubricated pussy and soft pubic hair all over my back from shoulders to ass, caressing me with her pussy lips as she rode me into the mattress.

Sue apparently thought that this looked like fun, because she joined in too, stepping astride my ass with her tits up against Melanie's upper back and her thighs and belly pressed up against Melanie's thighs and lower back, synchronizing her movements to Melanie's and began massaging me with her pussy in the same manner as Melanie. I was now being given a pussy-rubdown by two beautiful women riding in tandem!

Not wishing to be left out of the action, Jake decided to take advantage of the situation by straddling my legs behind Sue and groping both women's tits, asses and pussies while they were busy riding me. Sue was evidently also groping Melanie, playing with her tits and fingering her pussy, which I became aware of when Melanie said, “I don't know which one of you down there has the long fingernails, but you are hurting me!” So, I was enjoying a double pussy massage, Melanie was pleasuring herself by grinding her pussy into me while being groped by both Sue and Jake.  Sue was likewise stimulating herself while pleasuring me with her pussy by groping Melanie comprehensively and being groped by Jake herself, and Jake was playing with both women's goodies! A great time was being had by all!

I guess this interlude lasted somewhere between fifteen and twenty minutes, by which time my good humour was restored by all the sexual attention, and I called a halt by saying, “Okay, let me up now please, ladies!”

They all crawled off and I rolled over onto my now well-lubricated back.

Jake once more pounced on Melanie, getting her on her back and then stepped over her face, sliding his cock into her mouth. She pulled her knees up and spread her legs wide to give him total access as he next bent over to stick his head between her legs and chow down on her pussy again! Melanie lay underneath sucking heartily on his cock as she took it deep into her throat, swallowing him all the way to his balls. Jake's back was three-quarters towards me, so the view I had was of his dick plunging down into Melanie's mouth as it rose to meet his dick, then his balls coming to rest on her lips and nose, pause, then the cock gradually reappearing as Jake withdrew and Melanie slid her lips back down the shaft. Meanwhile, Jake's head was moving up and down between Melanie's thighs as he tongued the inner pink of her pussy from top to bottom, pausing occasionally to suck on her clit.

I had plenty of opportunity to observe all this, as Sue had straddled my legs and was busy giving me a masterful blow-job.

Her dark pubic hair was glistening with oil and her lovely tits were swinging enticingly as her head bobbed up and down over my cock. Her red-lipsticked lips were wrapped tightly around the shaft and she used her tongue to great effect, flicking it across the top sometimes, at others circling it around the head and occasionally licking the shaft from top to bottom. That woman has a great mouth! My cock was expanding in her active mouth and reaching deeper into her throat with each downward dive of her head. We established a good rhythm, with me thrusting my hips up as her head came down and me pulling back as she went up. She was gradually swallowing more and more dick as I responded positively to her ministrations.

While she was fully engrossed in giving me head I was multi-tasking, watching Jake and Melanie sixty-nining. Melanie was gobbling Jake's dick as enthusiastically as Sue was gobbling mine, occasionally cupping his balls as she swallowed his dick down to the root. Jake's face was again buried in her pussy, though this time upside down. He was eating her out thoroughly and she was spread wide to let him get right in there. However, their sixty-nine was quite brief this time, maybe five minutes or so, as Melanie was obviously impatient to get some dick inside her.

She pushed him off and rolled over onto her knees with her back towards him, going down onto her forearms with her ass in the air, knees spread wide apart, inviting Jake to doggy her. He moved in behind her and grabbed his dick, ready to insert it, but instead of aiming it at her pussy he parted the cheeks of her beautiful ass and shoved the head into her ass-hole! He obviously thought that with Melanie being so well oiled up he might be able to slide his dick easily up her ass before she realized what he was doing!

Melanie does not do anal!

I was then treated to an absolutely priceless little bit of dialogue. Melanie reached behind her with her left hand and deftly plucked Jake's dick out of her ass, saying politely, “Wrong place!” pretending to think it was an accident.

Jake took the proffered easy way out and said, “Oh, sorry!” also politely pretending that it was an accident.

I had a hard job not busting out laughing! Sue too, overheard the dialogue and spluttered briefly around her mouthful of cock! Mel and Jake both knew perfectly well that Jake was trying to screw her in the ass, but Melanie was being nice about it!

When I later asked her about this incident she informed me that Jake's obsession with getting his dick up her ass was caused by the fact that Sue would not do it for him. True as that may be, I think that it probably had more to do with Jake simply wanting to get his dick into every one of Melanie's orifices!

She then slotted his still rampant dick into the correct receptacle and Jake commenced banging her doggy-style, which was something that they both wanted!

Jake grabbed her by the hips and started doing her briskly and Melanie went back down on her forearms and ground her ass back onto his dick with her patented grind. Her tits started swinging rhythmically as Jake hit home repeatedly and they both settled into an energetic ride, Melanie evidently completely unfazed by Jake's attempt to ass-fuck her.

I went back to watching Sue expertly gobbling my now absolutely rigid cock, enjoying her huge swinging tits enormously. The lady definitely has a talent for blowjobs, and I was very happy fucking her face.  But after a while I began thinking about doing her missionary style and thought about how it would be nice to have all four of us connected again, as I enjoyed the sexual energy that this linkage generated.  So I turned my head towards Melanie and said, “Hey, Mel! Why don't you come and help me into Sue?” thinking that it would be fun having my wife stick my dick into another woman and maybe have her rub my balls as I fucked Sue while Jake did Melanie from behind.

As I asked the question I saw that Melanie was busily fucking Jake's brains out! She was head down, ass up, with Jake slamming his dick home in her pussy like a battering ram. She was rotating her hips to grind her ass into him like a blender on high, and Jake's dick was almost lifting her off the bed at the end of each stroke when he slammed into her ass. The pace was frantic, with Jake giving it to her as hard and as fast as he could - the way she likes it best - and Melanie giving as good as she got, using her pussy like a vacuum hose, trying to suck him dry. But Melanie is a good sport and she started to turn him towards me, using her snatch for leverage and towed him across to us to oblige me.

Jake grabbed her by the hips, hauling her back down his cock as he drove it home again and again, never letting up the pace as he moved across the bed behind Mel. Melanie laughed and called, “On my way, Nick,!” and continued riding his dick energetically, while moving in behind me as I flipped Sue on her back and got between her legs.

Mel then slid her hand between my legs, grasped my cock and slid it into her best friend's pussy. Sue settled happily onto my cock, bringing her feet up behind my shoulders, and Mel then started rubbing my balls as I fucked Sue hard. Sue obviously liked the idea of playing with Melanie as well as me, and was happy to let Jake continue banging Melanie from behind while Melanie's other end played with me and Sue.

As I rode her, Sue lay there taking my dick while watching Jake nailing my wife and my wife enthusiastically taking his cock.

Jake rode Melanie hard for another couple of minutes with her tits swinging wildly and his lower belly slamming hard into her ass as he drove each stroke home, then he grabbed her even harder by the hips and jammed his cock right up her as he shot his wad deep inside her. Melanie stiffened as his cock throbbed in her innermost places and she felt the hot eruption burst awash in her. She rode his throbbing dick until he relaxed and pulled his cock out of her. He then collapsed on the bed alongside her.

Melanie stayed in position, continuing to massage my balls as I pounded in and out of Sue, who was now moaning loudly.

“Suzie, get on top!” Mel instructed Sue, taking charge.

Sue immediately responded, toppling me to one side and rolling on top without breaking contact. She then started riding my cock hard in the cowgirl position as Melanie stepped over my face and brought her pussy down to my lips. I dutifully started slurping on her pussy, which was wide open after the pounding Jake had just given her, so she was enveloping about half my face. I was now being ridden by both beautiful women! After about ten minutes of hard cowgirl riding, Sue climaxed noisily, triggering my ejaculation at the same time then dismounted, gasping.

Melanie then said to me considerately, “Tired?”

“You bet,” I replied.

The generous lady then said, “Well, let's see what we can do about that!” and bent over from the waist still straddling my face, scooped up my cock in her left hand and popped it into her mouth. She then started sucking like a vacuum cleaner as her lips moved up and down the shaft and her tongue circled the head with the occasional light application of teeth to the rim of the crown for stimulation. She, too, has a talent for blow-jobs, as Jake also well knew by now.

After about ten minutes of her diligently giving head she had my dick once more fully erect. She then stepped over it, grasped my cock with her right hand and inserted it into her pussy, sliding herself fully onto it, and started to ride me cowgirl-style.  She was doing all the work, sliding up and down my slippery pole while rotating her hips to give me that delicious swirling sensation that she is so good at.

After a while I was bucking up into her, then as she increased the pace I was bucking so hard that I was lifting her a foot off the bed! In the midst of this wild ride she suddenly placed her hand in the middle of my chest to still me, then spun herself on my cock so that she was facing the other way, towards my feet, in the reverse cowgirl position. She then resumed riding me, only now I had a great view of her wonderful ass sliding up and down over my cock as she rode me, which inspired me into bucking even more and to half-sitting up so that I could grab her swinging tits each time she leaned back. The ride grew wilder and wilder until finally I exploded inside her as she slammed down on my cock and came at the same time.

She had again ridden two guys, one right after the other, and fucked them both senseless, while appearing to be quite capable of doing it all over again! She had sucked both cocks and fucked both cocks to both guys complete satisfaction! The slut rules! I was sure that I would get another testimonial to her performance the next time I saw Jake, too!

Sue gave one immediately. “God, Mel, where do you get the energy? Do you want to do me now, too?”

Mel laughed. “Maybe next time, sweetie. I am done!”

“You most certainly have been,” Sue fired back, and we all laughed.

“...and with that, good night,” Sue followed up, gathering up her clothes and her husband and headed home.



Written by stockingsandgarters
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