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Life's Lessons - The Aftermath

"Everything changes when you cross the line"

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It was about ten in the morning and I had just woken. I was lying in bed trying to let my eyes focus after waking from a deep sleep. I noticed there is a crack of sunlight sneaking through the blackout curtains. It was refracting against the cut glass ceiling fixture making the light burst into a thousand colors. I could hear Ann breathing rhythmically beside me. She doesn't snore, she purrs, unlike me. I can wake the dead when I cut loose. 

Thinking to myself, as I gently pulled down the covers trying not to disturb Ann, “Was that a dream last night or did all that really happen?”

I looked down at my beautiful wife in slumber, captivated by her nude beauty, watching her breasts heave up and down. Her legs were spread just enough I could see the dried semen that had leaked out during the night, confirming the events yesterday evening. This was not unusual, except for the fact that that dried cum is not mine for the first time in our marriage.

Before what transpired yesterday she had not dated or even kissed another man besides me during her whole life. I married her just after she graduated from high school and she was a virgin on our wedding night. 

Last night was not an easy decision for me to make and let those events unfold. It was like cutting out a piece of my heart and feeding it to the demon of lust. Watching my wife have sex with another man was painful but at the same time so very erotic.

I remember that after considering most everything, I realized that Ann was like a bird in a cage that needed to be freed. As her husband my risk was huge. I have no clue of how far she might fly.

I thought, “Would she fly away or come back to the cage of security that protected her all these years?”

Quietly I slipped out of bed trying to not disturb my slumbering princess. I gently covered up that stunning figure. She stirred and hugged my abandoned pillow as she went back to sleep. 

Slipping on my boxers, t-shirt, and slippers, I headed down stairs to fix breakfast for my love when she woke. It was a tradition around our house that I make breakfast on Sunday.

The aroma of the bacon frying tantalized my senses. The coffee was perking and I was mixing up the pancake batter. "This was going to be a yummy breakfast," I thought.

I heard a tap at the back door and wondered who it could be at this hour.

I could see through the split level door it was Bob. I opened it a crack and ask coolly, “What is it you want?”

Bob answered, “I was just checking on you guys to see if you two were all right. The way it ended last night had Penny and I concerned. It seemed all of us were having a great time, and then the two of you just left without saying a word.”

“Bob, you're just going to have to give us some space to work this whole thing out. Ann is still sleeping and I have not even had a chance to talk with her yet."

“Many couples experience first time swingers remorse. It is not uncommon but It will pass. Is there anything Penny and I might do to help?”

“Yes! You can give us some space to work this out ourselves,” I said abruptly, as I shut the door ending the conversation.

The smell of all the cooking finally woke Ann. She walked into the kitchen wearing my old football jersey from college. It was short and was just barely covered her butt. I thought, “Damn, that jersey looks a ton better on her than it ever looked on me.”

“Morning sleepy head. Breakfast will be ready in a minute and your coffee is just freshly fixed the way you like it.”

Ann yawned and stretched her arms. She said nothing as she came up to me burying her head into my chest and hugged me like I was her lifeline. As I ran my fingers through her hair I thought what a lucky man I was to have this beautiful woman in my life.

Lifting her chin, bent over and kissed her. All my feelings of love and tenderness flowed through me into her like a connection of our bodies and souls.

“I love you! I really really love you,” she said as we broke our kiss.

As I was putting together her breakfast plate I asked, “Do you want to talk, sweetheart?”

“Not now Honey, I need to digest what has happened and search my feelings,” Ann replied.

She then added in a bubbly voice, “Let’s go somewhere today and have some fun!”

“That sounds like just the right medicine to me! The restoration is finished on the XKE. Let’s take it out for a spin down the PCH to Malibu. We can stop at Neptune’s Nest for lunch. You go up and change while I do the dishes.”

She had the excited look of a kid at Christmas as she ran off to get ready.

After the dishes I went out to the garage to get the car ready. “I loved the way this old Jag looked,” I thought to myself as I checked the oil.

One of the unique things about this car was the the way the entire front of the car lifted up, instead of just a hood, exposing the prettiest dual overhead cam engine ever made. The chrome glistened on the knock off wire wheels and bumpers. The black Corinthian leather and walnut dash were just newly restored. This 63 XKE was a true classic convertible and the custom red paint definitely set it apart. Add my beautiful wife as a passenger and this was a killer ride. 

When Ann walked in to the garage I noticed she had changed into her bikini. She was covered by a light weight mesh beach top and had her hair pulled back into a pony tail.

I could always tell when my wife felt good about herself because she had that sway of confidence when she walked. She was jiggling in all the right places. This woman was still eye candy to me after all these years.

“Don’t just stand there gawking at me, let’s go,” she giggled as she climbed in to her seat and hooked up the racing harness. I got in, hooked up and started the beast up, gunning the engine a few times listening to the deep drone of the exhaust. 

Shifting through the gears this car handled so smoothly through the curves on the PCH. It drove like a dream. Each time I shifted the power pushed our bodies back into the seat.

This was a great day for a ride with the temperature in the mid seventies with a clear sky. The sun sparkled on the ocean like a million diamonds.

Ann's beautiful brunette hair blew behind her like a flag. All along the route, beach goers gave us the thumbs up. After about thirty minutes we approached Neptune’s Nest. 

We pulled into the side parking because the entire front of the restaurant was taken up with motorcycles.

Neptune's Nest was an old restaurant on the east side of the highway, directly across from Leo Carrillo beach. It was a tattered old place in serious need of a paint job but it was also a legendary hangout. 

Unbuckling our seat belts, I looked over at Ann and said, “I think your attire needs to be changed before we go in there with all those bikers.”

She asked, with a quizzical look on her face, “Why? Don’t you like my bikini?”

“No,” I replied as I reached over and tugged the bow behind her neck pulling bikini top away from under the tight mesh top and threw it in the back on the bumper seat. 

“They will kick us out if I go in there dressed like this!"

“No they won’t. The sign says, 'Shirts and shoes required' and technically that mesh top is a shirt." I smiled. 

Ann returned my grin, with a naughty one of her own, as she slid out of the car. We made our way to the front door. Her breasts were gorgeous the way they swayed freely as she walked. The top is not really see-through but the color of her skin and rosy nipples were visible through the mesh. Upon entering, the manager gawked at Ann before informing us it would be a fifteen minute wait to be seated.

“They can have our seat,” one of the bikers said, undressing Ann with his eyes.

“Why thank you,” She replied, flashing him a big sexy smile.

There are some real advantages having her look this way. She had the attention of every man in the place. Unfortunately, she was also attracting the glares of the wives and girlfriends. It is selfish of me but I get turned on knowing my wife will probably be on the minds of these men long after we leave this place.

“I need to use the restroom. I will be right back.”

I watched her walk walk away. Her butt cheeks jiggled on the sides of the tiny bikini. I noticed as she walked through the restroom door she was quickly followed in by one of the bikers.

After about ten minutes she left the restroom and came back to the table. After glancing at the menus, I asked her, “Did that biker come into the bathroom with you?”

“Yes he did," Ann replied, with a flushed face.

I then questioned, “What happened?”

“I just went pee.”

"So, what did he do?”

“He used the other stall."


"Nothing! But.. he... offered to wipe me off,” she replied, with a devilish smile.

I think this had to be the wildest thing I have ever seen her do. I couldn't believe what a different person my wife had become since last night. Ann was always sexy but now she seemed to take it to a new level.

We sat quietly while we waited our lunch, drinking our ice tea. Ann spoke low so no one else could hear, “What are you feeling right now Sweetheart?”

I replied, “About what?”

“About last night silly,” She said still softly.

I thought for a few moments and told her honestly, “I am feeling a million things all at once. I feel ashamed, excited, hurt, angry, and I have the feeling I betrayed you. Never before in my life have I been flooded with as many emotions as this at once. We broke all the rules, tossed reason and good sense to the side and succumbed to raw unchecked lust. The boundaries and parameters we have lived by all these years were taken down. I feel the history that bonds us together has changed. Yet saying all that, it somehow makes me feel excited and alive.”

The waiter delivered our food, while we paused our conversation and left.

I took her hands in mine looking deeply into her eyes and asked, “How do you feel?”

“Oh, my darling I feel exactly the same way. You expressed my feelings better than I could,” she said with total sincerity.

We finished our lunch and I suggested, “Let’s get out of here and finish our drive!” 

After leaving a good size tip on the table we stood up to leave. It felt like every eye in the place again was on Ann as we walked to our car.

A short time later, we were again are motoring down PCH toward Malibu, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. We both more at ease because the tension was broken by our talk at the restaurant. Ann looked so damn sexy with the wind whipping through her hair.

I saw in the rear view mirror a string of motorcycles approaching us from behind, and they were closing fast. As the first motorcycle passed, the passenger held up a sign that read, “Show your tits!” 

Looking at me with a devilish grin on her face Ann proceeded to lift her top displaying the prize the bikers wanted. She was excited and her hard nipples showed it. Each bike that passed us was honking their approval. It was so funny, yet erotic and daring.

After arriving home and pulling into the driveway, we were still laughing from the naughty fun we had. Ann was still just wearing the net top without her bikini and was getting stares from some of the neighbors across the street. 

I couldn't give a damn, our reputation was destroyed after that video anyway, let them stare.

I had been sporting and erection since we left the restaurant. After we were both in the house I practically attacked her lifting her up and carrying her up stairs to our bedroom. We were both naked in seconds, rolling around kissing and caressing each other with a sense of immediacy. I lay back and pulled her up on my chest so I could suck those awesome globes of soft flesh nipping her hard nipples and squeezing them between my teeth.

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“Oh, feels so good,” she panted.

I pulled her mouth down to mine and apply the kissing technique I learned from Bob's wife Penny last night. I darted my tongue here and there and then sucked her tongue into my mouth.

She responded, “That is so hot!” 

Sliding under her so she is now sitting on my face. I reach up cupping her breasts and pinching her nipples while I gave her long licks between her swollen labia and made little circles with my tongue around her hard erect clitoris. 

"Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Please don’t stop!” Ann gasped.

Sliding my hands under her legs I parted her lips, gaining greater access to her woman hood. Plunging my tongue deep into wet opening and sucking up her nectar, caused her to exploded in a huge body-shaking climax. Her vagina contracted around my tongue in waves of spasms and she cried out loudly, “Ohhh. I am cummming. ”

I rolled her onto her back so her head is hanging off the bed. Standing above her I shoved my cock into her mouth fucking it like a pussy, just as I saw Bob do to her last night. This was incredible as she was taking almost my entire length down her throat. I could feel myself getting close so I pulled out.
I climbed on top I took my position between her thighs. Then I plunged my hard cock all the way into her sloppy wet pussy in one stroke and pounded her like there was no tomorrow. Her tits were shaking from the force of the vigorous fucking and she was moaning in ecstasy. I was pumping her harder than ever before. This might be because I was trying to out do the way Bob fucked her the night. Or... I was trying to give her a fucking that no one could ever come close to. She was delirious with pleasure. I couldn't hold back any longer and my cum was filling her womb with surge after surge of cum, as it splashed against her cervix. I could feel it squeezing out the sides of my cock and running between her cheeks. 

After several minutes, I regaining my composer. I was thinking how Ann being with Bob last night was affecting our love making today. No matter how we might pretend it does not matter, our adventure into swinging had changed our lives forever.

“How was that?” I asked, breathlessly.

“It was wonderful! I love you Mike!"

We went to sleep in each others arms with a closeness and contentment only lovers can feel.

The next couple weeks our life went on pretty much as normal, getting back into our regular routine. There were some subtle changes I noticed in Ann though. She was normally very independent, but now she seemed to want to be with me constantly. Almost like she did not trust me out of her sight or… possibly the other way around. I also noticed that almost all fantasies we once had stopped. I guess that was because we acted out our fantasy and she didn't want to give in to any more. She was also a bit clingier in bed, wanting to snuggle the whole time like she is frightened to let me go.

Both of us also seemed to avoid going to the gym these last two weeks, using one excuse or the other, but I think we knew it was to avoid seeing Bob or Penny. To their credit, they have not tried and contact us and have honored our wishes of privacy.

I grilled hamburgers for dinner with baked beans. While we are eating and making small talk I slid an envelope to Ann.

“What is this?” She asked surprised.

It read, “Happy 20th anniversary my love!”

With a huge smile she says, “You remembered!”

“Open the envelope."

Inside the envelope there was a second envelope. She pulled out two tickets for a week cruise in Hawaii. 

Jumping into my lap, she kissed my face all over and exclaimed, “I love you! I love you! I love you! You are the bestest husband in the whole world!”

“Well, we leave in a week, so you better start packing,” I told her.

“You are going to really get laid tonight buster,” She stated, as she ran off to go through her things.

Later, I was out in the front of the house cleaning up our tri-hull speed boat, when I saw Bob walking his dog. Not wanting to be rude I asked, “How have you been?” 

“Not bad and yourself?”

“It is our anniversary next week and we are taking a cruise to Hawaii." 

“Sweet!" Bob said, and then went on to say, “Penny had to go help her Mom who just got out of the hospital and I'm a bachelor this week. Look, I owe you guys a dinner. Why don’t you two come over tomorrow night and let me grill some steaks?”

Trying to avoid an answer I replied, “I will have to ask Ann.”

"Ask me what?" Ann said, as she appeared from behind me.

“I was just asking your Hubby if you two would join me at my place for dinner tomorrow night,” Bob repeated the offer to Ann.

"We would love to,” Ann replied, before I could say a word.

That evening, while we are lying in bed listening the music I asked, “Sweetheart, do you feel comfortable going to Bob’s house tomorrow?”

“Don’t be so uptight Mikey. What more can he do to me? He has already fucked me in every hole and then some,” she chuckled.

"Well when you put it that way I guess it was a silly question."

The day went by fast doing chores. I was washing the cars and Ann was finishing up the house work.

"It is four thirty and you better get cleaned up. We have to be over at Bob’s by five,” Ann reminded me. 

Going back in the house I showered and changed into some shorts and a golf shirt. Ann put on a short black skirt and a low cut lavender blouse with no bra. She even undid the two top buttons to show more cleavage. She had applied her make up with a sexy red lip gloss and enhanced eyeliner. She looked like a woman dressing for her lover, which I guess she was.

I walked over to her and slipped my hand under her skirt feeling her bald pussy. She looked up at me and smiled.

We arrived at Bob’s place almost exactly at five with a bottle of wine in hand. Bob greeted us, giving me a hand shake and my wife a lingering kiss on the lips.

His house was well decorated with high ceilings. It had a spacious feeling with a great room. The den is right off the kitchen had a long bar with an indoor charcoal grill. It looked like their house was completely finished, even though they have lived here such a short time.

Ann was standing at the grill checking it out. Bob came up behind her putting his arms around her waist kissing her neck and then moving his hands up to cup her breasts. I remained silent watching him feel up my wife. I still couldn't get used to that. I guess my territorial feeling didn't go away over night.

Putting the steaks on the grill Bob asked, “How do you like your meat?”

“I like mine medium rare," I replied.

Ann giggled and said, "You know how I like my meat... Hard!"

“Well, you're both gonna get what you ordered.” Bob chuckled.

This had to be the most uncomfortable meal I have ever sat through in my life, watching them flirt with each other. I didn't have much of an appetite.

I just had to say something and burst out, “I do not like this! It was different when Penny was here. It is tearing me up watching you two seduce each other right in front of me. Bob, you have no idea how much I love this woman. This is painful." 

Bob said, “I understand what you are going through buddy. I felt the same when I watched Penny with other men but then realized her joy counted too.”

"Calm down boys. There is enough of me for both of you!” She came over to me and sat in my lap and kissed and consoled me. Her skirt was scooting up exposing her already soaking wet pussy. I slipped a finger in her sloppy wetness.

“Ummm, I am ready guys. You better get dessert while it is hot.” 

“Follow me.” Bob instructed us.

He took Ann by the hand and lead us in to a play room. When I said play room, I really meant play room. There was a large eight foot square padded platform about a foot off the floor, in the corner. Then, in the center of the room was what I perceived to be a sex swing. There were also various kinds of sex toys on the wall, like chains and handcuffs. I guessed Bob and Penny were really into this lifestyle big time. 

Walking over to Ann, Bob pulled off her blouse off and said, “We need to get you more comfortable. Could you get the skirt, Mike?”

I did what he asked and unbuttoned the skirt. I slid it down to the floor and she stepped out of it standing there nude except for her high heels.

Bob led Ann over to the swing and she eagerly hops up into it saying, “I love to swing.”

Bob pulled the back support adjustment and she was now almost completely lying horizontal. He unbuckled his shorts and removed them, showing his rock hard cock. He stepped between her spread legs, positioning the head of his prick at the entrance of Ann's waiting pussy.

He asked me, “You won’t mind if I fuck your wife now, do you?” I didn't answer. He plunged deep into her dripping cunt.

She responded, ”Oh damn! That feels so good!”

He was now rocking her back and forth, pumping in and out of her cunt. Ann beckoned for me to come over to her.
Bob was continuing to swing her back and forth impaling her on his erection and fucking her with rhythm. I could hear the creaking of the swing and the slapping of Bob’s balls on my Ann's skin. 

"Ohhh, that feels sooo good!" Ann gasped. 

Wanting me involved, she again motioned for me to come over so I could fuck her mouth at the same time Bob hammered her cunt.

I pushed my hard cock into her eager mouth and she engulfed me. She has always been a voracious cock sucker.

We swung my beautiful wife between us and fucking her at both ends at the same time. Ann was having orgasm after orgasm. Bob also looked intense, like he was ready to cum. Then suddenly Bob stopped the swing.

He asked me to carry my wife to the platform. I picked her up and whispered into her ear, as I carried her to the platform, “I love you.”

She smiled like she was relieved I was with the program and said, “I love you too. Please don’t hate me.”

"Have you guys ever done a DP?” Bob asked.

"Never!” Ann replied.

"Well you are now!” He said, strongly.

Bob instructed me to lay on my back and have Ann fuck me cow girl position.

She climbed up and squished down on my hard rod, as I cupped her tits. Bob went over to a tray on the wall and retrieved some lube. I was lying still and Ann was motionless as Bob lubed her anus. He inserted a couple fingers in her.

“Owww.” She moaned.

After working her butt for a while, he positioned himself so he was straddling her hips. Then he started to slide himself into her tight rose bud.

Ann moaned loudly, “Fuck me. Fuck my slut pussy and my whore ass!”

We both pumped away at her for several minutes before we found the rhythm. Ann was on her fourth or fifth orgasm of the night and Bob and I were about to fill her full of cum. The thin membrane separating us gave me stimulation like I never experienced before. I was the first to go, flooding her pussy with my juice that had built up for hours. Bob was grunting as he shot his load deep in her bowels.

“Give it to me. Fuck me,” Ann gasped as the room was filled with moans of ecstasy.

In the aftermath, we were all lying on the platform panting, catching our breath. Our bodies soaked in each other's sweat.

"I'm so sore. Take me home, Honey. I need a shower.” 

After getting dressed, Bob saw us to the door while he was naked.

“Thanks for dinner Bob. I hate to fuck and run. Oh, by the way, I will be over to screw your wife when we get back from our trip.” I smiled.

Bob grinned and kissed Ann good bye.

Later on, after showering and getting into bed. I asked Ann, “How are you feeling?”

“I had a good time but I'm sore as hell and filled with cum. Where did you guys get all that semen? I have a feeling we are going to have one hell of an anniversary cruise.” She laughed.

“Good night, sweet cakes," I cooed as I squeeze her tit.

"Good night, stud," she whispered closing her eyes. 

To be continued...

Written by ChuckEPoo
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