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Lazy Day or My boring day turns to porn filled orgy heaven

"Fuck, I didn't expect that!"

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There wasn't really anything on TV. Steve had taken the children camping for the weekend, but I had to work so I had stayed behind on my own. It was Saturday afternoon and I had spent the morning inspecting some new homes that Al and I were listing for sale. I got home just after one, and felt like having a lazy day.

I ran a long bath and then poured myself a glass of wine and relaxed in the deep water, enjoying the peace and quiet. I sipped my wine, then put it on the edge of the tub and closed my eyes, my shoulders dropping below the bubbly water level. I must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew, the dog was barking madly and the doorbell was ringing. "Damn!" I said to myself, climbing from the warm water a little dazed and dripping wet with bubbly water.

I grabbed a towel, wrapped it round my chest and waist, and headed for the door. I opened it slowly, my head peeking round the corner to see who was knocking.

"Ooh, I'm sorry Madam, I didn't realize you were all wet!"

He was a young salesmen for one of those cable TV companies. The last thing I wanted at that time. However, he was also rather handsome. I told him I didn't need it at this time, and then he politely apologized and left. I watched him go, his muscled legs contracting in his shorts each time he stepped up the pathway towards the street.

I locked the door, and then went back to my bath, climbing and in and feeling luxurious as the warm water once more caressed my breasts, feet and the rest of my body. I ran a little more hot water to really heat me up, and then closed my eyes to relax once more. However, I couldn't stop thinking of the sales guy! I guess the warm water, the relaxing, quiet home, and the fact that he'd seen me wet in my towel at the door, had all got to me. I was surprised to look down and see my nipples quite erect already! I reached for them and slowly pinched them both, just the way I love to arouse myself. I then pinched them and pulled them, before tweaking them together as if I was having them both squeezed at the same time. I leaned forward and took my left nipple into my mouth, closing my eyes as I sucked on my own hard nipple.

My mind wandered, and I imagined the salesman sucking my nipples as his cock entered me slowly. My second nipple entered my mouth, and I was now lying in my hot bubble bath sucking both nipples hard, occasionally turning myself on wickedly by biting down hard on the puckered nipple flesh. The combination of my own soft wet mouth and the sudden nastiness and pain of a bite from my teeth really was exciting me now, and my right hand sunk under the bubbly water to find my engorged clit. I went for it, and made myself climax within minutes, the combination of clitoral stimulation, nipple sucking and biting and hot water, speeding up the process more than normal. I came hard, my thrashing and contracting splashing water over the edges of the bathtub. My head threw itself back and forth, until I opened my eyes to watch the show in the large mirror behind the bath. I looked hot as I fingered my clit and slowly started to come down from my orgasmic high.

Something caught my eye at the window, and as I focused once more on my surroundings, I was stunned to see the salesman waving at me through my own bedroom window, my little guard dog in his arms licking him!!

"Bloody dog!" I thought!

"Shit," I then suddenly realized, "What the hell is this guy doing peeking in through my bathroom window? How much had he seen? Was he there to hurt me? Did I look ok? Should I invite him in?"

All these crazy thoughts suddenly zoomed through my head as I sat up with a start, covering my bubble soaked breasts with their still stiff nipples.

"I'm sorry Ma'am, but I was wondering if you could help me?" he said through the window, his hand continuing to pat my useless little dog as if he'd known him for years!

"Get away from here and go to the front door," I shouted back, demonstrating that I was annoyed, but not totally dismissive of him at this stage.

After all, I have to admit, my orgasm in the bath that I am sure he had witnessed was largely as a result of my mind wandering what it would have been like to fuck him!

Once more I climbed from the bath, my body again covered in frothy bubbles. I wiped most of them from my body, then again covered myself with the towel, before walking to the front door, where I was greeted by the young man. He was smiling.

"Wow," he said, "That was some sexy show you just put on for me".

I blushed. He must have thought I masturbated in the bath for his benefit! The truth was I had no idea he was there watching me until I finished. Besides, I wanted to know what the hell he was doing there in the first place!

"Excuse me, but I certainly did not do that for you, and I have a good mind to ring your supervisor and charge you with trespassing. What the hell were you doing sneaking round my garden?"

"Oooooh, I am totally sorry ma'am, but I was hoping you could help me find a Mr. Bennett. Apparently he phoned through and has ordered cable TV and I have been asked to organize the paperwork for him with his wife. Only problem is, he forgot to tell our call centre what number he lives in this street."

I was surprised. Steve had obviously forgotten to also tell me that he wanted to get cable installed.

"Actually, he lives here. I am Mrs. Bennett."

Now it was his turn to blush, and as he did so, he apologized for having snuck round the back, but he said when he rung the doorbell again, there was no answer. I guessed that I had not heard it because of the water splashing and the concentration of my mind on my orgasm as I chewed my nipples! Anyway, I laughed a little, then invited him in, thinking that the situation was obviously a funny one, and that he was not there for any sinister reason.

"Please, come in" I gestured, "And you can call me Dee. I am Steve's wife."

He entered, trying not to stare at my bosoms as they barely were contained in the wet towel, which also was just long enough to cover my upper thighs.

"Make yourself at home in the lounge" I said, "I need to put something on!"

He walked into the lounge room and I hurried to my room to get dressed. I looked in my walk in robe and chose a pair of track pants, and a small spaghetti strap singlet top. It was a warm summer afternoon, and this was a suitably conservative with a hint of sexy combination to chat with a stranger. Mind you, this particular stranger had just watched me masturbate to orgasm in the bath, but hey, I was still a married woman with class! I quickly brushed my hair, pulled it back into a simple pony tail, and applied some red lipstick. My nipples were still semi-hard, and without a bra on, they were clearly visible through the simple cotton of my singlet top.

"Can I get you a drink?" I asked, being the polite hostess now that we had overcome the initial embarrassing meeting.

"That would be lovely, thank you. By the way, my name is Paul, and I work for Foxtel" he replied, demonstrating his ability to be professional after all!

"Well Paul, as I said earlier, I am Dee. Nice to meet you officially! I apologize for the little 'show' earlier, but you caught me relaxing in the bath, and I didn't expect to see anyone at the window while I was...enjoying myself!"

We both giggled nervously.

"Again let me apologize" Paul said.

"I swear I rang the doorbell, and, knowing you were home, thought you must have been vacuuming or something and couldn't hear me ringing. I don't normally barge on in to people's homes, but I just had to find the Bennett home, because Mr. Bennett had apparently requested we install it tomorrow so he can watch the big game on Tuesday night."

"It's ok Paul. No harm done. Besides, I have to admit, I was thinking of you as I was playing in the bath! You see, Steve and I like to "experiment" with sex a little, and I was wondering what it might be like to suck that cock of yours?"

He almost spilled his drink down the front of those tight little shorts he was wearing.

"Ummm, well, actually, someone" he managed to reply to my rather forward comment.

"That's ok Paul, we all have our little fantasies don't we?"

I smiled back teasingly, uncrossing and crossing my legs again to increase the effect.

"Now...tell me what I have to do for you to organize this cable stuff for Steve."

We chatted quietly about the cable for about ten minutes, and I signed off on the installation form, and paid the deposit. Paul booked in the fitting of the system for the Monday morning, and we had finished business without any more sexual innuendo or comment. However, something must have changed in Paul's mind. Maybe it was the proximity of my nipples, the smell of my perfume, or the fact that I had admitted to masturbating as he watched, imagining he was letting me suck his cock. I'm not sure, but as we finished the business side of things, he leaned back on the couch, looked around, and said,

"Nice place you have here Dee. Would you show me around? I've always wanted to live in this area."

"Not at all" I replied, his enthusiasm once more hitting my arousal button.

I stood, making sure he got a good look at my bum in my track pants, the absence of any panty lines clearly indicating that I wore none! We made our way slowly through the house, and Paul made sure to ask me which rooms I wanted the cable TV in. I told him the main living room, the guest bedroom, and when we finally made it into my master bedroom, in there as well. I told him that Steve and I liked to watch TV in bed sometimes.

"Well, Steve has asked for the adult channel as part of your package, so I am guessing you'll be enjoying a lot more real soon, Dee" he said with a naughty smile.

"OOh, he has, has he?" I asked, smiling wickedly, my finger raising to my lips as a teasing movement.

"And just what do they show on the ADULT channel, Paul?"

"They show all kinds of stuff, from tame, to wild, to fetish and international movies. I love it. I have it at my place and watch it all the time. I'm sure you'll love it" he said, his eyes sparkling as he looked at me.

"And what is your favourite type of program?" I asked.

"Well, to be truthful, Dee, I really am fascinated by the programs that show women in fetish clothing being paraded around or having sex. That really excites me because I've never seen any stuff like that in real life."

"I see. Well, you never know, one day you just might get the chance!"

I smiled, knowing that my own wardrobe was FULL of exactly that kind of fetish wear that he had just mentioned!

We finished the tour, and Paul had to leave. The sexual tension between us was now at fever pitch, and had he asked me at that time to fuck, I would have dropped my pants on the spot and let him have me. However, he remained professional and politely said his goodbyes, reminding me that he would be returning on Monday morning with the installation team to set things up for Steve and I.

"See you at 9.30am sharp" he said, before waving and heading back to his car, parked a little way down the street.

Returning to the bathroom, I let the water out of the tub and cleaned up, before turning on the TV and relaxing on the couch. There was a movie on and I started to watch it, munching on some chocolate as I did so. I must have dozed off on the couch, because the next thing I knew the phone was ringing and I woke with a start to answer it.

It was Kathy, my good friend. She was on her way around with some photos from her birthday party to show me. I remembered with fondness the fun we had at the party. The two strippers has been great, and her and I had "enjoyed" the female stripper especially. In fact, the three of us had actually made out on the dining room table in front of all the other party guests once her family had left!

When she arrived, the photos were VERY raunchy, and we both laughed and remembered the kinky little show that we had put on. In one particular photo, I was lying on the table, with Kathy licking my clit, and the hot little stripper squatting over my face, letting me tongue fuck her wonderfully tasting pussy. It was really an erotic sight, and as I looked at it closely, Kathy leaned over and kissed my ear, whispering in it as she did so.

"I really want to fuck you now, Dee" she whispered, before lifting my chin so my lips were level with hers.

She kissed me gently, her hand running through my hair as our tongues met and tangled together in a passionate kiss only two women can know. I stood and took Kathy by the hand, leading her to my bedroom. The bath, the salesman, the sexy teasing and then the erotic photos that Kathy had shown me were too much for me to resist. I wanted to cum again, and I wanted to fuck Kathy NOW.

In the bedroom, our clothes were removed in a flurry of activity before we fell onto the mattress in a tangle of arms and lips. We kissed and tongue pashed each other for ages, our hands running their way all over our bodies as we touched, squeezed, stroked and massaged each other through ten or fifteen minutes of passionate foreplay.

Rolling around on the bed, I reached around to Kathy's ass and pulled her on top of me, our breasts mashing together making our nipples rub and touch each others as we kissed. I wanted more, so I quickly turned on the bed before climbing on top of Kathy, our bodies entwined in the classic 69 position. I admit I prefer the feeling of a man's cock inside my pussy or ass, but the thrill and totally incredible sensations of a woman-to-woman 69 is unmatched by any male contact. (Sorry guys, it's just my opinion!!)

We locked our pussies and tongues in the position which best suited our needs, and then lapped and flickered and licked each other until we both climaxed together. It was amazing and erotically sensational, all at the same time. Kathy's body started to buck against my own, and my tongue jammed down into her pussy the moment she started to cum. In my own orgasm, I gripped the cheeks of her ass as I stated to spasm, trapping her slimy, flickering tongue against my blood filled clitoris. We came, and came, and came, until we finally rolled off each other and laughed, our sweaty bodies glistening in the afternoon sun as it shone through the gap in the bedroom curtains.

We must have been some sight. Two woman, totally naked, covered in the sweat only lovemaking can produce, the musky, aromatic sweat of cum. The sweat had dripped down between my boobs, and in a sensual motion, Kathy reached over and rubbed the sweat all over my boobs, making me glisten in the sunlight. I loved it. In turn, I reached across and pushed two of my fingers into her sopping wet pussy, making her moan and throw her head back as she thrust he cunt towards my invading hand.

I pumped my fingers in and out a few times, before Kathy begged me to fuck her. I knew what she wanted. I reached into my bedside drawer and took out my strap on dildo. It was a present from Steve on our anniversary last year. He had watched me use it only twice. Once with a woman we had met at the casino in town, the other at a swingers ball we go to regularly. I had enjoyed using it on those occasions, but had never yet had the pleasure with Kathy. She knew of my experience with it, and had obviously wanted me to fuck her with it now as we laid on my bed in the post orgasmic bliss of that afternoon.

I slowly put on the cock, making sure it was comfortably adjusted, before asking Kathy to turn around and get on her knees. I adore being fucked like a doggy myself, and I wanted to jam my fake cock deep into Kathy in the same position I had enjoyed so many times before. I eased the head of the ten inch fake cock into Kathy, allowing her natural fluids to lubricate the jelly dong, before moving it in and out a few more times to totally soak it's shaft.

Before long I was able to move almost the full length in and out quite fast, the two of us women getting into a nice fucking rhythm on the bed. I gripped Kathy by the hips, and pushed, as he hands reached back and found my clitoris. In turn, I snuck one hand down to stroke her love button as I fucked her with deep, ever increasing powerful strokes.

Before long I was really cutting loose fucking my girlfriend on my own bed. My jelly cock was pushing in and out really hard and fast, and our fingers were working their magic on our respective clits as we fucked. It was sensational! I jammed it in again and again, until I could stand it no longer and simply shoved the full cock's ten inches into Kathy, as the moment of my climax overwhelmed me. He fingers had caused me to cum and I virtually had a fit as my contractions made the cock spasm in her wet pussy, and she also span into a wild, screaming orgasm on my cock. I loved it and we collapsed into a moaning, laughing, sweaty and smelly pile of woman flesh on the bed, the red jelly dong soaked with white juices from her pussy that I had just fucked!

In a final gesture of erotic love, I sank the jelly dong deep into my hungry mouth, licking and sucking all Kathy's cum juices off it's shaft, before looking her in the eye and swallowing her cum. It was yummy! We lathered and soaped up each other as we kissed and tongued each other in the shower shortly afterwards. It was now five thirty, and I was rather hungry.

"What have you got on tonight?" Kathy asked as she toweled herself off in my ensuite.

"Actually nothing honey. Steve and the kids are camping and won't be home till tomorrow afternoon. Why? Got something in mind?" I asked as I dried my hair.

"James and I are going to a party. It's his boss from work, and apparently he lives in a mansion in Toorak. We haven't been before, but everyone says last year's party was amazing. Want to join us?"

"How could I do that? Doesn't he only want employees?" I asked her, puzzled that a work function would have other people attend.

"No. Apparently he's cool if employees bring other folks along to enjoy it too. So come along, we'd love you to join us."

"Ok...sounds fun. What's the dress code?" I asked.

"Umm...actually it's a fancy dress party, Dee. The theme is 'UNIFORM'. I'm going as a nurse and James is going as a Doctor. Have you got something you could wear?"

"I'm sure I can find something. What time are we leaving?" I asked, my hair dryer almost drowning out her response.

"We'll pick you up at eight. Party starts at nine, but it's in town, and we've booked a hotel room for the night ok? You can crash on the couch if we have a big one. Gotta run! See you later on."

And with that the evening was planned. I actually began to look forward to the party as I started to go through my wardrobe, looking for something to wear. Hmmmm...uniform. I had several options. I tried on several before deciding what I was going to wear. I'd worked as a grid girl for the Australian grand Prix one year, and I had been allowed to keep my outfit. It was a skin tight lycra FOSTER'S beer dress, which reached barely below my thighs, and came complete with matching wristbands. On my feet I wore black platform stilettos, just as I had done when I did the GP. I knew it looked hot, and I felt proud of my 6'4" frame as I looked at myself in the mirror. I knew that I would make quite a sight as I entered the party, and as I knew no-one apart from James and Kathy, thought it might be fun to play a grid girl for the night! (Email me if you want to see me in my grid girl outfit that night)

James and Kathy arrived just after eight, and I was floored when she walked in. She looked absolutely gorgeous. No, she looked totally HOT! Memories of our afternoon lovemaking session flooded back to my loins as she walked in dressed in a hot and tiny black, PVC nurses uniform with thigh high black lace-up boots to match. She was amazing! James came in behind her, and was actually shorter than Kathy because of her boots. He was dressed in a white lab coat, with a stethoscope around his neck and a pair of fake glasses on his face. He wore boxer shorts and runners underneath, and he looked like a perfect dorky doctor!

We kissed each other as they came inside, and they then took a moment to look me up and down in my Foster's gear.

"Wow look great!" said James.

"Yes, you'll be the hit of the party in that!" offered Kathy.

"Ooooh rubbish you two - let's go. You know everyone else will be better looking than me!" I said as we locked the door and headed off for the party giggling together.

The nurse, the doctor and the grid girl - quite a group - specially considering Kathy and I were both wearing huge platform heels!

On the way to the party, we all decided we would like something to drink on the way, so James pulled into a bottle shop. Kathy and I climbed out of the car, the nurse and the grid girl, and just about caused a riot on the spot! A big guy was buying a slab of Foster's Cans, and almost fell over when he saw me walk past in my Fosters dress and heels, and then practically collapsed on the spot when Kathy also walked past him in her pvc nurses mini dress and thigh high boots! It was a classic. We got some champagne and a few mixed spirit cans, but the guys wouldn't let us pay! We jumped in the car, and headed off laughing, having had a great fun time already!

Because he was driving, James didn't have a drink until we arrived. Kathy and I, however, were well and truly tipsy by the time we walked in the front door of this amazing house that James' boss owned. It was a palace. We were met in the long sweeping driveway by a valet who parked the car and opened the doors for us all. Holding hands and very excited, we all entered through the huge front door, held open of course, by a butler! Yes, a BUTLER! He was even dressed in the traditional tuxedo and top hat! It was great!

We were ushered into a room that must have been the size of my house, where all the guests were assembling, and nibbling on hors d'houvre's which were being passed around by adorable young asian woman in incredibly sexy little school girl outfits. They were all matching and looked very cute. I remember thinking they all looked like the bukkake girls you see in those kinky Japanese porno movies. Boy would I have something to tell Steve if that turned out to be the case and this was a bukkake party! If you recall, I once had my very own bukkake party, and it was something Steve and I both wanted to experience again for sure.

Anyway, we all accepted a champagne cocktail, and then nibbled on some wonderful finger food as we mingled with the other guests. James knew many of them, Kathy a few, and I only recognized one person, a man named Rodney whom we had met at a party at Katy's place earlier that year. He was with his wife, Rachel, who was a short woman with an amazing bust popping up and out of the wench costume she was squeezed into. Rodney was dressed as a friar from a Robin Hood movie, and looked great. He'd even put a swimming cap on his head and it looked as though he was bald!

As we moved around the room and met lots of different people, it was great fun to see the costumes they had worn. Not everybody was in a uniform as such, but most had gone to a good deal of effort to dress up. Just as we were being introduced to a police officer and his hooker wife, the butler came in and rang a small bell, indicating that everyone should be quiet. On a small platform at one end of the room, a man, dressed as Abraham Lincoln, spoke into a microphone.

"Ladies, gentlemen - welcome to my party. My name is Adam Telford and I am your host. Please make yourself at home in my home, and feel free to wander the property to see what surprises I have in store for you tonight. Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we all return to our normal lives. Tonight, we live as if another in costume. Enjoy!"

And with that he raised his glass and proposed a toast.

"To fun, frivolity and excitement - may they forever continue in this world".

Everyone cheered and toasted his speech, before the huge doors at the end of the room swung open to reveal a magnificent smorgasbord of fine food! It was amazing. There was everything from crayfish to caviar, from scallops to salads, and all sorts of wonderful eating fare! We joined the throng of people gathering to get some food, and then took our full plates out to the sun room which had been set up as a restaurant. It was really well done and we found seats at a table of twelve and introduced ourselves to the others. After finishing our meal, James excused himself and went to chat with some of his workmates. Kathy went to the bathroom, and I decided it was time to explore.

I noticed a large group of people out by the pool, and so decided to head in that direction, as the weather was warm, and I felt like a short walk to help all that glorious food digest. What I found changed my opinion of what the party was all about! The large group was watching something in the pool, and as I squeezed my way between two men, one dressed as a race car driver, the other a workman, I saw what was drawing their attention. In the pool, up against the shallow end wall, was a couple. They were totally naked, and the young woman was sucking the dick of the rather handsome looking stud as he leaned against the wall. It was VERY erotic. I had no idea who they were or whether they were guests or hired performers, and neither did I care. I was just happy to watch these sexy young people go at it in front of the large crowd.

Suddenly, the young man threw his head back and started to cum in her mouth. She was skilled, and did not flinch at all. Gulping and sucking continually, she managed to swallow his entire load of cum, and finished the job by polishing his knob as it glistened in the light that flooded the pool area. She finished by raising herself up in the water and kissing the man who had just cum in her mouth. Several people in the crowd applauded, and then started to disperse as the young lovers left the pool and walked, hand in hand, to the gazebo where they retrieved towels that were neatly stacked in a large pile at the side. Wrapping themselves in the towels, they headed back inside, leaving us all horny and impressed by the pool!

"Did you like what you saw?" a confident voice spoke next to me.

Swinging round to see who it was, I was surprised to see Abraham Lincoln, or Adam, standing there, his smile hidden partly by the beard glued to his chin.

"Yes. Very much so actually. But equally surprised. Were they guests or did you hire them?" I inquired boldly.

"Entertainers. Hired to get people into the spirit of my party. The way I like them to be" he said. "And who might you be my lovely lady?"

"My name is Dee, and I am with James and Kathy Sanders. Kathy is my best friend, and James invited me to your wonderful party tonight as my husband is away camping with my kids. I hope you don't mind?" I asked.

"On the contrary my dear. It pleases me greatly to host such beauty in my home. Please make yourself at ease and enjoy ALL my party has to offer".

And with that he was gone. I wanted to ask him more about the young lovers, and about what else I might find going on, but he was already talking to another couple dressed as construction workers. I also wanted to know more about what he met when he emphasized the word "ALL" in his last sentence!

Out of nowhere a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the house again.

"Come on Dee, you have GOT to see this" said Kathy as she tugged me inside.

We rushed indoors to a smaller room which had been set up as some sort of office. In the corner, a large desk held a computer and some books. However, the main item I saw was a large 'x' shaped frame in the corner. On the frame, a man was shackled, his pants pulled down around his ankles, as a woman dressed as a nun kept whipping his buttocks with a leather flogger! It was very erotic. His penis was stiff and stuck out like a beacon on the front of his body, and each time the nun struck him, the man's cock would pulsate and swell momentarily. A second woman, dressed in what looked like a business suit, dropped to her knees in front of him and began masturbating his erection. She spat on her hand for lubrication, and then fiercely pumped her hand up and down his shaft making him moan and thrust towards her with each breath. The nun sped up her flogging, and the man's ass was now totally red. However, he clearly was enjoying this combination of punishment and pleasure, and suddenly came, spurting cum almost three feet into the air as the woman pulling him continued to make him spurt into the air and across the floor. It was equally as erotic as the couple in the pool, and I was now getting rather horny myself!

I'd had a wonderful afternoon fucking and licking Kathy, and now we were standing at the party watching two women make a man cum as he was bound to a frame in front of lots of people. I looked at Kathy and smiled, and we ran off in search of what others entertainment was on hand for the guests.

"Wow, that was intense" said Kathy.

"I'll say" I replied, then told her what I had seen out by the pool as well.

"Incredible!" she said, "This must be a sex party or something. I had no idea, I swear!"

"God Kathy, don't apologize honey. I'm just so glad it isn't turning out to be one of those boring corporate do's!"

As we walked back into the meals room to top up our glasses, a bell rang somewhere upstairs. It was one of those booming bells you see in churches, and everyone made their way up the stairs towards the sound. Kathy and I were holding hands and walking together, sipping our cocktail, as we entered another large room adjacent to the staircase. Many people were already in the room, and a man in a completely white suit was at the end of the room standing on a small platform, about to speak.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the activity I am about to explain to you is completely optional, and you are under no compulsion to participate. However, please understand, that, for the benefit of all who choose to partake, that once you have decided to join in, there is no leaving until the activity is complete. That being said, let me explain it to you now. When I am finished, those wishing to be involved will follow me through the chamber doors you can see here. Those not wishing to be involved, may leave by the stairs by which you entered. This activity will not have spectators, unlike many of those you will have seen, and will continue to see here tonight."

Kathy and I looked at each other, and wondered what the hell the activity was! It sounded mysterious. Being rather horny and quite tipsy by this stage, I was keen to hear what the activity was.

"Once you choose to play, you will enter with me via these doors. Once inside, the doors will be closed, and will remain closed until the game has been completed. The game you will be playing will be a version of hide and seek. However, there is to be a sexual variation on the original version. When you are hiding and are found, you will be expected to perform sexual acts with the guest or guests who find you. Beyond that, there is no more I can tell you at this point. Make your decision. The doors are now open, and will close in exactly five minutes."

Kathy looked at me. I looked at Kathy. James found us and whispered in Kathy's ear. She whispered in my ear.

"James doesn't want me to play. He says he has heard about what happened last year from the guys at work, and doesn't want me involved. We're gonna give it a miss".

Disappointed and totally enthralled by what was likely to happen beyond the doors, I was trying to make up my mind when the man in the white suit called out " ten seconds to go" and then the doors began to slowly close.

I looked back at James and Kathy, and then, totally on impulse, decided to jump in between the now very narrow crack in the doors. Just making it inside in time, they swung completely shut behind me.

I turned to see who else had decided to 'play' and found myself in a room with about thirty men and only about six other women.

"Guests, please walk this way" said the man, indicating that we should all move through another door into an elevator.

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Once inside, all of us were taken down to what was shown as the basement on the elevator panel. I was nervous and yet adrenalin was pumping through my veins as the doors of the elevator swung open. In front of us as we exited, Adam (Abraham Lincoln) was standing, waiting to address us.

"Congratulations. I admire your courage and your sense of adventure. I am sure you are dying to learn more about this game, so I will not keep you in suspense any longer. This game is to be a Laser shooting challenge. Behind me is a massive room set up as an obstacle course. You will spend 15 minutes in the course. The woman will be released five minutes prior to the men. Both of you will be armed with computer linked laser firing weapons. At the end of the fifteen minutes, the scores will be tallied and the females and males will be ranked according to number of hits minus the number of times you yourself are hit. However, women cannot shoot women, and men cannot shoot men. The losing male will then be at the mercy of the females for one hour. The losing female will be at the mercy of the males for one hour."

With that, he was gone, and the ladies were each given a black catsuit to change into and so were the men. I was looking forward to the contest, and also just a little horny at the thought of what might happen afterwards! I changed out of my Foster's suit, and place it and my heels into a small basket we were each given. Two of the ladies seems a little apprehensive. I was actually quite excited. I'd played paintball and Laser Challenge plenty of times with the family, and thought it might be fun!

Once we were dressed, a man showed us how to use the small rifles, and we were off! The six of us women scattered in the confusing series of hallways, passages, rooms and doors, along with moving lights, loud music and all sorts of obstacles. It was ace! I spent a minute or two looking round, trying to get my bearings, and also eying off some of the better places to hide. I found two places, one with a mirror nearby, and the other high up on a sort of platform that I found I could scramble up rather easily. I knew that in laser challenge, you can fire your weapon off a mirror, so I planned to use that to my advantage, hoping that some of the men were unaware of that fact! Just as I was looking through the last couple of room sections, an announcement advised us girls that the men would be entering in ten seconds. I heard several screams and decided to hide on the raised platform to begin with and see how many men I could hit from there.

For the first few minutes I enjoyed playing the 'sniper' from my original hiding spot. I managed to score several hits on men who came into range of the platform before they fired at me, but then a tall guy saw me hiding and hit me, so I decided it was time to move on to my next hiding spot. I had much more success from there! The shooting from the small platform onto the surface of the mirror allowed me to pick of anyone that came within range of my gun, and they had no idea where they were being hit from!

It was ace fun! I shot about six men before they started to realize where the shots were coming from, and then I had to jump down and run. The catsuit felt really sexy, and I actually started to sweat as the latex material started to heat up my body, and the adrenalin pumped through my veins. I was shot a few times as I scrambled to find a new place to hide. I couldn't seem to find anywhere to hide, so I just kept dodging and shooting, and also getting hit by other shooters too. I lost track of how many I hit or how many times I was hit, but I had an absolute ball running around playing war games! It was really good exercise, and before I knew it, the lights came on and the buzzer sounded, ending the game.

Sweaty, I followed the others out, laughing and giggling. As we left the game room, we were all given drinks and our laser guns were taken from us and we were offered towels to freshen up. I unzipped my catsuit, and found the gap between my boobs was soaking wet. I toweled them dry, and enjoyed the exhilarating feeling of the cooler air on my cleavage. I also thoroughly enjoyed the stares I was getting from several of the guys who had spent the last fifteen minutes shooting at me every chance they got!

I was looking at the men who were taking off their outfits and toweling down as well, and I wondered which one was the loser. I was also thinking that this 'loser' was probably going to enjoy being treated like a sexual toy by all of us girls once the scores were announced! As I sipped again on my drink, the guy in the white suit appeared again with a sheet of paper in his hand. He began to speak.

"The results are in, and as I explained before, there will now be consequences. For the male who was hit the most by the women, you will spend the next hour as their sexual slave in the room on my right. To the woman who was hit most times by the men, you will be the sexual slave to the men in the room on my left. So, without further delay, here are the scores."

As he listed each man's score, they were groaning with disappointment! I gather they thought it might be nice to be the sex slave to a whole stack of sexy women for an hour. Anyway, after the first twenty-eight men were announced, it was down to the last two, and they were both pretty excited! The white suit man then asked them to step up onto the small platform and wait while he announced the women's scores. Again, he listed each person's score in order from highest to lowest. I was shocked when my name was read out first! I had won the women's section! That meant that I wouldn't be the sex slave to all thirty men, well, twenty-nine actually, but it did mean that I would be one of the five to sexually use the lucky guy for an hour and I was really looking forward to THAT!

Anyway, when the last two women were left, they also were invited to join the men on stage for the final announcement. There was real sexual tension in the air. I took a long hard look at both the men who were left, knowing that within minutes I'd be sexually playing with one of them. They were very different in appearance. The first guy was short and stocky, and must have been a fitness fanatic, as his body bulged muscles all over. The second guy was taller, and had a body devoid of any hair. I suspected he was an advocate of the "back, crack and sack" waxing as we call it down here in Australia.

As the loser's name was announced, the taller guy threw his arm in the air and shouted! He was pleased to have won. I was also pleased, because I was forming some plans in my mind as to how I could best sexually use him!!

In the meantime, the woman loser was also announced, and a black woman seemed horrified when her name was read out. She shrieked and her hands went to her face and she really looked scared. Mind you, the thought of having to spend an hour as the sexual slave to twenty-nine men would be some!

Us girls all grabbed Mr No Hair and took him into the room we were shown, and proceeded to strip him totally naked. Standing back to admire the view, we all traded comments. He was a good looking guy, but was sadly lacking in the cock department! Disappointment spread through our group. Oh well, we went to work and decided to make the best of the situation. Meanwhile, unbeknown to us, Blacky was taken by the men into the opposite room, and she was also stripped naked for all to admire.

To be truthful, our session proved to be a bit of a fizzer. Mr No Body Hair managed to lay back, laugh a little as he was tickled, and then, when I stood on him in my high heels, he came all over my left foot and was unable to get it up after that! The five of us were distraught, until I suggested we all grab some of the toys from the wall and make our own party fun!

I grabbed a small vibrator, and then moved towards the woman who had the short black bob haircut. She was lovely, and I had been eying her off as I walked on Mr Smooth's chest. Without saying a word walked right up to her, took her gorgeous face in my hands and lightly kissed her on the lips. She responded a little, but I sensed she needed some guidance. I kissed her again, allowing my tongue to lightly flicker against her ruby lips. This time she responded, and her body melted against mine, our boobs squashing and mashing against each other as our tongues and lips began a very sensual dance of passion. I reached down to her small breasts and felt her nipples harden as my fingers pinched and twisted them gently. I then guided her right hand to my breast, and she did the same, sending that sharp burst of arousal through my spine as the touch of this hot woman began to have an effect. We moved slightly back from each other in order to allow a better angle to fondle each other, and we began to really explore the body opposite us. I reached down to her pussy, and discovered that her lips were protruding markedly. She had one of those pussies that was externally lipped, if you know what I mean! It felt totally enthralling to play with a pussy that was very different to mine. I allowed my fingers to flick and pull and play with the lips, before finding her clitoris and focusing my attention there. As I first flickered her love button, she moaned and squeezed my left breasts slightly harder, eliciting a smile and a further moan from us both! She reached down and found my clit straight away, which surprised me because I had the impression she was less experienced at lesbian love than I. Anyway, she really started to work me over, and before long I was approaching a rather nice orgasm in her hands as she leaned forward to suck my nipples. That through me over the edge and I began the familiar contractions of cum as the waves surged through me. I stood there in my heels, my body wracked with spasms as I had a wonderful climax thanks to my black haired lover.

As my climax died down, I kissed her on the mouth in a real lovers kiss. We couldn't get enough of each other now, and I sensed her desire to cum also. I took her by the hand and lead her across to a small couch that was in the corner of the room. I asked her to sit down, and then positioned myself on my knees in front of her, spreading her legs so that I was then able to lean forward and pay at her slightly open pussy. I stopped momentarily to see what the other three ladies were up to, and noticed that they had grabbed Mr Smooth and laid him on the floor, and were taking it in turns to squat over his face, using his tongue as a vibrator on their bulging clits! Interestingly enough, his little cock was once again hard, and I wondered if I might be able to use it later on, once I had finished pleasuring my female lover here on the couch.

She looked adorable, her short black hair framing her lovely face as she leaned back on the couch, her arms over her head gripping the back as her legs lay splayed apart, and her protruding pussy available for my touch and licking! I leaned forward and began to lick her clit the way I love to be licked. In addition, I slowly inserted the small vibrator into her pussy, which caused her to moan once more. I began a slow rhythm of pumping action with the toy as I licked her, and she responded wonderfully, her hands dropping to grab my hair and ruffle it as she began to fuck my face and the vibrator inside her. I waited until I knew she was close to cumming, before turning the vibe on, and that was enough! She went wild and in a big surprise, she was a really loud cummer! Her voice screamed as she jammed my head against her pulsing clitoris, and her pussy twitched and bucked on the silver vibe, forcing it almost all the way inside her as I pumped it.

It was very sexy for me, because I knew we were a wonderful sight, and I was thoroughly enjoying having my face buried against her spasming cunt as she juiced both my tongue and the silver vibe that I continued to fuck her with it in front of the others who were by now climaxing in turn upon Mr Smooth's tongue. It was apparent that what he lacked in the cock department he more than made up for with tongue!

My lover lay back on the couch as I removed the vibrator from her pussy and sat back on my knees to watch her. She smiled lovingly and then reached out and stretched her whole body in that post orgasmic moan we all love so much. As we both relaxed and watched the other woman cum on his tongue, there was a knock at the door, and then man with the white suit entered. He watched the climax of a largish brunette woman for a moment as Mr Smooth earned his keep, before announcing;

"Ladies. May I have your attention please. It is with a sense of disappointment that I advise you that the losing woman contestant has been unable to fulfil her part of the bargain and has been asked to leave the party. This leaves us with a dilemma. In the opposite room, 29 men of various shapes and sizes are feeling rather, shall we say, frustrated! I am in the position to offer a considerable financial incentive to the woman, or women as the case may be, who might feel they would meet the challenge and take on the role of the sexual toy as vacated by our former combatant. If you think you would be interested, please let me know now." HERE was a challenge!!! I, or we as the case may be, were now faced with the chance to overlook the fact that Mr Smooth had only LOOKED good, and indulge in some serious cock bursting fucking action next door. Indeed, with twenty-nine of them horny and frustrated, I guessed it would be a very long night indeed!!! Before I had the chance to think much more, my black haired lover pinched me on the bum and whispered in my ear.

"Let's go get 'em" she said, smiling up at me, her gorgeous brown eyes sparkling with desire.

"I'd love to" I replied, and took her by the hand and walked forward.

We were the only two who took the opportunity and were shown across into the men's room where a splendid sight awaited us both.

All around the small room, men were standing chatting to each other. They were stark naked and their cocks, of many different shapes and sizes, hung limp against their thighs. Obviously it had been a while since the other woman had felt unable to handle them all, and their dicks now lay dormant. It was a sight I had not really seen before. Usually when I had fooled around with several lovers, their cocks were stiff by the time they were revealed to me, but this was rather different, and strangely arousing! The best part was when we made our entrance, and the cocks started to grow at different speeds, into different shapes, lengths and thicknesses! It was a like 29 little floppy poles suddenly standing to attention, and I LOVED IT!

I will never forget that first few awkward minutes as men's erections revealed themselves to us.

Anyway, I didn't have too long to think because my lover took my face and kissed me, our bodies once again mashing against each other, but this time in front of the hoard of men. We put on really sexy lesbian display, before the first of the men moved forward to join us. It was a delightful feeling. I was engaged in a sensuous women to woman kiss and touch session, when all these hands, tongues, lips and fingers began to explore my body. I closed my eyes and melted into sexual bliss as I was fondled, touched, kissed, licked, bitten, rubbed, stroked and fingered to my second orgasm of the night. It was a really big one too, because right throughout my climax, men were driving me wild, and I had large cocks in each of my hands as my mind exploded with pleasure through my cum. As I came back down to earth, I opened my eyes to see that my lesbian lover had assumed a position on her knees, with several of the men surrounding her as she sucked their now well and truly erect penises feverishly. I enjoyed watching for a moment as I wallowed in the afterglow of my own cum, until I was pulled back onto a small coffee table that was covered with a sheepskin rug. It felt smooth, warm and lovely against my skin, the goosebumps still well and truly on show from my orgasm.

I lay back on the table, my body in a spreadeagled position, and I watched as a large number of the men took up positions surrounding me. I was about to be the sex toy for all these me, and it felt totally fucking awesome! I know my lifestyle isn't for everyone, but hey, let me tell you ladies, until you've been the sex object for a room full of men yourself, don't criticize it! It is the most amazing feeling you will ever have, trust me!

I looked to my left and a black man was offering his cock to me to suck. I studied his face first, and noticed he had a scar down his right cheek. Apart from that, he was rather handsome, and as I took his swelling penis into my mouth, I looked up at him and smiled, my lips engulfing the head and my lips snaking their way down his shaft as we made non verbal communication! I sucked and sucked on his cock, before another two cocks aimed themselves at my already stuffed full mouth. I started a three-way exchange and rotation of cocks sucking, that meant I was virtually always sucking and slurping on the different cocks on offer. As I manipulated my head position to better access each of these wonderful erections, I took a moment to assess my situation. On my left, a youngish looking man was kneeling beside me, his hands playing with my left breast as he masturbated his rather long and thin cock below the surface of the table.

Next to him, three other men were openly stroking their cocks as they rubbed their shafts along my thighs. At my foot, another man, this one older, was aiming his cock at my high heels as he pumped his fist up and down, and I knew he was obviously a shoe fetishist, and waited for the feeling of hot cum spurting onto my ankle and arches. On the other side, five men were teasing the hell out of my whole side. My calf muscle, thigh, buttocks and boobs were being licked, kissed, massaged and rubbed, and it was wild. I was in cock heaven and I again closed my eyes to bathe in the glory of a true gang bang about to explode into my third orgasm of the night, and my fifth of the day thanks to the little session I had shared with Kathy that afternoon back at my place. I wondered if this night might break my previous record for cumming, which stood at nine. Mind you, that time I was totally ravaged and spent more than seven hours having sex!

My mind was snapped back to reality by the first cock to enter my pussy that night. I looked up as I continued to suck the three cocks in my mouth and hands to see a man of about forty pushing a nice looking dick inside my now totally sopping and HUNGRY cunt! He was plain looking, but very well muscled, and his penis felt lovely as he began to fuck me. His insertion made all the other men kick it up a gear, and they really started to work me over, their hands, cocks and mouths taking charge all over my body. My nipples were now sucked harder, bitten and pinched, just the way I love them to be treated when I am being fucked, and I was having a ball as the arousal meter hit the roof! The man fucking me reached down and grabbed my hips, dislodging the cock in my mouth momentarily, but I managed to grab it by the shaft and stuff it back in my hungry mouth once more as the shaking from his wonderful fucking overtook the feelings of ecstasy from the wonderful touch of all the other men. I was being fucked in front of heaps of strangers who were openly masturbating and touching me at the same time, and I was loving it. He was a good fucker, and managed to give me a nice ten minute fuck before he announced he was cumming. I temporarily took the cock that was in my throat out and watched the spectacle of this guy cumming. He pumped a few last times, then pulled back from my wet pussy, and aimed his cock at my tummy. He pumped a couple more times in hand as he started to groan loudly in that way men do as they begin to cum, before spurting three or four large streams of white gooey cum all over my belly and onto my boobs. I was feeling very slutty, and so, in front of all the men who were busy fucking me, I reached down and rubbed the cum all over my body, making it slick and shine with the slimy fluid as I rubbed it all over my breasts and stomach. My body now glistened and I waited for the next cock to fuck me, No, I demanded the next cock fuck me!

An older man stepped up, and to my surprise, his cock was a monster!! It must have been a full nine inches, and looked like a small forearm as he positioned himself to fuck me with it.

Several of the other men hollered and whooped it up as I took him somewhat easily into my wet pussy, before focusing my attention back on the three cocks still waiting for relief from my cock sucking mouth. It was a splendid sensation to be fucked with gorgeous long, slow, deep and thick strokes, whilst alternating sucking three cocks in my mouth. I was now ravenous for cock. Those of you who know me, already are aware that I have an almost hypnotic state that I get into when fully aroused. Well, as I sucked the one cock, held firmly and pumped the other two, and was being fucked by the third as many men stimulated the rest of my body, I reached this state well and truly. I was a whore for cock at this point, and nothing was going to stop me enjoying the feast of man meat that was before me. I was a gangbang slut, a cock hussy, a dick addict, and I loved it!

I started to respond orgasmically once more as the old guy started to cum. He pumped inside me, filling me with his seed, and as I enjoyed the sensation of spurt after spurt of his jism on the walls of my wet cunt, I felt another cock explode into my mouth. Sperm, sticky, white wet and glorious, spewed into my throat and mouth, and with short sharp breaths through my nose I managed to swallow most of it. The orgasm that gripped me, my sixth for the day, was a slow rippling sensation, and it was actually quashed somewhat as another penis spurted onto my face as I was till gulping down the first lot to have popped off in my mouth. I was hopelessly outnumbered by cocks, but I did my best. As the second guy fucked me, I looked up to him and opened my eyes wide and smiled. He was about seven inches and just the right size to allow him to really pump me hard. It was exactly what I wanted at that point. I wanted to be jammed, fucked, pumped, conquered by cock, and as he pumped away hard, gripping my hips, I felt the guy wanking on my shoes cum all over my heels and ankle. It was hot! He rubbed his goo all over my lower leg, and this made two more of the feet fetishists explode and add their cum to the growing slippery, shiny mess that was my lower legs. I was slick with cum all over my naked body, my curves glistening once more in the dull light of the room.

I continued to be well fucked by guy number two, whilst the third guy I had been sucking announced that he too was about to cum. I slurped my tongue around the wonderful mushroom shaped head of his cock, and was rewarded with a spurt of cum directly into my eye. I wiped it away and popped my slutty, cum covered finger into my mouth, just as spurt number two, three and then four landed across my chin, my cheek and on my right ear. I grabbed a handful of the gooey love juice, and then, in a scene reminiscent of the Cameron Diaz scene in Something About Mary, I wiped it through my hair, making it stand up and smell that musky pungent odor of man cum. It was wicked, and I loved it!

Guy number two pulled out and sprayed my tits and belly with more cum, and three guys went to work polishing my body with the newly arrived slick juices. I rolled over wantonly, now taking control rather than being the sex slave, and invited a cock into my pussy by wiggling my hips and ass to the watching, and wanking, crowd of men. A short guy stepped forward. He winked at me, then licked his finger. He slowly, polished the tip of his cock, making it too glisten in the lighting, before walking around to my head, showing me his erection. It poked lewdly from his crutch, and with his hands on his hips, he wiggled it back and forth in the air, before assuming the entry position behind me. Carefully, and without using his hands, he pushed the head of his nice shiny cock into the entrance of my sopping cunt. I moaned and threw my head back, my cum soaked hair shaking and fluffing about wildly. He wiggled his hips back and forth with sharp movements, embedding his cock inside me, and then, when he was all the way in, I felt the warmth of his balls hit my clit and I moaned. A nice looking penis presented itself to my now empty mouth, and I sucked on it warmly as I felt the short guy start to grip on my hips and pump his cock in and out of me. We must have looked good, because before long I felt two men approach from each side as I gave the guy in my mouth a blow job, and they sprayed their cum all over my arched back and shoulders, and some even onto my ass cheeks as shorty fucked me well.

The men who just came left my side, but were replaced by two more cumming cocks, and before long there was a pool of sperm forming in the small of my back, just out of reach of the crack of my ass as I sucked and was fucked. I felt like a complete whore but loved it! Then, as I was deep throating the man in my mouth, he started to come and grabbed me by the head and locked his spurting cum stick deep in my throat. I gagged a little from lack of oxygen, but managed to sniff in a few small bursts of air through my nose until he finished cumming and released me. I turned to look just as shirty pulled out and came. Wow, did he cum or what! The first squirt was pretty impressive, and landed way up high on my shoulders as he pumped it with one hand and gripped my ass with the other. The second arc of sperm managed to reach my hair, and the third landed fair and square on my left cheek as I looked back over my shoulder to him as he came. I then was really wicked! I snaked my long, already cum-soaked tongue around to my cheek, and slurped the big dollop of cum that had landed there into my mouth, before swirling it around, tilting my head back, and swallowing the lot of it. Shorty was still contracting and moaning, but he laughed and smiled at me, before lightly spanking my ass.

"Awesome babe" he said, before stumbling backwards and being replaced by another guy, a rather tubby looking older guy.

He managed to last all of thirty seconds, and I assumed that I must have been the first fuck he had in a while. Anyway, it was getting a little uncomfortable for me on my knees, and so I asked to be lifted up. Some of the men helped me from my knees, and I stood up and stretched. My 5'10" when barefoot body was glistening completely with the cum that was all over it. I still had my heels on, and so I was well over six feet tall, and I felt so bloody sexy I have no way to describe it. As I said earlier, until you have been well and truly gang banged, you can't have any perception of the arousal levels, the eroticness of it, and the totally abandoned pleasure that comes with satisfying one hard cock after another. Not to mention the numerous orgasms that you are given yourself!!

I felt like some more after stretching and loosening up my legs, and decided to be a little nasty in front of the other guys and my little black haired lover, who was laying on a couch chair being fucked as she sucked on another guys cock. I walked over to the small bench that was in one corner of the room, and leant forward, pushing back my ass. My long legs were well displayed, and I lowered down until my boobs were flatly pressed against the surface of the bench. Then, looking back with a slutty look in my eye, I reached under and pushed my finger deep inside my totally cum soaked pussy. I pumped it in and out a few times, as many of the guys watched on wanking their cocks. One guy came rather close, and I managed to slurp on his hairy ball sack as he watched me finger myself in front of the others. Then, in a nasty, nasty act, I pulled the cum soaked finger from my pussy, and raised it to my mouth. All the guys groaned audibly, and I licked my finger clean, before popping it into my mouth like a popsicle, sucking on it like it was another cock.

Satisfied that I had their attention once more, I slowly, ever so teasingly, moved my finger back down my body. I traced my shoulder, moved onto my boob, flicked the nipples, rolled down my ribs, played with my belly jewel, then pushed on until my finger was leaving a small slick trail of saliva and cum juice on the curved cheek of my buttock. I moved my feet apart wider, to increase the opening of my asshole, and then slid the finger up and down the crease of my anus twice. It was hot!

Slowly, I pushed the finger until it opened my asshole, and I was able to push the tip of my finger into my bum. Guys everywhere approached rubbing their cocks once more. I felt more alive and sexy than I had in ages. I suddenly pushed the whole finger into my own asshole, causing myself to gasp a little as the knuckle popped past the tight sphincter muscle. I pumped it deeper and deeper, until the webbing between my fingers hit the dark opening of my asshole, and I knew my finger was deep inside my butt. I started to butt fuck myself faster, encouraging guys to wank harder. After about two minutes, three guys had walked up and cum on my back and ass cheeks, depositing their sperm on the globes of my butt or the smooth flesh of my back. I wanted more.

I pulled the one finger right out of my ass, lifted it to my mouth, sucked and covered three fingers in saliva, then reached back and smoothly pushed all three fingers back deep into my ass. It was now quite relaxed and open. You ass fuckers out there know what I mean. It opened wide and suddenly any discomfort I had been feeling was gone. I fucked myself in the ass with three full fingers now, and as I closed my eyes to enjoy putting on my own ass fucking show, a tongue struck my throbbing clitoris. Now let me tell you, there is NOTHING as hot and erotic as a tongue on your clitoris when you are being ass fucked, and so, I pulled out my fingers and almost screamed for someone to fuck me in the ass NOW!

A younger guy stepped forward, and I could just see his cock before he pushed it into my asshole. It was ok in length, but, thankfully, not overly thick. The one thing I have learned is that if you want to take several cocks in your ass in the one night, start with the thins ones and work up from there! Carefully and smoothly he eased his cock into my ass, and the man licking me was doing a wonderful job. At least I thought it was a man! As I rolled my head to the side to watch myself being fucked up the ass in the mirror, I noticed that the person sucking and licking my clit as I was being fucked in the ass, was my woman lover who had joined me in the room with all the men!

As the man reached the bottom of my bottom with his lovely cock, the woman's tongue struck the right note and I came again. It was not slow, it was not quiet. It was a thunderbolt and I screamed a deathly scream that only anal sex and oral sex combined can produce. My body thrashed relentlessly and I jammed my quivering asshole back against the invading cock until my climax had subsided. I managed to stay standing and was aware of things enough to realize that the man ass fucking me was starting to cum. He pushed his cock right in to the hilt, gripped my ass cheeks firmly, and then held on for dear life as his cock sprayed jet after jet of hot cum deep into my bowels in front of all those men. A bell rang. I managed to stand, along with the others in the room, and the white suit man entered once more.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Your time is up. Please make your way back to the main lounge room".

And with that, I gathered my composure, took my female lover by the hand, and walked out to the main room, as the men filed on behind us. In the main room, all the other guests were applauding. I felt embarrassed, and not quite sure what they were clapping for, until the large screen came into view, with the cameras still showing the images of the men leaving the room in which I had just been totally gang banged. The whole thing had been shown to all the guests on the big screen!!!!

Written by fruswife
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