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"A birthday treat for Eric"

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Eric knew he was in for a special forty-fifth birthday treat as soon as he walked through the door.

That morning, his wife Joy had presented him with card at the breakfast table and said, “I’m cooking up something tonight as a birthday treat. So, please, don’t be late home. No stopping for drinks with your cronies.”

After a long day at the office, punctuated with a couple of lunchtime celebration drinks, it was six thirty pm when Eric placed his briefcase on the hall table. He could hear the radio playing in the kitchen and so walked to the back of the house.

He opened the door to the kitchen just in time to see his wife bending over to place something in the oven. Eric’s mouth gaped open. Joy, a forty-two year old blonde with a gym-toned body, wore the flimsiest of wrap-around mini-skirts and a matching bra top. A pair of low-heeled mules completed this stunning sight.

Bending from the waist, the muscles in Joy’s long, toned legs were stretched and the skirt’s scalloped hem had risen up her firm buttocks, like a curtain at the theatre. On show now, though, was her glorious, shaved pussy.

Eric smiled and said, “Good evening to you, too.”

“Whoa,” said Joy, straightening up and turning to look over her shoulder. “You shook me there, Eric. I never heard you come in.”

Eric walked towards his wife, a huge grin on his face. “No knickers on, eh?” he said, putting his hands on Joy’s hips and leaning to kiss her pink lips.

Their mouths meshed firmly but briefly before Joy pulled away and said, “It’s one of your birthday treats but you weren’t supposed to find out until after dinner. Now it’s ruined.”

“Don’t think so, Joy, whatever you’re cooking smells delicious.”

She smiled. “You know I’m not talking about dinner, stupid. I’ve a good mind to go upstairs now and put on some panties. That’ll teach you to sneak up on me and spoil the surprise.”

Eric looked suitable chastised and put his hands together in a pleading fashion. “Please don’t do that. I love the way you’re almost dressed. Wow, that’s some outfit.”

“Like it?”

“Sure do,” he said and ran a forefinger down his wife’s chest and between her suntanned globes. “The bronze colour suits you.” Then he chortled. “It’s my birthday but you’re the one almost wearing a birthday suit.”

“Yeah, that’s as maybe, but you need to get out of your suit and shower pretty damn quick. This casserole will be served in thirty minutes. So, old man, get to it.”

She spun him around and slapped his backside to send him on his way.


Meal over, Eric prepared to pour himself a brandy and Joy said, “Make it a small one. I have plans for you.”

“You do... I’m intrigued,” he said, tipping a small measure into his snifter.

“I think you’ll also be delighted,” said Joy and held out a hand. “Come with me.”

“Yes mistress,” he said.

They linked hands and Joy led the way out of the dining room and up the stairs to their bedroom where Joy commanded, “Take all your clothes off, Eric.”

“Ah-ha, I see where we’re going with this,” he said, putting his brandy glass on a bedside table.

Joy drew the curtains, switched on the subdued lighting and then watched Eric complete his disrobing. His cock was already twitching into life as he flung his socks on to a nearby chair where his pants and sports shirt had been deposited in an ungainly mess.

Joy shook her head at this untidiness but smiled indulgently at her naked husband. “Okay, lover, get on the bed and lay on your back. This is where the fun begins.”

Eric eagerly got into position and said, “Hey, hey,” when Joy produced some cuffs and rope from a drawer in her bedside table. “Kinky stuff tonight, is it?”

“Just something different to celebrate your birthday, darling. Now be quiet while I make sure you’re nicely restrained.”

Eric watched intently, catching frequent glimpses of pussy and nipples, as Joy cuffed his wrists to the headboard supports and then bound each ankle and roped him to the legs at the bottom of the bed. Spreadeagled, Eric’s growing erection was impressive and Joy bent to lightly kiss his fattening helmet.

“Are you comfortable, my dear?” she asked, her pert boobs almost spilling out of the tiny top.

“Yes, nothing’s too tight, if that’s what you mean.”

Joy nodded. “Yes, that’s what I mean.” She looked at her helpless but smiling husband for a few seconds. A smile creased the corner of her mouth and her brown eyes twinkled in the low light. “Now, there’s just a couple of other things to do.”

She picked up the brandy glass, put a hand behind Eric’s head and fed him the drink in a slow trickle. That done, she walked around the bed and, from a drawer in the dressing table, produced a pair of headphones and a CD player.

“Before I put these on you,” she said, indicating the headphones in her hands, “I’ve got something to tell you.”

“Right, I’m listening. I’m not going anywhere, am I?” he said, rattling his cuffs and grinning.

“No you’re not,” smiled Joy. “Not just yet, anyway.”

She climbed on to the bed and knelt, knees wide apart, at Eric’s right side. Sitting back on her heels, the itsy-bitsy flaps of Joy’s skirt lazed on her open thighs, revealing her pussy. Eric looked lustily at the pink, moist lips of her slit. He licked his own lips and asked, “Isn’t it time for you to strip off?”

“Patience,” said Joy. “This is my gift to you, so listen carefully. I’m going to put these headphones on you and you will listen to your music while you wait.” She reached out an index finger and placed it on Eric’s lips, warning him not to talk. “Just listen, don’t talk.”

Eric nodded, gazing into his wife’s eyes.

“Right, thank you. I can see you’re getting nicely aroused but a bit of anticipation and waiting will do you a power of good. If it’s worth having, it’s worth waiting for. Okay, Eric?”

“Hmm,” he said, “it’s your game. I’m happy to do what you say.”

“Good,” she said, reaching forward with the headphones. “But it’s not a game, it’s a special birthday present. I’ll be back shortly.”

“How shortly?”

Joy shook her head. “That would be telling and spoil the anticipation. I’ll be back in good time, don’t you fear.”

She fixed the headphones in place, started the CD player and got off the bed. At the door, she turned back to look at her prone husband. “By the way, your cock looks so lovely, Eric,” she said and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Eric smiled. Joy was playing one of her teasing games, quite a common feature in their sex-charged relationship. Almost from the first moment they’d met, it had been one erotic experience and experiment after another. Initially, they spent a month exchanging ever-increasingly sexy messages in a chat room, discovered they had similar tastes in many things, and arranged to meet. They instantly bonded, had mind-blowing sex on the first date and Joy moved into Eric’s apartment only a couple of months later.

They had been sexually adventurous before meeting and didn’t have any desire to settle down. But they clicked and their extensive appetite, curiosity and willingness to try anything at least once, was a vital, spicy part of their marriage, which approached its sixth anniversary.

So, Eric lay spreadeagled on the large king-size bed (“The playground,” as Joy called it) and his erection diminished only slightly as he waited and wondered what speciality his wife had conjured up this time.


Downstairs, Joy prepared the main ingredient of Eric’s present. She opened a bottle of champagne and poured generous measures into two crystal flutes.

Right, it’s been twenty minutes now, she thought.

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Time to get back to Eric and blow his socks off. She giggled to herself. His socks are already off, along with every other stitch of clothing.


Eric had been quite absorbed in his music but he grew impatient and was on the brink of shouting out to Joy when, despite the headphones clamped over his ears, he heard the tread of footsteps on the landing. He turned his head to the left just as the door was pushed open and Joy stepped in, still wearing her scanty two-piece and holding a flute of champagne in her left hand.

“Ah, champagne,” said Eric.

Joy walked over and removed the headphones, putting them and the CD player on the bedside table. She took a sip of champagne and said, “Are you okay? Nicely relaxed?”

“Whatever you’ve got in mind, darling, I’m ready.” He smiled and then asked, “Where’s my champagne?”

“It’s here,” said Joy, walking back to the door. She reached through the open doorway with her free hand and, sure enough, produced a second glass of bubbly. Only this glass was held by a naked blonde.

“What the fuck!” exclaimed Eric, his eyes popping. “What’s going on?”

“This,” said Joy grandly, “is Natasha. She’s Russian, hardly speaks a word of English, and she’s your birthday gift from me.”

Eric was now speechless. He stared at Natasha, who was smiling in the general direction of the bed. She could have been Joy’s twin sister. She had a golden all-over tan, a bare pussy, and Eric noticed that she wore a mask over her eyes and had silk ribbons around both wrists.

“What’s with the mask and... ”

“Ah, thought you’d ask,” Joy cut in. “Natasha has been tied up in a guest bedroom since just before you got home. You see, she is also quite wound up and excited about being a part of your birthday. She’s been in a state of high anticipation for hours not just a few minutes like you.”

Joy spoke as though the woman wasn’t even in the room but Natasha suddenly said, in a halting voice, “Yes, this is truth. I am excited and very much wish to be... how you say, errr... fuck-ing, yes fuck-ing.”

Joy smiled. “That’s right, Natasha, you want to be fucking.”

“Hmm, yah, fuck-ing.” She turned towards Joy. “Please, I want to see the man. Can I see now, please?”

Joy took the champagne from Natasha who then swiftly drew the mask over her head, shook her long blonde locks and looked across at Eric. He smiled, a little sheepishly. Manacled and tied to the bed, he felt enfeebled in front of this gorgeous stranger.

Natasha uttered something indiscernible, probably Russian, and in three strides was at the bedside and reaching for Eric’s penis. She looked at Joy and poked a finger in and out of her mouth. Joy nodded, “Go for it.”

Natasha quickly knelt between Eric’s splayed legs and wrapped a hand around his throbbing shaft. She stroked it gently, feeling it rapidly expand within her grip and said, “This is a good man, good cock... yah, very good and very big cock. Natasha she like this... mmm, yah very much she like.”

She smiled at Eric and then suddenly bobbed to take his fat erection into her mouth. Eric gasped and slightly bucked his hips as Natasha’s lips swept over his cock head and sucked down the entire length, her lips kissing his pubis in a magical, swift deep-throating. Her tongue licked around his girth and slowly, bewitchingly she withdrew almost to the very tip before swallowing him whole again.

Joy drank the last of her champagne and walked around the bed to place her glass on the table. She climbed onto the bed and leaned down to briefly kiss Eric’s mouth as Natasha withdrew for the sixth and final time. Eric’s cock was covered in saliva and Natasha wiped her lips with the back of a hand. “That was good, yah?” she asked.

“Was it?” said Joy looking into Eric’s eyes.

He nodded. “Hmm, it was quite something. She took all of me , you know. All the way down her throat!”

Joy grinned. “Yes darling, I noticed that. Quite an expert cock swallower is Natasha, in her mouth and other places.”

On cue, Natasha said, “I get fuck-ing now, yah? The man, he is ready to be fuck-ed, is he not?”

“Almost,” said Joy, producing a condom packet from the waist of her mini-skirt.

“I dress him,” said Natasha, taking the packet. She ripped it open, popped the condom into her mouth and again bent over Eric’s cock, gliding down and expertly securing the sheath in place.

“Bloody hell,” said Eric. “Where did you find this woman?”

“I’ll tell you later,” said Joy and turned to Natasha. “He’s all yours. Ride him well. Give him a birthday present he’ll always remember.”

“Yah.” Natasha stood from her kneeling position and placed her feet either side of Eric’s hips. Her pussy lips were exposed to his view, her slit glistening a juicy pink as she ran two fingers along and down, up and down. She parted the lips and dipped both fingers inside, preparing herself for Eric’s penetration.

Joy ran the fingers of her right hand around Eric’s nipples, down his chest and played around his navel. Her crimson-painted nails left white trails on his tanned skin. His cock bulged and throbbed inside the contraceptive as Natasha reached down and held him upright to meet her opening.

She squatted and immediately absorbed his head. She steadied herself and, with her hands resting on her knees, slid up and down his pole with impressive rhythm. Eric watched his cock disappearing into Natasha’s depths until Joy stood above his head and said, “Give me some licking.”

She flipped up her mini-skirt and presented her moist pussy to his mouth. Eric eagerly licked and lapped and poked his tongue into her hole. Tasting and savouring the sweet juices, Eric was distracted for a brief moment, almost forgetting that Natasha was still bouncing up and down his thick shaft.

But the smell and taste of Joy’s sex, and Natasha’s tight pussy continuing to grip his entire length, was a combination too sensational for him to control. His balls tightened, his erection strengthened into a steel rod and Natasha yelped as she felt the enormous expansion deep in her tummy.

Natasha responded with an increased rhythm, the long strokes bringing Eric rapidly to the edge. Eric’s concentration was now solely on his cock. With eyes squeezed closed, he ceased pleasuring Joy’s pussy and she watched his legs stiffen, his hips thrust up and his chest expand as he inhaled and then held his breath, poised and only moments from climax.

He came with a loud grunt, the release of his hot breath blowing into Joy’s open vulva. Natasha squealed and screeched like a banshee and, shaking her head, furiously rode Eric’s monster growth to the last pulsating spurt.

Joy dismounted Eric’s face and he opened his eyes to see her smiling at him. She bent down and kissed his lips. “Happy birthday, darling,” she whispered into his ear.

“Wow, you are one wonderful wife,” he gasped, breathing heavily. “Untie me so that I can give you a hug and thank you properly.”

“The man he is done, yah?” said Natasha, panting slightly, a smile spread across her pretty features. “He came good, big loads I think. Very much stuff.”

She carefully rose off Eric’s diminishing tool, holding the condom in place with the fingers of her right hand. Carefully she unrolled it and held it up. “Look, look... such a lot of stuff. He very good man.”

Eric smiled and was about to speak when Joy suddenly took hold of his penis and licked and sucked to clean up the creamy coating. Remarkably, even though he had come only seconds earlier, his cock twitched under Joy’s tongue lapping.

“Hmm,” she said, looking at him. “I’m not untying you yet. Natasha, say goodbye.”

The Russian smiled at Eric. “Goodbye, good man. It was nice to be fuck-ing with you. Thank you. You good. Big cock, yah. Have nice birthday.”

“Thank you,” said Eric. “You fucked me good.”

“Come on,” said Joy, taking the condom from Natasha. “I’ll phone for a taxi while you get dressed.”

Joy placed a hand in the small of Natasha’s back and ushered her from the room. She looked over her shoulder at Eric and said, “When I come back, you can thank me properly for your birthday present.”

“That’ll be my pleasure.”

“Hmmm,” said Joy. “Not just a hug. I expect to have a proper fucking...”

Written by JWren
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