"Hey, boss," Lance interrupted as she watched her group mingling and celebrating. "Just wanted to say thanks, for all this." 'Boss' was how they all addressed her, even Lance, although she knew they referred to her as Gina behind her back. She didn’t like 'Ms. Thornton' because it irritated her, a constant reminder her of her failed marriage and the fact that she'd been alone these fifteen years since. She kept herself fit and she dressed well, but she'd never started socializing after her five year marriage had ended, throwing herself into work.
"You all deserve it, Lance," she told him. "I wish I could do more. And for tonight," she added impulsively, "it's Gina, okay?" She suddenly blushed at his mock-stunned expression.
"Whoa, letting your hair down, boss?" he jibed, and she laughed with him despite herself. "Believe me, this is plenty, the team really appreciates it." Lance was the senior, and one of the people that management was considering promoting. He'd get his own division and a title. She'd be sorry to lose him, but would never stand in his way. He was a good man and, she had to admit, not hard to look at. She’d recognized more than once a certain fondness for him that extended past her reliance on him as her Team Leader. He stood next to her now, watching their people celebrate. She felt something then that she hadn't in a long, long time.
Stop it, she scolded herself. You're too old and too single to get yourself horny at work! She shook her head and coughed a laugh. It was after hours and they were the only ones left in the building. At forty-two, she felt so much older than everyone in her department, even though Lance was nearly her age.
"You all right?" Lance asked her when he heard the cough.
She smiled. "Yeah, listen I have two more things for them, to say ‘thanks’. Can you quiet them down? I'll be right back.”
Gina left him there, listening to him calling out, getting everyone's attention. She made her way quickly down the hallway to her office, grabbing the supply cart she'd loaded earlier with the box of small gift bags and her special surprise for the team. As she wheeled it back to the conference room through the empty hallway, she was surprised to find herself a little excited to be doing something special for them. But they had certainly earned it, and she felt a thrill of daring and disobedience as she approached the room. It wasn’t like anyone was ever going to know she'd broken a company policy. She trusted them to keep her secret, and she'd scheduled this after hours for just that reason.
She turned the knob and backed into the room, pulling the cart in behind her. Someone let out a wolf whistle and she blushed from the sound. She really didn't go for that level of familiarity in the workplace, but before she could object, she heard good-natured laughter and then spontaneous applause and she smiled, her blush deepening. The cart cleared the door and she closed it behind her and motioned for quiet, but the clapping expanded into cheers. She turned to Lance and he shrugged and put his hands out, palms up. She made a pleading face.
He leaned in to her ear. "Sorry, boss, they love you."
She pulled back, feeling the disbelief obvious on her face. She'd never given them reason to feel attached to her. Lance ignored her look and lifted his hands to the group of twelve men and women. Her team.
"Okay, quiet down, you rabble," he joked, and the crowd settled into boisterous murmurs. "The boss has something she wants to say, so keep it down to a roar."
They were her department, but Lance was their leader. For a second, she wondered who could take his place, if he got the promotion. Shuttling that thought aside, she collected herself.
"Thank you, Lance," she smiled, inclining her head and then turning to face the group. The tables had been pushed to the walls and food had already been pretty well ravaged. Her people clustered in the center of the room. She felt a surge of pride and again, that devilish rebellious twinge.
"You all know why we're here tonight," she began. "Your hard work over the last months has not gone unnoticed. I'm really proud of all of you.” She paused, allowing herself a moment to feel the genuine emotion for her people as the tightness in her chest expanded. “Even with everything extra I asked of you on this project, you made sure that we never lost focus on the existing business. You put in the time, doubled your efforts and managed to grow our base more than five percent." There was a smattering of polite applause. "But more importantly, you all shone and proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt in my eyes, that we have the best team in the building." She took a moment, looking each of them in the eye. They were excited, and well they should be. "And you did it!” she beamed. “Beyond anyone's expectations, you guys landed Nolus!"
The applause began again, with ferocity this time, and her chest swelled with pride.
"You know what this means for the company. You know that Nolus is the new leader in their sector, and you know why we wanted this contract. They're solid, and growing, and as they grow, we will grow," she announced over some small cheers. "And you got them for a five year contract, more than anyone anticipated." The cheers grew louder with hollers and whoops mixed in. "And, if you keep your eye on the ball the way you did this year, bonuses are practically guaranteed for the next five years!"
They went wild, high-fiving, hugging, cheering, the men kissing the women. Gina felt a pang of loneliness as she saw the close companionship they all shared and enjoyed. It's been a long time, she thought. She smiled wistfully at her group, tinged with the bittersweet angst of regret and time lost as she waited for the noise to end.
"So you've earned this little celebration, and I convinced the company to allow us the use of this room, even though it violates policy to be here after business hours," she said to some good-natured boos at the policy. "Looks like you've made short work of the food..." she added with a smile.
"Damn right!" someone shouted from the back to laughs and smiles. "It was delicious!" someone echoed, then, "Thanks, boss!"
She motioned her hand at the mail cart with the two boxes. "Well, there’s a little more here for you all. Not more food," she added as a jest. "I have it on good authority that most of you are going out after this to continue the celebration..."
"Damn right!" came the same shout from the back. This time she identified it as Michael, a brash young man with the talent to back up his attitude. And haunting good looks… she added to herself.
"And well you should," she told them. She smiled, pleased with herself for the things she was about to tell them, feeling somehow closer to them, almost a part of their group. "I went ahead and secured permission from the company for you all to leave your cars here overnight. Just pull them up near the entrance before you leave, so security can keep an eye on them." There were confused murmurs. "I don't want anyone taking chances and driving after having a few drinks." She put on her 'boss' tone and added, "I expect to see you here on Monday, and not in jail." She dropped the tone and smiled. "There will be two limos waiting downstairs to take you where you want to go," she announced to a ripple of admiring oohs and aahs. She turned and reached into the first box and pulled out gift bags, handing a bundle to Lance. "And these are taxi vouchers for when you go home. Have fun, but stay safe!" she admonished, feeling a little like their mom.
That was ridiculous, of course, she wasn’t quite that much older than them, and there were a few, like Lance, who were close to her age. But she did feel protective of them right now and wondered to herself if they saw her that way, as an overbearing, strait-laced rule enforcer. She tried to keep herself fit and looking good, even if her social life was nonexistent. A stuck-up MILF, maybe, she considered as Lance distributed the gift bags. But I’m not a Mom. A stuck up cougar? She guffawed to herself at the idea, imagining herself prowling after the younger men, predatory and lecherous. They are a good looking bunch, though, I’ll give them that…
'Thank yous' started floating up and she held up her hand for silence. "There's one more thing. Well, a few more, actually." She reached into the box for another bag and handed it to Lance. "I want you all to have a good time tonight. I understand you party as hard as you work," she told them with a smirk and got the expected hoots and whoops. "So while there is a policy against adult beverages on the premises, there isn't one for the limos," to more cheers, "and I'm giving Lance enough to get you through at least the first half of your night, I hope!"
Howls and high-fives, and shouts of 'come out with us' and 'party with us, boss!' filled the room and Gina beamed, pleased that she could do this thing, pleased that they appreciated it, and glowing with pride and appreciation for the show of devotion they were displaying and the attraction she felt. That twinge of longing returned as she surveyed her young men and women who appeared, in their boisterous elation, even more attractive.
She raised her hands and they quieted enough for her to speak. "Finally, last thing, I promise, then no more speeches." She took a deep breath, settling herself. "As I said, there's a policy against alcohol on the premises," she began, "and you know that I'm a bit of a stickler for rules," she added to a chorus of moans and agreement. "But this one time, perhaps," she announced, "we can make a small exception." She turned and lifted the magnum of champagne from the second box and her party went silent for just a second, until the astonishment passed. And then they howled again.
Lance opened the bottle with great ceremony and she took the plastic champagne flutes from the box as the group crowded around. She felt a camaraderie and closeness to them as they swarmed the table while she poured and Lance handed out the glasses.
"It's only the one bottle," she mitigated, "and only this once, and you can never tell anyone." She emptied the bottle into the last glass and lifted it, facing them. They remained close to her, and she saw faces flushed with excitement and genuine connection. They're great kids, the lot of them, she thought, and damned if they don't look good right now!
"Promise, first. It's our secret. This never leaves the room." They all nodded and agreed. Holding her glass up to them, she continued. "Well, then, this is for you all, for a job well done, for going above and beyond, for doing what no one thought you could do. You defied convention, you did whatever was asked and more. And I thank you all for your efforts and congratulate your success."
There were solemn nods and everyone drank, and then there was shouting and cheers that turned into a chant of "Gee-nuh! Gee-nuh!" She blushed and they moved in on her, shaking her hand and hugging her and she felt another flush of affection as bodies, men and women, pressed to her. She backed up a step, bumped the mail cart, and the celebratory moment was interrupted by the empty bottle shattering loudly to the floor.
Everyone fell into stunned silence after the crash. Then Michael broke the awkward pause.
"Well, there goes our chance to play spin the bottle!" Comfortable laughter resumed and the group moved to the side, away from the broken glass, as others picked up the joking thread. She saw someone scurry to sweep the mess into a corner as they swirled and moved and chattered to her and each other all at once
"Too bad, Mike, it'd be your only chance to kiss the boss, other than her ass!"
"Would have been fun!"
"You should come out with us, boss."
"Come on, it'll be fun!"
"I heard you're a good kisser."
"I guess you'll never know!"
"Maybe we should spin something else and find out!"
They were still surrounding her when that last comment came out, and they fell suddenly quiet. She looked at them as an air of mischief filled the room, as though the entire group had a single thought. From the back of the crowd someone started again.
"Gee-nah! Gee-nah!" and the rest joined the chorus as they swarmed her, pulling her and crowding her, their bodies pressed against her. She laughed, then stopped, then laughed again, nervously. She felt an odd, unfamiliar sensation in her belly as they pulled her to the center of the room, chanting her name excitedly and smiling.
The crowd parted in front of her and she saw there was an office chair in the middle of the room, one of the big, leather swivel chairs. She protested meekly as they guided her to it and sat her down, still chanting her name. Flushed from the attention she bit her lip and looked up at them, catching every eye, wondering if this was some sort of congratulation ritual. She felt a sense of welcome and acceptance blossom inside her and smiled up at her group.
"If you won't come out with us," Tanya called to her, "we will stay with you!"
"What...what are we doing?" she asked the young girl nervously. She glanced around, saw Lance and some of the younger men arranging the conference room chairs. They were forming a circle around the room. Around her.
"Playing a game," Lester cut in with a smile. "Having some fun, blowing off some steam."
"We work hard," Michael interjected, "and we play hard." He brushed his hand through his dark hair and Gina was struck by how sexy that simple move was. His grin made him look rakish and exciting.
"You do everything 'hard'," Tanya told him.
"Got that right!" Michael said proudly, his white, even teeth glittering in his smile.
Gina was nervously excited and her body rippled with anticipation at the thought of being included in their fun. "What's the game?" She asked naively. "How do you play?" She felt warm in a way she’d not felt in many years.
"Well, we can't play 'spin the bottle." They all seemed to answer at once.
"We only had the one."
"And that's broken."
They all looked at each other as if sharing a joke. Lance stepped up then and leaned over her, his hands on the arms of the desk chair on either side of her. She smelled his cologne and felt his...maleness. His face was close to hers, and she saw dark stubble on his chin. His eyes sparkled.
"We are celebrating, Gina," he told her, "and you are the guest of honor. You're going to let your hair down and party with us, and let us show you how much we appreciate your leadership." He winked at her and grinned. She felt the thrill of the unexpected rush through her and she bit her lower lip, thinking, they really do like me.
"So this game," Michael stepped up, "is called 'Spin The Boss'," he told her, and cheers broke out. Everyone began finding seats in the circle. "I'll go first, of course," he announced to exaggerated groans. "Here's how it works, Gina." He moved behind her chair and slowly turned the chair in a circle, allowing her to look at each member of her team as he spoke. "For months now, we've done whatever you asked of us," he preached, "and in many cases," he added with a sly, conspiratorial smirk, "we've done more than you asked." He continued another slow circuit and Gina watched the expressions change from smiles to glee to...something else.
Something hungry. Eager.
"So tonight it's your turn, boss." Michael continued. "Tonight you join the party, or rather, tonight you are the party."
"Get on with it!" one of the girls called out.
"So, tonight,” he repeated with indolent emphasis, “since we have no bottle to spin, we’re going to spin you," Michael said, turning the chair to face him. "And when it stops spinning, whoever you’re facing gets to tell you what to do. Got it?" he grinned.
"Oh, like truth or dare?"
"A little, I guess," he agreed mischievously. "Except you’re always it." He leaned into her and smiled his dazzling smile. "Ready?"
"I guess," she answered, not wanting to rain on their parade and be a spoilsport. And to be completely honest, she was enjoying the attention more than a bit.
"And don't worry," he said as he positioned himself behind her again. "We all swore when we had the champagne. Nothing leaves this room."
And then she was spinning in her chair. She laughed, despite herself, feeling very much like a little girl on a carnival ride. She watched as Michael flashed past her vision a few times until the chair slowed and came to a stop.
She was facing George, one of the younger men, a good-looking, dapper dresser, a little shy, she'd always thought, but a whip with numbers. He stood from his chair and beckoned her to stand.
"I'll start simple," he said quietly, to some raucous boos. He angled his head to the side, showing his cheek. "Give me a kiss."
Oh, this is silly, she thought, but walked to him and put a hand on his shoulder and pecked his cheek softly, feeling the skin on her lips.
"Mmm, nice," he said, "thanks, boss," as polite clapping sounded. "Okay, back in the chair, I spin, now." Gina lifted her shoulders playfully and felt George's hand in the small of her back, escorting her to the big chair. She sat and he placed his hands on her shoulders. "Let's see now, big spin or little?" His hands felt comfortable there and she missed them when he pulled away. And then she was spinning again, a slow gentle turn, watching the excited faces turn to anticipation as she slowed, and stopped, facing Laurie.
Laurie stood and motioned. Gina got to her feet to approach and Laurie met her halfway. "I'll take a kiss, too," she said. Gina had a moment to wonder to herself if this was really such a good idea. Sure, the champagne had broken a Company Policy, but fraternizing with the staff, that went against her rule, her personal guidelines. Still, it seemed like harmless fun. And she reckoned that giving them an opportunity to boss her around was innocent enough, and a welcome relief valve for the pressure she'd put them through. She smiled as Laurie stepped up to her.
In a flash, Laurie’s hands were holding Gina's face, palms cupping her cheeks as her lips brushed the older woman’s delicately. She felt Laurie's body press closer as their lips met and she inhaled sharply, unable to move as Laurie's breasts squashed against her own and her lips moved and formed to hers. Where her kiss on George’s cheek had been light and brief, Laurie’s kiss lingered and played. The intimacy was unmistakable and Gina felt her body react, her breath coming short and quick as a tingle spread through her.
She was still trembling when Laurie released her and looked in her eyes, one hand still at her cheek, lingering there as she smiled. And then she was steering Gina back to the chair.
My god, what was that ? She thought as she settled breathlessly into the chair. It had been years since she'd been kissed like that, and from a girl! Her body still tingled and she barely had time to inhale before she was spinning again, several times around, the faces of her department blurring until she was almost dizzy. She struggled to her feet to find Lance facing her.
His lips were on hers before she knew it and she fell into his embrace, kissing him back enthusiastically, one hand on his broad chest and the other on his hip. Her breath quickened and she felt his body lean into hers as his arms surrounded her. She felt a pressure against her belly and realized it was his cock, stiff and firm. For me, she thought to herself. And then his hands were sliding down her back, clasping her butt and pressing her into him. She heard him growl into her mouth as his tongue parted her lips and she opened them, closing her eyes, falling deep into his kiss and fondle.
"You all deserve it, Lance," she told him. "I wish I could do more. And for tonight," she added impulsively, "it's Gina, okay?" She suddenly blushed at his mock-stunned expression.
"Whoa, letting your hair down, boss?" he jibed, and she laughed with him despite herself. "Believe me, this is plenty, the team really appreciates it." Lance was the senior, and one of the people that management was considering promoting. He'd get his own division and a title. She'd be sorry to lose him, but would never stand in his way. He was a good man and, she had to admit, not hard to look at. She’d recognized more than once a certain fondness for him that extended past her reliance on him as her Team Leader. He stood next to her now, watching their people celebrate. She felt something then that she hadn't in a long, long time.
Stop it, she scolded herself. You're too old and too single to get yourself horny at work! She shook her head and coughed a laugh. It was after hours and they were the only ones left in the building. At forty-two, she felt so much older than everyone in her department, even though Lance was nearly her age.
"You all right?" Lance asked her when he heard the cough.
She smiled. "Yeah, listen I have two more things for them, to say ‘thanks’. Can you quiet them down? I'll be right back.”
Gina left him there, listening to him calling out, getting everyone's attention. She made her way quickly down the hallway to her office, grabbing the supply cart she'd loaded earlier with the box of small gift bags and her special surprise for the team. As she wheeled it back to the conference room through the empty hallway, she was surprised to find herself a little excited to be doing something special for them. But they had certainly earned it, and she felt a thrill of daring and disobedience as she approached the room. It wasn’t like anyone was ever going to know she'd broken a company policy. She trusted them to keep her secret, and she'd scheduled this after hours for just that reason.
She turned the knob and backed into the room, pulling the cart in behind her. Someone let out a wolf whistle and she blushed from the sound. She really didn't go for that level of familiarity in the workplace, but before she could object, she heard good-natured laughter and then spontaneous applause and she smiled, her blush deepening. The cart cleared the door and she closed it behind her and motioned for quiet, but the clapping expanded into cheers. She turned to Lance and he shrugged and put his hands out, palms up. She made a pleading face.
He leaned in to her ear. "Sorry, boss, they love you."
She pulled back, feeling the disbelief obvious on her face. She'd never given them reason to feel attached to her. Lance ignored her look and lifted his hands to the group of twelve men and women. Her team.
"Okay, quiet down, you rabble," he joked, and the crowd settled into boisterous murmurs. "The boss has something she wants to say, so keep it down to a roar."
They were her department, but Lance was their leader. For a second, she wondered who could take his place, if he got the promotion. Shuttling that thought aside, she collected herself.
"Thank you, Lance," she smiled, inclining her head and then turning to face the group. The tables had been pushed to the walls and food had already been pretty well ravaged. Her people clustered in the center of the room. She felt a surge of pride and again, that devilish rebellious twinge.
"You all know why we're here tonight," she began. "Your hard work over the last months has not gone unnoticed. I'm really proud of all of you.” She paused, allowing herself a moment to feel the genuine emotion for her people as the tightness in her chest expanded. “Even with everything extra I asked of you on this project, you made sure that we never lost focus on the existing business. You put in the time, doubled your efforts and managed to grow our base more than five percent." There was a smattering of polite applause. "But more importantly, you all shone and proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt in my eyes, that we have the best team in the building." She took a moment, looking each of them in the eye. They were excited, and well they should be. "And you did it!” she beamed. “Beyond anyone's expectations, you guys landed Nolus!"
The applause began again, with ferocity this time, and her chest swelled with pride.
"You know what this means for the company. You know that Nolus is the new leader in their sector, and you know why we wanted this contract. They're solid, and growing, and as they grow, we will grow," she announced over some small cheers. "And you got them for a five year contract, more than anyone anticipated." The cheers grew louder with hollers and whoops mixed in. "And, if you keep your eye on the ball the way you did this year, bonuses are practically guaranteed for the next five years!"
They went wild, high-fiving, hugging, cheering, the men kissing the women. Gina felt a pang of loneliness as she saw the close companionship they all shared and enjoyed. It's been a long time, she thought. She smiled wistfully at her group, tinged with the bittersweet angst of regret and time lost as she waited for the noise to end.
"So you've earned this little celebration, and I convinced the company to allow us the use of this room, even though it violates policy to be here after business hours," she said to some good-natured boos at the policy. "Looks like you've made short work of the food..." she added with a smile.
"Damn right!" someone shouted from the back to laughs and smiles. "It was delicious!" someone echoed, then, "Thanks, boss!"
She motioned her hand at the mail cart with the two boxes. "Well, there’s a little more here for you all. Not more food," she added as a jest. "I have it on good authority that most of you are going out after this to continue the celebration..."
"Damn right!" came the same shout from the back. This time she identified it as Michael, a brash young man with the talent to back up his attitude. And haunting good looks… she added to herself.
"And well you should," she told them. She smiled, pleased with herself for the things she was about to tell them, feeling somehow closer to them, almost a part of their group. "I went ahead and secured permission from the company for you all to leave your cars here overnight. Just pull them up near the entrance before you leave, so security can keep an eye on them." There were confused murmurs. "I don't want anyone taking chances and driving after having a few drinks." She put on her 'boss' tone and added, "I expect to see you here on Monday, and not in jail." She dropped the tone and smiled. "There will be two limos waiting downstairs to take you where you want to go," she announced to a ripple of admiring oohs and aahs. She turned and reached into the first box and pulled out gift bags, handing a bundle to Lance. "And these are taxi vouchers for when you go home. Have fun, but stay safe!" she admonished, feeling a little like their mom.
That was ridiculous, of course, she wasn’t quite that much older than them, and there were a few, like Lance, who were close to her age. But she did feel protective of them right now and wondered to herself if they saw her that way, as an overbearing, strait-laced rule enforcer. She tried to keep herself fit and looking good, even if her social life was nonexistent. A stuck-up MILF, maybe, she considered as Lance distributed the gift bags. But I’m not a Mom. A stuck up cougar? She guffawed to herself at the idea, imagining herself prowling after the younger men, predatory and lecherous. They are a good looking bunch, though, I’ll give them that…
'Thank yous' started floating up and she held up her hand for silence. "There's one more thing. Well, a few more, actually." She reached into the box for another bag and handed it to Lance. "I want you all to have a good time tonight. I understand you party as hard as you work," she told them with a smirk and got the expected hoots and whoops. "So while there is a policy against adult beverages on the premises, there isn't one for the limos," to more cheers, "and I'm giving Lance enough to get you through at least the first half of your night, I hope!"
Howls and high-fives, and shouts of 'come out with us' and 'party with us, boss!' filled the room and Gina beamed, pleased that she could do this thing, pleased that they appreciated it, and glowing with pride and appreciation for the show of devotion they were displaying and the attraction she felt. That twinge of longing returned as she surveyed her young men and women who appeared, in their boisterous elation, even more attractive.
She raised her hands and they quieted enough for her to speak. "Finally, last thing, I promise, then no more speeches." She took a deep breath, settling herself. "As I said, there's a policy against alcohol on the premises," she began, "and you know that I'm a bit of a stickler for rules," she added to a chorus of moans and agreement. "But this one time, perhaps," she announced, "we can make a small exception." She turned and lifted the magnum of champagne from the second box and her party went silent for just a second, until the astonishment passed. And then they howled again.
Lance opened the bottle with great ceremony and she took the plastic champagne flutes from the box as the group crowded around. She felt a camaraderie and closeness to them as they swarmed the table while she poured and Lance handed out the glasses.
"It's only the one bottle," she mitigated, "and only this once, and you can never tell anyone." She emptied the bottle into the last glass and lifted it, facing them. They remained close to her, and she saw faces flushed with excitement and genuine connection. They're great kids, the lot of them, she thought, and damned if they don't look good right now!
"Promise, first. It's our secret. This never leaves the room." They all nodded and agreed. Holding her glass up to them, she continued. "Well, then, this is for you all, for a job well done, for going above and beyond, for doing what no one thought you could do. You defied convention, you did whatever was asked and more. And I thank you all for your efforts and congratulate your success."
There were solemn nods and everyone drank, and then there was shouting and cheers that turned into a chant of "Gee-nuh! Gee-nuh!" She blushed and they moved in on her, shaking her hand and hugging her and she felt another flush of affection as bodies, men and women, pressed to her. She backed up a step, bumped the mail cart, and the celebratory moment was interrupted by the empty bottle shattering loudly to the floor.
Everyone fell into stunned silence after the crash. Then Michael broke the awkward pause.
"Well, there goes our chance to play spin the bottle!" Comfortable laughter resumed and the group moved to the side, away from the broken glass, as others picked up the joking thread. She saw someone scurry to sweep the mess into a corner as they swirled and moved and chattered to her and each other all at once
"Too bad, Mike, it'd be your only chance to kiss the boss, other than her ass!"
"Would have been fun!"
"You should come out with us, boss."
"Come on, it'll be fun!"
"I heard you're a good kisser."
"I guess you'll never know!"
"Maybe we should spin something else and find out!"
They were still surrounding her when that last comment came out, and they fell suddenly quiet. She looked at them as an air of mischief filled the room, as though the entire group had a single thought. From the back of the crowd someone started again.
"Gee-nah! Gee-nah!" and the rest joined the chorus as they swarmed her, pulling her and crowding her, their bodies pressed against her. She laughed, then stopped, then laughed again, nervously. She felt an odd, unfamiliar sensation in her belly as they pulled her to the center of the room, chanting her name excitedly and smiling.
The crowd parted in front of her and she saw there was an office chair in the middle of the room, one of the big, leather swivel chairs. She protested meekly as they guided her to it and sat her down, still chanting her name. Flushed from the attention she bit her lip and looked up at them, catching every eye, wondering if this was some sort of congratulation ritual. She felt a sense of welcome and acceptance blossom inside her and smiled up at her group.
"If you won't come out with us," Tanya called to her, "we will stay with you!"
"What...what are we doing?" she asked the young girl nervously. She glanced around, saw Lance and some of the younger men arranging the conference room chairs. They were forming a circle around the room. Around her.
"Playing a game," Lester cut in with a smile. "Having some fun, blowing off some steam."
"We work hard," Michael interjected, "and we play hard." He brushed his hand through his dark hair and Gina was struck by how sexy that simple move was. His grin made him look rakish and exciting.
"You do everything 'hard'," Tanya told him.
"Got that right!" Michael said proudly, his white, even teeth glittering in his smile.
Gina was nervously excited and her body rippled with anticipation at the thought of being included in their fun. "What's the game?" She asked naively. "How do you play?" She felt warm in a way she’d not felt in many years.
"Well, we can't play 'spin the bottle." They all seemed to answer at once.
"We only had the one."
"And that's broken."
They all looked at each other as if sharing a joke. Lance stepped up then and leaned over her, his hands on the arms of the desk chair on either side of her. She smelled his cologne and felt his...maleness. His face was close to hers, and she saw dark stubble on his chin. His eyes sparkled.
"We are celebrating, Gina," he told her, "and you are the guest of honor. You're going to let your hair down and party with us, and let us show you how much we appreciate your leadership." He winked at her and grinned. She felt the thrill of the unexpected rush through her and she bit her lower lip, thinking, they really do like me.
"So this game," Michael stepped up, "is called 'Spin The Boss'," he told her, and cheers broke out. Everyone began finding seats in the circle. "I'll go first, of course," he announced to exaggerated groans. "Here's how it works, Gina." He moved behind her chair and slowly turned the chair in a circle, allowing her to look at each member of her team as he spoke. "For months now, we've done whatever you asked of us," he preached, "and in many cases," he added with a sly, conspiratorial smirk, "we've done more than you asked." He continued another slow circuit and Gina watched the expressions change from smiles to glee to...something else.
Something hungry. Eager.
"So tonight it's your turn, boss." Michael continued. "Tonight you join the party, or rather, tonight you are the party."
"Get on with it!" one of the girls called out.
"So, tonight,” he repeated with indolent emphasis, “since we have no bottle to spin, we’re going to spin you," Michael said, turning the chair to face him. "And when it stops spinning, whoever you’re facing gets to tell you what to do. Got it?" he grinned.
"Oh, like truth or dare?"
"A little, I guess," he agreed mischievously. "Except you’re always it." He leaned into her and smiled his dazzling smile. "Ready?"
"I guess," she answered, not wanting to rain on their parade and be a spoilsport. And to be completely honest, she was enjoying the attention more than a bit.
"And don't worry," he said as he positioned himself behind her again. "We all swore when we had the champagne. Nothing leaves this room."
And then she was spinning in her chair. She laughed, despite herself, feeling very much like a little girl on a carnival ride. She watched as Michael flashed past her vision a few times until the chair slowed and came to a stop.
She was facing George, one of the younger men, a good-looking, dapper dresser, a little shy, she'd always thought, but a whip with numbers. He stood from his chair and beckoned her to stand.
"I'll start simple," he said quietly, to some raucous boos. He angled his head to the side, showing his cheek. "Give me a kiss."
Oh, this is silly, she thought, but walked to him and put a hand on his shoulder and pecked his cheek softly, feeling the skin on her lips.
"Mmm, nice," he said, "thanks, boss," as polite clapping sounded. "Okay, back in the chair, I spin, now." Gina lifted her shoulders playfully and felt George's hand in the small of her back, escorting her to the big chair. She sat and he placed his hands on her shoulders. "Let's see now, big spin or little?" His hands felt comfortable there and she missed them when he pulled away. And then she was spinning again, a slow gentle turn, watching the excited faces turn to anticipation as she slowed, and stopped, facing Laurie.
Laurie stood and motioned. Gina got to her feet to approach and Laurie met her halfway. "I'll take a kiss, too," she said. Gina had a moment to wonder to herself if this was really such a good idea. Sure, the champagne had broken a Company Policy, but fraternizing with the staff, that went against her rule, her personal guidelines. Still, it seemed like harmless fun. And she reckoned that giving them an opportunity to boss her around was innocent enough, and a welcome relief valve for the pressure she'd put them through. She smiled as Laurie stepped up to her.
In a flash, Laurie’s hands were holding Gina's face, palms cupping her cheeks as her lips brushed the older woman’s delicately. She felt Laurie's body press closer as their lips met and she inhaled sharply, unable to move as Laurie's breasts squashed against her own and her lips moved and formed to hers. Where her kiss on George’s cheek had been light and brief, Laurie’s kiss lingered and played. The intimacy was unmistakable and Gina felt her body react, her breath coming short and quick as a tingle spread through her.
She was still trembling when Laurie released her and looked in her eyes, one hand still at her cheek, lingering there as she smiled. And then she was steering Gina back to the chair.
My god, what was that ? She thought as she settled breathlessly into the chair. It had been years since she'd been kissed like that, and from a girl! Her body still tingled and she barely had time to inhale before she was spinning again, several times around, the faces of her department blurring until she was almost dizzy. She struggled to her feet to find Lance facing her.
His lips were on hers before she knew it and she fell into his embrace, kissing him back enthusiastically, one hand on his broad chest and the other on his hip. Her breath quickened and she felt his body lean into hers as his arms surrounded her. She felt a pressure against her belly and realized it was his cock, stiff and firm. For me, she thought to herself. And then his hands were sliding down her back, clasping her butt and pressing her into him. She heard him growl into her mouth as his tongue parted her lips and she opened them, closing her eyes, falling deep into his kiss and fondle.

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Too long, Gina, a voice said inside her head, it's been far too long. She struggled for breath until he released her to cheers from all sides.
Spinning again, slowing, stopping. Lloyd.
She climbed to her feet, braced for a kiss, but none came. Lloyd looked at her and reached for the buttons of her blouse. "I think we all want to see what the boss has been hiding in here," he grinned.
"No buts, boss," he said, opening the third one, reaching for the fourth. "We did everything you asked." He finished the last one he could reach and pulled the shirttails from the waistband of her skirt and undid the last two. She stood, frozen and incredibly excited in a near-panic of indecision and thrill. She considered stopping him, considered helping him, settled on enjoying just allowing him. The cool air pebbled her skin as he pulled the shirt back off her shoulders, exposing her lacy white bra. Her nipples stiffened inside the fabric as he slid the garment down her immobile arms and she heard admiring voices, oohs and aahs. Her brain was a maelstrom of thoughts and possibilities, warring with her body as it reacted to the attention.
The leather of the chair felt cool against her bare skin, a sharp contrast to the heated blush of her face as she spun again, her breasts bulging above her bra. For everyone to see, she thought as the chair slowed, facing her to Michael.
Devilishly handsome and charming Michael.
She got unsteadily to her feet as he confidently approached and flashed his incredible smile. "Everyone thinks this is all I do anyway," he joked. Placing his hands on her shoulders he turned her around to face the chair, her back to him. She felt his hands slide down her bare back to murmurs of astonishment that quickly turned to shouts of encouragement. She trembled and gasped as his hands slid down over her hips to her thighs, stopping at the bottom of the skirt. Her skin tingled and she held her breath as she felt her skirt lifted, slowly. Embarrassment blossomed in her cheeks but she didn't stop him, thrilled by the illicit excitement of stepping outside the rules, of being included, being admired. Being naughty and exposed. She bit her lower lip as she felt the fabric rise over her butt cheeks, remembering she'd worn a thong today.
From behind her she heard expressions of admiration and desire, even from one of the girls! All those hours on the Stairmaster were suddenly worth it! She was reveling in her pride when she felt something soft and wet touch her ass and the crowd cheered and laughed. Her own lips tingled with the memory of the previous kisses.
"Mike, you ass-kisser, I knew it!" shrieked Tanya. Gina's blush deepened as Michael's lips placed wet kisses loudly up and down and all around her bare ass cheeks to the jeers and snorts of his peers. She felt each wet kiss as though they seared her flesh, making her tremble, and she hid her face in her hands in an attempt to hide her reaction from the group watching. Finally he stood and pressed himself against her, his arms reaching around to cup her breasts. Again she felt that long-missed hardness, this time pressing through his pants into her bare butt. She felt herself push back against it before she could stop herself, then blushed deeply at the inappropriate motion. Several shouts of 'foul!' and 'one only!" ensued and he released her, but he tucked the back of her skirt in the waistband and then led her back to the chair. Before allowing her to sit, though, he made her stand with her back to the crowd she'd faced, showing them her bare butt.
As the chair spun she realized just how much she was enjoying the attention, wondering how far they would go. How far she would go. The chair stopped, facing Tanya.
The girl approached her with the gait of a predatory cat. "This," she announced, looking to her friends, "won't do." She looked Gina in the eye and told her, "It'll just get wrinkled." Her hands went to Gina's hip and she unzipped the skirt, assisting it down with soft hands that stroked Gina's legs from hip to ankle. Standing above the kneeling girl in just the thong and bra, she put a hand on Tanya's shoulder to steady herself as she began to step cautiously out of the skirt. As she lifted her leg, Tanya looked up at her with mischief in her eyes and leaned in, placing a kiss on her pubic mound through the small triangle of fabric. Caution turned immediately to excitement as she felt the young girl’s lips and hot breath through the thin garment. Her stomach flipped and she felt her pussy heating and leaking. Her clit pulsed and made her shiver at the pressure of the mouth so close, So close.
The crowd went wild, and Tanya stood and bowed, waving the skirt like a flag. She escorted Gina in a circle around the chair, holding her hand and displaying her underwear-clad boss to the group, a trophy being paraded to the onlookers. Gina hid her face in her free hand, mortified but incredibly excited to be this undressed before a crowd of admirers.
Another spin and she stopped between Lance and Walter. Lance nodded to the younger man, who thanked him and then crooked a finger at Gina. Oh, dear, she thought, will he make me strip naked? But Walter stood as she arrived at his chair, his eyes feral.
"Boss," he started, then corrected, "Gina, sorry." He sighed deeply and gave her an excited grin. "I've dreamed of this. You have no idea." A hush fell over the crowd. "I'd like you to kneel down, please. Could you do that for me?" Her stomach did another flip when she heard her own catch phrase spoken back to her. Could you do that for me? She said it when she was asking for something extra, something difficult. She carefully lowered herself to her knees in front of him and hid her face in her hands, wondering what would happen, wondering why she didn't stop the game and yet wanting to see where it would go, what they would make her do. And what will I do? she asked herself, followed quickly by What do I want to do?
She heard a zipper, and the crowd inhaled and murmured.
"Gina, I'd like you to suck my cock," she heard above her, and when the shouts simmered, Walter added with emphasis, "Could you do that for me?" He made it sound so alluring. She split her fingers and peeked through, and froze. Ohmigod, he has it out! She gasped at the sight of the swollen head, inches from her face, poised at the end of a firm, thick shaft. She managed a shuddering breath, remembering the feeling of Lance against her tummy, of Michael pressed against her bare ass cheeks. The way her insides had flipped when Tanya had kissed her mound. It's been too long, Gina, far too long, the voice inside her coached.
She smiled. She looked up at Walter. His dark eyes glistened like fiery coals.
And she pursed her lips and kissed the tip. The group remained hushed.
She extended her tongue and took a long lick from the base to the head. The group began to murmur but she didn't hear them. All her attention was focused on Walter’s hard cock. Hard for me.
She opened her mouth and took the head inside. An admiring group sigh filled the room, but to Gina they had disappeared. Her mind was on the thin skin and stiff flesh between her lips, the firm shaft and swollen head filling her mouth, and the awakened sensations she was experiencing. She sucked and swirled her tongue, the desires so long in the past coming back in a rush. Her mind swam and she pumped her head slowly, stroking the hard cock with lips and tongue, coating it with saliva, making it slick, sliding it in and out. Too long, Gina, it's been far too long, her body told her. The ache in her chest swelled and her stomach flipped in anticipation and she felt her pussy fairly gush. And in that moment she knew that whatever happened next, she was up for it.
She was still savoring the taste and feel when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up to see Lance and she flushed a little, knowing he was seeing her with a mouth full of cock.
"Ready for another spin?" he asked. She grinned around the shaft and slowly slid her mouth off, taking a final lick of the tip, coating her tongue with a smear of pre-cum for the effort. She stood and realized there were cheers filling the room. She blushed and bowed, accepting their praise before returning to the chair.
She landed on Michael and he deferred graciously. "Give someone else a chance first." Walter spun her again and as she rotated she noticed his cock was still out and still hard. She gave it a passing fondle as the spin slowed to face Lisa.
The young blonde’s eyes lit up. Gina stood as Lisa practically ran to her, pulled down her thong and pushed her back into the chair. In a second she was on her knees pushing Gina's legs up and out. Without preamble she buried her face into Gina's wet pussy.
Oh, fuck! That’s so good! Eyes closed, her head fell back and she wallowed in the skilled tongue and lips as they tortured and teased her. The sound of rustling clothing and bodies moving as the group descended on her was lost in her groans and moans. Lisa's fingers dug into her thighs as her tongue burrowed into her wet tunnel and Gina's head lolled to the side, lost in the sensations. She felt hands in her hair and something warm and firm pressed to her lips. She opened her eyes to see Lance looking down at her.
"It's about time, Gina," he smiled as she took his cock into her mouth. Her hand reached around him and grabbed his bare ass, pulling him deeper, closer. Hands reached around her, slipping into her bra, lifting it over her breasts. A mouth took her nipple and she moaned around Lance's cock. Fingers entered her pussy as Lisa's mouth moved to her clit, sucking and stroking. Despite her focus on the beautiful shaft of this handsome sexy man filling her mouth she felt her climax rise.
Pushed to the edge, her hands gripped his shaft, holding the head to her face as her mouth slipped off and she rode the lightning to her pinnacle, mouth open and eyes closed as her people, her wonderful team, took her over the top, crying out her pleasure. She came hard, for her, for them. Letting them see, letting herself go, to feel, to be their pleasure.
They pulled her from the chair to the floor, her hand never releasing Lance, holding onto his stiff rod as they manipulated her down, parting her legs. She looked down to see Michael looking up at her, naked and grinning and gorgeous as his cock met her cunt. Mouth open and gasping she lowered herself onto him and his shaft speared up inside her, filling her! Lance moved forward, pushing into her mouth at the same moment. She groaned her delight as her too-long empty and neglected pussy and mouth were filled with hot stiff man meat. The relief that swelled inside her made her want to sigh but it was blocked by the fleshy swollen plum Lance was pushing down her throat. She gagged and swooned at the welcome sensations in her mouth and cunt. She held herself slightly up from Michael, allowing him to fuck up into her, lifting his hips, plunging deep and hitting places reached only by plastic for too long.
Tender hands fondled her hanging breasts, pinching and pulling her nipples. She felt a fingernail and assumed one of the ladies. Stronger fingers grabbed at her ass, squeezing and kneading the tight globes. Oh, so much, all at once, after so long… It was near overload, and she trembled with the warring sensations fighting for her attention. She relaxed her mouth, allowed Lance to fuck her throat, and concentrated on Michael, his perfect cock filling her, over and over, her second climax approaching quickly.
Her orgasm climbed faster as she felt something wet and soft between her ass cheeks, licking, stroking, finding her crinkle. As the tongue pushed into her asshole she came again, harder this time, overwhelmed by the new sensation, wet and slick where only her finger occasionally played. Her conscious brain took a back seat, comfortable in the physical and emotional waves that controlled her now. As her orgasm receded Lance pushed deeper into her mouth and groaned and she swallowed, his cum jetting directly down her throat to her belly, warm and slick. He pulled out, kissed her forehead.
"Thank you, Gina," he whispered, and then was gone, to be replaced by someone else. She closed her eyes, opened her mouth and enjoyed.
She felt a momentary pang of loss when the tongue exited her ass, but her body immediately recognized the bulbous pressure that followed. Bracing her body and forcing her muscle ring to loosen, she felt the head stretch her and push inside. A small cry squeaked out around the cock in her mouth and whoever was fucking her ass paused, waited, stroking her ass cheeks until she pushed back. Then he slid deeper, working into her back door until the entire length was buried inside her anus. Michael's cock, holding still while she'd had her ass filled, resumed its rhythmic penetration and the ones in her mouth and ass joined in. She lost herself in the experience of all her holes penetrated at once.
Michael’s hands were braced up against her chest, holding her head up. She was weakening, unused to the delicious exertion and strained by the two powerful orgasms. Despite her frequent gym workouts she felt fatigue in her legs and arms. She concentrated on holding her body still, feeling the experience of all her holes stuffed with cock and the waves of pleasure coursing through her. A third orgasm was building in her, just as Michael grunted and filled her cunt with his hot, sticky load. Oh, fuck, a pussy full of cum, she acknowledged silently, smiling around the shaft pumping in her mouth. She felt another cock pressing at her cheek as Michael spilled himself inside her. And then as he finished and slipped out she felt a tongue at her clit, sliding up her cunt.
The thought of someone, she didn't know who, licking the cum from her fucked hole, pushed her over the edge and she came again. Her moans of ecstasy triggered the two men at her head. The side of her face was jetted with semen just before the one in her mouth pulled back, leaving just the head inside her lips. She felt the first spurt strike the back of her throat before the rest spilled out hot and salty onto her tongue. Cum dripped down her face as she swallowed. She was getting her ass fucked and her pussy licked and she was delirious with the desire. More, please give me more!
Voices were evident around her, but not the words. She was lifted, cock still up her ass, deep and hard. She was manipulated onto her back, lying on the chest of the man in her butt. Another hard cock slipped into her cum-filled cunt. Eyes opened and glazed she was unaware of the female legs stepping over her until a wet pussy seated itself onto her mouth. Her tongue took a few lazy licks but she couldn't focus. The cunt began rubbing across her mouth and nose. Then it shifted forward until her tongue was in the girl’s ass. Someone else stepped over her and she felt balls on her chin. She was ass licking a girl who was getting fucked right on her face!
The cock in her ass swelled and pulsed and filled her with steamy jizz, the one in her cunt followed shortly after, pulled out, and another slipped in, wet and loose. The one in her ass began to dwindle and shrink and slipped out. Cum ran from her open ass and squeezed out of her pussy as the asshole she was licking clenched and gripped her tongue. She heard a grunt, felt the pressure of a hard thrust above her face. And then the ass was moving, sliding back until the cunt was over her lips again, spilling fresh hot cum into her open mouth. She lapped and swallowed hungrily.
Another adjustment and she was back on her knees, sitting reverse cowgirl on one cock, another in her mouth, several others pressing her face and gripped in her stroking hands. One of the girls was next to her, sucking a cock vigorously, then pulling off and aiming it at her face. The cock slipped from her mouth and joined the first in spraying her in a shower of cum. She tried to catch it in her mouth, biting at the spurting jets and licking it from her lips. Semen blasted her face from every direction, not stopping, dripping, coating her. She ground down on the cock inside her, pressing her clit to his balls and holding his ankles. Semen splashed her face from forehead to chin, oozing and dripping. She came again as they finished unloading on her face. When they pulled away she collapsed her upper body down over his legs and lay still, feeling sated as the cock swelled and pushed deep, emptying a final load of cum in her cunt.
When she came to she felt bodies pressed against her, front and back. She scrubbed a hand across her closed eyes and it came away wet and sticky. She felt something there, wiping, a napkin? She managed one eye open and saw Laurie's smiling face, delicately wiping the semen from her eyes. Her pupils were aching slightly and she knew she'd gotten some cum in her eye. She smiled.
"You're a mess," Laurie said softly with a tone of admiration, not derision. Gina smiled. The body behind her moved, pressed closer, arms under her breasts. She looked down to see a large, hairy forearm.
"A sexy, lovely mess," came lance's voice from behind her head. Her chest swelled with elation. Sweet Lance, my right hand, looking out for me. She squirmed back against him and knew he was still naked. She looked at Laurie then and saw she was naked as well. She smiled. She felt Lauries leg between her own, felt the her still-sensitive clit rubbing at the other girl’s thigh. Passion swelled in her, uncontrolled and she pulled Laurie’s leg hard against her, rubbing her cum-filled cunt on the slender limb until she exploded in a final orgasm, panting and crying out.
After a few moments she looked around, saw most of the group watching her, all in various stages of undress. She smiled again. Her people, her excellent team. They’ve given me everything I’ve asked for all these months, she thought as she extricated herself and the trio climbed to their feet. And now they had given her what she needed and wanted. What I hadn't even realized I'd wanted.
She stood on wobbly legs, naked and happy and a proud, sexy mess and faced her department. Applause broke out, tits bouncing and cocks waggling, and there were smiles all around, returning hers. These are my people, she thought, I am one of them. She bit her lower lip, tasted semen and smiled. She was naked, her faced glazed, hair matted and her pussy and ass were leaking cum down her legs. Her smile broadened and her eyes went moist. She put her hands up for silence.
"No more speeches!" someone called, and laughter followed, hers included.
"No, no more speeches," she agreed. She tried to brush a hair from her face and her hand came away coated in sticky, cooling semen. She laughed. "I just wanted to say thank you to you, to all of you, for this wonderful night," she stated. That feeling of inclusion, of belonging, filled her and she felt her eyes brimming. She smiled and blinked. "It was wonderful for you to include me. I know that I'm a little distant sometimes, and..."
“Not anymore!” a male voice shouted.
"We love you Gina," one of the girls called out.
"Yeah, we just wanted to thank you," one of the guys followed.
Lance was at her side then and slipped an arm around her. "And it doesn't leave this room," he announced and nods acknowledged, "But," he added, moving behind her and wrapping his arms under her breasts, "now that you've let your hair down, you'll have to party with us more often, right guys?"
Cheers erupted around her. She leaned back against Lance, her wonderful Lance, and tears welled and blurred her vision. She held onto his strong arms and wept with joy.
Spinning again, slowing, stopping. Lloyd.
She climbed to her feet, braced for a kiss, but none came. Lloyd looked at her and reached for the buttons of her blouse. "I think we all want to see what the boss has been hiding in here," he grinned.
"No buts, boss," he said, opening the third one, reaching for the fourth. "We did everything you asked." He finished the last one he could reach and pulled the shirttails from the waistband of her skirt and undid the last two. She stood, frozen and incredibly excited in a near-panic of indecision and thrill. She considered stopping him, considered helping him, settled on enjoying just allowing him. The cool air pebbled her skin as he pulled the shirt back off her shoulders, exposing her lacy white bra. Her nipples stiffened inside the fabric as he slid the garment down her immobile arms and she heard admiring voices, oohs and aahs. Her brain was a maelstrom of thoughts and possibilities, warring with her body as it reacted to the attention.
The leather of the chair felt cool against her bare skin, a sharp contrast to the heated blush of her face as she spun again, her breasts bulging above her bra. For everyone to see, she thought as the chair slowed, facing her to Michael.
Devilishly handsome and charming Michael.
She got unsteadily to her feet as he confidently approached and flashed his incredible smile. "Everyone thinks this is all I do anyway," he joked. Placing his hands on her shoulders he turned her around to face the chair, her back to him. She felt his hands slide down her bare back to murmurs of astonishment that quickly turned to shouts of encouragement. She trembled and gasped as his hands slid down over her hips to her thighs, stopping at the bottom of the skirt. Her skin tingled and she held her breath as she felt her skirt lifted, slowly. Embarrassment blossomed in her cheeks but she didn't stop him, thrilled by the illicit excitement of stepping outside the rules, of being included, being admired. Being naughty and exposed. She bit her lower lip as she felt the fabric rise over her butt cheeks, remembering she'd worn a thong today.
From behind her she heard expressions of admiration and desire, even from one of the girls! All those hours on the Stairmaster were suddenly worth it! She was reveling in her pride when she felt something soft and wet touch her ass and the crowd cheered and laughed. Her own lips tingled with the memory of the previous kisses.
"Mike, you ass-kisser, I knew it!" shrieked Tanya. Gina's blush deepened as Michael's lips placed wet kisses loudly up and down and all around her bare ass cheeks to the jeers and snorts of his peers. She felt each wet kiss as though they seared her flesh, making her tremble, and she hid her face in her hands in an attempt to hide her reaction from the group watching. Finally he stood and pressed himself against her, his arms reaching around to cup her breasts. Again she felt that long-missed hardness, this time pressing through his pants into her bare butt. She felt herself push back against it before she could stop herself, then blushed deeply at the inappropriate motion. Several shouts of 'foul!' and 'one only!" ensued and he released her, but he tucked the back of her skirt in the waistband and then led her back to the chair. Before allowing her to sit, though, he made her stand with her back to the crowd she'd faced, showing them her bare butt.
As the chair spun she realized just how much she was enjoying the attention, wondering how far they would go. How far she would go. The chair stopped, facing Tanya.
The girl approached her with the gait of a predatory cat. "This," she announced, looking to her friends, "won't do." She looked Gina in the eye and told her, "It'll just get wrinkled." Her hands went to Gina's hip and she unzipped the skirt, assisting it down with soft hands that stroked Gina's legs from hip to ankle. Standing above the kneeling girl in just the thong and bra, she put a hand on Tanya's shoulder to steady herself as she began to step cautiously out of the skirt. As she lifted her leg, Tanya looked up at her with mischief in her eyes and leaned in, placing a kiss on her pubic mound through the small triangle of fabric. Caution turned immediately to excitement as she felt the young girl’s lips and hot breath through the thin garment. Her stomach flipped and she felt her pussy heating and leaking. Her clit pulsed and made her shiver at the pressure of the mouth so close, So close.
The crowd went wild, and Tanya stood and bowed, waving the skirt like a flag. She escorted Gina in a circle around the chair, holding her hand and displaying her underwear-clad boss to the group, a trophy being paraded to the onlookers. Gina hid her face in her free hand, mortified but incredibly excited to be this undressed before a crowd of admirers.
Another spin and she stopped between Lance and Walter. Lance nodded to the younger man, who thanked him and then crooked a finger at Gina. Oh, dear, she thought, will he make me strip naked? But Walter stood as she arrived at his chair, his eyes feral.
"Boss," he started, then corrected, "Gina, sorry." He sighed deeply and gave her an excited grin. "I've dreamed of this. You have no idea." A hush fell over the crowd. "I'd like you to kneel down, please. Could you do that for me?" Her stomach did another flip when she heard her own catch phrase spoken back to her. Could you do that for me? She said it when she was asking for something extra, something difficult. She carefully lowered herself to her knees in front of him and hid her face in her hands, wondering what would happen, wondering why she didn't stop the game and yet wanting to see where it would go, what they would make her do. And what will I do? she asked herself, followed quickly by What do I want to do?
She heard a zipper, and the crowd inhaled and murmured.
"Gina, I'd like you to suck my cock," she heard above her, and when the shouts simmered, Walter added with emphasis, "Could you do that for me?" He made it sound so alluring. She split her fingers and peeked through, and froze. Ohmigod, he has it out! She gasped at the sight of the swollen head, inches from her face, poised at the end of a firm, thick shaft. She managed a shuddering breath, remembering the feeling of Lance against her tummy, of Michael pressed against her bare ass cheeks. The way her insides had flipped when Tanya had kissed her mound. It's been too long, Gina, far too long, the voice inside her coached.
She smiled. She looked up at Walter. His dark eyes glistened like fiery coals.
And she pursed her lips and kissed the tip. The group remained hushed.
She extended her tongue and took a long lick from the base to the head. The group began to murmur but she didn't hear them. All her attention was focused on Walter’s hard cock. Hard for me.
She opened her mouth and took the head inside. An admiring group sigh filled the room, but to Gina they had disappeared. Her mind was on the thin skin and stiff flesh between her lips, the firm shaft and swollen head filling her mouth, and the awakened sensations she was experiencing. She sucked and swirled her tongue, the desires so long in the past coming back in a rush. Her mind swam and she pumped her head slowly, stroking the hard cock with lips and tongue, coating it with saliva, making it slick, sliding it in and out. Too long, Gina, it's been far too long, her body told her. The ache in her chest swelled and her stomach flipped in anticipation and she felt her pussy fairly gush. And in that moment she knew that whatever happened next, she was up for it.
She was still savoring the taste and feel when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up to see Lance and she flushed a little, knowing he was seeing her with a mouth full of cock.
"Ready for another spin?" he asked. She grinned around the shaft and slowly slid her mouth off, taking a final lick of the tip, coating her tongue with a smear of pre-cum for the effort. She stood and realized there were cheers filling the room. She blushed and bowed, accepting their praise before returning to the chair.
She landed on Michael and he deferred graciously. "Give someone else a chance first." Walter spun her again and as she rotated she noticed his cock was still out and still hard. She gave it a passing fondle as the spin slowed to face Lisa.
The young blonde’s eyes lit up. Gina stood as Lisa practically ran to her, pulled down her thong and pushed her back into the chair. In a second she was on her knees pushing Gina's legs up and out. Without preamble she buried her face into Gina's wet pussy.
Oh, fuck! That’s so good! Eyes closed, her head fell back and she wallowed in the skilled tongue and lips as they tortured and teased her. The sound of rustling clothing and bodies moving as the group descended on her was lost in her groans and moans. Lisa's fingers dug into her thighs as her tongue burrowed into her wet tunnel and Gina's head lolled to the side, lost in the sensations. She felt hands in her hair and something warm and firm pressed to her lips. She opened her eyes to see Lance looking down at her.
"It's about time, Gina," he smiled as she took his cock into her mouth. Her hand reached around him and grabbed his bare ass, pulling him deeper, closer. Hands reached around her, slipping into her bra, lifting it over her breasts. A mouth took her nipple and she moaned around Lance's cock. Fingers entered her pussy as Lisa's mouth moved to her clit, sucking and stroking. Despite her focus on the beautiful shaft of this handsome sexy man filling her mouth she felt her climax rise.
Pushed to the edge, her hands gripped his shaft, holding the head to her face as her mouth slipped off and she rode the lightning to her pinnacle, mouth open and eyes closed as her people, her wonderful team, took her over the top, crying out her pleasure. She came hard, for her, for them. Letting them see, letting herself go, to feel, to be their pleasure.
They pulled her from the chair to the floor, her hand never releasing Lance, holding onto his stiff rod as they manipulated her down, parting her legs. She looked down to see Michael looking up at her, naked and grinning and gorgeous as his cock met her cunt. Mouth open and gasping she lowered herself onto him and his shaft speared up inside her, filling her! Lance moved forward, pushing into her mouth at the same moment. She groaned her delight as her too-long empty and neglected pussy and mouth were filled with hot stiff man meat. The relief that swelled inside her made her want to sigh but it was blocked by the fleshy swollen plum Lance was pushing down her throat. She gagged and swooned at the welcome sensations in her mouth and cunt. She held herself slightly up from Michael, allowing him to fuck up into her, lifting his hips, plunging deep and hitting places reached only by plastic for too long.
Tender hands fondled her hanging breasts, pinching and pulling her nipples. She felt a fingernail and assumed one of the ladies. Stronger fingers grabbed at her ass, squeezing and kneading the tight globes. Oh, so much, all at once, after so long… It was near overload, and she trembled with the warring sensations fighting for her attention. She relaxed her mouth, allowed Lance to fuck her throat, and concentrated on Michael, his perfect cock filling her, over and over, her second climax approaching quickly.
Her orgasm climbed faster as she felt something wet and soft between her ass cheeks, licking, stroking, finding her crinkle. As the tongue pushed into her asshole she came again, harder this time, overwhelmed by the new sensation, wet and slick where only her finger occasionally played. Her conscious brain took a back seat, comfortable in the physical and emotional waves that controlled her now. As her orgasm receded Lance pushed deeper into her mouth and groaned and she swallowed, his cum jetting directly down her throat to her belly, warm and slick. He pulled out, kissed her forehead.
"Thank you, Gina," he whispered, and then was gone, to be replaced by someone else. She closed her eyes, opened her mouth and enjoyed.
She felt a momentary pang of loss when the tongue exited her ass, but her body immediately recognized the bulbous pressure that followed. Bracing her body and forcing her muscle ring to loosen, she felt the head stretch her and push inside. A small cry squeaked out around the cock in her mouth and whoever was fucking her ass paused, waited, stroking her ass cheeks until she pushed back. Then he slid deeper, working into her back door until the entire length was buried inside her anus. Michael's cock, holding still while she'd had her ass filled, resumed its rhythmic penetration and the ones in her mouth and ass joined in. She lost herself in the experience of all her holes penetrated at once.
Michael’s hands were braced up against her chest, holding her head up. She was weakening, unused to the delicious exertion and strained by the two powerful orgasms. Despite her frequent gym workouts she felt fatigue in her legs and arms. She concentrated on holding her body still, feeling the experience of all her holes stuffed with cock and the waves of pleasure coursing through her. A third orgasm was building in her, just as Michael grunted and filled her cunt with his hot, sticky load. Oh, fuck, a pussy full of cum, she acknowledged silently, smiling around the shaft pumping in her mouth. She felt another cock pressing at her cheek as Michael spilled himself inside her. And then as he finished and slipped out she felt a tongue at her clit, sliding up her cunt.
The thought of someone, she didn't know who, licking the cum from her fucked hole, pushed her over the edge and she came again. Her moans of ecstasy triggered the two men at her head. The side of her face was jetted with semen just before the one in her mouth pulled back, leaving just the head inside her lips. She felt the first spurt strike the back of her throat before the rest spilled out hot and salty onto her tongue. Cum dripped down her face as she swallowed. She was getting her ass fucked and her pussy licked and she was delirious with the desire. More, please give me more!
Voices were evident around her, but not the words. She was lifted, cock still up her ass, deep and hard. She was manipulated onto her back, lying on the chest of the man in her butt. Another hard cock slipped into her cum-filled cunt. Eyes opened and glazed she was unaware of the female legs stepping over her until a wet pussy seated itself onto her mouth. Her tongue took a few lazy licks but she couldn't focus. The cunt began rubbing across her mouth and nose. Then it shifted forward until her tongue was in the girl’s ass. Someone else stepped over her and she felt balls on her chin. She was ass licking a girl who was getting fucked right on her face!
The cock in her ass swelled and pulsed and filled her with steamy jizz, the one in her cunt followed shortly after, pulled out, and another slipped in, wet and loose. The one in her ass began to dwindle and shrink and slipped out. Cum ran from her open ass and squeezed out of her pussy as the asshole she was licking clenched and gripped her tongue. She heard a grunt, felt the pressure of a hard thrust above her face. And then the ass was moving, sliding back until the cunt was over her lips again, spilling fresh hot cum into her open mouth. She lapped and swallowed hungrily.
Another adjustment and she was back on her knees, sitting reverse cowgirl on one cock, another in her mouth, several others pressing her face and gripped in her stroking hands. One of the girls was next to her, sucking a cock vigorously, then pulling off and aiming it at her face. The cock slipped from her mouth and joined the first in spraying her in a shower of cum. She tried to catch it in her mouth, biting at the spurting jets and licking it from her lips. Semen blasted her face from every direction, not stopping, dripping, coating her. She ground down on the cock inside her, pressing her clit to his balls and holding his ankles. Semen splashed her face from forehead to chin, oozing and dripping. She came again as they finished unloading on her face. When they pulled away she collapsed her upper body down over his legs and lay still, feeling sated as the cock swelled and pushed deep, emptying a final load of cum in her cunt.
When she came to she felt bodies pressed against her, front and back. She scrubbed a hand across her closed eyes and it came away wet and sticky. She felt something there, wiping, a napkin? She managed one eye open and saw Laurie's smiling face, delicately wiping the semen from her eyes. Her pupils were aching slightly and she knew she'd gotten some cum in her eye. She smiled.
"You're a mess," Laurie said softly with a tone of admiration, not derision. Gina smiled. The body behind her moved, pressed closer, arms under her breasts. She looked down to see a large, hairy forearm.
"A sexy, lovely mess," came lance's voice from behind her head. Her chest swelled with elation. Sweet Lance, my right hand, looking out for me. She squirmed back against him and knew he was still naked. She looked at Laurie then and saw she was naked as well. She smiled. She felt Lauries leg between her own, felt the her still-sensitive clit rubbing at the other girl’s thigh. Passion swelled in her, uncontrolled and she pulled Laurie’s leg hard against her, rubbing her cum-filled cunt on the slender limb until she exploded in a final orgasm, panting and crying out.
After a few moments she looked around, saw most of the group watching her, all in various stages of undress. She smiled again. Her people, her excellent team. They’ve given me everything I’ve asked for all these months, she thought as she extricated herself and the trio climbed to their feet. And now they had given her what she needed and wanted. What I hadn't even realized I'd wanted.
She stood on wobbly legs, naked and happy and a proud, sexy mess and faced her department. Applause broke out, tits bouncing and cocks waggling, and there were smiles all around, returning hers. These are my people, she thought, I am one of them. She bit her lower lip, tasted semen and smiled. She was naked, her faced glazed, hair matted and her pussy and ass were leaking cum down her legs. Her smile broadened and her eyes went moist. She put her hands up for silence.
"No more speeches!" someone called, and laughter followed, hers included.
"No, no more speeches," she agreed. She tried to brush a hair from her face and her hand came away coated in sticky, cooling semen. She laughed. "I just wanted to say thank you to you, to all of you, for this wonderful night," she stated. That feeling of inclusion, of belonging, filled her and she felt her eyes brimming. She smiled and blinked. "It was wonderful for you to include me. I know that I'm a little distant sometimes, and..."
“Not anymore!” a male voice shouted.
"We love you Gina," one of the girls called out.
"Yeah, we just wanted to thank you," one of the guys followed.
Lance was at her side then and slipped an arm around her. "And it doesn't leave this room," he announced and nods acknowledged, "But," he added, moving behind her and wrapping his arms under her breasts, "now that you've let your hair down, you'll have to party with us more often, right guys?"
Cheers erupted around her. She leaned back against Lance, her wonderful Lance, and tears welled and blurred her vision. She held onto his strong arms and wept with joy.