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I Experience My First Orgy

"How I was to witness others having sex, and participate in my first gang bang."

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About three weeks later, I got a phone call from John’s wife Nancy. She asked if she could visit to discuss an opportunity. I tried to find out more on the phone, but she insisted it was too delicate a matter. So I agreed and invited her to tea the following Sunday afternoon.

Catherine and I stayed home that morning, and she did a nice job of preparing the house for her visit. Other than Lillian, who by now we knew quite well, I was not used to having a member of the upper class visit our small bungalow.

Although we’d been together at their splendid home, I felt a little self conscious about her visit. I was a little short tempered with Catherine, but she was aware of my nervousness and took it all in her stride. She did a lovely job preparing sandwiches, as well as putting out some pastries she had purchased for the occasion.

We heard her car pull up, and then a few moments later heard the doorbell ring. I heard the salutations in the entrance, and I knew Catherine would be hanging up the lady’s coat. A few moments later as they entered the living room, I stood up and offered a greeting to Nancy.

Catherine immediately disappeared to the kitchen, and we settled on the sofa. We made small talk, and Catherine reappeared with a tray and two glasses of wine. Nancy smiled up at her as she accepted a glass, then I took the other and we settled down making small talk.

Soon Nancy brought up the real reason for her visit, to discuss the upcoming gathering that was being planned.

We understood the nature of the party, and she explained that it would most likely end up being a ‘free for all.’ I realised by that she meant an orgy, and I had no problem with that. I expressed my concern about being forced to participate in an activity, but she assured me that would not happen.

“These people just like to enjoy a good time, to relieve the stress from their individual responsibilities,” she went on.

I smiled at that, I’d heard that terminology before. Nobody in their society seemed to have a job, they all had ‘responsibilities.’ They could be executives or politicians, ‘responsible’ for their ‘portfolio.’ I was learning the difference between the classes, and their mentality. Yet when it came to the basic needs of the flesh, with their wealth they would indulge themselves in whatever they wanted.

I was anxious to get into that culture, although I was very nervous. I was confident of my ability to adapt, and with the help of my friends was making progress.

“Of course you will be expected to wear something seductive,” she went on, then with a smile added, “Or nothing at all. By midnight most people will be naked anyway, the ladies down to their garters and shoes and men their socks.” I guess seeing the look on my face, she burst out laughing.

“What will you be wearing?” I asked her for lack of something to say.

“Oh I’ll be in my maid's uniform,” she went on, “I’ll be expected to wait on the guests too. In fact I’ll be expected to follow your direction, as you will be the hostess for the evening.” At this she looked at Catherine. “Do you have a maid’s uniform?” she asked.

Catherine, who had been following our conversation, smiled and shook her head.

“Well wear something revealing and erotic, as you too will be expected to wait on the guests.”

“You both will be recipients of lewd comments and groping, which you understand is part of the fun. Later you may act as you wish, copulate with anyone you fancy, or not at all. Just act like it’s a normal evening for you.”

I had a good picture of what was expected, after all I’d seen enough stag films to get an idea of what to expect.

We retired to the dining room, where we had our tea and sandwiches. I was pleased to see that Nancy was quite relaxed, obviously enjoying herself and in no hurry to leave. I thought that was a good sign as I liked Nancy, she was a very down to earth lady.

Catherine and I went shopping to buy something appropriate to wear. We had the sexy underwear but neither of us had a tacky dress to wear. Catherine was easy to buy for, we got her a maid’s uniform, complete with the lace hat and cuffs that left little to the imagination. For myself I bought a dress that was similar to a sailor's top, with a rather short pleated skirt. I thought it would give me a little girl look. I planned to wear an under bust bustier that would push my tits out, and the dress would barely cover my nipples.

When the Saturday arrived, I took the afternoon off to get ready for the party. This upset Mr. Gordon, but I was tiring of him anyway and couldn’t care less. So we went to beauticians to get our hair done, then our nails. After all I was quite nervous, and wanted to look my best.

Once we were dressed our attire was covered by our top coats. Catherine drove to the estate where the party was being held, and as expected we arrived long before any of the guests. Nancy and John were there to greet us, and introduce us to the real hosts.

The man was friendly enough, but his wife was a stuck up bitch. I thought she was the typical high class snob, who looked down her nose at the likes of me. Like Nancy said I’d just have to grin and bear it, however I did note her attitude for the record.

The house was magnificent, I was shown the different rooms that were to be change rooms for the guests, the ladies in one and men in another. There was the largest dining room I had ever seen outside of a restaurant, with chandeliers on dimmer switches to control the lighting. Some of the light bulbs had been replaced with red ones, and candles were in holders around the room. There was a large fireplace burning brightly, it would be replenished by the maids as required during the evening.

The garage had been cleared and fixed up nicely, with decorations on the walls and a bar in one corner. As the guests arrived I would greet them, and show them where they could leave their things. Then they would gather in the garage, where they would be served drinks till everyone arrived.

There was one couple I’d noticed as they arrived, who seemed different from most of the others. A silver haired man and his wife. She was very nice too, greeting me as the hostess. They were polite and courteous; he introduced himself as Cecil, and said, “This is my wife Diane.” I introduced myself and made them welcome, as I took their coats to hang them up.

This was the cocktail hour, then promptly at eight o’clock I announced, “Dinner is about to be served.” At this the guests filed into the dining room, where I showed them to their places. They had hired a cook for the evening, and Nancy and Catherine were to be the servers.

During the meal I just hovered around, making sure everyone was well served. This came naturally to me, thanks to my restaurant experience. Wine was served with the dinner, and after dessert liquors was served and cigars handed out to those who wanted one.

By ten o’clock they had finished dining, and the guests were herded back to the garage for more drinks. The servers, (Nancy and Catherine) cleared things away to prepare the room for the party.

Now I could relax a bit and enjoy a drink myself, as some of the guests showed an interest in me. Mostly we were standing round the bar, and as I’d been warned felt more than one hand on my arse. I’d smile sweetly showing a pretended interest, and move my derriere out of reach, only to have someone else touch me.

A woman’s voice said “Hello,” and I turned to see it was Diane who had been polite to me on arrival. I could tell from her voice and movements, she was a very cultured lady. I smiled in response to her greeting, and turned towards her.

“You are Mairi right?” she asked.

“Yes," I replied.

“Lilly told me about you,” she said.

“Who?” I replied.

“Lillian, Lillian Lloyd. She told me about you and said I must say hello to you.”

I wasn’t sure how to reply to her, just said something like, “Oh.”

“Yes, she thinks very highly of you, told me how nice you were.”

I felt from her voice and manner she wasn’t being rude or insulting, so just replied saying, “Thank you.”

The loud music from the dining room announced that it was now ready for the guests to return. The lights had been turned down low, the fire burning brightly and some candles lit. There was a strong smell of incense burning, and with the smoke gave a heady feeling of intimacy.

The dining room chairs had been pushed against the walls, and placed around the room. And there were two sofas also along two of the walls. A small table that had been pushed against the wall gave the guests somewhere to place their drinks. Catherine and Nancy were kept quite busy, replenishing their drinks during the evening

Couples soon were dancing to the music, and hands were groping one another. Not just men, but ladies too were not shy in fondling their partners. As this was to be my first sex party with a group of strangers, I really wasn’t too sure about my role here. Nancy I noticed had discarded her dress, and was serving drinks in just her garter, nylons and heels.

A lot of the ladies were exaggerating the dance moves, rotating and bending over displaying their knickers to the delight of their partners. As the evening wore on it got more daring, blouses were removed and bras discarded, and they would shake their shoulders making their tits bounce around.

Soon the men got into the spirit of things, trousers were undone and cocks on display. Occasionally a lady would take hold of a cock, tease it with her fingers for a moment before dancing away. When the music stopped for a minute, and while the records were replaced drinks were gulped down.

Catherine was also down to her stockings, still wearing her maid’s cuffs and hat, but the uniform and her knickers were missing. More interest was being shown to me by men, although I was also feeling randy, I tried to control my urges. After all as the supposed hostess, I wanted to be careful not to offend anyone by being selective.

One of the men who showed an interest in me was Cecil, Diane’s husband. He wasn’t overly touchy, yet his fingers were manipulative enough to cause some nice feelings in me. I wondered how Diane felt about it, and noticed she was also attracting other men.

So far other than guests exposing themselves, making lewd comments and touching one another, there was no active sex taking place. This was about to change.

One man was jiving by himself, wiggling his arse and waving his cock at the others. First one lady started to gyrate in front of him. She was shortly joined by another, then two more. They danced closer and closer, till they were crowded around him. They had their hands on him, like in a way he was trapped. Their movements slowed down, to just grinding themselves against him.

They removed his jacket, and then pulled his shirt out of her trousers. He obviously had no objections, as he kept trying to dance to the music. I didn’t see how they did it, but suddenly his trousers fell down to his feet. Now they were undoing his shirt, and other hands were pulling his shorts down.

Others had gathered around, and started shouting words of encouragement. I heard a scraping noise, and saw the table being dragged away from the wall. Many hands were pushing him onto it on his back, his ankles still trapped in his shorts and trousers.

His cries and pleas were in vain, as the ladies were now totally in control. His cock was as solid as a rock, firmly in a woman’s grip. The head disappeared into the mouth of one lady, shortly to reappear before another taking in her mouth. Other were raking their nails over his chest, pulling on his nipples and chest hair.

It was quite the bedlam, as others wanted to at least touch him. They were pushing and shoving to at least touch his cock, with a lucky few getting to give it a suck. They held his head back over the edge of the table, as women attempted to rub their cunts on his face.

Suddenly there was a loud groan and comments like, “Ah shit” and I even heard at least one, “Fuck he’s cum.”

One woman stood up and there was cum on her chin, then I noticed her wipe cum off her hand on his chest hair.

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They broke off after that, some now getting into it with other men. The action made everyone horny, now they were getting down and dirty. A couple were giving their partners blow jobs, others straddling their mates as they sat on a chair. Knickers were now almost off altogether and just discarded on the floor.

It was the horniest scene I’d ever seen to date. I think the guests had all found other partners, other than their own spouses. As they quieted they began calling for more drinks, the two servers were kept quite busy as a result.

No one bothered getting dressed after. Most of the women were down to garter belts and stockings, the men in shirts open down the front, and their socks. Shoes and other articles of clothing were kicked under chairs out of the way.

After most of them had recovered, the music started up again and dancing resumed. I think for the time being, I was the only one, or possibly Catherine and Nance were still randy as hell. They favored the slower dances now, where they could sway to the music in each other’s arms. Soon cocks were being stroked and rubbed against bellies, or placed between the ladies' legs for slight agitation. Hands caressed buttocks and there were lots of lingering French kisses, tits pressed against bare chests.

After repeated requests to dance I finally agreed. I discarded my dress to fit in with the mood. With my tits sticking out over my bustier, I loved the way my nipples rubbed against a man’s chest. I’d kept my silk knickers on, glad I did as the crotch was soaked from the juices flowing freely from my pussy. And to feel a man’s hard cock pressing against my tummy was agonizing.

The men took turns excusing each other, to take turns dancing with me. I was even kissed on my lips a lot, and enjoyed some tongue play. I loved it and didn’t mind them stroking my arse, but managed to prevent them from placing a hand between my legs. Fortunately by being passed around like that I managed to control my urges.

However I knew it wouldn’t last, my mind was a whirl and at last I was in Cecil’s arms. I thought if I was going to do it, let it be with him first. He was kind, I thought, his caresses gentler yet pressing. Now I touched a cock for the first time, his cock, and it felt so good to my touch. I placed it between my legs as we swayed to the music. I was ready to climax, it wouldn’t take long as I loved the feel of his cock rubbing against my cunt.

I slid my hands down to his waist for a moment, then on to his buttocks. I gripped him tight and moved my hips back and forth, through the silk of my knickers it felt so good on my labia and clit. I couldn’t hold it as my orgasm burst over me like a thunderbolt. I grabbed him tight and held on until the magnitude of the first few moments passed.

It was like waking up from a dream, the noise level had died down. It was then I realised I’d been quite vocal during my climax. Cecil was quite the gentleman, he held me and let me have my pleasurable moments. He was still hard as a rock, he smiled at me knowing how he’d excited me.

“You want more,” he whispered.

“Oh yes,” I said still holding on to him.

Hands lifted me up and placed me on the table, I was aware of a hand rolling a rubber down over his cock. For a moment I wished they hadn’t done that, as I wanted to feel his bare cock inside me. However I knew it was too risky and glad for him as well as my protection. My knickers were removed, and hands held my legs up and apart.

I watched as he brought his cock to my pussy, letting me feel the head at the entrance. I just uttered one word, “Please.” Smiling at me he slid it in a little more, then withdrew it. It was agonizing as I braced myself, to lift my arse to meet his thrusts, again I pleaded, “Please.”

He inched it in slowly a little at a time, till at last I felt it right at my cervix. He rode me good slowly at first, and then pounded me with all the force he could muster. I moaned and groaned as I couldn’t help but respond to the joy sweeping through my body.

I was held firmly but I didn’t mind, it just felt so good. I was aware of rubbers being rolled over cocks on either side of me, my hands were placed over cocks and I gripped them tight. I had at least two more orgasms burst over me, then I felt him ram it all the way home and hold still. I felt his pulses and knew he was cumming, I just wished he was bareback as I wanted to feel it splash over my cervix.

I was still holding onto two cocks, both of them sheathed in condoms. I looked up into the faces of the women. “You want more?” one asked with a smile.

I just nodded my head and another man took Cecil’s place. It still felt so good. After him came at least two more, I couldn’t be sure how many. I was drying up and the rubbing started to bother me, then when I struggled to sit up they stopped.

Two ladies helped me to my feet, and a large drink was thrust into my hand. I saw it was my Catherine and I drank it down in one gulp. I’d never had a gang bang before, and definitely it wouldn’t be the last. The build up with witnessing the sex before hand, had a lot to do with my enjoyment of it.

The party resumed but the intensity was not the same, people were tiring and it seemed there was lots of sex for everyone. I got my breath back and had lots of offers from other men, but I’d had my fill for one night. My pussy was tingling, a little sore from the action she’d received. Still it felt good.

Soon the guests started to gather their things, and began leaving to go to their own homes. Catherine and I, John and Nancy were to stay overnight. Arrangements had been beforehand, so we were assigned bedrooms. We all had a very full night’s sleep and I slept in the next day.

Once I did get up I couldn’t find my clothes. The lady of the house heard me and brought me a gown to put on.

We were invited to join her and the others for breakfast. They indicated they were very pleased with how the evening had gone, and I was complimented on how well I handled it. Although for the life of me I didn’t think I’d done anything special.

We began the clean up from the party; it consisted of mostly picking up condom wrappers. Some knickers and bras that were discarded were picked up and thrown in the garbage. My dress and silk knickers were missing. I thought that in future I wouldn’t wear anything expensive to these parties.

Before leaving, the lady of the house saw us to the door, and again thanked us for our contribution to the evening’s success. She handed me an envelope that I thanked her for, and slid it into my handbag without opening it. I was sure I knew what was in it, and felt it would have been rude of me to open it then.

Once we got home I opened the envelope, and it contained a thank you note, and a generous financial gift.

The next day when I arrived at work, Mr. Gordon was waiting for me. He was in a most ugly mood, yelling at me for taking the time off on the Saturday. Quietly while I waited for him to finish, I thought of the financial gift I’d received.

Finally after he’d ran out of breath and shut up, I asked him, “Are you finished?”

“Yes,” he replied.

“Good me too,” I said, and putting my shop key on the desk, turned and walked out. So my tenure as a restaurant manager came to an end.

Fortunately thanks to Catherine, I didn’t have to worry about finding another job right away. I was glad it was over as it had been long hours, often ten hours a day and seven days a week. Although by the end I was getting a very healthy salary, thanks mostly to my linking it to the restaurant's performance. Still I was glad it was now over.

At first I wasn’t too concerned about finding a job, after all Catherine did enough worrying for the two of us. I now had more time for seeing Marlene and Lillian, as well as visiting the club more often. Catherine was glad too as we now spent a lot more time together, going out more often to the pictures and going for a drink. I hadn’t realised how little time we’d had for each other due to my busy schedule. Then I often shared what little social time I had with Marlene and Lillian, and lately my new friends.

One afternoon I was taking a leisurely bath, when I heard the phone ring and Catherine answered it. I heard her chatting with whoever it was for quite some time, after which she came in to tell me about it.

She said it was Diane who called, who asked how we were doing. And said she wanted to take us to lunch, to let her know when would be a convenient afternoon. I was pleased with the invitation, as I felt it wouldn’t hurt to get to know her some more.

I had Catherine phone her back, and suggested that Sunday would be nice. My suggestion was acceptable, and it was arranged for her to pick us up.

Catherine and I dressed in our Sunday finest, so when she arrived again I marvelled at the nice car she was driving. It was a late model Rover, and I sat in front with her and Catherine in the back seat. She took us to a very posh hotel in the highlands overlooking a loch. A very picturesque setting although I had been there before, and was pleased it was her choice too. Not only that but when we entered, the doorman recognised me from before and made a pleasant comment.

Diane seemed surprised at that. “So you’ve been here before?" she remarked with a smile.

“Oh yes,” I replied. “We like to come up here in the summer, it’s so peaceful.”

After lunch we spent the afternoon enjoying a few drinks, as well as each other’s company. I was curious to know how she’d felt about her husband and I making love. Finally I came right out and said, “What did you think when you saw your husband have sex with me?”

“Actually I was quite pleased you were willing to accommodate him, you are attractive and was polite and courteous,” she said with a smile.

I recalled what Lillian had told me about how her husband had his lovers, and she began to have affairs too. Yet their marriage survived, and she insisted it helped them stay in love. I think Diane saw the puzzlement in my face, as I glanced at Catherine.

"Let me tell you something, young lady, as you are not married and still quite young. When a couple fall in love, it’s for more reasons than just the sex. For the first year, you fuck every chance you get. You do it morning noon and night, even during your period. Then after two or three years, the passion dies down a bit as you get used to one another.

“By then we’d explored everything we could about sex, the different positions including oral and yes even bum sex. Now as Cecil moved up the ladder within his company, greater demands were made on his time. He had to travel more and more, which made for long periods without sex.

“Now I knew he was approached by other ladies on occasion, so it was just a matter of time before he succumbed to the charms of one. Actually both our lives were affected, as we both had public duties to consider. It was important that in public, we be seen to be still very much in love. 

“So we agreed when we were not together, we would whatever we wanted to satisfy our sexual needs. Soon I found a nice youthful lover, so I could enjoy a healthy sex life. We found it actually strengthened our love for one another, by opening our minds to one’s basic needs. When we could be together, we enjoyed one another even more, romantic dinners, and having sex in exotic places.

“We found other busy couples in a similar position, so to enhance our sexuality we began sharing with others. Just partner swapping at first, then having sex in front of one another and it grew from there."

I was amazed by what she told me, I’d never thought about it as a tool to strengthen a relationship. Then again, I thought, that’s not quite true. Catherine was a lesbian, and I enjoyed men and women. Catherine was scared at first, and thought that she didn’t do enough to please me, and I might leave her.

When I not only reassured her of my love, but permitted her to enjoy herself with other women, this, as Diane had pointed out, actually made for a healthier relationship between us. We had agreed not to go behind one’s back, but to tell each other about our experiences.

When we finally headed back into the city, Diane invited us to have dinner with her and Cecil, and to bring Lillian too.

Written by Mairi
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