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Getting Married Tomorrow

"Joy was looking to have a good night out before her wedding. (A true story.)"

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Author's Notes

"A mostly true story; that I have enhanced a little to make it flow. I have changed all the names – except Joy's, which I am sure was false anyway. <p> [ADVERT] </p>The photo above reminds me of Marcia."

It was 1974, and I was working in Christchurch. Fridays after work, I usually played squash with a mate from my rugby team, and then we headed to the Grenadier Arms, where we would grab a burger or something for dinner and have a few beers with our friends. 

I was seated at a table near the bar with about a dozen friends on Friday night. The bar was quite full, even for a Friday night. People were conversing and waiting to find out where the action would be later in the evening. At about 7:30 pm, a very smartly dressed woman arrived and moved to the bar to order a drink. Someone in the group commented, "Look at that snooty bitch."

Looking over to the bar, I saw they were close to the mark. The woman they were commenting on was about 5' 8" with dark hair, quite attractive in a handsome way rather than beauty queen material, and well dressed in a dark-suited jacket and skirt with a white blouse. She looked like she should be in an executive meeting of some large corporation, not in a bar on a Friday night.

I felt sorry for her as it was clear that many in the crowded bar were looking at her and mirroring the derogatory comment that my mate had made. I needed a drink, so I got up and moved beside her at the bar. She looked down her nose at me. A look that would have most guys ducking for cover, but instead of running, I gave her a cheeky remark, which got me a caustic, scathing reply. 

I gave her a friendly laugh, "You're not very friendly tonight. Are you always so uptight, or has someone pissed you off?"

She replied in a very posh voice that matched everything about her. "I just feel a bit out of my comfort zone here. Not the normal sort of place I would frequent." 

I had thought New Zealand was relatively class free, but I was in no doubt that this lady was very upper-class. I had to wonder what the hell she was doing here but refusing to be flipped off so easily. I told her she reminded me of a joke about a polo player I had once heard, and I proceeded to narrate the tale. (Experience had taught me that if you could get a woman laughing, you are on the way to breaking down most of her barriers). 

After the punch line, she did laugh. "Very good; how did you know I play polo?" 

"I'd have to be a fucking idiot if I could not pick that. You stand out like a sore thumb in here." 

Something I found when living in England and mixing with the upper classes, they like to swear, and the cruder, the better it seemed. 

"What are you doing here? And I'm not having a dig at you, just intrigued," I said as I watched her stiffen. 

She hesitated, then, resignedly, said, "I'm getting married tomorrow and just wanted to get out and let my hair down. I may not get a chance to get out on my own much in the future. And a girl I work with said this was a good place to find some action, parties, etcetera." 

"Yes, she's right; if you keep your ears open most Fridays and Saturdays, you will hear of a party here. What do you want to drink?" 

"I don't want to be beholding to anyone; I will get my drink, thanks." 

"Hey, you will not be beholding to anyone, especially not me. What do you want to drink?" 

She backed down and asked for a Campari and soda. 

"Not a good choice; you will not fit in at all drinking that here. Let me order for you, as you will need a buzz on if you want to let your hair down. And Campari is not going to do it. By the way, you are not exactly dressed for a party." 

"Yes, I know, but the only way I could get out tonight without raising questions was to stay overnight in the city because of work. That meant I could not bring any party clothes. The way I feel here, it was a bad idea; I may give up and head home."

Her reply told me she was, as I had surmised, from one of the wealthy landowners out in the country. Many of them kept townhouses in the city. 

"Don't you dare give up yet! I'll sort something out," I replied.

I ordered her a double vodka lime and lemonade and myself bourbon and coke, and then we joined my friends. I introduced her as Joy, the name she gave me. Everyone tried to make her feel welcome, but she was well out of her comfort zone, and I felt pretty awkward for her. So I partially turned my back on the others and asked her some questions about herself. She was twenty-five, and I must admit I thought she was older than that, and she had known the guy she was about to marry all her life, and she had booked into a private lodging in the city for the night.

Once I got her talking, she just babbled on. She told me that her fiance's parents and her parents had adjoining farms, and they were always expected to marry. By the sound of things, both families were "old money" and owned much property around Christchurch. She worked in a law office in the city, and her hen's night had been a few nights earlier. Then she admitted she had an epiphany the day before, realising that her life had been very insular and boring and realised she wanted to do something wild. Then she floored me by coming straight out and admitting she had never been with another man and, at the last minute, had decided she needed to rectify this. 

"I could help out there too," I offered, giving her a cheeky wink, which, thank goodness, made her smile. "But let's leave that for now. You may find someone far more to your liking as the night goes on." 

As we talked and I kept the jokes flowing to keep her laughing, a thought started growing in my head about where I could take her. Mostly I wanted to keep her to myself and not let some other smooth bastards reap the reward of all the work I was putting in. It had already become apparent that there would not be a raving party that Friday night, or we would have heard about it by now. No party meant the gang would likely split into smaller groups and wind up at someone's flat, boozing and shooting the shit. As mentioned, Joy was not exactly dressed for taking many places. But I had an idea of where I might take her. But I must digress and paint a picture of the place I had in mind. 


I had a good mate, "Ivan" who worked for a radio station. One of his fellow DJs (I think his name was Tom) was taking out a lady that owned a massage parlour called "Trixie's Sauna Parlour". About three months earlier, he invited Ivan and me up to the parlour after they finished the evening shift at the station around 11:00 pm. Massage parlours have a terrible name in NZ; I know that's the same elsewhere. But when we got up there, I found it to be relatively tame, and Trixie, who owned and ran it, was incredibly competent and well-presented. I remember she had said she had chosen the name Trixie for her establishment as it meant 'one who brings joy'. 

The parlour was upstairs above shops near the centre of the CBD and had been a company's office before being turned into a sauna parlour. When you got to the top of the stairs, there was a reception desk immediately in front of you, and when you turned right, there was a large lounge with about five groups of lounge chairs and settees around coffee tables. There was an excellent stereo system with tapes, records and a pinball machine.

The lounge room was seductively lit with lamps that gave calming, subdued lighting and one of those purple fluorescent lights that made your teeth glow, placed over the stereo. In front of the stereo was a polished wooden floor for dancing. If you turned hard left as you entered the lounge, there was a kitchen with a server hatch into the lounge.

 Trixie directed us into the kitchen and showed us where we could get free coffee and nibbles, and she also explained to us that there was a good selection of alcohol locked under the bench. And went on to tell us she was not allowed to sell the alcohol, but she could sell books of tickets, which could be redeemed for alcoholic drinks. Somehow, this got them around the licensing laws.

Halfway down the lounge on the right, an archway led you into a corridor that ran pretty much the entire length of the building, and of this were half a dozen massage rooms; the smaller two opposite the archway had just a massage table in them, the two either side of these had a massage table and lounge chair and the last two were quite large rooms and had a settee, bed and a massage table in them. On the left of the corridor behind the lounge was a sauna that held about ten people, a steam room that was just as large, a spa pool that took six people, four showers and some toilets and lockers. 

Ivan had jacked up a couple of girls from the radio station this first night, and we had a ball. The parlour was busy with at least three groups of eight or nine persons; quite a few were married couples. Ivan and I bought a book of tickets each, this was all we had to pay for, and we danced, fooled around in the spa pool and wound up fucking both girls in the showers while people walked past. As I said, an excellent night. 

Trixie had about a dozen girls she could call on, but only six girls were on at any time. The girls didn't get any retainer but were paid a good part of the fee for each client they enticed into a massage. Ivan and I had become good friends with Trixie, and we had been going up there at least once a month since that first night. We never had to pay, except for any booze we drank; she liked us being there, especially on the weekend nights when some clients could turn up quite drunk.

We got to know the girls, who came from all walks of life; two were married. They all were very uptight about anyone calling them prostitutes and insisted they never slept with clients but only gave massages. But I knew dam well most of them made extra money by giving what today is called a happy finish. And one must imagine that a couple of them went further if the price was right; otherwise, why were there beds in two rooms? 

The pubs closed at 10:00 pm those days. So Trixie's was a popular place after the pub; many people went there just for the sauna, music and a few drinks to round off a night out. During the week, you got more men looking for extras. But on the weekends, it had become like a club, and the girls did not have to go with anyone they did not want to. But it was not a place you always went to as the door price was not cheap. From memory, it cost twenty dollars to get in and another twenty dollars for the massage if you wanted it. 

Remember, this was 1974, and the average wage was about ninety dollars per week. I was single, running my own building business at the time and earning good money, so I could have afforded the door fee if Trixie had made us pay. But many of my friends were not as well off and couldn't afford the place. 

That was a bit wordy, but you'll know now where I intended to take Joy.


At about 9:00 pm, I quietly told Joy we should leave, as I had just the place to take her. I wanted to get her out of the pub before someone came up with another bright idea. I offered to use my car, but she was not keen. She had her car, a brand new Triumph Spitfire Mark IV, so I said we would go in her car, and I proceeded to give her directions. 

When we arrived, she was very hesitant about entering a massage parlour. I had to do some fast talking and convince her it was not all she had heard, and I also pointed out that it was her wish to do something different for her last night on the town. 

When we got to the top of the stairs, Trixie greeted me with open arms and, after introductions, got one of her girls to take Joy to the changing rooms and get her a robe. Once Joy was out of hearing, Trixie turned to me and asked who the fuck I had brought in that night; she thought that Joy was a policewoman (because of the way she was dressed). I explained all I knew about Joy and wanted to show her a good time for her last night of freedom. Trixie relaxed and agreed with me that we needed to turn it on for her. 

I wandered through the lounge to find Joy and noticed that there were only about a dozen people this early, and I knew most of them by sight, if not to talk to. 

I got to the changing rooms just as Joy was exiting. She wore an Asian blue satin robe that Trixie kept for special guests. Joy looked great, and I told her so. It made her blush, but she was pretty happy with the compliment. I stripped down and donned a robe, then grabbed a towel for each of us from the shelf by the lockers where you stored your clothes.

"What do we do now?" she asked me. 

"Well, we can go back to the lounge and get some drinks and dance. Or you can have a sauna, Spa or even a massage. The night is yours; I'll go with what you want." 

"I'm not sure I'm ready to mix with people I don't know. I'd feel uncomfortable dressed like this. Can we get a drink and sit in the spa pool?" 

"Sure, but come meet a couple of the girls working here while I mix us a drink. Are you okay with vodka again, or would you rather have something different?" 

Joy said okay to the vodka, and we walked through the lounge to the kitchen. She was wary about meeting the girls, but I told her she would like them, as both were into horses. 

If the girls were not out mixing with the guests, they sat in the kitchen and played cards. Marcia and Liz were on that night, and they were in the kitchen. I got on well with them, especially Marcia, who had been trying to get me to take her out. She was twenty-three, beautiful, with a bit of dark blood; the talk was that her mother was West Indian. Liz was a married woman living in the country with her family on a twenty-acre block where she had some horses. She was also attractive but probably over thirty.

They talked as I mixed up another vodka and bourbon for myself. Joy had eased up in their company and talked quite freely. She was probably quite surprised at the girls that worked here; Liz, in particular, was quite posh and well-educated. I always wondered why she worked here, as she had money. (I found out later that Liz was having an affair with Marcia. She wanted to shift Marcia into her home and share her with her husband, and that the silly bugger would not have a piece of it. So she came and worked some nights with Marcia and stayed in the city at her place afterwards). 

Anyway, drinks in hand, Joy and I wandered back through the lounge and into what Trixie called the wet area, set our drinks on the edge of the Spa and stripped out of our robes. Joy was stark naked under the robe, and that surprised me. Her being so posh, I thought she would be a prude and have left her knickers and bra on. She was very athletic, and I commented on her body this time. She didn't try hiding it and just replied that one had to keep fit to play competitive polo. 

As we climbed in, I remembered a quirk in the Spa that one of Trixie's girls had told me about. In one seat, there was a miss-placed jet meant to massage the calf muscles, but instead, it fired up at an angle of about 45 degrees. If a girl sat on the edge of the seat, she could ease forward and get a jet of aerated water flowing over her fanny, too far forward, of course, and it filled them up with the water. I sat back in this seat and motioned Joy to sit between my legs; she raised her eyebrows and gave me the "Oh yeah" look. 

"You're getting very forward all of a sudden." 

"No, trust me. Come and sit on me and move where I direct you." 

She swivelled sideways onto my lap and leant back into me. I opened my legs so she sank between them, moved my arms around in front, and spread her legs. I held my left hand out in front and found the water jet, and by spreading my legs and manoeuvring her with my hips, I got her positioned right on the edge of the jet of water. Joy gave a little gasp and turned her head to look at me. 

"Very nice! Do you bring all your pick-ups here?" said Joy. 

"I've never tried it before. But I heard one of the girls talking about it one night." 

"Oh, come on, all the girls out there are falling over to please you, even that Trixie has the hots! I'll bet you have had a couple of them sitting here." 

"No. Honestly, the only one that has shown any interest is Marcia. And I won't say I'm not interested, but it has not happened. I come up here now and again with a mate when nothing is on, but only to drink and listen to the music." 

"You didn't pay?" 

"No, my mate and I are friends with Trixie, and she likes a couple of friendly males around, just in case there is trouble. But besides some of the guys being drunk and loud, there is usually little trouble here." 

While talking to her, I took Joy's hand and moved it down between her thighs, explaining that she could direct the water where she wanted, far better than I. Then I moved my hands and cupped her breasts, kneading the nipple between thumb and forefinger. 

I half expected a reaction to my forward move, but she didn't object and lay back into me. I found myself getting hard as I felt her hips gently swaying around on the jet. This action quickly led to my getting a raging hard-on, so I had to drop one hand down to release poor old Willie from pointing down between her arse cheeks. 

"I'm pleased to see this is having some effect on you, as this is getting very pleasant." 

She arched her back, pushing her loins into a more favourable position. She worked on the jet for a few more minutes, then suddenly rolled off, got up, and slid behind me. 

"Your turn!" she said. "I am going to cum if I stay on that, and it is much too soon." 

She did the same as I had done to her, moving me forward over the jet so my balls jiggled around in the jet stream and then proceeded to jack me off. It was fantastic, I could feel her rubbing her hard nipples around on my back, and in no time, I felt the first jerks of an orgasm approach. I went to get up, but she would not let me, and she increased her strokes on my prick and started licking my ear. Fuck that was the end of me; I came in a full-body jerking orgasm, pumping streams of spunk out into the Spa. 

"Aaaaah fuuuuck, this is meant to be all your night, not mine." I moaned. 

"I'm sure you can get me sorted, but let's get out of here. I'm not too keen on all that stuff floating around me." 

"It's your turn now; I'm going to massage you. Trixie has said we can use the back massage room," I said as I jumped up and helped her out of the Spa.

Joy slugged down her drink and asked if I could get her another. "Sure." I replied, "But start going easy on the booze. I have been making these quite strong, and mellow is okay, but getting sloshed will ruin your night." 

I showed her to the back massage room and told her to get up on the table and relax. But I told her to keep the robe on until I returned, as she didn't want to get cold. I went to the kitchen, and while mixing up the Vodka, Trixie came in and told me she had phoned Ivan; he was still up at the radio station and would come in when he finished at 11:00 pm. 

I was a bit upset. Ivan & I had shared a couple of girls before. He had told Trixie about this one night, and she had hinted at wanting to try a threesome one day. She seemed to think Joy deserved the same for her last night of freedom. But I didn't want to share Joy; however, objecting was useless, as she'd already called Ivan. Added to my destress, Ivan loved fucking girls up the arse, and I expected Joy would hit the roof when he tried that with her. 

I wandered back down to the massage room, thinking I needed to move quite fast, as I was sure Ivan's arrival was going to fuckup all my dirty, debauched plans. These rooms had narrow windows above the door, letting light in from the hallway. The hall was well-lit, so Trixie had placed sheer curtains over the windows, a different colour in each room, which gave a nice subdued lighting effect with the room lamps. We were in the Red room.

Joy was lying on her back with her eyes closed. I put the drink down, opened the robe, revealing her fantastic athletic body, and told her to roll over. 

"Oh! I thought the promise of a massage was all talk and that you just wanted to get me in here alone," she said. 

"Well, there was a bit of that in it, but I am going to give you the best massage you have ever had." 

"That's big talk; I have professional massages after the Polo games." 

"Just lie there and relax. You stuffed things up by making me come in the Spa; I'll take some time to get up to attention again." 

"Let me have a drink; I'm a lot more nervous than I probably look."

She sat up and gulped over half the drink in one gulp. And then, slipping the robe off her shoulders, she lay on her stomach.

I poured some oil on my hands and started kneading the muscles at the back of the neck and moved down her back, searching out any tight knots. When I got to her lower back and onto her butt muscles, she said that maybe I did know what I was doing and where did I learn it. So I told her about a girl I used to know that was a proper medical masseuse and that she had taught me her techniques so I could massage her. As I talked, I moved back up and worked on the knots I had found. We were quiet for about ten minutes, and then she said, "I don't think I will be able to take all of you. Brian is quite small, and it hurts when I have sex with him. I think I must be very small or something." 

"I have never had problems with any girl regarding my size. I think maybe you have just not been ready. Does he get you lubricated, or is it wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am?" 

"I know this will sound strange, but we haven't done it much. Brian always wanted to wait until we got married, so he is a bit anti, and yes, he rushes it. He says it will be much better when we are married." 

"I don't think marriage has anything to do with good sex. Everything I read and hear about it points to it being worse. I hope this is not the case for you. But put your mind at rest about the size of a penis. There is an old saying: 'The size of the willie doesn't matter; it is how you waggle it about.' However, I think that saying was made up by guys with small willies, and if you have a bigger one, you don't need to waggle it as well. I am not that large, a bit bigger than some of my mates, but I have seen some that were at least a good two or three inches longer than mine." 

"Help! How could any girls take that?" 

"Yes, I wonder at that too. But the two guys I am thinking of always seem in demand." 

I had moved to her butt, massaging down each side and letting my fingers drop inside her legs. Then running my hands back to the top, allowing my thumbs to part her arse checks then back down her sides again. Slowly I let my thumbs go deeper between her legs, brushing the sides of her labia. 

Joy was squirming around every time I got near her pussy. So I moved down and started on her legs. 

"Oh, that was getting good; I don't think the legs need doing." 

"I want this to be good, and I want you to beg for it." 

"I think I may need some more drink to do that." 

"Well, you had better concentrate because I'm not letting you have any more yet. I don't want you passing out on me." 

I got more oil on my hands and went right down to her toes, then back up her legs, with my thumbs exerting most of the pressure on the inside of her legs. When I reached the top, I squeezed her mound with my thumbs. She arched back into me, trying to get me to do more there, but I moved back down her legs. When I reached her knees, I lifted her legs apart, then slowly slid my fingers back up to her mound. She murmured something and wriggled her arse into my hands.

"What did you say?" 

She said a little louder this time, "Finger me." 

"Not loud enough; I'm a bit deaf." 

"Please use your fingers in me," she said timidly. 

By now, I was back down at her knees, so I moved my hands up the inside of her thighs again, increasing the pressure, so she opened her legs wider and then massaged around the outside of her mound before inserting a finger. I slipped my other hand under her and slid my fingers along her slit, ensuring I got a finger on each side of her clit. I moved these fingers up and down, squeezing her clit between them while slowly pushing my other hand's middle finger in and out. 

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Joy was arching her back to stick her bum in the air, riding up on her knees and then pushing down onto the table so she trapped the fingers around her clit. She started to get very wet, thick viscous love juice creaming around the top of my finger. Then I inserted two fingers, and she had no trouble taking them. 

"I want you to fuck me." Again, she said this quietly, but not so timidly this time. 

"Right, I might just be ready to help you there." I turned her over and started kissing her whilst slipping two fingers down her slit and deep into her again. "I want you on top of me so you control how much you take. Let's get on the bed." 

I helped her off the table and laid back as she joined me. We kissed again while Joy humped and wriggled her sex onto my thigh. As she got more urgent, I rolled her on top of me and, holding myself, I rubbed my knob up and down her slit, giving plenty of attention to her clit. Suddenly, Joy reached behind, grabbed my rigid shaft, directed it at her opening, and eased back onto me. As I slid in easily, she sat up and worked at getting every one of my six-and-a-half inches thoroughly embedded. Fantastic! I got to watch, and as her eyes were closed, I could take everything in without fear of upsetting her. She was attractive, with long dark hair, beautiful tits, a tiny waist and perfectly curved hips, sliding herself onto my dick. How fucking lucky can a guy get? 

After a while, I asked, "Am I hurting you? Do you still think you are too small?" 

"It's fantastic." She said, but then in an embarrassed voice, "I'm very smelly and wet down there." 

"Hey! You don't ever worry about that. The smell of a woman and her love juices are the biggest turn-ons for guys; they certainly do it for me." 

She lay back on top of me, kissed me again, and started taking long, slow strokes and rubbing her clit onto my pubic mound. I noticed the door opening, and Marcia poked her head in. She mouthed to me should she join us. I mouthed back, "No", and she gave me a sad dog look as she shut the door again. 

"Who was that?" said Joy. 

"Sorry, Marcia; I think she wanted to join us. I said no." 

"Was she looking at me?' Joy said, clenching her cheeks down onto me. 

It dawned on me that she was excited about someone watching her. So I decided to play along (way out of my comfort zone) as I would never talk dirty to any female. 

"Yes, she stood in the doorway, mesmerised, watching my cock sliding into your cunt. And she had pulled the leg of her shorts aside and was working her clit." 

"She could have come in with us." 

"We have all night, maybe later." 

I could see that this thought had Joy quite hot, and she was concentrating hard. I could see she was trying to get herself off. "Relax; you don't have to come yet." 

She lifted and looked at me. "I can never come when having sex." 

"That's because you are trying too hard. Just concentrate on the feeling, and do whatever feels good. Don't worry about what I may think. Then if it happens, it will happen."

I don't think she managed another ten strokes before she tensed up and began to let out tiny whimpering sounds.

"Are you coming?"

"Yes," she whispered.

"Well, tell me. I can't know what to do next if you don't say."

But she just buried her head in my neck and kept quiet. So I lifted her head and made her look into my eyes.

"You must tell me when you come. It turned me on. Now what happened?" I looked at her questioningly until she replied.

 "I came."

"Was it good?"

"Ooooh, yes."

She slumped onto me and started kissing me passionately. She went to roll off, but I held her there. "Just stay there; I'll get hard again if you wait."

Joy looked incredulously at me, "I can't come again."

"No such word as can't. I haven't before. Is more likely what you mean."

Then I saw the door opening again, and Ivan entered the room. Shutting the door, he dropped the towel he was wearing. The bastard didn't even look at me, so I couldn't mouth for him to fuck off. He just stared at Joy's crotch and moved over behind us.

Joy was so caught up in the subsiding climax that she had no clue that Ivan was there. But after a minute, she suddenly tensed up and then pushed her hips down onto me. I knew it was not me she was moving onto, but Ivan fingering her arse. Next, I felt oil running over my balls; she flinched a bit harder this time, then pushed herself back onto his fingers again. Joy whispered, "I think Marcia has come back."

"It's not Marcia; It's my mate Ivan. Trixie called him, she told me when I was getting the drink, and I didn't know what to do. Shall I tell him to leave?" 

Joy never answered me; she kept moving her bum around, taking in the feelings that Ivan was inflicting on her rear end. 

Next thing, Ivan leans over and whispers in her ear, "You like my two fingers up your arse, don't you?" 

She nodded and said, "It hurt a little." 

Ivan slipped his hand around and massaged her breast while sliding his fingers into her arse. He told her to relax because as soon as she was ready, he would fuck her in the arse. 

I thought this is it, she's going to bail out now, and Ivan has fucked it up for me. But there was little reaction; Joy clenched down on me even harder and started to pant and give little moans of pleasure. Ivan worked at her arse and tits for a while and then must have felt she had loosened up enough. He climbed onto the bed, grabbed his cock, and squatted with his heels on each side of our legs. 

From under her, I could not see much below her waist, but if I strained and looked over her shoulder, I could see the globes of her arse. So I rested my chin on her shoulder and watched Ivan direct his prick down between them and apply pressure. I started to harden myself as I watched his oiled-up cock slowly disappear between those two beautiful globes. I expected she would writhe around a bit in pain, but the reaction was quite different.

She pulled my head from her shoulder, searched for my mouth, and tried to suck my tongue down her throat, all the while pushing and bucking her bum onto Ivan's invading prick. I could feel Ivan's dick sliding along the top of mine, separated by only the thinnest of membranes. We both realised that we could feel each other, and we started synchronising our movements, him pulling out and me pushing in. Funnily enough, this did not work that well, and after I had fallen out a couple of times (much to Joy's dismay, she urgently grabbed at my cock to stick it back in both times), we started hammering into her simultaneously. 

Then all hell broke loose. Joy started whimpering into my mouth, bucking her hips up into Ivan and then down, grinding her clit onto me, then up again and down. She let go of my mouth, her breathing grew rapid, and shudders racked her whole body as she panted and moaned. It was a pretty impressive orgasm. Of course, as hers started, the urgency hit my balls, and I exploded inside her and then just hung on for dear life. Ivan was about two seconds behind me and made a hell of a noise; they had to hear it in the lounge.

I looked to the door and saw it was open, with Trixie and Marcia standing in the doorway, looking very hot. Trixie nodded at me, mouthed "good one", and, dragging Marcia out with her, she closed the door. 

Ivan rolled off and lay beside us. I expected Joy to follow, but resisting my gentle push, she said she was still coming and for me to stay still. With her pressed hard against me, I could feel a slight spasming from her stomach and thighs as Joy rhythmically squeezed her legs together. I was still semi-hard, so I lifted her legs and dropped them between mine so she could tightly grip them around my cock.

After a few minutes, I felt her have a second orgasm. Nothing like the first, but a good one, as she let out a new series of moans. I looked at Ivan and saw he had grabbed her butt cheeks and pressed them down onto me during her climax.

I whispered in her ear, "You didn't tell me you were coming. I won't tell you again,"

Joy made to roll off between us, but the bed was narrow. So Ivan rolled out of bed and told us to lie there. He would shower and get a drink. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek and told her she was one sexy, horny little slut. She looked like she had just won Lotto, very pleased with herself - no question for me; I knew dammed well that I had struck the jackpot as Joy cuddled into my side. 

Ivan is quite the opposite of me in some ways, which is why we get on so well and still do to this day. My mother brought me up never to swear before a woman and always to treat them respectfully. Whereas Ivan loves shocking and talking dirty, I am always amazed at how many women seem to like him treating them that way.

But I digress; Joy and I lay together for a few minutes before she said she needed to go to the toilet. So we robed up and headed for the showers. When Joy had used the loo, she came and climbed into the shower with me. She laughed and said she thought she wanted to go but couldn't; all she did was pee. She reckoned it was just Ivan's fat cock, and it was still making her horny thinking about that. I asked her if it had hurt, being her first time.

"Not really," she said. "Maybe a little, but nothing like I expected. I never thought I would have enjoyed having my arse fucked that much!"

I washed her, enjoying myself thoroughly. Paying particular attention to her fanny, tits and especially her arse. We got out, dried each other, and went to the lounge, where Ivan was on a couch, drink in hand. He was talking with a couple of Trixie's girls, so I left Joy with them and went to the kitchen to get us a drink. Trixie saw me and came in to speak with me. 

"Shit! That was horny watching you guys. If Tom were not coming in tonight, I would race you off to one of the rooms." 

"Probably just as well he is coming in then, as Joy told me she's still horny. I have no idea how I am going to get it up again. I have come twice already." 

"Oh!" said Trixie. "I had better tell Marcia; she is so horny I think the next guy she takes for a massage will get a lot more than he bargained for." 

I told Trixie about Marcia looking in earlier and that I had panicked and mouthed for her to go. And when I had told Joy, she had not been upset, but the opposite, she wouldn't have minded her staying. Trixie said she would tell Marcia then, as she was keen on Joy. 

With our drinks in hand, I wandered over and sat beside Joy. She wanted to dance, so we spent the next few songs dancing with half a dozen other couples. They were playing songs from Elton John's, Yellow Brick Road, and such, and I remember we got very close and romantic to "The Air That I Breathe" by the Hollies. To this day, when I hear it, it still makes me think of Joy.

While we were dancing, I noticed Ivan was at the front desk talking with Trixie and Marcia; I knew damn well that they were planning how to mess with the rest of my night. I know; I said this night was for Joy! But although it seemed less likely now, I was still scared they could stuff things up for me. 

A couple of songs later, we sat on the couch for a breather and picked up our drinks. Marcia headed straight over to us. She sat on the other side of me and, leaning over, started talking with Joy. She asked Joy if she wanted any help stripping me and suggested a few dirty things they could do. To my amazement, Joy laughed and went along with Marcia's banter.

Next thing I know, Marcia starts to kiss Joy, with one hand behind Joy's neck and with her other hand, she starts rubbing my dick. Then Ivan moves forward off the lounge chair, kneels in front of Joy, opens her robe wide, proceeds to feel her up, and uses his other hand on her arse. Joy lets out a little moan, closes her eyes and spreads her legs apart, freely opening herself up to his advances. I felt a little left out, so I wriggled my left hand between Marcia and cupped one of Joy's tits, and with my right hand, I slid it under Marcia's T-Shirt and massaged one of hers. 

When Marcia felt me grabbing her tit, she leaned back and noticed what Ivan was doing. 

"Shit!" She said, "We can't do this here. People are watching us. Come on; let's get back to the massage room." 

Joy opened her eyes, saw the other couples watching, and went beetroot red. Drawing her robe around her, she stood and let Marcia lead her out of the lounge. I laughed as another couple hurriedly jumped up and headed for the massage rooms behind us. They looked pretty turned on by what they had seen.

We returned to the same room, and Ivan and I pushed the massage table up against the wall, took the mattress off the bed and placed it on the floor, as it was obvious that we would not all fit on the single bed.

I turned around to see Marcia slipping the robe from Joy's shoulders as she kissed her. Ivan dropped his towel and lay back on the bed. I marvelled at the fact he already had a massive hard-on. Still kissing Joy, Marcia walked her over to stand spread-legged above him. As I stood there feeling like a wallflower, it became apparent that Marcia and Ivan had pre-planned what they wanted to do with Joy while we were dancing. Marcia spread Joy's legs wider and got her to squat over Ivan's fully erect dick. Ivan needed no encouragement; he lifted and guided himself between Joy's legs and into her pussy. Marcia wasn't having any of that. She lifted Joy off Ivan, grabbed his dick, then aimed it at Joy's arse and slowly pushed Joy back onto it. I was surprised at how easily his thick prick entered her arse. I guessed her bum was pretty well lubricated from his previous spending.

All this time, I was standing there feeling a bit left out. I liked watching, but I felt things had passed me over and been taken out of my hands. Marcia, however, turned to me and beckoned me to come over and join in; she pushed Joy back so she was lying on top of Ivan; he took some of her weight by holding her under the shoulders. Marcia slid down and nibbled all around Joy's dark bush. She had her hands up on Joy's breasts and was kneading both of Joy's nipples between thumb and forefinger.

I felt a flutter of arousal pass through me watching this, and my cock started to harden again. Marcia was wiggling her arse around in front of me, and it was pretty obvious what she wanted, but I was still too soft. I dropped my robe, got down behind Marcia, and removed her Hot Pants. She accommodatingly lifted one leg and then the other enabling me to remove them with her panties. But she never stopped licking and teasing Joy's cherry. Joy was very obviously enjoying Marcia's technique. Her fingers were tangled in Marcia's hair and were lightly holding her head steady between her legs.

When I glanced down, I saw that Marcia had a perfectly shaved pussy; it protruded between her legs and reminded me of a split peach. I could see it was already wet, so I scooped some of her juice onto my fingers and massaged it onto my knob, around her clit and tiny puckered anus. I think this was the first bald fanny I had ever seen, and it was really turning me on. Marcia wiggled around to let me know I was touching the right spots. Slowly I started to get hard again, so I rubbed my knob up and down her slit, then easing it slightly into her opening before easing it out and rubbing it up and down her slit again. It wasn't long before Marcia swung her arm around and tried to pull me inside her.

Then coming up for air, she said, "Stop fucking about. I want you in me."

I didn't bother to answer her; I just thrust into her and leant back a little to watch my shaft sliding in and out and all the other action going on. I might add I was as hard as a rock by this stage. Ivan was looking up at me, giving me the thumbs up from his position under everyone and giving a beaming smile.

What a sight. I was looking along Marcia's beautiful brown back at Joy, her breasts flattened and spread wide, with her nipples hard and erect. Marcia had now eased herself back and was using her fingers and mouth. Joy had a look of concentration on her face and was kneading one of her nipples, and her other hand was on top of Ivan's – he had reached around and had her right nipple between his fingers. Joy had her eyes shut tight, and I watched in awe as her stomach flexed and twitched with the surges of pleasure she was experiencing. I leaned to the left and glanced at Ivan's cock jerking in and out of Joy's arse under Marcia's chin and noted that Joy had drawn her knees up and had them splayed as wide as she could. I glanced back down and saw that my cock had a creamy white ring around it from Marcia's love juices.

The whole thing was so fucking erotic; I marvelled at the fact I had not exploded and discarded myself. I remember that we kept at this for quite a while, but finally, I started to feel some urgency from Marcia, and looking at Joy, I could see she was looking pretty excited and beginning to have little pre-orgasmic shudders. Marcia suddenly broke away from lapping at Joy's pussy and stretched up to kiss her on the lips, I tried to stay in her, but I slipped out as she moved away.

"I'm nearly ready to come. Will you suck me to an orgasm," Marcia whispered into Joy's ear.

"Fuck Yes!" said Joy.

Marcia leapt up, spun around and lowered herself to one knee, pushing her fanny over Joy's face. She leant forward and grabbed my dick, pulling it and me up between Joy's legs, and tried to direct it into Joy. But I had to reposition myself, as although Joy was up off the mattress and lying on Ivan, it was still an awkward angle, and there were two other sets of legs to negotiate around. I finally slid into her but was not in the most comfortable of positions. Not that I was going to complain, even though I had lost most of my view, the bonus was that Marcia now grabbed my arse and started pulling me into Joy as deep as she could get me. After a bit, I wanted to see what was happening, so I placed my hands on Marcia's shoulders and arched back some more. This allowed me to see the tip of Joy's tongue flicking out past Marcia's naked mound, and down below my cock, Ivan's thick cock was still stuck in Joy's arse.

That was all it took to do me in. I came in a rush and wasn't quiet about it. Ivan had the most challenging time; he had a hand on Joy's hip to stay in place. I noticed he had wormed his left hand under Joy's arm and up to her chin, where he had his fingers around Marcia's clit. Joy's tongue was also trying to attack Marcia's clit, and by the look on Marcia's face, she was enjoying the battle that was taking place down there.

In maybe no more than a minute, Marcia started to come also. With one hand, I grabbed her tits and kneaded her nipples to help her on her way, then just knelt there, watching her go through a very intense orgasm. I can't describe how horny it is to watch a woman lose control and have a body-shaking experience like this. I don't know if Joy had felt me explode, but she started bucking her arse and let out some very erotic grunts.

I had no idea of squirting in those days, but that is what happened. Her thick creamy juices just poured out around my cock and ran down over Ivan's balls. Joy was trying to yell out in ecstasy, but it sounded really funny as she still had her mouth in Marcia's wet peach, and Marcia was pressing her hips down and rotating her fanny around on Joy's face. I started to laugh, partly because I was feeling so good from my orgasm but mostly at Joy's gurgles of pleasure. I had to hold on for dear life to keep deep inside her while she seemed trying her hardest to buck me off. As Marcia came down from her orgasm, she rolled off, laughing and giggling, set off by my reaction.

Poor Ivan was the only one to miss out on all this, stuck underneath and not in a position to see much of it. Joy pushed me free and rolled off Ivan, who complained to her that he had not come and wanted to carry on. But Joy had had enough. She finally admitted to being a bit sour back there. Marcia hopped up and said she was heading for the showers as she needed to return to work. Ivan jumped up and followed her, saying he would get in with her.

"That was the best orgasm I have ever had," said Joy as she rolled into my arms and nuzzled up to me. 

I must admit I was suddenly overtaken with feelings; love, protectiveness, and even some jealousy. Powerful stuff, my chest hurt: nothing I could do. I knew if I opened my mouth, I would say something stupid and sentimental, not what she wanted to hear the night before her wedding. I just lay there hurting from the longing pain in my gut until she pulled me up, saying she wanted a shower. I am sure she knew what I was feeling. It had to be written all over my face.

As we got to the shower room, we could hear Ivan grunting away with Marcia. Joy opened the curtain, and we both looked in. Marcia was leaning forward against the wall, with water cascading onto her head and down her back, whilst Ivan was thrusting into her arse, trying for the orgasm he had missed out on. Marcia looked like she was enjoying it and indicated we could get in and join them, but after watching for a minute or so, Joy dragged me into the next cubicle, and we enjoyed washing one another from head to toe again. She did have a fantastic figure. I spent a bit of time tenderly soaping her up, spending plenty of time on all her naughty bits.

When we were finally dry and slipped our robes on again, we wandered out to the lounge, got a drink, and began to dance. Some of the couples in the lounge gave me knowing looks; they had to be in no doubt as to what had gone down. Ivan eventually joined us, only to say he had to get going, as he had swapped shifts and was starting work at 8:00 am the next day. I looked at my watch and was surprised to see it was already 2:15 am. Joy said she also needed to go, as she had ladies coming to dress and do her makeup at 10:00 am. I didn't want her to go. I wanted to have some intimate time with her by myself. I bit my tongue and tried to look as if I was the big strong Kiwi guy that had this happen to him every week.

We both got dressed, Joy was faster than me, and she walked off to find Marcia. When I came out of the changing area, I saw them talking at the front desk and could see that Marcia was also quite taken with Joy and trying to talk her into staying. Joy drove me back to my car. She gave me a lovely kiss goodbye and said she had had a fantastic night. She nervously grinned at me, saying, "I doubt any woman had ever had such a night before her wedding."

Then I morosely stood by my car and watched her car disappear down the street.


I never saw anything of Joy again. Ivan and I checked the local paper's marriages column, but no mention of Joy getting married that Saturday. Not really a surprise, as I had known that she had given a false name. 

I did have a fling with Trixie after this, though, and one night when Trixie was lying next to me, she did mention that Marcia was seeing Joy. I tried to get more from Trixie, but she said she had promised not to say anything to me. However, Ivan heard through Trixie's boyfriend Tom that Marcia was seeing Joy and sometimes stayed overnight on the farm for the weekend. Riding the horses and Joy, I guess. 

I wonder to this day what sort of marriage Joy had. She surely had some second thoughts about who she was marrying after what she went through on her last night out on the town. I sincerely hope the guy upped his sexual efforts. But from the little she had told me of her husband-to-be that night, I very much doubt he was into sharing her with Marcia. 

Written by mingemuncher
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