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Football Games

"A sporting cure for the bedroom blahs"

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Author's Notes

"I wrote this a few years ago and have cleaned up a bit to publish here. I hope you enjoy."

Beth and Mark Williams have been happily and, on occasion, ecstatically married for eight years. He doesn’t doubt for a second his love for her or her love for him. She is also his best friend, which means that they have a level of honesty with each other that many married couples do not. They honestly admitted to each other that their sex life had become rather blah. Over the years, they had tried role-playing, porn, dirty talk, and sex in strange places as ways to keep the lust boiling between them. Some attempts were outright failures, some hysterically funny, and yet others proved successful for a time.

It isn’t as if they didn’t find each other attractive. They stay fit. Mark thinks Beth is the perfect woman. She is tall and leggy with a nice butt and near-perfect C-cup breasts. Her face is pretty, if not outright beautiful, and her long brown hair hangs to her waist. Mark is a well-muscled guy from years of weightlifting and carpentry work. While not porn star-hung, he is well endowed, at least according to the women that he has bedded. Those same women would attest to his skill in bed. Beth enjoys sex with skill and enthusiasm as well. No, their problem isn’t one of compatibility or ability. It’s one of routine.

At first glance, people find it odd that they are a couple. Beth is a bit taller than Mark, and ‘normal’ couples are usually the other way around. When people take the time to get to know them, they quickly figure out that the couple belongs together. They just fit. Her happiness comes first in his life, and if you were to ask her, she would tell you that his happiness comes first in hers.

While they may be best friends, they are not each other’s only friends. They are practically inseparable from two other couples who also happen to be their neighbors. Elizabeth Petry, Liz to her friends, is married to Joe Petry. They live next door to Beth and Mark. Couple number two is Susan and Brian Murphy. They live next door to Beth and Mark as well, just on the other side. All three couples have been married for nearly the same amount of time, and all are suffering from a protracted case of the blahs.

It was late morning. Beth and Susan were in Liz’s kitchen, completing preparations for the football game coming up at noon. The discussion had turned to the ever-present blahs, and Liz was determined things needed to change. She stopped what she was doing and turned to the other women. “I, for one, am sick and tired of complaining about how mundane my sex life has become. I want to do something to stir things up a bit.”

Eyebrows went up in question as Liz continued, “Look, we need to do something to get ourselves out of our collective rut. It doesn’t have to be anything huge, just something to get the juices flowing, so to speak.”

Beth grinned. “I have an idea. How about a bet on the game? You know the guys will all bet on State University, so we gals can bet on the other team. Whichever team scores the least points in a quarter will be the loser for that quarter. The losers must remove an article of clothing. There are only four quarters, so we don’t have to worry about getting naked. Maybe a little peekaboo in our underwear will give us the boost we need.”

Liz and Susan perked right up. Susan put in her two cents. “Let’s just be sure we don’t end up naked. I’m personally not ready for something like that. Let’s figure four quarters, and if we lose every quarter, then we need four articles of clothing plus our underwear?”

Liz was thoughtful. “I think we need to think positively. We are going to win! You know the guys are going to insist that shoes, socks, and jewelry don’t count. Their hind brains are going to kick in, and all they will be thinking about is us naked. Correction: Joe can see me anytime. I am absolutely positive it won’t be me he is watching if we do this. We are going to have to take a bit of a chance if we want to get anything out of it. We need to stay in control and put a stop to it if things start getting out of hand.”

Beth nodded her agreement. “I already like the idea. It’s giving me a tingle.”

Liz laughed. “You're just thinking about our husbands staring at you!”

“Oh, and you’re not?”

Susan headed toward the door. “I need to run home for a minute.”

Liz was puzzled. “What for?”

“Right now, I’m wearing a blue bra with pink mom panties. That won’t do at all!”

Beth moved to follow her. “Great idea! Be right back, Liz.”

As soon as the two women left, Liz ran upstairs to do a bit of light trimming and change her own underwear.

An hour later, the three couples were seated in the living room, and the football game was ready to start. Liz nervously walked in front of the television, which immediately got everyone’s attention. “We wives want to make a bet with you husbands.” She went on to explain the bet. As they had suspected, their husbands were all in. Also, as they expected, their husbands insisted on the shoes, socks, and jewelry rule.

Never had they paid such close attention to a football game. No one could remember ever watching football together in bare feet, either. At the end of the first quarter, the guys lost their shirts. At half-time, they lost their pants. By this point, everyone was well lubricated, and variations of ‘Is that a banana in your pants…’ were tossed out by the wives toward various husbands. It was great fun.

The women didn’t fare as well in the second half. State had adjusted their strategy during the half and was well ahead in points for the third quarter. The husbands watched in fascination as the wives removed their tops.

The women played it for all it was worth and took turns removing their tops. Liz was first up. She was wearing a State sweatshirt, and as she peeled it off, her beautifully formed C-cups were held and framed by her satin bra. Beth was sure that Mark found Liz’s body hot. She was a very well-formed woman, and Mark had a thing for blondes. She watched her husband closely for his reaction and was a bit shocked when he paid the petite brunette Susan with her B-cup boobs more attention.

She also couldn’t help but notice the looks she got from Joe and Brian when it was her turn. The feelings it gave her were deliciously mischievous. Beth took her time unbuttoning her blouse before finally removing it. Her bra was dressy but relatively conservative. Still, it framed her breasts nicely, and her friends’ husbands couldn’t keep their eyes off her.

The football game ended with the women having to take off their pants. They all pretended that nothing of importance was going on, but nothing could have been further from the truth. They typically exposed more skin in bikinis than they were showing now. But this was underwear, not a swimsuit, and it made a world of difference. An hour after the game, everyone had put their clothes back on and were in their separate homes. Shortly after that, each couple was in bed, fucking for all they were worth.


The following week, it was Susan and Brian’s turn to host the football game. There was a higher level of excitement this week as compared to the last. There was no doubt that everyone was looking forward to the same bet as last week, and nobody was disappointed. The ladies did not fare as well and wound up in their underwear at half-time. This week, each of the women had selected slightly more daring underwear, and the men were very appreciative. All the women wore bikini briefs and sexier bras of the lacy persuasion. Their erect nipples were obvious.

Fortunately for the women, the game ended with the men in their underwear. Normally, the guys would have been pretty upset at their favorite team being behind in points. It was evident by the bulges in their underwear that they had other things on their collective minds. While each man noticed his own wife with appreciation, he also very much noticed the other wives.

Susan took it upon herself to take things up a notch. When the football game was over, and the men had removed their pants, she brought a bowl into the living room. The women each drew a chip from the bowl while the men looked on curiously. Susan stepped up to explain. “OK, each chip has one of our hubby’s names on it. Ladies, please stand next to the hubby you selected.”

Beth ended up with Joe, Liz ended up with Brian, and Susan ended up with Mark. Susan took the floor again. “OK, now is the fun part. Each pair will flip a coin until there is an odd coin. The pair with the odd coin must kiss in front of everyone else!”

“Whoa there!” Liz was a bit shocked. “I’m not sure I’m comfortable kissing another man.”

Susan had an answer for her. “You may not need to. You may get to watch as someone else does. Anyway, it’s just a kiss. Please give it a shot.”

Liz looked a bit dubious but decided to go along. Anyway, she wasn’t really that upset at being paired up with Brian. She had always wondered if he was a good kisser. Things went about as expected. Liz and Brian ended up being the odd coin and had to kiss. Being the first to kiss, they were tentative at best. A light peck on the lips was as far as it went. Susan snorted. “I got kissed harder than that by Johnny Robertson in second grade!”

Good-natured ribbing ensued, and the ice was broken. Beth and Joe were the next odd coin. Their kiss was a bit more like a real kiss, and both their faces were flushed when they finished. Liz and Brian lost the next round or won, depending on your viewpoint. This time, Brian pulled Liz into his arms and kissed her rather thoroughly. She didn’t seem nearly as upset as she thought she would be when he finally let her go. She was breathing rather rapidly, and the bulge in his underwear was glaringly obvious.

One more flip was called for, and this time, Mark and Susan ended up kissing. It quickly became obvious to the other four that these two were enjoying themselves. Beth couldn’t help but notice that there was significant tongue action going on. She also noted that Mark’s raging erection had been pressing against Susan’s belly when the kiss ended.

The wives reclaimed their husbands, dressed, and went home. The bedroom antics that followed were even better than the previous week.


The three couples had reached a tipping point. All had a decision to make. Were they going to back off from what they were doing, or were they going to take it farther? And if farther, how much farther? Things had been titillating so far, which had paid off in the bedroom. Were they going to let their fantasies, if not run wild, maybe jog a little, a fast walk?

Each husband and wife talked about what it could all mean to their relationship. All were comfortable enough in their love that jealousy wasn’t going to be an issue. They could stop at any point if there were concerns. The idea of being a bit intimate with someone besides one’s own spouse was fueling the fire quite a bit. They fully realized that this wasn’t about love. It was about sex. The excitement they were all feeling was new and welcome.

Beth and Mark were hosting the game, and the three women were in Beth’s kitchen preparing food and drinks for it. Beth set the cheese tray on the table and turned to her friends. “I think I speak for all of us when I say that game day has chased the bedroom blahs away. I have been having so much fun!”

Susan nodded her approval. “I know! We have been escalating the horny each week. The thing is that we are getting into new territory. I wouldn’t mind if my husband were intimate with one of you. Would you want one of your husbands to be intimate with me? Cause that is where we are heading. You need to be really sure about what you want out of this before we go any farther.”

Liz entered the conversation. “I have talked with Joe about this a lot. We agree that this is just for fun, and we won’t let it influence our love for each other. I am very nervous about what might come next, but at the same time, I don’t remember ever being this excited. I get wet just thinking about game day.”

Beth pulled her blouse up to show off her new bra. “Are you guys wearing the new underwear we bought?” Liz and Susan nodded and laughed a bit nervously. The women had gone lingerie shopping earlier in the week. What started out as buying some new lingerie turned into a competition to get the sexiest outfit. The women were anxiously anticipating the reaction from the guys.

They had also purchased new form-fitting underwear for their husbands, much to their husbands’ chagrin. These were blue-collar guys, and fancy underwear just wasn’t something they normally considered. It was notable that none of them put up much resistance to wearing the new underwear.

When the game started, everyone assumed that the rules were the same. There was no discussion, and at the end of the first quarter, the women had to remove their tops. The bras that were revealed were nearly transparent, and their erect nipples were very visible. The guys had difficulty focusing on the game. Halftime came, and the women lost their pants, while the guys nearly lost their minds. The women were wearing tiny thongs that left little to the imagination.

Mark pulled his wife aside. “You look amazing! Fuck the game. Let’s send everyone home and go to bed. I want to peel what little you are wearing off and fuck your brains out.”

Beth smiled at her husband, “Now, honey. It’s only halftime, and we are not going to run our friends off. You are just going to have to wait until the game is over.”

As had been the case in the previous game, the men ended up in their underwear at the end of the game. The tight underwear served to reveal the substantial erections sported by the guys. Susan had brought the bowl over, and husbands were selected. Beth ended up with Brian, Susan ended up with Joe, and Liz ended up with Mark.

Unlike the last week, they all started kissing at the same time. Also, unlike the previous week, there was no hesitation. The television played the post-game program in the background as the couples kissed. Bodies rubbed together, and hands roamed.

Brian turned Beth around to face her husband and stood behind her. He began kissing her neck and shoulders from behind. His hands traced up her arms and moved to cup her breasts. His thumbs traced her nipples through the nearly transparent bra before slowly rubbing down her stomach. His fingers traced her barely-covered pussy, and she leaned back into him with a sigh.

His fingers found her cleft, and he began to masturbate her through her thong. She squirmed against him, her eyes on her husband. Mark watched hungrily as his friend played with his wife. Having her husband watch her as another man played with her pussy had Beth in a high state of arousal.

Brian increased the pace of his fingers, and Beth’s knees went weak. He wrapped his other arm around her waist and held her in place as his fingers worked her into a frenzy. His lips met her neck, and he lightly bit her. Beth orgasmed and nearly fell to the floor.

Mark was obviously very turned on watching his wife orgasm. His erection had escaped his underwear, and Liz began to rub it with the tips of her fingers. He decided to copy Brian and turned Liz around in an attempt to emulate what he had just seen. The problem was that Joe wasn’t paying attention to his wife. He was busy feeling up Susan. That didn’t change what Mark was trying to do. He played with Liz’s pussy in front of his own wife and Brian.

Liz was so aroused that she didn’t care who was watching. In fact, she found Beth’s eyes on her, and that turned her on even more. Thoughts of playing with Beth, maybe even eating her pussy, flew through her mind, and she found herself experiencing the same kind of leg-weakening orgasm that Beth had just had.

Joe wasn’t as successful in his play with Susan. He brought her to the height of arousal but not quite over the top. When the couple separated from their kissing, they couldn’t help but notice the rapid breathing and red faces of the other couples. Both felt a bit awkward at how far they had gone. They had no idea that the other couples had made it quite a bit further than they had.

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The moment was past, and the couples separated back into their normal relationships. The fun between couples was over for the evening, and shortly thereafter, they dressed and went to their separate homes. The sex at home reached epic proportions versus previous weeks. The blahs had been truly blown away. The question on each mind was had they gone too far, or not far enough?


Mark and Beth lay in their marriage bed and tried desperately to get their breath back. They had just fucked each other stupid and were covered in sweat and panting from their sexual gymnastics. They snuggled in the afterglow with thoughts of what had led them to this point foremost in each of their heads.

Beth thought that she was having a great time at the football games, but she feared losing her husband because of them. Mark was thinking the same thing. So, when Beth asked him what he was thinking (something men hate as a rule, because we really are usually thinking about absolutely nothing, and the question feels like a pop quiz we know we are going to fail), he responded with the truth. “I’m thinking about the games we have been playing with our friends. On the one hand, I think it is a lot of fun, and the benefit to our sex life is obvious.

“On the other hand, I absolutely do not want to lose you over some games. I really don’t mind if someone else makes you orgasm. I want you to experience as much ecstasy as possible. I worry that you will decide that someone else makes you happier, and you won’t want to be with me anymore.”

Beth rolled over onto her husband’s chest and kissed him lightly on the lips. “I feel the same way, and I promise you that I will never leave you. I like Joe and Brian a lot, but I love you, and only you.

“Anyway, I couldn’t help but notice that you find Susan very attractive. I worry that she can give you something I can’t. Or Liz, for that matter. She’s your type, and I can imagine you two in a sordid affair.”

Mark couldn’t help but laugh. “The chances of me having an affair with Liz or Susan are the same as yours with Joe and Brian. It will never happen. I love you too much. Anyway, it’s not like they are looking to fall in love with someone else. They have as much at stake as we do.

“It comes down to whether we want to continue the fun or not?”

Beth squeezed her husband. “Now that we have talked? If we can have us and if we can have some fun, I want to keep doing it. But only if you do. If you don’t want to, then I’m good with stopping. All I need is you. The rest is just extra.”

Mark kissed his wife’s cheek. “You took the words right out of my brain. Let's continue. You can say no whenever you need to, and I will do the same.

“I’m willing to bet that our friends are having the same conversation. It will be interesting to see if they arrive at the same conclusion we have. I think we all must be in, or none of us. I also think that if one of the other couples wants out, it doesn’t change the fact that they are our friends. I can forget about the fun we have had long before I want to forget who our friends are.”

Beth smiled up at her husband. “And that is one of many reasons I love you.”


State didn’t play the following Saturday, and the women’s cycles had synced long ago anyway, so it was a bye week for everyone. The next Saturday the three couples got together again. The women met in Liz’s kitchen and talk immediately went to football games and what it might mean for this week.

Liz, being the host, was the first to speak, “Joe and I talked a lot about last week, and we decided that we would like to keep going. What about you guys?”

Beth grinned. “Yeah, we did, too, and we would like to keep going.”

Liz and Beth turned to Susan. She started hopping up and down. “Yes! Yes!”

The pundits picked State to win this last game of the season easily. The first half went their way, and they were ahead by five touchdowns. The women were soon down to their underwear, and amazing underwear it was. The bras were barely there and nearly transparent. Their hard nipples were obvious. All wore skimpy thongs that outlined the cleft of their vaginas.

During halftime, the guys decided it was time to pull out the bowls. Mark and Susan ended up together and immediately went after each other. It was obvious to the others that the impromptu couple were hot for each other. It didn’t take long for the others to join in. Everyone was at a peak of arousal when the second half started.

State had decided to give the second-string players some time on the field. As a result, State scored one touchdown in the third quarter. The rivals scored two, and the guys happily lost their shirts. The fourth quarter was much the same. When the game ended, State had won, and so had the women. The guys lost their pants.

Everyone there knew that things had changed. The various husbands and wives had talked about how things were progressing with each other, and all had decided that more was in order. None of them, except one, had thought about how things would progress. The universal thought was, Okay, we are all nearly naked, now what happens?

Fortunately, the hostess had given it a lot of thought and was more than ready to move things along. Liz pulled a box out of the kitchen cabinet and walked back into the living room. After she got everyone’s attention, she waved the box in the air. “Hey guys! I have a game we can play if you are interested. Let me lay it out and show you how it works. Then you can decide if you want to play or not.”

Liz began laying out the cards and a spinner. “It’s really simple. One person spins the needle and must do whatever the card says to the person the pointer aims at. You can always say no. If you do say no, then you are out of the game, and the turn goes to the next person. You can quit any time, but if you do, you can’t re-enter the game later. You will be stuck watching the rest of us have fun.

“To start, we will roll dice. The highest is first, and turns run clockwise from them. If a tie happens, the tied players will roll again as long as necessary to determine the winner.”

It didn’t take long for the pecking order to be decided. Beth was on the ottoman, running clockwise from Beth, Joe and Liz were on the couch, a rather intimate Mark and Susan on the loveseat, and, finally, Brian sitting on the recliner. Beth spun first, and the pointer landed on Liz. Beth picked up a card from the deck. She looked at it and got a confused look on her face. “This says ‘Kiss your partner deeply for two minutes’. I don’t understand. Liz is a girl. Am I supposed to kiss her?”

Mark grinned at her. “Well, duh! Of course, you have to kiss her. I, for one, can’t wait until you do!”

Liz held out her open arms. “Come here, baby. Let’s show them how it’s done.”

A suddenly shy Beth stood and walked around the living room table. She sat down on the couch next to Liz. Liz reached up and slipped her hand behind Beth’s neck. She pulled Beth’s head toward her, and their lips met.

Beth was overwhelmed. Yes, she had thought about kissing another woman before, but it had never happened. Now, her best friend was pulling her into a kiss. The best friend that she had wondered, occasionally, and not often, but she wondered, what it would be like to kiss her soft lips. Then suddenly, their lips met, and it was so much better than Beth had ever imagined.

The softness of her lips surprised and pleased Beth and she let herself fall into the kiss. Liz opened her mouth, and her tongue traced Beth’s lips. Beth responded with her own tongue, and the two women continued to explore this new and exciting thing between them. Regardless of what happened from now on they both knew that they would be kissing again. They were surprised and a bit disappointed when time was called.

Joe spun next, and the pointer landed on Brian. Both were nervously awaiting the drawing of a card. Joe turned up the card. “Kiss your partner’s neck and ears for one minute. Really? I have to do this?”

A round of jeers met his question. Liz chided her husband, “You had no problem with Beth and I kissing. We liked it a lot. Maybe you will, too. Now grow a pair and kiss Brian’s neck and ears like you mean it.”

Awkward doesn’t fully define how both men felt as Joe gave it his best shot. The women laughed while Mark cringed in sympathy. He couldn’t help but wonder what would happen on his turn. Finally, the laughter and the abuse to Brian’s neck ended. Liz decided the rules needed to be modified before they went any further. “OK, that was less than erotic. Let’s make a new rule. If your spin lands on someone of the same sex, you can flip a coin before you draw a card. Heads means you get the person to the left of the person pointed at. Tails means you get the person to the right.” The guys quickly accepted the new rule, and the spinner moved to Liz. Liz spun, and the pointer went to Beth.

Liz didn’t flip a coin. She drew a card. “OK, uhm, wow! While kissing your partner, play with their nipples. I guess this means you are losing your bra, Beth.”

Beth’s face was flushed as she unhooked her bra and hesitantly removed it. Her beautifully shaped C-cup tits were perky, and the nipples were obviously very hard. Liz took Beth’s hand and pulled her back onto the couch. Their lips met hungrily as they resumed where they had last left off. Liz caressed Beth’s exposed breasts. She pulled her lips away from Beth’s mouth long enough to lick down her neck and across each nipple. An involuntary sigh escaped Beth. When time was finally called, Beth didn’t want to quit.

Mark spun, and the pointer landed on Brian. His coin flip ended up heads, so Susan was to be his partner. Mark drew the card. “Heavy petting for two minutes.” He barely got the card laid down when Susan’s lips met his, and her hand went to the erection barely contained in his underwear. Within seconds, both had managed to peel off each other’s underwear. Mark kissed his way down her neck and began to suck on her sweet B-cup tits. His hand wandered down her stomach and across the neatly trimmed thatch between her legs. His fingers slid down her cleft and gathered moisture from her vagina. His now wet fingers caressed her clit before sliding back down. He inserted a finger in her wet pussy and used his thumb to rub her clit.

Susan wasn’t idle. She had a tight grasp on Mark’s big cock, and her hand was gliding up and down his meat. Everyone was silent as they took in the scene before them. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that these two were really into each other. Liz nearly forgot the timer, and it was thirty seconds over the two minutes when she finally called time. She was a bit surprised that they actually stopped.

Susan spun next, and the pointer landed on Mark. Everyone’s eyebrows went up. This was turning into the Mark and Susan sex show. Susan drew the card. “Oh my god! Sixty-nine! It says sixty-nine for two minutes!” Mark immediately lay down on the floor on his back. Susan straddled his face, lowered her pussy to his mouth, and leaned forward to take his cock in hers.

It was Brian’s turn next. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I would like to go ahead and spin. It’s pretty obvious that those two are going to be busy for a while!” Everyone not currently in a sixty-nine agreed, and Brian spun. The pointer ended up on Joe and the coin flip ended up with Liz as the recipient. Brian drew the card. “Oral for two minutes. All right! I can’t wait to taste that pussy!”

Liz laughed until Brian approached the couch, shoved her back, and spread her legs. He kissed his way up her legs, licking her thighs as he approached her clean-shaven pussy. Once his tongue met her pussy her laughter turned to sighs of arousal. Her hands went to the back of his head and held him in place as his finger entered her.

Beth and Joe were left to keep time. When Mark and Susan’s two minutes were up, they almost didn’t stop. They stayed on the floor while Mark spooned Susan. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that his raging erection was rubbing against her ass and that she was rubbing right back. Those two were going to fuck. It was just a matter of time. If it were up to them the game would already be over and they could get on with it.

Joe called time on Liz and Brian, and it was now Beth’s turn again. The spinner landed on Joe, and Beth pulled a card from the deck. “Oh! Uhm, it’s oral sex for a minute, uhm. Well, okay! Here we go, then.” Beth got down on her knees between Joe’s legs and pulled his briefs off. She grasped his cock and lowered her head, her mouth open, and her tongue extended to touch his cock. Her tongue circled the head of his cock before her head fell forward, and his cock was enveloped in her warm mouth.

It wasn't long before Joe groaned. “Oh my god! I’m not going to last if you keep that up. Jesus! You are amazing at that!”

Liz had a ringside seat and was caressing Beth’s shoulders as she blew Joe. Finally, time was called, and it was Joe’s turn to spin. Joe ended up in a protracted kissing session with his own wife. Both thought it was nice. It allowed them to reconnect during the excitement and offered reassurance that they were both happy with how things were going.

Liz spun, and the pointer landed on Beth. She didn’t hesitate to pull a card from the deck. “Oh goody! It’s oral for two minutes!” Liz immediately dropped to the floor and got on her back. She patted her face with her fingers. “Put it right here, baby. I’m about to rock your world.”

Beth knelt and straddled Liz’s face. Liz began rocking her world as she had promised. Beth became lost in the wonderful sensations Liz was creating. She promised herself right then and there that this was not going to be the only time she let Liz eat her. It felt amazing, and she was so into it she didn’t hesitate when Brian rubbed his cock against her lips. She opened her mouth and took him in. One hand supported herself while the other slid up and down his cock in time with her mouth.

Mark and Susan had moved to the couch. She welcomed him between her legs, and he gladly settled in. He dragged his cock up and down her wet slit until she finally begged him to put it in her. He was happy to oblige and began the slow process of sliding his cock deep into her tight little pussy. His mouth went to her nipple and sucked it in deep into his mouth. His tongue flicked her nipple as he began to stroke his cock into her pussy.

Joe was determined not to be left out. He came up behind Beth and slid his cock into her. Beth was surprised at first but was soon in ecstasy. The cock sliding in and out of her pussy was enhanced by Liz’s oral ministrations. She could barely concentrate on the cock in her mouth. Then, suddenly, she couldn’t as the orgasm swept through her body. Her legs were shaking as she moved off Liz before she could collapse on her. Joe helped her move, then reinserted his cock into her pussy. Brian moved from Beth’s mouth to Liz’s pussy, and the two began going at it like rabbits.

The slap of skin and the groans of ecstasy carried through the room as each woman was pounded by a hard cock. Joe was the first to alert his partner that he was going to cum. Beth pulled away from his cock, turned toward him, and took him in her mouth just in time to swallow his cum. She pumped and swallowed all he could give before kissing the head and releasing him.

Mark buried his cock into Susan. He shot his load deep within her as she lost herself to ecstasy yet again. The couple lay on the couch panting as Mark showered kisses on Susan’s face. Liz felt Brian swelling within her just before he shot his load. The sounds of sex changed to gasping for breath before falling into companionable silence. Liz and Susan broke the spell when they got up to head to the bathroom.

Husbands and wives reconnected after assorted bathroom breaks. Clothes were gathered and put back on. The wives gathered the food remnants while the guys collected the trash. The women were in the kitchen when Beth spoke up, “Wow, I don’t know about you guys, but I had a blast!”

Susan smiled, “Yeah, your husband is a great fuck! It’s too bad that football season is over.”

Liz laughed, “Not a problem. After all, there is basketball.”

Their eyes glittered as they grinned at each other. Beth looked thoughtful. “After basketball, we will need another sport. I may have to become a baseball fan! Just think of it! We can have a lot of fun in nine innings!”

Written by Woodart
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