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eight university students and me

"A bored housewife visits a university and it changes her life forever"

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Well I have just got back from a few days away and I have to say it has changed my life forever.

My name is Sue, I am a forty five year old housewife with three children I also have a husband of twenty years and I would of said we are very happily married. As I said I have just got back from two days away visiting a university that my nineteen year old son is interested in going to at the end of September. The uni is a good few hundred miles away from our home and with my husband working away a lot my son and I decided we would make the journey ourself. The plan was to travel their on the Wednesday and stay overnight until thursday lunchtime.

The journey down to the uni was pleasant and we managed to get their within four hours. My son was very excited to be finally leaving our home and living uni life for a couple of years. When we arrived we got to look round the different buildings and to see what the university had to offer.

By the afternoon my son had already made a couple of friends and they had decided that they were going to meet up for a few drinks in the evening. Well that left me pretty much on my own for the rest of the day and night. This was the very moment my life changed forever.

I was just heading back to the hotel we had booked for the night when a couple of guys started chatting to me. It was just small talk really, they told me they were second year students. I have to be honest I was most taken back by how beautiful these men looked. They asked me why I was at the uni and I told them my son was hoping to become a student there, I then told them that he had gone off and left me for the night because he had already made some friends.

The guys smiled and asked if I wanted to have a few drinks with them and a few of their friends that evening. Without even thinking I said I would love to meet up with them. they told me to meet them at the student bar at 7.30ish. I nodded and headed straight back to my car and back to the hotel to get ready.

I got back to the hotel and got in the shower, I didn't have long before I had to go meet the guys. I put on some black sheer tights, a skirt and a nice top. I have to say not at any point up until now did I think I was doing anything wrong with having a few drinks with a couple of uni lads, I was a happily married woman and I honestly thought the guys were just being friendly.

I got to the student bar and found the guys chatting in the corner. They were all lovely guys and instantly they made me feel at ease. It was not long before the drinks started to flow and a few more guys arrived at our table. By now there was eight lads and little old me and I have to be honest I was enjoying all of the guys company very much.

As the night wore on we all became very relaxed and started talking sex. We talked about every kind of sex and what these guys had done in the past with various girls they had met at uni. The boys definitely opened my eyes to some things, that's for sure.

It got to about 10.30 and I got a txt from my son saying he was staying out and wont be back to our hotel until the morning. This was the beginning of what was a very mind blowing night for me.

The more drink we all drunk the more the guys began to flirt with met. I told the guys how I was desperate for some decent sex because my husband was never interested anymore. Well this opened the floodgates to question after question from my new uni buddies.

One of the guys asked me with a cheeky smile of his face if I would have sex with all eight of the guys tonight. I nearly spat my drink out and started laughing, I told them that all eight guys was way too many and that they would break me before I got through all of them. But what I said next not only shocked me but also the guys as well.

I told them that eight was too many but I always wanted to try two guys. The guys faced lit up like christmas tree's. They all started cheering and chanting. Then one of them told me that maybe we could all play a game and the winners of that game would get to fuck me.

At this point I was really getting horny but was also thinking what the fuck am I doing. I asked them what game they had in mind. The guys whispered to each over for a few seconds then one of the guys asked me if I was wearing knickers under my tights? I told them I was but I could easily remove them if they wanted me too. They said that for what they had in mind the knickers had to go but to keep the tights on.

I was so confused as to what they had planned for me but I went off to the toilets and did what they told me. I put my knickers in my handbag. pulled my tights back up and could feel my trimmed pussy rubbing against the gusset of my hose.

When I got back to the table the guys looked like they were ready to leave. They told me to follow them back to one of their dorms. I could not believe what I was doing, there was me leading eight strapping twenty years olds out of the student bar to let them do what ever they wanted to me.

We got to one of the dorms and the guys walked me inside. It was a very big room, in the corner was a big table, almost like a dining room table but covered in junk. The guys poured some more drinks and I sat down on a couch while two of the guys cleared the table and moved it to the middle of the room.

"What do we need the table for?" I asked.

"We are going to play a game called the ice-cube game and the two winners of this game will give you the best sex you have ever had," one if the guys replied.

Still not having any clue of the rules I nodded and smiled back at them.

Two of the guys asked me to stand up and started to slowly kiss and caress my neck with their tongues and mouths, my legs instantly felt like jelly. Instead of stopping them I took both their hands and placed them on my tits, they started to squeeze my tits really hard through my top. I was completely lost in what they were doing to me. I didnt' realise but they had moved me over to the edge of the table and lowered me back, the other guys surrounded me and helped me lay back on the table, with them still kissing me they asked me if I wanted to play the ice-cube game with them.

I instantly replied, "Yes."

Now fully on my back my body was almost a wash of hands, I lost count but I think all eight guys were standing around the table touching and groping and pulling at my clothes. My top was opened and my tits were cupped out of my bra. Two guys either side of me started to suck on my nipples. Hands were going further and further up my legs, my skirt was nearly up round my waist, the guys were rubbing my pussy through my tights. I was loving every minute.

"It's time for the ice-cube game," one of the guys whispered in my ear.

I looked down the table and see a guy walk from the kitchen area with a jug full of ice cubes.

"What the fuck are the rules to this game?" I asked, hardly able to catch my breath.

"You will find out soon enough," they told me.

The guys moved so there were four guys on either side of the table, two of them put their hands round each of my ankles and very slowly pulled my legs apart.

"You dirty fuckers!" I shouted.

The rest of the guys started cheering. My pussy was already soaking wet and the guys could see it through my tights as my legs were opened as far as they would go.

"Are you ready?" the guy with the jug of ice asked me.

"I instantly replied, "Yes!"

The guy with the jug of pulled out a large chunk of ice-cube and moved his hand towards my pussy then slowly pulled the hem of the top of my tights and put his hand down and placed the ice-cube against my pussy inside my tights. I instantly let out a scream, the feeling of the ice-cube pressed against my pussy was so cold but also making my clit tingle.

"Guess what happens now?" one of the guys asked.

I didn't care what happens next I was loving every minute. With the ice freezing cold against my pussy, I noticed the guys were forming a queue between my spread legs.

"What the fuck you going to do next?" I yelled.

"The rules of the ice-cube game is, the first two guys to get the ice-cube out of your tights using only their mouths is the winners and then you get to do whatever you want with them.

"Oh my fucking god, you are fucking dirty buggers!" I replied.

The first two guys stepped forward, they both got on their knees and buried their head between my spread legs. I could not believe what was happening, I was having my pussy eaten by two guys at the same time. The guys holding my ankles really pulled them apart wide so the ice-cube was pressed really tight against my pussy.

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I was in heaven and tried to grip the table with my hands but it was no use, I was completely blown away by what was happening to me.

The rest of the guys started counting down, when they got to zero the two guys licking my pussy as replaced by another two guys. The ice-cube was melting fast and I was about to cum in these two guys mouths. I started bucking and shaking on the table. The two guy who had just had their heads between my legs moved behind me and took hold of each of my wrists to help me control my orgasm.

"This is the dirtiest and greatest thing I have ever done," I screamed as I cum so hard.

Again after a minute or so, the guys started counting down again and two more guys started eating me out. I could feel there tongues diving about between my pussy and my bum hole. At the same time I could feel there teeth trying to bite a hole in the gusset of my tights.

Again the guys started a count down. This time two black guys went down on me. The ice-cube had nearly melted so a new chunk was placed in my tights against my pussy. The gusset of my hose was soaking, I had cum so many times. My ankle were sore from being held so tight, my wrists were red raw where the guys were trying to hold me still but I was loving it.

The two black guys really went for it between my legs, they knew what they were doing and before long I could feeling their teeth had made an hole in my tights and their tongues were going in to my pussy. Finally one of the guys had got the chunk of ice-cube out with he's teeth through a small hole they had made, My body was ruined, I had cum almost non stop through that entire game. I watched the guy with the ice-cube in his mouth bite down hard on in and swallow it. There was a huge cheer from all the guys. I laid on the table hardly able to move, the blood had rushed from my feet from where they had been spread for so long.

"We have two winners, with the biggest cocks in the entire uni it's Tyrone and Jay!" one of the guys shouted.

All the guys cheered, I had a huge grin on my face.

"Did I just hear right?" I replied.

"Yep, these guys are hung with elephants," some of the guys shouted.

I could not believe my eyes when both these guys started stripping off in front of me. Their cocks were amazingly huge. Never in my life had I had seen cocks like this before.

"Fucking hell, you guys are going to split me in two," I yelled with a huge smile on my face.

I was helped off the table and I unzipped my skirt and let it fall to the floor as I walked over to the bed. I thought the rest of the guys were going to leave so it was going to be just me and the two guys but instead they stood round the bed and waited to the black guys to climb on the bed with me.

The only clothes I had on was my black tights with a hole bitten out of the gusset, I was going to take them off but the guys wanted me to keep them on.

"We want to see them fuck you in your tights," They told me.

With me and the two guys on the bed they both started to kiss me and touch me, the rest of the guys just looked on from around the bed as both guys hands moved over my body. It felt amazing and I grabbed both their cocks with my hands. I could hardly get my grip around them because they were so huge.

One of the guys climbed on top of me, I opened my legs as he aimed his cock against my pussy, slowly at first he got the tip in and with every thrust me managed to work his way inside me. I felt so full of cock as I tried my best to help him in me. My pussy was being stretched tight but it felt amazing. I started to moan as faster ans faster he thrust in and out of me.

"Oh my god!" I kept repeating over and over again.

By now he was fully inside my pussy, my legs wrapped around he's waist, my fingers clawing at he's back as he started to pound me harder and harder. I could hear the rest of the guys egging him on, cheering and shouting. The second black guy was laying next to us waiting for he's turn.

Within a few minutes the guy fucking me told the other guy to join in. I had no idea what he meant but I was soon to find out.

As I was being fucked the guy rolled me over so now I was on top straddling this huge cock. I rode it back and forth holding tight on to the headboard in front of me. Suddenly the second black guy gets behind me, I have no idea what he is doing. I look round and I see that he is covering he's massive cock with lube.

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"You wanted to have sex with two guys, well today's your lucky day," he replied.

I looked round at the rest of the guys around the bed, they had huge grins on there faces.

"You are going to fucking double fuck me at the same time?" I yelled.

"If that's what you want?" he replied.

Now my all time fantasy is to be double penetrated by two guys but not in a million years did I think I was ever going to do it. When I told the guys I wanted sex with two guys I thought it was going to be one guy at a time. I thought double penetration was just stuff that happened in porn films, not in real life.

The guy behind me pressed the helmet of he's cock against my bum hole. I thought there is no way it is fitting in my arse, but he's cock was so hard there was only one place is was going and that was in my arse.

I let out an animal like groan as the head of his cock finally went in my bum. The guy fucking my pussy slowed down so the guy in my arse could fit inside me. I nearly passed out as both cocks started rubbing together inside me. The room fell silent as the rest of the guys watched on as my first ever double penetration was about to happen.

I gripped the headboard tight with my hands, I laid flat on the guys chest I was straddling and tried my best to point my arse in the air so both cocks had a better angle to get in me. My toes had curled up tight and I held on for dear life as I could feel both my holes tighten around their cocks.

I started to breathe really fast as they started to rock me back and forth, with every movement I could feel their cocks more and more inside, every inch of my pussy and arse were filled. The room was still silent as both guys finally got balls deep inside me.

I don't know what happened to the little old housewife of a couple of hours a go but I shouted at both guys to fuck me hard.

They didn't waste much time and with some more cheering from their friends watching from around the bed they began to fuck me like a rag doll. I cum almost instantly but that only helped them fuck me harder as my cum made fantastic lube for their cocks. I held on for dear life to the headboard as the guy fucking my arse gripped my shoulders and really started to go deep in my bum. The guy in my pussy gripped my hips and was lifting me up and down on he's shaft. he rest of the guys were clapping and shouting at them to fuck my brains out.

After maybe fifteen minutes or so, both guys shouted that they were about to cum. By this time I was exhausted and almost laying limp on top of the guy in my pussy. I was sandwiched tights between these guys and by now I had cum more times than I could remember.

The guy in my bum got up on to his feet and found yet another gear and really pumped long strokes inside me. The guy in my pussy was nearly lifting me the full length of his shaft.

The both let out a huge yell as suddenly there cum exploded everywhere. I was filled to the brim of cum, they both pulled out of me and finished cumming over my body. I lay motionless, my body tingling all over, I could not stop shaking from a huge orgasm. My holes were ruined but they fucked me like I never knew was possible.

After what seemed like ages the guys helped me off the bed and I slowly got ready, I was exhausted and by now it was three in the morning. I told the guys I better get going just in case my son goes back to the hotel and I'm not there. One of the guys helped me back to my car and I drove the short journey back to the hotel. I could hardly walk, my holes were still throbbing but I felt amazing.

The next morning I woke up to find my son had got back only an hour after me. I told him I had a boring night in the hotel room watching the television. He told me he had a great night and that he couldn't wait to go this uni.

Well we finally got home, my mind still racing over what I had done the night before. I longed to meet these guys again Maybe I should pay that uni another visit, next time I'll take some more ice cubes.

To be continued...

Written by jazzman1975
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