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Ecstasy and the Black Man

"Long before marriage, his slut takes them both on."

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Twelve years ago, long before my wife, Laura, and I married, and when we were both still in college, we were little more than fuck buddies. Sure I would buy her drinks and we would flirt, but there was no way any thoughts of "long term" had crossed either of our minds. The sex from the beginning had been great and a couple weeks later, it had gotten even better. I remember one night we got back to her place, and I don't know who started it, but we both were slapping the shit out of each other. This led into the most rough, animalistic sex I have ever had. That was also the first time I ever fucked her without a condom and the first time I came all over her.

But, as I said, we had no idea that the relationship would go this far. And, not having any of those ideas, we felt no need to hide anything from one another or to stroke the others ego. Sure we both agreed that we were having the best sex of our lives but other than that it was kinda open: My last girlfriend had bigger breasts; I was not the largest man she had been with (OUCH!); one of my exes had an oral fetish; one her exes would very often cum on her face; and so on. I know what your thinking. We were stupid, but remember, "Hind sight is always 20/20."

On the other hand, this freedom from hopes of a relationship left me to basically do what I wanted. Not that I made a habit of it, but there was a time early on in our escapades that I had sex, albeit bad sex, with another girl. I could also treat Laura any way I wanted in bed 'cause hey, I didn't give a shit. Not that I'm really degenerate (yeah right) but I would pull her hair and slap her ass excessively hard. Sometimes I would call her a slut or a whore. I came in her mouth once without asking her if it was all right. (OOOOOHHHH really naughty hugh!) Luckily for me though, she liked it. She would even take a really active role and the screaming orgasms kept her roommates awake for much of the first few months we knew each other.

So enough background knowledge.

There was one bar in particular that Laura and I would meet at. For the sake of annonymity we'll call it the 4:20 bar. (Hint: I call it that because there was a traffic light in the bar to let you know if they were serving, and next to the green light was written "4:20") So this was the very bar that we had met at and the bar, along with its owners, hold a very special place in our hearts. It is your typical dive geared towards the college crowd on a budget: Insanely cheap drinks, a great jukebox, a pool table, a foosball table and that's it. In any case, it was the place to hook up with someone from our small private college in the northeast.

On the Wednesday night before winter break, and a month after we had meet, we were kinda taking a break from each other. We hadn't said we didn't want to see each other, it was just kinda understood that we would take a couple nights off. So I went down to the bar with my suite mate and good friend KC (or that's what we'll call him). When we got there we immediately started shooting screaming Nazis, oh God how I hate that drink.

The place was pretty packed for a Wed. and after the third I was ready for something a little softer. I ordered a Bushmill's and sour and made my way over to the jukebox. As I started putting my quarters in I noticed Laura standing at the bar with one of her friends from dance. Kyon was a somewhat preppy, flamboyant black man that was in many of the same dance classes as Laura but he had dated a smokin' hot girl who was also a dancer until she graduated last year, so I guess he was straight, just a dancer. He was in much better shape than I was and he liked to show off by wearing tight t-shirts and such, but I was a hell of a lot bigger than him physically. Laura was dressed like a high-class whore. A short gray skirt revealed a garter holding up some black stockings. The blue Chinese style shirt hugged her 36Cs beautifully and the black silk choker added a nice touch to the outfit. Her blonde hair was up and she was wearing some sexy black 3" heels.

As they got their drinks I saw Kyon put his hand on Laura's back leading her to an open seat in the back of the room next to the pool table. I went back to sit down with KC and watched as the two of them flirted and giggled. At one point he held one of her hands in both of his and he raised it to his lips and kissed the back of her hand. While I was getting furious, I was really trying to play it cool. I sipped on my drink and watched the basketball game playing on the TV. (I hate basketball!) KC was ruthless with the taunting though. At one point he was trying to give me the play-by-play. And then I looked and saw the two of them leaning across the table to give each other a small kiss. I turned bright red and KC just taunted even more. "Holy shit that girl played you man!"

What a fuckin' asshole! So when Laura got up to go to the bathroom I followed her and stood right outside the door. When she unlocked the door to come out I pushed the door open and locked it behind me. Laura's eyes grew wide and she looked a little startled.

"Jeff, what's up?"

"You know what's up! What the fuck do you think your doing?"

"Whatever do you mean?" she answered in a somewhat fake southern drawl.

"What are you doing out there with Kyon?"

She looked in the mirror, reached in her purse and pulled out a small comb and some lipstick. "Why Jeff, it sounds as though you're getting jealous. You didn't seem too concerned Monday night when you said you couldn't hang out with me for the next few days because you were too 'busy'."

"Well I didn't exactly think you would just run off and find another dick so quickly." I was getting more and more angry and more and more sheepish.

"So you think I'm just gonna take Kyon back to my place and screw him silly?" she asked in a mocking tone.

"Well that's what you did with me now isn't it."

"Touché, young Jeffrey. So what if I do decide to fuck him? You obviously thought that hanging out with KC was a lot more important than being with me, in bed. I've got needs to."

"Needs?!?! You got screwed two nights ago." I was getting a little loud but more than that, I was looking vulnerable; something I was trying desperately to avoid.

Laura giggled, "Yeah you did, and it was good. To be honest with you, even though I've kinda had a thing for Kyon since my first year, I hadn't even thought of fucking him, at least not tonight." She continued to fix her hair and makeup and as she did, I was just scoping out her body.

"I guess I just didn't think you would move on before we had a chance to talk."

"Move on? Jeff I'm not moving on, I'm just checking out my options, and let me tell you, my options look good!" She smiled coyly, looking in the mirror for my reaction.

I just stood there with a cold look on my face. "Your lucky I don't kick his ass."

"Excuse me, I don't see any ring on this finger. You made it very clear that you did not want a relationship."

We stood there in silence for a few moments, just looking at each other, and for the first time I actually thought about the possibility of trying my luck with a relationship... again.

She grew impatient and said, "Fine, I'm leaving."

She tried to walk by me but I held my arm out stopping her. She rolled her eyes and looked at me. I took a deep breath, "Well, maybe I am ready to take things a little further."

She stepped back and looked at me, "So what am I supposed to do with Kyon now? I can't just go out there and tell him that our date is over and that I'm going home with you." She paused for a second. "Who the hell said I want to be that serious with you anyways," and she smiled rather jokingly.

I put my arms around her and we embraced in a deep kiss. After twenty seconds or so she pushed me up against the door and grabbed my growing cock. "Again I ask, what the fuck am I supposed to do with Kyon.

"Well... you could just tell him to fuck off."

She looked at me as though I had just suggested the holocaust hadn't happened. "He's a good friend and I want him to stay that way." She waited for me to respond but I just stood there looking puzzled. "How about this. We'll go out there and play some pool, the four of us. I'll finish the date with Kyon and then I'll go back to your place and, well." She giggled as I leaned in to lick up the side of her neck and ear.

She pushed me away and said "OK let me go out and you come out in a couple minutes." With that she walked out of the dimly lit bar bathroom. When I got out Laura was standing by the pool table chatting with Kyon. I came up and introduced myself.

"I'll go get KC so we can get a doubles game going." While I did I also got Irish car bombs for the four of us, and a Newcastle for myself. KC and I got back to the table and when we got there Laura was leaning over the pool table as Kyon "taught" her how to shoot. He was very obviously grinding his cock into her ass. She was obviously enjoying the lesson as she pushed back into him and smiled devilishly. I put quarters into the slots, pushed it in and looked at Laura. "Wrack 'em."

We played a few games, KC and I winning all of them. Not that Kyon and Laura cared at all. They were busy flirting it up. At one point Kyon pulled Laura down onto his lap and whispered things in her ear. She listened carefully at first but then began to giggle as he started darting his tongue in and out of her ear. I decided that the best thing would be to just drink. Laura was obviously having second thoughts about this whole ending the date and coming over to my house deal.

We played one more game before Laura collected her jacket and purse and started to make her way out of the bar with Kyon. I stopped her before she got to the door while Kyon said goodbye to a couple of his friends.

"Are we still on for tonight?' I asked her.

"Oh, shit, um, Kyon said that he had some superman pills (a type of ecstasy) and I was going to go and do some with him." My jaw dropped. "I'm sorry, as soon as he said he had some I completely forgot about our little arrangement. I could ask him if you two could come."

Before I could tell her not to she had asked him He was somewhat put off but said that we could come up to his place. Now I didn't know what to do. Should I tag along and try to foil the plans of this guy trying to lure Laura into sex with drugs, something I'm sure she was fine with, or do I forget about it and just hope that she doesn't sleep with him? I chose to try and foil his plans. I never even asked KC if he wanted to come.

We walked the five blocks to his apartment and I nonchalantly asked if he had enough pills for me to buy a couple. He said that he did and that it was some pretty powerful shit. When we got there Laura had to pee and so she excused herself. We sat down across from each other in the living room. He looked at me sort of trying to search me out and then just blurted it out. "You've fucked her, huh?"

I was definitely taken aback by the bluntness of the question but I didn't respond, instead just looking at him somewhat perturbed. "Well I'll tell you what. I think it's pretty obvious the girls all over my shit and if you weren't here I'd be getting' mine. But you are here, so I'll give you an option. You can pay me $40 for those two pills, leave and I'll have a little fun playing with that sweet ass tonight, or you can stick around, take some 'e' for free, and possibly have a little fun yourself." He smiled and looked to the side. "I cannot describe how fucking horny this shit makes the ladies."

I couldn't believe this. The guy was trying to negotiate a threesome with a girl he had never even slept with...and a girl that I had slept with...repeatedly. But again what were my choices. He was right. Laura was definitely really into him. She had never done 'e' before and desperately wanted to. She had also told me, after a long fuck-fest the week before, that she was turned on by the idea of two guys at once. The question was whether or not I wanted to be a part of that.

"OK, I'm in." I completely surrendered.

Kyon smiled. "OK but we are in on this together. First things first, we got to get her to put this pill in her ass."

"Oh yeah, I've heard that makes it a lot more intense." I responded.

Kyon smiled, "Yeah and it makes her whole mid section warm and fuzzy, and it numbs, well... let's just say there are many advantages." He started breaking out some weed as Laura came out of the bathroom. As he rolled it up he said "See that pill right on the table there honey, that's for you."

She clapped, "May I have a glass of water?"

"What do you need water for?" I said knowingly.

"To take the pill," she said in a very DUH sort of way.

"Aaaw, shit that's a waste, you can't do that!" Kyon sounded very disappointed with her as we set our plan rolling.

"Well then what should I do with it, crush the pill and snort it?" She said kind of annoyed.

"Well you could do that," I said.

Kyon quickly added, "Yeah that's a lot better than just swallowing it."

"OK then that's what I'll do." She said satisfied.

"I would try it a different way though if I were you Laura," I said as she sat at the coffee table getting ready to crush the red, blue and yellow pill.

She looked at me inquisitively. "Yeah there's a lot better way to take it." Kyon added. "And what might that be," Laura said.

"Well... you put it up your ass." Her jaw dropped as Kyon suggested the rather uncomfortable option.

She turned towards me looking astonished. "Is he serious?"

"It's the most efficient way to take it." I replied.

"Look sista, just go back in the bathroom, wash yourself down there real good, put a little of that Probe lubricant that's under the sink on the pill and push it up in there as far as you can get it." It was amazing how nonchalant Kyon was.

"Your serious?" she asked us and we both nodded yes.

"I can't believe I'm gonna do this. OK, I'll be back in a bit. Don't start smoking that until I get back." Again we just nodded.

I laughed, "That was just too fuckin' easy."

"That little slut knows exactly what she's doin' man," Kyon said with a shit-eating grin.

A couple of minutes later Laura reentered the room and she was walking kinda funny. "Everything OK down there?" I asked. She giggled and sat down next to Kyon. He handed her the joint to spark and she took a big drag immediately followed by a coughing fit.

"We should take those pills now," Kyon said looking at me.

"Let's do that.' I responded and he handed me one of the red, yellow and blue pills. We both swallowed them down and Laura looked at us with a puzzled look on her face.

"Why didn't you put them in your ass?" She asked with a sort of 'what the fuck?' kinda way.

"That's just filthy" Kyon said as he let out a huge puff of smoke, laughing his ass off as he did it.

"You assholes!" Laura said in a sort of pissed but not too pissed off way.

Twenty minutes passed as we passed the joint and got lit. Laura stood up and started looking at the CDs on Kyon's bookshelf. He had a large collection of mostly rap, which I hate, but luckily he also had the album The Clones of Dr. Funkenstein, an awesome P-Funk album. She put that in his CD player and turned the volume up loud enough that the bass started to shake some pictures on the shelf next to the speakers. She danced and smiled as she came back to sit down on the couch with Kyon. As she got closer to the couch Kyon shook his head and shouted at her, "Get back up there and dance woman!"

Her lips pouted out but she humored him and continued to dance. Soon he joined her and they began to move extremely close, interlocking legs and the such. As they danced I closed my eyes and realized the drug was really kicking in and it felt gooooood! When I opened my eyes again Laura had turned to face me and was grinding her ass into Kyon and would bend over as he simulated taking her 'doggy style'. She was obviously enjoying it as she smiled away and then looked up long enough to notice me staring at her. The 'e' had definitely kicked in as her face glistened with sweat and her breathing was deep and ragged. She looked at me again and then pointed at me and drew me in with her finger. I got up and suddenly felt very awake yet extremely relaxed. I approached the two dancers and was immediately brought into the groove set up by the music and the chemistry that was created by the drug.

We danced for a couple of songs, and while Laura was turned away from me, she started grinding her ass into my cock making it grow painfully large. She reached around Kyon's back and started pulling his tight white shirt off of him. He smiled and lifted his arms. I immediately moved my hands to Laura's lower back where her skirt closed and started lowering her zipper. As soon as Laura realized what I was doing she quick turned around and shook her finger at me. She quickly removed my shirt as well and ran her fingers up and down my chest. While she did that Kyon tried to finish the work that I had started. She pushed both of us away from her and then zipped back up her skirt. She pointed at the couch and the chair and we both sat down. She began to unbutton her shirt. One after another she showed us more and more of her milky, smooth flesh. She then pulled the shirt off exposing her black lacy bra that you could easily see her nipples through.

As the music continued she walked sexily towards Kyon and straddled his lap. He put his hands on her lower back and began the descent down over her ass. She leaned into him mashing her ample breasts against his face. He kissed and sucked the milky flesh and I just sat there, jealously watching the action. He worked his hands under her skirt and lifted it up showing off her black g-string. Kyon took a second to glance my way and Laura's eyes followed his. Kyon grabbed the back of Laura's neck and brought her ear close to his mouth so she could hear him over the music.

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After he was done Laura stood up, looking down at him with a questioning face.

She turned to face me and walked over sitting on my lap. "How's it hanging?" she asked as she ground her ass onto my growing cock.

"I feel great, how about you?" I responded.

"I have never been better. I can't believe how good I feel." She had a million dollar smile as she spoke. "I really can't believe what's happening here, but... what the hell."

With that she slid off of me and knelt between my legs. She began unbuttoning my jeans and then took care of my zipper. She massaged my growing bulge through my boxer briefs and looked into my eyes. She then put her mouth on the outside of my boxers and started kissing and blowing on my now fully erect muscle. She gave me this treatment for a good five minutes. She then pulled my pants down and my boxers followed. She took my cock in her hand and lifted it up. Leaning over she took my balls in her mouth one at a time making them slick. I leaned back and closed my eyes as she worked her way up my rod. She finally put my head in her mouth and began to work her way down. I couldn't believe it but this just might have been the best feeling I had ever had in my life. My whole body was humming and with each stroke of my cock, Laura brought me closer and closer to an orgasm. I must have had my eyes closed for a good ten minutes. When I finally opened them Kyon was standing over Laura. He had removed all of his clothes. His body was toned but not huge. His cock on the other hand was... well large. It wasn't the length per se. It was more the width. I'm a good 8", 8&1/2" on a good day. This guy was no longer but man was he thick. The size of Laura's fore arms and very veiny. He looked at me and smiled. "You feelin' good man?"

"I just smiled all squinty eyed and raised my thumb."

He knelt down behind Laura and ripped off her g-string leaving it attached to one leg. Her efforts on my cock increased as Kyon rubbed his member against her clit. She started to moan as he slowly entered her. That was amazing. The feeling of someone moaning as your cock is deep in their mouth is made so much better by that beautiful little pill. Within a minute or so Kyon had bottomed out in my now wife. She took my cock out of her mouth and moaned loudly looking back at Kyon.

"Don't you stop sucking that cock," he yelled as he pulled her by the hair and began pounding his cock deep into her. She quickly wrapped her lips around my cock again and Kyon started pushing her head down forcing more of my cock into her throat. While he continued to fuck her and push her head down he reached under the coffee table and brought out a box. He let go of her head for a second and slowed his strokes. He reached in the box and brought out a bottle of Probe. (The best lubricant on the market, by far). First he spread her ass cheeks and then squirted a fair amount of it onto her asshole. She moaned as he started moving his thumb around her rosebud. He then pushed it slowly into her. She responded by sucking my cock as hard as she had all night. He worked her slowly until his whole thumb was deep inside her ass. He then began to fuck with no abandon and as he did he started forcing her head down onto my cock forcing me deep in her throat once again. 

"Do you like having all three of your holes filled?" Kyon whispered into her ear.

She pulled my cock from her throat," Yes, yes I do. Oh God keep fucking me like that."

She wrapped her lips around me once again and began fisting my cock up and down as she slurped on the end of my cock. "Oh God slow, slow, slow," was all I could get out." She started screaming as my cock exploded in her mouth. I felt like a fire hose as thick semen spilt from the sides of her mouth. She simply couldn't keep her lips closed as her first orgasm wracked her body. 

She looked up at me, "Oh God I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"Dat's right your sorry slut, now lick that cum up. Clean that cock off." I couldn't believe Laura was putting up with him talking to her like that. But she didn't protest and just started going to town licking the cum up off of my cock, my nuts and my pubic hair. 

When I opened my eyes, Kyon was sitting on the couch, across the room stroking his cock. It was hard, deep brown... glistening with Laura's juices, it almost looked black. It really was abnormally thick considering the length was equal to mine. 

Laura turned her head. "Crawl over here and suck this cock," Kyon said in a relaxed, sedated way. She turned and crawled over to him slowly, moving her hips back and forth. She placed herself between his legs and looked up at him. I walked over and sat down next to him. She started with his balls, sucking each one and then bathing them with her tongue. Kyon put his head back will she licked his sack. 

I was leisurely massaging my flaccid cock when I felt Kyon's hand move over to my leg. Being at his place and rollin' hard, I really didn't know what to do. Then he took a hold of my hand. He brought it next to his cock but didn't actually put it on his cock. I think he was leaving that up to me. I sat there contemplating my options when I felt a hand grab mine again. This time Laura brought my hand onto Kyon's monster and I wrapped my fingers around it. I began moving my fingers up and down slowly until his hip movements let me know that he wanted me to move them faster. I would have but Laura wrapped her lips around the tip and started descending down his manhood. She pushed his cock deep, stretching her jaws to the limit.

I decided that the best thing would be for me to let Laura do her thing and just watch as she sucked the fat black cock. I started stroking my now growing cock and watched as Laura brought Kyon closer and closer to an orgasm. He started to moan with each stroke of Laura's mouth. "Fuck this slut can suck cock," Kyon said looking over at me stroking my cock. He then brought one of his hands to my cock and began stroking it. I stopped and allowed him to take over. 

I began to get really hard quickly as he stroked my cock up and down. He then wrapped his free hand in Laura's hair. At first he just guided her movements but as he got more turned on, he started pushing her head down further and further. I could tell she was struggling taking him all into her and she, more than once, had to push completely off of him. The last time she did this, she caught her breath and stated real plainly, looking directly into his eyes, "I want your fucking cum!"

With that she shoved his cock as deep as she could down her throat and just bobbed her head up and down at a very regular speed but with each stroke his cock would go further and further down her throat. Kyon's stroking of my cock became irregular and finally his grip tightened. His head tilted back and I could tell he was cumming. Laura moaned her approval as her mouth was filled with his cum, this time not letting any escape. She lifted her head, swallowed and smiled at him. She stood up and staggered to the bathroom. She came back a minute later to find Kyon still in some kind of comatose state with his hand still wrapped around the base of my cock. 

"Oh that's not fair to leave you in that state," she exclaimed with a frown. She walked over to me leaning down to kiss me. The taste of Kyon's cum was still very much in her mouth. She knelt down in front of me and again began to lick up and down my cock. As she did Kyon awoke and looked down at her. He stood and went to the bathroom.

When he came back, he was holding a large bottle of lube. He knelt down behind her and ran his semi-limp cock up and down her pussy lips. She moaned into my cock each time he touched her clit. He did this for a minute or two at least until his cock was hard enough to shove back in her pussy. Before he did he covered himself in lube. He then, in one long, slow stroke, pushed his entire length inside of her pussy. She had my cock deep in her mouth as he did this and moaned loudly when he got to the bottom. She worked me up to the point of no return fairly quickly as Kyon slowly fucked in and out of her pussy.

Just before I began to cum Kyon yelled out "STOP! I want you to come and ride me. You gonna ride me like a good slut aren't you." Laura lifted her head and just smiled at him. He sat back down on the couch and she stood in front of him. "Cover my cock with that lube first." Kyon looked at me and smiled mischievously. She covered him with a copious amount of lubricant and then began to straddle him.

"No not that way!" he said frustrated he even had to tell her. So she turned around facing away from him. He grabbed hold of his cock and she lowered herself onto him. As she got down onto him he wrapped his hands in her hair again and placed his cock against her ass. I thought for sure that she would try to jump off of him but she surprised me, and probably Kyon by slowly lowering herself letting Kyon's cock enter her tight asshole. She cooed as it slowly entered her and began to take more of it when she reached a spot that was obviously uncomfortable. I thought that Kyon would push his way past but I was surprised at how gentle he was being. Laura's hand was like a blur over her clit as she tried to take his cock deeper in her. 

She was practically hyper-ventilating when she grabbed my hand and cried, "Oh god, please lick my pussy!" I was excited by her taking control and I got in between their legs. I started licking around her pussy and then I spit on his cock to add a little more lubrication. She stopped breathing so heavy as I sucked her clit and flicked over it with my tongue. She once again began to take his cock deeper into her ass. "OH GOD!... I can't believe how good this feels Kyon. You have such an amazing cock." I just continued to lick away at her pussy until she got to the very base of his cock and she grabbed my hair and pulled my head away, but never letting go of my hair. I looked as they shifted their bodies back and forth, moving the cock forwards and backwards in her tight ass. The contrast of their skin colors was hot to say the least. 

She began rolling her hips slowly letting his cock move in and out slowly. "Put a finger in her cunt man". I did what I was told and she moaned her approval. Then she brought my mouth back to her pussy, silently ordering me to lick her pussy again. She moaned loudly as I licked her clit hard. Her pussy became unbelievably wet with all the stimulation and I added a second and then a third finger making her scream for just a second. 

"Oh God. That feels good, just take it easy." I continued to lick and suck her clit until she started moaning again and started rocking back and forth on Kyon's cock. I began moving my fingers in and out slowly at first, but picking up speed as she did. Before long she was rocking in a steady pace between my fingers and Kyon's cock. She started whining unintelligibly. Her movements sped up and the pressure on the back of my head became more intense. I could feel her starting to shake and her whining became more shriek-like. Then everything else became drowned out by her screams. 

She shook like an epileptic, causing Kyon's rod to be pulled from her now well stretched asshole, hitting my lips and falling beneath my chin. Her screaming continued as I sucked her clit and finger-fucked her pussy. She pushed my head away and fell to the floor. I thought she was out for the night. 

I sat down on the couch. Both Kyon and I were stroking our very hard cocks and looking down at Laura who was still shaking slightly as she came down from her orgasm. Kyon then dropped to his knees and whispered something into Laura's ear. She did not respond except to open her eyes. Kyon then knelt in front of me and took hold of my cock. He lowered his lips sort of reluctantly, as if he hadn't done this before. He licked around the tip and then opened his mouth to take me in. He slowly but continuously descended on my pole. When he got to the base of my cock his tongue started darting out and licking the top of my balls, licking upward as if to lure my balls into his mouth. He stayed down there, licking away for nearly a minute. I just tilted my head back and enjoyed the treatment. 

Before he stopped I felt my balls being cupped and massaged. Kyon pulled my cock from his throat and gasped for air. I looked down to see Laura massaging my dick and Kyon leaning back to catch his breath. Laura stood in front of me and positioned herself on top of me. She licked my neck as she placed my cock at her pussy and then let her weight guide me into her. She didn't move much at first, just slowly grinding herself back and forth. Then Kyon got up in front of her, and pushed his cock against her lips. She opened wide to accept him. Then he turned and pushed his cock against my lips. I opened them and he pushed back against my throat quickly so that I had no chance of pushing him off. He repeatedly pushed his cock deeper and deeper.

Laura began to ride me hard as Kyon moved his cock between our mouths, each one of us servicing him as he fucked our mouths deep with each stroke. Kyon then got off of the couch and moved behind Laura. He brought the lubricant up to her crack and began squirting tons of it onto her ass and then ran his hand up and down her ass and my balls. Laura slowed her movements on me and Kyon leaned down to whisper in her ear. As he did she looked at me and smiled. 

Kyon knelt down behind Laura. She wrapped her arms around me and lowered her head to my shoulder and began to breath heavy with anticipation. Kyon started rubbing his cock up and down her crack and then began to push his head into her tight ass. I started to feel the pressure of his cock filling her hole as it slowly slipped passed her sphincter. Her breathing became more and more heavy until she started whimpering. She started moving herself back and forth, trying to take more of him in her. 

"Oh God oh God, oh God, oh God," she repeated it over and over as Kyon buried himself deeper into her ass. 

She lifted her head up. "OH FUUUUCK!" she yelled out as he pushed the last inch inside her. She moved her hips around adjusting him inside her. The two of us stayed still, allowing Laura to get used to the feeling of being so full.

She again lowered her head and slowly moved herself back and forth. Her breathing slowed and her movements actually started sliding our cocks back and forth, fucking her pussy and ass in rhythm. She started moaning into my ear and then whispering.

"Both your cocks feel so good. Do you feel his cock sliding in and out of my ass Daddy?" I couldn't believe how absolutely degenerate it felt but I couldn't help being turned on.

When Kyon felt sure that her ass was ready he started moving his cock in and out with greater force. She started that wanton whining in my shoulder and stopped moving her pussy around on my cock. All I could feel was Kyon's manhood moving in and out of her ass with more and more strength. He pulled her hair back and began pulling her back onto him as he fucked her slutty ass. 

"Do you like that cock in your ass slut... I'm asking you a question... Do you like that big cock in your ass?" 

She had totally submitted to him, "Yes, yes, yes," she answered whimpering, "I love being ass-fucked by your big black cock!" She gritted her teeth and again started moving back and forth, forcing my cock in and out of her.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum in your tight little ass. Do you want that cum slut?" He yelled at her as his orgasm grew."

"Yes! Cum in me, do it, cum in my ass!" She started screaming as again Kyon increased his speed and he buried himself in her all the way. I could feel his cock spurting cum into her ass. She shook uncontrollably as another orgasm hit her body. They both collapsed on top of me and I laid there, waiting for them to get off of me. 

Kyon got up and went straight to the bathroom. I heard the shower start. Laura rolled over, laying on the couch, legs spread wide open. I realized, I had not yet had the pleasure of fucking her tight ass and I had looked forward to it for far longer than this one night.

I dripped lubricant all over my cock and stroked it back to a full erection. I lifted both her legs and put both of them on my shoulder. I placed my cock at the entrance to her ass. It leaked the remnants of Kyon's load. I easily pushed inside her. She looked up at me and smiled as I entered her ass. The mixture of lubricant and sperm made burying myself much easier than it could have been. I felt her asshole clench down on the base as I explored the depths of her ass She started to breath heavily again but this time in a controlled way. I pulled and pushed slowly, causing my cock to pulse and grow. She moaned as she stared into my eyes. My orgasm grew as my speed grew. 

She started rubbing her breasts. "Oh I want it. Give it to me."

I was too busy to make an intelligible response. 

"OOOOOOOH! Come up here and give it to me," she repeated. "Come here and fuck my titties!"

I pulled my cock from her ass, straddled her chest and placed my cock between her tits. She pushed them together and I began to move my cock up and down her chest. She looked up at me and cooed. 

"I want to taste your sweet cum again. Oh please... please give me your hot juices." That was all I could take. I started moaning. My first shot landed on her chin. She pulled my spurting cock from her tits and jerked it up and down. Sperm shot all over her nose and cheeks. She placed the still spurting cock in her mouth and swallowed the rest. I collapsed on the couch and stared at her sweaty, cum-covered body. She breathed heavily as she pushed the cum into her mouth. 

I have never before or since seen any woman act so wantonly slutty. Some might say that I'm an idiot for putting a ring on her finger. But I know, with my wife, there are no limits. The possibilities are endless. I only hope that we can continue to find new experiences to push our limits.

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Written by HighDesert
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