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Doctor Drill

"Chloe visits the Dentist and gets drilled"

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Thanks to my Favourite Lushie for the story idea....

Chloe eyed the screen of her phone, recognising the dentist’s number. It was Friday and she was assumed they wanted to confirm her appointment which was scheduled for early Monday.

She took the call to hear the Rothmans voice of Aunt Mavis on the other side. Mavis smoked a lot and it still flummoxed her how she was kept on as she was more in the basement smoking than at her desk answering telephones and making appointments.

“Good morning Dear,” Mavis rasped into her ear.

“Fine thanks Aunt Mavis, and yourself?” Mavis had been at the practice for years and she should have retired already. However, she was kept on and Chloe remembered fondly how she had been there as teen and afterward both her daughters as well. Perhaps some habits didn’t die well? Mavis contradicted the obvious and stated she was still doing well despite talk that her health was taking strain.

“Doctor had a cancellation and wanted to know if he could fit you in this afternoon?” She continued, “You have not been here for a while and he thinks while he has a good amount of time available to give you a good check-up?”

Chloe looked down at her attire and took stock. It was Friday and she was not really dressed for the dentist. If she stood up, her black skirt sat about mid-thigh and seated it rode halfway up her toned thighs. Her blouse left little to the imagination, smoky chiffon with a strong hint of her lace bra underneath. As she was supposed to meet Grant, her boyfriend straight after work, she had killer five inch heels slipped over her stockinged feet.

She was not dressed slutty but rather revealing as she had hoped for some attention. Grant had been a bit inattentive to her and her desires and needs the past two week and she was hoping her attire would entice some action later.

“What time would that be, Mavis?” she asked, quickly trying to calculate if she could stop at home on the way and perhaps pull on some jeans.

Her dentist Marc, was quite hunk with perfect bedside manners. His shock of sometimes unruly hair and his deep blue eyes made her shiver. Dedicating a naughty though or two to Marc, made her want to sometimes dress exactly the way she was dressed at that moment. Risky, taunting, seductive, leaving the rooms with an after though of her firmly embedded in his mind. If his mind was a runner she would not really know. But she did notice a lecherous look from him the last time she was there. It had left her panties slightly damp and her breathing heavier than normal.

So, considering her current attire, she was more mature than daring arrive for her appointment like that. She was beyond risking him see more of her legs than was necessary or, perhaps a hint of her firm butt. Not that she did not have the body to show. She was simply not into teasing and putting herself on show like a horny young filly needing a bit of attention. No; that she reserved for Grant.

Mavis brought her back to the present. “It is three o’clock now. Can you be here at three thirty?” Without thinking or considering, Chloe answered in a sweet voice, “Yes Mavis, I will make it.” And she ended the call.

It suddenly dawned on her that she had to get out of the office, home, into a pair of jeans and be at the dentist in thirty minutes. ‘Oh fuck,’ she thought to herself, ‘never going to make it…’ She trotted to the ladies room and looked at herself in the mirror. Hair, make-up, lips. She was fine. No time to stop along the way. It shocked her once again that she agreed to the appointment dressed the way she was. ‘Oh well,’ she thought, ‘let it be then,’ and left for the basement where her car was.

On the way to the dentist, considering her predicament, she remembered the little assistant Marc had. She was a little redhead he probably handpicked form hundreds of girls. She was faintly freckled with large green eyes which made her kinda cute. Chloe remembers her soft cool hands as she assisted with the suction pipe in her mouth the last time. It was not lost on Chloe how close the little assistant moved to Marc. She was practically shoving her pert little titties right into his face as she leaned over to get something from the tray next to him. Slut!

That move had placed those titties right above her and she could see how those little puppies were straining against the tunic. Chloe still smiled inward, wondering what Red’s reaction would have been had she, if she could, extended her tongue and pushed it between the buttons holding the tunic together. ‘Shame on you Chloe,’ she chastised herself for the thought. Anyway, with cute young Red at his side he probably won’t even look at her.

Changing her thoughts, Chloe hoped she was not required to get any treatment. She hated the drill and the sound it made, the feeling of the filling being forced into the cavity, the water being sprayed inside her mouth, the suction. She hated it!

As Chloe walked into the dentist rooms, Mavis came around the counter with her handbag draped over her shoulder. Red was sitting behind the counter, tunic straining as usual, a sweet smile on her cute face.

“Hello Chloe,” she greeted sweetly, “Marc will be with you shortly.”

Chloe was quick on picking up the familiarity in Red’s voice but she brushed it off, not considering for a moment her own thoughts a meagre half hour ago. It was quiet in the rooms. Normally you would hear the sound of the dentist’s drill as it makes its high pitched “wheeeeeee” and the subdued talking. But it was quiet. Mavis had longs since left and Chloe decided to browse a magazine to while away the time.

Her fingers flipped the pages listlessly as she wondered why Grant had been so ‘off’ the past few weeks. She considered their relationship. They got along well, he supported her a lot in her job, they spent ample time together, went out, had friends… the sex was great, no complaint there. She thought back to the last few times together. She imagined his hardness parting her pussy lips before filling her completely. She thought about how she could be dry and, once he bottomed out, how soaked she could be. Sometimes he had this staying power and then he would make her cum so hard!! He got all he wanted from her sexually any man could imagine to ask. For crying out loud, he was the only man to ever shoot his forever massive load of cum in her oral cavity… and she swallowed it all. And that was the norm when it got to oral sex.

She realised all the reminiscing had made her wet. Grant would be in for a massive surprise tonight when she would lower her lithe frame unto his cock.

Chloe got a slight fright when Red touched her shoulder


“Chloe? Doctor is ready, you can come through now,” Red said in a sweeter than before voice.

“Hello Chloe,” Marc greeted in his perfect bedside manner as she walked in. He seated his muscular frame onto his little chair and adjusted the lights in anticipation of her getting seated.

Once she was seated, he reclined the chair, her shoulders dipping slightly and lifting her feet at an elevated angle. She was suddenly aware of her shirt riding slightly higher, exposing her dangerously. She kept her knees firmly pressed together to prevent Red walking in and seeing all the way up. Her skirt was shifted to that position on her legs that should she not, Red would be able to see the lace on top of her stockings as well as maybe her lace panties. And perhaps the huge wet spot as a result of her thoughts earlier!

Marc brought her back to the present. “Just the check-up today? Sorry about that, but I have to attend a course next week. And, when the cancellation came up I decided to see if we could fit you in?”

“It’s ok,” Chloe replied, more concerned about her shirt not being appropriate.

Marc went about his business, sticking his equipment into her mouth. He seemed to have spotted something and was poking the spot relentlessly to see if he might have found a cavity. The instrument slipped and poked her gum slightly.

“UHHHHNGGGG!” Chloe performed at the intrusion to her flesh.

“Sorry,” Marc apologised through his mask.

When again his instrument seemed to touch the tender flesh around the teeth at the back of her mouth, Chloe objected.

“Just relax Chloe,” Red reassured her, a soft hand suddenly very high up her leg. “Sorry about that, but Marc has to probe to see if there are any cavities hiding.” At the same time Chloe noticed Marc looking fleetingly at Red.

Marc apologised again and then went on worrying possible cavities on her molars.

Chloe was alarmed. Both because of thoughts of her being soaked due to her reflections earlier, as well as the fact that Red’s rubbing of her thigh was turning her on. She realised with a shock that over the past few minutes her thighs seemed to have relaxed and has slightly parted of their own accord. Too late now to cross her legs. She should have done in the first place, she thought. And did she imagine it or was Red’s hand a bit higher up her thigh than a few moments earlier?

The thought slightly flustered her and Marc noticed as much, enquiring if she was ok.

“You doing ok there, Chloe?” Marc asked as he pulled her cheeks slightly away from her teeth as if to examine something. As he straightened up after his examination of her mouth, Chloe could relax some and closed her eyes for a few seconds while catching her breath.

“Just a few more things we need to do Chloe. Red, can you prepare Chloe for us please?” Red just smiled.

Chloe felt she could relax for a few moments before he continued with whatever he needed to do. But relax she did not. As her back muscles sagged back against the chair, Red’s soft, cool hand made contact with her soaked panties. Chloe moaned in surprise and her legs parted slightly.

Chloe was caught completely of guard and felt the blood rushing to her face. She tried her best to voice her dissent at Red rubbing the crotch of her panties.

“Oh, Marc,” Red exclaimed. She is soaked already. Should I continue my preparation?” she asked, winking at Marc.

“Yes, I need her totally ready before we proceed, Red,” Marc answered.

Chloe was positioned slightly upside down and there was little she could do. Red manipulated her nether regions expertly. Chloe moaned in both her disapproval as well as her vulnerability to the pleasures washing through her loins.

She tilted her head slightly. Red was not even two feet from Chloe. So close, had Chloe reached out, she could have returned the manipulation of her sex on Red. She looked the opposite way, at Marc… He was standing there, watching amused as her hips started riding on Red’s moisturised fingers.

Chloe returned her eyes to Red as the cute assistant moved her left hand up and let slip of the first button of her white tunic. At the same time, her fingers curled inside Chloe’s panties.

Helplessly, Chloe closed her eyes. She could not believe what was happening to her. This was unethical. She was being stimulated against her will inside the dentist’s surgery. In the chair with her head down and her legs halfway up to the ceiling. Or was she?

As her eyes opened, Red pulled her hand from Chloe’s panties and stood up. Chloe was shocked to see Red shrugging off her tunic and revealing her lingerie to both Marc and herself. Chloe gasped at the sight and wondered what Red tasted like.

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It had been a few years since she was with a woman but she never forgot her experiences.

Suddenly ethics had little to do with what, who and where. Still, Chloe seemed paralysed, unsure of what to do or say.

As her thoughts remained in a turmoil, Red bent down and kissed Chloe softly on her lips. It was all Chloe could to but open her lips to the softness descending in them and return the kiss.

While the two women kissed softly and passionately, Chloe sensed Red’s hand back at the crotch of her panties. Softly probing, her fingers found the side and slipped behind the little garment, making contact with her sex. Chloe parted her legs even more and then succumbed herself to Red’s massaging of her labia. Chloe was lost in the sensation and barely objected to her skirt being shoved up her legs. Marc had joined in and was paving the way for Red to get right down to Chloe’s wetness.

A few seconds later Chloe willingly lifted her hips as Marc slipped her drenched panties past her legs and eventually, past her “fuck me” heels.

With the garment out of the way, Red bent down to her pussy, which by now should have had the scent of arousal. It would have been difficult, after the events of the afternoon, for Red not to have been able to pick up Chloe’s want.

Red stopped short of her shining lips and inhaled her scent. The effects of the scent made Red moan in heat before sticking out her tongue to sample a taste. As the warmth of the other woman’s tongue registered on her, Chloe’s eyes flared open in shock.

Something else registered on her. Marc was behind Red, slowly pulling down her panties… she also witnessed a huge tent in his trousers.

She barely had time to focus before she heard a loud “CLAP” and a shriek from Red. The sound had barely stopped ringing in her ears before another hand fell on Red’s other cheek before Marc started guiding her hips toward the head of the chair. Chloe knew what was coming and it suddenly dawned on her that she had never cheated on Grant. She had never cheated period!

And here was this cute redhead turning her hips in the direction of Chloe’s upturned face.

Without detaching her mouth from Chloe’s pussy, Red swung her body toward Chloe, lifted her leg at the right moment and put it down on the other side of the chair. The still-surprised woman had a view of distending labia, slightly wet already and an almost carrot red arrow of pubic growth indicating exactly where she should lick.

It was the last thing she registered before the swollen labia kissed her on the mouth, opened up and secreted Red’s lust unto her lips. It was all she could do to extend her tongue and insert it between those warm, pungent cushions.

Red moaned above her and the mutual enjoyment was obvious by the moans escaping the almost shut mouths of both. As Chloe continued her ministrations of Red’s pussy, the redhead’s hips started riding the mouth of woman below her. Chloe was not far behind and each moan and each vibration brought them closer to a mutual orgasm. Chloe knew hers would be immense and she hope Red was prepared for the consequences.

Red slowly sat up and while still manipulating Chloe with her fingers, Chloe became aware of another sensation. Before she could register the sensation, Red reached her climax and came all over Chloe’s face. Chloe had little other option than to drink the juices flooding her mouth and face. By the time she came to her senses, it was too late.

Marc was already lifting her legs straight up into the air while pressing what felt like a watermelon into her wet pussy. Chloe groaned her distress and had the feeling of being filled to beyond capacity.

As the little redhead lifted her spent body of her face, Chloe was almost too late to witness the huge member attached to Marc’s groin being inserted into her. What she was in time to see, was thick and there was no telling how much he had already hidden inside her tight pussy. All she knew was, she never felt this full and she was bordering on losing her senses from the exertion forced on her pussy. She felt dulled in her nether regions, she wanted to pass out from the grind afforded her pussy but she stayed with it. Red saw her distress, bent down and started kissing her again. After what felt like long minutes, the young dentist bottomed out inside her stretched cunt.

Just as the kisses started taking effect, Marc moved out slowly. He was almost out before he plunged back inside her pussy. Chloe felt as if the wind had been forced from her and could only grumble at the impact inside her. Whatever this man sported, she had never been exposed to something like that. As he picked up speed and Chloe started accommodating his girth, she moaned in delight every time he drilled into her now soggy cunt. After taking so much punishment, it all became too much for her and without realising it, her abdomen contracted and a gut wrenching orgasm took hold of her. Her arms were flailing wildly, there was no place to hold on but her upper legs. As she felt her nails digging into her thighs, a second orgasm burst forth and overpowered her.

Without relenting, Marc drilled his cock into her sensitive snatch time and time again. It was obvious he was on a mission and that mission clearly included flooding her overfilled cunt with lots and lots of hot fluids. ‘Fuck,’ Chloe thought, ‘if he came inside her, everything will be forced past his shaft and out of my pussy. Who knows what stains will be left on my skirt?’ She was alarmed at the idea but powerless against the continued intrusions into her inflamed sex.

Marc sensed her reluctance to keep him inside her but ignored her mumbled pleas. He had other plans.

Marc dislodged his member from the tight confines of Chloe’s pussy. He was close but he was not going to let his seed go wasted. Bending forward, he grabbed her by the hair on top of her skull and pulled her of the chair and turned her around.

Chloe was now positioned where her legs were a few moments ago. Red did not waste time, clearly on par with what was on Marc’s mind. She straddled Chloe’s chest and presented her ready snatch to Marc’s iron rod. Red was in a perfect position to feast on Chloe… yet again.

While she was being licked expertly, Chloe was also at the perfect POV. She witnessed as Marc settled his bulbous head against Red’s swollen lips and pushed slightly, his angry looking head entering the folds. As if to emphasise her readiness, a drop of clear fluid slowly detached itself from Red’s mound and stretched down to where Chloe’s tongue was already reaching out to intercept it.

One part of Chloe was writhing under Red’s ministrations, the other part tense for the moment when Marc would enter Red. This monstrosity a few inches above her face, would part the redhead’s labia and start its laborious descent into her wet cavity. Chloe remembered how it felt and wondered how tight Red was, if she was used to Marc’s cock?

But Marc decided otherwise and landed a hard slap on Red’s buttocks that made Chloe’s ears ring. Red understood the notion and lowered her hips even more, letting her lips come to rest gently on Chloe’s mouth. As Chloe extended her tongue to lap at the cute assistant’s sex, everything went dark. Marc was hovering over her face, hesitating a mere inch from the expectant labia presented to him.

Chloe was now totally into it. She detached her tongue from the redhead, her right hand already rolling around the dentist’s girth. Before he would enter Red, she was going to give him a bit of warm-up. Bending the monster cock down, she tilted her head and captured Marc between her lips. Marc shuddered and the same time Red groaned as Chloe buried two fingers from her left hand in her snatch. As if confirming her pleasure, Red expelled another dollop of her wetness unto Chloe’s chin.

Removing Marc’s cock, she rubbed the head into the blob of fluids before it could roll down her throat. Rubbing it around and over her lips, she opened her mouth again and as the cock slipped beyond her teeth, March pushed and buried almost half of his cock inside her mouth. Chloe could merely whimper at the discomfort of having this thick object lodged in her throat.

After what seemed like hours, Marc withdrew from her throat, extracting huge amounts of her spittle from her. Without missing a beat, he shoved his glistening cock deep into the redhead’s unsuspecting cavern. It must have startled the daylights out of Red as she screamed in surprise and bit into Chloe’s upper thigh in pain. Chloe sensed the redhead’s anxiety and slipped both arms around the girl’s hips, pulling her stressed pussy firmly against her mouth. Chloe started eating immediately and it had a profound effect on the redhead as she relaxed and continued working Chloe’s slick pussy.

Catching Marc’s eyes past his cock, he just smiled and started shafting Red with long, easy strokes.

It was not long before Red started moaning in her pleasure, sending vibrations through Chloe’s clit and pussy lips. Chloe knew it was not far off before she would cum against the young assistant’s mouth. Catching a glimpse of Marc above her, she realised even he was fighting it with gusto. It would be a close finish if it would have to happen now. But, she was enjoying it more by the minute and was not really keen to wrap up from her side.

However, Marc continued shafting Red right over her lips, the close up view of his entry running her revs to the max. Her tongue took turns licking his exiting shaft and by times, licking Red’s clit. The redhead’s reaction to her stimulation, caused her to groan into Chloe’s pussy, sending distress signals through her whole being. She could feel it rolling over her and could do little but hold onto Red’s pussy with her mouth. From somewhere she heard slapping sounds and realised Marc was in his final run for the finish line. He was pounding Red’s cunt with vigour, the rippling effect rolling through her own pussy as Red shouted her excitement into Chloe’s wet flesh.

She felt an intrusion into her wet snatch and then she saw stars. Red mashed her mound into Chloe’s mouth as Marc groaned and fused his hips to Red’s bottom. From her vantage point Chloe could barely focus as it was, but she could see his cock contract as he pumped his seed into his assistant.

What came next was expected but totally sudden nevertheless. Marc pulled his cock out of Red and shot a few ropes of cum into Chloe’s face. Then, the cumvalanche from Red’s used cunt struck her without warning. Chloe had never been expose or covered for that matter, in so much cum.

She tried to wipe it from her eyes and realised an extra pair of fingers was pushing it into her mouth. Marc!! He slapped his wet cock on her lips a few times before she felt the soft tongue attached to Red, licking and sucking cum of her face.

After taking a few minutes to get cleaned up, Chloe looked at her wristwatch. It was well past 5PM and her date with Grant was in less than an hour. She considered her appearance and realised she would never make it in time. Taking her phone from her handbag she dialled Grant.

It took a while for him to answer and when he did, he seemed distracted again. She heard some background noise but could not pin point it. After listening to Grant making another feeble excuse she ended the call with few vague words.

Putting the phone back in her handbag, she turned around. Red was slobbering away at Marc. He was hard again and with two long strides she was next to the dentist chair.

Pulling Red away by her long red hair, she simply said: “My turn!” and sank her mouth over Marc…

Written by Gallo
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