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Dick, Dick, Goose!

"Young woman entertains men while dressed like a schoolgirl..."

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I was so, so nervous, I thought they could all hear my heart pounding throughout the living room. I had never had this many before. Flirting with a bunch of drunk guys while tending bar was one thing. This was totally different. No longer the sassy barkeep, I smiled and giggled and acted like a shy schoolgirl.  Little glances here and there, averting their eyes, shoulder up, one foot turned inward.

And I felt small!

I was pretty sure these guys were used to buxom blondes or something. Well, maybe not, if they’re spending their Friday night here. But I figured they’d want the kind of big, fake boobs they see in pornos. And here I was - petite, practically flat-chested. 

“Don’t be a-shy,” the lady said with her annoying accent.

“Okay!” I said like an irritable child, but still staring at my feet as I stepped closer to the horde.

The guys, five or six of them, seemed to like that. They towered over me. Big bellies here and there. Muscles. Thick arms. Big heads. Man boobs. Hairy. Not hairy. They all had their shirts off. A few of them had their pants off. Some had their hands in their underwear, stroking themselves, getting ready. Some grins. Some smiles.

At least one affectionate look I could smile back at. One had a grimace. I bit my lip looking at him and that scowl. I didn’t want to think what he had in his mind. Some were still sitting.

Three of them surrounded me. As I walked into their circle, they started groping my little half-Asian body. I shrunk as if I were being tickled, giving out nervous laughs and sudden gasps. I was trying to act like a scared but curious virgin.

Jeez, their hands were all over me! A big hand stroking my hair. A cold hand on my neck. One playing with the collar of my white dress shirt. One undoing the tie. Another going for the buttons. I felt a body rub up against me from behind. One played with the hem of my plaid, pleated skirt. And they were moaning, going, “Mm,” and, “Ah,” as if a waiter had brought out the first course for dinner.

“She so ready,” Lee the lady said, her hands clasped together, proud. She was in her work clothes - dress shirt with the buttons popped open showing lots of cleavage, and her orange pencil skirt. But the men were ready for me.

“Say hello,” she prodded me.

“Shut up,” I said instinctively.

The guy hanging by the doorway—“Doc” as he liked to be called—cleared his throat and gave me a stern look. I bit my lip. Maybe he didn't like how I was talking to Lee in front of the "guests." But the guys grinned at each other, amused by the apparent mother/daughter interaction. It probably helped to make me seem more like a disrespectful, bubblegum-chewing teenager.

The annoying lady tapped me on the back to push me forward. I pulled away from her so she wouldn’t touch me, but I complied.

I closed my eyes to get into it. Find the right mental space and you can be the part, not just play the part, my drama teacher once told me. So, I imagined a lover’s hands, but times four. All over me. Worshipping me. Appreciating me. Loving me.

My breathing changed. A moan escaped me. A pinch of my nipple made me smile wider. A run up my thigh made me go, “Ooh!” A pat on the ass made me gasp and pretend to be angry, but then I stuck my butt out for another spank. They lifted my schoolgirl skirt up, making me gasp again.

Another spank. Another, “Oh!” from me. A spank from another man. “Ay,” I said, nasally, stomping my foot like I wanted to get away but instead moving closer to one of the guys.

I didn’t know any of them, except for Doc, of course, who used to know my Dad when he was alive. As one stranger buried his face in my neck and another squatted down to ram his face up my skirt, I decided to give them names. “Hairy” with the hairy back and “Grouchy” with the funny grimace were still grabbing at me. In my headspace, I was loving it and whimpering for more. “Dopey” with the cartoonish face kept wanting to kiss me. His face was close to mine, his ugly tongue sticking out at me, a goofy groan coming from him.

How ugly he was. But I took his face in my hand and sucked his tongue like it was the greatest popsicle this girl ever sucked. I pushed my hair back and focused on his wondrous tongue, battling it for control, wanting to taste every inch of it, sucking it, licking it, cooing as I did so.

He loved my performance. My other hand was on Hairy and his furry chest as he sidled up to me, his own tongue coming at me. I released Dopey and turned to Hairy and welcomed him into my mouth. Dopey smiled at that and nodded.

Grouchy continued scowling, muttering something. I think he said, “yeah, slut,” or something like that. I went back to Dopey for a cutesy kiss, two quick pecks that he enjoyed. I turned back to Hairy and licked his lips. And then I turned to Grouchy. He grabbed what little breasts I had and could’ve ripped them off the way he was manhandling them.

I had one hand on Dopey and the other on Hairy, while Grouchy was in the middle, glaring down at me, the side of his mouth curled up in a snarl. His hands went up around my throat. When I whimpered, he gave me a light slap on the cheek.

“Easy,” I heard Doc say from the doorway.

Grouchy glared at him before turning back to me.

“Kiss him, too,” the bitch said, hanging on the, “ooh,” like I was still a teenager.

I clicked my tongue like I was annoyed. But I stepped up to him. He was a good foot taller than me. I placed my hands on his massive chest. He grabbed my skinny little arms with his rough hands. I stood on my tippy-toes. He helped by pulling me up. I puckered my lips up to kiss him.

He kissed me, sloppily jamming his tongue here and there, grunting as he did so, tightening his grip around my arms before he stopped and pulled away, a sliver of saliva connecting us for a second before it broke away. I looked at him lovingly, like I had been kissed for the first time. He wasn’t scowling anymore.

I smiled shyly and retreated into the arms of Hairy and Dopey and they welcomed me with more fondling and groping as they continued playing with my clothes, finally getting my dress shirt open to reveal my bra.

“There you go,” said a guy on the couch. “Nerdy” I called him because of his thick, black-rimmed glasses. He was sitting forward on the couch, in his underwear, looking at us, biting his lip, nodding at what he was seeing. “Come to me,” he said. He gestured for me to come over.

Dopey still wanted to kiss and I gave his tongue a few more flicks and licks before turning to Nerdy. I strolled toward him with my shirt open. He sat back on the couch, his hand inside his underwear. I pushed my hair behind my ear slowly, looking at him like I was so horny. Be horny, I told myself, letting my hand slip down to my skirt, lifting the hem a little. Nerdy liked that, his mouth agape as he continued stroking himself. He was bulging now and couldn’t keep it in his underwear.

And I got my first glimpse.

A cock.

I gasped and stopped in my tracks, hands curled up on my chest, like a little fraidy-cat.

The men laughed a little. Nerdy stroked his cock even harder and looked at me like he was about to conquer me. He kept motioning for me to come over.

I stood there, mouth open, breathing hard.

“Don’t be afraid of it!” the annoying lady said.

“Yeah, there’s plenty more than that coming, baby!” one of the guys said and they all laughed again.

I made a show of considering it. Then I exhaled loudly and said, “Okay,” to which the men approved. And I started towards Nerdy again. I took a deep breath. Cocks were not new to me, of course, no matter how bashful I was pretending to be here. But Nerdy had his cock out. Dopey was starting to take his underwear off.

Two cocks.

Hairy was stroking his, a plump little thing getting bigger by the second. Grouchy saw them undressing and began pulling off his boxers. His plopped out with a bounce, an evil-looking thing.

Four cocks.

And “Grandpa” had the ginormous one. He was on the love seat, patiently waiting his turn, a bemused look on his old face, and his monster cock with its huge head just standing there like a light pole, a dark reddish thing sticking out his pasty white, shriveled up body.

That’s five dicks for my little pussy!

No doubt Doc would take his turn, too. Doc always took a freebie from me. It’s like he was entitled. He had been my first customer when I was sixteen, though I didn’t realize it at the time. I still remember that night - him under my covers, drying my tears, shushing me, while laying on top of me, holding me tight, fucking me.

Nerdy took my hands into his. I stood between his legs. He kissed my hands like a gentleman. “Aw,” the other men moaned, mocking him. They began to move slowly toward us.

The lady clapped approvingly. “See how nice they are,” she said to me, but I ignored her.

Nerdy pulled me closer, felt me up a little, stood up while I cowered and shrunk under his full height. The men were right behind me now. Nerdy then turned me and sat me on the couch ever so gently. But once he had me on the couch, it was a feeding frenzy. The men piled onto me and more hands crawled all over me like slimy tentacles, poking, prodding and probing every inch of me, every cranny, every hole.

My panties were pulled off. Fingers were digging into me. My legs were being spread. My little tits were attacked again. The shirt was pulled off. The bra was snapped off. Someone pulled on my hair too hard. But I relished all of it. Every part of me was an erogenous zone right now. My black shoes were taken off. My white knee-high socks were peeled off. A wet finger tapped my clit. Ooh. A hand grabbed at my thighs. Mm. A wet tongue was between my toes. Eww.

But I fucking loved it, dammit. Every touch, every grope, and every caress got a sweet whimper from me. Hairy wanted more tongue-play and I obliged him. Nerdy wanted some, too, and I gave him a lot. Every kiss a lover’s kiss, I told myself.

I was fully nude now. They picked me up and laid me on the mat they had waiting for me.

“Fuck her, fuck her, fuck her,” the bitch was singing, clapping as she did so. What an embarrassing idiot, I thought. “And she suck sooo good,” she added. Thanks for the pressure.

I felt Hairy’s cock first as he knelt beside my head and brought it close to my face. Yummy, sweet cock. I took it into my mouth with a satisfied moan. People had always told me how great I was at sucking cock. I always believed it. I always liked having my mouth in the shape of an O as I took a man’s wonderful dick and licked and sucked and slurped the hell out of it.

Just having that warm thing resting in my mouth was sweet and comforting. When he was pulling away, I gave the tip a goodbye kiss. Hairy liked that and patted my head.

I turned my head to find another cock waiting for me. I didn’t know whose it was. I didn’t care. I closed my eyes and just opened my mouth. Whoever it was guided his cock in and I got to work on it.

Someone else had his strong hands on my tiny waist. He was rubbing his cock against the lips of my moist pussy. I started whimpering in anticipation. Someone rested their hand on my head. Someone was squeezing my nipples. I liked and needed that. The cock started its entry.

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I was timing my reaction just right.

I looked up at Grandpa as he worked his cock into me. I gave out a few quick breaths. I waited for him to push it in. When he was ready, I threw my head back, releasing Grouchy’s cock from my mouth. Just as he pounded into me, I screamed out, “Unh!”

I knew the men loved it.

“Ungh!!” I screamed again as Grandpa fucked me. “Oh my God!” I said, wincing and gasping. “Oh my God, oh my God! Ungh!”

After Grandpa got into his rhythm, I took Grouchy’s cock back into my mouth. I continued moaning and groaning while I tried to suck. Gramps's mean and wonderful cock was punishing me, teasing me, punishing me, pleasing me. Grandpa jumped off and Dopey got his in. Thank God I was wet. And some of Grandpa’s cum was in me, too. Dopey pumped a few times into me in a hurry before pulling out.

Nerdy practically tripped on himself wanting to get next. “Oh, fuck!” I was saying as I welcomed him. He laid on top of me, which bothered Hairy because he couldn’t suck on my nipples anymore. Nerdy seemed like he was going for a record, trying to thrust into me as hard as he could. I played along, wincing and grimacing and muttering, “Oh!” and yelling a pipsqueak, “Ow!” and cursing every time he pounded into me.

My hands thrashed about. Grouchy grabbed one of my hands and wrapped my little fingers around his thick cock. When Nerdy was done trying to hit my wall, he rolled over. Hairy jumped into place, but Grouchy was pulling me from the floor.

While I struggled to get up, I saw my 'Bitch Mother' sitting to the side, a hand on her breasts, watching the scene, her thighs rubbing together under that tight skirt. She had always been weird. Even as a kid, I knew she was a weird mother. I stopped calling her mother a long time ago. One of the naked men was standing next to her. She took his cock in her hand to stimulate it some more.

They made me stand up and bend over on the couch. I had my forearms on the headrest, one foot on the floor, one knee on the couch.

“Puppy-style!” the woman sang. She gave Dopey a pat on the ass after she had stroked him and gestured for him to come back to me. “So hot!”

They went at me again, Grouchy first this time. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed his manhood into my muffin and went at me like a dog in heat. I pictured a tail wagging behind him and laughed at that. Grouchy gave me an angry spank. I hoped he didn’t think I was laughing at his dick. Grandpa went around the sofa to stick his tongue into my smile. Grouchy pulled out quickly, not wanting to orgasm just yet. Hairy tried to get in but Dopey beat him to it. He pushed my back down a little so he could get his dick into my ass just right. He patted my ass cheek before sticking it in slowly.

“Aww, you like that?” he said to me as it slid in.

“Yes,” I whimpered. “Oh, yes…” I said, my voice trailing off.

“You love cock, don’t you, baby girl,” he said. That dopey face, though!

I closed my eyes and pictured my Lover saying this. “Ooh, yes, I love cock,” I replied.

“In your ass?”

Not really. “Yes, in my ass!” I screamed out.

“Educate her some more, Bobby,” Grouchy said, scowling again. 

And Hairy/Bobby continued butt-fucking me for a while. Love it, I told myself. I loved it more when he inched out of me. The guys watched the cum come seeping back out of me. They made “ooh” sounds and nodded while they watched.

They made me kneel in the middle of them. I was surrounded by hairy legs and erect cocks. It was a marathon of cock sucking at this point. I moved from one to the other, trying to get them all. Heaven, I told myself. I'm in slut heaven, with so many cocks and so little time. They all wanted to ejaculate at the same time, it seemed. I made Grandpa explode in my mouth. I looked up at them and purred, cum dripping from my mouth.

I scooped it up in my fingers and dripped it into my mouth. Ass-loving Hairy thankfully didn’t enter my mouth, instead just unloading onto my cheek and my lips. I gave a nice long, “Aah,” as it splashed over my face. I scraped the cum into my mouth.

The, “Mm's,” were coming out of me rapidly. So delicious, my face read. Nerdy wanted to pour his onto my flat chest. I leaned back. All over my little tits, it went. I spread it on me like it was skin cream. While I was doing that, Dopey was trying to ejaculate onto my hair, but nothing was coming out. He worked hard to get his cock hard enough.

Meanwhile, Grouchy grabbed a handful of my hair and made me turn to him. He jammed his cock into my mouth, pressing it hard inside me and holding it down my throat before pulling out and exploding, cum squirting onto my nose, my forehead. He held the cock near my face so I could lick up whatever cum was left.

Grandpa saw that my fingers were in my pussy as I tried to stimulate myself. He pushed my hand away and took over. He was clumsy, but I made like I was orgasming. 

Dopey was finally ready and rushed back over to me, hurrying to get to me in time. I pulled my head back and opened my mouth for him. Despite a loud, ferocious groan, he poured only half a teaspoon of his milk onto my tongue. He looked disappointed. But then an unexpected extra load shot out of him, hitting my face. I blinked and recoiled in time to protect my eyes. The men laughed. I smiled and said, “Wow.” Dopey proudly took his cum in his fingers and dipped it into my mouth.

Done with me, all of them except Grouchy dressed up quietly while I laid on the floor on my side, cum on my face and chest. Doc sauntered over to me. Some of the guys shook his hand, thanking him. He smiled at them and nodded but his eyes were on me. He undid his pants and knelt by me. He turned me over and spread my legs open. Grouchy sat on the sofa and looked on. The lady came and sat on his lap and stroked his cock to help him get it hard again.

Doc started rubbing his hands on my pussy. I looked everywhere except at him, but I could tell he was smiling. Then the asshole started fingering me. I started staring at Grouchy whose cock was getting hard again. 

My relationship with Doc wasn't always so sour. When he was always hanging around the house, I thought he wanted that thing I still called my mom, but he was paying more attention to me. It was cute at first since I could make Mom jealous. We’d play footsie during dinner. He’d send me dirty text messages. He sent balloons, pizza and flowers to my school on my sixteenth birthday. Then he was in my room. It was an awkward start to our relationship.

But a year later it was so much fun. Picnics by the lake, trips around the city, romantic dinners at downtown Mexican restaurants, and fun, sneaky outdoor sex. I realized how easy I could get him to buy me whatever I wanted, too. That was such a great summer! I started calling him Daddy Warbucks, and then just Daddy.

He started calling me Material Girl after an old pop singer he liked. I looked up all that singer’s old songs and would sing them a lot to please him. He especially liked when I sang, “Like a Virgin.” I even went through a phase of dressing up and looking like an 80s punk girl with my pink hair and my neon tank tops. God, I miss those bracelets.

After the summer, manipulating him wasn’t so easy. I had to do more to get my shit. I had to kiss his friend, then blow his other friend, then spend a night in a hotel with one of his nasty friends who wanted me to pee on him, then fuck some creep in my own room who kept wanting me to hold my old teddy bear while we did it. I was so stupid I didn’t even realize till later those “friends” of his were paying him. It was even worse when I realized he was paying my mom. I broke up with him. I broke up with him from a romantic or emotional standpoint, I guess. But not sexually.

Or financially, I lamented, getting back to reality as his familiar pencil dick entered me. I glanced up at him and he was grinning at me. 

I rolled my eyes and laid back, focusing on Grouchy’s cock coming at my face as he came and squatted down over my head. My hands were on his thighs as I started devouring that cock like a delicious enchilada, really overdoing my moaning. Grouchy responded. He pressed it harder into my mouth and stroked my hair. He was mumbling again. I could make out, “dirty slut,” and, “take it.”

When he pulled his cock out, my dirty, slutty body moved with him, wanting to take it some more. I licked his balls before I took them into my mouth. He grabbed his cock as it started to spill cum. I opened my mouth to catch the wonderful cum. It sprinkled over my face and I dropped my head on the wet mat and let it drip onto my face. He scowled at me as he moved to my side. I smiled at him, licking my lips. And then he kissed my dirty, slutty, glazed-up face—cum and all.

Doc was done and I didn’t even look at him. He shot his load onto my belly. I rolled my eyes again and got busy kissing Grouchy’s flaccid cock, which he tucked into my mouth again. Doc gave a little laugh as he got up.

Lee walked into the living room with a tray of beers for Doc and the guys. She was beaming like a simpleton.

Grouchy still wasn’t done with me, cradling me as I sat up, scooping the glaze of cum off my face like icing on a cake and putting into my mouth. I sucked his finger while staring at his grimacing face. Grouchy talked low while the other guys chatted over their beers.

“Such a good little bitch…” he was whispering.

I nodded and kept sucking his finger.

He smiled at me finally. “You love all that cum?”

I nodded again and mumbled, “Mm-hm?”

“Say ‘ah’,” he ordered.

I opened my mouth to say it.

He looked in my mouth, maybe checking to see if there was any cum left, before sticking his tongue into me to kiss me. He did it softer this time, gently. He had a handful of my hair in his fist. We kissed for a while. When we parted lips, he scowled at me again. He tightened his grip of my hair until it started to hurt a little. I whimpered. I licked and kissed him again and he loosened his grip. He pulled his arm away, letting me drop back onto the mat. He stood over me for a second before walking back to his clothes, grabbing a beer, and never looking at me again.

After they had all gone, I spent the next hour in the tub, drifting away in a bath. Lee was knocking on the door.

“I’m busy,” I said to her, already annoyed.

She knocked again.

“Bitch! What do you want?”

“Don’t be mean,” she said. “You did great tonight.”

“You didn’t tell me it’d be five guys.”

“But you still did great. We made a lot today. Can I come in?”

“Whatever. No. Go away.”

“You need me massage you down there?”

“I’ll be fine.”

“When you off work again?”

I sighed heavily. She wasn’t leaving me alone. It was getting to be a burden carrying the financial load for the two of us. I worked at the bar, went to school, and did this once a week. I lay there dreaming about moving out, getting out, and living someplace far away. California, I thought. No. Alaska. I smiled, getting into my headspace again.


“Next week Saturday, you fucking bitch,” I finally answered her. “And I’m not fucking five guys again. Limit two, okay?”

“But you have three holes,” she said.

“Real funny. You want that many, you fuck them your own goddamn self. Now leave me alone.”

“Okay. There’s some dinner left. Good night, honey.”

I laid back again and closed my eyes. Back to my special place...


Written by Blackbeards14
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