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Deep Dive (Part 3)

"Kate meets two of Julian's oldest friends."

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Author's Notes

"This is the third instalment in the Deep Dive series. I recommend that you start with Deep Dive (Part 1), and then work forward chronologically. This is especially true if you want to find out who ‘Margot’ is. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Part 3 deliberately starts off more slowly than the first two chapters, but hopefully you’ll find it worth it by the end."

It was mid-September, but the weather was still unseasonably warm.  There were no signs yet of autumn colour.

Kate and I had now been seeing each other for almost three months, and I’d started introducing her to some of my closer friends. This weekend, she was set to meet Ethan and Jenna, who I’d known for more than 20 years.  

They were a long-term couple that owned a small, ‘farm to table’ bistro in Tofino, on Vancouver Island.  After a hectic summer, they’d shut the business down for a month, and were taking a well-deserved break to travel and visit old friends. This weekend, they were staying with me at my house in the country.

They arrived on Friday afternoon, and settled straight in.  They’d been to my home before, back when I was still married, and knew the place well. 

Kate was due to arrive at mid-day on Saturday.  I was looking forward to the four of us spending a beautiful fall weekend together.


Just before 1 PM on Saturday, Kate arrived.  I heard the front door open, and she walked in with her overnight bag.

Heyyy,” she sang out.

“Hey there,” I called back, stepping into the front hall.

As usual, she looked fabulous.  Deeply tanned after a summer of swimming half-naked in my pool, she was dressed simply: a casual silk dress cut low at the back, her hair pinned loosely above her neck.  She smiled at me, her blue eyes sparkling.  She looked tired, though. 

“Everything OK?” I asked, concerned.  She wasn’t her normal bubbly self.

“A bit bagged,” she admitted.  “The film shoot last night was a bitch - we didn’t wrap until after midnight.”

Kate worked as a senior stylist at a top-end salon in the city.  Her skills were always in demand, and she did a lot of fashion shows and film projects on the side.

“Grab a nap,” I said.  “The living room’s cool and quiet.  Why don’t you kip down on the couch for awhile?”

“You sure?” Kate replied. “I mean, your guests are here, and…”

“Absolutely,” I cut in.  “You’ve still got the rest of the weekend.  Come out to the pool, meet them, and then come back inside for a snooze.  I’ll keep them occupied.”

Kate nodded, smiling gratefully, and dropped her bag in the hallway.  She followed me outside to meet my friends.


As we walked out on to the pool deck, Jenna and Ethan stood up eagerly to greet us.

“Kate - meet two of my favourite people.  Jenna, Ethan - meet my new favourite person.”  

Kate smiled shyly.

 “Hey!” they said in unison.  They each gave Kate a big hug.  

The three of them stepped back and looked at each other warmly.  Kate had heard so much about them from me - and they about her.  They already seemed like old friends.

Ethan, in his early ‘40’s, was lean, athletic and quite good-looking.  Outgoing and confident, he stood about 5’10”, with thick black hair that was already beginning to display traces of salt-and-pepper gray.  Apparently, he was considered quite a catch.  

Jenna, in her late ‘30’s, was almost his polar opposite.  She was more reserved: quiet, and less impulsive.  Easy on the eyes, she stood about 5’4”, with mid-length auburn hair.  She had a voluptuous body, with full breasts and hips, and a firm, flat belly.  Her most remarkable attribute was her brilliant, moss-green eyes.  I’d been secretly attracted to Jenna for as long as I’d known her, but had never acted on my feelings.

Kate, as usual, looked smashing.  Standing there barefoot in her sheer silk dress, she was the perfect picture of a late summer day.  Her pert, firm breasts, thin waist, and small tight ass were all in perfect proportion. There was something about her that just exuded sex. 

I watched her looking at Ethan and Jenna, quietly assessing them. As usual with Kate, it was hard to say exactly what goes on behind those deep blue eyes.

“Drinks?” I asked, introductions now out of the way.

“Swim!” replied Kate.  “And then a little nap, if that’s OK?” she asked apologetically.

“Right,” I said, remembering.  “Kate’s just come from a late night shoot.  She could desperately use a lie-down.”  I looked at Kate.  “So - a swim, and then a nap?”

“Mmmm,” she responded, nodding.  She looked at Jenna, and seemed to make a snap decision. “I’ll just go change,” she said, smiling faintly and giving me the subtlest of nods.  She turned, and stepped lightly back toward the house.

I looked at Ethan and Jenna.  Wordlessly, Ethan gave me the ‘two thumbs-up’ sign, and Jenna nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with approval.

“Join us?” I asked them as Kate walked away to the house.

“Absolutely!” Ethan replied, looking at Kate’s bare back as she disappeared inside.  Jenna nodded distractedly.  She seemed totally focused on Kate as well.  

They disappeared into the guest room to put on their bathing suits.


Five minutes later, we were standing poolside with fresh glasses of cold white wine, waiting for Kate.

Ethan wore his customary loose black swimming trunks, and Jenna was in a fashionable - if not particularly revealing - two-piece bathing suit that almost matched the colour of her eyes.  I was wearing khaki shorts - the ones I always swam in when we entertained what Kate referred to as our ‘non-naked’ guests.

Making small talk, we turned as we heard Kate approaching.  She came around the corner of the house, and our conversation stopped dead.

She was wearing a skimpy, almost see-through beige bikini that perfectly matched the colour of her skin.  From where we stood, it looked like she wasn’t wearing anything at all.  The suit literally left nothing to the imagination.

I heard Ethan and Jenna both inhale gently.

“Ready!” Kate sang out.  Suddenly, she didn’t look tired at all.  Quite the opposite, in fact.

She walked past us, breasts bouncing slightly, her ass as firm and shapely as a fashion model.

Walking over to the deep end, she stopped, raised her arms almost sensuously in the air, and dove into the pool.

I looked back at Ethan.  He stood, transfixed.  Jenna too.  Interesting, I thought.

A minute later, all four of us were in the water, lazily floating in the late summer heat.

Kate’s wet bikini was a miracle of camouflage: it had simply vanished. Her firm nipples almost poked through the fabric.  The thin wet material that (barely) covered her crotch clung closely to her cleft.  Her pussy lips were clearly defined, and the dark shadow of her neatly trimmed bush was unmistakable.  Jesus, I thought, she might as well be naked.  Which, of course, was exactly the idea.  

I looked over at Jenna and Ethan, studying them as they watched Kate float lazily on her back.  

Jenna’s nipples were clearly harder than they were two minutes ago.  The water isn’t that cold, I thought.  

Ethan, looking oddly flustered, stood in the shallow end, slightly hunched over with his hands loosely positioned in front of his trunks. I was pretty sure I knew why. 

Suddenly, I realized that this was not shaping up to be a run-of-the-mill weekend.   


Later, standing poolside, the four of us discussed our plans for the afternoon.  

Kate was going to take advantage of the quiet living room and grab some badly needed sleep.

Jenna and Ethan planned to explore the gardens, and then take a walk in the forest.  

I had chores to complete - firewood to finish stacking, and tools that needed putting away.

We all agreed to meet up again in a few hours. 

Upstairs with Kate, we changed out of our wet suits.  “Sooo tired,” she sighed, as she put on a light, knee-length skirt and a tight spandex top.  She headed downstairs to the living room.  I heard her throw herself down on the couch with a deep, exhausted sigh.

I put on my work clothes and headed outside.  Out in the garden, Jenna and Ethan looked at the late summer blooms before walking off into the woods.


Forty minutes later, I was soaking with sweat.  I finished stacking the firewood, and headed to the pool to cool off.  Dropping my clothes on the deck, I dove into the shimmering water.  Not many more weeks of this, I thought, sadly.  Fall is just around the corner.

Climbing out of the pool, I walked to the outdoor shower to wash off the stink of work.  Standing under the rainfall showerhead, I soaped my body, enjoying the view and the privacy.  Kate still slumbering on the couch… Ethan and Jenna still out wandering in the woods… it felt good to have a few minutes alone.

As I washed, I thought again of the bikini that Kate had been wearing, and how wonderfully ‘in your face’ it had been.  And then I thought of Ethan and Jenna’s reaction.  They definitely seem to be getting off on Kate, I thought.

My mind drifted further back - to July - when Kate brought her close friend Dana for a visit.  I remembered their half-naked bodies splashing in the pool…

My cock began to stiffen. 

I looked quickly around.  Satisfied that I was alone, I reached down, generously soaped myself, and slowly started stroking my slippery shaft, picturing Dana on her knees behind Kate, the strap-on slowly thrusting in and out of Kate’s cunt. My stroking accelerated, and I could feel cum stirring in my balls.

Ummm.  I closed my eyes and rapidly jacked myself in the afternoon sun.

Now on the edge of release, I could feel a spasm move like lightening up my cock.  I spurted, dripping thick, white drops of semen onto the shower deck.  Ahhh, I thought, this is heaven…  My toes curled with pleasure.

And then I heard something that sounded like a gasp.  Opening my eyes, I thought I saw Jenna disappearing quickly around the corner.

I froze, my hand still gripping my erect cock.

Oooops, I thought, wondering just how much she’d seen.


Stepping quietly through the house with a towel wrapped around my waist, I headed upstairs to dress.  Kate was still sound asleep on the couch.

Walking past the kitchen, I could hear a whispered but urgent conversation taking place between Jenna and Ethan.  I kept going, not wanting to run into them right now.  Hopefully, this will blow over, I thought.  After all, I didn’t know Jenna was there…

I walked into the kitchen a few minutes later. They were now standing out on the front deck.  Ethan had his arms around Jenna, and she was looking up at him, smiling, her face flushed.  They kissed passionately, and Ethan’s hands ran tenderly down Jenna’s ass, squeezing her shapely cheeks.

Good.  They’ve moved on to other things.

Rummaging in the liquor cabinet, I realized we were getting low on wine.  Shit.  I was going to have to drive to the village store.

Grabbing my wallet and keys, I headed out the side door, calling, “Off to get more wine. Back in a bit!”  

I walked to the truck, glad at this point to be putting some space between Jenna and myself. 

They waved goodbye as I drove off down the driveway.  In the rear view mirror, I saw them turn and head back towards the pool deck.


Thirty minutes later, I was back at the house, wine bottles in hand.

I walked into the kitchen, and found Kate standing there, looking distressed.

“What’s up?” I asked, immediately concerned that Jenna had said something about the shower incident.

Silently taking me by the hand, she led me upstairs to the bedroom.  She shut the door, and sat down on the side of the bed.  Even upset, she looked stunning.

“We may have a bit of an issue…” she started.

“What?” I asked.

“Well… while you were out, something happened, and I’m soooo sorry,” she continued.

“What?” I repeated.  I thought about Jenna and the shower again.

“OK…  So I woke up at one point, and then couldn’t get back to sleep.  I looked around, and no one was there. The house was completely quiet.  I thought you were working outside, and that Jenna and Ethan were still on their walk.”  

I nodded. 

“After the nap, I was feeling much better, and a bit randy… Ethan and Jenna have fabulous bodies, you know…” she looked at me, smiling sweetly.

“Anyway, you know me… I thought I was alone… and I wasn’t wearing any underwear… so I thought I’d give myself a quick one.  I pulled up my skirt, and started doing myself.  I came like gangbusters in no time…”

My cock had stiffened as I stood there listening.

“And?” I asked, not sure yet what she was getting at.

“And then I fell back asleep...” She looked dismayed.


“With my skirt still hiked up, my legs apart, cum dripping down my thighs… and my fingers still on my clit.” She stopped, grimacing.

Ah ha.

“And then what?” I asked.

“And then I partly woke up again. I had the feeling that someone was in the room with me.  I opened my eyes ever so slightly, and saw Ethan and Jenna standing in the doorway.  Looking at me.  Really… you know… looking at me.”


“I pretended to still be asleep.  I could hear them both breathing hard, and then Jenna whispered "Let’s go." They tiptoed away back to their room.  I lay there for a few minutes, absolutely mortified.  And then I started hearing noises…”

Hmmm? I thought.

“I listened really carefully.  At first, I thought Jenna was crying or something.  I was worried that she was upset by what she’d seen.  Then the sounds got louder, and I heard Jenna saying, “Harder!  Harder!”  Kate looked at me, her pupils large.  “And then… I heard what definitely sounded like Ethan moaning.”

They were fucking, I thought.

“They were fucking,” Kate said.  “To be honest, I was starting to get really turned on again. Ethan seems to have great stamina...”  she added wryly.

“You dirty little bitch,” I joked.

“It doesn’t end there,” Kate continued.  “I was listening to their fucking get more and more intense…” she paused, “Jenna really likes talking dirty by the way…”

I blinked in surprise.  Jenna?

“And then I heard her come.  She basically just screamed.  She didn’t seem to be trying to hide anything at all…”

“Huh,” I said.  My stiff cock was throbbing in my jeans. “They must have really enjoyed seeing you on the couch…” 

Strange, I thought, I didn’t think Jenna was into women.

“I guess!” Kate said, suddenly brightening. “A spent, wonton damsel, legs splayed out, sound asleep after frigging herself silly…  I’d get off on seeing that too.”  She giggled.

I was still standing in front of her as she sat on the bed.  She glanced at my bulging crotch.  “And obviously… so would you!” she chortled.

She reached out wordlessly, quickly unbuttoning my jeans and pulling down my zipper.  My prick sprang out to attention.

“It looks like you’d enjoy it a lot,” she chuckled.

Taking me in her hand, she looked up at me and asked “Fast or slow?”

Thinking of our guests waiting downstairs, I replied hoarsely “Fast, this time.”

“No lube?”

“No,” I breathed.

She squeezed my prick, and then began rapidly pumping it, her hand moving almost in a blur.  A faint keening noise began coming from her as she jacked me faster and faster.  When I exploded into her hand a minute later, she squealed with pleasure, and then slowly continued milking me.

“There we go,” she murmured, like a mother speaking to a young child.  “Much better.”

After we cleaned up, I sat down beside her on the bed and said, “Now let me tell you about what happened in the shower earlier…”


It was late afternoon.  We were all back outside, sitting in wicker chairs around the patio table.  A bottle of freshly popped Prosecco fizzed quietly nearby.  

Looking over at the pool, I realized the sun was going down earlier now.  By 7 PM it would be twilight.  If we swam this evening, we’d need to turn the pool lights on.

We were all casually chatting, pretending that nothing had happened.  

Kate, initially nervous, had relaxed when she realized that Ethan and Jenna had moved on from the incident in the living room.  I felt more at ease too, now half-convinced that - just maybe - Jenna hadn’t actually seen anything when I was in the shower.

“So,” Jenna suddenly piped up, looking at Kate.  “What was it that attracted you to this guy?” she asked, gesturing towards me.

“Hmmm?” Kate replied.

“Well, you’ve known each other for years.  What triggered the move to the next level?” Jenna pressed.

Kate paused for a moment, looked at me, and said, “Well… he tells great stories.”  My heart lurched.  No, I thought, don’t go there…

“Stories?” Jenna pressed.

“Really interesting ones,” Kate responded, looking at me slyly.

“Like what?” Ethan chimed in.

“Well… there was one about Margot that really caught my attention”.

“You told her the ‘Margot’ story?” Ethan blurted out, incredulous.  One night, years ago when we’d been blind drunk together, I told Ethan about the threesome I’d had with my first girlfriend.  I was regretting that now.

What Margot story?” Jenna demanded.

I squirmed in my chair, at a loss for words.  Kate just sat there, smiling happily, like the cat that ate the canary.

Sensing my discomfort, Ethan scrambled to change the subject.  “I’ll tell you later,” he said to Jenna.  The tone of his voice clearly said, 'Drop it'.  He looked at me and shrugged.  

Great, I thought.  Just great.  I knew that once Jenna set her mind on something, she’d pursue it until she got at the truth.  Well, at least Ethan’ll have a fun story to tell her in bed tonight, my cock said to me silently.   

Kate shifted in her chair, her face slightly flushed and her eyes sparkling with mischief.  She glanced over at me.  And here we go… her expression seemed to say.

We quickly moved on to other, less risky topics.


After dinner, we headed back out for the final swim of the day.  It was getting dark now, and I’d turned on the pool lights.  The tall white pines around the pool shimmered with reflected light.  It was a beautiful, calm evening, still quite warm for September.

“So… a swim and then a soak in the hot tub?” I asked.

The three of them nodded in agreement.

Kate suddenly piped up, “Do we need to wear our bathing suits?”  

Ethan and Jenna both looked at her, surprised.  

I jumped in. “Umm, normally Kate and I just skinny dip,” I stammered.  “No neighbours around… but don’t feel obliged…”

Ethan’s pupils seemed to have grown in size.  Jenna looked uncomfortable, but didn’t immediately demur. 

“If you’d like,” Kate said, glancing at Jenna, “we can swim with the lights off.  Right?”  She looked at me.

I nodded, letting Kate run with it.

“It’s just feels so much more - natural - swimming naked,” she said pleadingly. 

There was a long pause. “OK…” Jenna responded.  “With the lights off…”

Kate quickly stepped over to the control panel, and flipped the switch.  The pool, and the trees around it, went dark.  It was deep twilight now.

Walking over to the pool, Kate reached down and grabbed the hem of her dress.  She quickly pulled it up off over her head and stood, facing the water. Her beautiful bare ass shimmered in the fading light.

I glanced back at Ethan and Jenna.  They looked almost hypnotized.

To break the ice, I quickly joined Kate, stripping off my shirt and dropping my shorts to the pool deck.  Holding hands, the two of us jumped feet first into the pool.  Kate squealed with delight.  “Come!” she called out to Jenna and Ethan.  “Come in!”

Ethan didn’t hesitate. He eagerly pulled his T-shirt off over his head, and began fumbling with his jeans.  As they slid down his legs, his half-erect prick popped into view.  Even in the deep shadow, it was evident that Ethan was very well endowed.  Thinner than me, but definitely longer.  Kate looked at him, and hissed happily to herself.  

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Yup, I thought, here we go…

Ethan scampered over to the pool steps, and rapidly descended.  In the brief time that it had taken him to get to the pool, his prick had reared up, now almost fully erect.  It bounced in front of him as he ran.  He was on full display, and didn’t seem to care.

Jenna, on the other hand, held back.  She still seemed very uncertain.  

Finally, she shrugged, turned away, and pulled off her top.  She had a lovely back, with athletic shoulders that tapered down to a narrow waist.  She placed her thumbs into the waistband of her shorts, bent over slightly, and gingerly pulled them down.  Her ass, as full and shapely as I thought it would be, looked glorious.  

“Nice,” Kate whispered.

Arms gathered chastely in front of her, Jenna turned to face us, and walked quickly over to the pool.  I could vaguely see her pussy in the darkness.  Ha.  She had a full, untrimmed patch of silky brown hair.  Lovely.

She slipped quickly into the dark water, and seemed to relax once her body was hidden from view.


Still full from dinner, the four of us floated lazily in the salt water.  It was getting quite dark now without the pool lights, and it was difficult to see exactly who was where.

I heard a soft giggle from the deep end of the pool.  Ethan and Kate, I thought. 

I looked over at Jenna.  She was kneeling in the shallows, listening attentively.

Wow,” I heard Kate whisper. I heard Ethan grunt softly.  My cock surged.

“Having fun?” I called out.

There was a pause. “Mmmmm”, Kate replied.  Ethan was silent.

“Just gettin’ the measure of the man”, Kate drawled, giggling.

She kicked back to where I stood chest-deep in the water.  She wrapped her hands around my neck, and her legs around my hips.  Her pussy brushed against the tip of my hard prick.

Gently, she bounced her cunt down onto the head of my shaft.  “I already have your measure,” she murmured in my ear.

Her labia parted slightly, taking in more of my cock.  She seemed very aroused, and her cunt was slick with her juices.

“Does he have a nice dick?” I whispered rhetorically in Kate’s ear.

“Very…” she murmured.  “He’d be perfect for anal… long and thin,” she giggled quietly and shuddered.  

She kissed me deeply on the lips, and then pushed up and away, kicking off towards Jenna in the shallow end.  I continued to stand there, my mind whirling with the possibilities.

I could hear Jenna and Kate speaking softly together at the other end of the pool.

“Hot tub?” Kate called out to us.  “Jenna and I are getting chilly.”

I watched the two of them step up out of the water.  Kate walked to the hot tub and opened the cover.  Jenna headed quickly off to the guest room.  Ethan and I swam to the pool stairs and clambered out, both of us stiff as flagpoles.  There was nothing we could do to hide it.


The three of us lazed in the steaming tub, waiting for Jenna.

The patio door opened, and she stepped out.  I was pleasantly surprised.  Although she’d modestly put her bikini bottoms back on, she remained topless.  And she was no longer trying to hide herself behind her gathered arms.  

Her breasts were impressive.  Slightly pendulous and bell shaped, they swayed seductively as she walked. Her aureoles were large and brown, with stiff, protruding nipples.

She strode over to the tub, trying gamely to look more comfortable than she actually felt.

Climbing in, she immediately scooted over beside Ethan, and curled into him shyly.  His hand caressed her shoulder, and then slowly dropped down to her side.  He began gently stroking the side of her left breast. 

Jenna turned her face to Ethan, and they kissed deeply, their tongues dancing together.

Kate sighed happily, and curled into me, her hand moving down to my submerged lap.  My prick pulsed.

I felt her fingers curl gently around my shaft.  Slowly, she began pumping me, seeming oblivious to the fact that what she was doing was clearly visible to Ethan and Jenna on the other side of the tub.

Kate was gazing down into the water at Ethan’s waist.  His prick, which now looked enormous, bobbed stiffly under water.  Kate licked her lips.

“Drinks?” She asked, abruptly.

I snapped back to reality.  “I’ll get them,” I volunteered.  Jenna opened her eyes and sat up.  “Let me help,” she said.

The two of us clambered out of the tub.  I wrapped a bath towel around my waist in a futile attempt at modesty. My cock poked out against the fabric like a tent pole.  

Jenna walked with me to the kitchen, her tits proudly on display, nipples engorged.  I had to fight down the urge to nuzzle them.


As we prepared drinks in the kitchen, Jenna looked at me and said, “She really is lovely, you know.”

I nodded.

“So gentle and kind.  And so gorgeous.” She paused.  “How do you keep your hands off her?” 

“I try not to,” I responded wryly.  “Kate has quite the sex drive, so staying satisfied is rarely a problem,” I finished.

“Is she bi?” Jenna asked suddenly.

I nodded.  “Umm.”

“I’ve never tried that,” Jenna murmured.  “I’ve always wondered what it would be like.”

I was taken aback.  I’d known Jenna for more than 20 years, and had never suspected that she might be bi-curious.

“You should talk to her about it,” I said.  “I’m sure she’d be happy to give you some tips.”  My cock throbbed under the towel as I glanced again at Jenna’s chest.  And maybe lick your tips as well, I thought.

“Mmmm,” Jenna responded, lost in thought.

A few minutes later, drinks in hand, we walked back out to the hot tub.  Kate was now sitting close beside Ethan.  His head was thrown back, eyes closed.  He had a slight, contented smile.

“Hey!” Kate called out, looking positively cheerful.

We climbed back into the tub with the drinks.  Jenna and I were now sitting together on one side, Kate and Ethan on the other.  I glanced at Ethan’s cock.  It was no longer hard.  At all.

Looking at Kate, I could see a telltale flush on her face and neck.  You naughty little girl, I thought, smiling inwardly.

“Having fun?” I asked no one in particular.

“Yummm,” Kate replied, sensuously licking her lips.  The smell of semen hung faintly in the air.

“Absolutely,” Ethan mumbled, his head still thrown back, eyes now partly open.  “Never better.”

I bet, I thought.

Jenna sat quietly, lost in thought.  She seemed oblivious to the exchange going on between Ethan, Kate and myself.   

I turned my attention back to Ethan. “Hey,” I prompted. “One final swim?”

He sat up and glanced over at Jenna.  “Sure!”

We climbed out of the tub and headed back to the pool.  Kate and Jenna remained behind, reluctant to leave the warm water.  They spoke in low tones to each other as we walked away.

As Ethan and I swam some laps, I heard the tub’s bubbler turn on.  I stopped swimming and, holding on to the side of the pool, studied the two women as they giggled and moved around in the frothing water.

I watched as Jenna squirmed for a second.  Then her suit bottoms dropped over the side of the tub onto the deck.  She was now completely naked.

Facing her, Kate reached out and placed her hands on Jenna’s hips, positioning her ‘just so’ over the surging current of water that foamed up from the bottom.

Ah-ha, I thought.  Kate’s introducing Jenna to her favourite toy.

“There,” Kate said.  “Kneel right there… now move your legs apart a bit… yes, a bit wider… good… now start rocking yourself back and forth over the bubbler… yes… like that…”

I knew from experience that the water was now jetting directly up at Jenna’s exposed clit.  Kate absolutely loved getting herself off this way, and did it frequently.  Often right in front of me.

“Ahhhhh,” I heard Jenna moan.  “Yes… good…

“Now touch yourself,” I heard Kate say. “It makes it even better”.

Jenna hesitated for a second, and then eagerly snaked her hand down underwater.  I could see her arm moving rhythmically. She tipped her head back in ecstasy, breathing heavily.

You do it,” Jenna suddenly pleaded in a low, urgent voice.  “Please… you rub me.”

At this point, Ethan swam up beside me, resting his arms on the pool deck.  We both watched silently.

“Finally…” he said quietly.

I looked at him.

“She’s wanted to try it with a woman for years,” he explained.  “Looks like she finally found the right one.”

We watched silently as Jenna gyrated in the tub. Kate was kneeling in front of her, expertly frigging Jenna’s clit.

We could hear Jenna building towards a climax as Kate led her along.

“Almost there?” Kate coaxed.  

“Uhhhhhh,” Jenna responded.

Kate suddenly stretched up and kissed Jenna on the mouth, her tongue darting sensuously in and out.  This immediately sent Jenna over the edge.  She spasmed almost violently as she came.  A deep, stifled groan escaped her lips.

A few moments later, Kate reached over and turned off the jets.  The two women rested, cuddling together in the now-silent tub, whispering.


Ethan and I stepped up out of the pool and walked over to the tub.

The women were spooning closely together, Kate’s arms around Jenna, who seemed half asleep.  Her head was on Kate’s shoulder, a dreamy look on her face.  It was a beautiful sight.

Ethan looked down at Jenna, and asked her quietly, “All good?”

“Mmmm,” she replied.  

Kate smiled up at Ethan and said, “Long day...  She’s all tuckered out, I think.”

“Bed time?” Ethan asked.

Jenna snuggled further into Kate’s arms, not responding.

“I’ll tell you a bedtime story,” he continued.  “About someone named Margot.”

Jenna’s eyes popped open, and she smiled.

“Deal,” she said lazily.

Ethan tenderly held out his hand and Jenna grasped it, slowly pulling herself up until she was standing in the tub.

“And then maybe just a little snooze,” she added sleepily.

She was stepping out of the tub, wobbling a bit, and Ethan led her away to the guest room.

Kate looked over at me and said quietly, “Really nice people.  Big night for Jenna…”

I nodded, and stepped back down into the tub.

“Big night for you too,” I said.  “It isn’t often you get to bring two of my best friends off in one night…”

Kate smiled slyly, realizing that I understood what had happened with Ethan while Jenna and I were off getting drinks. I could still catch the faint scent of his cum on her.

“Hopefully, it’s not over yet,” Kate responded, and scooted over to sit beside me.  “I’ve only come once today.  You’ve come twice!” she giggled.

“Well… one of them was by my own hand,” I countered.  “But I get your point…” I stroked her shoulder gently with my hand.

I looked over at the guest room and noticed that the patio door’s bug screen had been pulled closed, but the glass panel was still wide open.  

The room was lit dimly by one of the bedside table lamps, and I could vaguely hear Ethan’s voice through the open door.  Occasionally, I heard him say the name ‘Margot’.

Kate looked at me conspiratorially.  “I bet you that story wakes Jenna up a bit.”  She grinned.

“The ‘Margot Incident’ lives on…” I sighed.

“As it should,” Kate replied.  “It certainly got me going.”

A loud gasp came from the room.  “I think she likes it,” Kate laughed.  Her right hand reached down to gently stroke my cock.  She spread her legs slightly apart, and with her left hand began sliding her fingers up and down her slit, alternating between gently massaging her clit, and occasionally slipping her middle finger into her vagina.

I placed my left hand on her mound, and our fingers intertwined.  Together, we started exploring her pussy, Kate’s fingers quietly fondling her clit, my fingers gently sliding in and out of her opening.

The sounds from the guest room had changed.  We could now hear the unmistakable rhythmic slapping of Ethan’s belly against Jenna’s moist ass, and her low moans of pleasure in response.

Kate sighed contentedly, straightened her back, and then pulled herself up to sit on the side of the tub.  Her knees tapped slowly together.

“Hungry?” she asked.

“We just ate!” I exclaimed, looking up at her, not sure why she’d pulled away from me so suddenly.

“I thought you might like dessert,” she said, spreading her legs.


“Faaaabulous,” I drawled, and swung around to kneel in front of her.

I looked at her pussy, taking in the gorgeous view. Her labia were swollen and slightly red.  Her now-crimson clit jutted out prominently. Her immaculately maintained bush, dripping with water from the hot tub and the juice of her own arousal, glistened in the red lights of the hot tub.

She reached down and gently separated her labia.  “Just think of it as a nice, warm, vanilla éclair,” she joked, giggling.  She was making no effort to keep her voice down.  Our guests could almost certainly hear what we were saying.

I breathed in the smell of her sex.  I always found her scent intoxicating: a wonderful mix of jasmine, and musk.  No other woman I’d been with had ever smelled so good.  

Leaning forward, I began running the tip of my tongue around the circumference of her clit.  It was hard.  And swollen.  She tasted like honey.  Honey made by incredibly oversexed bees, I chuckled to myself.

She sighed deeply with contentment, and spread her legs even wider apart.  I started flicking her clit harder with my tongue.  I knew she liked things to get rougher as she became more aroused.  I’m a ‘grinder’, she once explained to me.  

I slowly eased two fingers into her cunt, and began sliding them in and out of her.

She uttered a loud moan, and started moving herself back and forth on my fingers.

“Tongue me inside,” she said hoarsely.

I withdrew my fingers, and began rhythmically thrusting my tongue into her cunt as deeply as I could. 

“And my clit!  Rub my clit!” she ordered, half for my benefit, and half for our guests.  The fucking sounds in the guest room stopped abruptly.

Still tonguing her deeply, I began rubbing the side of my thumb roughly on her clit.

Yessss… like that, like that, like that…” Kate chanted loudly.  The complete silence from the house was now almost deafening.

She suddenly leaned forward and whispered, “Let’s give them a show.”  She winked at me.

Pulling away, she stood up in the tub.  Still kneeling in front of her, I was almost overwhelmed by her beauty as she stood above me.

She stepped out of the tub and over to the recliner chair that faced almost directly into the guest room.

I joined her at the recliner.  “Sit,” she said quietly, pointing at it.

I sat down.  In the low light, I could see Ethan and Jenna frozen motionless on the bed.  They were watching us.   

Kate straddled me, her back to the house. She positioned herself over my cock.  From the guest room, they’d be able to see everything quite clearly.  Lucky them… I thought.

Kate grabbed my shaft, and eased herself down slowly until it was completely buried inside her.  She sighed happily.  “Ready?” she whispered.  Again, I nodded.

She began slowly pumping herself up and down my cock.

“Uhhhh,” she groaned.  “Uhhhh.  Uuhhhhhh…”

Her pace picked up.  The sound of her wet ass slapping against my thighs grew louder.

“Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh…” Kate panted.

With that, the noises from the guest room resumed, but this time with far more intensity.  I could see Ethan on his knees behind Jenna.  She was on all fours, her full breasts swinging back and forth beneath her as he fucked her vigorously from behind.

“Fuck me you bastard… fuckmefuckmefuckme…” Jenna chanted, her voice growing louder and louder.

Kate turned her upper body to watch them.  She and Jenna locked eyes for a moment.  Kate smiled a look of encouragement, nodded slightly, and then turned back to face me.

“Mmmmm,” Kate hummed.  “So gooood,” she cried, now hard-fucking my shaft.  She was lifting herself so far up my cock that I was almost slipping out of her, and then slamming herself all the way back down to grind her clit on my pelvis.

“Ready to come?” she whispered to me.

In response, I began thrusting harder up into her, slamming my groin into her hers.

“Gonna cum…” Kate panted loudly.  “God I’m gonna cum… now!”  She screamed, grinding herself on me.  I could feel her cunt contracting around my cock in repeated spasms.  My prick exploded, emptying into her engorged pussy.

At the same moment, Jenna’s dirty talk morphed into an incredible wail of pleasure as she climaxed.  We could hear Ethan grunting loudly as he emptied himself into her.

For the next minute or so, there was absolute silence, except for the sound of ragged breathing.

The light clicked off in the guest room, and we could hear the rustling of sheets as Ethan and Jenna rolled in under them, curled up together, already half asleep.

Gingerly, wincing slightly, Kate eased herself up off my softening prick.  It slid out of her moistly, followed by a small gush of our juices.

She stood, and held out her hand to me.  “Bed time,” she said gently.

She led me upstairs to the bedroom.  As we climbed into bed, she looked at me and said softly, “And there’s still tomorrow.”  

She fell fast asleep, with that familiar ‘cat that ate the canary’ expression once again on her face.


The heat spell broke overnight, while we slept.  It had rained after midnight, but the morning dawned clear and bright.  It was now much cooler though - almost cold.  Definitely autumn weather now, I thought.  There wouldn’t be any swimming today.

Fresh from our morning showers, the four of us made desultory conversation over breakfast, and then got on with the day.  We all still seemed a bit gun-shy from last night’s activities.

Ethan had agreed to help me out for a few hours in the woods.   With twenty acres of forest to maintain, there were always jobs to be done: tree snags to cut down, trails to keep cleared, brush to pile.  It was great to have some help.

We gathered up the chain saw and other equipment, and got ready to head out.

Kate drew me aside as we prepared to leave.

“How long do you think you’ll be gone?” she asked.

“Maybe an hour or so?” I replied.

“Make it two”, she said with a grin.

Something was up.

“OK…” I said.  “Any special reason?”

“Well… let’s just say Jenna has an unscheduled tutorial this morning,” she responded.  She smiled mischievously, and walked away.

Uh-oh, I thought.

Two hours later, Ethan and I were back at the house, a bit worn out from the work, but satisfied with what we’d managed to get done.  It was so cool out now that we’d hardly broken a sweat.

We went into the house to find the girls.  We walked though the downstairs, but they were nowhere in sight.

“Maybe they went for a walk?” Ethan asked.

“Don’t think so…” I responded.

Then we heard muted laughter coming from upstairs.

Looking quizzically at each other, Ethan and I headed quietly to the second floor.

The door to my bedroom was half closed.  We could hear hushed moaning coming from inside.  I immediately figured out what was going on.

Gently pushing the door open with my hand, we looked into the room.

Kate and Jenna were stark naked on the bed, kissing passionately and energetically scissoring each other.

As we walked into the room, they broke off their kiss and stopped humping.  They were deeply flushed, sweating, and breathing hard.  Pussy juice glistening on their faces.  

These girls have been busy, I thought.

“There they are,” Kate said breathily, pulling away from Jenna and rolling over onto her back.  

Jenna giggled, lay down on her side, and put her head on a pillow, panting.  “They certainly are,” she said, looking the instant bulges in our jeans.  She smiled at Ethan, no evidence of shyness now.

The smell of moist sex filled the room.

Hard working lumberjacks / back from the woods,” Kate sing-songed.  “Should they be rewarded for their efforts?”  

“Absolutely!” cried Jenna.

Within ten seconds, Ethan and I had shucked off our clothes.  We stepped toward the bed.  He started moving toward Jenna, and I to Kate.

“Nope…” Kate said.  

We stood there, confused.  

“Time for tradesies,” Kate said. “Right, Jenna?” She reached eagerly out towards Ethan’s impressive prick. 

Absolutely,” Jenna said again.  She was staring almost hungrily at my cock.  Running the tip of her tongue over her lips, she smiled excitedly, and then looked up at me with her brilliant green eyes.






Written by 010JulianP
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