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Debbie's Accidential Debauchery

"When Debbie set out to fix her failing grade, things got out of hand rather quickly."

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I awoke with a groan, the bright sunlight hitting my face like a sledgehammer and making me squint. My mouth was parched and my whole body felt sore. The soft beating in my skull didn’t make getting my bearings any easier. Holding up a hand to block the stinging rays, which had, in my opinion, no fucking right to torture me at this time of day, I took a look around and felt my stomach twist. I had not the faintest clue where I was. The only things I was certain about were that I was naked, lying on a rather comfy bed in a room with pale green wallpapers, and that something warm and sticky was pressing down on my crotch.

There’s this special moment when you realize that, whatever you do, you’ll end up embarrassed to your bones, and once my ears noticed the sounds of slow, rhythmic breathing coming not just from one side, I was rather certain that this was bound to be one such moment. So, with no little trepidation, I looked down to the weight on my crotch and found a naked leg wrapped somewhat possessively over it. A female leg!

My eyes widened in alarm, and only after a few seconds of hyperventilation did I manage to get my breathing back under control. I think I was trembling, but filled with that self-same dread that keeps you watching the horror movie when the monster sneaks up to the heroine, I turned my head to the right and met a pair of equally squinting eyes, set in a cute, oval face and surrounded by a mop of tousled, curly blond hair.

“Hi,” I croaked, face and skin burning.

“Morning, Debbie,” she answered back with a dreamy smile, and the way she drew out the ‘ie’ sounded quite familiar and finally cleared away the cobwebs, and last nights events came crashing back into my memory.

I looked to my left, and lo and behold, there was John. Back to my right, Jill had propped herself up on one elbow and was eyeing me with a mischievous grin, not caring that she was naked as well and her perfect apple halves were exposed to my eyes.

I let my head flop back onto the pillow, whispering, “Oh god!”

“Do you feel bad about what happened?” Jill inquired, and I realized, with my pulse once more taking up pace, that her leg was still touching me. “Or are you still, you know, coming? Though that’s got to be the longest orgasm ever, then.”

“Oh god!” I repeated my rather single-minded chant. And in my mind, I added, “I fucked my Professor’s daughter. And her boyfriend. And…” No, I didn’t want to continue that thought.

But perhaps I should start with first things first.

* * * *

I had really thought that I had done well in the last test for this term, but when Professor Harding handed it back to me with a serious frown, I knew that I was in trouble. When I looked at the top right corner and found a thick, red F in her immaculate script, I thought the ground was pulled from under my feet. I felt faint and hazy, and it took me a few tries to get back my bearings.

Professor Harding appeared a bit worried. “Deborah? Are you alright?”

I took a deep, shuddering breath. “Yes. Yes, I am. It’s just… I really thought I had done well. I’ve been studying hard, and I had it all down, and now, with the other scores…” I didn’t need to continue rambling. She knew what the F meant as well as I did, and the others around me were already shifting in their seats and trying to catch the drama that appeared to be unfolding.

“I see.” She pushed her glasses back up and looked at me thoughtfully. “I believe you. The problem is, you obviously misread both comprehension questions, and they make up sixty percent of the score.”

My heartbeat fluttered like mad. Another F meant that I failed the term and would have to do the term again. If I could argue an extension of my stipend, that is. Normally, failing a term was equal to cancellation of the stipend, and I had no chance to pay for everything by myself. ‘Breath evenly’ was the mantra I repeated a few times in my head. “Is there nothing you could do?” I was desperate.

She pondered my request, and my chest constricted with panic with every second that passed.

But just when I thought that I might faint, her expression softened. “I’ll not be in the office next week. But I can offer you an oral exam. Mind you, it’s going to cover more than just the last two chapters, if you take me up on it, or I’d risk accusations of favoritism. So you’ve got to pick up the book and read it from start to finish. Thoroughly.”

A huge wave of relief swept through me. I could do this! Yes, I had taken a bit of time to really get the whole seriousness of learning, and that college was a wholly different kind of thing from high school, but I had done well in the last tests. With the exception of this one. So when Professor Harding handed me her card and told me to be at her house on Wednesday at nine, I thanked her profusely.

I won’t bore you with the tale of a weekend and three more days of studying with an intensity I had never managed to muster before. When it was time for my appointment, I was partly exhausted, but another part of me felt as ready as I had never felt before. I dressed in my best blouse and skirt, took the bus to downtown and walked the two intersections to Professor Harding’s house.

* * * *

If I hadn’t been so nervous and focused on reciting the class material in my head, I’d probably have noticed something off. The many cars parked in the driveway and next to the curb should already have been a dead giveaway. The muffled sound of dance music that came through the door should have been another.

But all I could think about was improving my grade and making it into the next term. There was no buzzer, so I knocked and waited. And knocked again, a little harder.

When the door opened and a guy my age looked me up and down, I almost took a step back. He was wearing jeans and an olive t-shirt with a funny cartoon through which I could make out a muscled chest, and his eyes seemed to sparkle under his slightly messy black hair when he greeted me.

“Hi, I didn’t think you’d make it, but I’m so glad you managed! Let’s get you into the kitchen for now.”

And before I could answer or, more importantly, ask a question, he had grabbed my hand and was pulling me through the room. When we entered a huge living room lit with flickering lights and full of young people lounging about and dancing, I realized for sure that something was off. I caught a few shouts like, “Is that her?” and, “Nice one!” as well as whistles and cat-calls before we entered the kitchen.

My mind spun. There were two girls, one with short, blond hair and the other a brunette with a braid, already there. When they saw me, they started giggling. I was getting more and more certain that this was some kind of mix-up. One of the girls pressed a glass of something with coke into my hand while they chattered with the guy.

“Listen,” I tried to interject, “I’m not…”

“I know, we said it was going to be a small party, but you know how it is.”

I looked at him with desperation in my eyes, but then I felt him press a paper into my hand. Shocked, I stared at the two twenty-dollar bills, then back up at him.

“We’re really glad that you could still make it.”

“But I’m not…”

“Oh, the song’s already starting. You’ll do fine!” And with that, muscle guy pulled me back into the living room. There was a spotlight directed right at me, and with a sinking feeling I recognized the first few beats of Joe Cocker’s ‘You Can Leave Your Hat On’.

I looked for muscle guy, but with the light shining directly at me, I could only make out silhouettes of the people there. Then someone in the crowd started to clap and chant, “Strip! Strip! Strip!” and everyone else fell right in.

Should I have turned and run? Probably. But I had been so high-strung the whole day, and everything around me appeared so surreal, that felt like I was caught in a dream. Instead of bolting, I downed the drink still clutched in my hand in one go. I coughed. It was more ‘something with a little coke’ than the other way around, and that something immediately hit me with a nice buzz. Did I mention that I normally don’t drink?

There was a second of silence, then the song started again at the beginning, and I put my glass down on the sideboard and stepped into the middle of the room, afraid for a second that I might let out a mighty burp. I giggled. My heart almost exploded out of my chest. What was I doing? But when I thought of it, the idea of undressing in a room full of strangers sent a tingle right between my thighs, and I started to sway to the music without conscious thought.

A few more whistles and cat-calls came my way. Joe ordered me to take of my dress, and when the crowd joined in with, “Yes, yes, yes!” I was already strutting back and forth, wiggling my bum for all I was worth and pulling free the buttons of my blouse.

It was like a drug. I leaned forward and let the blouse flutter open for second, and the cheers seemed to race straight into my pussy, gifting me with a warm, moist sensation. I turned around and let the blouse slip down my arms, earning another round of whistles.

It was dancing five inches above the ground, and when I turned around, suddenly immensely glad that I had foregone the comfy cotton bra in favor of the white lacy one that contrasted nicely with my tan, I felt my nipples stiffen in waves and in tune with the song.

My skirt went next, and I made a show of wiggling my tits while I threw it over my shoulder. The warmth in my pussy spread all over my skin, mixed with the heat of dancing, and I could feel small drops of sweat spread all over. Whoever was manning the equipment turned up the volume another notch, and I swayed and wiggled and stalked around the room, roaming my hands all over my body.

Then somebody pulled a chair into the space in front of me and a girl my age, dressed in a tight tank top and a miniskirt, was placed on it. Someone whispered in my ear, “She’s the birthday girl. Make sure she enjoys herself!” and the music changed to the familiar opening chords of ‘Lady Marmalade’.

Now that I could see a face, my steps faltered for a moment, but the way she looked at me, the adoration and giddy joy in her eyes, touched me. I had surmised that this was some guy’s party, but she seemed just as taken by the intense erotic tension as I was. Her eyes were wide and… hungry?

I wiggled closer to her, and she parted her legs to allow me to step right up. My heart raced and my fingers felt clammy. But I couldn’t back out now. I unhooked my bra, swaying my upper body right above her grinning face, taking my time and making sure to keep the bra safely in place. I kept swaying, waiting until I saw a flicker of impatient annoyance in her eyes, then leaned down a little more and whispered into her ear, “Happy birthday, honey. Do you want to open your present?”

The explosion of greedy joy in her face sent a thrill through me, and when she reached out with her well-manicured fingers with their shiny pink nails and touched the tops of my bra cups, I couldn’t contain the moan of delight. When her fingertips traveled down my breasts and sent swarms of butterflies dancing right below my skin, the last of my misgivings vanished in smoke. And then, like the cat who ate the canary, she grinned up at me and pulled the bra completely away, and cool air brushed over my nipples and molded them into needle-sharp, aching points of desire.

I had never desired another girl before. But now, in this thrilling atmosphere of erotic suspense, it was all I could do not to jump her and kiss her into oblivion. But I had seen strips before - only in movies and on the internet, mind you - in different levels of intensity, and I just had to go the whole way. So I straddled her, keeping most of my weight on my legs, gyrating my hips and not caring about anything else but this moment.

I only needed to lean toward her for an inch or two until she read my intentions. And while I had instigated it, I was taken by complete surprise when her delicious pink lips closed wetly around my nipple. I arched my back and threw back my head, and the thunderous applause resonated in my breasts in waves of pleasure. The birthday girl sucked and nibbled on my nipple like she had done this all her life. I moaned and gasped, eyes closed and reveling in the wonderful new feelings. Her hand caressed my other breast, and I nearly came without the slightest touch to my pussy.

I couldn’t be sure, but I think she knew how worked up she had me, because she let go of me right at this moment, and I almost shouted in disappointment. But that tiny part of my brain that still worked reminded me that there was one more item of clothing I had to get rid of.

I stood back up and swayed again, adding a few twirls, then bending over with my back to the crowd and birthday girl and running my hands down over my buttocks and legs, suddenly very glad about the stretching exercises we had to perform before each volleyball training. Wiggling my ass by tensing my thighs in quick alternation appeared to drive the audience wild, so I repeated that a few times.

Then I was in front of her again, and our gazes locked. Her legs spread again, but she waited for me to guide her hands to my panties. The moment her fingers slid under the waistband, our lips parted in a perfect mirror image. She pulled them down with agonizing slowness, and I could only stand there and tremble with desire. Turning the gusset inside out, she gave them a look of surprised delight, and I, following the path of her eyes with my own, felt shame and arousal struggle to claim ownership of my cheeks. Two strings of moisture clung to the fabric and stretched to my shaven pussy lips, irrefutable proof my needy state.

She grinned even brighter while she gently guided them down my legs and made sure to caress my thighs as much as possible, making my skin tremble under her touch. Then the fabric pooled around my ankles, and I stepped out of them, lifting them with the tip of my toe, then swirling them around my finger and flinging them, like a good stripper has to, into the eager audience amidst cheers and applause.

Birthday girl’s eyes suddenly bore deeply into mine. I was unsure at first, but then her hands trailed back up my thighs, applying just enough pressure to the insides to make her intentions clear.

“Oh god,” I moaned, my voice easily swallowed by the loud music, but I followed her guidance nonetheless and spread my thighs.

Her fingers were soft and smooth and, with a single-minded dexterity, delved between my ripe folds and stirred the churning, wet pot of arousal. Back and forth they rubbed over my pussy, and each movement turned up the heat another notch. I felt my juices not just dribble, but run down my thighs, and I grabbed my breasts hard enough draw a gasp from my lips.

She didn’t take her time. Two fingers pushed their way inside me, up between my velvety walls, and the touch made my body tingle through and through and sent my arousal through the roof. Breathing became hard, especially when she started to finger-fuck me rhythmically, right here in front dozens of strangers.

God, it was exhilarating. My arousal spiraled higher and higher, totally out of control, and it was with a few seconds delay that I noticed that the room was completely silent.

Silent, that is, with the exception of soft, squelching sounds and a rhythmic slapping of skin on skin, and lustful moans and whimpers that I almost didn’t recognize as my own.

“Oh god!” I shouted when birthday girl flicked my clit with the nail of her thumb, but then she did it over and over again, and I could only moan and cry out while wave after wave of pleasure rushed through me.

“Oh! My! God!” I finally rasped, shaking all over, and my knees turned to jelly.

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I slid down to the floor, only stopping myself from lying down completely by holding onto birthday girl’s legs.

Had I really done this? Stripped and let myself be masturbated, by a girl no less, in a room full of people? A part of me wanted to flee in tears - but another, wicked, part revelled in the experience.

A soft hand slipped into mine and helped me up, and I traipsed back into the kitchen after birthday girl.

“That was brilliant!” she exclaimed, guiding me to a chair and giving me a peck on the cheek. The door opened and closed again, and she jump-hugged the newcomer and kissed him, exclaiming, “Thank you! Thank you! That was the best birthday gift ever!”

When she let go, I saw that it was muscle guy, and he was grinning as widely as she did.

“Uhm,” I voiced, suddenly rather self-conscious and covering my nudity to the best I could with my arms.

“Oh, sorry,” muscle guy said quickly, “I’ll fetch your clothes…”

“No!” I shouted more than said that.

“No?” Finally, I had their attention.

“I - I think we need to clear a few things up. I’m not a stripper.”

They looked at me a little startled, then I saw a flicker of mischief in his eyes. Fuck! They didn’t believe me. So I tried again. “I’m really not a stripper. I - I came here for my oral exam with Professor Harding.”

There was absolute silence in the room for a minute while they alternatingly look at each other, then back at me. My cheeks burned and my eyes stung.

Then they both exploded in laughter. “Oh god!” birthday girl hiccuped. “That’s - that’s…” She had to wipe her eyes. “That’s the craziest joke I’ve ever heard! You really had me there! Who put you up to that?”

Now it was my turn to cry, but not from laughter. “It’s true!” I managed to stammer between sobs. “I’m - really - It’s no joke!”

There was silence again, and I managed to turn my sobs into sniffles, and finally I could blink away the last tears.

“Shit!” birthday girl suddenly exclaimed. “You’re that girl who fucked up her last test! The one Mom told me would come around tomorrow, so we have to make sure that the party remains are cleanup up by then.”

I nodded miserably, then her words sunk in. “Mom? You’re her… oh god! Now I’m never going to make into next term!” Fresh tears streamed down my face.

“Hey, honey.” I felt her arms wrap around me from behind. “She doesn’t need to know.”

It took me a while to calm down again. Muscle guy was leaning against the door, and I realized that he was making sure nobody could enter. Birthday girl’s arms held me close, and her even breathing brushed warm against my ear.

“So this was all new to you?”

“Mhm.” I wiped away a stray tear.

“So why didn’t you stop?”

It took a minute until I found the words. “At first, I was so nervous about the test and things happened so fast…”

“But you knew what we had to be thinking.”

I nodded. “But then, I don’t know, it seemed so crazy and exciting, and when you were watching me…”

“When you were already down to your bra and panties…”

I let out a trembling giggle. “Well, yes, I guess I was. And somehow, I was horny as hell.”

“I could tell.”

Our “security guard” smirked at me from his place at the door. “For a novice, you gave us quite the show. I’d have sworn any oath that you have done this before.”

“Never!” I shot back. “I’m not… I mean…” My voice trailed off. There was really no sense in trying to tell them that I wasn’t that slutty. But an idea suddenly occurred to me. “What if the real stripper shows up?”

“She won’t. She cancelled an hour ago, but I tried to get her to find a replacement. That’s why I thought you were…” He didn’t need to continue. Then his eyes widened, and I blushed profusely. But then his lips quirked up. “I’m John, by the way.”


“I’m Jill.”

Talk about awkward. Now I finally knew the name of the girl whose fingers had been all the way up my pussy. I cursed inwardly for thinking that, because it brought that moment back to my mind, and my pussy reacted. “Could I have something to drink?”

“Water? Or something stronger?”

“A strong as you can make it.”

Jill’s arms let go of my, and a few seconds later, I held another cup of something-coke. The absurdity of the situation hit really home, and with a half-crazy chuckle, I lifted the cup in a toast, told them, “To strippers, then!” and downed it in one go.

“Hey there, careful,” John admonished, “you’ll get boozed out of your mind.”

“That’s the plan. Can I have another?”

He grinned at me, in that cute, guy-ish way, and when he told me, “I could imagine a lot better things to do with a pretty girl like you than getting you sloshed,” I felt a strange fluttering in my tummy.

Was he coming on to me? “But,” I responded wide-eyed, “aren’t you two…” I looked between them, but Jill, back at her place behind me, didn’t appear fazed at all.

“Oh, I’d very much like to join the fun.”

There was only one possible reply left for me. “Can I have another?”

Had her hand been on my breasts all the time? I couldn’t tell, but the way she rolled my nipples between her fingers did something to me that made my breath hitch and drew a gasp from my lips. “You’re beautiful,” she whispered into my ear, making my skin prickle. “I want to make love to you.”

“Please!” I begged, though not completely sure if I was still talking about the drink.

“Will you let us if I get you another drink?” she teased.

I wanted to tell them that it was time for me to leave. Part of me did, at least. The other, stronger, more primal part took over, though, and I heard my voice tell them, “Right here on the kitchen table.”

All three of us froze. My mind spun. It was like floating in a dream again when Jill stood in front of me and handed me the drink, and when I took it from her, John moved behind her and unzipped her skirt. She wasn’t wearing panties, and her pussy was full and rosy and crowned with a nice little triangle of soft, blond hair.

I downed my fresh drink and smacked my lips. She lifted her arms to allow John to pull away her top. God, she was beautiful. She had to be an athlete, and her breasts, nice and firm B-cups, defied gravity and looked good enough to eat.

She pulled me into her embrace, looking me deeply into the eyes, and then her hands squeezed my bum cheeks and made me gasp. The moment my lips parted, her mouth seized the opportunity, and I stumbled backwards, locked in a frenzied kiss, dizzy with tingles and sparkles, until my bum hit the table. Her hand travelled between my thighs and my hips rocked to meet it. The need from before was back, tenfold.

She didn’t leave me time to breath. Her hand pressed gently against my chest, and I leaned backwards until my back was on the table. With the grace of a cat, she climbed on it, and for a fleeting moment I saw John, naked too, his cock standing proud and rigid with veins outlined and wearing a purple crown. I froze for a moment, suddenly intensely aware where that huge rod was going to end up and not that certain that it would fit. It was bigger than anything I had ever had inside me.

But my second thoughts were broken by Jill, who leaned in close and softly kissed my lips. “Isn’t he gorgeous?” She winked at me and whispered, “I don’t think he has any idea what a wonderful tool he has between his legs. Yet.”

She didn’t wait for a reply. She spun around, lifting one leg and setting it down on the other side of my head so that she was kneeling above me, facing her boyfriend, and my vision was filled with a rosy, aroused pussy that was getting closer and closer.

I held my breath, that is, until strong hands wrapped and around my ankles and lifted up my legs, spreading them, and a silky, warm something touched me between my legs and made me gasp in pleasure. Ever so slowly, he rubbed the whole length of his cock through my moist slit, and I had no idea such a simple thing could feel this good. My hips trembled with desire.

That was when Jill’s pussy came into reach, though. A heady, intense scent filled my nose, and I liked it. It stuck out my tongue and licked, running the tip of my tongue over her folds and picking up a little bit her moisture. The touch was soft and warm and intoxicating. I licked again. And again. She moaned, and I could feel the echoes of my ministrations as little jerks in her hips.

For a moment, though, I lost my concentration, because John’s cock was now resting on the entrance to my channel, gently pressing, slowly stretching my sensitive flesh around its silky tip, and it felt glorious. Then I felt him slip deeper and deeper, filling me completely, and my moan of pleasure got muffled by Jill’s creaming pussy.

It was pure carnality. John’s tool was soon pumping in and out of my snatch with slapping sounds, rocking my being with every thrust, and Jill’s hips gyrated wildly above my eager tongue. I lost myself in a world of sound, taste and smell, heart racing, blood rushing in my ear and lust burning like wildfire all over my skin.

I came hard. But John kept pumping, and I kept licking, and then my face was drenched with Jill’s juices while she screamed out her own climax. Then John froze and I felt his cock throb inside me, my pussy walls clenching down on it in answer, and his cum spewed inside me. I came again.

It was a wonder that nobody came into the kitchen to see what the racket was all about. Or perhaps someone had come in. I’m pretty sure none of us would have noticed. When we had all three calmed down and Jill had climbed off my face and stretched out next to me with a satisfied sigh, everything was silent. Too silent.

“John,” she whispered, “could you… have a look?”

He gently let go of my legs, and I folded them up and wrapped my arms around them. He held a finger to his lips, then opened the door just an inch and froze. We girls did too. He turned around, grinning sheepishly, with a flush on his cheeks. “I guess someone noticed. They’re all gone.”

I rested my head back on the table, but a giggle didn’t want to keep inside me. A second later, we were all three cackling like mad with tears in our eyes. “Sorry,” I told Jill, “now everyone’s gone because of me.”

“Doesn’t matter,” she stated with a grin, “everybody who matters is still here in the k…” A muffled shout interrupted her. “Oh, seems they aren’t as gone as we thought.” She turned onto her front and pointed to the window behind us.

I followed her movement and saw a warm light flicker outside. “Bonfire?”

“Yeah. Shall we head outside?”

“Uhm… okay. I’ll just try to find my clothes.” I started to get up from the table, but Jill’s hand on my arm stopped me.

“No, I’d like us to go outside as we are.”

“You mean… naked?” My eyes went wide. While they had, in fact, all seen me naked and even in the bliss of sexual passion, and while they probably had caught on to what had been happening inside the kitchen, going outside as just me and not a stripper, confirming everything they had been imagining, was quite a step.

“You look cute when you blush,” John entered our discussion and walked up to me. He lifted a finger to my chin and gently pushed upwards, until we were looking eye to eye. He grinned. “Our friends are, let’s say, all rather liberal. I doubt they’d mind having a go at you. Have you ever been double-fucked?”

“Double…” I parroted the word, but the thought took my breath away. “Like - like an orgy?”

“Some people would also call what we did in the kitchen an orgy.”

“But…” I tried to hold on to my moral beliefs, but the look of hunger in his eyes made it hard. “What we did, it just, I don’t know, happened. Now you want me to go out there with the intention of fucking complete strangers?”

Jill snuggled up to us, and the feeling of her hot skin against mine made thinking difficult. “Only if you feel like it. Nobody’s going to make you do anything you don’t want to do.” She tilted her head, and then her fingers were suddenly between my thighs. “Looks like your pussy seems agreeable.” She held up her hand, fingers glistening with fresh moisture.”

“A drink!” I wheezed. This was crazy!

I got my drink. My mind was buzzing quite pleasantly already, and the need to giggle became overwhelming. I stumbled after Jill and John, humming some happy tune to myself that somehow became a quiet chant which had sprung into my mind from nowhere. “Stick it up my front, stick it up my bum, fuck me ‘till I scream, fill me with your cum!”

It was hard to see in the flickering light of the bonfire. People were sitting on low benches all around it, and I ended up sitting on the thighs of a couple, she a little goth looking, but with big, friendly eyes, and he a dark haired guy in leather. Their hands were all over me in an instant, as were their mouths, and god, did it feel wonderful. Things became a blur.

* * * *

I remembered naked people all around me, kissing and fucking and licking going on everywhere, and I suddenly also remembered a sharp pain in my bum that was followed by an incredible, thrilling feeling of being filled like never before.

“Oh. Wow.”

“You remember?” Jill’s face was only inches from mine.

I nodded and closed my eyes. “God, this is crazy!”

“Any regrets?”

I took a few deep breaths. Did I have regrets? My inner moralist screamed. I couldn’t lie to myself. “Only one.”


“That I don’t remember everything.”

Jill’s hand caressed my cheek, and I sighed. A day ago, I wouldn’t have allowed another girl to touch me like this. Now, it felt like the most perfect thing in the world. “There’s one thing though,” I admitted. “I’ve got no idea how I can look your Mom in the eyes.”

“She’ll know nothing. You don’t need to worry about her.”

“Still,” I insisted, “I will know. And if I don’t make it, I’ll lose my stipend and it will be the end of my college career.”

We were silent for a few minutes. John’s breaths started to rumble a bit, and it was actually rather cute.



“You know, you’re very beautiful, and…”

I waited for her to elaborate, but when she didn’t, I looked over at her. She was biting her lip. She looked lovely doing that. “And?”

“And… My friend Holly - you probably saw her, slick black hair, violet eye shade and lipstick - she works as an escort on the side. You’re even prettier than her. You could make a killing.”

“You’re not serious?”

“Perfectly. You know, she’s even tried to rope me in a few times. She’s got a few clients who like to watch girls with each other, and they pay well. Wouldn’t it be exciting to have fun and get paid for it?”

“If it was, why didn’t you do it?”

Now, for the first time since I had come here, it was her turn to blush. “Who says I haven’t?”

“But you’ve got a boyfriend!”

She giggled. “And he makes sure that I tell him everything afterwards - before he fucks me raw, that is.”

My breath hitched. And then I felt the idea nestle into a part of my mind and start to apply constant pressure on my thoughts. “You’re all perverts!” I gasped.

In answer, she took one of my nipples between her teeth and sucked gently while her hand slid between my thighs and started to stir up these wonderful feelings once again.

“Yes,” she agreed between licks and kisses to my nipple, “we are. But aren’t you too?” She crooked her fingers and pushed two of them inside me.

“No!” I protested with a gasp, but she twisted her fingers inside me rather wickedly. “Fucking yes, I am! Don’t stop!” My prospects suddenly didn’t seem that bleak anymore. But she did that flicking thing to my clit again, and my thoughts evaporated.

Written by ChrissieLecker
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