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Debbie, our baby sitter

"Debbie wants to have sex with us."

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We had moved to WA. Sue had promised me that she would not continue her cheating ways if I took her with me. We had been there less than three weeks and she was pushing me to allow her to break the promise.

Marg was due in a few days. Sue had encouraged me to have sex with the babysitter. I was reluctant because she had only recently turned eighteen and I did not want to do anything that could cause her any harm or stress. I agreed only on the basis that she made all the moves.

Sue and I were planning to have another child. I had a reversal of my vasectomy before I traveled west and the doctor had told me that by now I should be fertile. The tests had shown that the doc knew what he was talking about.

It was Wednesday morning. Sue believed that she would be ovulating either today or tomorrow. I was looking forward to it. I left work early and arrived home around 2 PM. Sue was not home. I called her on her mobile but got no answer. Because her mobile was heavy she usually left it in her car so I expected she would be out shopping.

There were a few boxes in the spare bedroom that we had not unpacked so I decided to check them out to use the time productively. The first one that I opened contained some toiletries so I moved the box into the bathroom and got to work. As I neared the bottom of the box I found some medicines so tipped them out on the floor to try to identify which ones to keep.

As I went through them there were about a dozen packs that I could not identify so I went and got the medical book and looked them up. The chapter on medicines told me that they were commonly called the morning after pill. For a while, I was quite upset that Sue after making her promise to me would bring these with her. I realized that they were probably supplied by the doctor that solved her pregnancy problems.

Realizing what they were I decided to go through the other medicines with a fine tooth comb and found that there were also several packs of the pill. One of them had every second pill missing. Sue had been playing ‘Russian roulette’ again with pregnancy risk. Although I was pleased to see that she had used some type of protection it was not possible for me to work out if these pills had been used before we moved west or on the way over. It was obvious that it wasn’t since we arrived because they were still packed. I wondered how much I didn’t know about her exploits.

I continued my search, now looking very closely at some of the paperwork in the box and found several prescriptions.  Among them was two of particular interest, dated the week that we had moved west. One was for the morning after pill the other was for the contraception pill. 

Sue arrived home around 4 PM. Debbie, the babysitter was with her. I could hear them chattering like parrots as they walked towards the house. My car was in the garage at the rear so I knew that if I stayed quiet they would not know I was there. I was keen to find out what they were talking about. I was more than a little upset not only about finding her stash of pills but because tonight was to be a special night for us both but she had invited Debbie home with her.

For a while, I thought she may go to the loo and discover me. She had entered the bedroom but had not entered the bathroom where I was unpacking the box. As she left the bedroom she closed the door which allowed me to move closer to where they were without them discovering me. I could hear most of the conversation but not all.

Debbie had asked Sue how she could let other women sleep with her husband. She also asked did she get jealous.  Sue had replied that she was the one who had actually started sleeping around. She went on to explain that when I had found out I had been very kind to her and had not chastised her or became angry but seemed to be turned on by it. Sue told her that a few years later when I had got close to someone her initial reaction was to attack the bitch and do even worse to me. She then realized that if she continued her attacks then it would mean she would not have the freedom to continue her affairs. She had no intention of breaking away from her lovers so she had been forced to either accept my cheating or to stop her's.  

She then said that she got to know the other woman a little better and could clearly see why I had been attracted to her. This put her in a position where she wanted to know what it was like when we had sex so she manipulated things to bring us together. The intention had been that she could not only watch but hopefully participate.  On that night she said that she found it so upsetting that by the time that we had finished making love she was so jealous that she forced the other woman to leave.

I realized from Sues description that she actually either intentionally lied to Debbie or she had mixed up Marg with Marg’s sister, Lyn. I still don’t know to this day which it was but I suspect that it was a way that she could simplify the story for Debbie.

Debbie asked who the other woman was to which Sue replied her name is Marg. She went on to say that Debbie would meet her this weekend. Debbie seemed surprised that now Sue so readily accepted the other woman into her home and asked how long we had been lovers, to which Sue told her four years.

This told me that Marg and I had been lovers for over a year before Sue realized or else she had miscalculated the time.

Debbie asked if I had ever witnessed Sue and her lovers together. “Not that I know of,” was the reply.

“That’s a bit unfair, isn’t it,” Debbie said. “Shouldn’t you give him the same opportunity that you had?”

“I don’t know if he would want to.” was the reply. “We don’t often talk about my affairs. I don’t know how to go about discussing it. I’m always frightened that he will get angry like I did when I found out he had cheated on me.”

 “But he told you, didn’t he?”

“Not really, I suspected and then forced him to tell me. I threatened him. I was a real bitch to him and kept it up until he sat down with me and talked about it.”

“So what you’re saying is that because he is a kind and gentle person who doesn’t believe in intimidation you keep him in the dark. I can see why you worry so much about him leaving you.”

I suddenly realized that Debbie was no fool. I wondered how a girl so young could analyze things so well. She understood my position perfectly and was willing to speak openly about her thoughts. I could really like this girl.  

“I never thought about it like that. I know that I’m a spoiled bitch and have trouble understanding how others feel. Do you think I should talk to him more about my affairs?”

“Yes, I do. You should at least ask him does he want to know more about what you do. My mum had an affair once. I was old enough to see what was happening and asked her about it. She said that she felt so guilty that she broke it off then confessed to dad. She told me that instead of getting angry dad kept asking her to tell him all about it. She found out that it brought them closer together. She said it was as though he was proud that his wife, my mum was so attractive and loving that other men wanted to make love to her. You may find that Goyse feels the same. He may want to know more but doesn’t know how to ask you.”

“He has asked me. I didn’t know what to say. I thought if I told him too much he would not want to stay with me so I told him a few basic facts and then changed the subject. Now that I think about it, he has asked me a number of times and I have always avoided it.”

“You don’t really love him, do you? If you did you would respect his wishes more than you do. People who are in love usually try hard to please the one that they love.”

“Of course I love him. I have got a serious problem and I have to protect myself or I will lose him. What would I do without him? I would have no income, no security, absolutely nothing. What makes you think that you’re so smart that you think you know it all, anyhow?”

“My mum is a marriage counselor. She has done it all her working life. She talks to me about what she has learned over the years. She says she can pick a failed relationship almost every time before the couple can.  She says most people think marriages fail because of love affairs. She says often love affairs can bring a couple closer together. The deciding factor is trust and communication and you can pick that with just a few questions.”

She continued, “Mum says that strong relationships can be one where the couples never indulge in affairs or they can be where one or the other or both have affairs. She believes that love and sex are separate. Sex can be a part of love or it can be just for satisfaction. Whichever way it is, love is what binds people and trust and communication are always part of that love. Love cannot survive without it.”

 “Why does your mum talk to you about these things? It doesn’t seem to be the usual mother, daughter thing.”

“Mum knows I’m sexually active. She says she doesn’t want me to mistake satisfying sex for love like many people do. I guess she wants me to enjoy life while I’m young but at the same time be able to recognize a potential lover as opposed to a sex partner.”

“Do you think that is what Goyse and I are, sex partners?”

“No, I didn’t say that and I’m sorry if you took it that way. Goyse obviously loves you very much. A man who is kept in the dark knowing that his wife is constantly having affairs that she won’t talk to him about has to have a very strong bond with her. If he didn’t he would have walked away by now. I’m worried about you though because from what you have told me you seem to be trying to drive him away.”

“If you think that why are you here? Do you think I am bringing him home a potential lover to drive him away?”

“The short time that I have known Goyse I saw in him a trustworthy and loyal individual. He had every opportunity to try to have sex with me the many times he has driven me home. I could see that he recognized the signs that I wanted him but he didn’t take advantage of me. Each time we just sat and talked. He’s good to talk to.”

“On one night I put my hand on his leg to let him know that I wanted him. He simply put his hand on mine, lifted it up and kissed me on the back of my hand then set it back on my leg and said, ‘you’re a very beautiful and sexy woman. One day you will find that very special person to love you who will remain devoted to you for the rest of your life. I had better get home. Sue will wonder where I am.’ I could see that he was sexually aroused but he put my welfare and yours before his satisfaction.  A man doesn’t do that without a strong motivator. That motivation can only be his love for you and his respect for me.”

“You make me feel guilty. I went out to seduce you because I believed my husband was sleeping with you and I wanted to be part of it. Now you tell me that he didn’t seduce you because he didn’t want to deceive me, something that I have been doing to him for years.”

“Maybe it’s time you stopped.”

“Yes, he has asked me to but it’s not as simple as just stopping.”

“I don’t see why. He is trying hard for you perhaps it’s time you did the same for him.”

 “Have you heard of women who continually want sex because they find it difficult to achieve complete satisfaction?”

“You mean nymphomaniacs?”

“No not that. That’s different. Nymphomaniacs just have to have sex all the time. For me, total satisfaction is possible but difficult to achieve. I can only achieve it with a special man who is very well endowed.  Most women have the spot that gives them satisfaction close to the entrance to their vagina. Mine is very deep inside me and can only be stimulated by a thick penis that can penetrate far enough to reach it.”

“So you’re a size queen. I’ve heard about it but never thought I would meet one.”

“There is more as well. That special spot seems to be hidden most of the time and can only be stimulated properly when I’m approaching ovulation.”

“You would have to make sure of your protection if that’s the case.”

All was quiet. Sue didn’t respond. Then I could hear a noise like she was moving dishes around or maybe getting out cups for a coffee or something.

“You do use protection don’t you?”

Again there was no answer.

“Fuck me! You don’t use protection. You cheat on your husband. You have sex with other men when you are ovulating and don’t use protection. Lady, you’re sick. You are fucking crazy. You need a head doctor.”

“I use it sometimes but not always. It’s good when I use protection but it’s unbelievable when I’m fertile and unprotected.”

“Don’t you know what they call a woman who has sex without protection?”

“No, What?”


The seriousness of the conversation was dropped as they both laughed. Debbie restarted the conversation.

“What do we do when Goyse gets home? You know, how do we start it?”

“Just play it by ear I guess. You will need to make sure that you let him know that you are available. When he comes in I will give him a little hug like I usually do. I suggest that you do the same to him but pull him really hard into your tits and hold him a long time. He loves tits. Raise your face towards him as if you want him to kiss you. It will get him horny. When he sits, make sure that you sit right beside him. Make sure he sees you looking at him and open your lips slightly.”

“What if he doesn’t take the bait?”

“He will. I’ll whisper a few things in his ear about how sexy you look. I might even touch you from time to time. He will know. Remember though, his sperm belongs to me tonight. I really want to get pregnant tonight and that won’t happen if he finishes every time in you.”

Our bedroom had a door that led out onto a decked area. I walked out jumped across the fence and walked to the front door. When I entered the two girls looked up with their mouths open. I knew what they were thinking. They hadn’t heard me drive up so they wondered how much of their conversation I had heard. I walked across to my wife and pulled her hard into my body and kissed her. I then turned to Debbie and took her into my arms. I pulled her very tight into my body and when she raised her face to me I kissed her as if we were lovers.  When we broke the kiss the looks of amazement on both their faces almost made me laugh.

“That’s exactly what a man needs when he returns from work, two beautiful hot women waiting for him. What have you ladies been up to today? Planning and plotting against me, have you?”

They looked at each other. They were both wondering, had I heard them talking. Sue was the first to speak.

“Ah, Debbie is going to look after the kids for us to slip out for a quick meal. I’ve asked her to stay with us until Sunday so that we can get some free time together over the next few days. This will make sure that we are free when Marg and Cherie arrive on the weekend.”

“That sounds great. I love how you have done your hair, Debbie. It really suits you. It makes you look very mature. That dress is lovely too. Would you like a drink?”

“Oh, thanks and yes, I’d love a drink, a gin and tonic maybe.”

“A gin and tonic coming right up, honey. Then we can go out to pick up the kids from Gym practice. Sue?” I moved my hand to indicate a drink.

“Yep, I’ll have the usual.”

I mixed the drinks and returned with them. The girls were sitting. I made sure that I not only sat with Debbie but sat so our thighs were touching.  I could see the look on Sue’s face and knew that my over playing of their plan was making her jealous. As we talked about I noticed Debbie looking at me from time to time. On one occasion I looked deeply into her eyes and said, “I hadn’t noticed before how beautiful your eyes are.” I placed my hand under her chin and moved across so that our eyes were no more than six inches apart and stared into her eyes. The angle of our faces meant that our lips were quite close together. I noticed her lick her lips and I mimicked her.

“Your eyes are so deep. It is as if I’m looking into clear, blue water. Come here and check this out, Sue.”

Sue moved across to us. I moved back slightly to allow Sue to look closely into her eyes but I kept my face touching Sue’s. As Sue went to move away I pulled her to me and kissed her. Sue initially was not into it but then I started to feel her relax, followed by feeling her tongue penetrate my lips.  Our kiss lasted some time. As we broke I then kissed Debbie lightly on the cheek. As I went to move back from Debbie, she placed her hand behind my head and pulled me in to kiss her. We held the kiss for a long time. I still had my arm around Sue so her face was still there and when I broke free Sue pulled Debbie towards her and kissed her. I could see them moving their tongues as Sue had done with me. Seeing the girls together was highly arousing to me.

I stood and said, “Come on Debbie. We need to go and pick up the kids.”

Sue responded, “It’s too early yet. You’ll be there half an hour before their class ends.”

“You know how hard it is to find a park if you’re not early. It’s not fair to the kids if they have to walk a mile back to the car.”

Debbie rose, gave Sue a peck on the cheek and led the way towards the car. Sue pulled me aside and on the pretext of giving me a departing kiss whispered, “don’t you try to fuck her. I want to be there when it happens.”

 I quietly whispered back, “Every drop of sperm in my body is yours tonight, lover. I want you to have my baby growing in you by Saturday morning.” I turned and walked out the door.

As I reversed Sue’s car out of the driveway Debbie looked at me and asked, “you heard us talking, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I heard some, probably not all.”

“I’m sorry.”

“What are you sorry about? You did nothing but compliment me. Many of the things that you said to Sue are what I would have said if I had the guts to stand up to her. She listened to you. She would never listen to me. I need to warn you though, everyone who has ever stood up to Sue has come off second best.”

“You think she will hurt me.”

“No, not physically but emotionally perhaps.”

“OK, I’ll be careful.

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You know that I want to be with you tonight?”

“Yes, I picked that up listening to your talk with Sue. You want to sleep with Sue and I. That shouldn’t be a problem if Sue has agreed. I feel quite honored that someone as young and as beautiful would want to have sex with me. It’s quite a compliment.”

“I don’t think you understand. I want to make love to you. It’s not just sex. I want to be with you, sleep with you and hold you. It’s not the sex.”

“Honey, you’re stepping into murky waters. I’m married with kids. There is no hope for a lasting relationship with me. If you are looking for more than a great night screwing then I suggest you don’t start anything. Why do you think I didn’t take you in my arms that night when you put your hand on my leg? I didn’t want to see you hurt.”

“I’ll settle for the sex if that’s all that is on offer. I’m not walking away.”

“Just make sure that Sue understands that you are only there for the sex. If she thinks that you want to start a relationship with me she will chew you up and spit you out like you’re a grape seed.”

“She asked me to join you. She wants me there.”

“Once she saw that you wanted to be with me she has put us in a position where she can keep an eye on us. She already thinks that you and I have had sex. Haven’t you heard the saying keep you good friends close and your enemy’s even closer? She practices it in real life.”

“She’s that bad?”

“Yes, she certainly is. Take my advice. When Sue and I get home later tonight focus your attention on her, not on me. Make her feel that she is the one that you want to make love to. Do it as if I am an afterthought.  While you’re paying attention to Sue I will try to make you feel like a queen. The other thing that you need to know is that all my sperm goes into Sue tonight. If you want my sperm you will need to wait until our child is conceived.”

“OK, I can do that. I want a chance to be alone with you some time. Can we do that?”

“You didn’t need to ask that, I understood. You just need to remember I’m not available for a relationship only sex. I’m married with kids. There is no chance for us long term.”

The gym class had finished. We met the kids and headed home. Once the kids had sat down to the meal that Sue had prepared, Sue and I slipped quietly away leaving Debbie to keep them entertained and then put them to bed.

As we traveled to our restaurant, Sue and I chatted about our day. As we pulled into the car park Sue suddenly asked, “Did you fuck her?”

“You know I didn’t. Why ask a thing like that?”

“You went early for some reason. If it wasn’t to get into her pants what was it then?”

“I needed to make sure that she understood that I’m not available. I had to clarify a few things with her before we get home tonight.”

“And what did she say?”

“She told me that she wanted to be with you. She said that she is attracted to you and the only way she could get to spend time with you was to allow me to seduce her. She was surprised that I had not taken the bait. I had to explain to her that the only thing up for offer from me was sex and that was only if you allowed it to happen.”

“I’m sorry. I should have trusted you.”

“Don’t worry about it. I know you don’t trust me. I’ve got past being upset about it years ago. It still hurts but I can live with it.”

She pulled me into her and kissed me then said, “I’m going to try to change that if I can. Tonight is special. Tonight your sperm will connect with my egg and give us our third child. I can feel it already. I invited Debbie because I know she turns you on and I want you to be especially horny for me tonight. You can fuck her as much as you want to but when you cum you must be inside me not her.”

“That sounds good to me. Let’s eat and get back home. I’ve got myself a woman to inseminate.”

We entered the Restaurant laughing. The staff all smiled and a couple of the staff laughed along with us not having any idea what they were laughing about. The food was great and the staff seemed to treat us extra special.

By the time we arrived home the kids were in bed asleep. Debbie had changed and was dressed in a see through nightie. Her nipples were protruding and visible through the nightie. I suspected that she had been having a little self-play in preparation for our return. Her little triangle was visible through the material and it was obvious she was not wearing panties. As Sue entered the house Debbie met her with a kiss that lasted some time. I noticed that Sue allowed her hand to fall to rest on Debbie’s rear as they kissed. I found it highly arousing to watch the girls go at it. By the time they broke apart my cock was standing to attention like any good soldier waiting for his orders.

 I asked which drinks the girls wanted and went to mix them while Sue proceeded to the bed room to change. Once Sue was out of range, Debbie put her arms around me from behind and hugged her tits hard against my body. Her hand dropped down to give my cock a rub.

“I’ve been really turned on thinking of this being inside me,” she said giving my cock a squeeze. Hearing Sue on the stairway she pulled back from me and watched from a safe distance as I finished preparing the drinks.

Sue had risen to the challenge. Her nightie was as see through as Debbie’s but considerably shorter. Sue’s breasts were never big. Even when the kids were born her tits were adequate but could never be described as large. Men were attracted to her breasts because of their perfect shape. Her nipples were unique in that rather than pointing outwards they actually angled slightly upwards so that without a bra they were very pronounced when she was aroused.  She was obviously aroused.

Her nightie was so see through that her little landing strip that she spent so much time on to keep perfect was clearly visible. Unlike the younger woman, the shape of Sue’s pussy was clearly visible between her legs, standing out like a camel toe.  I grinned to myself, knowing that once Sue had seen Debbie she went all out to make sure that she presented as well if not better than the younger girl. I was going to enjoy tonight because these girls were really competitive and for tonight I was their prize.

We scoffed our drinks and moved into the master bedroom. Debbie immediately took the lead moving to Sue as I had discussed with her. She started with a kiss pushing her back onto the bed at the same time. Initially, I stood back and watched. Debbie broke the kiss after about a minute and then moved down to Sue’s tits. Meanwhile, I had undressed. I then reached out and pulled Debbie’s nightie off her body. Sue took the opportunity and followed suit by pulling her nighty over her head and threw it onto the floor.

Debbie had resumed her assault on Sue’s tits. Sue simply laid back and enjoyed the attention.  Now that the girls were nude I could check out their vaginas. Both were obviously wet by this time but while Sue’s appeared quite large Debbie’s was unbelievably small. I wondered how I was ever going to get into it when the time came. I moved up behind her pushing our crutches together with my cock lying along the crack of her arse and went to town massaging the muscles of her back. My balls were resting up against her pussy. I could feel her pushing back into me and occasionally she let out a little moan. Sue had her eyes closed and her head was moving slowly from side to side. Sue’s moans were more distinct than Debbie’s and considerably louder. I could feel Debbie’s pussy juices wetting my balls.

With my weight behind her, Debbie had lowered her body. Sue had opened her legs almost obscenely so that the young girl’s stomach was pushing into the top of her pussy while Debbie’s tits were pushed into Sue’s stomach. I reached around Debbie and found Sue’s crutch and flicked my finger against her anus and moved up to the bottom of her slit. Sue automatically raised her hips so that her pussy was now pushing against Debbie’s stomach. I expect that Debbie became aware of Sues wetness as she moved down along her body towards her crutch.

I lifted myself off to make the transition easier. As Debbie moved back she raised up on her knees so that my cock aligned neatly with her pussy. As my cock head pushed against her hole she let out a deep throated moan. I saw Sue open her eyes and lift her head. She smiled at me and simply said, “what are you waiting for she wants you to fuck her.” I had been waiting for this moment where Sue gave us her OK.

By this time Debbie was lapping at Sue. Sue's moans had moved up an octave. Her eyes closed occasionally but reopened to watch what I was doing. I lowered my face to Debbie and lapped at her pussy. She was wet but not wet enough to take me inside. I reached into the drawer and pulled out a tube of ky gel and spread it over my cock then slid my cock up and down her slit. The noises she made were almost animalistic. I pushed the head of my cock into her and felt her flinch.

“Ohh, fuck, go easy, you’re big.” 

She placed her hand against my stomach to stop me pushing further into her. Once I felt the pressure on her hand release I was able to ever so slowly push my cock all the way into her. As I bottomed out I could feel the head of my cock push up against what I knew to be her cervix. Not only was she unbelievably tight she was also shallow.  I made a mental note not to get too excited and push too hard into her in case I hurt her. I wanted her to enjoy this not be hurt by it.

Once she relaxed again I moved very slowly out and in. I had to move slowly because I didn’t want to come in her or Sue would make our lives a misery. Each time I felt near to cumming I stopped moving. It was obvious that Debbie understood as she played her part by stopping her movement at the same time. Debbie kept moaning with an occasional, “oooh, fuck, that feels so good,” thrown in. Sue was obviously enjoying the licking she was getting and I saw signs that she had a small orgasm at one stage.

After I had stopped several times to ward off my orgasm, Sue raised her head and said, “don’t you dare cum in her. Your sperm is mine tonight.” she had no longer said it and I started to feel the muscles in Debbie’s pussy starting to move in a regular rhythm.  I knew if she orgasmed it would drive me over the top. I had no option if Sue was going to get my sperm I had to pull out.

As I pulled out Debbie repeated, “No, no, no, no, I’m going to cum.” She repeated it several times.  I rolled Debbie over, took her in my arms, moved her up along the bed onto her back and placed my face into her crotch. My cock was now in line with Sue’s cunt. I pushed into her while licking Debbie.

My tongue found Debbie's little clit. I moved down along one side of her slit and then back up the other to her clit.  I could tell by her breathing and her moaning that she was getting it back. When I thought she was reaching her peak I moved my tongue down to her anus and then back to her slit. That did it.

While this was happening Sue was going mad on my cock to get me off. I knew she was close as well because of the high pitched moans that she was making. Sue came first. She was followed shortly by Debbie and once Debbie was in full flight I let go. In my mind, I was cumming inside Debbie. The egg that my sperm was searching out in my mind was in the young eighteen year old’s uterus. These thoughts spurred me on to new heights.

Once it was over we all laid still catching our breath. My mouth was still at Debbie’s crotch. I could smell her juices and taste them as well. To me, it was as erotic as it gets. Debbie must have been feeling some aftershocks as occasionally she would lift her hips upwards into my face. Sue was dead still. My cock was shrinking but was still in her hole blocking most of the sperm from leaking out.

Suddenly Sue spoke. She moved her hand up to where she thought her ovaries were. “I just felt a little twitch inside me like a small pain. They say that a woman can feel the moment of conception. That must have been it.”

Debbie responded, “So I’ve been here when you have conceived. That’s unique. I’ll never forget this moment. Thanks for sharing it with me.” She moved across above Sue and they locked together in a sensual kiss.

I was ready to go again. Seeing the girls kissing like that was arousing me. I pulled out of Sue. I moved across and entered Debbie from behind. She was still tight but slippery so I pushed in with ease.

“Your husband is fucking me,” Debbie told Sue.

“Yes, the bastard loves tight pussy and yours is the tightest he has ever had. Tell him he can give you his cum now. I don’t need it. He’s already inseminated me. Let’s see if he can get you pregnant too.” She smiled at Debbie then continued, “You would like that, wouldn’t you. You pretend that you want to be fucked but I can tell you actually want him to make love to you. You’re no different from the others. They pretend they care about me so they can get to make love to my husband. You can have him tonight but remember tomorrow he comes back to me.”

Sue got up to walk out of the room. Debbie called after her, “No, Sue. I care about both of you. Don’t get angry with me. Come back here. I want to hold you.”  

She stopped. She looked back at the girl. My cock had shrunk and had slipped out of her. After standing for a while Sue slowly walked back and laid down beside Debbie. “Lick his cum out of me.” Sue saw the look of horror on Debbie’s face the same as I did. “If you care about me you will do it. Now get down there and clean me. Then I’ll leave you with him for the night but I want him back tomorrow.”

Debbie got to work on Sue’s sloppy pussy. I felt like I had deposited a gallon of goo in her hole. Debbie licked her clean. Sue then picked up her nightie and left us alone saying she would be back in the morning. I heard her close the door to the spare bed room shortly afterward. By that time Debbie was on her back and I was inside her.

I knew I would last with total control this time and so I was able to lift the pace. Within a few minutes, Debbie’s orgasm started. She went through several spasms over the next hour. As we fucked I told her that she was in control so that when she wanted it to end she needed to tell me.   

 Initially, she told me that she wanted it to last all night but after about an hour she told me she was exhausted and was getting sore. I let go and blasted the walls of her pussy with my sperm. After I did so I thought about what Sue had said about her getting pregnant. I asked her about it and she laughed and told me that she told Sue that to make our little get together a little more erotic.

My immediate feeling was one of disappointment but soon common sense told me that was foolish. We kissed and cuddled for a while and then Debbie asked me if I was going to go and bring Sue back. I thought about it and agreed but asked her to come with me.

We both went in to Sue and lay on the bed with her. She was asleep but awoke as the bed moved. Debbie started kissing her and told her to come back with us. I was lying behind her and my cock was sitting up against her arse. I felt her push back slightly on me and it felt so good that I started to get an erection. I had not cleaned from when I had pulled out of Debbie a few minutes earlier so I was still slick with her juices and my sperm. The more that Debbie kissed her the harder Sue pushed back against me. The head of my cock slipped into her. She continued to push back and it felt so good that I pushed harder into her.

I moved my hands around to play with her tits and found that I was too late. Debbie was already playing with her nipples.  Shortly after I felt Debbie slide down the bed to align her mouth with her tits. Sue turned her head towards me and I lifted my head to meet her lips.

“I love you.” She was quiet for a while and then whispered to me, “did you cum in her? She lied to us, you know. She had her period at the same time as me. If you came in her she would be pregnant like me by now. She lives with her girlfriend. That’s why we have never met her parents. I think she wants to have a baby for her and her girlfriend.  I agreed to let her have sex with you knowing that she probably wanted your child. I should have told you. I’m sorry to deceive you like that.”

“I know she told me.” I didn’t know who was telling me the truth but knew that whatever it was I would learn eventually.  

“Will you forgive me?”

“Forgive you for what?”

“For everything.  I’ve cheated on you hundreds of times with other men. I’ve lied to you about it all. I’ve never trusted you enough to talk to you about things that every husband should know. I’ve got pregnant by other men and had abortions behind your back to cover it up. When you found someone who did trust you I tried to split you up and at the same time I was having affairs with men and had no right to treat you like that. There is so much I don’t think I could ever tell you about it all.”

“Scchuush, make love to us. You’re my wife, you’re my lover, you’re my life and you’re the mother of my children. We’re both here for you to be loved. Love us back.”

“One of our children is not yours. I did that to you as well.”

“It was his sperm but she is my child. Never ever think any different. You are my wife and so your child is my child. ”

“I love you.”

“Yes, I know. Your little cuckold husband loves you too.”

“Don’t ever say that.”


“Don’t ever use that word, cuckold. You are my wonderful husband and I love you. I don’t want you to ever leave me. I’ve been with a lot of men over the years and not one of them could ever love me like you do. I’m sorry I ever called you that. It must have hurt you. I’m a real bitch sometimes.”

“Yep, you are but you’re my bitch.”

“That’s what I am, aren’t I? I’m just a fucking bitch.”

“Yep, that’s right and tonight you’re my fucking bitch on heat and we are both going to fuck you till the sun comes up.”

I thrust my cock as hard as I could into her and sprayed her bowel with my sperm. It made me feel for once in my marriage that I was the one in charge. Tonight I was the alpha male and these were my two bitches to do what I wanted with. It made me feel as if my cock was eleven inches long and as thick as a coke can. I spoiled the feeling by looking down and realized that it was only a mirage. My cock was only seven inches long and when I held it in my hand my thumb and fingers could touch. That was an awfully skinny coke can. 

We hugged and kissed including Debbie as if she was part of our marriage. Before long the girls were asleep. I thought about what Sue had told me about Debbie and I suddenly realized that as I was licking her little pussy I had seen clear almost jelly like secretions. I realized that this is exactly how Sue’s pussy looks when she is ovulating.  

There was no dream for me that night. I slept like a baby and awoke to feel refreshed and ready for round two.



Written by goyse
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