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Cocktail, the first sip

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Lisa tossed and turned one last time and then she gave up the idea of going back to sleep. She ran her fingers through her hair, thinking about whether to hit the shower or make some coffee first. She finally made a high bun and sat up on the bed to head to the kitchen, and that’s when she saw Bob sitting on the couch and staring with a piercing gaze set onto her face. She sauntered slowly to him, picked him up in her lap and caresses the furry arched back to hear a reassuring purr and a mew.

After putting Bob down on floor, she walked to the coffee machine and made herself a mug. While sipping, she could feel the ogling stare of her creepy neighbour Dave on her back and butts. Lisa no longer cared.

“After John, it has stopped making any difference to me,” she thought and walked back to the bedroom and sat on “his” side of the bed and started running her palm over the sheet as if trying to find him in the creases of the sheet. She missed him and that sent a pang of sadness in her heart. She, for a moment, thought her life has become like her each morning’s coffee. Monotonous and same taste each day.

“I don’t want to feel let down with this sadness right in the morning,” she said to herself and kept her finished coffee mug on the side table. She lied down and looked at the ceiling, trying to focus on a dot in there and restrain her wandering mind.

It didn’t work and she altered her plan to relax herself. She untied her robe and eased out of it off her shoulders. Gently, she slipped her fingers in between her parted thighs over her trimmed mound and then further down over her meaty curtains. She could feel her breasts heaving and hardening of her nipples but she felt no wetness to let her slide in easy. But she just wanted to wriggle herself out of a sad mood so she carried on with her thumbs roll over her clit and her fingers wading their way in her half moist alley.

She headed off to shower as soon as she came, almost like a robot and came out feeling slightly better and lighter. Apparently Bob sensed her mood and started messing around her toes licking them and started wavering his way around. Lisa smiled soulfully for the first time in the day and hurried her way into clothes and feeding Mr. Bob. As she yanked the door closed on her way out, she knew Matt is going to be utterly angry with her late entry and the delay on the last week’s article.

It was a beautiful sunny day and the traffic was clear so Lisa could drive and park in the office in next half an hour, still knowing that she is late by at least forty minutes.

“For God’s sake Lisa, this is third time in this month when your article is late again,” Matt hissed and gave a venomous look to Lisa, who was already feeling guilty for being late.

“Matt, you would have the article by noon, I promise.” she said, knowing very well that his anger is more to do with her late arrival since the article wasn’t needed any time before evening.

“Don’t worry, he is just being a prick Lisa,” Mona patted her shoulders as she slumped down on her chair.

“Nah, it is my mistake.“ I know it annoys him for me to be late. Lisa said, thanking Mona. She really liked Mona for her nice behavior and more so because of her smart attires and hairdos. They became good pals in less than a month after Lisa joined the firm.

Lisa dug her head in the remaining pages of the article, sensing the penetrating gaze of Matt, even from that distance. She was done before noon and she emailed it right away to Matt for his review before heading for grabbing lunch with Kevin.

Kevin was her same street neighbour who worked as a cop. He was an avid lover of photography and that is where they hit off well after meeting in a photography training session.

“How is your week going on Lisa?” Kevin asked, chewing on the lettuce and washing it down with the lemonade.

“Ah, don’t ask! Matt is after my ass for every small glitch I am making at work.” Lisa sighed and scratched her scalp, showing her exasperation and being clueless about the whole situation.

“You want me to book him under battery and assault?” Kevin quipped and winked at her, trying to lighten up her mood.

“Book him for murder Kevin, but now I need to rush back to the office,” Lisa chuckled and grabbed his wrist with her palms.

“How was your lunch with the detective honey, I hope he didn’t keep you detained in his lip lock for too long”, Mona swivelled back in her chair and patted on Lisa’s wrist as she sat back on her chair.

“For Christ’s sake sweetie, we are not dating. He is just a very good friend.” Lisa giggled and grabbing Mona’s shoulders swung her back to have her face the monitor again.

“Well, if something happens the first nine-one-one call should come to me,” Mona said with a mock seriousness and pouted lip, leading them to blast into a loud laughter.

The rest of the day went fine for Lisa as she got an approval from Matt for publishing the article in the magazine. As she swung the key and opened the door, Bob came running and as always could sniff that she is happy and danced around her with tail up. Lisa made the bathtub and bed ready and approached to her phone to check the voice mails of the day. After checking the known and ignorable ones, her eyes and ears got glued on one message stemming out from a number that looked like a public phone as it wasn’t something usual as far as the voice and content went.

“Hi there, sweetheart,” came out the muffled and husky voice. Lisa felt a chill going down her spine but she kept on listening to it.

“I see you are so sad, annoyed and not having any fun lately darling. Why are you killing yourself like this? Talk to me, leave me a message and I would take you a fun ride. Bye for now my love, but I am waiting for you.” With this, the phone was hung up.

Lisa stood frozen; her appetite for a good sleep and bath vanished in no time. She punched the delete button and immediately message as if it was haunting her from there within.

She slumped down on the couch, she had never heard this voice before and her mind soon raced to probabilities of who it could be. Is it some creepy friend of his ex or his voyeuristic neighbor Dave?

“Maybe I should have not deleted the message and reported it to the police.”

She dialed up Kevin straight away, trying to steady her trembling fingers.

“Hey Lisa, you finally made up your mind to book your boss for a sexual assault finally.” Kevin chuckled at the other end.

“Kevin, it is something serious. Can we talk now? I think you are driving.” Lisa realized that the trembling of her fingers had siphoned up to her voice as well.

“Hey, I am out on a distress call but I can talk, what’s the matter, you sound disturbed.” Kevin blended more seriousness to his voice, sniffing the panic in Lisa’s voice.

Lisa briefed him on the stranger’s call and she could feel the anger in Kevin’s voice as he spoke back.

“Send me the number and I would book a case, keep the message in your phone safely. We would need that as evidence against this creep.”

“Kevin, but I deleted the message and number; I was too scared to deal with it.” Lisa said with a shaky voice.

“..”The line went almost dead on the other end as all Lisa could hear was the trail of a waning siren.

“Kevin, are you there?” Lisa could sense he wanted her to save the call log and message.

“Yes, I er, I am very much here Lisa. Listen, I want you to save it next time the call comes in. Keep your curtain blinds down and ensure your home security is armed & ready. I am putting your phone on tracking.” Kevin blew it out in one breath.

Lisa thanked him and they hung up. Her mood was already upset with the call so she turned off the bathtub taps and straightaway walked out of her clothes into the bed.

The next morning her slumber was broken by gentle scratching and licking at her feet from Bob, he was obviously hungry and Lisa, thanking God for a good night sleep, took him to the kitchen to treat him with some warm milk.

Since last night she had put the blinds down, so she lifted it slightly from the corner to look across the street.

“Is it Dave who is doing all this? But how would he get my number? Well, it is not that tough Lisa, if he can be that nosey, he can as well get hold of some old bill to get my phone number and credentials!” Lisa kept on mumbling to herself as she fidgeted over the coffee and sugar boxes, fiddling with their lids.

The questions still hovered over her mind as she got ready and put on something, unlike of other days when she used to take time to choose her favourite dress. While donning her makeup she felt something amiss however she was too drained to give any thoughts to that. She drove through amidst a rainy day and wet roads. She thanked God that at least she didn’t have any articles in her immediate To-Do list, ruling out any further cribbing and yelping from Matt.

Mona was on her phone when Lisa entered her cubicle and put down her bag, slumping on her chair & letting her neck fall back. Mona immediately wrapped up her call and stood next to Lisa, not saying anything but raising her eyebrows in a questioning way that alluded “What is wrong now?”

Lisa told her about the episode and Mona thought about it for a moment, now they were two to tango in the whodunit mystery.

“Do you think Jack could...?” Mona suggested but she was interrupted by Lisa as she shrugged her shoulders and said, “Jack is not a creepy guy, we had our differences but he would rather deal with things head on rather than annoying anyone like this.”

“Then don’t spoil your mood, Kevin has already done the needful. I believe it is some harmless moron who is just messing around with you.”

She cancelled her lunch with Kevin that day as she decided to stay glued to her work and finish things for the week so she might take a day off towards the weekend. On her way out she went to the mailroom and picked up her credit card bill. She found it little unusual but as she felt it in her palms, she found nothing wrong with texture or weight so she just ignored it, blaming it on her troubled mind.

She reached home and decided that she is not going to think any more about things disturbing her. She prepared a nice bathtub and slid into it, feeling the aroma and warmth of scented candles around. She tried to hum an old song and relax. Bob was gently tucked in a corner, enjoying a nap after presumably a lot of running around in day. She felt much more relaxed in a warm tub, as the bubble bath did the trick to sooth her nerves. Sipping on the champagne she came out of the tub and patted herself dry. She sat on the side of the bed, ready to cruise into a much awaited sleep and she opened her bag to pull out the moisturizer bottle. The card bill was still lying in there and Lisa got curious again as to why she felt something unusual about it.

With curiosity getting better of her, she again pulled it out and realized that the usual transparent tape was missing & there were staples on either side, which meant…

“The letter has been tampered with!” Lisa mumbled to herself and almost dropped the envelope.

With the preamble of earlier events, she already felt her fingers trembling but she still wanted to see what was inside.

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She undid the staples and opened the envelope.

There was nothing inside, which meant the bill was removed. “But who would do that?”

Her idea of the envelope being empty soon got swept away as she saw there was something written on the inside of the envelope. She quickly tore open the envelope to see what it was.

It was something written in red and big letter & her eyes grew bigger with fear

“MEET ME at 34/11, Kevin Street, Opposite Mayan florists. Nine PM on March 28 th .”

Lisa felt speechless and lost. But she was still baffled by something else. The writing was smeared in thick red letters and it appeared familiar to her. It was definitely not the writing but something else.

She brought the letter close to her face to get a better look and the scent of strawberries hit her nostrils. It was then that she realized what it was.

It was her lipstick which had gone missing in the morning and she didn’t catch it then. Lisa nervously licked her dry lips and tried to fathom what was going on. But she couldn’t connect the dots as she didn’t know where to begin from.

Lisa quietly cuddled up with Bob as she had difficulties settling into her dreams again that night and she woke up feeling lazy and with a heavy head. She checked her phone and there was a text from Mona that she would be off due to her car’s maintenance work. She dropped a text to Kevin to meet over lunch and headed to the shower.

“Am I becoming like those psychopaths, heading into a split personality disorder”, Lisa thought while running the razor over her legs. She immediately shrugged it off, lest the negativity get better off her.

“Enough of this trauma Lisa, I would beat the shit out of this freak tonight.” Kevin said on their brunch meeting as he washed down the last morsel of food with lemonade. Lisa just nodded to him, she was too exhausted to say even a word and she just wanted to end this trauma. She sent a text to Mona about their plan and told Kevin to pick him up from his place at seven in evening.

She reached at the address a little after eight as it was really far off from her place and she had to detour for Kevin’s pick up too. It was a cold evening and the chilling weather was at its ruthless best, pinning hard in their faces with each gush of the cold wind rushing in hard.

The place looked like right from fairy tales or maybe from a haunted fable, she couldn’t decide. Based on her mind-set, it looked more like latter. The old house was hut shaped, with the milky dim white moon light bathing it in a simmering glow. The door was ajar and a streak of yellow light pierced through it, falling just short of the steps on the porch.

As they tiptoed on the dry grass carefully, trying not to make any noise, they realized the yellow light is stemming from a fireplace which was sending dancing embers in all random directions. Kevin waved at Lisa to enter as he was watching her back and slowly pushed the door open from tip of his shoes. It was cosy and warm inside, Lisa felt relieved for a few seconds but then she suddenly realized where she is and she carefully treaded ahead as the room was very dimly lit & she had to squint hard to grope with her eyes in the room with wood creaking slowly under her steps.

Suddenly the lights went off and despite the hissing flames of fireplace, Lisa was blinded and felt freezing cold. She realized Kevin is not around too. “Is he fine?” She shuddered to the core with this thought but she tried to keep her calm and looked around for any danger.

The silence was deafening. But Lisa suddenly heard something else apart from the fire slurping on and around the red hot woods. As her eyes could adjust to the darkness she realized it was a large cushioned swivelling chair. A silhouette rose slowly from the chair and sauntered towards her. The antique lamp at the far end of the room suddenly came to life and Lisa saw it was a lady clad in a smooth red satin robe, with her face covered with a hood.

Sensing danger, she stepped back, only to find her back against a thick wall. She felt baffled as she couldn’t think of this wall when she was making her way in. Suddenly two large hands grabbed her arms from behind and Lisa realized it was not a wall but a strong man’s body behind her. There was a strong scent of cigar that was exuded from him but it didn’t feel like a bad smell even a bit. Before she could try to swing her back or try to wriggle out, she realized the woman in the red robe was so close to her that she could feel her breaths on her face. She slowly brought her lips close to Lisa’s and undid her robe softly & let it slide down to the floor.

Time froze for Lisa for a good few seconds that felt like a lifetime. Mona was standing in front of her; her eyes were heavy and had a hint of red. Apart from a naughty smirk, there was nothing she was wearing underneath.

“Mona, what is this. Who is this guy and why are you not wearing anything for God’s sake?” Lisa mumbled, mustering her lost voice. Suddenly the man grabbing her from behind pulled her closer and whispered in her ears. “You have the right to remain silent Lisa; anything you say can be used against you in the game of love.” The husky voice, mingled with the strong scent of cigar, made a perfect sense to Lisa now. It was Kevin standing behind her.

“We have been wanting you and loving you for so long Lisa and can’t see you so much in pain of someone who cares nothing about you.” Mona took Lisa’s right hand and placed it over her firm and perky breast, with her big beige nipples hardening against the silky touch of Lisa’s hand.

“And so we decided to play this little game with you. You can choose who you want. If you don’t wish to continue, you may please leave now. We are sorry if we hurt you but we didn’t intend to.” Kevin kept on gently whispering with his lips traveling up and down on Lisa’s neckline and her earlobes.

Lisa wriggled out of Kevin’s grip and this time, he easily loosened his clasped fingers. She realized Kevin disappeared to get into the black satin robe he was wearing now.

“How dare you can think I would choose one of you through this weird game you are playing on me for a week now guys?” Lisa hissed with anger as she glared at them with piercing looks.

Kevin and Mona shrugged and sighed, looking back at her with sheepish looks; as if trying to tell her all they wanted was to see her happy.

“It’s my time to take the revenge officer and young lady!” Lisa walked and stood right between them. “I am choosing to go with both of you,” she said as her face flushed with anger slowly turned into a wicked smile.

The trio got together into a closer huddle, touching and kissing each other. Mona slowly rubbed her lips on Lisa’s as Kevin took off her coat. They walked slowly towards the fireplace. As Lisa and Mona kissed deeply, Kevin unbuttoned her shirt from behind and caressed her smooth tummy.

Mona lied on her tummy and pulled Lisa over her, with their lips still locked in a wet smooch. As their tongues played hide and seek inside their warm mouths, Kevin unzipped her skirt and pulled it down to her ankles. Unhooking the bra, he flung it open with a quick move, letting her big peaches bounce out.

The room was starting to fill with moans and sighs filled with pleasure. As Lisa rubbed her face all over Mona’s perky milky jugs, Kevin slipped his big palms underneath her lacy pink panties and kneaded her big and bouncy ass buns. Lisa ground her hips with pleasure over Kevin’s firm palms and started to lick Mona’s rock hard nipples; who was already writhing in ecstasy.

Lisa turned over to face Kevin, as she got on her all four. Mona crawled slowly behind her and pulled her soaking panties down to her knees. Lisa was busy pulling Kevin’s robe down to unleash his rock hard manhood to spring out. Kevin clutched Lisa’s hair in his fist as she cupped his big smooth balls and kissed the base of his throbbing cock.

Mona slowly caressed the neatly trimmed bush of Lisa and kissed her meaty and wet rosebuds. Lisa arched her body like an aroused tigress as she slowly cupped her lips over the fat girth of Kevin’s shaft and swirled her tongue over its tip, oozing with pre-cum.

Mona sank her face into Lisa’s tight cunt and started to lick it up and down. As Kevin’s hard cock slowly got sucked into Lisa’s deft mouth, he swiftly lied on the floor and crawled himself to position his head right between Mona’s legs. Looking at his hungry face, Mona slowly opened her thighs and a streak of thick juice trickled down from her slippery pussy. Kevin raised his hips up to ram his cock in Lisa’s mouth while his palms squeezed Mona’s ass cheeks hard and long.

Their sweaty bodies glistened like Greek gods in the golden glow of the fire as they munched on each other’s cookies like hungry wolves. Kevin milked Mona’s perky tits as he felt his balls filling with his thick cum.

“Honey, Baby, I am so hard for you. Take me now.” Kevin screamed with pleasure as his body shivered with each stroke of Lisa’s tongue on his shaft. “Inside me please, darling.” Lisa said as she dribbled a big load of her saliva on her palm and dabbed it over her wet slit. Her big breasts heaved as she cupped and fondled them to tease Kevin.

Kevin pulled his dripping cock out of Lisa’s mouth as he crouched over her and shoved it inside her hungry pussy that quickly sucked it inside the warm love hole.

Mona was in no mood to miss the fun as she sat with her thighs parted wide over Lisa’s face, letting her gaping pussy smear all over her lips and cheeks. Lisa happily shoved her tongue deep inside Mona’s parted lips, licking off her warm oozing juices.

Lisa neared her orgasm as Kevin lifted her legs up & wide, fucking her harder. Mona closed her eyes with pleasures as she felt the swift fingers and tongue all over & inside her pussy. Kevin stroked a big last big shove as he spurted thick white cum all inside Lisa’s slippery cunt and over her bush. Mona soon followed, letting her fingers rub her clit hard to finish what Lisa’s tongue started and simmered up. They slumped hard and over each other as Kevin squeezed rest of her cum over Mona’s tits and face.

Lisa closed her eyes with absolute mirth and smiled with content. Her life was no longer boring like her monotonous morning coffee. She looked into her friends’ eyes and hugged them close.

Sheriff’s office place was at its busiest with the hustle bustle of phones ringing, criminals being pushed into rooms for interrogations and the running around of staff for a number of errands they had to perform.

Amidst this, Kevin’s desk phone rang and he picked it up after a couple of rings as he was engrossed in a case file which arrived on his desk early in the morning.

“Kevin hi, this is Jack here. How are you today mate? Did you get it?” It was a flurry of sentences that Jack covered in a single breath.

Kevin sighed with frustration and hissed under his breath, “Jack how many times I told you not to call on the office number, it is annoying man!”

“Sorry, Kevin, apologies. But did you get what I asked for?” Jack sounded more interested in his ask than the apologies.

“Jesus Christ, I did! You got the money? I would give it to you in the evening at the place we agreed to.”

Jack almost chuckled at the other end and put the phone down, without even uttering a pleasantry.

“Freaking peeping Tom, my God!!” Kevin shook his head and slammed the phone down.

Written by RightOnTop
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