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Cindy Does The Bachelor Party

"Cindy is the center of attraction at a Bachelor Party in Las Vegas"

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I was ready to come and Vicky knew it. She slipped two fingers into my pussy, adding to the vibrator she held on my clit. My skin turned pink and tiny sweat beads broke out.

As she bore down, I shrieked, arching my body with a strained moan of ecstasy, overwhelmed by the spasm of climax. She kept the vibrator going while tickling me inside with her fingers. I could barely handle it, flopping from side to side on the bed, trembling, and shouting "Oh, fuck!" over and over.

"Tell me how you really feel!" she yelled over my noisy outbursts, laughing, sharing the pleasure of the intense orgasm she gave me.

When I recovered, I buried my face in her aromatic crotch, forcing her legs wide, buzzing her clit with the tip of my tongue until she was the one screaming.

After resting in each other's arms for a little while, we did it all again with strap-ons, dildos, and vibrators augmenting eager fingers and probing tongues.

Later, we coiled together, softly kissing, fondling, and giggling in the rapture that remains after great sex. We were both contented and happy, tingling all over and smelling like pussy.

Vicky had invited me to have Sunday brunch at her elegant and spacious top floor condo in Brentwood, an affluent Westside LA neighborhood. The date of Vicky's marriage to software billionaire William Wesley was fast approaching and she wanted my opinion on all the plans. We had gotten together like this several times since our epic gangbang on Wes's private Caribbean island. That was her first big event, the one I coached her for. There was now an incredible bond of friendship and affection between us, including lots of hot sex.

Vicky left me in the bed while she went to the kitchen for food and coffee. She returned and climbed back in, placing the tray between us to share. We nibbled on various treats while we talked. We were both naked, enjoying the intimate casualness we had together.

She teased, "I should have served hot dogs; I'd use one to do you again."

I shot back, "Hot dog? No way." After a pause, "It would have to be a plump sausage. Do you have a knackwurst?"

We laughed as we continued to explore combinations of food and sex. I put chocolate mousse on her boobs; she lay back as I licked and sucked it off. Then, she put a slice of cantaloupe in my pussy, which I tilted up to receive. She worked it around, then ate it. She repeated the act with a slice in her own pussy, but when it was good and juicy, she fed it to me.

We went on like that, mildly hot, playful, having fun. Our relationship was a delight. We always found ways to play, unexpected ways, never dull.

The talk returned to her wedding plans, specifically the bachelor party.

"Cindy," she interjected, "I have an idea."

"Okay, what?"

"Jack MacDougall -- Wes's best friend and business partner -- is making all the party arrangements."

That sounded good to me. "Great! He'll know what to do for Wes."

She put her head in my lap, looking up at me. I leaned forward so my tits brushed her face.

She licked a nipple, then suggested, "I'm thinking maybe you should be part of the show."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

She sucked the other nipple before going on. I was feeling horny again.

"Well, traditionally they have strippers and lap dances, you know. But you could do something Wes would like so much more. That is, if you're interested."

"You mean a gangbang?" I guessed.

Vicky nodded yes. I slid down beside her for a deep, tongue probing kiss. I ran my hands up and down her lithe body.

After a few minutes of kissing, I said, "I could be the gangbang girl, but isn't that risky?"

"What do you mean?" she responded, between kisses.

"Well, first, is that all good with you? I don't want trouble between you and Wes."

"Oh, there's no problem," she responded quickly. "Wes thinks the world of you. He already told me he can't stop thinking about you in the Caribbean gangbang. I'm not jealous; he tells me he's thinking about me that way too, all the time. In fact, I want to do it again with you, whenever we can."

She slipped fingers into my pussy. "You're wet," she exclaimed, sounding delighted. "You like the idea, don't you?"

I couldn't hide my response. I just smiled and licked her fingers.

She went on, "I want Wes to have a good time at his party. I know he will love to see your antics again. So, go for it."

We kissed and fondled each other some more. Eventually I was able to say, "Okay then. Second question, who's the gang? Wes and his friends?"

Vicky was quick to dismiss that idea. "No, no. They're his close buds and business associates. Too complicated to have sex with them. They'll just watch your live show. That will be plenty."

We kissed some more, rubbing our bodies together. Her nipples were as hard as mine.

I had one more question, accompanied by inserting three fingers into her, "Vicky, will you be in the show too?"

I brought my juicy fingers into our kissing. I was loving this way of talking.

She slurped my fingers, enjoying the taste, "Umm, I'm yummy."

Then she answered, "No, I won't be in Vegas at all. Just you and a gang of men. This is strictly for Wes and his party guests."

She fingered my clit; the little knob was erect and poking out.

"Probably for the best," I agreed.

We kissed erotically, "But I will miss playing with you," I told her. She moved her hands to my butt.

"Me too," Vicky said, while she kneaded my ass. "I can't wait until we do another show for Wes, but not the bachelor party."

We embraced, then kissed. She pushed one thigh between mine, to squish her pussy on my upper leg.

She said, "I'm seriously wet thinking about you getting fucked while Wes and friends are watching."

"Um-hum," I replied in a sultry voice. "They'll cum on me too. I'll suck them off."

She moaned at the thought. We mashed together with rising passion, fingering each other. In a minute we were doing a sixty-nine.

I stayed with her for several more hours.

A few days later, Jack MacDougall and I had a meeting at his Santa Monica office. He was tall, a powerfully built redhead with an informal demeanor. An energetic executive type, he was used to giving orders and expecting those orders to be carried out.

His first words to me were, "Cindy, call me Mac. Let's make a plan."

I liked him right away.

He showed me to the couch and took his place in a large chair. He explained the basic facts. "This bachelor party is a once in a lifetime occasion, so it has to be right on. There will probably be around forty friends coming; that's your audience."

He added, "Plus Wes and me, of course. I want a show that will blow them away."

"Oh--" he stopped. "I didn't mean, ah, hmmm." He was stuck.

I laughed at his faux pas. "Oh, come on, it's a gangbang. Blow jobs for everybody. You can lighten up."

He smiled, shaking his head at my directness. "Of course, thank you."

Then he got to the point. "I hope you don't mind, but I've actually seen one of your videos. You were sensational. All you have to do is more like that, with the same energy."

"Great," I told him, feeling a surge of arousal as the planning got real. I hoped it didn't show but knew that it probably did. Was my face flushed? Were my nipples poking?

I tried to move on. "Just a general script would be best for me. We'll have an actual party, not a theater production. I like a combination of gangbang and bukkake, to mix it up a little, like you probably saw in the video."

He nodded. I was getting very hot. "Get me some great guys so I can have a very good time."

The wetness between my legs was expanding; I could feel my nipples against my bra. "If it's really good for me, the audience will know and respond."

Mac was my audience; he knew and was responding, looking a bit perplexed, sweating a little.

"If I have a good time, everybody has a good time." I didn't intend to make it worse, but my words teased Mac into action.

He moved to sit by me on the couch, then leaned in to kiss me. His face was locked in an intense expression.

I stretched to meet him. We kissed, nicely, briefly, lightly embracing each other.

The kiss was a welcome development for me, but he pulled away, "I can't do this, not now. You're extremely sexy, but not now."

After a silent pause, Mac got himself together again and returned to his chair. The moment was over; we resumed party planning.

We discussed the outline plus a few important details. He liked my suggestions and ideas. As we talked. he smiled at me, showing he was pleased with how it was going.

"How many men should I recruit?" he asked.

"I don't want to know. Lots, enough for all the scenes, but let me be surprised."

Mac proposed one more thing. Following the gangbang, the party guests would participate in an anonymous, electronic auction, proceeds to be donated to Vicky's charitable foundation. The prize was me, as an escort for a fun evening in Los Angeles. I agreed to it even though had no idea who I would end up with. I thought any friend of Wes's would likely be a great guy.

The party was one week away, at the Cobalt Adult Club in Las Vegas. Mac gave me a memo with travel and contact information: a corporate jet to get me there, local transportation, the Show Manager at the club, a hotel for after the show, and so on. He also gave me a black Amex card for any expenses.

"Pamper yourself," he told me.

On the way out, we hugged at the door. Mac said, "To be continued." I kissed his cheek with a smile.

On party day, I was flown to Las Vegas as promised. I napped on the plane, arriving in early evening full of energy. The limo got me to Cobalt with time to spare. Wes, Mac, and friends were at a banquet and comedy roast, but would arrive around ten o'clock at the Cobalt Room, the main room, reserved that night exclusively for our use.

In my dressing room, I took a shower, then did my hair in an updoo. I wore almost no makeup, relying on my youthful, natural look. For the opening, I brought a full length, sheer black negligee with leg slits up to my waist. I overflowed the bikini top, barely supported by tiny straps. The costume clung to my body, hiding nothing. Other than high heels, that was all I wore.

About ten minutes before the scheduled start, Mac arrived. He was obviously excited as he took in how I looked. Gripping my waist so I faced him, flashing a big smile, he looked directly in my eyes and said, "You're amazing, perfect."

I put a hand on his chest, grinning with pleasure. "Thank you, sweet Mac. This gown won't last long once the party gets going, but I have to start with something."

He beamed at me, shaking his head.

Mac said the others were on their way. Things were going well; everyone was in a good mood.

He escorted me down to the Cobalt Room where a music video was playing an energetic background number. The set designer ingeniously had used theater-in-the-round to create a private space in the midst of the audience. Every seat had a good view of the entire center area where the show would be. Overhead video cameras provided additional angles, displayed on large screens hanging above.

During the show everybody would see everything, directly or in electronic close up. Microphones dangling from the ceiling made sure they could hear everything too. Hidden technicians remotely operated the cameras to continuously provide the best views.

The front row seats were right on the edge of the stage, at the point where the audience blended into the show. One seat had a special velvet covering with a gold crown embroidered on it, for Wes I assumed.

As we stepped onto the padded stage, the music continued but the video changed to show Mac and me. One screen had a tight view of my cleavage, looking extra ample when viewed from overhead. I smiled, cupped my breasts, then gave a thumbs up to the invisible operator. The lights blinked in response.

Everything was painted flat black with red or silver accents and accessories. The floor and furniture were covered in matte black padding. With soft lighting on the center and darkness for the audience, the space had the cozy secluded atmosphere of a bedroom, ideal for our private gangbang party. The music provided a background vibe of good times. The temperature was perfect.

Mac helped me get situated properly for the opening, then hugged me gently and kissed my cheek.

"Good luck," he said, giving me one more squeeze before he left to greet the group out front.

A few minutes later, Wes, Mac, and the bachelor party guests loudly burst in. As they moved down toward their seating, they saw me draped across a chaise lounge, illuminated by a spotlight. With my head back, I was deep throating a long dildo, getting all twelve inches of it down. I continued to pull it in and out, to lick and swallow it while the audience found their places.

I heard them talking excitedly, "Look at that! Incredible!"

By then I was aflame with desire to feel the substitute penis in me, a temptation I couldn't resist. I pushed the gown out of the way and opened my legs to insert the long rubber dick where I most wanted it. I lay back, squirmed and moaned as the sensations from the sex toy radiated outward from my pussy. I felt my breasts with one hand, rubbing and squeezing; the other hand managed the dildo.

While they found seats, everyone heard my amplified pants and gasps as I enjoyed the familiar arousing actions.

"She doesn't waste any time, does she?" someone said.

When all the guests were settled, the doors were closed, lighting adjusted, and the music segued to a tune with a driving beat. I set the toy aside, stood up slowly, stretched, and fondled my boobs through the thin fabric. I checked my nipples, pleased to see them poking eagerly through the cups of the gown.

I strutted around the stage in time with the music, getting to know the guests with lots of eye contact, blowing kisses, and pointing. When it seemed right, I lifted my arms to remove the clip from my low chignon, releasing the blond twist to fall to my lower back. Shaking it out to its full extent, fluffing with my hands, I took a moment to enjoy the natural freedom of unbound long hair. My arousal was obvious, with my open mouth, tongue licking my lips, and my sensuous moans.

I stopped at Wes's front row chair, pulled the straps off my shoulders and dropped the top. I leaned over him so my boobs were one foot away while I continued to play, amusing Wes, the crowd, and myself. I looked directly at him the whole time, flashing a big smile. He looked up, more into my eyes than gawking at my breasts.

I whispered, "I'm doing this all for you."

He seemed pleased. Appreciative applause, whistles, and catcalls rose from the watching men, rewarding my exhibitionist entertainment.

The negligee had to go. I stepped back, pulled it over my head, and dropped it, leaving myself totally nude. I acknowledged the increase in applause with a wide smile. I used both hands to lift my boobs, pointing to Wes as a kind of salute.

My smooth bald pussy, and everything else, was now on view. With a modified Texas Dip toward Wes, deep enough so my breasts almost brushed the floor, I signaled the start of the actual gangbang. Doors immediately flung open admitting two columns of men who ran down the aisles like opposing ball teams taking the field. All young and good looking, they wore black workout shorts with white tank tops, a good match for their muscular bodies. I felt a rush of heat and wet as I watched them energetically invade the stage.

They seized me, dominated me, taking over the action. Even though I was there freely, eagerly anticipating what was going to happen, I felt swept away. It was all so delicious.

Two men lifted me in the air, held me up, and spun me around a few times while all the others reached for me, to stroke and fondle my body. They held my legs apart while they displayed me from various angles so I was completely exposed to all. Hands touched my pink parts, fingers probed me, a ritual to demonstrate that I was no longer in control.

By then, I was more than ready, dizzy with excitement, laughing, giggling, and wet, wet, wet with arousal. They placed me face down with knees on the floor, bent over the end of the lounge, presenting my pussy. I reached under to finger my clit while the men quickly stripped.

I gasped as the first cock entered me, instantly aware of its above average size, long and fat. My swampy wetness quickly adapted, producing tremendous enjoyment of the deep thrusts and stretching. I was active and loud, humping into him to make every stroke count, squealing, gasping and shuddering.

As he panted and groaned, putting all his energy into fucking me, he said, "I'm glad to be your first tonight, blondie."

I squeaked, "Then give it to me; don't hold back!"

I felt him come in me. The exhilaration from his cum added to my waves of pleasure from his moving cock. He finished with slow strokes, pressing himself tight against my ass as I pushed back against him. Even though I knew there would be many more, I wanted this first fuck to last as long as possible.

Marvelous erotic sensations rolled over me as I enjoyed a second XL dick, and a third, and more. I was very pleased to find that all the guys seemed to be winners in the genetic lottery for cock size.

The audience started a rhythmic chant of "Go, Cindy, go, go," to stimulate the efforts of my lovers. I was breathing hard, panting, whimpering, gasping as I was fucked in sequence, one man after another, all in the same position. It was a true gangbang with men in line to hose me, come in me, then turn away with a loud, "Next!"

I loved to be banged like that; I would take as much as they had to give. I was excited by the prospect of many men, bolstered by the delicious sexual emotions of the serial pounding and the cum in me already, combined with the edgy feeling of uncertainty, not knowing how many more there would be. All I wanted was to be used that way, to experience it, my greatest pleasure.

Soon I felt the wetness as cum leaked from my cunt, sliming up my whole backside as the men pounded me, and dripping down my legs. It made my head spin with delight.

I said with a smirk, "Dudes! You've gone past the fill line."

The ones close enough to hear laughed. One replied, "Would you rather drink it, blondie?"

I wanted it. "Yeah, both, gimme," I urged. I lifted my head to take in a cock which was there in an instant. The shafts in my pussy continued, matched now in my mouth. I felt more cum between my legs then started to get big shots directly on my tongue.

"It just gets better," I thought to myself.

I let the cum drool out over my lips, making no effort to control where it went. Both ends were continually served with cocks until everyone came in me at least once.

When they finished, I murmured thanks for all the stroking and the cum. I sat up on my haunches, wiping my face and rubbing cum on my tits. The men left me there as they scurried off the stage and out of the room. On the way, they congratulated each other with high fives and back slapping.

Immediately, a new bunch of men charged in to take over the gangbang. They brought fresh energy and different ideas. They repositioned me on my back with my head over one edge of the chaise and my pussy at the other, then got in two lines to use my upside down face or pussy. I already had a lot of cum both places, but the night was young.

The first man at my mouth had a long but chubby dick. He brought it close so I could lick the tip, then he inserted it between my lips, sliding all the way down to where I could kiss his balls. He pumped me hard until he came and pulled out, dragging cum that dripped across my upside down face, into my hair. When he was done, another took over. After the first few like that, my face was covered with slime. The men just went ahead, probing into the glaze to push past my lips, then getting off in my mouth or throat, adding their load to the facial creampie.

The second line provided one man after another banging my pussy as hard as he could, eager to add to the cum in me. Some used by ass instead. I couldn't really see, but I felt everything and heard joking comments about their cum and my holes.

There were many variations from the creative men surrounding me. The audience called suggestions that they carried out. My head was hair-pulled to one side for men to jerk off into my open mouth. Two cocks entered my mouth at once, stretching my lips. My face was cock-slapped as part of one man's way to his orgasm. Another sat his balls on my lips so I could lick him while he pumped himself; his semen flowed down to my mouth as he finished. He wiped his hand on my cheek and wrung out his cock on my lips and tongue.

Men always tweaked my nipples or gave my boobs an affectionate squeeze, whenever they could reach me. My tits, belly or pussy were targeted for cum shots. I rolled my legs back for easy access; anything they wanted to do was fine with me.

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The cocks kept arriving, the cum flowing. I was aroused by it, actively using my hands to fondle my tits, flick my clit, or just rub cum over my body. I gave hand jobs to some of them until they came in my mouth or on my face.

The on-my-back gangbang gave me many more loads. By then, I was completely slathered with cum top and bottom. When I saw my glazed face on a screen, I stuck out my tongue and raised my middle finger, drawing a laugh from those watching.

The music changed, a signal for my team of men. They left at a run, buoyed by an audience uproar of approval.

Two muscular stage hands, handsomely athletic and dressed in black, stepped forward to towel me off for what was next. I stood up to make it easier for them, enjoying the rub down and showing it.

When they finished, they unzipped and exposed their erections. I dropped to my knees on the cushioned floor to suck them off, alternating, one in my mouth, one in hand, until they both came. I held it in my cheeks while I stood up, holding one hand from each guy high above, like two boxers. I bent my head back, gargled, blew bubbles, and swallowed with a flourish and lip smacking grin. Before running out, they both spanked my ass.

I returned to the couch to lie flat on my back again, spreading my hair in an arc. A new cadre of men formed around me. They stepped forward three or four at a time to jerk off on my face, tits and belly. At the same time, a black man knelt between my legs, stroking my pussy with an oversize black dildo.

I squirmed and laughed as cum fell on me, encouraging and thanking the men for the drenching. I coaxed them into my mouth, gave plenty of licking and sucking, along with more vigorous efforts to get them off. I sighed and giggled, moaned and murmured to motivate, assist, and thank them.

My tits were a popular aim point especially when I pushed them together with my hands to form a deep cleavage. But some of the men wanted my mouth open to take in their cock or receive a cum shot. I had no hesitation to give them whatever they asked for.

But it was the dildo that really got my attention. The man clearly had done it before; he had moves. While men jerked off frantically around my head and cum lines dropped on me, I pushed up on my elbows to watch the dildo going in and out of me, feeling intensified arousal as it continued, on and on.

"Oh, keep going," I moaned to him. "So good, I love it." He smiled at me.

On the huge screen, I saw myself watching myself. I looked hot and happy. My face, tits, and body glistened from the continuing cum shower. Cum dripped from my lips. My legs were spread for the dildo, open, so open.

The dildo action was constant; the cum continued to land on my upper body. I dropped my head back so my open mouth was easier to hit. I scraped cum from my cheeks to my mouth. I wiped my tits with my hands and smeared the cum on my face. I was a total cum slut, exactly what they wanted.

After each man's cock sent its cum lines over me, I begged, "Umm, squeeze it, drip it into my mouth. I want it all." I opened wide, tongue out.

They wrung their cocks for me so I could eat the drips and wiped their cummy hands across my tits, face, or wherever. They pushed cummy fingers in my mouth. They flung cum on me with a snap of their wet hands, a move I especially liked. They thanked me as much as I thanked them.

The whole scene was heavenly, notably the deep diving dildo. I giggled and squirmed, quaking and twisting with the sexual responses I felt so strongly.

New men stepped up, stroking their hard cocks. "On my face," I asked for it, with my voice softened by arousal. "In my mouth," I whispered.

I put my tongue out again, smiling as the cum descended on me, as dicks pushed past my lips, as I felt warm cum spurt on my tongue. "Take it all, Cindy," they insisted. I wiped a handful of cum from around my mouth. "Do I look like a cum dodger?" I asked with a laugh. I licked my hand off.

When a vibrator on my clit was added to the dildo working in my pussy, the erotic titillation overcame me. With a sigh, I slipped down flat again and let myself be swept away by a powerful climax, clenching, squirming, shuddering accompanied by screeching, sobbing, and crying.

It was one of my best.

After a brief pause, dildo man fucked me on the floor. I enjoyed him a lot, easily stimulated after the delicious orgasm. He screwed me enthusiastically until he was ready to come, then pulled out and went to my face. He came with a great groan, splashing a prodigious load on my nose and lips. I sucked him for a minute until he was done, then blew him a kiss in appreciation for the good ride he had given me.

While I was being fucked, a fresh line-up had formed for blow jobs. I serviced them on my knees using my hands, lips, and tongue to get them off, taking their cum shots in my mouth. Cum leaked from my lips as I blew one after another. I drooled cum over my chin, dripping onto my boobs, and lower from there. I liked the glazed and decorated look I could see on the overhead screens. I loved to see cum loops hanging from my nipples. I pushed as much cum as possible over my lips, into the sticky stream.

One of the screens showed a frontal view of me, taking cum, teasing the guys, oozing and dripping. I watched as I gave a hand job and took the cum across my face. I couldn't help but giggle as I felt the warm cum and saw it on the big screen at the same time.

The guys understood, calling out, "Yo, cummy slut, that's you!"

They increased the pace, having fun providing me with new views of myself taking their cum. The camera operator assisted by zooming in on my dripping face and tits. I got a buzz, totally excited by watching.

My cum covered rack inspired me.

"Won't someone fuck my tits?" I asked, lifting and squeezing my 36C beauties, slippery with cum and expanded by arousal. Right away the closest man brought me his dick. I held my jugs for him, making a deep channel of cleavage that gripped him firmly as he slid back and forth. Like my mouth or cunt, the friction was ideal, wet with a cum slick. I looked down on the action, with my mouth open; his sudden cum fountain went partially through my lips and partially on my face.

"Oooo, nice one," I told him as I enjoyed licking his cum. I held his dick, squeezing his last drops, watching the screen the whole time.

The next man in line wanted the same thing, but he held my boobs himself while sliding into the sloppy seconds trench between my tits. He grasped me firmly as his cock went up and down. I looked down, again with my mouth open and tongue out. I fingered my nipples while he stroked, gasped and grunted on his way to his orgasm. When he came, he loaded me up as I giggled and congratulated him.

The tit fucking was quite popular with this group, either to completion or with a switch to fucking my mouth to finish. No matter, I liked the constant action, the mass amounts of cum they provided, and the closeness of it. I could smell everything from cum to sweaty balls. I also liked the way I looked on the large hanging screen.

By the time the group was done with me, my body was glazed, caked, and oozing with cum. My hair was full of sticky blobs of it. But no worries, the next scene took care of all that.

A large shower enclosure with glass walls rose from the floor. I got in to clean up, completely visible through the transparent walls, a fish bowl augmented by overhead cameras. I found a sponge plus various soaps, shampoos, and lotions in a holder near the floor.

I felt very naughty and slutty, making a big show of washing myself, using the soft, natural sponge on my cummy tits, ass, and pussy. I generated lots of aromatic suds as I played. With my face in the spray, I shampooed my hair, feeling erotic tingles all over from the soapy water running down me, reminders of the earlier cum showers.

The water was warm, the spray needles were stimulating, and the soap made lots of bubbles. It was so delightful to rub myself erotically for pleasure, enjoying it all the more because I knew I was being closely watched.

I was quite aroused by the time a man joined me. He brought a fat dildo, but at first he merely offered to wash me. I handed him the sponge, then lifted my arms straight up. He began washing slowly all over my body, bringing my arousal even higher as all of my skin reacted to the active caressing. He gradually focused on my most sexual zones drawing moans and gasps from me in sync with his motions.

I stood with my back to him, one hand on each side wall. After washing my back, he picked up the dildo and inserted it in me, starting with my ass. I squirmed and wriggled, moaning loudly with pleasure, panting and gasping, as he thoroughly worked over both my ass and pussy.

I gripped the shower walls while water cascaded down. The man had one arm around me, holding my boobs, while he aggressively reamed me with the naturally shaped toy. Microphones above carried my moans, cries and shouts to the audience who responded with their own clamor of appreciation. He went in and out, alternating in my holes, creating a massive need in me for orgasmic release.

He handed me the dildo with the command, "Suck it!"

I voraciously did so as he picked me up, braced my back against the wall, then replaced the silicone prick with his own to finish me off. He stroked my pussy fast and deep with his dick. I soared higher, my focus narrowing down to experience the immense climax building in my groin.

My explosion at the end was intensely physical, very loud and expressive. He tried to hold me but I was too wild until the spasm passed. Breathing hard from the exertion, I embraced him with a full body hug of thanks, then I knelt down and sucked him off, quickly getting a huge mouthful of his cum. I stood up and spit it out on the wall of the shower where the cum slowly slid down the glass.

The dripping cum was somehow very sensual. I pressed against it, smearing the cum between the wall and my skin. I licked what was left off the glass, then spit it on my tits. I was hyper, so scrambled from sexual heat that I wanted to keep the cum as long as possible. But, as I rubbed it all over my front, my partner used the sponge to clean me off.

I got out of the shower with wobbly legs. From a stack of large towels, I used one for a quick dry off, leaving me clean and ready for the ultimate thrill of the evening.

The shower retreated into the floor, taking the man along. It was replaced by a black Sybian saddle that rose into position, stopping when its base matched the floor level. The dildo attachment, with its cock shaped cover, pointed prominently upward, waiting to fuck me.

As I looked it over, my wide grin gave away my history with the Sybian. I had used one before with great results and I was eager to get going with this one.

After walking around it with excited anticipation, I stopped to stroke, suck and wet the large pink dildo. I mounted the device, slipping the pseudo-cock into my sopping twat. I slowly lowered myself on it, using my hands to make sure the dildo went all the way up inside me and my clit made contact with the nubby area on the base. A murmur arose from the audience as I used the controls to start a slow rotation, then to increase the rotation and add vibration. Tilting my pelvis forward, leaning with my hands on the base, I pressed myself against the nubs to get the full contact massage of my clit while my g-spot was massaged by the vibration, turning, and thrusting of the dildo inside me.

I experimented with the settings. The control became my best friend as I dialed it up for greater and greater effects.

My hands gripped the front of the Sybian so I could stretch further and press down harder to improve the sensation. I bent forward, pushing against the machine to absorb its energy. My head was tilted up and my damp hair brushed my back. I moaned and whimpered with pleasure.

The noise of the vibrating machine was drowned out by my own sounds as I rose into the stratosphere of sexual arousal.

I barely noticed as men gathered close to me. In my kneeling position on the Sybian, I was at the ideal height, available for them without my conscious thought as the machine took over all my senses.

I whined, gasped, and eventually screamed in orgasmic pleasure from my electric ride. At the same time, one man after another jerked off into my open mouth or anywhere they wanted.

Rolling orgasms convulsed my body, rising and falling without end. I was consumed with the immense, oceanic sensations of sexual ecstasy combined with an out of control, too much to handle eruption of stimulation of every fiber of my body. I was on fire, unable to clearly see or hear my surroundings, so great was the overwhelming pulsing, radiating passion driven into my body by the Sybian.

My mouth was used as a cumdump, involuntarily open as I gasped, breathless from the Sybian's effects. A continuous rain of cum fell on me front and back, received as an integral part of the erotic circus I was experiencing, adding to my already enormous high. I felt cum sliding and dripping down, each drop tingling like a finger on one of my erogenous zones.

I rode the machine in slow motion, my thighs gripping and releasing the vibrating saddle, my body folding and twisting, forward and back, side to side to maximize the feelings. My arms were sometimes in the air, sometimes hugging myself or reaching back to squeeze my own ass. I swung my hair, I fondled my tits. My nipples were hugely erect. My mouth was open and dripping cum. Fluid from my pussy wet the Sybian, mixed with copious cum dripping off my body. Throughout, I moaned, panted, gasped, groaned and mumbled as I was driven by the Sybian's relentless power over me.

The audience could see, hear, and even smell my incredible transformation into an extension of the sex machine that I was connected to. They rose to scream encouragement, clap their hands, stamp their feet. The room went crazy. The men on stage reacted strongly, pressing in closer to me, jerking themselves more furiously to give me even more cum.

I was there but inside the murky fog of my incredible sexual high, a high that kept ascending. The Sybian feeling was sensational, indescribable. It went on forever. I had endless orgasms with no sense of time at all.

I don't know exactly how it ended. I realized that all the men were standing around me applauding but no longer getting off on me. I finally returned to reality, slowed the machine to descend from the high, then switched it off and dismounted. I was bowlegged, glowing with pleasure, feeling both drained and terrific, very pleased and happy.

While applause continued, I walked over to stand opposite Wes, executing a dripping bow to him. The excited audience redoubled their standing ovation with cheers and shouts of appreciation.

Mac appeared before me. A spotlight highlighted the two of us. With a sweep of his hands and a big smile he asked the audience to acknowledge my performance.

"Give it up for Cindy, guys, she's the best there is!" he shouted. The noise was deafening. He whispered in my ear, "I will see you again, soon."

Cum was still flowing down my coated body as four of the performers picked me up and swept me out of the room, riding the wave of cheers and clapping. From backstage we heard the continued yelling, stomping, and shouting from the audience. They were calling for an encore so I was wrapped in a cuddly soft robe, then brought back, carried around the room among the guests on the shoulders of two of the burly men. All I could see was a blur of smiling faces, clapping hands, and high fives amid the uproar. I threw kisses to everyone, enjoying the riot. When it began to die down, I was whisked out of the room, my final exit.

The two men walked with me between them, our arms linked behind us, all the way to my dressing room. One praised my performance, "Cindy, you made history. I've seen a lot of shows here, but you're in your own category."

When the door closed, I was alone, left with the tremendous tingling warmth of gangbang afterglow.

A long shower cleaned me up inside and out. I put on my street clothes, a limo took me from Cobalt to a suite at the Venetian. I had a room service dinner of grilled salmon, side dishes galore, and what they call a Frozen Grasshopper Adult Milkshake. Yummy.

Even though it was the middle of the night, my cell phone rang. It was Vicky.

"Cindy, I just wanted to make sure everything went well. Is it all okay?"

She was an angel, looking out for me. I assured her the party had been great and I was feeling fine.

I took a bubble bath, then slept soundly in the huge bed until noon the next day. The same jet that brought me to Vegas took me home to LA.

The day after I got home, Vicky called me again. Along with more congratulations, she told me Wes was in orbit about my performance. He couldn't stop talking about how uniquely amazing I was, aligned with his fantasies. She was clearly pleased that her idea for his party had worked out so well.

She also updated me about the post-party auction. Bidding far exceeded the original goal of $10,000. I was astonished when she said that an evening with me was worth $187,101 to someone.

Vicky said, "Cindy, I almost fell over. That's so much money for the Foundation. You're a hot property!"

I didn't yet know who was the highest bidder. I had to wait another week for that.

When the night arrived for my date with the auction winner, I dressed sultry but not slutty, looking hot but not too hot to be seen in public. A Town Car picked me up at home and delivered me to the Beverly Wilshire Four Seasons Hotel. I presented an envelope containing a coded message for the concierge; he brought me to a luxury suite on the eighth floor of the Wilshire Wing. Inside, I was greeted by my date.

As he handed me a champagne flute, Jack MacDougall was all smiles.

"Hello, Cindy."

I was surprised, and very pleased. I gave him a hug and cheek peck, saying, "Mac, I'm glad it's you."

He replied, a little stiffly, "Cindy, you've fascinated me since we first met. I am so pleased to have this opportunity to get to know you better."

"Wow, Mac. You could've just called me to go out for pizza."

I laughed as I looked around at the opulence of the suite.

"You could've saved a few bucks," I added sarcastically.

He put down his glass and took my hand in both of his. "I know, but this is more glamorous. And it's for a good cause."

We laughed together.

The Town Car took us to a famous club on Sunset. There was a rope line packed with noisy people hoping to get in, but we were in a different class. Our driver spoke briefly to a man at the door; soon we were in a special VIP Members Only dining room. Our secluded table was at the window with a breathtaking view of the LA city lights skyline. A well known band was playing live. Awesome.

Drinks arrived as we talked easily about my life and his. Nothing was mentioned about the gangbang or anything sexual.

Finally I said to him, "Mac, there's an elephant in the room. This isn't an ordinary date because the last time you saw me was at the Cobalt party. What are you thinking is going to happen?"

He stared at his lap for a second, then looked up and said, "I want us both to have a good time tonight and I hope that leads to more. I told you, Cindy, I'm fascinated by you."

He still avoided the main topic. He could see I wasn't satisfied.

"Okay, okay. Cobalt was astonishing. I've never seen anyone--" He retreated, "I doubt there is anyone like you; there's only you."

He paused, then continued, "You're constantly in my head. I hope we can develop an intimate relationship, but not only that. I don't know the limits, if any, of my interest, but I want to start."

"And?" I prompted.

He hesitated, then confessed. "And I have a full time erection to go with the visions of you."

I clinked my wine glass with his and gave him a big smile of encouragement.

"Now I believe you," I whispered.

While we ate cheesecake for dessert, I slipped off my shoe and extended my foot under the tablecloth, into his crotch. His full time erection was verified. I tickled him a little with my toes.

On the way back to the Four Seasons, we kissed in the car. We started slowly but soon I was enjoying his full tongue. He explored my boobs as I caressed his hard on. His hand went up my legs, under my dress, into my panties.

At the hotel, by the time our suite door was closed we were frantically kissing, pulling clothes off as we stumbled to the bed.

Mac was a great lover; our night together was memorable. With my experience, that says a lot.

We are now together regularly. He accepts my other relationships, like Alex and Vicky. When I go out for a gangbang, he likes to hear about what happened, but isn't obsessed with it. Now and then he asks if it's okay for him to come along to watch.

I'm getting wet just thinking about it.

Written by lindaswan
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