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Center Piece

"From holiday blues to center piece at a holiday feast for five."

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Autumn looked out the window into the season that was her namesake, twirled a finger through a curl in her long brunette hair, and sighed. The final leaves falling from the maple tree after a strong gust of wind reminded her of the last few months of her life, as piece after piece of it had crashed to earth.

First, her boyfriend of two years had lost interest in sex and grown distant. Her hormones had decided to go into overdrive at almost the exact same time, making it doubly torturous. After two months of frustrating near-abstinence, she’d found out why. As soon as she discovered his affair with an underage intern, she’d packed her things and left.

Then, she’d been let go from her job due to budget cuts. With the job market in shambles and rents rising due to the housing crisis, she had to take two part-time jobs working at a gas station and a grocery store just to squeak by.

Naturally, the owners of the gas station went bankrupt just as she was settling into the routine – mundane and depressing as it was.

Now, she couldn’t even find a second part time job, and there was no way she would have the rent money for her apartment when it came due at the first of December. Facing the very real prospect of being homeless in winter with no family close or in a position to help her, she was on the verge of desperation.

The internet site open on her computer was a testament to that. ‘Amateurs wanted for adult videos’ it said in huge letters across the top of the screen. She closed the page as soon as she turned back from looking out the window, though. She wasn’t that desperate for money – or sex – yet.

It was close on both counts, though.

Paul hadn’t been the most exciting in bed – much to her regular frustration, considering her curious nature – but he had at least got the job done. Unfortunately, now he was doing that for someone else. Shattered by everything that had happened, she was in no emotional state to even consider taking the plunge into a relationship again, and too worried about the potential consequences to risk casual sex.

Her dreams had taken over for her lack of a real sex life, making waking up to a world that seemed intent to step on her all the more difficult. Sighing in frustration, she was about to shut down the Facebook tab that was still open when a surprise notification popped up.

Despite everything, Autumn smiled and immediately accepted the friend request from Summer. The coincidence of their names is what had brought them together in college, and they’d immediately hit it off. Autumn had always felt bad about falling out of touch, and now she had a chance to remedy that.

Within seconds of accepting the request, Summer was on chat. “Oh my god! Give me your number so I can call you!”

Autumn had prudently downgraded to a pay-as-you-go cell, which saved her from having to explain her situation right from the get-go because she didn’t have a phone number to give. She wouldn’t even have internet, were it not for the kindness of a neighbor offering the wireless password.

Eagerness to reconnect encouraged her to type her number, while deciding to keep her problems to herself. She’d barely typed the last digit before the phone started ringing.

“I am so glad I found you,” Summer said before Autumn could even say hello.

“Me too. I’m sorry I didn’t keep in touch. Things were hectic for a while, and then your number had changed when I tried to call.”

“That’s exactly what happened with me, too. Oh, have you looked at my profile yet?”

“Not yet.”

“Oh, I can’t wait. You’re not going to believe this. I’m married!”

Autumn was indeed shocked. Summer had always said that there was no way she would ever get married. Experience had taught her that she always grew bored having sex with the same person after a while. Monogamy simply wasn’t in her nature, and she was self-aware enough of that to keep relationships from crossing certain emotional boundaries.

Summer laughed. “I take it from the stunned silence that I’m right?”

“Yes, you’re right. How did that happen?”

“It’s a long story, but I guess the short version is just that I found the right man. We’ve been married three years now, and I’m not even remotely bored with him yet.”

She continued on, saying that they were living in a town a couple of hours away. They were sharing the rent on a duplex with some other people they’d met through her husband’s work, and generally enjoying life to its fullest.

“I’m happy for you,” Autumn said when her friend stopped talking.

“So, how about you?”

Autumn’s thoughts raced as she considered ways to avoid the truth of her situation. “Oh, you know. Same old day to day.”

“Married? Seeing anyone?”

“No. Not seeing anyone.”

After a brief pause, Summer said, “Hmm... Okay, it may have been a while, but I know you. Something’s wrong – really wrong. I can hear it in your voice.”

“You must be imagining it.”

“No. I’m not. That’s exactly how and what you said when you didn’t want to talk about your Mom being in the hospital. Tell me what’s wrong. Maybe I can help. If nothing else, I can listen.”

Autumn’s lip quivered, and despite what she thought was iron resolve to keep her problems to herself, the story spilled out of her in a tear-filled gush.

Summer sniffled on the other end of the phone. “Oh, that’s terrible. Hang on for just a second.”

Wiping her eyes, Autumn could hear muffled conversation as she blushed, ashamed of blurting out everything the way she had.

A minute later, Summer said, “Okay. I talked to my husband. We’ve got an extra room.”

“I couldn’t...”

“Yes, you can. I’m not taking no for an answer. I wouldn’t even have graduated if it wasn’t for you. Now, you’re going to let me return the favor.” Autumn faintly heard a man’s voice, and then Summer added, “Brian says there are some job openings in the building where he works, too.”

“I... I just...”

“Blah, blah, blah. Brian and Mike have trucks, too. We can move all your stuff without renting a truck, and we’ve got plenty of storage space at Brian’s Mom’s if you need it too.”

“Are... Are you sure?”

“Absolutely. Oh my god, it will be so great to see you again. Give me your address. Brian and I are going to come straight there to work things out before you can think of some excuse. You are moving in with us, and you’re going to like it.”

Autumn laughed through her tears. As much as she didn’t want to impose, she couldn’t believe the luck that was lifting an enormous burden off her shoulders. Grabbing a tissue, she blew her nose, and then recited her address for her impatient friend.


Summer was in no mood to wait. That weekend, Autumn’s things were already making their way to a pair of trucks. Her introduction to her new housemates proved heartening. Summer’s husband Brian was full of good humor, as were Lisa and Mike, the couple who shared the other side of the house. A man named Roger who had his room on Lisa’s side of the house rounded out the group of five she would be living with.

By Sunday evening, her room was set up, and everything else was stored away in a building at Brian’s mother’s house. Brian had given her a contact with a company in his building, doing almost exactly the same job she’d lost due to downsizing. He assured her that all she had to do was take in her resume on Monday morning, and she’d start immediately.

Sipping wine and chatting with new friends before bed, Autumn marveled at how her life had fallen back into place almost as quickly as it had disintegrated. With all of them sharing the bills, she would even be able to save to eventually strike out on her own once more.

“So, can you cook?” Lisa asked during a pause in the conversation.

“Well, yes.”

“Have any plans for Thanksgiving?”

Summer let out a laugh. “Lisa’s hopeless in the kitchen, and she’s been dreading Thanksgiving. If you don’t have any plans, I could really use some help. She can fetch beer for the boys.”

“No, I don’t have any plans,” Autumn replied. “I’ll be glad to help. I was looking at having a turkey TV dinner for Thanksgiving until a couple of days ago.”

“The kitchen on my side is all yours, then,” Lisa said with obvious relief.

“With you helping and two full kitchens, we can really lay out a spread,” Summer said. “Make this a Thanksgiving none of us will ever forget.”

“That sounds wonderful,” Autumn said, suddenly anticipating the holiday she’d been trying to forget during her previous troubles.

“We’ll start planning tomorrow when you get home from work, if you’re up to it.”

Autumn nodded her head, and then yawned. It had been a tiring weekend, and the wine was starting to get to her.

Summer smiled and said, “Finish your wine and you can have the shower first. Better get plenty of sleep for your first day at work.”


Autumn unlocked the door and walked inside to find the house oddly quiet on Wednesday. After two days back at work, she had traded sore feet from standing all day for a stiff back and shoulders from sitting in an office chair all day. The significant increase in salary left little doubt in her mind which she preferred.

Summer walked into the front room from the kitchen. “How was work?”

“Just fine. It’s nice to feel like all the money I spent on college was worth it again. Where is everyone?”

“Lisa, Mike, and Roger all went out to dinner and a club.” She shook her head and chuckled as she sat down on the couch. “They’ll be lucky if they’ve recovered in time for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. Brian will probably be stuck at work until midnight.”

Autumn sat her purse and briefcase down, then collapsed onto the couch next to her friend. “Oh, this couch feels good.”

“Same here. Ran me ragged today trying to get ahead before the four-day weekend. I barely beat you home.”

The word home struck an unexpected chord with Autumn. She didn’t quite feel like she was home just yet, but it was at least as close as she’d felt in her apartment, and she’d been there for almost a year. She smiled and said, “So, I guess we have the house to ourselves for a while.”

“Yep. Probably for most of the morning, too. Though we’ll be in opposite kitchens most of the time.”

Autumn squeezed the muscles in her left shoulder, trying to relieve some of the tension. “I’m looking forward to it, even though it will be a lot of work.”

“Me too. A little stiff?”

“Mmm hmm.”

Summer made a circling motion with her fingers. “Turn around. I’ll rub your shoulders for you.”

“You don’t have to. You had a long day too.”

“Oh, just turn around,” Summer insisted, and then cracked her knuckles.

The thought of a shoulder rub was impossible to resist, so she kicked off her heels, slipped out of her sport coat, and turned on the couch, pulling one knee up onto the cushions. “If you insist.”

Summer chuckled and immediately went to work.

Autumn couldn’t hold back a moan as her friend’s hands kneaded her shoulders. The blonde had always had a knack for massages, and she hadn’t lost her touch. “Oh, that feels good.”

“You really are tense. Everything okay?”

“Mmm hmm.”

“Comfortable here? At work?”

“Oh, yes. It’s such a relief to be here. You can’t imagine how stressed I was.”

“Well, something is getting to you, because you’re all in knots.”

“Probably sexual frustration.” The sad chuckle that followed turned into a moan as Summer’s hands found an especially tight muscle and squeezed.

“Been a while?”

“God. Months before I left Paul.”

“I think I’d lose my mind.”

“I wonder sometimes if I haven’t.”

Summer’s hands moved upward and she used her thumbs to work on the muscles in Autumn’s neck. Slowly, the blonde’s practiced hands did the job, the only sound Autumn’s quiet moans from how good it felt.

“Maybe I can do something even better to help you relax,” Summer suggested, letting a finger trace a feather-light caress on Autumn’s cheek.

Autumn sucked in a quick, sharp breath. She knew the subtle change in her friend’s voice quite well. She’d heard it often enough when they were roommates in college. Memories of hot, steamy nights with Summer flashed through her head, and a shiver shook her. Her face warmed as she thought about it, though. She hadn’t been with another woman since graduation.

To cover her conflicting emotions, she tried to make light of it and said, “Aren’t you married?”

“Mmm hmm, and the only reason is because Brian understands me. He knows I need some spice to keep me happy. What you need is someone to make you come.”

Autumn gasped as the blonde kissed the back of her neck.

“Nice.” Another kiss on her cheek. “And.” The next kiss fell just below her ear. “Hard.”

“Oh god,” Autumn breathed in an almost inaudible whisper as her body reacted – powerfully – to the words and the kisses.

Though it had been years, they both knew each other very well. Autumn knew that she’d just surrendered to need, and so did Summer. The blonde suckled her earlobe and Autumn whimpered. It took little more than a touch of Summer’s hand on her own to prompt Autumn to turn around. Their eyes met, and then so did their lips.

It was as if all the years fell away in an instant.

Autumn was once again a shy suburban girl in her first year of college, with limited sexual experience and an attraction to other women that both frightened and excited her. Tasting Summer’s lips was just like the first time – deep in the night in the dorm room they shared.

She broke out into goose bumps as chills raced up and down her spine. Her hands slid around to Summer’s back in an exploratory caress. The blonde cupped her cheek in one hand while the fingers of the other glided along Autumn’s shoulders. Their tongues danced, intertwining and exploring each other, and Autumn’s arousal surged into a bonfire of need.

“Let’s go to your room,” Summer said in a husky whisper, her lips still brushing her friend’s.

Autumn blushed, only then realizing the display they were putting on. Anyone could have walked in and seen them, as they were in full view of the front door and the door between the halves of the house – not that she would have noticed. Summer giggled upon seeing the flush of color and then stood up, taking her friend’s hand.

The short walk felt like it took forever to Autumn, but Summer remedied that as soon as they were across the threshold. The blonde closed the door, playfully pushed Autumn against it, and kissed her hard. Autumn moaned as her friend lifted both of her hands over her head, pinning them against the door.

Summer kissed her lips and neck, fingers of one hand expertly popping open buttons. Autumn writhed, breathing heavily and planting kisses anywhere she could when Summer’s lips weren’t within reach. Once her blouse hung open, Summer gathered up the tail and used it as a lead to pull her friend to the bed.

Their lips met yet again as Summer’s hands slipped beneath the open blouse and glided slowly up Autumn’s sides. Whimpers escaped her as someone touched her bare skin for the first time in so long. When Summer’s hands reached her shoulders, Autumn stretched her arms out behind her. Her blouse slid down them and fluttered to the floor. She didn’t resist in the slightest when the blonde guided her to lie down on the bed.

Autumn knew immediately what her friend had planned. Once her back settled onto the mattress, the blonde’s first kiss was on her chest, tantalizingly close to her rapidly rising and falling breasts. Summer drifted back over the top of the globes, leaning down as if to kiss them, but then darted to the side to kiss her arm instead.

Though most of their couplings in college had been quick satisfaction of mutual need, Summer enjoyed drawing out the pleasure – teasing. The first time they’d tumbled into bed together, the blonde had spent nearly a half hour building her friend to a fever pitch before her lips touched Autumn’s breasts. It had helped Autumn overcome the fear of her attraction that so many said was wrong.

But, she wasn’t a conflicted eighteen-year-old anymore.

“Please,” Autumn whispered as her friend’s lips found the sensitive skin at the crook of her arm, making her shiver. “Please,” she repeated – ever louder and with increasing hints of desperation – as the blond traced kisses down her arm, ending at the wrist.

Summer looked up at her and smiled, then crawled up to softly kiss her lips again. “Can’t wait?”

“God, no. Please. I’m on fire,” Autumn responded in a rush as she ground her aching need against the blonde’s knee, situated between her legs.

Considering the hunger of her next kiss, it appeared that Summer was hardly averse to the idea. A hand wormed between Autumn’s back and the mattress, and practiced fingers popped the clasp of her bra.

Summer sat up over her knees and let out a sharp breath as she lifted the tail of her sweater. It slithered off the edge of the bed when she tossed it away a second later. Autumn wriggled her shoulders out of her bra straps, but Summer was the one who completed the work, and then tossed the bra away to dangle from a lamp on the bedside table.

Autumn sucked in a long, warbling gasp as her friend’s lips closed around her right nipple. After the initial moment of shocking bliss, she reached for the clasp of the blonde’s bra. Summer had taken her plea for relief seriously and Autumn felt the button on her pants pop open at the same time as the blonde’s bra.

Only releasing Autumn’s nipple long enough to switch to the other, Summer worked down the zipper and forced the brunette’s pants down as far as possible with them trapped beneath her bottom. Unwilling to wait for the blonde to pull her arms out of the shoulder straps, Autumn tugged on the bra to free her friend’s larger breasts.

Both women whimpered when Autumn pinched the blonde’s nipples and Summer cupped her friend’s sex, pushing one finger tight into the cleft.

Summer abruptly let the brunette’s nipple pop from between her lips as she sat up over her knees. She shrugged off her bra and grabbed Autumn’s pants. Autumn eagerly lifted her bottom, allowing her friend to jerk the pants down and toss them off the side of the bed. Summer slipped one finger beneath Autumn's panties, but instead of pulling them down, she dropped down onto her other hand.

Autumn moaned into the kiss, reveling in the feeling of the blonde’s pendulous breasts pressed tight against her own. It had been so long since she’d felt the touch of another – and even longer since she’d experienced the soft skin of a woman against her own.

The kiss didn’t last long. Autumn gasped and whimpered as Summer kissed her way down. This time, she planted kisses on each of her friend’s breasts, and gave both nipples a swipe of her tongue before moving lower. She traced the circle of Autumn’s naval with her tongue, and then tickled it with a few suggestive flicks. Finally, looking up into her friend’s eyes and smiling, she placed a final kiss on Autumn’s belly, just above her panties, which had already slid down enough to reveal a few curly hairs.

Aching to be touched in that most intimate and needy of places, Autumn lifted her bottom up from the bed. Summer tugged the cotton past the brunette’s butt, and quickly slid them down her legs. The panties were still dangling from Autumn’s left ankle when Summer pushed one knee outward, lay down on the other, and dived in.

A long, loud, weepy-sounding cry bubbled from Autumn’s lips as Summer’s tongue tickled her folds. They’d had plenty of opportunity and desire to learn each other’s bodies in college, and Summer hadn’t forgotten a thing. Within only a few seconds, Autumn was writhing on the bed. She fought against Summer’s weight holding her down, trying to press her sex even tighter against the blonde’s wonderful lips and tongue.

Summer licked and suckled her folds, teasing her tongue to her friend’s clit with almost prescient timing, just when Autumn needed it. So long untouched by anything other than her own fingers – and that infrequently – a strange combination of warm pressure shot through with chilly pinpricks swelled beneath her mound.

Whimpers, yelps, and squeals burst forth at a steadily increasing volume and frequency as her pleasure mounted. Reading the cues of her body like a book, Summer turned more and more attention to her friend’s clit – sometimes tickling with just the tip, and other times rolling it with strong laps. Autumn never knew which was coming next – or when – and lurched with each renewed sensation shooting through the swollen, sensitive bud.

Her body was alive with chills, and yet beading with sweat as her head lashed on the pillow. Breathing hard and pinching her nipples even harder, Autumn ascended her mountain of bliss. She reached her precipice only to teeter precariously – torturously – on the edge of orgasm for what felt like eternity.

Then she tumbled over the edge.

Though she couldn’t hear it over her own scream of so-sweet release, she could feel Summer’s moan humming through her clit, making her pleasure spike even higher. The blonde tenaciously rode Autumn’s bucking hips, licking and sucking her friend’s throbbing button, keeping her coming until Autumn was sure she would pass out from the intensity of the pleasure.

Even though she didn’t pass out, she certainly lost contact with the world beyond her beautiful agony. By the time the last shockwave of her climax released her to suck in a ragged breath, Summer had already laid down next to her. She looked over at her smiling blonde friend, her voice a quavering squeak, and said, “Oh my god.”

“Goddess,” Summer corrected, still licking Autumn’s nectar from her lips.

Autumn quivered and twitched through the aftershocks, until at long last, she caught her breath. “Oh, I needed that so bad.”

“Why on earth did you go so long? Any guy would do you in a heartbeat.”

“I’m just not ready to even think about a relationship, and being with someone I don’t know...” She shook her head.

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that any more.” Summer moved in closer and added, “What you have to worry about is that I’m laying here with wet panties, and I’m certainly not going to wait.”

Autumn moaned into the kiss and reached for the button of Summer’s jeans.


“Rise and shine.”

Autumn responded to her friend’s kiss before she’d even fully awakened.

“How did you sleep?” Summer asked.

“Mmm. Wonderful.” She’d fallen into a blissful sleep after uncountable orgasms given and received until Summer’s husband had finally returned home. “Even better way to wake up.”

“Keep talking like that and Thanksgiving dinner won’t be ready until about nine tonight. Come on, sleepy-head. Have a shower, and then we’d better get to work. We have a long morning ahead of us. I’ll start pre-heating ovens, since I had a shower before I went to bed.”

Autumn reluctantly pushed the covers back and sat up. She was stark naked, and her clothes were still scattered all around the room. The bedclothes she’d wearily helped Summer change before passing out were balled up in the corner near the hamper. A shiver passed through her as memories of the previous evening washed over her.

Feeling a tingle between her sticky thighs, and her nipples stiffening, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed before arousal took control of her. After her shower, she couldn’t resist slipping in on Summer for a quick kiss before making her way to the other kitchen.

The morning positively flew by after that. She and Summer had planned a feast that would likely keep all six of them in leftovers until Christmas. The variety of dishes meant that they might be able to avoid burnout on any one of them in the process.

Lisa looked a little bleary-eyed when the redhead wandered into the kitchen for a bagel and a cup of coffee. Her husband and Roger didn’t look any better. They’d obviously enjoyed their evening – thoroughly.

Once several cups of coffee returned her to the land of the living, Lisa proved a welcome addition. Though she was less than skilled as a cook, she could follow directions, and helped speed up both kitchens with her assistance.

Dinner was a treat, bringing a smile to Autumn’s lips throughout. That smile grew even wider when the men offered to take care of clean up – albeit quickly before the second of the day’s football games started. Autumn sat down in a chair to relax, her full tummy and the early, busy morning catching up to her.

She was a little embarrassed when she awakened a couple of hours later, but at least she wasn’t alone. Summer was stretching next to her husband, having just roused as well. The boys were boisterous, having apparently indulged in quite a few beers.

Summer stood up and stretched again. “Why don’t we go pour ourselves a couple of glasses of wine? If we don’t catch up a little, they’re going to start getting on our nerves.”

Autumn chuckled and followed her friend to the kitchen. The blonde selected a bottle and uncorked the wine. While letting it breathe, she sat down next to Autumn, wearing an amused expression.

“What?” Autumn asked.

“Oh, nothing really. I was just thinking that Brian could still taste pussy on my lips when he got home last night.”

“Oh god,” Autumn gasped, and then chuckled as she covered her eyes with her hand.

“He knew Lisa wasn’t home, soo...”

Two things hit her simultaneously. First, Brian knew whom he had tasted on his wife’s lips.

Summer confirmed the second by saying, “Mmm hmm. Lisa and I play. She’s been hinting to me that she wants a more intimate introduction, if you’re interested?”

Autumn couldn’t suppress her shiver at the thought of the gorgeous redhead slipping between her legs.

“I take that as a yes?”

Biting her lower lip, Autumn summoned up the courage to nod her head.

“Oh my,” Summer breathed as she stood up and went to pour the wine.

“Is Mike... Uhm...”

“Okay with it? Oh yeah.” She handed over the first glass and then poured her own.

Autumn took a sip. “It’s great that you found someone who doesn’t feel threatened. Paul blew up when I hinted about maybe having another woman in bed with us.” She rolled her eyes and snorted. “Not that he minded having another woman without me.”

“No thinking about that,” Summer playfully scolded. “Think about Lisa instead.”

“You’re terrible.”

“I know. Come on. Let’s go watch them make fools out of themselves over their football.” She picked up the bottle of wine, an extra glass for Lisa, and then walked back around the counter. “I imagine we’ll all be ready for dessert before too much longer.”

The boys were indeed making fools of themselves, because their team was doing well in the game. Autumn couldn’t help but think that they believed they were directly involved by sitting around the television. With a little wine in her, it turned even more amusing.

The wine didn’t last long with three of them drinking, though. One refill each was all the bottle had to offer.

“I think we need some more,” Summer said when she finished her second glass. She gave her husband a quick kiss, whispered something in his ear, and then stood up. “Come on girls. I’m ready for some dessert, too.”

Autumn felt her already warm face grow a little warmer when Lisa stood up. She’d already caught her eyes drifting to the beautiful redhead more than once, and strongly suspected that Summer had mentioned their conversation in the kitchen.

As soon as they crossed the threshold, Lisa confirmed that suspicion.

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She leaned in close and said, “I know exactly what sweet treat I want, and it’s not in any pie pan.”

Lisa and Summer giggled as her face turned bright red.

“She’s not the only one,” Summer chimed in. “Brian couldn’t stop talking about it last night.”

Autumn gasped and brought her fingers to her mouth. “Summer!”

“What? You don’t think I’d be selfish and not let him play, too?” The blonde shivered and licked her lips as she stepped closer. “Making me wet just thinking about it.”

“Me too,” Lisa agreed.

The pair had stepped up on either side of her, all but pinning her between them and the table. “So, you all...”

“Mmm hmm. And Roger too,” Summer said while reaching out to stroke a finger up Autumn’s arm. “We’ve been keeping it under control since you moved in, because we didn’t know what you’d think.”

“So, what do you think?” Lisa asked.

Shocked as much by how aroused the revelation made her as the revelation itself, Autumn said, “I... I don’t know. I’ve never even...”

Summer leaned in and kissed her neck. “Just think about Brian fucking you hard while I rub your clit and Lisa sucks your nipples.”

Lisa’s hand squeezed Autumn’s butt through her skirt as she added, “And Mike waiting for his turn when Brian can’t hold back anymore.”

“And Roger right behind him,” Summer continued while teasing her friend’s nipple.

“Oh my god... I...” Autumn was overwhelmed, her imagination running wild from their words and touches. She’d never been with more than one person at the same time, and yet she was deep into a fantasy about five. What’s more, she knew it didn’t have to stay a fantasy. It could be real.

Right here.

Right now.

Though she gasped and trembled, she made absolutely no effort to deter Summer from popping open a button on her blouse or Lisa sliding down the zipper on her skirt. In less than a minute, she was standing in nothing but her bra and panties with eager hands exploring her body. Lisa’s hand slid into Autumn’s panties, and Summer popped the clasp of her bra.

Summer’s sweater soon joined the pile of clothing growing on the floor, rapidly followed by her bra. She then replaced Lisa’s hand while the redhead hurried to unbutton her blouse.

“So, do you want to invite the boys to play too?” Summer asked in a sultry whisper.

Already panting from two sets of fingers teasing her aching pussy, her answer was a foregone conclusion. “Oh yes.”

“Mmm, up on the table,” Summer instructed while using the hand inside her friend’s panties to push them down.

Autumn slipped off her bra and helped wriggle out of her panties, then used a chair to assist her as she climbed up onto the table. The butterflies already fluttering in her stomach went into a positive frenzy when Lisa walked bare-breasted to the doorway of the kitchen and crooked a finger toward the men in the front room.

Lisa giggled and turned back toward the table. Then she licked her lips and sauntered out of the doorway, unbuttoning her jeans along the way.

Brian and Mike already had their shirts off by the time they appeared in the doorway. Roger pulled his over his head in the doorway and tossed it off to the side, revealing three muscular, gorgeous male torsos to Autumn’s nervous gaze.

Summer stroked her finger down Autumn’s bare leg and asked the boys, “What do you think of the center piece?”

Her blonde friend’s emphasis on the second word made Autumn blush as the men admired her nude body.

“Beautiful,” Roger said while popping open the button on his pants.

“Delicious,” Mike countered, doing the same.

“You’ve gone too long without,” Summer said, having removed her jeans and panties while Autumn sat transfixed from the sight of the men undressing. “So, we’re all yours tonight, to make up for lost time.”

Autumn moaned when the blonde pulled her into a kiss and guided her to recline on the table. She felt soft hands on her knees, and had just enough time to see Lisa flip her red curls over one shoulder and slip between her legs before Summer blocked the view by sucking a nipple between her lips.

A loud squeal erupted from Autumn’s lips as the redhead tongued her wet heat and Summer sucked her stiff nipple. Her eyes – which had pinched closed from the onslaught of pleasure – fluttered open, and then widened. Brian was standing next to the table, his rock-hard cock bobbing at her eye level. A little over average length and nicely thick, the sight of it sent a fresh flood of juices for Lisa to lap up. In her peripheral vision, she could see Roger and Mike stepping next to the table with equally impressive erections standing out from their muscular bodies.

“Do you want to suck it?” Summer asked before curling her tongue back around the brunette’s nipple again.

Autumn didn’t answer with words, but rather with action. She pulled herself closer to the edge of the table with Lisa adjusting to keep her tongue in contact the whole while. As soon as it was within reach, she wrapped her fingers around Brian’s rock hard cock and took it between her lips.

“Like my hubby’s cock?” Summer asked while she watched and teased her friend’s moist nipples with a fingertip.

“Mmm hmm,” Autumn moaned around him, taking him deeper.

“Ah, fuck yeah,” Brian exclaimed, his hand coming to rest on the back of her head.

“You’re going to like it even more when it’s deep inside you,” Summer suggested.

The angle was awkward, he was big, and she was already having trouble concentrating from Lisa’s tongue dancing over her folds, but Brian’s groans encouraged her to take him as fast and deep as she could.

Summer slipped down off the table and said, “As much as I love seeing his cock in your mouth, it’s somebody else’s turn. Come up here and watch her suck Mike, Lisa. I want a taste.”

Autumn whimpered in protest when Lisa slipped from between her legs, but she wasn’t left unattended for long. By the time she had Mike’s even thicker cock in her mouth, Summer was energetically tonguing her. Both Lisa and her husband each reached for one of Autumn’s breasts to squeeze it.

“Mmm, baby. That looks like fun,” Lisa suggested as she cupped her husband’s balls in her hand.

He chuckled, then growled. “Uh huh.”

“Taste good?” Brian asked as he moved in behind Summer to stroke her back.

Summer licked her lips and said, “Why don’t you see for yourself?”

Autumn had to let Mike’s cock escape her lips when two tongues went to work on her pussy.

“Mmm. Look at her squirm,” Lisa moaned, then pushed her husband out of the way. “Okay, Roger’s turn.”

Panting from the dual assault between her legs, the sight of Roger’s cock looming in her vision was a little intimidating. He was likely an inch longer than either of the other men, with more girth. Red curls tickled her skin as Lisa bent over the table to take a nipple between her lips.

Fighting through the pleasure trying to steal her senses, she parted her lips wide and took Roger’s throbbing organ in. Knowing she couldn’t take much of it in her mouth, she sucked hard and wiggled her tongue over the head. His growls thrilled her, and she fought against the burn in the corners of her mouth to take him deeper.

A drop of pre-cum lit up her tastebuds just as Summer and Brian tag-teamed her clit. Autumn squealed around the thick rod in her mouth and had to let it pop out to suck in a desperate gasp of air. The itch behind her mound and running through her clit intensified, sending her hurtling with lightning speed toward a crescendo.

A rapid-fire series of whimpers shook Autumn’s body, and then she exploded into orgasm with a scream.

Summer and Brian held her tight, keeping her from escaping as their tongues continued to wash over her. Lisa sucked her nipple hard. Mike and Roger’s hands ran all over while she trembled and thrashed through the powerful climax.

“God, I loved that,” Summer said when she and Brian finally stood up from between her legs. They shared a kiss, tasting Autumn’s juices on each other’s lips.

“You’re right, this was fun,” Lisa said, “but the table’s in the way.”

“Mmm hmm,” Summer agreed. She grinned and said, “It’s your turn.”

Lisa sighed, but then smiled. “Oh well, I can live with that.”

Still quivering from her orgasm, Autumn’s brow knitted and she let out an inquiring moan.

“It’s Lisa’s turn to change her bed when we all make a mess of it.”

Lisa slapped her husband’s ass and said, “Bring lots of bottles of water.”

The redhead and blonde both took one of Autumn’s hands to help her up. “Having fun?” Summer asked.

Autumn’s eyes rolled up in her head and she let out a warbling moan. She’d already had one wonderful orgasm, and she knew that the night had barely begun.

“Thought so,” Summer said, and laughed.

Lisa batted her eyelashes and said, “Roger, why don’t you help her to the bedroom.”

He walked over and pushed a chair out of the way, a grin decorating his face, and then squatted down. Autumn let out a surprised yelp when Roger clasped his hands beneath her butt and easily lifted her. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, loving the feeling of his tight muscles flexing as he carried her out of the kitchen and through the house to Lisa’s bedroom.

Roger kissed her hard as he lowered her to the king-sized bed. Everyone else filed in behind them, spreading out around the bed and climbing in to surround her.

“I feel like I’m dreaming,” Autumn whispered as she marveled at the beautiful, nude bodies surrounding her.

Lisa leaned over and kissed her. “Well, we’ll have to let Mikey show you that you’re not dreaming then.”

“Ha. I got dibs,” her husband said with mock smugness.

“Don’t push it,” Lisa warned, then turned her attention back to Autumn. “Do you want his big, hard cock deep inside you?”

Autumn gasped and slipped her hand between the redhead’s legs. “Oh yes.”

Lisa moaned. “That feels good. Want a taste?”

“Uh huh.”

Lisa didn’t waste any time in straddling her face, and Autumn slipped her tongue into the sweet pink treat as soon as she could reach it.

“I taught her well, didn’t I?” Summer said.

“Ohhh, yeah,” the redhead agreed as she wriggled from Autumn’s tongue tickling her.

Autumn’s heart beat fast as she tongued a woman other than Summer for the first time. The excitement drove her to push her tongue in deep, lapping for the flow of nectar dribbling down into her mouth. Strong hands pushing her knees up and out a moment later made her yelp, and she darted her tongue to Lisa’s clit.

“Give it to her as good as she’s giving it to me, baby,” Lisa said.

Autumn groaned long and loud into the redhead’s wet heat as Mike’s thick cock stretched her. Even as soaked as she was, she instinctively resisted his girth penetrating her after so long going without. She did her best to keep her tongue lapping between high-pitched grunts as he slowly pushed into her, inch by inch.

“Oh damn, that’s good,” Mike growled as his balls settled against her.

“Feel good, Autumn?”

“So big,” Autumn said between licks.

A finger touched her clit as Mike pulled back, tracing slow, feather-light circles over the throbbing little nub. Another, larger hand cupped her left breast and squeezed.

After only a few strokes of the big cock stroking into her depths, she couldn’t control her tongue at all. Lisa lifted up from her face as Autumn yelped and whimpered from Mike rocking her body. He shifted his stance and the way he held her knees every few strokes, constantly hitting new pleasure centers, fucking her in a way she hadn’t felt in years.

Autumn’s head lifted up from the mattress and then slammed back down as Summer added a second finger and pressed harder against her clit. Mike picked up the pace while the other two men squeezed and teased her bouncing breasts.

Mike grunted and growled as he pounded his cock home, loud smacks sounding with every thrust. Summer’s fingers moved faster, and Lisa replaced Roger’s fingers on her nipple with her lips.

“Oh, she’s getting close,” Summer accurately predicted as Autumn cried out with every hard thrust of Mike’s thick cock. Just as she was on the cusp of sweet oblivion, cool air replaced hard cock.

“S-shit,” Mike gasped as he sat back hard on the bed.

Lisa laughed. “You’re like a teenager, sometimes.”

“God, please,” Autumn begged, so close to a peak that her body was screaming for release.

Brian took the initiative and slid down between her legs. She yelped as he pushed his full length inside her in one smooth thrust.

“Give it to her,” Summer encouraged her husband.

“Make her come,” Lisa added as her fingers took over on Autumn’s clit.

“So close. P-please!” Autumn begged, and then screamed as he did just that.

Brian was every bit as big and experienced as Mike, driving her straight back to the precipice in only a few strokes. Her next scream turned into a croak as she came – hard.

“That’s it, come all over that cock,” Lisa said, rubbing her clit faster.

Autumn cried out as a second wave of orgasm crashed over her. “Oh, oh, oh, g-god!”

Brian slowed a little, but didn’t stop. Her orgasm kept surging from his thrusts, leaving her feeling light-headed and breathless when it finally waned. For a brief while afterward, she felt somewhat numbed as Brian pumped into her and Lisa’s fingers picked up the pace on her clit again. As the sensation faded, another bubble of orgasmic energy built behind her mound.

Summer scooted in close. “Do you want him to come for you? I’d love to see him fill you up.”

“All three of them,” Lisa amended.

Summer moaned. “Oh yeah. Three big, hot loads of cum deep inside you. One after the other.”

“We promise we’ll clean you all up,” the redhead said while licking her lips and twitching her eyebrows.

Electric tingles arched all through Autumn’s sex as she thought about all of them erupting inside her. “I want it.”

Her voice breathless with excitement, Summer said, “Give it to her, Brian,”

“You want a creampie for dessert, baby?” he asked his wife as he pushed hard and deep into Autumn’s pussy.

“Uh huh.”

“You’re going to get it.”

Autumn’s breasts jiggled, then bounced under the assault as Brian built back up to speed. Lisa’s fingers flashed over her clit. In her peripheral vision, she could see Summer stroking the other two men’s cocks while drinking in the sight of her husband thrusting away.

Though she had barely recovered from one orgasm, she was well on her way to another. Brian grunted and groaned, his fingers digging into her thighs, and thrusts growing more powerful as he edged closer to the point of no return.

“Fuck. About to go,” Brian growled as his balls slapped against her ass in a rapid tattoo.

Hearing that broke something free in Autumn and she squealed. A few hard thrusts later, she cried out, “Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes,” and then tumbled headlong into oblivion.

Brian let out an explosive growl and slammed his cock into her depths just as the first wave of her orgasm crested. She felt him swell and pulse, spurting his cream as the next wave overtook her.

She was still deep in ecstatic bliss when Brian pulled free and Mike buried his cock in her cum-filled depths.

What sound she could hear over the pounding of her heartbeat in her ears was dull – hollow. Spots danced before her tightly closed eyes. Pulse after pulse of orgasmic energy shot through her, making her writhe all over the bed, bumping into her bedmates. A relentless chain of multiple orgasms claimed her, and she barely registered Mike flooding her pussy with cum through the beautiful agony.

The shock of Mike jerking his cock free finally gave her reprieve, leaving Autumn sweaty and out of breath, but feeling wonderful.

“Need a drink?” Summer asked, holding one of the bottles where her friend could see it through half-lidded eyes.

Autumn groaned and then let out a weak chuckle. “Can’t get up.”

Lisa waved Roger over, and he slid in behind Autumn as she twitched and shivered from aftershocks. With his help, she sat up and leaned against his chest. His big, rock hard cock tapped against the small of her back, reminding her that the night was far from over.

Even though she’d already made a mess, she instinctively clenched her intimate muscles as more of the two loads of cum inside her sought escape. She saw Summer glance between her legs and lick her lips as the blonde handed over the bottle of water. Autumn let out a high-pitched moan and lifted the bottle to her lips, knowing Roger was most likely going to have to wait his turn behind Lisa and Summer.

Once she finished the bottle of water, Autumn had recovered enough to start wiggling her butt against Roger’s erection. She was ready for more. As expected, Lisa and summer each grabbed an ankle, seeing that she’d caught her breath. A little tugging and scooting put her in position for the girls to slip between her legs, and for her to wrap her hand around Roger’s cock.

A trio of moans accompanied the tongues teasing Autumn’s cum-filled pussy. She fully relaxed her intimate muscles and her eyes widened when she felt the mingled cream flowing from her depths.

“Oh yeah,” Summer said as she scooped up a dollop on her tongue.

“Yummy,” Lisa agreed.

Stroking Roger a little faster because the thought of the two women lapping up their husband’s cum excited her, Autumn sat up straighter so she could see. Lisa swirled her tongue through the seeping cream, strands of it trailing from her lips to Autumn’s folds. Summer turned and shared with the redhead in a kiss. Then, they both moved back in for more.

Roger growled and reached behind Autumn’s back to squeeze her right breast, his cock throbbing in her grasp. Autumn tightened her grip and stroked faster. A glistening drop of pre-cum welled up from the slit in his mushroom tip and she tried to lean down to claim her reward. The attempt proved less than comfortable until Roger happily assisted by scooting toward the head of the bed and turning on his side.

Autumn lapped up the droplet with a broad stroke of her tongue and moaned. She bathed his erection with long laps, wetting it while she kept her hand pumping at the base. Soon enough, she couldn’t resist the challenge, and parted her lips wide to engulf the broad head of his cock.

“Oh, hell yeah,” Roger groaned as she sucked up and down about an inch of his thick member.

Lisa and Summer chose that moment to start taking turns, allowing them to delve deeper into her canal and gain better access to her clit. Her mouth full of the biggest cock she’d ever touched and with two gorgeous women tonguing her so well, Autumn was in heaven.

Sucking harder and faster on Roger’s cock, she inched steadily toward another climax. A burst of flavor signaled a second drop of pre-cum, driving her to even greater efforts. He grunted from her attention, alternating between stroking her hair and teasing her nipples with soft pinches. Fortunately, he kept his hips still, and she didn’t have to contend with his already difficult-to-manage cock pushing deeper than she could handle.

Lisa went into a rapid tongue-tip attack on Autumn’s clit, and after a few seconds, she had to let Roger go to gasp for air. Though she kept her hand moving haltingly up and down his now saliva-coated shaft, her concentration was rapidly evaporating.

“Mmm, you’ve almost got her,” Summer said. She then moved so she could push two fingers deep into Autumn’s depths, curl them upward, and pump the digits in and out.

Lisa was relentless, and the addition of Summer’s well-targeted finger thrusts sent Autumn even higher. “Uh huh. Uh huh. Ohh yeah,” she yelped, her hand freezing and gripping Roger tight.

A squeal with hints of laughter to it burst from her lips as Autumn’s back arched and she came.

Summer let out a ruff sound as Autumn’s walls clenched down on her fingers. “There you go.”

“Mmm hmm,” Lisa moaned around the clit locked tight between her lips.

Autumn bumped and bucked through her orgasm, still holding on to Roger’s cock – probably a little too tight to be comfortable for him. She settled to the mattress with a final shudder and a long, contented moan when she drifted back to earth from the heights of pleasure.

“Oh my god,” Summer said, and then groaned. “I know we said tonight was yours, but I’m aching.”

Still deep in the afterglow, Autumn giggled and said, “It’s okay.”

“Trade hubbies?” Lisa suggested.

“Mmm hmm,” Summer agreed, and then walked over to pull a chair next to the bed. She sat down right on the edge, rested one leg on the arm, and crooked a finger to Mike.

Lisa was already tousling Brian’s hair as he licked her at the foot of the bed by the time Mike buried his tongue in Summer’s folds.

Eyes flittering back and forth between the two women enjoying each other’s husbands, Autumn licked her lips, thinking that she hadn’t been able to get a good enough taste of Lisa yet. Roger’s finger sliding up her spine sent her into shivers, though.

“So, uhm...” he said when she turned her attention to him.

Autumn bit her lip and swallowed. “I don’t know if it will even fit.”

Lisa let out a moan at the foot of the bed and pulled Brian’s face tighter against her sex. “Don’t worry. It scared the life out of me the first time I saw it, too. He knows how to handle that thing, though. I promise you’re going to love it.”

“Do it, Autumn,” Summer encouraged as she dragged her nails up and down Mike’s back.

“How about I warm you up a little first,” Roger suggested while sliding a hand down her tummy to tickle the curls on her mound.

“Oh, I guess,” she said with playful indifference, though the way she quivered from his touch completely belied her tone.

He sat up immediately and rolled over between her parting legs. As he drew closer, it dawned upon Autumn that he was about to go down on her after two other men had come inside her. Even though Lisa and Summer had likely cleaned up every drop, the thought still caused her to gasp.

That gasp jumped an octave when he gave her nether lips a strong, broad tongued lap that ended at her clit with a suck.

Moans and whimpers filled the room as the three men tantalized their partners. Lisa sounded as if she were already on the verge of orgasm, and a look over at Summer hinted that she wasn’t far behind.

“Oh, that feels so good,” Autumn cooed while running her fingers through Roger’s hair.

He sucked her clit between his lips, causing her fingers to curl into claws on the back of his head.

“That’s even better.”

He chuckled into her folds and rolled her clit with his tongue.

Lisa came with a wail, her legs clamping down tight around Brian’s ears. Roger pushed up from between Autumn’s legs at the same time, and she sucked in a deep breath of fearful anticipation.

“Yeah. Yeah. Right there. Don’t stop,” Summer cried out apparently on the brink.

Roger pulled his knees under him, and Autumn thought that his cock somehow looked even bigger viewed through the V of her legs. She knew without a doubt that it was going to feel bigger. He edged forward amidst the sound of Summer screaming her release and Lisa whimpering through a continuing orgasm.

A thumb pressed down near the root pointed his cock toward her, and he pressed it against her folds. Autumn instinctively drew in a deep breath and held it, but he wriggled the huge, spongy tip in her wetness rather than penetrating her. At the same time, he put a finger to work on her clit. She let the contained breath out as a moan.

Autumn slowly relaxed from his practiced finger stoking her fires. The little tugs on her folds caused by his cockhead rubbing against them eased as well, her wetness overcoming friction as it coated him. She felt the tip come to rest at the entrance of her canal and gasped, but he let it slip back up. He teased her a second time a moment later, once again letting the big head slide up her damp folds to bump against her clit.

The third time, she felt him press forward.

Her muscles clamped down of their own volition, resisting the massive intruder trying to enter her. The pressure eased, and he wiggled the tip through her juices before pushing it down again.

Autumn threw her head back and let out a loud, high-pitched grunt as the head popped inside her. He worked his hips with the most minuscule of motions, but even that was enough to make her groan, whimper, and gasp. She was stretched like nothing she’d ever imagined, yet despite the discomfort and nerves, there was an ache in her depths, yearning for more.

The mattress moved and Autumn looked to see Lisa – still red-faced and twitching from aftershocks – move in close. The redhead said, “Just relax, sweetie,” and replaced Roger’s finger with her own.

Brian was right behind her, his chin and lips still glistening with her juices from making her come. He cupped Autumn’s left breast and moved toward it, but she redirected him with a tug on his arm into a kiss.

Tasting Lisa on his lips, Autumn moaned. The sound turned into a yelp when Roger pushed just a little deeper. Mouth hanging open and jaw quivering, she guided Brian back to his original target. Her fingers twined tightly in his hair when he sucked her nipple between his lips.

“Oh yeah,” Roger said, still barely moving his huge cock inside her.

“So big. God, so big,” Autumn squeaked.

“You know you want more,” Lisa said as she sucked two fingers to wet them before returning to Autumn’s clit.

The shock faded more quickly this time, and Autumn nodded. “Yes. More.”

Pulling back, Roger withdrew the couple of inches he’d managed to push past her resistance and thrust again. It was almost exactly the same depth as before, but the added sensation of the quicker push made Autumn squeal.

Slow, methodical thrusts drew out a steady stream of whimpers, penetrating just a little deeper every few strokes. It felt as if his cock was all the way up in her belly and about to split her in half, but when she lifted her head to look, there was still less than half of it inside her.

Autumn breathed hard, ever more animalistic cries emerging as Roger picked up speed. With what dim awareness remained beyond the incredible fullness, she noticed that his balls were barely brushing her. It was easily long enough to pound against her cervix, but he showed remarkable control in giving her all she could handle, and not a millimeter more.

“So fucking good,” Roger growled, though it was barely audible over Autumn’s cries and a screech from Summer as she came again on Mike’s tongue.

Lisa’s fingers moved faster, and Autumn’s pleasure mounted. Noticing that she was trying to see around him, Brian released her nipple and moved to plunge three fingers into Lisa’s depths instead. The redhead responded with a sensual growl.

The slightest tinges of pain provided a sharp counterpoint to the warm, tingling sensation behind her mound. Her resistance had finally collapsed, allowing Roger to take her at a rapid pace. Breasts jiggling, she clawed at the sheets as orgasm teased her. She was so close to an explosion, but felt trapped in those perfect, intense moments just before climax. On and on it went, until she was sure she would faint.

It hit her with the force of a lightning bolt, and without the slightest warning. Autumn let out an ear-piercing shriek as her orgasm tore through her. Ecstasy erupted from her every pore. From her flushed face to her tightly curled toes, she was coming, and coming hard.

With her heart pounding in her ears, she missed most of what Roger said, but she caught enough of the last two words – fucking come – to realize he was about to join her.

He roared, losing control and pushing deeper as his cock erupted inside her. She swore she could feel the hard spurts of cum spattering against the entrance of her womb. He swelled, pulsed, and trembled, drawing her orgasm out even longer as he pumped her full of cum.

Autumn went limp at the same moment as Roger fell forward onto his hands. The aftershocks lasted even longer than the seemingly never-ending orgasm. Time was an impossible concept to grasp for a while, but eventually, Autumn returned to the real world, cum dribbling from her gaped canal.

Roger lay next to her, a smile on his face so silly looking that she couldn’t hold back a giggle. At the foot of the bed, Brian was mounting his wife. Nearby, Lisa was bent over, holding on to the footboard as her husband pounded away.

Brian vented his passion with hard, fast thrusts into Summer’s pussy, but she still found the presence of mind to catch Autumn’s eye and stutter out, “T-told you we were g-gonna... Gonna lay out a s-spread none of... None of us would e-ever forget.”

Giggling in the afterglow and thinking about going back for another helping, Autumn couldn't have agreed more.

Written by RejectReality
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