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Campground Gangbang

"Girlfriend goes on a boys only camping trip and gets gangbanged while boyfriend is passed out"

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Legendary Story
When my boyfriend Jason told me he was going away on a camping trip for a week with a bunch of his mates, I wasn't very impressed. I had taken a couple of weeks off work and was looking forward to spending it with him.

Jason and I had been going out for about six years and it had been pretty good, as relationships are at the start. The last year though, we had been arguing more, usually about stupid little things.

This wasn't the first time that Jason had gone away camping with his friends. Weekend trips away happened about once every month or two. They were fishing trips mostly. Lately I had become suspicious about these so called fishing trips and was wondering if there was something more to them. It crossed my mind on more than one occasion that maybe Jason was cheating on me and this time, when he said he wanted to go away for a week, I put my foot down and insisted on coming along.

In hindsight I think I was suspicious about Jason because of a guilty conscience. I had screwed around on him quite a few times. My job takes me away to conferences and seminars fairly regularly. They usually only go for a couple of days, but every now and then they go for a week or more.

I didn't usually have any problem going without sex for a day or two, but the first time that I went away for over a week, was only four months after I started going out with Jason. I met a guy and slept with him on the second night of the two week seminar, and again every night after that! Every year from then on, I fucked at least two or three other guys at various conferences, but I always came back to Jason.

I should tell you a bit about myself. My name is Brianna and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I'm 175cm tall. I have longish, dark brown hair, about down to my shoulder blades. I am very fit because I work out every day. I'm fanatical about it. I haven't missed a day at the gym in years! My breasts aren't particularly large but they aren't small either. My friends say I'm pretty and I guess I am, although I don't think I would ever make it as a super model or anything like that.

I'm twenty seven years old and quite a successful business woman. I think I will keep the nature of my business to myself. I have used my real first name, so I can't add too much detail, or someone might put two and two together and figure out who I am.

Jason wasn't very happy about me coming along on this particular trip, which only made me more suspicious. We went to a campsite somewhere in the Grampians. That's a mountain range not too far from Melbourne. I wasn't really into camping, so when Jason finally agreed to let me come along, I regretted it almost instantly. If he really was planning something other than camping, he would never have agreed to let me come. I knew I had made a mistake, but I couldn't change my mind now. Not after all the fuss I had made.

We got to the campsite and we were the last to arrive. There were nine guys there and I was the only girl. I was instantly uncomfortable with the whole situation, and Jason was still mighty pissed off with me, so this didn't look like being a fun week.

The other guys were surprised to see me turn up with Jason. This was supposed to be a blokes only sort of trip, but they were friendly enough. They were friendlier than Jason was being at the moment anyway. He was still pissed off with me, and a bit embarrassed about turning up with his girlfriend. I was feeling pretty bad about the whole thing as well. It was obvious now, that I was mistaken about Jason cheating on me. I thought I would make it up to him that night in our tent.

Jason was cold to me the whole rest of the day. Bit by bit I changed from feeling guilty, to getting annoyed. He was drinking pretty heavily that night as we all gathered around the camp fire. I was trying to be nice to him, using the cold as an excuse to snuggle up to him, and getting very flirty. I could see the other guys watching me, and I knew that as they watched me coming on to Jason, they were wishing they had a woman with them as well.

Jason still wasn't responding though. When we finally went to bed that night, he was out like a light within seconds of his head hitting the pillow. To make matters worse, he snored like you wouldn't believe. I got very little sleep that night.

Things were a little better the next day. Jason wasn't being cold to me anymore, but he also wasn't interested in sex that morning. He was seriously hung over and looked like shit. He also smelled very bad! We got up and got the fire going again. I tried to help out a bit with the cooking, but I had never cooked on an open fire before. After a few minutes the guys politely suggested I go and sit down.

After lunch I wanted Jason to come with me and do some hiking, but he was feeling a bit unwell, so I ended up going alone. I was gone for a couple of hours. When I returned, the guys were already drinking heavily. I didn't want Jason getting seriously drunk again so I suggested he slow down a bit. That just pissed him off again. It was obvious he really didn't want me being there.

I had worked up a bit of a sweat with all my hiking and really needed to bathe, but the river was freezing cold. One of the guys had brought along a bush shower, that's just a canvas bag that you hang from a tree and fill with water. It has a shower head attached to it but the water doesn't last long so you have to be quick. The shower was out in the open off to the side of our campsite, so I went into our tent and changed into my swimsuit. It was a tiny little white bikini which I had worn many times at the beach with hundreds of other bathers. Somehow it was different wearing it here, where I was the only one in a swim suit, and nine guys were watching me shower.

I discreetly turned away as I lifted my bikini top and washed underneath. I could feel all eyes watching me, as I put my soapy hand inside my bikini bottoms, and washed between my legs. The water was quite cool, but wouldn't have been too bad if it wasn't for the wind chill. I got very cold as the wind blew, and my nipples got very hard.

When the shower water ran out, I threw a towel around me and moved closer to the fire. I tried to dry myself off as quickly as possible. I could see my nipples poking out through the flimsy material of my bikini, and I knew all the guys around the fire could see it as well. About the only person who didn't seem to notice was Jason, who was already well on his way to getting smashed again.

As soon as I was dry, I went back in to the tent and got changed into something warmer. Normally, jeans would have been best, but I had a long, thick woollen skirt that was very warm, so I wore that instead. It was getting on towards sundown, so I didn't need a bra. A t-shirt and soft wool pullover, with a pair of sheepskin 'Ugg' boots to finish it off and I was nice and warm.

After dinner we sat around the fire and talked, just like the night before. Jason was staggering drunk almost before the sun had set, and he was being an arsehole as well. I could see my chances of him making love to me that night were slim to none. I thought I might as well have a few drinks.

They didn't have any wine and I'm not really into beer. Fortunately someone had brought along some port, which is nice and sweet, and burns as it goes down. I sat close to the fire drinking my port and soon I was feeling warm inside and out.

Jason got so drunk he threw up and crashed into bed by about 8pm. I was starting to get pretty pissed off with him.

Most of the other guys were still sober or at least not staggering drunk like Jason. We sat around the fire and laughed and talked and my mood started to improve. I was starting to get a lot more attention from the guys now that Jason had gone to bed. It was nothing too serious, just a bit of flirting.

I was sitting on a large log that we had been using as a seat near the fire, and I had a couple of guys sitting on either side of me. We were squeezed in pretty tight to stay warm. I was touching shoulders with the guy on my left and the one on my right.

The wool skirt I was wearing reached almost to my ankles, so as long as I kept it wrapped around me, I was toasty warm. The skirt was split all the way to the top but with a large overlap at the front. Occasionally, as I shuffled around or adjusted my legs, the skirt would fall open, baring one or the other of my legs all the way to my upper thighs. I quickly noticed though and a quick flip of my skirt and I was decently covered again.

David was sitting on my right. He commented on my choice of wearing a skirt, and asked me if I was cold having the wind blow right up me. He was being a bit suggestive, but I was getting quite drunk by this time and I just laughed. I told him that I was very warm underneath thank you.

One of the guys whose name I can't remember asked me with a laugh if I needed another shower. All the guys joined in laughing and so did I. I could feel my cheeks burning as they made comments about my shower earlier in the day. My suspicion that they were all watching me as I showered was confirmed. I had several offers to help me next time I wanted a shower, but I laughed it off.

Even from where I was sitting I could hear Jason snoring and I wasn't in any hurry to go to bed. I figured if I had a few more drinks and waited until I was really tired, I would have a better chance of sleeping through the thunderous noise.

The cool breeze picked up a bit and once again, David commented on how cold I must be wearing a skirt. I reassured him that I wasn't cold. I bared my right leg and said, "Feel."

David put his hand on my leg and was amazed at how warm I was. His hand, in comparison, felt ice cold. I flicked my skirt back over my leg and David left his hand where it was. “To get warm,” he said.

I laughed again, but I didn't do anything to push his hand away.

The other guys were all watching me. David kept talking about how warm and soft my legs were. Paul was sitting on my left. He also put his hand between the overlap in my skirt, and slid it between my legs. I was laughing as I sat there with two guys' hands between my legs, roughly half way up from my knees, trying to warm their hands.

They were both rubbing their hands up and down my inner thighs under my skirt. My legs were being pulled gently open by their hands. They weren't spread wide but bit by bit, they pulled them wider apart. Every now and again my skirt would fall off one or both legs, and I would flick the skirt back over their hands again.

I would never have allowed them to do any of this if I was totally sober, but my inhibitions were rapidly going the way of the Dodo. I was enjoying the attention. I rested my head on David's shoulder and closed my eyes, as the two men continued stroking my legs. David changed hands and put his left arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him, and he continued touching me with his right hand.

Paul was the first one to get a bit braver. His hand was reaching quite high up my thigh as he was stroking me. He tentatively brushed the heel of his hand against my knickers as he was moving up and down my thighs. When I didn't protest, he went further, and eventually stopped his hand as high up my leg as he could go. His hand was resting against my clit, through my knickers, as his fingers continued stroking my upper inner thighs.

I was so far gone by this time that I had totally forgotten about all the other guys there, who had gone very quiet. David also slid his hand further up my other leg. He began directly rubbing my slit through my knickers. He gently pulled my leg wider and Paul did the same thing from the other side. My legs were now spread wide open. They both had easy access to my panties. My skirt had completely fallen off both of my legs, but I was no longer concerned about covering up. The hands rubbing me, and the alcohol, were keeping me warm.

I had completely forgotten about Jason by this time. All my attention was on Paul's and David's hands. I wasn't actively doing anything to help them, but I certainly wasn't resisting. This continued for quite a while. I can remember giving out a few little moans as they touched me.

I'm not sure which one it was that first slid a finger inside my knickers. I think it was Paul, but I can't be sure. He slid his fingers in from the side and started rubbing my clit. I was moaning louder now, and he was obviously getting more confident, as he began rubbing me harder. Occasionally, he slid his finger down a bit to moisten his finger, in between the outer lips of my cunt, which was by now very wet, before returning to rubbing my clit.

After a few minutes I felt more hands rubbing my legs. In a dreamy sort of way, I realised there had to be a third man kneeling in front of me, but I didn't even open my eyes to see who it was. I really didn't want Paul to stop rubbing my clit. It felt so good.

Paul moved his hand up and came in from the top of my knickers, and continued rubbing me. He slid his hand down further and used his thumb to rub my clit as he slid first one, then two fingers inside me. I gave a gasp as his fingers first went inside me. I was rocking my hips backwards and forwards against his thumb, as I felt an orgasm approaching.

A few seconds later a powerful orgasm swept through me. I spasmed, and gave a long loud moan of pure pleasure. Before I had even finished cumming, I felt the hands of the guy in front of me reach up high on either side of my hips, and pull my knickers down.

I still had my head resting on Paul's shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw most of the guys gathered around really close, where they could see me being fingered. I had a moment's hesitation when I saw that sea of faces, but I just closed my eyes again as the second wave of my orgasm swept through me. I didn't even notice what was about to happen until it was too late.

Very suddenly, Paul's fingers withdrew from my cunt and they were replaced with a cock. I opened my eyes again and saw that I was being fucked by Nigel, one of Jason's best friends. He was kneeling on the ground between my legs, and was holding my knees apart. He looked right into my face as he continued fucking his best friend's girl. I was being supported on both sides by Paul and David, and I was leaning back while Nigel screwed me.

This was all like a dream to me. A part of me knew that what I was doing was wrong, and that I should put a stop to it. That wasn't going to happen though because another part of me was really enjoying it.

Nigel didn't take very long. A few minutes later he gave a bit of a grunt as he buried his cock deeper, and pumped his cum into me. Paul and David held my legs wide open as Nigel pulled his cock out and stood up. My dripping cunt was clearly visible to all the other guys standing in front of me. One of them took Nigel's place between my legs, and a few seconds later I was getting fucked again.

This wasn't the first time I had had multiple partners. I had several threesomes over the years. Once I even had three guys at the same time, but I had never really been gangbanged before. That was about to change as the second man was working up to a frantic pace. It wasn't long before he added his cum to Nigel's, inside my dripping snatch.

As the second man finished, the guys picked me up and carried me over to a single air mattress, which someone had brought out earlier to sit on. I was laid back on the mattress, and I spread my legs wide open as the third man got on top of me. I felt like I was on fire inside, but in a good way, as he started fucking me. It wasn't just the bounce in the air mattress that had me thrusting my hips back up at him.

I was being screwed for the third time as I felt another orgasm approaching. I lifted my legs and wrapped them around his waist so he could go deeper. I didn't quite make another orgasm before he finished, adding yet another load to the mush inside me. I groaned in frustration as he pulled out of me. I was desperate to keep the feeling going before I lost it. I eagerly pulled the next man down on top of me, and quickly guided his hard cock into my sloppy cunt.

The fourth man had a very long cock. I gave a yelp as he pushed into me with one thrust. It hurt at first as the head of his cock hit deep inside me, but I soon stretched to accommodate him. I started working up to cumming again. I raised my legs high again as he fucked me. Soon I was taking him all the way. I could feel his balls slapping against my buttocks as he pumped that long cock into me.

A few seconds later I was screaming as I came. My whole body convulsed with unbearable pleasure as the man just kept on screwing me. I let my legs fall back to the mattress while he continued fucking me. It wasn't long before another flood of cum splashed into my increasingly gooey insides.

The next three were very much the same. I just lay there as they took their turns. I was exhausted! I was sure I wasn’t going to cum again, but it turned out I was wrong.

The eighth man to screw me had the thickest cock I have ever seen. He proudly stood before me and dropped his jeans. I stared in amazement as I saw what he was going to stick in me. It was massive, and it wasn't even fully hard yet!

I exclaimed, "Oh my god!" in a drunken slur, as he knelt down between my legs.

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He lifted my legs over his shoulders, and pushed the head of his cock into me. I couldn't believe the size of this thing! I felt the pressure as he pushed against my already loosened ring, and felt myself opening wide, but he still wasn't inside me. He was holding his semi hard cock in one hand, and slowly but firmly increasing the pressure on my cunt.

Just as I thought I wasn't going to be able to take him, I suddenly gave way, and the head of his cock was in me. I gasped as he penetrated me. Even after the head of his giant cock was through my opening, I could feel myself being stretched. He started working himself backwards and forwards, getting a little deeper each time. I grunted with every thrust of that monster into my little hole.

As he got deeper, his cock also started to get harder.I felt like a baseball bat was being shoved into me. I could barely breathe! I was grunting rhythmically with every thrust. I couldn't believe it when I finally felt his body pressed against mine, and I realised that I had all his meat inside me.

He lasted a long time in that position, and as he fucked me with long slow strokes, I came again. He kept on thrusting while I had my orgasm. It was unbearable! I went into a frenzy as he continued to screw me, even while I was cumming, I had three more orgasms in rapid succession. I had never cum that often before!

My multiple orgasms finally subsided. He screwed me for about another ten minutes, before finally unloading an amazing quantity of cum from those monster balls. Each surge hit my insides like a powerful jet of water. I counted seven surges before he finally finished draining his balls.

I felt my ring being stretched again, as his head pulled out of me with a squelching noise. I groaned in a mix of pleasure and pain, as my ring suddenly contracted back to a more normal size.

At least half a dozen more men went through me after that. So I know a few of them came back for seconds. I'm assuming they all screwed me, but I can't be certain. I had my eyes closed most of the time.

When they had finally done with me, I was helped to my feet. I stood there very unsteadily on shaky legs, as I was supported by two of the men. I could feel cum, running down my legs. I didn't dare even try to bend over or walk yet. I just stood there as cum ran down past my knees and into the top of my sheepskin boots. One of the men handed me my knickers, and with some help, I managed to get them back on.

As I looked around I saw that over half the guys had gone to bed, there was only three men left awake. Without a word, two of them helped me to my tent. I unzipped the door and crawled inside. Jason was still sound asleep and making loud rumbling noises as I got undressed. I used my t-shirt to wipe the sticky mess off my legs. I buried the now sodden t-shirt deep in my bag and crawled into the double sleeping bag with Jason. I was truly exhausted and fell asleep very quickly, despite the snoring in my ear.

I have no idea how late it was when I finally got to bed, but it wasn't surprising that Jason woke up before me. Wouldn't you know it, he was finally feeling amorous! I woke up to him kissing me and playing with my tits. I muttered something about being tired, but he was insistent, as boyfriends often are. As he rolled on top of me and entered me, he commented on how wet I was. I knew the wetness was the combined cum of his nine best friends, but I couldn't let him know that. So I faked being very horny. I acted like he was the best lover in the world as he screwed me. I tried to ignore the pain as he slammed into my bruised and swollen cunt. He didn't last very long. It was only a few minutes before he added his cum unknowingly, to that of his friends. Soon after that, Jason got up. I went back to sleep for a few more hours.

When I finally got up, Jason was more cheerful than he had been the last couple of days. He was having a great time with his mates. I felt awfully guilty about the night before. The guys all smiled at me whenever Jason wasn't looking. I spent most of the afternoon snuggled up to him. It was obvious he had no idea about what had happened. His mates all just continued talking to him as if nothing had happened.

It always amazes me how easily men lie! I felt very uncomfortable the rest of the day. I really just wanted to go home but this was only day three. We had four more nights to go before we were due to go home. After dinner that night, I went to bed early. Jason stayed up with his friends and I lay in our sleeping bag, wide awake for several hours before finally falling asleep alone.

Jason was a little bit drunk when he came to bed and wanted sex again. It didn't hurt this time. I was already getting over the soreness from the marathon fuck session.

Day four went much the same as day three. I was very clingy with Jason and hardly left his side. He started to wonder about my strange behaviour. He kept pulling away from me to go and do things with his friends. A few of the guys tried to flirt with me whenever Jason wasn't around. They were even touching me when they could get away with it.

As I was lifting the Jerry can to get a drink of water, Paul offered to help me. Jason was only a few feet behind me but facing the other way. Paul gave my breast a good squeeze and smiled at me. I backed away because I was scared of Jason catching us. That night I went to bed early again, much to the disappointment of Jason's friends. Jason stayed up quite late and I pretended to be asleep when he came to bed. He very briefly tried to see if I was interested in sex, but gave up when I was unresponsive.

The fifth day I was up early and so was a few of the guys. I had another shower and the guys weren't even subtle about watching me this time. Jason was still asleep, so the guys came right up to me and watched, as I washed my breasts, and cleaned between my legs. As I was drying myself the guys were getting a feel. Their hands were all over my breasts. One of them even stuck his hand down my pants, and got a finger inside me, but I pulled away. Jason could have come outside of the tent at any moment, and I was very scared of getting caught. I finished drying quickly, and went back in our tent to get changed.

Jason woke up an hour or so later and the morning passed uneventfully. At one point, I saw one of the guys tipping away lots of ice. I wondered why he was throwing it out, but didn't think much about it at the time. After lunch, Michael very publicly said we were out of ice and a few other things, and he asked Jason to go with him to get some more. The nearest town was at least an hour away. I knew instantly that this was a plan to get Jason out of the way. Michael already had put the cooler boxes in the back of his truck, and there were only two seats in the front cab.

This was my chance to ask Jason not to go. Jason asked me if I was ok on my own for a bit. This was my opportunity. I had to remove temptation, or I knew I would succumb to my desires. I didn’t have to say, “Don't go because your best friends all want to fuck me." All I had to do was tell him I was uncomfortable, and he would stay with me.

"I'm okay," I heard myself say, as Jason kissed me goodbye, and told me they would be back in about three hours.

The dust from Michael's truck hadn't even settled when the guys gathered round me and started feeling me up. I stood there as David and the others pulled my top off, and removed my bra. Several of them were holding me up, as my boots were taken off. One of them was unzipping my jeans. Hands pulled my jeans and knickers off, and within a minute I was totally naked. I was about to be gangbanged for the second time in three days. I was going to let all these guys fuck me again, and even though I felt incredibly guilty, I desperately wanted their cocks inside me.

It was the middle of the week and no one else was in the campground, so the guys carried me over to a wooden table, that was just a few metres away. One of the guys, very considerately, placed a sleeping bag on the rough wood, before they laid me on it right near the end. It appeared that they had already worked out who was going first, because there was no arguing as Brett got between my legs.

He said, "I've been dying for another go at that cunt of yours." He pulled out his already hard cock, and worked it into me. I spread my legs wider as his cock started pressing into me. I felt terribly guilty about doing this again but I needed it. I looked away and tried to pretend it was Jason thrusting into me.

My breasts were bouncing up and down with the force of his cock slamming into me. He wasn't gentle but I didn't want it gentle and loving. Not from them! This wasn’t making love. This was just sex! I wanted it rough! I wanted to be punished by their meat battering rams. I just lay there and got thoroughly fucked.

David came to the side of the table and pushed his cock towards my mouth. He turned my head back and told me to open my mouth. He grabbed a handful of my hair and rubbed the head of his cock all over my lips. He was laughing as he asked if I wanted his cock in my mouth, or up my arse.

I have never had anal sex, with anyone, not even Jason, so I opened my mouth and David started to fuck my face. I wasn't really giving good head, but he didn't seem to care. He just held onto my head and pushed his cock into my mouth, as if he were fucking a cunt. I felt tears coming to my eyes as his cock repeatedly hit the back of my throat.

I knew how to give head. I just couldn't take him all the way that quickly. I deep throated Jason sometimes and he loved it! I knew if I didn't start swallowing, David would keep bashing his hard cock into the back of my throat.

The next time he pushed forward, I swallowed and took him all the way down my throat. My head was turned to the side, and I could feel his hairy balls on my cheek for a second, before he pulled out. Brett was still pounding away at my cunt, and I tried to get into a rhythm with the cock going down my throat, and the one in my cunt. Brett's pace was picking up, and I knew he wouldn't be much longer. I was actively sucking on David's cock now, and swallowing him every few thrusts. A minute or so later, Brett came inside me, and was quickly replaced by someone else. I have no idea who it was. My face was otherwise occupied! 

It took almost ten minutes to bring David off. I think he was deliberately holding back, so I would have to suck him longer. Eventually he grabbed hold of my head, and pulled his cock almost all the way out of my mouth. Then he shot several loads of cum over my lips and tongue. He told me to swallow his load, and I swirled up all the cum from my mouth with my tongue, and swallowed it all in one go.

I was still being fucked by whoever had taken Brett's place. A few seconds later another cock was shoved into my mouth. Four of the men fucked me, and three came in my mouth, before they changed my position. I was rolled onto my stomach and bent over the end of the table. My feet just barely reached the ground. With my legs were spread, I was forced to stand on the tips of my toes. Someone's hands grabbed my hips, and he stuck his cock inside me.

I couldn't suck cock in this position. I lay bent over the table, as I was repeatedly pounded into. I was surprised that it didn't hurt more after the gangbang only a couple of days ago, but it seems that the cunt recovers quickly. I rested my head on my arms, and let them take turns at me, until I felt the one with the giant cock pushing at my cunt.

He was easier to take this time, but that is a very relative term. It wasn't easy! I looked over my shoulder and saw that Andrew was the owner of the monster cock. He smiled at me, as he eased his thick prick inside my slick opening. I forced myself to relax, and allowed my cunt to open up instead of resisting. He had his cock inside me much more quickly this time. Within a minute he was giving me his full length.

I could feel how hard he was and my cunt was being stretched to the maximum, especially when he was deep inside me, and the base of his cock opened me right up. I couldn't help grunting with every thrust of that monster inside what used to be my tight little hole. I found myself wondering if Jason would notice the difference, now that I had been repeatedly stretched. Would I be loose and unsatisfying to him?

The guys used me for about two and a half hours, before someone said that Jason could be back soon. I gathered up my clothes, and walked naked to the shower. There was no point in being modest anymore. I stood naked under the shower, and rinsed the cum from my cunt, and washed myself clean with soap. One of the guys refilled the canvas bag, so I could have a longer shower. I even washed my hair, to get the cum out of it.

When I was finished I dried myself and got dressed in clean clothes. The weather had turned warm, so I wore a light cotton dress. I felt clean for the first time in days. That didn't last very long, because the guys had been watching me the whole time, and David said he was ready to go again. Brett said it was too risky, because Michael and Jason could be back any minute. David said he didn't care. He too me by the hand and led me into his tent.

I didn't get fully undressed. David just pulled my knickers off and got on top of me. He fucked me hard for a few minutes, and filled my cunt with his cum again.

I was pulling my knickers back on as David left the tent and I heard him say, "Anyone else?"

A moment later one of the others was in the tent, undoing his pants. I lay back down again and removed my knickers, which I hadn't even fully got back on, as the next guy took his turn screwing me.

Two more guys came in the tent next. They had me doggy style, one in my mouth, and one up my cunt. Someone called out that they could see Michael's truck coming. The guy in my mouth pulled out, and stuck his cock back in his pants, and left the tent. He said, "Too late! Stay where you are." 

Johnno was still fucking me from behind. He held firmly to my hips and kept going. I could hear the truck pull up, and I heard Jason's voice outside. I turned and whispered to Johnno that we should stop, but he just shook his head and kept quietly fucking me.

The guys outside were all talking. I heard Jason ask where Johnno and I were. David said Johnno was sleeping, and that I had gone for a bit of a walk about half hour ago. Johnno was still fucking me with my boyfriend right outside. I was trying very hard not to make any noise as he slammed into me. Less than a minute later, Johnno emptied his balls inside me again.

As Johnno went to give the other guys a hand, I snuck out the back door of Johnno's tent and made my way out of the campsite. I couldn't believe what was happening. I was fucking all my boyfriend's 'friends' repeatedly, and we were getting dangerously close to being caught.

I tidied myself up and tried to get rid of that 'just been fucked' look. I straightened my dress and that's when I realised that in my panic I had left my knickers behind in Johnno's tent. I had cum leaking out of me, and there was nothing I could do about it. I made my way back to the campsite, and acted as if I had been away on a pleasant walk. Jason didn't seem to suspect a thing. At the first opportunity I went to my tent and got another pair of knickers to put on.

The guys had brought back lots of ice and plenty more alcohol from their shopping trip. That night after dinner the main drink was Vodka and orange. I noticed that the guys were trying to get Jason to drink more. They weren't being too obvious about it but when I saw David mixing up a couple of drinks, I noticed he was putting three or four times as much vodka into Jason's drink.

It's kind of obvious how things were going to go from there. Jason was comatose by 9pm and I was being gangbanged again five minutes later. Michael got to go first, because he had missed out during the day, but they all fucked me again. Most of them came in my mouth as well.

The next couple of days was a series of quick fucks. There were no more gangbangs, but they took turns finding excuses to take Jason away for a while, and I was being fucked regularly. Someone took Jason out to gather some more firewood, and three guys fucked me while they were gone. Mostly it was just quick blowjobs though. That way I didn't need to get undressed.

That camping trip was over six months ago. Jason still doesn't suspect anything, as far as I know. Most of his friends from work fuck me whenever they can. Even a few of his friends who weren't on that camping trip have been told about me. It's a rare week that I don't get two or three guys fucking me.

Most of Jason's friends from work visit me at lunch time, a couple of times a week. Never more than two or three at a time though. They seem to be taking turns to keep Jason busy at work, while the others come to our place, and fuck me.

Jason mentioned that work wants him to go away on a business trip for a few days, in a couple of weeks. I know when he goes, I will have most of his 'friends' over, and I will get seriously gangbanged again. I'm looking forward to it!


Hi! If you like my stories, or even if you don't, please give me some feedback. I would love to hear from you.

Written by alison90
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