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Breaking the Code

"Trisha and Coco turn out a house party"

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The onslaught was beginning, I know this girl squirts. I’ve made her squirt, so this will only be a surprise to Robert. I broke the code. I continued to plunge my fingers in and out of her womanly core, reaching deeper, reaching further, every inch of my fingers needed to stroke her ejaculate inducing spot. And once I was there, I rubbed, stroked, and massaged until she grabbed my locks and screamed, juices shooting from her pussy like water from a fire hose. (From The Reunion Part 2)

Thank you to the reader that suggested this story be based on the above paragraph. You rock!

Robert and I have rules about swinging that are not negotiable. They are the “code” by which we must live in order to maintain a safe, fulfilled, and honest relationship. I have never been tempted to rebel against the code. That was until I met the intoxicating Trisha. Simply put, Trisha is exquisite. And she wanted me as often as she could have me. For the most part, I resisted spending time alone with Trisha without Robert present. I tried, I honestly did!

Robert was away on business when he called and said his flight was grounded in Newark. He didn’t think that he’d get out until the next afternoon. Of course, I was upset, we had plans that I was looking forward to. I am very much in love with him, and like most girls, I crave, desire, and need my partner’s attention. And at the time, my need for him was great. To be disappointed, even though the matter was out of his control, was difficult for me to accept. Frustrated, I hung up the phone, stripped and laid across my bed. What’s a freaky girl to do on a Saturday night without her sexy man? Well, I picked up the phone.

Trisha, pick up, pick up!

“Hey sexy, are you giving in to me tonight?” Trisha said breathlessly into my ears.

“Trisha, quit girl, you know I can’t go to a house party without Robert.”

“Coco, you’re a grown ass woman, you know damn well you love that man & no man or woman at the party is gonna get at your punani because of your commitment to that damn code of yours!” Trisha wanted this to be my voyeur night. She didn’t want to go alone to the party and didn’t want any man ‘blocking’ that night.

“And why the hell am I still calling you Coco? What is your real name?” Trisha never liked calling me Coco, she loved the natural me and she thought the name didn’t fit the naturalness that is within. I told her my name.

“It’s Vanessa, girl.” I’ve hated the name for a very long time. “And I prefer you call me Coco or V, you choose.”

“Ok girl, relax. I didn’t mean to take you someplace bad. And obviously you don’t like the name for a reason. But, moving on, Sexy, are you coming out with me tonight, cuz I know Robert ain’t making it home.”

I thought about what she’d said and responded, “Yeah girl, but if some shit jump off, I’m gonna bounce!”

I should’ve called Robert; I should’ve told him that I was going out. But I didn’t, I was a little pissed off about the constant travel and now the damn weather that was keeping him from me.

Trisha sent me the invitation to the party via email. I read it silently and thought, well it least it sounds like a good time, a Lingerie and Pajama Party, exclusive, select couples, single ladies, with no single men. I was intrigued. The address was in a high-end suburban neighborhood and I knew it well.

I went upstairs to shower and selected an outfit for the evening. I had just made it to the shower when the phone rang. Damn, running out of the bathroom I stubbed my toe, and cursed again.

“Hello!” I said with attitude.

“Hey baby, what you wearing?” It was Robert on the phone trying to cheer me up. He must have sensed that I was a little ticked earlier.

Calming a bit, I laughed. “Boy, please. I’m naked and dripping for you.” I thought two can play this game.

He gasped, “That’s not fair, you never play fair.”

“Robert, I’m about to get in the shower, Trisha and I are going out tonight.” I was feeling him out to see how he’d react.

“Where are my girls going?”

“To a party her friends are throwing.” I was still feeling him out, trying to get him to throw me a bone.

“Ok, Sexy Coco, be good, remember the code & I will talk to you later.” I was going to have to be extra special to that man when he returned.

I ran to the bar to grab a drink and smiling, I rushed back to the shower. I handled the bathing business and emerged refreshed and ready to watch some freaky shit go down. Back in the bedroom, I grabbed various oils and lotions for my chocolate skin. When I realized that I was about to go off on a tangent, I got up and sashayed into the closet to find something provocative to wear under my sexy mid-thigh length khaki trench coat.

My phone was doing its thing again, a text message from Trisha:

Wear red, Coco. I want you in red and black, hair down, and stilettos.

I shook my head and went about dressing for the evening.

Trisha is my friend first, and friend with benefits second, BUT don’t get it twisted, we did have an encounter the first night we met. The friendship has now deepened. There is no man in her life at the moment; she says she doesn’t need one. And when she does need one, she tells me without a trace of vanity, “I can find one, but it will be for a singular purpose.” So of course, I respected her choices. But the girl should have a husband, as she is definitely what the men I know call “wifey” material. To them, Trisha is beautiful, smart, and humorous, has a good career, and a body made for sin, most women, if honest, will agree.

I went back to the closet for the red outfit, but I didn’t feel the black stilettos. I chose silver strappy sandals with rhinestones. After getting dressed, I thought that this wonderful, see through, and intoxicating number would turn heads and I set out to hit the scene. I then noticed the number in my full length tri-fold mirror and changed my mind. I wanted black, all black and the red went the way of the bed. With the silver shoes, I added silver accessories, bangles, chandelier style earrings & a silver choker. I left my hair down per my girl’s choice. I figured that I would give her that at least. I glided back into the bathroom and selected a fragrance, oh how I loved perfumes, and that night it was Sexual by Michel G. This little known fragrance earned its name as it drives men and women wild.

Trisha, as usual was late. I was ready to go; the coat, a discreet toy, my phone and a clutch sat on the sofa as I waited.

I turned and looked for my forgotten drink; I grabbed the remote to the stereo system and turned on the tunes. I began to swing my body to the beat of the music, I felt so alive, so ready for … anything. I realized right then, that this was a dangerous feeling that I had to contain. I couldn’t find the drink, so I made another, and laid back on the sofa and again waited on Trisha.

I started to feel the stirrings of arousal deep in my pelvis. And instead of the normal gentleness, I opted for swift fingers and damned if the bell ring just as I was starting to get…

“Damn, Trisha and her perfect timing. She better be worth it; tonight better be worth it.” I mumbled as I opened the door and in walked my Trisha. My friend is a golden skinned beauty from Miami. She is smart, a registered nurse; she is sexy, a kinky bisexual; and the combination, along with a fresh attitude on life, was lethal.

Trisha had on a navy blue knee length trench coat and sexy patent leather boots. Oh my! She dropped the coat and as it turned out, they were thigh length boots and she wore garters, a thong and a see through lace bra in black. Nothing else, she was simply magnificent and her skin, flawless. How could any man resist this beauty?

I walked to my girl so she could check out her Coco and we embraced. We lingered a bit, enjoyed the feel of each other’s breasts. Regrettably, I broke our embrace. That night she smelled of Burberry Brit and I leaned into her and kissed her full pouty lips. I am a sucker for a sexy mouth and hers was now gnawing at mine with a gentle pressure that left me bereft when the kiss ended.

“You look so sexy, Trisha! You are rockin’ that outfit, girl!”

Silently, I said “What made her want to come out wearing next to nothing tonight?”

An ominous feeling of getting in over my head hit me as we continued greeting one another warmly.

“Coco, you take my breath away, but what happened to my request?” She looked put off by my choice but did nothing to drag me down. And I knew the look she offered was a fake one, she’s too pleased with my look to mention being wrong about its color.

“Girl, please you know I look hot and sexy. The hair being down is my one concession for you.” She smiled.

“Come here, let me kiss those lips again and we’ll call it all good!” Now like I was saying, I love sexy lips and there we were again all consumed in a lip lock that had the air around us thick with the possibility of lesbian sex. I knew that this would deter our arrival to the party, so again I slowed the pace. This would wait.

Trisha & I opted to ride in her BMW X5, it was a smoother ride then my Mustang. Trisha programed the navigation system and we went on our way to a den of sin.

We arrived at the house about 20 minutes later; Trisha leaned over and placed her hand on my sex. Insatiable, that is another word that comes to mind when thinking of my friend. I looked down at her hand and laughed as she inserted two fingers into my aroused pussy. She noticed my wetness and began to explore and probe my sex until I was writhing in pleasure.

“Coco, sweetie, I am not going to stop until you climax.” She said this as she began an onslaught on my clitoris with the pad of her thumb. I was so energized that I didn’t mind, I sat back and let her please me. She continued pressing, pulling, probing and finger fucking my pussy until I was teetering on the brink. She has learned my body well, and she knew that I was close, she reached up and stroked my spot and finally she got what she wanted. I screamed as I squirted into her hands and onto the glove box in her pristine BMW. She shook her head and laughed.

“Coco you owe me a detail job, that shit ain’t right.” I looked at her slack jawed, like she was out of her mind.

“Trisha girl, I don’t owe you a damn thing, you started this shit!” I retorted.

“Let’s get this party started girl.” And again, I shook my head.

“You already have T, no joke. It is most definitely about to go down.” With that, the conversation ended and we left the SUV.

Approaching the house, we noticed a few things, the attendants of this event, were indeed exclusive. There weren’t a large amount of vehicles out front of the house, but the ones that were there were all very nice. It made me wonder about the sexy people inside waiting for me to tease. Now ordinarily, I would not say tease as it pertains to me. But the rule is “no sex without the other in attendance,” so that meant that I was to watch on that night. Robert was strict about our rules. It was important to our relationship, if not trust would become an issue.

At the door, a couple welcomed us and the female asked us for a donation. Her husband spoke first and said, “Rene, this is Trisha and I am not going to charge her and her lovely companion to pay a single dime. Look at them, ladies may I take your coats?” And then they gasped, they were surprised by what stood before them. Trisha, well you already know about her beauty, and I am a tall, curvy girl with gracious hips and ample breasts and ass. The two of us together can have that effect on people. Rene and her husband asked my name and I told them, then they allowed us into the party.

The atmosphere in the party was sexually charged, music, drinks, and food flowed freely around the house. Trisha & I explored the place and watched as we were being watched. As the first brave soul approached, I asked my girl if she wanted something to drink. I then left her to have a talk with her admirer, or was it our first admirer?

As it turned out, the guy was a friend of Trisha’s and he wanted to watch us together. Typical and I was not into being a showgirl for him tonight.

I left Trisha and explored the rest of the house; it was a house full of sexy people and rooms of pure sin. I was intrigued by a young couple in the “blue” room. Two blondes, both very sexy, she was nude and stood bending at the waist, sucking him off while he had his hands on her slender ass with his finger tucked away in her asshole. It was as sight that I couldn’t walk away from for some time and I sat and watched them.

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It was arousing to see and my body began to respond. Naturally, he wanted me closer so I moved closer to them and began to gently circle my clit with my finger.

The pretty blonde, shook her head and mouthed over her man’s dick, “No, join us.” I thought about it but continued to pleasure myself in their company.

I alternated looking about the room and watching them and I continued to please my shiny sex, when I noticed that the room had a table with very enticing toys laying on it. I hopped up to investigate, and noted a moan of displeasure as I deserted my space near the couple.

I smiled inwardly, and said, “I’m not leaving, give me a minute.”

The table housed a plethora of sexual devices that were certain to titillate, cleaning products, gum, mints, and condoms. A well supplied stash; I remembered to thank the hosts. I grabbed a bullet, the toy cleaner, alcohol, and baby wipes and made my way back to the couch near the couple. I cleaned the toy and resumed the act of pleasing self.

This girl, Blondie, was amazing and she loved sucking dick. There was no gagging as she took the length of her man into her mouth. She hummed as if she were happy to just be allowed the opportunity to perform for him. I was enraptured by her mouth and his legs boasted of the furious thrusts he surely delivered forcefully into his lover.

He fell onto the couch next to me and his face shown with unadulterated undeniable joy. She leaned forward and fell to her knees, not once breaking contact. Finally releasing him for a breath, she turned and said hello. I grinned and said hi. Once the greetings were over, she turned her back to us and sat between her lover’s legs. And I watched as he stood, placed his dick back into her mouth and she swallowed his length again, I was transfixed as the imprint of his manhood was pushed in and out of her pretty mouth. He was visible as he moved his way down her throat; I could see the impression of his member moving there. I was set ablaze, simply watching.

It was inevitable. I knew that I would climax watching this exhibitionist couple that could induce me to a sensuous state of release. I turned on the little pocket vibe and buzzed happily for a few minutes. I placed two fingers at the base of my sex and felt a pool of liquid; I dipped, and pulled out two strings of sticky yumminess. I brought my fingers to my mouth and tasted the tangy sweetness that is me. A moan escaped my lips just as a grunt escaped the hard bodied blond man. He wanted to taste, and I obliged him.

Blondie continued to deep throat her man into oblivion and I began to strum my way to orgasm. It was a very erotic scene; well it was for me anyway. I committed the position to memory and found myself approaching orgasm much faster than I thought. Sensing that I was about to climax, I reached inside searching again for … “FUCK YES!” I began to squirm, writhe, and wiggle my way into an orgasm that was begging for release. And it burst from me in such a force that I squirted love juices onto his legs. He looked at me in wide eyed wonderment, and said “Oh, shit, did you just?” And at the very moment he pulled his dick out of his lover’s mouth and spewed copious amounts of jism down onto her pretty face.

A small smattering of applause erupted from the hallway.

We all looked up to find Trisha and two men standing there clapping. Of course they were surprised, but I knew that Trisha would come to find me before beginning her sexual exploits for the night.

I hopped up picked up the wipes, rubbed my juices off his legs, and cleaned myself up. I leaned down toward, Blondie, I kissed her forehead and before I could leave, she whispered “You must stay; I have to taste what my husband did.” I stayed.

Trisha and her companions entered the room, and at that moment, I noticed that she had her strap in her hand. I guess I was not to be a voyeur anymore that night.

In the heat of the moment, anything can happen and that night it did. I don’t love the idea of being watched. I much preferred to have no one watching but Trisha and Blondie were determined to have me and the men got their wish.

Trisha took the lead, while Blondie licked her husband’s cum juices from around her mouth. She then leaned up to him and kissed him full on the mouth. They shared his juices with each other gleefully. I was slightly turned on by this. There was a first time for everything.

Trisha grabbed my hands and whispered, “You will cum for me tonight, sexy. You will take what I give you, you will enjoy it all and you will not leave. I will not let anyone touch you that you don’t want touching you, although there are three very sexy men who wish to fuck you right now, none of them will without your permission. So your rules, as rigid as they are, will not be broken.”

I stammered in silence, dumbstruck at this bold command. Speechless, I simply nod.

Trisha, told Blondie to rub my breasts slowly and she did just that. I was so turned on by the contrast of skin tones that I still couldn’t speak. Moans of pleasure escaped my lips, but I did not speak.

Trisha pulled my thong to the side and placed her mouth onto my pussy lips. She continued to stroke and tease, pull and please with her fingers and tongue. And seeing this, Blondie wanted in. She grabbed my breast and leaned down plucked my nipple in her mouth. It was such a turn on to watch myself be lifted to blissful heights by two very different women. Blondie was tall and thin, and had a runner’s muscle tone. She would not ordinarily be my choice, but she did have an appeal about her that was truly sexy.

Before I realized what was happening three men approached, and all had dicks in their hands rubbing themselves to full erections. I shook my head, I did not want this. So, the two men that entered with Tasha backed away. Blondie’s husband began to finger his wife. Tasha laughed and shook her head at me.

“Why the hell are you turning down pleasure, baby? Why would you do that to yourself?” I shook my head as she continued to fuck me.

Trisha had one of the men come to her and grabbed his dick. A small amount of precum must have escaped his member, because she bent down to lick from his stick. Looking at me, she mouthed, “Cum for me, Coco” she flicked my clit and I did. I didn’t squirt this time; just shuddered and emitted a small ooze of cum.

I lifted myself up off the table and placed my girl there. Turnabout is fair play, right? I pulled the strap out of my way I began feasting on my friend. This girl was loud and boisterous, a true screamer. She brought a crowd to the blue room.

And before I could control the situation, three men were again approaching us. Blondie’s husband asked her if she wanted this and she nodded in agreement. A short gentleman grabbed my ass and began to rub his dick into it, another placed his dick in Trisha’s mouth and the third did the same to Blondie. Truly this shit had gotten out of hand, but I did nothing to stop it.

Moans, groans, and grunts from dirty sex filled the room. I gathered the courage to continue and smiled to myself as Trisha climaxed into my mouth. Satisfied that I’ve exacted some revenge I positioned myself to move but was trapped.

I asked my suitor to release me, he did and I moved toward the couch. Right then, the scene had become the Trisha & Blondie show.

I watched as she pushed Blondie onto the floor and ravished her, all the men in the room where aroused, erect, and ready to pounce. And pounce they did.

Six men surrounded the two women. And when I thought the scene couldn’t get any kinkier, it did.

Blondie was juiced and as her husband watched, she grabbed the closest dick and placed it in her mouth. Trisha was now being orally readied from behind and I was enthralled. I closed my eyes and thought. This is too damn good NOT to participate. So I stood, rubbed my wetness and approached Blondie’s husband.

I knew that I was about to cross the line. In all honesty, the lines were blurred for me that night. I wanted him to eat me, not fuck me. I wanted to feel his silky hair between my legs, his tongue on my nub. I knew having him, fucking him would be going too far and I was unwilling to go there. So I let him taste the nectar of my sex while his wife exhibited her oral abilities. He had me squirming; his thin lips took advantage of my generosity. And he finessed me well. He knew that I could squirt and he made it his mission to have that sweet ejaculate in his face. He whispered, “How?” And I reached down and positioned his fingers appropriately. Ten minutes later, I splashed my goodness in his grinning face. Sated, I sat up thanked him and grabbed his wife. I wanted her underneath me for a little while.

Blondie was indeed a sexy prize. She glowed in the passion that my body induced. The only thing that I wanted was to see her husband fuck her. I left them alone.

When I turned my head to find my Trisha, I was stunned.

My girl had commanded the attention of 3 men. One was poised behind her as she was on her knees, balls deep in her pussy, the other standing in front of her with his dick in her mouth, and the third was on his knees with his mouth attached to her breast. She was stunningly beautiful in full debauchery, my girl possessed wickedness in spades. I loved it.

I wanted in, so I licked my finger, let it drip with saliva and stuck it in her ass. She jiggled a little for me and the man fucking her took a deep breath. He began to hammer her pussy as if the world was ending and he’d never fuck again.

In various stages of raw, animalistic fucking, there were at least 10 people in the blue room blowing their minds.

I was in heaven. And then there was more.

I picked up the forgotten strap on, released the phallus from its harness, and began to press it firmly against her asshole. Resistance was instantaneous but I was persistent. I wanted one of these men to fuck her ass. She would love it, and I wanted to see it. So I continued to press into her with the plastic dick.

I stood thinking for a moment, then I asked her, “Trisha girl, is this ok?”

She moaned her consent and tipped her head in the affirmative.

After about three minutes, the girl was taking it from all entrances. And squirting juices dripped from her pussy like water from a fountain.

And yet, she was still fucking, still wanting more and I looked around to find a suitable man to fuck my girl’s ass.

I garnered a look in Blondie’s direction and noticed that she was in such awe that she had stopped fucking her husband. His dick, fully erect, and needy was the first to come into view. Now, I am not one to worry about size, but I was fairly surprised by this blond Adonis. He had size and girth, and I wanted to see if he had skill.

The men worked the lady tramp into a suitable position for all involved. And before I could say snap, crackle pop, they began the process of turning my girl into a heap of squirming flesh. Pussy was filled, mouth was occupied and as I watched stupefied at this beauty that I call friend, the blond Adonis entered her ass.

Screams of pleasure were released from her mouth at that moment and the gentleman that was there had to withdraw while she acclimated herself to the anal entry. My girl is a champ! She grabbed the dick and placed it back in her mouth. I watched transfixed, as the men fucked her. They fucked her face, ass & pussy in complete abandon. The pace was frantic, the sight was raw, and I was standing there fingering myself while I watched.

Trisha was fucking, and fucking extremely well I might add and I was enjoying her being fucked senseless by three men! Shocked at the scene, but not appalled, I was indeed in too deep to notice the room had become very crowded. I watched as the first of many orgasms where released into the frenzied air of the blue room. The pussy man jerked and climaxed deep in her orifice, and sighing he fell back onto the carpet. Next I saw the mouth man blast his load into a mouth that I loved to kiss. And within minutes after that, the Adonis pulled out of her ass and ejaculated load upon load of jism onto Trisha’s body. I looked on as his wife bent over my girl, licked her clean of cum and again kissed her man on the mouth sharing his load.

Trisha jerked, squirmed, and oozed her way to multiple orgasms. She screamed in utter satisfaction and became lost in a world of exhaustion. Seeing this, I stroked my way to a juicy release, and laid next to Trisha for a moment. After allowing the heat and the spasms to recede, we sat up.

I embraced my friend and laughed wickedly. “Trisha baby, you are fucking magnificent!”

We looked around in amazement and found that the crowd had thinned some, but at that moment I noticed a man. I shook my head in order to clear it, tried to clear my vision; and I looked back towards the man. And I cried, “Oh my God, Robert!”

Written by Coco
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