Mike, a decently good-looking white guy with an average body and height, and his girlfriend Bianca, a short, petite, Latina with a beautifully exotic face and slender but curvy body and long flowing black hair, had just celebrated their two-year-anniversary and the night could not have gone worse. Not only did Mike forget to make reservations for any of the nicer local restaurants in their college town, but he also waited until the very last minute to get Bianca’s gift. This left him in the unenviable position of showing up at Bianca’s college dorm to visit her with only some cheap chocolates from the drugstore and an ugly bouquet of old flowers.
None of this was amusing to Bianca, and they ended up fighting for most of the night before Mike decided to get wasted drunk and passed out before even having the chance to make things up with Bianca on their special night. The next morning, when Bianca woke up, she was furious and immediately kicked Mike out and told him she didn’t want to see him again if he was going to act that way and clearly cared so little for her feelings. He didn’t even have the courtesy to stay sober long enough for them to even mess around a little and have some makeup sex, something Bianca had been craving all week since it was not all time that she could meet up to be intimate with Mike since they attend different colleges that aren’t exactly right next door to each other.
She was even more mad that as she was kicking him out, Mike didn’t even try to really make it right and just half-heartedly apologized and said he would make it up to her next time. After Mike was out of the door, Bianca took a moment to compose herself and decide what her next moves for the day would look like without Mike in the picture.
After thinking about it for a while, she decided she wanted to go visit the gym and work off some steam. Getting dressed in her workout gear - a pair of black tight leggings, a sports bra top, and her headphones - she made her way over to the gym which thankfully for her was within her own dorm building and quickly discovered it was nearly empty aside from a handful of guys who were all working out together lifting weights in one corner. Bianca found a spot with a bench in front of the wall of mirrors and, reaching down to pick up some of the free weights, decided she wanted to work out her legs today a little bit before maybe a quick run on the treadmill.
As she worked out, she couldn’t help but notice that quickly she had become the center of attention for the five guys, as badly as they were trying to hide their interest in her. Normally that would annoy her and distract her from working out, but right now, in the attitude Mike put her in, she was happy to be getting any sort of attention.
After a couple more minutes she noticed out of the corner of her eye that one of the guys, a dark-skinned-looking Latino, had moved up to a bench nearby hers. Her plan was originally just to ignore him and continue her workout, but she couldn’t help but keep making eye contact with him as he was now blatantly checking her out. Finally, as it looked like she was about to leave, the guy came walking over. Compared to Mike, he was actually very good-looking, with big defined muscles and a cocky smile.
“Hey mami,” he said as he approached. “Having a good workout?”
Bianca could see the rest of the guys' friends also make their way over to them.
“Yeah, so far,” she said. “Do I know you?”
“I think I’d remember meeting a girl as beautiful as you mami,” he said as he held out his hand. “Name’s Jay.”
Bianca was not unfamiliar with flirting but, having been with Mike for the last two years directly after her first boyfriend, it wasn’t something she was used to hearing and it did excite her a little bit.
“Bianca,” she said as they shook hands.
“Nice to meet you, Bianca. Just saying that with a body like yours, I can’t even imagine why you even in the gym right now cause that shit look perfect as it is.”
Bianca blushed a little and looked down at her feet. “Thanks,” she said, feeling a little embarrassed by the compliment.
“No problem,” Jay said as he turned to his friends. “Bros, this is Bianca.”
“Nice to meet you,” the other guys said as they shook her hand.
“I’m DeAndre, this is Cam, Keyshawn, and Marco.”
Bianca smiled at them and then turned back to Jay, “So what brings you guys here?” she asked
“We’re just getting in a workout before we head out to the party tonight,” Jay said.
“Oh, I see. Well, good luck with that.”
“I hope you don’t mind us being here?” DeAndre asked.
“No, not at all,” Bianca said. “I’m just going to finish up my workout and then I’ll be out of your way.”
“We were actually hoping you could help us with something,” Cam said.
“Oh really?” Bianca asked.
“Yeah, we were hoping you could spot us on a few of our sets.”
“Um, I don’t know,” Bianca said. “I’m not really familiar with all the equipment here.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Jay said.
Bianca was enjoying the back and forth, but was not sure how much further she should actually go with the flirting. “It sounds fun, but I already have a boyfriend so I really shouldn’t,” she said.
“Oh that's too bad,” Jay said. “I was really hoping we could get to know you better.”
Bianca blushed a little bit and looked down at her feet again.
“How come he ain’t down here working out with you, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I’m not sure,” Bianca said. “He’s just not really into working out. He’s supposed to be coming back later”
“Well, that sucks,” Jay said. “You seem like the type of girl who would be down for a good workout.”
Bianca blushed again and looked away.
“Again, if you don’t mind me asking,” said Jay, “you also look like the type of girl who deserves a good workout every once in a while. It doesn’t sound like your boyfriend is really up to giving you everything you deserve.”
Bianca could feel her heart rate begin to quicken. “Um, well, I mean we are not doing great right now, but he has always been a good boyfriend.”
“I’m sure he is,” Jay said. “But, you know, sometimes a girl needs more than just a good boyfriend.”
Bianca could now feel her body heating up. “I’m not sure what you mean,” she said.
“Well, you know,” Jay said. “A good workout can be just as good as a good boyfriend.”
Bianca was not sure what to say.
“What room you live in here?” asked DeAndre
Before she could even think about whether she should be revealing this information, Bianca found herself saying, “Uhm, 412.”
“What time he coming back?”
Again it was as though she could not stop herself from holding anything back or forming the composure to lie.
“Uhm, well I don’t really know since we got into a fight this morning but we were supposed to see each other again at 3.”
“So you got a few hours before he comes back?” asked Jay.
“Yeah, I guess so,” Bianca said.
A cocky smile crossed Jay’s face as he first looked over to his friends and then back to Bianca. “Well, if you’re not busy we could always come by your room for a workout later on.”
Bianca was taken aback by the suggestion and could feel a flood of emotions ranging from guilt to frustration to a tiny bit of nervous curiosity and she was left temporarily unable to respond.
“I’m not sure if that’s a good idea,” she finally said, “I mean, I don’t really know you guys and I have a boyfriend.”
“Oh, we understand,” Jay said, as he and his friends all began to pick up their workout gear. “But we also think you deserve more than just a good boyfriend.”
Bianca watched as they started to pack up and begin filing away towards the gym’s exit.
“We’ll see you later, Bianca,” said Jay as he also turned and followed suit after his friends.
After waiting a minute or so to ensure that they were gone, Bianca stood still for a moment, trying her best to replay in her mind all that had just happened. Packing up her own bag and heading out, it wasn’t until she got back to her dorm room did it fully settle in what had gone down. Seeing her dorm room number plastered on the door gave her a moment of excitement and panic as she realized that all five of those random guys now knew where she lived. Why had she not just given them some random number?
Her roommate was not going to be around for the entire weekend since she was visiting her family, so Bianca felt comfortable immediately stripping down to change out of her workout clothes as she started the water for a hot shower.
It wasn’t until she was about to step into the shower and out of her panties that she noticed the large wet spot that had formed in them.
“Oh my god,” she thought, “How did I get so wet and not even notice?”
With the warm water now enveloping her body as she washed, she felt that warmth return to her groin as she again replayed the events in her head. Why did she even start talking with them in the first place? She could have walked away at any time.
After a long time of enjoying the hot water, Bianca, stepping out of the shower and drying off her hair, walked over to her dresser to get dressed. Opening her underwear drawer, she found herself drawn for some unknown reason to probably the most revealing and lingerie-like pair of panties she owned. She had only worn these once before for her one-year anniversary with Mike, and normally she could never imagine just putting them on. But right now, and she didn’t fully know why, she felt a desire to wear them and slipped them on along with the matching bra.
Looking herself over in the mirror, she had to admit, even to herself, as self-conscious as she was, that the lingerie definitely looked good on her. The lacy thong bottom did an amazing job of making her tanned butt look even bigger, and the top highlighted her perfect tits in just the right way to make them look so full and juicy. She wished she could wear these more often, she thought, as she walked back over to her closet and took her robe off the hanger.
Slipping the robe over her body and tying the knot closed, she walked over to her phone and noticed that there was a missed call from Mike. Still looking at her phone and deciding what to do, she heard a round of knocking on her door.
The sound sent a cold shiver down her spine as she immediately glanced over to her door. Looking back at her phone, she tried dialing Mike’s number but immediately it went to voicemail as if his phone was turned off. Again came the knock at the door and, unsure of what to do next, Bianca carefully approached the door with her phone still in hand.
“Hello?” she said finally after a gulp. “Who is it?”
“You know who it is, mami,” came the reply, clearly a guy’s voice.
Bianca froze, her mind racing.
“You gonna let us come in, mami?” the voice asked.
Bianca was still unable to move.
“Mami, you at least wanna open the door for us?”
Bianca felt her hand move towards the knob and, slightly trembling, undo the lock as she slowly turned the knob.
Peeking outside she could see that it was Jay and the four other guys from the gym earlier.
“Hey, mami,” said Jay as he spoke to her through the gap. “You gonna let us come in?”
“Uhm, well, I just got out of the shower and…”
“Yeah I can see that,” said Jay. “You look beautiful in that robe, mami.”
Bianca blushed and felt the door slowly push back against her as Jay took a small step closer inside. “We didn’t get a chance to shower yet cause we couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
Bianca felt Jay take her hand in his and it sent a pulse of excitement through her as he guided her back into her room and the rest of the guys filed in from the hallway. Bianca could barely catch her breath as Jay brought her hand to his lips and kissed it before releasing it back to her.
“You want to know why we couldn’t stop thinking about you, mami?” asked Jay as the other guys approached to form a semi-circle around her.
Bianca could feel the butterflies deep inside her and her whole body was tingling.
“Why?” she asked finally.
Jay smiled and looked over to his friends. Almost in unison after Jay, they all started to undo their pants and take off their shirts. In seconds they were all down to just their boxers and immediately Bianca felt a surge inside her as she looked over first their chiseled, muscled, bodies down to the huge bulges that each of them was proudly showing off to her. There they stood before her until Jay finally stepped forward again and took hold of the fabric that was holding the know tied on Bianca’s robe.
Looking lustily at her he said, “You want to show us, too?”
Bianca felt on the verge of passing out and reached down with her hand to cover Jay’s in hers.
Before she could react Jay leaned in and kissed her passionately directly on the lips, sending another electric wave cascading all over her body. Breaking the embrace of their lips, Jay whispered to her, “You want me to pull it, don’t you?”
Bianca couldn’t tell if it was her body just responding beyond her control or if it was actually Jay, but she felt her hand and his being pulled away as the knot was undone and her robe slid off her body to hit the floor.
Jay let out a soft groan as he gave the massive bulge in his boxers as shake and continued to look over her body. The eyes of all the guys were now all over her body and Bianca felt as if she could feel the actual heat of their gaze and they looked from her legs, to her ass, to her tits.
Jay leaned in to kiss her again and this time Bianca kissed back, feeling their lips lock up as Jay shoved his tongue into her mouth and felt his hands start to careers over her body.
“Oh my god,” Bianca finally said, breaking their kiss. “I can’t do this. I have a boyfriend.”
Jay looked back at her with lust in his eyes and took hold of her hand and placed it right on the huge bulge in his boxers, causing Bianca to let out a low moan.
“Be honest with me, mami, your boyfriend could never give you what I’ve got here for you.”
Bianca could feel Jay’s massive bulge throbbing under her touch and could tell immediately he must have been enormous compared to Mike. Even just the feel of how heavy Jay’s balls were was something she was totally not expecting.
Jay kissed Bianca’s lips again, asking her, “Tell me how long it’s been since you’ve gotten what you deserve, mami.”
It was like her body was under his spell and she felt her hand start to rub a little on Jay’s bulge as she whispered back to him, “It’s been so long.”
“Your boyfriend can’t give you the dick you need, mami.”
“No,” she whispered, feeling Jay subtly pushing her down to her knees which she felt helpless to resist. “He’s never been able to give me what I need.”
“You want us to dick you down right now don’t you, mami?” he asked.
Bianca looked around at the situation she now had somehow found herself in. All five of the guys were standing around her sporting tents in their boxers bigger than anything she could possibly even imagine. And right now, as long as nobody else found out, they could all be hers for just this once. Mike would never know, and even though she was still just 19, she never knew if this would ever happen again. As all these thoughts raced through her mind, she reached forward with her hand again to touch Jay’s bulge.
Groaning as Bianca’s fingers felt all over his crotch, he looked down at her and smiled.
“Go ahead,mami. You know you want it.”
Bianca was prepared to surrender and leaned her head in towards Jay’s bulge and it was at that moment that she heard the knob on her dorm room door jingling and then the door started to open.
There was Mike, standing in the doorway with a fresh bouquet of roses in his hand. Bianca froze, not sure what was about to happen next as Mike stepped inside and the door closed behind him. There she was, on her knees in just her bra and panties surrounded by five random guys she just met all with their pants down and sporting huge bulges in their boxers.
Her heart started to race and finally, her eyes met Mike’s. His eyes were wide and his mouth hung open a little bit, looking too stunned to even speak.
After what seemed like an eternity, finally, it was actually one of the guys, Jay - the dark-skinned Latino, who spoke first.
“Your slut looks good like that, doesn’t she, bro?”
Bianca was shocked hearing Jay call her a slut, something she had never been called before, but still Mike looked like he was unable to respond.
“What’s the matter, bro? Look how hard your girl has got us all right now,” said Jay as he grabbed at his massive bulge and gave it a shake.
Bianca hadn’t even realized she was still fondling Jay’s package and her hand finally dropped to her side as he shook it.
“You got here at just the right time too. We were about to start giving her all this dick she be telling us she ain’t getting from your loser ass.”
Bianca could feel her heart leap into her throat and a hot tingle radiated throughout her entire body. Mike still hadn’t even moved but finally, she was able to get only a brief sentence out. “Baby I’m sorry this isn’t what it looks like.”
Still, Mike appeared to be frozen in place. Just as his lip started quivering like he was trying to talk, it was Jay again who spoke up first. “Bro, what the fuck. Look how fucking hard his little dick is getting! Little bitch is getting fucking turned on seeing his girl about to get dicked down! What a fucking pussy bro, fuck!”
Jay was pointing directly at Mike’s crotch and all of the other guys, including Bianca, turned to look. Finally, Mike moved, and it was a slow look down where it was impossible not to notice the growing bulge that had clearly formed in his own pants. There was also a clear wet spot that had started to form and Mike hadn’t even noticed it happen. His eyes flashed over to Bianca’s who looked on pleadingly for him to say something…anything.
“Baby! Mike! Mike, please say something!”
It was then that Jay, all in one motion, took a step closer between Bianca and Mike and dropped his boxers to the floor. As he pulled them down, the biggest and thickest dick that Bianca or Mike had ever seen before popped out with force mere inches from her face. Jay took his massive dick in one hand and slowly pulled back the foreskin to reveal the glistening tip and aimed it right at Bianca’s mouth.
Turning to face Mike, he said, “You prob want to jerk your little dick so bad right now bro. You know your slut wants it too, but this is your last chance to say something before I put my cock in your girl's mouth and then she belongs to us, bro.”
Mike’s eyes darted between Bianca, his girlfriend’s, beautiful face and the huge rock hard cock that was so close he could swear they were nearly touching. Mike could now also finally feel the strain of his own insane hard-on and almost involuntarily he reached down to adjust his shorts.
“Mike!” shrieked Bianca, unable to fully comprehend what she was seeing and everything happening around her. She suddenly felt that surge of heat all over her body again and, shockingly for her, a little bit of that warmth, and a little bit of wetness, forming in her panties.
Jay turned back to face Bianca and, giving his cock a shake right in front of her, said “Go on, baby, this big dick is all for you. Your pussy boyfriend is just not man enough to tell you he wants to watch you take all of us like the slut you are.”
Bianca first looked up at Jay, her gaze going down from his face, to his sculpted and defined body, to his huge cock, so much bigger and thicker than Mike’s, throbbing harder than she had ever seen Mike’s, starting to drip as it seemed to get even closer the more she stared.
The heat and the wetness were now overpowering, and finally, Bianca looked over to Mike and, unable to hold back any longer, said, “You made me do this.”
With that, she leaned forward and, slowly opening her mouth, wrapped her lips around the tip of Jay’s massive dripping cock and closed them around the head. Bianca could immediately taste so much of Jay’s precum as his cock began to fill her mouth and even though this was something she normally disliked from Mike on the rare occasions she gave him head, the taste of Jay’s juicy cock turned her on even more.
Jay let out a moan as Bianca’s lips closed around his cock and he reached down to take a handful of her hair to hold it away from her face. “Let your boyfriend see his beautiful girlfriend with her mouth full of big dick.”
Bianca looked over to Mike as Jay pushed even more of his huge dick between her lips and into her mouth. Jay gave a short thrust forward and even though he was still barely halfway inside, Bianca started to gag and had to pull back a little until again it was just the tip of Jay’s cock resting between her lips.
“How wet is that slutty Latina pussy, baby?” he asked.

With Mike still standing there, Bianca knew there was no point in trying to fight it any longer. Just hearing Jay talk about her the way he was, and Mike’s total silence, made it impossible.
“It’s so wet right now. I’m so wet right now.”
Jay then stood over her even more so that his big heavy balls rested right over her face as he continued to stroke.
“Mmm,” said Jay, “hold out your tongue for me, slut.”
Bianca immediately obeyed and opened her mouth to hold out her tongue.
Jay slapped his thick and heavy cock on her tongue a few times, asking her “You like having big dick in your mouth, don’t you, slut?”
Bianca again glanced at Mike before responding, “Your dick is so big.”
Jay laughed and slapped her tongue a final time before taking a couple steps so that he was now behind Bianca and looking at Mike.
"Slut would rather slobber all over my sweaty dick and nuts than even touch her boyfriend.”
Then, turning to the rest of the guys who, while remaining quiet this entire time, had been keeping their huge bulges, Jay said, “Bros, you heard the slut. Give her another big dick to suck on.”
All at once the remaining four guys stepped out of their boxers to reveal four more absolutely monster cocks. The other latin guy, Marco, had to be at least as big as Jay, who she guessed was easily over nine inches. The three monsters though, and she couldn’t tell who was the biggest, were DeAndre, Cam, and Keyshawn. She honestly couldn’t believe what she was seeing as their massive black cocks popped free of their boxers and stood to attention. With both Mike and her only other previous boyfriend being just average white guys, it was only in the times when she had to resort to porn to pleasure herself that she had ever seen such big latin and black cocks.
The guys all took position crowding around Bianca’s face, practically encircling her as she felt Jay’s hands on her panties. He positioned her so that she was now arched on all fours and then felt as her panties were slowly pulled down.
Jay let out a whistle and a moan as Bianca’s panties slowly revealed first her tight, tiny asshole and then, as Jay continued to pull down, her soaking wet shaved pussy. “Fuck, this slut has a pink little pussy.”
With her panties still at her knees, Bianca felt Jay’s touch as her pussy lips were spread open and then a finger slowly pushed by her hole, sending electric waves of pleasure throughout her body. Instantly Jay’s entire finger was deep inside her and she couldn’t help but let out a moan as her pussy clenched on his finger.
“So fucking tight, bro. Oh my god, this pussy is gonna get destroyed.”
Jay withdrew his finger from Bianca’s pussy and immediately she missed the feeling of it inside her. His finger was glistening and covered in her juices and he brought it to his own lips and licked his finger clean.
Giving her ass a spank and dropping down so that his face was level with her bent-over pussy, Jay licked his lips. “Mmm, fuck. Cheating Latina sluts always taste the best.”
Sliding his finger back inside her, Bianca let out another moan and felt Jay’s tongue start to lick all over her pussy. She felt his finger start to slowly pump in and out of her and his lips around her clit.
“Oh, fuck,” she moaned out.
Bianca felt Cam take hold of her hand and guide it to his black cock. Once in her grip she could feel just how thick it was and how she could easily fit three of her hands on it at once. Marco did the same and she felt his stiff latin cock filling her left hand as he placed it on the base of the shaft.
Moaning in rhythm with Jay’s finger and tongue deep in her pussy, Bianca looked at DeAndre’s massive black cock aimed right at her face.
“You want this big black cock in your mouth, baby?” DeAndre asked.
Bianca moaned as Jay brought her closer and closer to orgasm and she started to stroke each of the cocks she had in her hands. Leaning forward and opening her mouth to hold out her tongue, she started to lick all over the tip, tasting even more hot salty precum.
DeAndre moaned and pushed his bbc forward, sliding between Bianca’s lips as her mouth was quickly filled up. Bianca relaxed her throat as DeAndre took hold of her hair and began to pump his bbc deeper. With her hands already full stroking, Bianca could only gag and moan as Jay pulled his finger out of her and turned to face Mike again.
“Look how fucking wet your slut is for all our big dicks,” he said. “I can make her cum any time I want,” as he shoved his finger back inside making her moan loud but come out muffled with her mouth already full of DeAndre’s bbc.
Jay wiped even more of Bianca’s juices all over his big latin cock and began to stroke it like it was lube, slapping her ass while still looking at Mike.
“Time is up bro I want to see you jerking that little dick while I stretch your slut’s tight pussy. Take it out, bro!”
Bianca looked over and made eye contact with Mike, with DeAndre’s bbc still filling her mouth and moaned as Jay teased her pussy with a slap from his big heavy cock.
“Come on, bro! I ain’t going to fuck her unless you take it out!”
Bianca could see the conflict playing out on Mike’s face as he looked down at his hard-on and then back over to her.
“So what it is? You really going to keep your slut of all this dick she wants so bad because you’re too much of a pussy to take it out?”
Mike looked over to Bianca and, finally with what looked like acceptance, started unbuttoning his pants.
Jay started to laugh and gave Bianca another spank, causing her to jump and let out another little moan around DeAndre’s cock.
“Baby,” Mike said, as his pants hit the floor and he was just now in his boxers. “Baby, I don’t know what to say.”
“Keep going, boy,” Jay said, “I told you I knew you were dying to jerk that little dick.”
All Mike could say again was “Baby,” still looking right at Bianca as he pulled down his boxers and his white dick popped out. Barely five inches but clearly rock hard, Mike looked down sheepishly and then back over to Jay.
Bianca couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Mike was so small, she thought, how had I never known that? She had also never seen him so hard and it was crazy to her that it was right now of all times?
“Is this slut on the pill?” Jay asked.
The question finally snapped Bianca back to reality as DeAndre pulled his bbc out of her mouth, but before she could even answer she felt her head pulled towards Cam and his black cock pushed right between her lips.
“No,” Mike finally answered, “she always makes me wear condoms,” his white dick twitching, looking like he was dying to touch it.
Jay pulled back the foreskin of his cock and brought the tip of it right up to the entrance of Bianca’s pussy.
“Nobody’s got condoms here, bro. You trust that all five of us are going to pull out of her in time? Otherwise, you becoming a father.”
Bianca could suddenly feel a slight panic building in her because everything Mike had said was true in that she was not on the pill and had always made Mike wear condoms. In fact, neither Mike nor her previous boyfriend had even been inside her once without a condom because she was so paranoid. She felt so stupid for not even thinking of condoms after she bumped into the guys, and now she was stuck and not sure what was going to happen.
“Baby.” Mike couldn’t resist it any longer and reached down to slowly start jerking his dick as he looked over to Bianca.
“There you go, slut. Your boyfriend gave us permission to that unprotected pussy.’ Jay gave Bianca another spank and, unable to resist even if she wanted to, Bianca felt the head of Jay’s big cock start to push inside her.
Even though she was already soaking wet, her pussy had never before felt as stretched and filled up as she did right now as Jay slowly pushed inside her. With each inch she felt as though he was hitting a new deepest spot in her and she moaned aloud in ecstasy as he kept going.
“So fucking tight,” moaned Jay, and, “Good girl, you’re going to take me balls deep.”
Bianca had the first of her orgasms as Jay’s thick cock filled her completely, feeling her pussy clench down on it uncontrollably as she moaned and came with her mouth still tightly wrapped around Cam’s bbc.
Jay was now balls deep inside her, keeping his cock in her while she came all over it.
“Bro, this slut has never been dicked if she cumming just from me putting it in her.” Then, looking at Mike. “Look at how she cumming on me bro.”
Bianca was still squirming and moaning as she rode the wave of her orgasm, her ass shaking with Jay still deep inside her and her mouth and hands in constant use.
“Tell me you want to see this slut pounded right now, bro.”
Mike took a seat in an open chair and, taking his white dick in his hand, leaned back a little. He stroked it some more but looked like he was trying desperately to hold back. “Yes,” he finally said.
“Say it, bro.”
Mike let out a sigh and looked over to Bianca who was staring right back at him.
“Pound her. I want to see her get pounded.”
Jay pulled the full length of his cock completely out of Bianca and the emptiness she felt was insane. Immediately though the craving was fulfilled as Jay slammed his cock back into her pussy balls deep again and began to fuck her hard. Bianca moaned as she could feel him thrusting into her, his balls slapping her clit as he pounds her from behind.
Bianca also feels their hands start to grope all over her body, undoing her bra and freeing her tits to start bouncing with every thrust.
Already she could feel another orgasm building but just as she was getting close she could feel Jay full pull out of her again.
“Fuck,” he said. “Somebody else has got to take a turn in this slut,” as he gave her another spank and took a step towards the side. “Fucking slut’s pussy gripping so fucking tight.”
Somehow hearing this made Bianca feel even more turned on, like her pussy was somehow special and it did make her feel good even though he was calling her a slut.
Right away she felt one of the cocks in her hand get pulled away and it was DeAndre who positioned himself behind her and gave his massive bbc a couple strokes.
Jay came around to the front and, grabbing her hair, pulled her mouth on his cock, telling her “Taste that slutty pussy off my cock.”
Bianca could only moan as DeAndre started to push inside her but soon she was starting to scream around Jay’s cock as DeAndre’s bbc felt like it was going to split her in half.
“Good slut, good slut” said Jay as he held her head in place with his cock in her mouth, not letting her withdraw as she cried out in pain.
Just as Bianca thought she couldn’t take anymore, DeAndre gave her a spank and started to pump in and out of her. As she felt his finger start to touch on her asshole, she started to orgasm again and came the hardest she has ever had in her entire life. Moaning so loud that everyone in the entire dorm must have heard her, Bianca felt her body go limp as DeAndre continued to pound her through the orgasm. Every second felt like an eternity and she didn’t know how long DeAndre fucked her before finally pulling out leaving her to collapse off her knees onto the floor.
“Slut almost had me nutting in her,” he said, his massive bbc still throbbing after pulling out of her. “Lucky I didn’t just decide to finish in that asshole.”
Keyshawn then came around behind and started stroking his own bbc while Bianca was still not back up to her knees. Spreading her ass cheeks, he stuck out his tongue and began to lick all over her tiny asshole, causing her to moan again.
Propping her back up on all fours, Bianca felt another big cock return to filling her mouth and in each hand as Keyshawn started to push his bbc into her. Again she let out a cry of pain as he was just a big and thick, but slowly the pain was replaced with pleasure in her pussy as he continued to plow into her. But after only a couple thrusts he pulled out and started to slap at her asshole with the tip of his cock.
“Pussy is so wet, I don’t even need lube for you, slut,” he said.
Bianca had never done anal before and was actually trying to say no to make him pause, but with the big cock filling her mouth all that it sounded like was another moan and Keyshawn didn’t hesitate as the head pushed inside her. She felt his hand rubbing all over her pussy as her asshole cried out in pain like never before. Just as it felt like Keyshawn’s bbc was just too big to fit, Bianca felt her asshole relax a tiny bit and he pushed inside causing her to yell out again in pleasure.
“Gimme that ass, slut.”
“I ain’t even half in you yet.”
Bianca couldn’t believe it and again wasn’t sure if this was even possible to continue.
“Somebody get a dick in her pussy,” said Keyshawn as he continued to push against her asshole with his bbc.
Cam immediately got down and put himself underneath Bianca and together he and Keyshawn lifted her up to position her straddling her pussy right over Cam’s bbc. With Keyshawn still half way inside her asshole, Bianca felt Cam start to insert his own bbc into her pussy. It was as he pushed inside her and she felt her pussy welcome the feeling of his bbc filling her up.
Cam started to rail into her pussy causing her to moan again and as she could feel her orgasm coming back she was pushed over the edge as her ass relaxed and Keyshawn finally slammed all the way inside her.
“Oh my fucking god,” she yelled out, forcing the cock out of her mouth as she turned to look back at the two bbc now pounding both her holes in rhythm.
Keyshawn gave her ass a hard spank and pulled back on her hair as they continued to drill her.
“You like taking both of these big black dicks, slut?”
In the midst of her orgasm, Bianca looked over to Mike who was furiously stroking his white dick.
“Their big dicks are fucking me so good, baby. I’m going to cum again!”
“Tell him how bad you bad you want that big black dick fucking you.”
Bianca leaned forward to bring another big cock up to her lips.
“Baby, their big black dicks are just so much better than yours.”
Mike continued to jerk, unable to look away.
“Fuck, bro, I’m getting close,” said Keyshawn from behind her as he continued to plow away at her ass with his bbc.
“You hear that, slut?” said Jay. “Tell your boyfriend you don’t want him to pull out and you wanna feel your ass get pumped full of cum.”
Bianca only thought about it for a second, and as long as it was just her ass the risk of getting pregnant was a lot less, at least to her.
“I want it inside me,” she said.
That was what did it for Keyshawn and he groaned out loud as he slammed the full length of his bbc inside her. Visibly throbbing, Bianca could feel with each throb her asshole getting more and more filled up.
“Fuck, bro, I’m nutting too,” said Cam as he also buried his bbc balls deep in her pussy.
For a split second, she felt panic but then the feeling of her pussy just squeezing uncontrollably tight around Cam’s bbc and the flood of his hot cum into her sent her over the edge and she also started to orgasm. It was like both bbc were pumping her at the same time and her holes were totally beyond her control.
Cam finally started to soften a tiny bit inside her pussy and he slowly pulled out. As he did she could feel all the cum he had shot into her dripping down the walls of her pussy and she knew it must have been an absolutely huge load.
Keyshawn also started to pull out of her ass and she saw drops of his cum hit the floor as it dripped out of her.
“Fuck, bro, I couldn’t help it,” said Cam. “Slut has a pussy made for nutting in.”
Marco immediately moved around to now get behind Bianca.
“Bro, you fucking nut in her pussy before I even have a chance to fuck it,” he said.
Bianca was still too stunned to realize what was happening when Marco shoved his big latin cock into her and began to vigoursly fuck her pussy.
“Bro, I broke her in for you,” said Cam.
Even though he might have been a little smaller than the black guys, Marco was fucking her faster and harder than any of them so far, not letting up the pounding for even a second as DeAndre took hold of her hair and started to fuck her face.
“Bro, I’m going to pump more cum than you into this slut’s pussy.”
“Big talk, bro,” said Cam.
“Baby is definitely going to be mine,” said Marco as he looked over at Mike. “You ready to watch me blast your girl's pussy full of my nut?”
Mike didn’t even have a chance to respond as Marco started to moan and it was clear as his balls twitched that he was draining them inside her.
“Fuck,” he groaned as he pulled out of her, “you got what you wanted, slut. That pussy be milking my dick for that load.”
Bianca could now definitely feel wetter than she ever had before, but never before had a guy cum inside her pussy, let alone two guys, with another already in her ass.
DeAndre then pulled his bbc out of her mouth and told her to hold out her tongue. As he stroked Jay got behind her and, with so much cum already inside her, he was able to push inside her ass easily and started to fuck her.
After a couple more strokes DeAndre aimed his bbc at Bianca’s open mouth, telling her “Get ready, slut.”
Jay had switched to pounding her pussy and was looking over at Mike when he said, “Watch your slut beg for these loads.”
“You want this cum, slut?” asked DeAndre.
Bianca looked over at Mike too and he also looked like he was close to cumming but trying so hard to hold back.She then leaned forward to lick all over DeAndre’s balls all the way to the tip as he continued to stroke it.
“I want your cum,” she said as she wrapped her lips back around the tip and took it in both her hands to stroke it.
DeAndre pulled back and said, “open wide,” as the first blast of his cum hit Bianca’s face, covering her eyes and her forehead, followed by the second that splattered all over her nose and lips. It wasn’t until the third shot that she actually got her mouth open but DeAndre’s bbc just kept cumming. So much of his hot salty cum filled her mouth that it started to drip down her lips onto her chest and he even took another shot across her face before finally finishing.
The taste of so much cum in her mouth drove her crazy and she didn’t know why she all of a sudden found it such a turn-on.
“Swallow that nut, slut,” said DeAndre as he pushed his cum covered cock back into her mouth. Bianca had no choice and swallowed as much as she could and in fact found herself greedily still sucking on the tip and licking around the hole.
DeAndre started laughing and finally pulled his bbc out of her mouth, leaving her face still completely covered in cum but wanting even more. “Goddam you liked that nut, didn’t you, slut.”
Bianca found herself orgasming again as Jay announced he was about to give her another load and groaned as he too slammed into her balls deep like everyone else and started to flood her pussy with more cum.
Bianca came alongside Jay and as he pulled out of her she again collapsed from sheer exhaustion and the overwhelming feelings all over her body. After a couple seconds, she finally turned to look at Mike.
“Look at your girl now, bro,” said Jay. “What a good Latina cumslut she is.”
Mike looked over at his girlfriend. Cum dripping from her lips and leaking out of her pussy and asshole as she lay there. He was so close to cumming himself. It was a struggle not to cum even without touching himself right now.
“You liked watching us fuck her.”
“You liked watching us cum in her and all over her.”
“Tell her how bad you still wanna taste her used pussy.”
Mike and Bianca locked eyes and she could see him unable to look away from her pussy. It was overflowing with cum and she looked just like the Latina cumslut that Jay had said she was.
“Baby,” he finally stammered.
Bianca turned her body to face him and then slowly and seductively spread her legs wide open. Looking at him with cum still covering her face, she beckoned him forward. “Come here, baby.”
Mike eagerly stepped forward and then got down so that he was also on his knees, with his head just between Bianca’s legs. Looking down he could see up close her little pussy stretched out and cum filled and he felt himself drawn towards it.
Mike felt Bianca place her legs around his head and slowly pull him down closer and closer. Just before his lips were about to touch her pussy, he paused and looked up to her face.
“Baby,” he said. “You looked so sexy getting fucked,” and then Mike ran his tongue all over the outside of Bianca’s pussy starting with her asshole all the way up to her clit. Cum covered his tongue as he licked her and it was with his tongue that he parted her pussy lips and tasted deep inside her.
Bianca began to moan and she held Mike’s head in place with her legs, feeling his tongue lick and kiss her everywhere as he ate her out better than he ever did before.
“Bro is fucking making out with that freshly fucked pussy,” said Jay.
Mike still had his face buried in Bianca’s pussy when he started to cum himself, unable to hold back any longer as she shot his load onto the floor.
“Baby, your pussy tastes so good,” said Mike as he continued to lick her. “I wish I could be eating it like this all the time.”
Bianca, wiping some of the cum from her face onto her finger and then bringing it to her lips, looked at Mike and said, “I’m their slut now, baby. But hopefully next time they let you stay and watch again…”