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Best Ball

"Frank has a challenging day on the gold course"

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Author's Notes

"This is a one-off and very different to my other works. Probably not going to work for everybody but it was what was in my brain and had to come out as a story"

“Ugh,” said Lisa, looking at the lineup. “I was hoping it would be just the two of us.”

“Well, it’s pretty normal to golf in a foursome,” said Frank. “There are a lot of us here; it would take forever if we went in twos. Besides, we’ll get to know some of your gym buddies.”

“I know," said Lisa, sighing, “but I was hoping we could fool around as we played, and with these two along with us, there’s no chance of that.

Lisa and Frank were at the annual golf event for her gym. It was a full course—18 holes—and they’d play “best ball," picking the best shot of the four of them each time. That meant they would get around the course in a reasonable amount of time. They usually played their local 9-hole “par 3” course with much shorter holes, so this was a big step up, and Frank did not feel at all confident.

“Dave and Jamie,” said Frank, reading off the names. “Well, maybe they’ll be nice. Let’s go get some beer—we can at least get drunk and still have some fun.”

“We can do that,” said Lisa, opening up her purse to show Dave the bottle of tequila she had snuck in. “Whoever has the worst shot has to drink or do a dare?”

Frank groaned a little inside. Lisa was a much better player than he was; he’d be drinking most holes unless they could get Dave and Jamie to buy in. He was hoping Jamie would at least be nice to look at, which would make up for the lack of fooling around. Lisa was wearing what looked like the smallest golf skirt possible—light pink—with a form-fitting white top with a built-in bra. She looked fantastic. Frank wondered what kind of underwear she was wearing—or if she was wearing any at all.

They got two six packs of beer to add to the tequila—golf was way more fun when you were drunk after all—and went to look for their cart.

“I’m driving,” said Lisa, jumping into the driver's side, leaving Frank to load up their clubs in the back. He barely had time to get into the passenger seat before Lisa screeched the tires and headed off for the first hole, coming to a skidding stop by the tee. Had she been drinking all ready? wondered Frank as he struggled to hold on.

Lisa and Frank were first on the lineup. But where the heck were these people? There were only a couple of young guys standing around the first hole, looking lost. After waiting a few minutes, Frank approached them, “Are you Dave?”

“Yeah, said the taller guy—"and this is Jamie.” He reached out his hand, and Frank shook it limply—Jamie wasn’t even a girl. The day was getting worse by the minute. Lisa would provide an amazing sight to look at, the muscles in her toned legs flexing as she made her shots, her firm bust providing plenty of fodder for ogling, but he wished there was another girl along. Oh well, it was only one event; he would survive.

Lisa, on the other hand, appeared to be a lot less disappointed. “Good to meet you too,” she said. She shook hands with both the guys, her hand lingering against their shoulders and brushing down their sculpted arms as she pulled herself in close for a hug, lifting on her toes to raise herself up to their level.

“Do we all agree on the rules?” Frank said, “We use the best ball each time; one shot penalty if we lose the ball? Let’s get started." As he said this, Lisa nudged him in the ribs.


“Tell them about the other rules,” she whispered.

“But that was just when we were playing alone; there’s no way these guys will go along with that; look at them. They are so straight-laced.”

“What other rules?” said Dave, overhearing.

“Well, it’s a bit silly,” said Frank, “but we thought it would just be us playing, so we had a rule that the player whose ball we use could make the other take a tequila shot, or... if they refuse the shot, make them do a dare.”

“Sounds interesting,” said Dave. “What kind of dare?”

“Just something silly, like do a cartwheel or a handstand, or maybe something more daring, like flash another set of players,” said Frank, his face flushing.

“Sounds great.” “So the winner gets to make the loser do something crazy? Let’s do it; we snuck a bottle of vodka in with us—the prices here are crazy.” That wasn’t exactly how Frank had explained the rules, but he went along with it.

“Great minds,” said Lisa, once again opening her purse to show the tequila bottle.

“Perfect.” Let’s get started. Why don’t you hit first, Frank?”

No-no, ladies first,” said Frank, waving Lisa toward the tee. He was starting to get nervous; these guys looked to be in decent shape, and he definitely wasn’t the world’s best golfer.

“I need a minute to get my clubs ready,” said Lisa. “Go ahead, honey.”

Frank approached the tee trepidatiously. He planted the ball and gave his driver a few experimental swings. This was a par-5, and the green was nowhere to be seen. He hoped he remembered what direction the fairway curved.

Frank always felt embarrassed taking practice swings, so often skipped doing them, going right for his shot. He took a huge backswing, and then... he was sure it had to be a coincidence, but he caught Lisa out of the corner of his eye. She was standing at the cart, fiddling with something. Right at the second he started to swing, she bent over to look for something, causing her skirt to fly up over her waist, revealing her tight ass and a flimsy pink lacy thong that disappeared between her butt cheeks to cup her smooth pussy. He had no choice but to continue the swing and...clunk; his club hit the ground a good two inches before the ball, raising a huge divot. The ball shot off at a crazy angle, hitting a tree, bouncing off another golf cart, and ending up in the rough.

Even worse, every other person from the gym seemed to have arrived at the hole during his swing, and they were now all laughing at him.

“Oh, tough luck. Guess we won’t be using that ball,” said Dave with a grin as he planted his own ball in the tee area. Frank hung his head in embarrassment. He hated playing golf in front of others, and now he was off to the worst possible start.

Dave planted his feet and made a couple of professional-looking practice swings before expertly driving the ball almost out of sight. It landed in the middle of the fairway. There was a chorus of applause from behind them, which made Frank feel all the worse.

Jamie made a similar shot, although his ball landed a good fifty yards short of Dave’s. Then it was Lisa’s turn. “Don’t worry,” she whispered into Frank’s ear. “It was just bad luck; you’ll get back into it.”

Then she planted her ball, her skirt rising so that the bottom of her butt came into view. It was not as scandalous as the look Frank had had earlier, but still not something usually considered appropriate for the golf course.

She contacted the ball with a solid thwack, the ball going right down the fairway and landing just behind Dave's.

“Great shot,” Dave said, reaching up for a high-five with her as the foursome made their way back to their carts. “Looks like you’re drinking my man,” he indicated to Frank, who took a swig of the tequila, which burned its way down his throat, leaving a ball of acid in his stomach. He hated tequila, and had no idea why Lisa had decided to bring it.

Again, Lisa took off at top speed in the cart, jolting his head back into the frame. “Hey, why don’t you open some beers?” she said, coming to a one-handed sliding stop near her and Dave’s balls. They hadn’t even bothered to look for Frank’s. He cracked open the beers while Dave and Jamie stopped behind them to retrieve Jamie’s ball. Lisa must have noticed him looking a little dejected.

“We can still have some fun,” she said, pressing herself into him, her firm breasts pushing against his chest. That was true, thought Frank, especially like right now, when the guys were still far behind them in their cart. He leaned in for a kiss, moving his hand under the back of her skirt, cupping her ass and feeling the thin string of the thong between her cheeks.

“See? She said as the guys arrived in their cart, “It’ll be a fun day.” Frank quickly removed his hand from her ass, realizing the guys could probably see most of Lisa’s butt the way he had been groping her.

“I guess I go first since it’s my ball,” said Dave, stepping up.

Dave’s second shot wasn’t as good as his first but still landed on the fairway. Jamie’s went into the rough and then it was Lisa’s turn. She picked a three-wood and...crack; her ball landed a good thirty yards past Dave’s. “Great shot,” he said—again high-fiving Lisa—this was already getting irritating.

Frank stepped up and decided on his one wood to get a little more distance.

“Be careful,” Lisa called out from the cart, “there are a lot of hazards on this hole.”

This time, Frank took a practice shot, but his swing went a good six inches above the ball, spinning him around. He thought he could hear muffled laughter from behind, but put it to the back of his mind. He took his backswing, this time with no distractions from his wife.

Then he swung and made great contact with the ball; it felt like he was hitting air. The ball sailed right down the fairway.

“Yes!” Frank yelled, pumping his fist in the air.

“Great shot, honey!” said Lisa, “just watch out for the...”

Frank turned and looked on in horror as his ball sailed right into a bunker around thirty yards past Lisa’s ball.

“No way I’m playing out of that,” said Dave. “We’ll use Lisa’s ball. Jamie gets to drink because he lost his.” Jamie dutifully drank a shot of vodka, swigging it back with ease as Lisa screeched the cart forward again. Frank was miserable. It had been a great shot until that damn bunker. Had Lisa doomed him with her warning?

They continued playing the hole, with Frank having to take three more shots before Lisa finally putted the ball, sinking it from ten feet from the hole. Once more, Dave celebrated with her. Frank was already feeling drunk. There was no way he was going to make seventeen more holes if they continued like this.

Lisa screeched the cart to the second hole, coming to a skidding halt. Frank survived the first shot, but barely. Jamie drank again. However, Frank made a complete mess of the approach shot to the green, his ball plopping down into a nearby pond.

“I can’t take a drink right now,” he said. “I’m getting wasted.”

“Fair enough,” said Dave, who had won again. How about that handstand then?” Frank’s stomach did a flop. He’d only said that earlier because the other dares he’d had in mine were all stripping or sex-related. He was terrible at handstands.

“Uh, how about something else?” He said, knowing Dave was just going to prey on his weakness.

“Winner's choice, right?” Said Dave, and Frank knew he was going to have to suck it up. He tried, but his attempt was at best comical; his arms collapsing almost immediately, his legs splayed. He went head over tail, landing hard on his back. Embarrassed, he dusted himself off, only to see the guys laughing as they scrolled through what must be photos of his attempt on their phones. They better erase those later, he thought.

“You’re a good sport, honey,” said Lisa, hugging him again. He could taste the faint smell of tequila on her breath as they kissed. Frank just hung his head. They were only on the second hole. He’d already had four shots, and his head was swirling. But he couldn’t do dares for 15 more holes. Lord knows what Dave would have him doing by then. Thankfully Jamie birdied the hole in three, sparing him a fourth shot. He did have to hop on one foot for thirty seconds though, flapping around madly as the guys videod.

On the third hole, a strange thing happened. Lisa and Dave’s form dropped away, both of them hitting terrible tee shots. Lisa lost two balls and had two shots where hers was the shortest. Frank took some satisfaction from making Lisa drink three shots and Dave one.

It was the final shot of the hole, though, that things got really interesting. Dave made the putt—a tough fifteen-footer. Jamie and Frank were close, but Lisa was way off, overshooting the green entirely.

“Oooooops,” she said, “I think I’m too drunk. I’m going to have to take a dare.” Frank felt a sense of dread fall over him. Dave had won—again—and now got to decide on a dare for his wife. This didn’t feel right at all.

Dave cocked his head as if in thought and then said, “How about a handstand?” Frank felt like he was really going to vomit now.

“She can’t,” he said, gesturing, “look at her outfit.”

“Rules are rules,” said Dave, grinning.

Frank fully expected Lisa to refuse, but to his shock, she walked to the center of the green.

“Fair is far,” she said, “those are the rules.” And then she did a perfect handstand, kicking up first one leg, then the other, holding her balance for at least ten seconds. Of course, her skirt flopped right down, exposing her tight ass and thong-clad pussy to the guys and anyone else who happened to be walking by. She didn’t seem to notice or care. Once again, the guys had their cameras out and were taking photos.

“Hey, you better delete those,” said Frank, although they were bigger and stronger than him and he had no way to force them to do so.

“We won’t show them to anyone, we promise,” said Dave, “just for our private viewing.” Frank retreated to the cart, where Lisa was ready to move on. He was definitely going to grab their phones at the end of the round and erase anything on there. He was hoping they were not sending the photos or video to anyone in the meantime.

“Did you see them taking photos?” He whispered to Lisa as they walked to the cart. They captured everything, right up your skirt.”

"Oh, it’s just boys being boys,” she said, waving him off. “They said they wouldn't show them to anyone else. I trust them.” Trust was the last thought going through Dave’s mind right now.

Frank lost again on the fourth hole—three times—electing to drink on the first two, but by the third time, there was just no way. The tequila was tearing his throat and stomach apart. With a pit of fear inside him, he had to ask Dave for a dare.

“Moon those golfers on the green over there,” said Dave with a grin. Frank’s face flushed. There was no way he was going to do that. They’d probably throw him in jail or something, but Dave just stared at him, unrelenting. Reluctantly, Frank made his way to where Dave had indicated and prepared to drop his pants. Of course once they were down, the wind blowing on his bare behind, Dave shouted as loud as he could “Fore!” causing all the golfers to look in their direction, giving them a prime view of Frank’s pale ass and limp cock.

Humiliated, he stood and buckled his pants. Now he could actually use that drink.

They were now onto the fifth hole, and the humiliation seemed never-ending. Frank was dreading whatever they’d have him do next.

But he was once again saved by Lisa, whose bad form inexplicably returned. She took three drinks and Jamie one before she settled for a dare.

“Flash us your tits for thirty seconds,” said Dave. Frank knew this was going way too far and that Lisa was definitely going to object. Instead, she turned to face the guys and flipped her top up. Frank didn’t set a timer, but it seemed to be more than thirty seconds. The worst of it was, since the guys were on the other side of the green, he didn’t even get to see as her back was toward him.

“Don’t worry,” she said back in the cart. “You can see them whenever you want at home. We’ll never see these people after today.” By this point all Frank wanted to do was abort the round and get out of there, but Lisa objected, pointing out they had committed to the entire round and she didn’t give up on promises.

On the sixth hole, Dave finally lost, shanking his first shot wide right into the rough. Frank had a hard time concealing his glee as Lisa got to set his dare. Go get him, girl, thought Frank.

“Drop your shorts and show us what you’ve got in there,” said Lisa. Frank’s thoughts of victory soon turned to disbelief as Dave unzipped his shorts and let them drop to the ground. What he had imagined would be a humiliating exposure just served to show off a huge bulge in Dave’s underwear. It had to be twice the size of Frank’s more modest member. I’m above average. He reminded himself, and I’m a grower, not a shower. Regardless, it was obvious to Frank that Dave’s cock was significantly larger than his and was only half erect.

Dave pulled his shorts up, making an obvious effort to tuck his cock back in before zipping, then took a shot of vodka for good measure. “Onward,” he said, taking Lisa by the waist and propelling her toward the carts. Frank just felt defeated; Dave was better than him in every way.

Lisa made Jamie drink twice more after that, making two great shots. Then it was onto the green. Lisa lost again—playing such a bad shot, she left a divot in the green.

This time, Dave demanded her panties. Again, Lisa didn’t object and somehow managed to flash both men as she took them off, tripping over herself and going down on her back, legs splayed toward the guys. Dave took the thong from her, making it a point to sniff the crotch before he stuffed it into his pocket. Frank could not believe that his wife would do that; anyone walking by could have seen, and now another man had his wife’s panties. God knows what he was going to do with them later.

Hole 7, there was a bit of hope for Frank. He finally won a shot with Lisa losing. Frank was sick of the guys being the ones to see Lisa’s body, so he demanded that she let him suck on her nipple for thirty seconds. To his surprise, she agreed, raising her top to give him access, but the guys weren’t happy.

“We can’t see what’s going on; just take her top off and let us see,” they said. Wordlessly, Lisa obeyed.

“We’re in a secluded area,” she said. “It’s just looking; it’s not like they are touching me.” That spoiled the enjoyment Frank had hoped to get from his dare, but he did his best, nibbling on her nipple and taking it between her teeth. He could feel Lisa’s warmth as she ground her body against him. Her tits were spectacular, not huge but not small, sitting proud on her chest, her nipples erect in the midday sun. Ordinarily Frank would have been hugely turned on, but knowing everyone else was getting a free view sent agonizing waves through him. Half pleasure and half pain.

“Time,” he heard from behind him, just as he was getting into it. He was about to say something when Lisa spoke up.

“Fair is fair,” she said, pulling her top back on and reaching in to secure her breasts back into the built-in bra cups.

Frank was really irritated by now, his one piece of real enjoyment ruined. Things were about to get worse for him though, when he lost the next shot and opted for a dare.

“We’ve seen Lisa topless,” said Dave; now it’s your turn. Frank felt a flush fill his face. They wanted him to take his shirt off? He’d run track in school, but those days were long behind him; now he had a round white belly, no hint of the six-pack he’d sported back then.

“Yeah, you have to play the next hole without a shirt,” said Jamie, obviously enjoying Frank’s discomfort. Reluctantly, he reached down and pulled off his shirt, his belly fat bulging over his belt, his white stomach shining white in the sun.

On the eighth hole, Lisa pulled her Tee shot into the water.

“Top,” said Dave, before she’d even asked for the dare. Frank couldn’t believe it. Was his wife going to play the entire hole with no shirt? It was one of the more exposed holes on the course, and many other players were going to get a direct look at her. But she didn’t hesitate, yanking her shirt over her head and whispering to him, “Rules are rules.” He was starting to hate that phrase.

Lisa played the hole topless, her breasts bouncing as she made her shots. This was the most exposed area of the hole, a foursome walking past and gawking at what they saw. Lisa lost again on the final putt.

“Let me suck your tits,” said Dave by way of his prize. Frank knew for sure there was no way Lisa would cheat on him like that.

However, Lisa said, “Set a timer, Frank,” and allowed Dave to suckle and nibble on her tits right in front of him. Frank was furious; what the hell was happening?. He thought he was being clever by setting the timer to only twenty seconds, but Jamie had his own timer and called Frank on it.

“Hey, that timer was short,” he said. “Dave gets ten more seconds, and then I get a turn for you cheating.” Lisa didn’t complain, and both guys ended up getting their thirty seconds licking and nibbling her tits in public as golfers sped by in their carts. How much worse was this going to get thought, Frank? Surely they weren’t going to go any further. Lisa was down to a single piece of clothing, and Dave’s humiliation was rapidly growing.

There was some end in sight; the ninth hole was halfway, then it would be closer to home with every hole they played.

Lisa didn’t bother putting her top back on in the cart, driving topless, cracking open another beer.

Dave lost the first shot with a swing so bad, Frank wondered if he was finally drunk. He wasted no time in saying “Dare,” and once again it was Lisa’s turn to choose.

“Show us your cock for twenty seconds,” she said.

Really? thought Frank, as if the outline of Dave’s cock under his shorts wasn’t enough, he was now going to have to see if in the flesh. Grinning, Dave dropped his shorts and underwear, revealing his huge penis. It must be eight inches, half-hard, with an angry-looking red helmet on the end. He stroked it lewdly a few times, and it seemed to jump under his grip, getting even larger.

It felt like far more than twenty seconds to Frank before he put that thing away. It was enough to make Frank request a drink when he lost the next shot.

“Oh, you don’t want to show us your cock then?” taunted Dave as Frank felt the fiery liquid hit his throat. That’s going to be my next dare, he realized. So it was either keep drinking or show off his decidedly average cock to everyone. He tried valiantly, drinking three more times, but he knew he was going to have to take a dare the next time; he was stumbling and would never make it back to the clubhouse.

“Dare,” Frank said meekly when he lost the first shot of the tenth hole. By now he could barely see straight, and any hope of out-hitting Dave would be based on pure luck—or Dave losing deliberately.

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Frank didn’t even wait for Dave's command before dropping his shorts and underwear, exposing his five-inch cock to the three. He wasn’t ashamed of his size. Lisa always said he satisfied her just fine, but seeing it in comparison to Dave’s monster was humiliating. Again, the guys whipped out their cameras. Frank didn’t even bother asking them to delete the photos this time, getting back into his clothes as fast as he could.

Lisa was still topless, her shirt stuffed in the side of the golf cart. “Your cock is plenty good enough for me,” but seeing the way she had stared at Dave’s monster, Frank was beginning to have doubts.

He got a respite for the rest of the hole, Jamie and Dave trading off drinks. Frank noted that Jamie had not taken any dares so far.

Hope started to dawn for Frank when they teed off on eleven—they were well into the home stretch. He was still drunk. Although a little less so, and Lisa had at least put her top back on. Things were looking up. Then Lisa lost again.

“I want you to suck my cock for one minute,” said Dave after she asked for a dare.

“No!” blurted out Frank, “Enough. This has been a fun game"—even though it really hadn’t. “But this is too far. Let’s just play normally from now on and drink our beers.”

“But rules are rules,” Lisa whispered to Frank as she approached Dave. He already had his shorts and underwear down and was stroking his massive member, which looked even angrier by now if that was possible. From the corner of his eye, Frank saw Jamie start to video.

Lisa settled between Dave’s legs, her skirt riding up high on her ass, and dipped her head. She was blocking Frank’s view. Frustrated, Frank moved to the side, then realized what he was doing. Am I really trying to get a better view of my wife sucking another guy's cock? he wondered. And yet he was.

He got there just in time to see Lisa swallow the bulbous head of Dave’s cock. It was almost obscene, barely fitting inside her mouth. Dave let out a moan as she struggled to get the entire thing in her mouth. She had to wiggle her jaw, and it almost looked like she was going to dislocate it.

“Yeah, that’s it; suck me,” said Dave, leaning back further on the bench, splaying his legs wider. This just seemed to encourage Lisa even more; she pushed down, taking more of his cock in her mouth, making gagging and coughing sounds as she did so. Dave reached back and held her head, forcing her down even further until she had to hit him on the legs with both hands to let her come up for air. It seemed to go on forever. Her face was a mess; multiple strands of saliva connected her mouth to Dave’s cock, and her makeup was smeared; a ring of her red lipstick left on his dick.

“That’s got to be a minute by now,” said Frank.

“Oh, I thought you were timing,” said Jamie, fiddling with his phone. “I was busy videoing." Frank caught a look at the screen of Jamie’s phone; the video was fully three minutes long. That asshole, if he hadn’t said something, they would have kept going forever.

Lisa looked up and wiped the drool from her face, but before Frank could move, she reached in to kiss him, making him taste the combination of Dave’s pre-cum and her saliva. It was musky and intoxicating. Frank didn’t know why, but something about this was turning him on; for the first time that day, he felt the stirrings of an erection.

“Yeah, kiss my cock off her lips,’ said Dave, lewdly wanking his own cock.

Luckily for Frank, the 12th hole was a par 3, and he escaped any more dares, although at this point he wasn’t sure which were the worst, his or Lisa’s. Dave drank once and Jamie twice. How were they putting them back and still keeping control?

It was on the 13th hole that things really started to go wrong for Frank. It was secluded, rows of trees blocking the views of anyone not playing the hole.

Frank lost immediately, his ball careering off into the trees, but Dave opted to delay the dare until they reached the green. This wasn’t part of the rules, but by now Frank had realized he had no control at all. Whatever the guys—and Lisa—wanted to do was going to happen. Lisa lost twice, and again, Dave deferred her dares, sinking the final put with a fist pump.

“OK,” he said, “here’s what's going to happen. Frank, you get naked and film while Lisa blows both of us. And no one-minute bullshit this time; we want a full five minutes. And that shit better be in focus.”

Frank couldn’t believe it but found himself complying. Worse, he was now fully erect, his cock betraying his brain. Both Dave and Jamie openly scoffed at his average-sized erection, barely forming a bulge in his pants as they pulled down their shorts, laying back on a bench. Jamie’s cock was smaller than Dave’s but not by much, both towering over Frank’s in length and dwarfing him in girth.

With a sigh, Frank began to video as Lisa crawled toward the men on all fours. She spent the next five minutes alternating from one guy to the next, gagging and spluttering as she tried to force their cocks ever deeper down her throat. After a minute or so, she raised up and took off her shirt, tossing it onto the green, and now she was topless, her pert tits pushing against the men's thighs. As she sucked one, she took the other in her hand, making sure both guys were always taken care of.

“That’s fucking amazing,” said Jamie, closing his eyes.

“Fuck yeah,” said Dave. “I can feel her throat squeezing my cock; this is awesome.” She managed to completely deep-throat Jamie, her lips meeting the base of his cock, but Dave proved impossible; at least a quarter of his cock remained in view despite her attempts to swallow it. Finally she gave up, twirling and twisting her hand up and down Dave’s cock to make up for it. Frank found he couldn't help but feel his own cock through his pants, stroking his erection while trying to keep the video stable.

“I’m going to blow if you keep doing that,” said Dave after four minutes. “Same,” grunted Jamie. Lisa didn’t say anything; she just kept going.

Finally, Dave pulled her off. “I’m not ready to cum yet,” he said. I haven’t even gotten to fuck you.” Frank almost dropped his phone, which was still recording. Who had said anything about fucking? That monster was going to drestroy her pussy, and besides, he didn’t have any condoms; there was no way Lisa was going to fuck these men. Was there? The guys stood, stashing their cocks in their shorts. Lisa picked her shirt up but just tossed it in the cart, remaining topless. Frank went for his shorts, but Dave got there first, dangling them over his head.

“Oh, were you looking for these?” he said, teasing. And then, to Frank’s utter horror, Dave tossed Frank’s clothes far into the lake, where they immediately started to sink. Panic set in; he didn’t have any spare clothes, and they still had five holes left. It was also a long walk back to the car across the parking lot; there was no way he was going to be able to hide himself. He was blushing in humiliation when he heard female laughter behind him; he couldn’t believe it. Lisa was laughing at his predicament.

“I’m so-so-sorry,” she said, fighting for breath, “but you’ve got to admit that’s pretty funny.” Frank didn’t think it was funny at all, but there was nothing he could do about it now. He stomped to the cart in just his shoes, his now-flaccid dick flopping side to side.

“What do you mean funny?” he hissed as Lisa joined him in the cart. “It’s humiliating; I’m going to have to run through the parking lot naked.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry,” she said, but Frank could see she was still trying to hold back her laughter. He stomped on the pedal of the cart, speeding them off to the next hole, the plastic of the seat hard on his butt.

The next hole was the fourteenth—covered in sand and water traps. Frank was resigned to his fate the second he stepped up to the tee, then proceeded to slice his shot right into the water. To his relief, though, Jamie did the same thing, with both Dave and Lisa making their shots. Frank didn’t need to be told that he’d get his dare on the green again. It seemed like Dave took joy from giving him time to contemplate his fate.

To his surprise, though, Lisa hit two terrible shots, leaving Dave with three dares to hand out. Jamie took one shot of vodka before they made it to green.

“OK, Dave said, strutting on the green, twirling his putter. You,” he said, pointing at Lisa, are going to fuck both of us. One minute for each stroke we took on this hole, so that’s four minutes. And your dare"—pointing to Frank—"is going to be to warm us both up first so we are ready to go.”

“No way,” said Frank, “no fucking way. This is going way too far. The game is over; please find me some clothes and let’s get back to the car. You win.”

“No one cares what you think," said Dave, his face turning a beet red. Get down here and get started.”

“And we do have condoms,” said Lisa, producing an unopened packet from her purse.

“What-the-hell?” sputtered Frank. Lisa was on the pill, and they hadn’t used condoms since the early stages of their relationship, before they both got tested.

“I was a Girl Scout,” she shrugged. “Be prepared."

Frank couldn’t believe it; there was no way he was going to warm these guys up—what were they expecting him to do? Wank their cocks? But they were already stripping, their bulbous cocks waving in front of them.

Dave waved Frank over, and he found his legs moving on their own, his brain trying to resist but failing. The next thing, there was a huge hand on his head, pushing him down.

“No-urrrrrg” Frank spat out as Dave shoved Frank’s mouth down on his cock. Frank had never sucked a cock before and had never had a desire to do so. Dave’s cockhead was huge, splitting his lips wide. At first, Frank felt disgust, but after a few seconds, he found his erection returning. He used his hand on Dave’s shaft, twisting it as he had seen Lisa do earlier, pumping his mouth on the head. He was actually getting into this. He knew he definitely wasn’t gay, but it was nowhere near as bad as he’d imagined.

He looked over at Jamie, only to see Lisa working him with her mouth already, taking him deep inside. Her skirt was discarded, and she was totally nude, her tits bobbing freely.

“Thought I’d give you a hand,” she said, between thrusts.

“Get back to it,” said Jamie, and Lisa took him back in her mouth.

After another minute or so, Dave said "Switch,” and Lisa took Frank’s place on Dave’s cock while Dave took on Jamie. This was much easier; his shaft was both shorter and thinner, and Frank felt a sense of accomplishment when he managed to get Jamie’s cock all the way down his throat, his head meeting Jamie’s pelvis. The taste was not bad at all. Definitely not something he’d want to do again, but he could live with this.

“Time to fuck,” said Dave, pulling Lisa from his cock. “Here, put this on me." He tossed a condom to Frank, who found himself tearing at the foil and rolling the latex down Dave’s cock. It was too small, looking slightly ridiculous as it only covered about half his cock.

“Going to have to do,” said Dave, motioning Lisa toward him. Something in Frank kept hoping that Lisa would call a halt to this and tell the guys it was just a game; it was time to go home, but she didn’t. She shot him a look that he could not interpret and lay back on the grass while Dave lined his latex-covered pole up with her tiny pussy. There’s no way she can take that, thought Frank. Initially, it seemed like he was right. Dave pushed forward, the swollen head of his cock penetrating less than an inch into Lisa’s tight pussy.

She let out a hiss and reached up to stop him. “Pheew” she said. “Gimme a sec.” Dave held still, and then she started to thrust gently onto him, rocking herself back and forth. Frank couldn’t believe what he was seeing—his innocent wife, buck naked on the green of a public golf course, slowly impaling herself on the largest cock he had ever seen. After a minute or so, she had as much of Dave inside her as she was going to get, a quarter of length still on display. He started to pump and thrust. Lisa was moaning and groaning and pulling him into her, bucking her hips wildly against Dave.

“Oh yeah, fuck me,” she screamed, “fill me full of your cock meat. I want you to fill me with your hot man-spunk.” Frank had never heard her speak like that before, but he didn’t have much time to contemplate her actions.

“Hey, what about me?” Said Jamie behind him, and then he was back to sucking Jamie again. He could only see Lisa and Dave from the corner of his eye, but far from being a reluctant participant, she was now taking the lead, pushing back and mounting Dave in cowgirl style, her tits swinging in his face. Frank continued to work on Jamie’s cock as Lisa moaned and wailed, and then finally.

“I’m cumming Dave, don’t stop,” and an orgasm rolled over her. This caused Frank’s cock to swell; he almost never made Lisa cum when he fucked her, and now here was this stranger doing it within minutes. He felt humiliated, but that just served to turn him on even more.

“Switch,” said Dave, and Frank slowly rolled a condom over Jamie’s rock-hard cock as Dave presented Frank with his cock. Jamie had a much easier time entering Lisa than Dave had, taking her doggy style. Frank’s jaw was starting to hurt by the time Lisa finally shouted out in orgasm, and he was glad of the relief.

It looked like the guys were done—for now. They stood to pull on their shorts, but Lisa made no move for her skirt.

“Seriously though guys,” said Frank, "we have to go look for my clothes, or everyone at the gym is going to see me naked.”

"Gym,” said Dave. “What gym?”

“This is the annual gym golf contest,” said Frank, confused, “you know, to raise money to support the gym.”

“Don’t know nothing about any gym,” said Dave. Your wife found us on Feeld and invited us out for a bit of golf and fun.” Frank's stomach churned. What the hell? There was no way this could be true. What was going on?

He looked over to Lisa, expecting her to deny Dave’s story, but she just looked at him and shrugged. “It felt our sex life needed some spicing up,” she said. “I honestly didn’t think it was going to go this far; it was just a bit of fun, but you can’t deny you’re enjoying it also.” This last with a look toward his cock, which was now fully erect, standing proud before him. Before he could say anything, she took him in her mouth, easily taking his length down her throat.

“See,” she said, “you’re getting off on it too.” The worst of it was, he was getting off on it, and their sex had been a bit lackluster recently; still, two guys fucking his wife on a golf course wasn’t the first thing he would have tried.

“Fine,” he said. I am actually enjoying it. Here, give me a shot of that vodka. Before Dave could stop him, Frank had tipped the vodka bottle to his lips, taking a huge swig. Frank waited for the burning in his throat, but it never came—it was water.

“You assholes had been drinking water the whole time; no wonder you aren’t drunk.”

“Don’t want it to affect the old pecker,” said Dave, rubbing his cock briefly.

They moved on to the next hole—the fifteenth. By now, there was no pretense of playing the game; they just made their way directly to the green.

‘So what’s it to be this time?” Said Frank, dreading the answer.

“You ever been airtight, honey,” Dave said to Lisa, who just looked at him in confusion.

"OK, well, I’d bag the ass, but I don’t think this thing is gonna fit, so how about you get on top, and then Jamie can have the ass?” What were they talking about? Frank had never had anal sex with Lisa, and even Jamie’s thinner cock was going to be way too big for her. Lisa just pulled out a bottle of lube from her bag—what else did she have in that damn thing?

“Here Frank,” she said, “Lube me up,” and he found himself applying lube to her pussy and ass. If this was going to happen, the last thing he wanted was for her to get hurt. While he did this, the guys had donned new condoms and were ready to go. Dave lay on his back, Lisa climbing on top. With the lube, she was easily able to work his cock into her.

Then Jamie approached them from behind, lining his cock up with her virgin asshole. “Just breathe,” he said as he started to push. Frank’s cock was ready to burst by this point. He was equal parts turned on and jealous that Jamie was about to take Lisa’s anal virginity. Couldn’t he at least have gotten to go first?

Slowly Jamie started to push.

“Oh, it feels so good, so tight,” said Lisa, lowering her body onto Dave’s. She and Dave lay still as Jamie slowly worked his cock into her ass, rocking back and forth as her ass consumed his length. Frank had the video app up on his phone, capturing Jamie’s cock as it slowly made its way into Lisa’s ass. Finally Jamie bottomed out and began to saw back and forth, an inch or two of his length becoming visible as he pulled back and then thrust into her.

“Man, this is awesome,” said Jamie. “You should try it sometime.” Again, a wave of humiliation came over Frank, but also the excitement, the thrill of seeing his wife penetrated by two other guys—what was wrong with him? But before he could think too much, Lisa was waving him over, taking his cock into her mouth. Now Frank realized what “airtight” meant—all of Lisa’s holes were filled, a cock in her ass, mouth, and pussy. The three of them pounded away at her, using her holes as she bucked and writhed on them.

Within a minute or so, Frank knew he was going to blow. “I can't hold it any more.”

“Don’t worry, honey,” she said, “it’s OK to let go,” then she clamped her mouth down as Frank came, taking his rather small load down her throat. Frank’s cock immediately shriveled; he was done, spent. He pulled back, but Dave and Jamie were just getting started. They thrust in and out of her two holes, timing their thrusts so when one cock was in her, the other was pulling back, and then switching places.

Finally, Jamie yelled out that he was coming, pulling his cock out of Lisa’s ass. He tore the condom off, making his way around to her face, jamming his cock into her mouth.

Then Lisa said, “Cum on me,” and he pulled back, furiously rubbing his cock.

“Urgggg,” uttered Jamie as he started to explode. His first spurt caught Lisa in the right eye, gluing it shut. She had the presence of mind to squeeze her eyes tight after that, but the damage was done; her eye was covered in cum. His next shot burst over her forehead, striping her white, then he splattered her nose before filling her mouth with his remaining cum. She swallowed once, then twice, and then took Jamie back in all the time, bobbing up and down on Dave.

Frank wished he could take his orgasm back; he’d had no idea that Lisa was willing to take cum on her face—yet one more thing she’d never done with him. Now he wished he had done that. He tried to stroke some life back into his cock, but it just lay limp along his leg.

Dave lasted a few minutes more before groaning out and pushing Lisa back off of him. He stood, ripped the condom off, and opened up on Lisa’s face, covering her forehead, some of his cum splattering into her hair. Lisa took it all, spurt after spurt, covering her smooth skin and painting her in a coating of cum. Dave shot out a huge amount of cum—Frank didn’t think it would ever stop, but finally Dave was done, his cock starting to wilt.

“Come clean me up,” Dave said, gesturing to Frank, who was resigned to his role by now. He’d sampled his own cum over the years—guessed most men were curious enough to try it once, but that was just a small amount, and he was not particularly enthused about sucking it off of another guy's cock.

Dave didn’t give him any more time to think, presenting Frank with his still-impressive member. It smelled of cum and faintly of latex. Frank held his breath and took it in his mouth as best he could. Even flaccid, it was huge, but he could get more of it in this time, swirling his tongue to clean the cum from it. Incredibly, he felt himself getting hard again, his erection standing. He couldn’t help but reach down to stroke himself as he worked Dave’s cock with his mouth.

Dave noticed almost immediately. “Oh yeah, work that cock,” he said as Frank continued. Incredibly, Frank found himself about to cum again, and he knew exactly what he was going to do. Standing, he moved over to Lisa, who was on her back with two fingers in her pussy, taking Jamie’s cock in her mouth and cleaning it.

Frank elbowed Jamie aside, feeling a warmth spread within him, then he was cumming for a second time, spilling his much smaller load on Lisa’s mouth and chin. It wasn’t anywhere near what Dave and Jamie had left there, but it was a first for him, and he finally collapsed back, exhausted.

After a few minutes, they heard other golfers in the distance and hurriedly stood. Lisa made to wipe off the cum that was dropping down her face, pooling up over her nipples, and making its way down to her smooth stomach, but-

“Leave it,” Dave said, and she withdrew her hands. Frank and Lisa ran over to their cart, hoping the golfers behind them would not notice they were naked, before speeding off to the sixteenth hole. This time there was no pretense of golf; they just made their way to the green, where Lisa got on her knees and started blowing the guys. Well, Dave and Jamie anyway, Frank’s cock was done, still hanging limply, so he had to resort to videoing the action as Lisa tried to get the guys off before the golfers behind them made an appearance. She just about managed it, taking both their loads down her throat before they heard the foursome in the background.

The seventeenth and eighteenth holes ran right along the clubhouse, and Frank became increasingly nervous as they approached the tee of seventeen. Everyone was going to see them, but right before they got there, Lisa reached under the cart and, with a grin, pulled out two bags of clothes.

Frank let out a huge sigh of relief; at least he was going to be spared that indignity. Until that was, he struggled into the clothes. Everything was two sizes too small, the style old-fashioned. He looked like a complete idiot, his pants two inches up his leg and his arms bursting out of the shirt.

Lisa wiped as much cum off of her face, giggling at him—he looked ridiculous. There were no more dares or drinks. Frank won the final hole—even though he suspected they let him. He shook hands with Dave and Jamie on the 18th green as they all posed for a selfie.

“Man, I can’t wait to do this again next year,” said Dave, and he high-fived Jamie and Lisa. Frank wasn’t so sure about that. He was trying to come to grips with his feelings. Why had he gotten so turned on seeing his wife being impaled by other men’s cocks, sucking them, and taking their cum? What did that make him? A wimp? A cuckold? And someone else had taken Lisa’s anal virginity while he watched—that was now denied to him forever.

On the way back to the car, Lisa asked, “You did have fun, didn’t you? I can’t wait to do this again."

Frank didn’t know what to say; he wanted to make Lisa happy, and he had gotten turned on, but he was so conflicted. He felt weak and useless.

Eventually he responded, “Sure, but first you have to tell me exactly how you met these two assholes.”

Lisa laughed and hugged him, the faint smell of cum wafting over Frank as she leaned in for a kiss.

“I definitely will—later. Maybe I’ll even let you fuck my ass while I tell you all about it."

Written by nicksouth
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