Gary woke with a start as a hand gently squeezed his shoulder. He heard a soft, familiar voice,
“Sweetie, you might not want to miss this.”
He looked over his shoulder and saw a smiling Gretchen pointing toward the television. He looked at the screen and quickly assessed the situation. Bottom of the ninth, two outs, Cubs ahead 4 to 2, runner on second and a full count on the Cardinal’s best hitter. He watched as the Cub pitcher reared back and threw his best fastball, and as the batter decided not to swing. It was a called strike three. “What a treat,” he thought, “it’s late August and my team is still relevant.”
Grinning, Gary looked back at his wife, and said, “Thanks Babe, the last I knew it was inning five and the score was tied.” He stood and walked back to face her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “So how was your night with the ladies?”
“Oh, the usual,” said Gretchen, “A bit boring until the wine loosened us up, and then we talked about night ware.”
“Night ware?” asked Gary.
Gretchen smiled. “Yeah, you know, pajamas, t- shirts, shorts, birthday suits, the usual?”
After a brief pause, he spoke. “So are you saying there are ladies in your group who sleep in the nude?”
“Yes, but I am pledged to silence.”
“Dammit, that’s going to keep me guessing. Not even a hint?”
“Perhaps in time, Sweetie.” Gretchen cooed as she turned toward the stairs and looked back. “Speaking of night ware, I need to get into mine and then into bed. Will you be long?”
“Not long, I just want to catch the game recap,” said Gary, as he watched Gretchen take her leave. He loved how sexy she looked from both the front and the back, even when wearing jeans and a simple top. He felt lucky to be married to her.
After the post-game show ended, Gary turned off the television and the lights and made his way up to the Elk room, which was the bedroom that he and Gretchen typically used when there were not any guests staying at their B&B. As he entered he saw that she was already in bed and asleep.
He padded first to the bathroom and then to the closet where he changed into his t-shirt and night boxers. Carefully, he climbed into bed, slipped under the sheet and reached to his left for the light switch. After a moment or two of darkness, his eyes adjusted to the cool hue of moonlight. He saw how it illuminated Gretchen’s delicate hand as it rested against her side. Her honey-blond hair glistened and the shadows cast on her face made her look positively angelic.
He recalled their earlier exchange about night ware, or lack thereof, and made note that her choice for the evening was a t-shirt of a light but uncertain color in the moonlight. He suspected that it was long enough to cover the panties she would also be wearing. He briefly considered the prospect of waking her with a touch of her arm, but then decided against it. It was important, he thought, to let her get some sleep.
As he lay on his back beside her, he imagined how the moment might be different had she chosen to sleep naked this evening? He might have stroked her arm noticing how the moonlight highlighted the contours of her bare shoulder. She would have stirred slowly to a place somewhere just short of waking. Arching his hand over her, he would cup her right breast. Soon, his open palm would make slow, soft circles against her hardening nipple. After she rolled a bit toward him, he would move his hand to her other breast as well.
As he considered the possibilities, his right hand found its way to the hardness inside his boxers. With the tips of his index and middle fingers, he traced a path along the underside of his cock. Each time his fingers reached the glans, he pressed slightly harder, making his cock stiffen. Soon, he wrapped his palm around his cock and squeezed. It responded with a bead of pre-cum. The feeling became even more intense.
He imagined slipping his other arm under his wife’s down shoulder and pulling her back against him. Each hand would knead a breast, and each thumb would strum a hard nipple. Gretchen’s breathing would change, becoming shallower, occasionally punctuated by a soft moan. His lips would gently kiss her shoulder, and find their way to her neck and earlobe. His right hand would journey down her torso, passing over her abdomen and pubic bone, finding the top of the cleft between her legs.
He could almost feel his fingers gently petting her pubic hair. Occasionally one would press slightly into the cleft finding it smooth, warm and wet. Gradually, Gretchen’s legs would begin to part, and she would roll more fully on to her back. He envisioned his left hand pleasuring her left breast. His right hand would find the soft lips of her pussy. Soon her hand would cover his, and guide two of his fingers inside her. As they entered, she would arch into him, inviting him to go deeper.
Gary’s breathing became rapid as he tugged on his full erection. The tip of his cock was slippery, and his thumb massaged the pre-cum into his glans. He reached down and cupped his scrotum and balls. He felt them harden. In response to squeezing, the skin of his scrotum puckered against his palm. His fingertips massaged the spot between his legs and below his scrotum. Waves of hot pleasure began to roll over his body, starting at the tops of his legs and ending at his forehead. He began to rock his pelvis, forward and backward, being careful not to make too much of a fuss so as not to wake Gretchen.
He knew in his imagination that, with his fingers pleasuring Gretchen’s clitoris and G spot, it would not be long before she would turn slightly toward him and reach for his erection. She would stroke him for a little while and mess with his pre-cum. As they each grew close to an orgasm she would grasp his cock tightly and pull it gently toward her, whispering a simple “Lets fuck.”
In Gary’s mind, he would rise to his knees. He would assume the missionary position as was their regular pattern. Her hand, which had not yet left his cock, would guide him inside her before she raised it above her head along with her other hand. She would wrap her legs around his backside as he began to slowly stroke in and out. Her hands would push against the headboard. The speed of the strokes would increase in tandem with their breathing as they worked toward the simultaneous orgasm they both craved.
Gary was no longer just stroking himself. He actively tugged and jerked his shaft and massaged his balls. Fingers stroked and pressed in all the right places. Suddenly, a satisfying, tingling rush worked its way up his cock and semen began to flow.
With curled toes and a clenched jaw, he quickly removed his left hand from his balls and tugged down the front of his boxers. He formed a cum-catching cup under the tip of his cock with his palm. His right hand rose from his cock and tented the sheet, keeping it from touching the pool of cum that was rapidly forming. He was breathing hard, but resisted the groans he would have issued had Gretchen not been sleeping at his side. It felt so good.
He knew in his imagination that he and Gretchen would have cum together, and in the afterglow, she would press her breasts into him and reach around to gently stroke his back. They would kiss. They would attest their love for each other. Gradually, they would both drift off to sleep.
“This afterglow is way different.” thought Gary, as he tried to contain the mess he had made without waking Gretchen. He carefully climbed out of bed and, with his boxers falling to his knees, and shuffled to the bathroom to clean himself. Seeing himself in the mirror he felt a bit of shame tinged with guilt and thought, “Pathetic.”
Gary tiptoed back to bed. As he slipped slowly under the sheets, Gretchen rolled to face him and planted a kiss on his cheek.
“Hi Sweetie. Did you enjoy the game highlights?”
Gary recovered quickly from his surprise and answered, “I did. Back-to-back home runs in the seventh did the trick.”
“I am glad you didn’t miss that,” she replied, “but I did miss you. I guess all that girl talk about naked in bed has me going a little.”
Gary panicked. This was definitely a rare invitation from his wife for sex, but he knew that after masturbating he would not be able to perform for a while. He could not bring himself to admitting the truth to her.
He thought quickly and responded, “Your mentioning it got me going too, but so did that ham and cheese sandwich I made for dinner. It literally got me going, I am just back from the bathroom.”
“Oh,” said Gretchen, “that sucks! Can I get you anything?”
“How about a rain check?” he asked.
“Deal,” she replied, “but let’s remember to check the expiration dates on that ham and cheese in the morning.”
With that, she kissed Gary on the cheek and rolled to her other side.
Gary spoke the last words of the evening, “Thanks Babe.” He lay on his back for what seemed an eternity, all the while mentally scolding himself for disappointing Gretchen, missing an opportunity to have sex with her and, literally, being a jerk off.
Gary woke in the morning and, finding that Gretchen was in the shower, went to the kitchen to start coffee and then to the main floor powder room. He would not be having breakfast at home. He was set to meet his friend and client Walt Allen at Molly’s Café, a favorite spot for locals in downtown Tyler.
Gary did the business taxes as well as the personal taxes for Walt and his wife Sue. In addition, he provided advice and some financial analysis for Walt’s real estate holdings business. Walt was also a regular golf league partner, and during their most recent round Gary told Walt about his financial problem with the B&B.
After three years of ownership, it was clear that the financial forecasting that Gary had performed prior to buying the B&B had been flawed. The costs were higher than he projected, and the occupancy rates were lower. While he and Gretchen were not badly off financially, with both of them having experienced successful careers back in Chicago, he had counted on at least breaking even with the B&B. Between the earnings from their investments, and income from his tax and financial advising work and Gretchen’s painting, they were living a reasonable life in Tyler, a place they had come to love.
Taking a loss from the B&B meant either scaling back, or working more. In his view, neither was acceptable. At age 52, Gary wanted to live to work and not work to live. They would either need to find a way to make the B&B pay for itself, or sell it. The day after the round of golf, Walt called him to set up the upcoming breakfast with a promise to present Gary with an option that could help solve the B&B problem.
As Gary poured coffee, Gretchen breezed into the kitchen in a summer robe and flip-flops. She hugged him from behind and asked, “How are you feeling this morning?”
“Much better, thanks,” he replied. “Did you sleep well?”
“Yes, I did, in spite of being horny,” she said as she smiled.
“Yes, well, sorry about that, but we do have that rain check, remember?”
“I do,” said Gretchen, and after a pause, “let me go check on that ham and cheese.”
As Gretchen rummaged through the refrigerator, Gary told her that he was meeting Walt for breakfast. “Is Walt buying another building,” she asked. “Sue did not mention anything last night.”
“Business and lingerie don’t mix, I guess, unless you are Victoria’s Secret. Actually, I told Walt about the money stress with the B&B last week at golf, and he wants to share an idea that might help.”
Gretchen immediately turned her head away from the refrigerator and directly toward him. With a rare, dark look, muttered, “Well, I hope to God that he has an answer, because we are not giving this fine old house up, Gary.”
He knew better than to push this conversation further, and answered simply. “Me too. I will let you know what he has to say.”
Gretchen’s face brightened a little. “Well, it will need to wait until tonight. Jean is bringing her three year old by this afternoon for a sitting. I will be doing a portrait of him that she wants to give to her folks for the holidays.”
This got Gary’s interest. He wondered about the commission that Gretchen and Jean had worked out, but he knew better than to ask. Instead he responded with “Jean has great taste in artists, Babe, and I know you will have fun with that.”
“I will.” She glided toward him. “You better get moving and I need to tidy up a bit in the studio.”
They kissed, and Gary headed upstairs to finish his morning routine and dress for breakfast.
As soon as he walked through the door at Molly’s, Gary spotted Walt. He was sitting at a booth in the back of the dining area. This was a change from the counter seat that he usually favored for the purpose of chatting-up the grey-haired and lively owner, Molly, who always worked the front counter and the register.
“Morning Walter,” Gary said as he extended his hand for a shake. “Will we be cutting Molly out of the conversation today?”
Walt stood, accepted the handshake and replied, “Yes, this one’s not for Molly.”
Gary wondered what they might possibly discuss that Molly should not hear, but he set the thought aside. They both sat and Walt continued, “So did you hear about last evening with the ladies?”
“Yes, it was the first thing Gretchen told me about when she came home last night. All about what they wear, or don’t wear, to bed, right?”
“According to Sue, it was way more than that Gary. The conversation also included some of the favorite stuff they do in bed.”
“Oh,” said Gary. “Do tell?”
“Yes, apparently one of the ladies has a reasonably extensive collection of sex toys that she and her husband use in bed on a regular basis.”
“I know it wasn’t Gretchen,” replied Gary. “Which one was it?”
“Beats me. Sue won’t tell.”
“Yeah, I got that too. Some kind of code of silence that the ladies pledged.” Gary wondered for a moment about what Gretchen may have revealed about their sex life.
“So, Gary,” Walt began, “we are going to need a code of silence too, about our conversation today”
Walt gave a serious look, “Yes. What I want to tell you cannot go beyond you and Gretchen and this booth. You will understand why after we talk, but I need your promise now.”
Just then, the server came to their booth, poured coffee, took their order and, sensing that she was interrupting, left quickly.
Slightly annoyed by the interruption, Gary replied. “Of course, Walter. This is just like your finances and taxes. It goes no further than Gretchen, and you should know that she knows nothing about your finances and taxes.”
Walt nodded, “Good. So here goes. It’s probably best to begin with the juicy part. My idea for you is based on a lifestyle that Sue and I have been in for the past ten years.”
“Yes, there is a word for it? Oh yeah. It’s a euphemism. Lifestyle is a word that swingers use to refer to what they do. Particularly in polite company.”
After a long pause as he waited for more from Walt, Gary finally spoke. “So you are saying, Walt, that you and Sue are swingers. Right?”
Walt nodded.
After another pause, Gary continued with a shrug. “Well aside from my high level of surprise and mad desire to know the intimate details about what, why, and how, in what way does this help the B&B?”
Walt replied, “Good, let's get right to the point.” Breakfast arrived and the server again left quickly.
Gary listened carefully as Walt explained how he and Sue were part of a small group of couples from the general vicinity of Tyler who play together at least once monthly. He said that usually the couples split the cost of several adjoining rooms at local hotels as their venue.
He also said that in their travels some of the couples, including he and Sue, had visited clubs that provided a much nicer venue for practicing the lifestyle. The clubs featured common areas for eating, drinking and dancing, private and semi-private rooms for play, specialty rooms for particular interests, and some even had spa areas and pools. While the cost of attending these clubs was higher than splitting the cost of hotel rooms, the experience was much better and well worth the difference.
He said that in urban areas these clubs had fully dedicated houses or facilities that were open several evenings weekly. That was not practical in or around Tyler. However, if something like the B&B could be rented for use by the couples at least monthly, it could provide an experience like the private clubs offered. Walt concluded by proposing that Gary and Gretchen consider a trial run on a Saturday night in September where a select group of couples would rent the entire B&B for their exclusive use. His last words were, “What do you think?”
After a long, deliberative pause, Gary finally spoke. “Walt, what can I say? It’s strange. It seems crazy.”
Walt nodded and spoke, “And?”
Gary smiled. “It’s also intriguing. I assume we would be talking about a price equivalent to renting all the rooms?”
“Plus a bit extra, say twenty percent, just because.”
Gary nodded slowly, and then spoke. “That’s an interesting proposal, Walt. But, I am not sure we can go for it. Gretchen is going to be shocked. She considers Sue to be one of her best friends, and I don’t think that she had any idea about your lifestyle. She will find this to be almost beyond belief!”
Walt chuckled, “I get that.”
After a long silence, Gary spoke. “I will speak to Gretchen and get back to you. I assume we have some time to think this through, yes?”
Walt nodded. “Take all the time you need.”
Gary looked down at his untouched scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. Seeing that, Walt said, “We better eat.”
Gary replied, “We should. I have a client back at the office in fifteen minutes. Not looking forward to it though, I need to explain that the IRS auditor is right and he can’t deduct his RV as a business expense.”
“Rolling crack lab?” joked Walt.
Gary chuckled, “No, but close. He wanted to argue that he uses it in his business to reduce travel expenses, but he can’t show any receipts related to business activities at all. The crack story might be easier to justify to the IRS. He’s sunk.”
It was nearing five o’clock, his usual quitting time for his days at the office. He had competed three meetings with clients since breakfast, but honestly he could not recall much about them. His thoughts, particularly between the meetings, had been consumed with considering Walt’s proposal. He had reached the conclusion that, as crazy as it seemed, it could work and was worth a try. However, Gretchen had to agree and that was far from a sure thing.
He expected her initial response, after the initial shock wore off, to be something like “No way! You aren’t actually considering this, are you?” He would acknowledge that it was a crazy idea but that it might also work. He felt that this crazy idea might provide them a way to follow their dream. He knew it was a long shot, but felt that it was worth trying. It was time to go home.
As soon as he entered the house, Gary knew that Gretchen had been painting. He could smell the mineral spirits and gesso from the clothes she had discarded in the laundry room. He heard her singing. He did a shallow squat and shook his arms as if he were about to take a foul shot, and walked into the kitchen. There she was, in a yellow sundress and sandals, with just a hint of cleavage showing, looking beautiful.
“Hi sweetie, how was your day?” he said softly, just before gently kissing her lips.
“Mm, you taste nice, did you stop for dessert?” she inquired?.
“Actually yes,” he admitted as he offered her a bakery box, “I picked up some goodies for us. What you are tasting is probably the free sample cookie that I just finished.”
“Cool! So, yeah, my day was great,” said Gretchen. “We had a good sitting with Jean’s son. He actually was very cooperative. I got the lighting right and the palate set. I took a bunch of reference photos. I started the canvas and have completed blocking in some of the basics. How about your day, how was breakfast with Walter?”
Gary steeled himself before he answered, “Breakfast was, um, surprising, really surprising!”
Gretchen looked at him quizzically with raised eyebrows. Gary continued, “I learned something about Walt and Sue that I never would have guessed.”
“What’s that?” said Gretchen. Seeing no point in soft-pedaling, Gary responded, “They are swingers, Gretchen, they have sex with other couples.”
Gretchen stood silent and still for a very long moment, and finally asked, “Swingers… like, swapping?”
“Yes, I was shocked too.”
Gretchen continued, “I bet. So, how and why did this come up?”
“Well, it’s part of Walt’s proposed solution to our B&B problem.”
“Why do I think I won’t like this solution?”
Gary quickly replied, “You won’t, at least not at first. I know my first reaction was that there was no way.”
“Okay, so what does Walt want.”
“He wants us to rent out the entire B&B to him and a small group of couples. He wants to try this once next month, and if it works, possibly at least once a month from then on.”
Gretchen stood silent and expressionless.
“Inoculation.” Gary thought. He had learned about this in a marketing class. First, you say that the mouthwash you are touting tastes like shit. Then you say that this mouthwash kills bad germs. Then, finally you imply that the mouthwash is, like most medicines, an unpleasant tasting but necessary solution to a serious problem.
Gary continued, “I was appalled at the idea at first. I mean, swinging, what kind of thing is that for a couple to do? Then I thought about how it might solve our problem, and I ran some numbers. Walt might be right. If even once a month we could count on one full house over the fall, winter and spring, it would generate enough revenue so that with a little more effort at advertising and reputation building, the B&B can make financial sense.”
Gretchen looked at him for a long moment, finally muttering, “I don’t know Gary. Our B&B as a swing club? That bothers me”
“I know, me too, and we should not do it unless we can get good with it. Can we give it some thought before making a final decision?”
Gretchen slowly nodded and said, “Pizza should be here shortly, I am going to go dry and curl my hair.”
As he headed up the stairs the doorbell rang and Gary paid for the pizza. He took it, along with plates, glasses and a bottle of Gretchen’s favorite Cabernet to the porch and waited for Gretchen. She entered the porch with a smile. “I am famished, lets eat!”
While eating, they discussed how they liked the pizza but it just was not as good as they got in Chicago. They revisited their ongoing debate about which Chicago pizza was best, again agreeing to disagree. When they finished eating, Gretchen took the plates and leftover pizza to the kitchen, and returned with napkins.
“So, swingers, huh?”
“Yes,” said Gary, “I was shocked, weren’t you.”
Gretchen paused, “Well, yeah, but probably not as much as you.”
Gary stared at Gretchen intently. “Go on…”
“Well, Sue is the naked sleeper in the ladies group, but you can’t tell anyone, ok?”
“Ok, and you can’t tell a soul about Walt and Sue’s lifestyle, right?”
“Don’t worry,” said Gretchen, “my lips are sealed.

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So, anyway, I already knew that Sue slept naked before she told the group last evening.”
“How so?”
“Well,” said Gretchen, “in July when you and Walt went north on your golf weekend, Sue and I went to Ann Arbor for the art fair, remember?
“I do, I wound up $100 ahead on the golf, and $600 behind on the art fair.”
Gretchen ignored the comment. “So Sue and I shared a room, two queen beds. Imagine my shock when Sue climbed in to her bed totally nude.”
“Busted!” exclaimed Gary.
“Yes, 34C if you must know.” Gretchen quipped, “That’s not all.”
“No?” he inquired.
“After art shopping and before dinner we stopped for drinks. Our server was twenty-something and dressed cute but sexy in a tight tank top and short skirt. I don’t think Sue could keep her eyes off her. Finally, I asked Sue if she knew the server, and Sue answered ‘No, but I would for love that to change.’ Eventually, Sue told me that she has had sex with women from time to time, with Walt’s knowledge and support.”
“Oh,” was all that Gary could muster.
“So that’s also not all,” added Gretchen. “I told you that Sue climbed into bed naked at our hotel, but before she did, she asked me if I would like her to join me in my bed.”
Gary just stared, feeling an interesting mixture of surprise and arousal.
“I declined,” continued Gretchen after a pause. “So no, I was probably not as taken by surprise as you were about Walt and Sue being swingers.”
Gary thought for a moment. “So why hadn’t you told me about this before today?"
“Because she asked me not to tell anyone, Gary, and I wanted to respect her wishes.”
He nodded, and again paused. “So, were you tempted?”
Gretchen smiled. “I knew you would ask that, you pervert. I was too surprised by the question to be tempted. Later, I was glad I said no, I would need to know it was okay with you before I even considered it. It would have been cheating, yes?”
“I guess, but it’s also different, you know?”
Gretchen nodded. “I understand…. So would you have been ok with me and Sue?”
“I think I would, but I would have demanded a blow by blow, so to speak.”
They were silent for a bit. Then Gretchen whispered, “Listen. It’s beginning to rain.”
Gary heard the raindrops landing on the porch roof.
“Do you know what that means, Gary?”
“Of course. I should go close some windows, right?”
“Yes,” she answered, “and then you should meet me in the Elm room. It’s time for you to use that rain check.”
Gary almost ran to deal with the windows. It was getting dark, and when Gary got to the Elm room he saw that Gretchen had lit candles. She had also remembered to bring the bottle of wine and the glasses. Her dress lay on the floor in a bundle, along with her sandals, bra and thong. She was already in bed with a sheet pulled up to cover her up to her bare shoulders. She smiled at him, and patted the spot next to her.
He smiled back, stripped off his clothing and joined her under the sheet. They both rolled to face each other. He took her in his arms and gave her a long, soft kiss, followed by another, and another. He felt her hands stroking his neck and upper back. They continued to explore each other, kissing and stroking.
Gary found Gretchen’s breasts, first with his hands, and later with his lips. Her hands moved from his back, to his ass, and finally around to his erect cock. Gary’s hand found her wet pussy, and after only a few strokes, she made her request, “Let's fuck. I want to feel you inside me.”
He positioned himself between her legs. She guided his cock into her pussy. Gary felt her warmth and wetness, and he began entering and retreating in a slow and steady rhythm. Gretchen rocked her pelvis into him, forcing him to speed up.
Her voice sounded horse when she spoke, “I want all of you inside me, Baby.”
He obliged, getting as deep as he could. He felt her contractions around him as they both lay still for a long moment, but soon she pulled him tight to her with her arms and legs and ordered him to fuck her hard.
Again, he obliged, first backing out and then entering her over and over with their bodies slapping into each other. Her orgasm began. She dug her fingers into his back and arched into him. As hard as he tried, Gary could not hold back. He gasped and groaned as he pushed into her, and came hard. He watched her face as she smiled at him, and softly spoke “I want you. I want all your cum inside me.”
They lay still while their orgasms subsided. Eventually he rolled off to her side and placed his hand on her stomach. He stroked her abdomen from just below her breasts to her pubic bone. They kissed.
Gretchen was the first to speak,. “It’s a yes, for me.”
“It’s a yes," she repeated, "We ought to give Walt’s suggestion a try.”
Gary got up on an elbow and looked at her. “Seriously?” he said, “You are really up to hosting his swingers group.”
“Aren’t you?” she asked.
“Well, yeah. I think it’s worth a shot, but I really am a little surprised that you are also okay with that.”
Gretchen nodded, “Well, I love this place, and I love you and me being here. I don’t want to lose what we have found here. Sometimes, you need to take a risk to get what you want, you know?”
Gary said, “Spoken more like a businessman than an artist, Gretchen…. And I love you.”
She rolled into him, and they again began to kiss as she gently beat his back with her fists in what he knew was mock protest of his attitude toward artists.
The next day Gary called Walt to let him know their decision. Walt sounded surprised but delighted. They set the date for the third Saturday in September, and worked out the details of when the group would arrive and leave, what they would bring, and what they would pay.
Gary indicated to Walt that, per their usual, he and Gretchen would act as hosts. They would provide a wine and cheese reception to welcome everyone, and then would retreat to the basement apartment until the next morning when breakfast would be served at 9:30 AM except for a brief walk through around 11 PM to make sure everything was in order.
The days passed slowly for Gary. He and Gretchen mutually avoided discussing the arrangement. He tried to keep busy with work. Gretchen was spending a lot of time with her painting. They also had guests in the B&B for each of the weekends leading up to the third Saturday, so there was not a lot of down time. Ultimately, however, the day was upon them.
Walt and Sue and a second couple of similar age arrived at around five PM in an SUV loaded with alcohol, mixers, bar ware and some snack food. Shortly thereafter the other two couples arrived. Gary thought that one couple appeared to be in their mid-forties and the other was younger and at a different stage of life than the others. This was confirmed when Gary saw the two child seats in the couple’s car. Gary helped the men unload the cars as Gretchen took the women on a brief tour of the house and showed them their respective rooms. The men also set up a makeshift bar in an alcove off the wide hallway that connected the five upstairs bedrooms.
Once the guests’ luggage was situated and the bar was up and running, Gary and Gretchen excused themselves and went down to their basement apartment to freshen up and dress for the wine and cheese reception they would be hosting soon.
Gary broke the silence with a comment. “They all look so normal, don’t they, just like Walt and Sue?”
Gretchen smiled. “Yes, that’s what Sue said we would think.”
“What?” exclaimed Gary. “You have been talking with Sue about this?”
“Of course. Don’t you always tell me how much we ladies seem to talk about everything?”
“I plead guilty to that,” admitted Gary, “but you didn’t mention you had talked with Sue.”
“Sue and I had lunch last week. I needed to get away from work for a bit.”
“Makes sense,” said Gary. “So what else should I know?”
Gretchen scrunched her face. “Gary, it was lunch, and we talked about lots of things, not just that. She only said that she thought we would enjoy being hosts and would like everyone there.”
Gary smiled. “Sorry Babe, you caught me by surprise there.” He planted a kiss on her cheek.
Because Gretchen had coached him to dress up a little more than usual for these guests, Gary put on some of his work clothes from Chicago days including a white oxford button down with open collar and a navy blazer over grey slacks. In Tyler he seldom wore these.
He was straightening his jacket collar in the mirror when Gretchen entered from the dressing closet he had built for her just off the bedroom. She looked stunning! She wore a shimmery blue cocktail dress with a plunging neckline. He couldn't take his eyes off of her.
Gary turned and said, “Wow Baby, you look amazing!”
She curtsied and said, “Well, Sue said that if I wanted to fit in, I might want to glam up a little bit. That’s why I mentioned business casual for you instead of your usual khakis, sport shirt and comfy loafers.”
“I think…” said Gary, “that I will need to keep an eye on you. Looking like that, you might be asked to join in!”
Gretchen laughed. “Don’t worry Sweetie, not going to happen, and certainly not without you.”
Gary laughed as well. “Let's keep reminding each other that we are hosts, not participants, right?”
“Right-o, mister,” she replied with a grin.
Gary soon saw that Sue was right. When the group gathered in the main room for the reception, all of the women were dressed to kill and all of the men were appropriately presentable. Gary had a hard time keeping his eyes off the women, especially Walt’s wife Sue. He had never thought of her as “hot”, but seeing her dressed in a short skirt, heels, a revealing top and in full makeup, she looked it. He would rate all five women as head-turners. He kind of wished they could all go out to dinner just to see the reactions of the other diners.
Together, Gary and Gretchen mingled with the guests. By the time the reception ended, they associated names with all of the faces, knew a bit about where they all lived, what they did for a living, and their preferences in wines, beers and cheeses. Sex was not a topic. There was no innuendo. It was almost as if they were all friends from the local PTA.
After about an hour, the couples began to thank Gary and Gretchen for the reception and the use of the wonderful house, and bid their “good nights.” Walt and Sue were the last to leave. Walt’s last words, as he took Sue’s hand and headed for the stairs, were, “and now the real fun starts.”
Gary and Gretchen retreated to the basement apartment. They each got out of their reception clothing.
Before settling in to watching a pay-per-view movie, they chatted a bit more about the couples. Both agreed that the four couples all seemed very comfortable with each other, but that there was also a definite sexual tension, which increased as the evening progressed. They speculated a bit about who might pair up with whom. Both felt that the situation was surreal, swapping couples at their B&B.
“Who would have guessed?” mused Gary.
“Me? Not in a million years,” responded Gretchen.
The movie ended just before eleven. They agreed that Matt Damon made an excellent Jason Bourne. Gretchen headed for bed and Gary ventured upstairs for the usual evening walk through that he performed whenever they had guests.
After checking the doors and windows and shutting off some of the lights on the main floor,
Gary climbed the stairs to the main hallway that connected all of the bedrooms. He had reached the landing midway up when he heard unmistakable sounds of sex.
Once at the top of the stairs, he saw that two of the bedroom doors were open to the hallway. He tried to be casual as he walked down the hall, but could not resist glancing in to the first open doorway which led into the bedroom they called the Oak room. The lights were on in the room, and Gary had a clear view of three of his guests, naked and at play on the antique four-poster.
He crept a bit closer, and as he did he was able to identify that there were two women and a man. Two of them were the young married couple with the car seats, Julia and Brent. The second woman was Sue.
Julia lay on her back, legs spread, as Sue was very actively going down on her. Brent was on one hand and both knees on the far side of the two women, and he was licking and sucking his wife’s nipples while, at the same time, reaching back between Sue’s legs.
Gary recognized that most of the sounds he had heard on the stairs were coming from Julia, who was clearly enjoying the attention. Gary was feeling very aroused, but also like a bit of a pervert and was about to move on when he heard Walt’s whisper. “So, Gary, do you like what you see?”
Gary’s face flushed with embarrassment as he turned to face Walt who was naked, and holding drinks in each of his hands.
Walt smiled and spoke softly. “I was taking a break and saw you here, so I fixed us both a scotch and water.”
Gary took the drink and immediately sipped a bit of it, trying to regain his composure.
Walt continued, “Sue looks beautiful doesn’t she.”
Gary nodded. “She does, and she also seems very… engaged in what she’s doing.”
“Trust me, she is. Sue definitely likes what she is doing right now.”
The two friends were silent as they watched the sex gradually growing more intense. Gary could feel his erection, but resisted visually checking to see if Walt was similarly aroused.
Walt finally spoke. “Julia turned thirty last week, and we have a tradition. The birthday girl or guy gets to name a sexual wish and the couples try their best to fulfill it. Her wish was a threesome with Sue and her husband where the focus would be on her. That’s what we are watching.”
“Is it okay that we are?” Gary quickly asked. “I feel a little creepy.”
“Don’t.” said Walt. “I can assure you that all three of them like to be watched. In fact, that’s true for all of your guests tonight. That includes me.”
Oddly, Gary felt a lot more relaxed knowing that, while he no doubt was an outsider and a voyeur, he was welcome in those roles. The men resumed watching in silence as Sue started to respond to Brent’s attentions, reaching down to her own pussy to join Brent in his probing and stroking. With her other hand she offered Julia a fingertip wet with juices. Julia licked it sensually.
Walt spoke again in a whisper, “Enjoy the show Gary, I need to get back with the others. I promised to do some camera work, and I bet they are wondering where I went.”
With that, Walt handed Gary his empty glass, turned, and walked down to the open door of the Birch room further down the hall. Gary, still in a level of disbelief, pulled out his cell phone and tapped in Gretchen’s number. After a few rings she answered in a sleepy voice.
“Hi Gary, is there a problem?”
Gary whispered. “No problem Babe, but I need you to come up here.”
“What… Why?”
“Just come up to the bedrooms, Babe, you need to see this.”
“Okay, um, I will be right up.”
A few minutes later, Gretchen, dressed in her nightshirt, appeared at the top of the stairs. Gary, still at the door of the Oak room, motioned her over. She slowly moved in his direction and looked over his shoulder. She gasped quietly at what she saw. Her friend Sue was enthusiastically eating another women’s pussy while that woman’s husband was on his knees, behind Sue, taking her.
“Oh my God.” she whispered. “Gary?”
“I know. Its…. uh…. hard to believe.”
Just then, Julia lifted her pussy, grinding it into Sue’s face, groaning loudly and squeezing her own breasts.” “That’s it baby,” said Brent. “Give Sue your fucking pussy.”
With that, Brent retracted, exposing his substantial, unprotected cock, then plunged himself hard into Sue as he tugged her hair back toward him. Sue lifted her face up and groaned. She, too, was beginning to orgasm.
"Gary?” said Gretchen softly. “Should we even be here?”
“Its fine,” whispered Gary. “Walt assured me its okay with everyone.”
“You talked to Walt?”
“Yes, he was just here taking a break from the Birch room. He brought me this drink. He’s back there now.”
Gretchen looked at him wide eyed. “What’s going on there, in the other room?”
“Don’t know,” said Gary. “Let's go look.”
Gary took her hand and they tiptoed to the open doorway of the Birch room. The lights were a bit dimmer there but they could make out two couples on the bed. The women were on their hands and knees facing each other and kissing. Behind each of them were a man with his hands on hips and his cock in a pussy. The both men were grinding themselves gently against the ass of the woman in front of him.
Standing next to the bed on the other side of the two couples was Walt with a camera phone that occasionally flashed as he photographed bits of what was happening in front of him. He was directly facing the open door of the room, and for the first time Gary took in Walt’s full nakedness. His cock stood erect and he, like his wife, was shaved.
Walt looked up and saw Gary and Gretchen. He winked and mouthed “Hello Gretchen.”
Gretchen managed a nod.
Standing perfectly still, Walt stared intensely at Gretchen for a minute or more with the hint of a smile on his lips. To Gary it looked like Walt’s erection seemed to be stiffening. Finally, Gary squeezed Gretchen’s hand breaking what had become a kind of a spell.
Gary mouthed in Walt’s direction. “Need anything?”
Walt smiled, shook his head and waved.
Gary and Gretchen returned the wave and headed to the stairs.
Back in the basement apartment, Gretchen slipped into bed while Gary got into his boxers and t-shirt. He turned off the light and took his place beside her. As his eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, he felt Gretchen rolling into him. Her hand traveled under his shirt, her fingers stroked and she spoke softly.
“Gary…. holy shit!”
“I know,” he replied, “the holiest.”
Gretchen giggled and kissed his cheek. “I would ask you if you got aroused seeing all that, but, that would be an unnecessary question.”
“Was it that obvious?” asked Gary defensively.
“Um, we have been married for three decades and I know horny when I see it.”
“Yeah, well, I guess you do, Babe” he allowed. “How about you? Have you pitched a tent down there?”
“No, I don’t camp, but I do skinny dip and I might be a little wet. Want to check?”
Surprised and delighted, Gary moved his hand to find the waistband of Gretchen’s panties, but all he found was the top edge of her pubic hair. Immediately, he could tell she was more than damp.
Her hand joined his as she guided the tips of his fingers into her slit and on to her clitoris. She moved his index and ring fingers in tiny circles over it, and spread her legs just a little as she rolled fully into her back.
Gary continued making circles on her hardening clit, occasionally dipping his fingers a bit further between her folds to lubricate. Gretchen’s breathing became obvious and she began to rock gently to the motion of his fingers. At just about the moment when Gary would typically pull off his boxers and rise to straddle her, she rolled facing him and removed his hand from her cunt. Her hand found the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down, causing his cock to spring as the elastic caught on it and released.
“Umm,” whispered Gretchen, “you look ready.”
With that, she rose to her knees, removed his boxers completely, and straddled him. She put her hands on top of his just above his shoulders, and slowly lowered herself onto him. She began to rock gently up and down on his cock.
“Gary?” she asked sweetly. “Did you notice what your good friend Walt was doing?"
“You mean taking pictures of sex?” asked Gary, silently wondering what Gretchen thought about the picture taking.
“No, silly, not that. Did you notice how he was looking at me?”
“Well, he was definitely looking our way.”
Gretchen chuckled, “He was looking at me, Gary.”
As she said that, she pushed herself hard into him and he felt his cock slip more deeply into her. She let out a little soft hiss.
“His cock. Were you watching his cock?”
Gary lied. “Not particularly, Babe.”
“Well,” Gretchen replied again in her sweetest voice, “had you been paying attention, you would have seen he was shaved, and hard, and horny… and he wanted me.
“I think I know just what he wanted.”
“What’s that, Babe,” asked Gary who was beginning to feel very aroused by the line of conversation.
“He wanted me to take his cock in my hands.”
Gary moaned and pushed his cock upward, and Gretchen continued.
“He wanted me to drop to my knees, Gary. He wanted me to take his cock into my mouth, and suck it hard. He wanted me to drop my hands behind my back, and using only my mouth, lips and tongue, give him the best blow job ever.”
Gretchen arched her back and pulled up her shirt. She fondled her breasts as Gary watched. She smiled and ground her pussy into him as she teased her nipples.
“Fuck!” said Gary. “That feels amazing.”
He was on the brink of an orgasm. Gretchen moaned, and reached down to stroke her clit. “I think Walt wanted to cum in my mouth. He would have wanted me to swallow, don’t you think?”
Gary could hardly hold back. Gretchen seemed to sense it. She slid one of her fingers inside of her, next to his cock, and massaged.
“Gary, what if I kissed you after I finished doing Walt, and you tasted his cum on my lips and tongue?”
Gary exploded, pushing in and retreating, and then again and again. She closed her legs around his cock.
Gary could feel her contractions as he emptied inside of her. It felt like she wanted every last drop.
Her eyes never left his. Groaning sensuously, she ground herself into him as he felt the tremors in her legs and lower abdomen. He noticed a thin film of perspiration forming on her brow. He watched as the tightness in her lips gradually relaxed into a smile. Her eyes twinkled as she lowered her lips to his and kissed him passionately.
Gary enjoyed the feeling of Gretchen’s body as she rested on top of him. He felt her soft breasts and her damp pubic hair. He could feel her heartbeat slowing against his chest as she kissed and nibbled his neck. After a time, she rolled off of him and on to her side, nestling against him, and placing her left arm and hand on his abdomen and chest.
Gary was the first to speak. “Babe, that was incredible.”
“My thoughts exactly,” she replied.
Gary turned slightly toward her and rested his head his hand. “You rode me, Sweetie.”
“Yes, I did. It seemed like a good idea. I wanted to take control.”
“Why?” he asked.
Gretchen thought for a moment. “Give Sue credit for that. When we were watching her with Julia and Brent, she was clearly in control. Brent followed her instructions even when he was fucking her, and she kind of played Julia like a sexual fiddle with her pussy rising and falling to stay in contact with Sues lips. I kind of liked that, and I wanted to see how it felt.”
“So,” asked Gary, “am I your cello now?”
Gretchen laughed, “No sweetie, you are more like my base…. nice thick vibrating strings making big strong notes, and all… I had forgotten what it was like to call the shots, and know what?”
“I do,” interrupted Gary. “You loved it… so did I.”
Again, they kissed.
Gretchen looked at the bedside clock. “Jesus, Gary, it's nearly one thirty. We have less than six
hours before we need to get to making breakfast.”
“Right Babe, as much as I don’t want this evening to end, we need to sleep.”
Gretchen smiled, kissed him lightly, and said, “Good night, Lover.”
“Lover,” thought Gary, he had not been called that in a long time, and he really liked how it felt.
“You know that Walt is going to be asking about a next time.”
“I know. Can we agree that you and I will talk about that before we answer him?”
“Deal,” said Gary.
With that, they both sunk into their pillows. Morning would come quickly.
“How so?”
“Well,” said Gretchen, “in July when you and Walt went north on your golf weekend, Sue and I went to Ann Arbor for the art fair, remember?
“I do, I wound up $100 ahead on the golf, and $600 behind on the art fair.”
Gretchen ignored the comment. “So Sue and I shared a room, two queen beds. Imagine my shock when Sue climbed in to her bed totally nude.”
“Busted!” exclaimed Gary.
“Yes, 34C if you must know.” Gretchen quipped, “That’s not all.”
“No?” he inquired.
“After art shopping and before dinner we stopped for drinks. Our server was twenty-something and dressed cute but sexy in a tight tank top and short skirt. I don’t think Sue could keep her eyes off her. Finally, I asked Sue if she knew the server, and Sue answered ‘No, but I would for love that to change.’ Eventually, Sue told me that she has had sex with women from time to time, with Walt’s knowledge and support.”
“Oh,” was all that Gary could muster.
“So that’s also not all,” added Gretchen. “I told you that Sue climbed into bed naked at our hotel, but before she did, she asked me if I would like her to join me in my bed.”
Gary just stared, feeling an interesting mixture of surprise and arousal.
“I declined,” continued Gretchen after a pause. “So no, I was probably not as taken by surprise as you were about Walt and Sue being swingers.”
Gary thought for a moment. “So why hadn’t you told me about this before today?"
“Because she asked me not to tell anyone, Gary, and I wanted to respect her wishes.”
He nodded, and again paused. “So, were you tempted?”
Gretchen smiled. “I knew you would ask that, you pervert. I was too surprised by the question to be tempted. Later, I was glad I said no, I would need to know it was okay with you before I even considered it. It would have been cheating, yes?”
“I guess, but it’s also different, you know?”
Gretchen nodded. “I understand…. So would you have been ok with me and Sue?”
“I think I would, but I would have demanded a blow by blow, so to speak.”
They were silent for a bit. Then Gretchen whispered, “Listen. It’s beginning to rain.”
Gary heard the raindrops landing on the porch roof.
“Do you know what that means, Gary?”
“Of course. I should go close some windows, right?”
“Yes,” she answered, “and then you should meet me in the Elm room. It’s time for you to use that rain check.”
Gary almost ran to deal with the windows. It was getting dark, and when Gary got to the Elm room he saw that Gretchen had lit candles. She had also remembered to bring the bottle of wine and the glasses. Her dress lay on the floor in a bundle, along with her sandals, bra and thong. She was already in bed with a sheet pulled up to cover her up to her bare shoulders. She smiled at him, and patted the spot next to her.
He smiled back, stripped off his clothing and joined her under the sheet. They both rolled to face each other. He took her in his arms and gave her a long, soft kiss, followed by another, and another. He felt her hands stroking his neck and upper back. They continued to explore each other, kissing and stroking.
Gary found Gretchen’s breasts, first with his hands, and later with his lips. Her hands moved from his back, to his ass, and finally around to his erect cock. Gary’s hand found her wet pussy, and after only a few strokes, she made her request, “Let's fuck. I want to feel you inside me.”
He positioned himself between her legs. She guided his cock into her pussy. Gary felt her warmth and wetness, and he began entering and retreating in a slow and steady rhythm. Gretchen rocked her pelvis into him, forcing him to speed up.
Her voice sounded horse when she spoke, “I want all of you inside me, Baby.”
He obliged, getting as deep as he could. He felt her contractions around him as they both lay still for a long moment, but soon she pulled him tight to her with her arms and legs and ordered him to fuck her hard.
Again, he obliged, first backing out and then entering her over and over with their bodies slapping into each other. Her orgasm began. She dug her fingers into his back and arched into him. As hard as he tried, Gary could not hold back. He gasped and groaned as he pushed into her, and came hard. He watched her face as she smiled at him, and softly spoke “I want you. I want all your cum inside me.”
They lay still while their orgasms subsided. Eventually he rolled off to her side and placed his hand on her stomach. He stroked her abdomen from just below her breasts to her pubic bone. They kissed.
Gretchen was the first to speak,. “It’s a yes, for me.”
“It’s a yes," she repeated, "We ought to give Walt’s suggestion a try.”
Gary got up on an elbow and looked at her. “Seriously?” he said, “You are really up to hosting his swingers group.”
“Aren’t you?” she asked.
“Well, yeah. I think it’s worth a shot, but I really am a little surprised that you are also okay with that.”
Gretchen nodded, “Well, I love this place, and I love you and me being here. I don’t want to lose what we have found here. Sometimes, you need to take a risk to get what you want, you know?”
Gary said, “Spoken more like a businessman than an artist, Gretchen…. And I love you.”
She rolled into him, and they again began to kiss as she gently beat his back with her fists in what he knew was mock protest of his attitude toward artists.
The next day Gary called Walt to let him know their decision. Walt sounded surprised but delighted. They set the date for the third Saturday in September, and worked out the details of when the group would arrive and leave, what they would bring, and what they would pay.
Gary indicated to Walt that, per their usual, he and Gretchen would act as hosts. They would provide a wine and cheese reception to welcome everyone, and then would retreat to the basement apartment until the next morning when breakfast would be served at 9:30 AM except for a brief walk through around 11 PM to make sure everything was in order.
The days passed slowly for Gary. He and Gretchen mutually avoided discussing the arrangement. He tried to keep busy with work. Gretchen was spending a lot of time with her painting. They also had guests in the B&B for each of the weekends leading up to the third Saturday, so there was not a lot of down time. Ultimately, however, the day was upon them.
Walt and Sue and a second couple of similar age arrived at around five PM in an SUV loaded with alcohol, mixers, bar ware and some snack food. Shortly thereafter the other two couples arrived. Gary thought that one couple appeared to be in their mid-forties and the other was younger and at a different stage of life than the others. This was confirmed when Gary saw the two child seats in the couple’s car. Gary helped the men unload the cars as Gretchen took the women on a brief tour of the house and showed them their respective rooms. The men also set up a makeshift bar in an alcove off the wide hallway that connected the five upstairs bedrooms.
Once the guests’ luggage was situated and the bar was up and running, Gary and Gretchen excused themselves and went down to their basement apartment to freshen up and dress for the wine and cheese reception they would be hosting soon.
Gary broke the silence with a comment. “They all look so normal, don’t they, just like Walt and Sue?”
Gretchen smiled. “Yes, that’s what Sue said we would think.”
“What?” exclaimed Gary. “You have been talking with Sue about this?”
“Of course. Don’t you always tell me how much we ladies seem to talk about everything?”
“I plead guilty to that,” admitted Gary, “but you didn’t mention you had talked with Sue.”
“Sue and I had lunch last week. I needed to get away from work for a bit.”
“Makes sense,” said Gary. “So what else should I know?”
Gretchen scrunched her face. “Gary, it was lunch, and we talked about lots of things, not just that. She only said that she thought we would enjoy being hosts and would like everyone there.”
Gary smiled. “Sorry Babe, you caught me by surprise there.” He planted a kiss on her cheek.
Because Gretchen had coached him to dress up a little more than usual for these guests, Gary put on some of his work clothes from Chicago days including a white oxford button down with open collar and a navy blazer over grey slacks. In Tyler he seldom wore these.
He was straightening his jacket collar in the mirror when Gretchen entered from the dressing closet he had built for her just off the bedroom. She looked stunning! She wore a shimmery blue cocktail dress with a plunging neckline. He couldn't take his eyes off of her.
Gary turned and said, “Wow Baby, you look amazing!”
She curtsied and said, “Well, Sue said that if I wanted to fit in, I might want to glam up a little bit. That’s why I mentioned business casual for you instead of your usual khakis, sport shirt and comfy loafers.”
“I think…” said Gary, “that I will need to keep an eye on you. Looking like that, you might be asked to join in!”
Gretchen laughed. “Don’t worry Sweetie, not going to happen, and certainly not without you.”
Gary laughed as well. “Let's keep reminding each other that we are hosts, not participants, right?”
“Right-o, mister,” she replied with a grin.
Gary soon saw that Sue was right. When the group gathered in the main room for the reception, all of the women were dressed to kill and all of the men were appropriately presentable. Gary had a hard time keeping his eyes off the women, especially Walt’s wife Sue. He had never thought of her as “hot”, but seeing her dressed in a short skirt, heels, a revealing top and in full makeup, she looked it. He would rate all five women as head-turners. He kind of wished they could all go out to dinner just to see the reactions of the other diners.
Together, Gary and Gretchen mingled with the guests. By the time the reception ended, they associated names with all of the faces, knew a bit about where they all lived, what they did for a living, and their preferences in wines, beers and cheeses. Sex was not a topic. There was no innuendo. It was almost as if they were all friends from the local PTA.
After about an hour, the couples began to thank Gary and Gretchen for the reception and the use of the wonderful house, and bid their “good nights.” Walt and Sue were the last to leave. Walt’s last words, as he took Sue’s hand and headed for the stairs, were, “and now the real fun starts.”
Gary and Gretchen retreated to the basement apartment. They each got out of their reception clothing.
Before settling in to watching a pay-per-view movie, they chatted a bit more about the couples. Both agreed that the four couples all seemed very comfortable with each other, but that there was also a definite sexual tension, which increased as the evening progressed. They speculated a bit about who might pair up with whom. Both felt that the situation was surreal, swapping couples at their B&B.
“Who would have guessed?” mused Gary.
“Me? Not in a million years,” responded Gretchen.
The movie ended just before eleven. They agreed that Matt Damon made an excellent Jason Bourne. Gretchen headed for bed and Gary ventured upstairs for the usual evening walk through that he performed whenever they had guests.
After checking the doors and windows and shutting off some of the lights on the main floor,
Gary climbed the stairs to the main hallway that connected all of the bedrooms. He had reached the landing midway up when he heard unmistakable sounds of sex.
Once at the top of the stairs, he saw that two of the bedroom doors were open to the hallway. He tried to be casual as he walked down the hall, but could not resist glancing in to the first open doorway which led into the bedroom they called the Oak room. The lights were on in the room, and Gary had a clear view of three of his guests, naked and at play on the antique four-poster.
He crept a bit closer, and as he did he was able to identify that there were two women and a man. Two of them were the young married couple with the car seats, Julia and Brent. The second woman was Sue.
Julia lay on her back, legs spread, as Sue was very actively going down on her. Brent was on one hand and both knees on the far side of the two women, and he was licking and sucking his wife’s nipples while, at the same time, reaching back between Sue’s legs.
Gary recognized that most of the sounds he had heard on the stairs were coming from Julia, who was clearly enjoying the attention. Gary was feeling very aroused, but also like a bit of a pervert and was about to move on when he heard Walt’s whisper. “So, Gary, do you like what you see?”
Gary’s face flushed with embarrassment as he turned to face Walt who was naked, and holding drinks in each of his hands.
Walt smiled and spoke softly. “I was taking a break and saw you here, so I fixed us both a scotch and water.”
Gary took the drink and immediately sipped a bit of it, trying to regain his composure.
Walt continued, “Sue looks beautiful doesn’t she.”
Gary nodded. “She does, and she also seems very… engaged in what she’s doing.”
“Trust me, she is. Sue definitely likes what she is doing right now.”
The two friends were silent as they watched the sex gradually growing more intense. Gary could feel his erection, but resisted visually checking to see if Walt was similarly aroused.
Walt finally spoke. “Julia turned thirty last week, and we have a tradition. The birthday girl or guy gets to name a sexual wish and the couples try their best to fulfill it. Her wish was a threesome with Sue and her husband where the focus would be on her. That’s what we are watching.”
“Is it okay that we are?” Gary quickly asked. “I feel a little creepy.”
“Don’t.” said Walt. “I can assure you that all three of them like to be watched. In fact, that’s true for all of your guests tonight. That includes me.”
Oddly, Gary felt a lot more relaxed knowing that, while he no doubt was an outsider and a voyeur, he was welcome in those roles. The men resumed watching in silence as Sue started to respond to Brent’s attentions, reaching down to her own pussy to join Brent in his probing and stroking. With her other hand she offered Julia a fingertip wet with juices. Julia licked it sensually.
Walt spoke again in a whisper, “Enjoy the show Gary, I need to get back with the others. I promised to do some camera work, and I bet they are wondering where I went.”
With that, Walt handed Gary his empty glass, turned, and walked down to the open door of the Birch room further down the hall. Gary, still in a level of disbelief, pulled out his cell phone and tapped in Gretchen’s number. After a few rings she answered in a sleepy voice.
“Hi Gary, is there a problem?”
Gary whispered. “No problem Babe, but I need you to come up here.”
“What… Why?”
“Just come up to the bedrooms, Babe, you need to see this.”
“Okay, um, I will be right up.”
A few minutes later, Gretchen, dressed in her nightshirt, appeared at the top of the stairs. Gary, still at the door of the Oak room, motioned her over. She slowly moved in his direction and looked over his shoulder. She gasped quietly at what she saw. Her friend Sue was enthusiastically eating another women’s pussy while that woman’s husband was on his knees, behind Sue, taking her.
“Oh my God.” she whispered. “Gary?”
“I know. Its…. uh…. hard to believe.”
Just then, Julia lifted her pussy, grinding it into Sue’s face, groaning loudly and squeezing her own breasts.” “That’s it baby,” said Brent. “Give Sue your fucking pussy.”
With that, Brent retracted, exposing his substantial, unprotected cock, then plunged himself hard into Sue as he tugged her hair back toward him. Sue lifted her face up and groaned. She, too, was beginning to orgasm.
"Gary?” said Gretchen softly. “Should we even be here?”
“Its fine,” whispered Gary. “Walt assured me its okay with everyone.”
“You talked to Walt?”
“Yes, he was just here taking a break from the Birch room. He brought me this drink. He’s back there now.”
Gretchen looked at him wide eyed. “What’s going on there, in the other room?”
“Don’t know,” said Gary. “Let's go look.”
Gary took her hand and they tiptoed to the open doorway of the Birch room. The lights were a bit dimmer there but they could make out two couples on the bed. The women were on their hands and knees facing each other and kissing. Behind each of them were a man with his hands on hips and his cock in a pussy. The both men were grinding themselves gently against the ass of the woman in front of him.
Standing next to the bed on the other side of the two couples was Walt with a camera phone that occasionally flashed as he photographed bits of what was happening in front of him. He was directly facing the open door of the room, and for the first time Gary took in Walt’s full nakedness. His cock stood erect and he, like his wife, was shaved.
Walt looked up and saw Gary and Gretchen. He winked and mouthed “Hello Gretchen.”
Gretchen managed a nod.
Standing perfectly still, Walt stared intensely at Gretchen for a minute or more with the hint of a smile on his lips. To Gary it looked like Walt’s erection seemed to be stiffening. Finally, Gary squeezed Gretchen’s hand breaking what had become a kind of a spell.
Gary mouthed in Walt’s direction. “Need anything?”
Walt smiled, shook his head and waved.
Gary and Gretchen returned the wave and headed to the stairs.
Back in the basement apartment, Gretchen slipped into bed while Gary got into his boxers and t-shirt. He turned off the light and took his place beside her. As his eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, he felt Gretchen rolling into him. Her hand traveled under his shirt, her fingers stroked and she spoke softly.
“Gary…. holy shit!”
“I know,” he replied, “the holiest.”
Gretchen giggled and kissed his cheek. “I would ask you if you got aroused seeing all that, but, that would be an unnecessary question.”
“Was it that obvious?” asked Gary defensively.
“Um, we have been married for three decades and I know horny when I see it.”
“Yeah, well, I guess you do, Babe” he allowed. “How about you? Have you pitched a tent down there?”
“No, I don’t camp, but I do skinny dip and I might be a little wet. Want to check?”
Surprised and delighted, Gary moved his hand to find the waistband of Gretchen’s panties, but all he found was the top edge of her pubic hair. Immediately, he could tell she was more than damp.
Her hand joined his as she guided the tips of his fingers into her slit and on to her clitoris. She moved his index and ring fingers in tiny circles over it, and spread her legs just a little as she rolled fully into her back.
Gary continued making circles on her hardening clit, occasionally dipping his fingers a bit further between her folds to lubricate. Gretchen’s breathing became obvious and she began to rock gently to the motion of his fingers. At just about the moment when Gary would typically pull off his boxers and rise to straddle her, she rolled facing him and removed his hand from her cunt. Her hand found the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down, causing his cock to spring as the elastic caught on it and released.
“Umm,” whispered Gretchen, “you look ready.”
With that, she rose to her knees, removed his boxers completely, and straddled him. She put her hands on top of his just above his shoulders, and slowly lowered herself onto him. She began to rock gently up and down on his cock.
“Gary?” she asked sweetly. “Did you notice what your good friend Walt was doing?"
“You mean taking pictures of sex?” asked Gary, silently wondering what Gretchen thought about the picture taking.
“No, silly, not that. Did you notice how he was looking at me?”
“Well, he was definitely looking our way.”
Gretchen chuckled, “He was looking at me, Gary.”
As she said that, she pushed herself hard into him and he felt his cock slip more deeply into her. She let out a little soft hiss.
“His cock. Were you watching his cock?”
Gary lied. “Not particularly, Babe.”
“Well,” Gretchen replied again in her sweetest voice, “had you been paying attention, you would have seen he was shaved, and hard, and horny… and he wanted me.
“I think I know just what he wanted.”
“What’s that, Babe,” asked Gary who was beginning to feel very aroused by the line of conversation.
“He wanted me to take his cock in my hands.”
Gary moaned and pushed his cock upward, and Gretchen continued.
“He wanted me to drop to my knees, Gary. He wanted me to take his cock into my mouth, and suck it hard. He wanted me to drop my hands behind my back, and using only my mouth, lips and tongue, give him the best blow job ever.”
Gretchen arched her back and pulled up her shirt. She fondled her breasts as Gary watched. She smiled and ground her pussy into him as she teased her nipples.
“Fuck!” said Gary. “That feels amazing.”
He was on the brink of an orgasm. Gretchen moaned, and reached down to stroke her clit. “I think Walt wanted to cum in my mouth. He would have wanted me to swallow, don’t you think?”
Gary could hardly hold back. Gretchen seemed to sense it. She slid one of her fingers inside of her, next to his cock, and massaged.
“Gary, what if I kissed you after I finished doing Walt, and you tasted his cum on my lips and tongue?”
Gary exploded, pushing in and retreating, and then again and again. She closed her legs around his cock.
Gary could feel her contractions as he emptied inside of her. It felt like she wanted every last drop.
Her eyes never left his. Groaning sensuously, she ground herself into him as he felt the tremors in her legs and lower abdomen. He noticed a thin film of perspiration forming on her brow. He watched as the tightness in her lips gradually relaxed into a smile. Her eyes twinkled as she lowered her lips to his and kissed him passionately.
Gary enjoyed the feeling of Gretchen’s body as she rested on top of him. He felt her soft breasts and her damp pubic hair. He could feel her heartbeat slowing against his chest as she kissed and nibbled his neck. After a time, she rolled off of him and on to her side, nestling against him, and placing her left arm and hand on his abdomen and chest.
Gary was the first to speak. “Babe, that was incredible.”
“My thoughts exactly,” she replied.
Gary turned slightly toward her and rested his head his hand. “You rode me, Sweetie.”
“Yes, I did. It seemed like a good idea. I wanted to take control.”
“Why?” he asked.
Gretchen thought for a moment. “Give Sue credit for that. When we were watching her with Julia and Brent, she was clearly in control. Brent followed her instructions even when he was fucking her, and she kind of played Julia like a sexual fiddle with her pussy rising and falling to stay in contact with Sues lips. I kind of liked that, and I wanted to see how it felt.”
“So,” asked Gary, “am I your cello now?”
Gretchen laughed, “No sweetie, you are more like my base…. nice thick vibrating strings making big strong notes, and all… I had forgotten what it was like to call the shots, and know what?”
“I do,” interrupted Gary. “You loved it… so did I.”
Again, they kissed.
Gretchen looked at the bedside clock. “Jesus, Gary, it's nearly one thirty. We have less than six
hours before we need to get to making breakfast.”
“Right Babe, as much as I don’t want this evening to end, we need to sleep.”
Gretchen smiled, kissed him lightly, and said, “Good night, Lover.”
“Lover,” thought Gary, he had not been called that in a long time, and he really liked how it felt.
“You know that Walt is going to be asking about a next time.”
“I know. Can we agree that you and I will talk about that before we answer him?”
“Deal,” said Gary.
With that, they both sunk into their pillows. Morning would come quickly.
Your ability as a writer is obvious. A great intro, I'm glad I found it.
Thank you again. You are very kind.