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Bank holiday camp - part 3 - 'Getting to know Mandy'

"Getting to know Mandy, in more ways than one."

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. Mandy and I had finished showering each other after having some fun at pool side, and paying particular attention to each other’s intimate areas.

“Would you like to come back to my Caravan for a Drink, and a get to know you chat?” Mandy said with a wink and a smile.

“How could I refuse such a sexy woman?” I replied.

With that, she took my hand, and we said goodbye to everyone else as we left the pool.

As we walked along the gravel pathway Mandy was telling me all about herself, and how she lost her husband five years ago in a traffic accident. I could see tears welling in her emerald green eyes, and her grip slightly tighten in my hand. I leaned into her and kissed her cheek.

“Would you rather leave the Coffee, and I’ll let you have some time to yourself?”

“No please stay with me, I will be ok, besides I want to get to know you,” she smiled.

“Okay if you’re sure.”

We continued to her caravan. Once inside Mandy closed the door, and asked me to sit and she would put the kettle on.

We sat with our drinks and continued our chat, getting to know each other. Turns out Mandy is an ex bluebell dancer, and had appeared in many performances throughout Europe mainly Paris. This helped explain how she managed to keep such a toned body, and turns out we only live twenty miles apart.

“I can’t believe your single, you’re a very handsome man.”

“Thank you for the compliment. I’ll be honest with you Mandy, I have not met anyone who would fit in with my lifestyle, and I don’t want to just settle for anyone just to have someone in my life. Though I do miss having someone to spend time with, and miss cuddles and company,” I replied.

“I can understand that honey.” She touched my hand. “I miss the intimacy of a relationship, conversation over a meal and just generally passing time with someone,” she sighed, drew breath and continued, “but hey we can share a cuddle anytime if you would like?”

“I would like that very much.”

“Let’s move to the sofa and get comfortable.” Mandy still holding my hand led me to the sofa. She reached for a remote and turned her cd player on. “What sort of music do you like Tim?”

“Most things really but I am a rock music fan.”

“What like Pink Floyd? Led Zeppelin?”

“Led Zeppelin, are a particular favourite of mine.”

She pressed a few buttons and the unmistakable beginning of Kashmir started to play, which just happens to be the most favoured track on my mp3 player.

“This to your liking?” she asked.

“Yes without question, I love this track.”

“Well we have something else in common then, as I am also a big fan of Led Zeppelin,” she smiled.

We cuddled into each other; and with my free hand, I stroked her long auburn hair, while Mandy stroked my arm with hers. We continued chatting and asking each other questions about each other while the music played in the back ground. We found ourselves laughing a lot, I could not remember the last time I had enjoyed a woman’s company as much. Each time Mandy laughed her breasts would jiggle.

Mandy started running her hand up and down the top of my thigh, her touch was very gentle and stimulating, and her hand would venture higher and inwards with each stroke. Now and again, her finger tips made contact with my smooth scrotum, and my cock began to twitch and grow. Not a word was spoken as we moved into a laying down position on the sofa still in our embrace.

Mandy’s hand was now stroking my fully erect penis. Pre cum oozing from the tip, then she rubbed a finger along my cock’s eye and slipped the finger to her tongue to lick the fluid from it.

“Mmm, I do love the taste of cum,” she said looking straight into my eyes.

She started licking and sucking my nipples. I let out a slight moan of pleasure; as the tingle sensation seemed to go from my nipple directly to the base of my shaft.

“Lie back and relax, allow me to do something for you,” Mandy said in her soft sexy voice.

She moved so I could lie flat on my back, before she settled between my thighs she took a mouthful of her coffee, and then lowered her head to my cock. She slowly took my cock in her mouth without losing any of the warm liquid, and the more she took in her mouth the more I could feel the warmth from the drink around my stiffness, it felt wonderful.

Mandy was slowly moving her head up and down, and swirling her tongue around the swollen head of my pole.

I heard her gulp as she moved slightly faster. I figured she had swallowed the coffee.

I could feel her saliva running over my balls and down the crack of my shaven ass, then Mandy started running a finger around my balls and started caressing just at the base of my ass.

“Lift your butt for me,” she said smiling.

I did as I was asked, and as I rose myself up she pushed a cushion under me.

Mandy took my cock back into her mouth pushing her tongue against the underside of my shaft against the main vein. Her finger started stimulating my sphincter. She was allowing amounts of saliva from her mouth to dribble down to her finger, so she could lube up my tight asshole entrance. Her finger was now gently pushing its way pass the muscle opening to my rear entrance. I let out a small moan of pleasure as she did so, and placed my hands on her head.

“Tut tut, young man, no touching! Just lie back and enjoy.”

I could not just lie there, so I started playing with my own nipples. Her finger was now massaging my prostate, as her mouth sucking got harder and her head moving faster up and down my cock.

I closed my eyes and lay there wallowing in the ecstasy that ran through my entire body.

A second finger was now finding its way inside me to join the first one.

After just a few minutes of this tremendous pleasure I shouted, “Holy fuck!!” My body went into spasm, “I’m going to cum.”

Mandy either did not hear me or chose to ignore me for she just picked up the pace on both my dick and my ass. I could not hold back any longer and I felt my cock jerk as the spurts of spunk erupted into her mouth.

She slowly removed her fingers and moved up my body, then her lips found mine and she began kissing me. I could taste my cum on her lips, then she pushed my cum from her mouth into mine with her tongue. This was a first for me and I loved it. We were now kissing very passionately, my hands caressing her smooth soft back.

We broke our kiss and Mandy snuggled her head into my neck. I thought I saw movement and looked to the window.

“We have an audience,” I said.

“Oops I forgot to close the curtains. Well I hope they enjoyed the show, but I was hoping for just some you and me time hun.”

“Don’t worry Mandy, we still have time for that, and what you just did was bloody amazing.”

“So you enjoyed that did you?” she said with a wink. “And did you enjoy your seed as much as I did?”

“Well that was a first for me, but yes I did enjoy it. I enjoyed every moment of what you did for me, and now I owe you,” I winked and smiled at her.

“I am sure we can sort that out, but for now would you like something to eat? I have plenty here, seems silly you going back to your caravan just to come back again later” she laughed.

“Oh I’m coming back again am I? You’re sure of yourself,” I sniggered.

“If I am as good as you say, then yes you will be back!”

I watched Mandy’s mighty fine ass sway as she walked to the kitchen. She does have a wonderful body with curves to die for.

“Chicken salad okay with you?” she asked

“Sounds great, Thank you.”

“Be a darling and pour us both a glass of wine and change the cd please.”

I poured two glasses of Merlot. Looking through her cds; I found another favourite group of mine and put the disc on.

“Oh you like Muse too then?”

“Yes I have seen them play live twice.”

“Me too, Love them and find them quite sexy.”

We sat down to dinner. Mandy raised her glass towards me, and I picked up mine and did the same.

“Here’s to a long horny friendship,” she said looking lustfully into my eyes.

“I’ll drink to that,” I smiled.

We finished eating. I cleared the table and helped Mandy wash up and put away. It was now 7:30pm but still bright and warm outside. Mandy closed the curtains and asked if I would like to meet some of her friends that I had not already met.

“That would be nice.”

“Well the night is young, and would hate my friends to think I am ignoring them just because I have found a handsome young man.” She gave her little smile as she pecked me on the cheek.

“Flattery will get you everywhere.”

“It usually does,” she laughed.

Mandy took my hand again as we walked towards a caravan where some of her friends were pitched.

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As we walked around the corner, we were greeted with the site of a mini orgy before us.

“Looks like they have started without us,” Mandy said as we approached the group.

I could see one man lying on the floor with one woman riding his cock, while another was sat on his face. The two women were kissing each other, and then I saw a woman bent over a picnic table being taken from behind. Another two women stood with their breast’s pressing against each other while they kissed. As we got closer I saw a man on his knees giving another man a blow job, this was another first for me to see in real life.

We stood watching, while Mandy was rubbing my stiffening member and I was stroking and squeezing her firm Ass cheeks, stroking her butt crack up and down.

“Does that bother you seeing two men enjoy each other?” Mandy asked.

“No not at all, they do seem to be enjoying themselves.”

“Are you Bi?”

“I have never been with a man in anyway, but I have never been in a situation where I have been asked to question myself,” I laughed.

“I love to see it, as it really turns me on, same as seeing two women together; better still if I am one of the women,” Mandy chuckled.

“My ex-wife was bisexual, but she would never let me join in or even watch, that was her thing.”

“Miserable bitch,” she laughed. “Well you stick with me and you can watch, join in, anything you want.” she gave my cock a little squeeze and kissed me.

“Now that I would like.” I was grinning from ear to ear.

“Mandy darling, how are you? And who is this fine young man you have with you?” said a lady with jet black hair that was half way down her back.

“Hello Jess, I’m fine thank you, this is Tim, his a newbie.”

“Pleased to meet you Tim,” Jess said as she held out her well-manicured hand.

“Pleased to meet you too Jess,” I said as I shook her hand and kissed her cheek.

Jess is late fifties, barely five foot tall, small firm tits with small nipples, quite slender and a small triangle patch above her pussy.

Mandy explained how she and Jess had been friends for the last thirty years, and had always been very close. I suddenly realised that Jess was the lady bending over the picnic table while getting a good fucking from behind.

“Did you enjoy your ass fucking?” Mandy giggled.

How did she know Jess was receiving anal, I wondered.

“You know me Mandy; love my ass being screwed in any position.”

Turns out Jess is known as the anal queen for reasons I will no doubt get to find out one way or another.

“Dan come and say hello to Mandy, if you can pull yourself away from that cock for two minutes.”

Dan is Jess’s Husband, he was the one I saw sucking the other guys cock. He is also in his late fifties; he and Jess had been together since senior school. Dan was about my height 5’10”, medium build, thick hairy chest; his cock looked about 7”’s long but quite slim and shaved.

“Hello my sexy little buttercup,” he said, as he gave Mandy a lingering kiss.

“Hello my cock sucking bunny,” she laughed in response, “This is Tim.”

Dan shook my hand, “Hello Tim, you lucky bastard.”

“Hello and thank you, I think.”

“Don’t worry Tim, Dan has lusted after Mandy for many many years,” Jess said, “Come on now you two, get stuck in, we can do introductions as we work through the group” both Jess and Mandy broke into laughter.

“Can I offer you a beer Tim?” Dan said.

“I thought you might prefer to offer him a blowjob Dan,” laughed Mandy.

“Well maybe later, if he wants one that is,” Dan looked at me and winked.

Could I actually let another man suck my cock? Actually, could I even let a man touch my cock? Guess I will have to ponder on that and decide if the situation arises.

“A beer would be nice, thank you Dan.”

He reached into a bucket of water and pulled out a can and passed it to me.

The guy Dan had been sucking was now fucking the woman who was sitting on the other guys face, the other woman was riding the cock beneath her with some vigour and seemed to be approaching her orgasm.

Jess walked up to me, and said that Mandy had been telling her about me and how good a job I had done in the pool area fucking her in the ass.

She took my stiff cock in her hand.

“Any chance I can have some of that attention too please?” she looked into my eyes with a lustful expression.

“I am sure that I can try.”

Without another word she bent over the table again, looked over her shoulder at Mandy “Be a gem and help Tim.”

Mandy walked over dropped to her knees and began rimming Jess’s ass ring while holding her butt cheeks apart. Jess let out several moans of pleasure as Mandy was probing with her tongue, and then Mandy reached out a hand and started wanking my cock slowly. Not that I needed any help keeping hard, my cock felt like it was going to burst it was so swollen.

After a few minutes, Mandy got to her feet and moved me into position, then she gave my cock a coating of her spit and she then spat on Jess’s arsehole. Mandy started rubbing my cock around the sphincter before me as if it was her own cock she had in her hand. I pushed forward and my cock started to enter the lush ass, I entered her with ease, probably due to Jess already having been fucked up there when we arrived. She clenched her muscles around my shaft, I felt like I was in her pussy the way she was working it. Slowly in and out I went.

“Mmm yeah, I like that, but where are my spanks?” Jess asked between gasps.

I remembered how Mandy had enjoyed a good hard spanking while I was fucking her ass, so I now started doing the same to Jess.

“Fuck yeah, that’s better, now get harder, fuck my ass and treat me like the cock hungry whore I am,” she groaned.

I started to ram my cock in harder and harder with each thrust, my bollocks slapping against Jess’s wet cunt. Her butt cheeks became very red as I slapped her hard on each side, and each time my hand made contact she would let out a whimper and a moan of pleasure.

Mandy leaned into me and started kissing me our tongues wrestling with each other; while her hand was on my butt pushing me harder and deeper into her friend’s passage.

“Would you like to see Jess eat my pussy?”

“Yes please, shall I pull out?”

“No babe, you keep pounding her good and hard, I’ll get in front of her on the table”

Mandy lay on the table with her smooth pussy in front of Jess’s face, as if offering her a meal.

Jess lowered her head and began working on the wet juicy cunt with her mouth and tongue. I was getting even more turned on if that was possible. After another few minutes of hard thrusting and watching the two women, I felt the tell-tale signs of my fast approaching orgasm.

”I’m gonna cum girls.”

“Yes fill my ass with your cream,” grunted Jess.

“Hold on just a little longer honey as I want to cum with you. I am so close to covering her face,” smiled Mandy

I had to take a tight grip on the base of my shaft to hold back my orgasm; my cock was twitching in my hand.

“Okay let her have it, I’m cumming.” There was a quiver in Mandy’s voice that told me she was indeed cumming. I could hear Jess slurping on the sweet juice that flowed from the pussy she was pleasuring. Jess tightened her ass even more on my hard cock, I released my grip, and no sooner had I let go my cock exploded. I slumped forward over her back panting heavily.

“Wow I could really feel you shoot your load that was a powerful orgasm.”

“I told you that you would enjoy it,” Mandy said, she was also panting heavily.

My cock slipped out of the vice like grip that held it in place, and I sat on the bench.

Jess stood up, and lowered a hand to her ass and then brought two fingers to her mouth and sucked cum off them. Mandy sat on my lap, kissed me and put her arms around me.

“Did you enjoy watching then babe?”

“Definitely, watching Jess work on your pussy is what pushed me over the edge.”

“Well now you really owe me,” she laughed and again started kissing me passionately.

The night is still young so watch out for part four……

Written by BiUKSwinger
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