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Angela's Party

"Angela's having a party and everyone is coming and it will be a night no one will ever forget."

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Jill heard them honking the horn and almost opened the door. She stopped, turned as if she was about to go back into her room, stopped, turned back to the door, stopped, turned, stopped...finally she took a deep breath and opened the door and stepped outside. Her hands tried to cover herself but there was too much skin to cover so she let her hand drop.

“Holy fuckin' shit.” Cliff said from inside the car.

“Dude, I have to agree with you here.” Roger replied not taking his eyes off Jill.

Jill was wearing her home-made D&D costume. It barely covered her large breasts and they threatened to spill out at any moment. Her hard nipples where clearly visible and bounced as she made her way to the car. But more than this, her bottoms were little more than a bikini with a couple of straps of leather. Roger and Cliff were speechless. Jill opened the car door and quickly sat down.

“Wow, we are both our D&D characters, huh Rog.” Jill said.

“Yeah, pretty cool huh?” Roger barely managed to say.

“Pretty fucking gay if you ask me.” Cliff said and peeled tires down the street leaving a cloud of smoke and exhaust fumes.


Richard opened the door for his sister’s boyfriend and looked the guy over. He was a good looking guy and obviously athletic. Because there is no filter between Richard’s mouth and his brain, he said, “Hey dillweed, here for my sister huh? Think you are going to get a look at those knockers huh? Trust me dude, there is no way you are getting anywhere with my sister, she is locked up tighter than Fort Knox.”

“Uhh, hello to you too.” Ben said.

“Yeah, whatever.” Richard said and hopped back in his chair and picked up the controller for the video game.

“Hi Ben.” Clarissa said as she walked down the stairs. Ben froze, unable to really believe the transformation in Clarissa. She was beautiful, like a vision from a storybook. In fact she looked exactly like a vision from a storybook, she was Cinderella.

“Wow, you look great!”

“Excellent, I’m surprised those tits fit in that dress sis!” Richard, her little brother, said.

“Shut up Richard!” Clarissa hated her little brother more and more each year.

“You look amazing Clarissa, I’m almost ashamed that I’m not dressed up.”

“Really, why aren’t you dressed up dillweed?” Richard said.

“He is, he’s a football star!” Clarissa said and smoothed her hand across his Letterman jacket.

“I'm not dressed up because I'm not even sure which party we are going to.” Ben said. Clarissa had been so mysterious about everything.

“My friend is having a party at some old church. She and I have been friends since we were kids. I thought you might like her.” Clarissa said.

“Wait, what is the name of the girl that is throwing the party?” Ben asked already knowing the answer.

“Angela. She is a little odd but she’s really nice. Her and her best friend Gitane are going to be there plus some other people. I thought it would be fun, why? You don’t want to go do you? Gosh darn it, I knew it. I'm sorry. I thought you would like it. I don't get invited to too many parties.”

Clarissa looked down at the ground sadly. Ben froze. How would he get out of this? Angela was his ex-girlfriend and Gitane was the slut he was fucking on the side. There was no good way to get out of this. He didn't even realize that Clarissa knew Angela. Fuck! This wasn't cool. In fact, this wasn't cool at all. He had just fucked Gitane the night before. How would he hang out at a party with all three bitches?

“Don’t be a fucking lame ass Ben, take my sister to the party, what the hell is your problem? Do you want to get a piece of that or not?” Richard, Clarissa's brother, said.

Ben was about to give the kid a piece of his mind or a piece of his fist, when Clarissa leaned over and whispered, “He’s right.” And winked at him.

Ben didn’t need any more influence than that. He took Clarissa’s hand and they walked out the door with her little brother shouting something about using a condom. Ben thought, 'fuck you kid, this is one girl I have no plans of using a condom with'.


Angela watched the people pour into the party. It was a HUGE turnout! She had invited mostly people she thought were hot but it seemed like the entire school had shown up! The old church was big enough to give everyone a place to hang out so the numbers didn't bother her. She didn't care about any of these people, she was only looking for one person. She scanned the costumes and tried to find him. Would Father Paul even wear a costume? Yes, he might. He was a priest but if he came he might want to hide. After all, they had almost had sex. Angela felt her heart beating faster. She wanted him to show. She felt the longing inside her. She had to admit it, she was in love with a priest.

Gitane saw Ben come in and walked forward ready to jump on him, then she saw the stupid blonde bitch come in behind him. Some stupid blonde cunt had her arm in Ben's like she was his girlfriend. Gitane was furious. That fucking slut, she thought. This girl actually thought she had a chance in hell? Gitane looked the little blonde slut over and saw that, not only was her dress absolutely gorgeous, but her body was apparently at least equal to Gitane’s if only less exposed. Fucking Bitch!

“Ben!” Gitane yelled. Ben smiled but the look of terror was obvious on his face.

“Oh Ben, I was hoping you would come to the party, who is your friend?”

“Oh, hi Gitane, this is Clarissa.” Ben said.

Behind them a cute Asian girl and her date tried to slip in between everyone so they could get to the table of food. Gitane made a mental note to talk to the Asian girl later. She loved Asians.

“Hi Clarissa... oh wait, I know you. We were in dance class together.” Gitane remembered her alright. She was always the teacher's pet. Such a little goodie-two-shoes. Gitane hated her.

“Yeah, hi Gitane, good to see you again.”

Ben looked a bit like he was going to piss his pants. Good. Gitane slipped in closer to him and put her arm around him saying, “Ben and I need to talk. Do you mind excusing us for a minute?”

Clarissa looked at Gitane like she was about to cry. Gitane didn’t wait for Clarissa's to answer or for the first tear to drop, she pulled Ben away and led him down the hall. She was going to remind him of exactly why he was her property.

“Holy shit dude, there is some fine pussy at this party.” Cliff said.

“Cliff, do you mind? I’m trying to meet people, not scare them away.” Jill said.

“Whatever Jill, just because you are a prude doesn’t mean every girl is. Hey speaking of sluts, here comes Angela.”

“Cliff!” Jill said. Jill liked Angela because she always looked cool. She had wanted to be a Goth girl once but no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t seem to manage getting the outfits right.

“Hi Angela.” Jill exclaimed too loudly.

“Hi...Jill isn't it?” Angela asked. Jill looked disappointed.

“Hi Angela, this is a pretty cool party.” Roger jumped in when he saw how the remark had hurt Jill.

Angela didn’t answer but moved past them and down the hall. Her ghost-like skin the only thing visible as she moved down the hallway in her dark flowing dress.

“Damn dude, I don’t think she is wearing anything under that dress.” Cliff said.

“Is that all you think about?” Jill asked and marched away.


Sammi lurked in the long hallway and smoked a cigarette. It had taken forever to get that little prick Richard to tell him where the party was. Sure he could have stayed and fucked Clarissa's Mom again but he had always wanted a chance with Clarissa. If he was honest, that was really the only thing about fucking her mother that turned him on.

He took another drag on his cigarette and was about to go join people in the party when someone came up behind him and grabbed his shoulder.

“AHHHH!” Sammi screamed!

“Hi Sammi, who invited you?” Angela said.

“See Angela, that is why you never hold a boyfriend. You are one spooky ass chick!” Sammi said.

“Never hold a boyfriend? Seems I dumped your stupid ass when you tried to leave me for my roommate.”


“What are you doing hiding back here anyway?”

“I was going to scare someone.”

“Hmm…well looks like you're the one that got scared.”

“Angela, listen…maybe you and I could, you know, like go talk somewhere.”

“Fuck off Sammi, you are lame at the best of times and I hate your accent. Go learn to talk like a normal person.”

Sammi watched Angela walk away and cursed in his New Jersey accent. She was one seriously fine piece of pussy. Sure she had the smallest tits he had ever seen but somehow it fit her. Spooky bitch.


The party was huge. People were meeting and forming little groups like people do at parties. Angela scanned the rooms for him. She knew he had to be here. Her priest. Her lover. He was probably hiding from her. She had to figure out a way to get everyone in one room. She had an idea. She grabbed a few people and told them to spread to word to meet in the main part of the church.

It took a little while for everyone to gather. Angela stood on the alter and felt an odd sense of irony. Now she was the priest and this was her congregation. She scanned one last time for her lover before she started.

“Thanks for coming to the party everyone. I thought it would be cool to have everyone gather and we try a little something I've been working on. First I'll need a couple of volunteers.” Angela said.

“For what?” Someone asked.

“I'm going to start with a little party hypnotism.”

“I don’t know Angela, this is getting a little too…umm…satanic for me.” Roger said.

“Oh come on Roger, it’s just fun. Like going into a haunted house.” Jill said.

“I don’t know, my Dad’s a preacher and I don’t think he would like…”

“Oh go cry to Daddy, you little pussy, or sit down and shut up.” Cliff said.

Roger looked at Cliff and felt his blood boil but he shut up, afraid of looking like a pussy. He wasn’t about to look bad in front of Jill and maybe Jill was right, it was just harmless fun.

“I think Jill, since you don’t mind, you should be my first willing victim…umm, I mean subject.”

Everyone laughed and Jill stood up and walked over to Angela. Jill felt nervous being up in front of everyone and her hand self consciously covered her bare midsection. The safety pin in her top threatened to burst open any second. If it did her breasts would fall out in no time. She hated herself for dressing like this. She realized that she couldn't cover enough to really make a difference so she dropped her hands.

Roger found himself staring at Jill's exposed ass. It was nice. Very smooth and tight. There was almost nothing covering it. He tried not to think like this but Jill was beautiful and tonight she was practically naked. Her large breasts were straining the fabric of her top. He couldn't help himself, he got hard.

“Now we must pick another person and I will hypnotize both of you.”

Everyone looked around the party but because Jill had no real friends but Cliff and Roger, no one volunteered to stand with her. Cliff wasn’t about to go up and be made to cluck around like a chicken. Roger was still afraid of the satanic ritualism of this whole thing.

“Fine, I will choose someone.” Angela said. She looked around and saw Clarissa with Ben, his latest victim. Angela couldn't stand her ex and somehow making fun of his latest conquest seemed the things to do.

“You.” Angela said pointing to Clarissa.

“Me?” Clarissa said and looked around. Ben pushed her up and she stood reluctantly next to Jill and Angela. Angela moved the two girls so they stood side by side. Jill was attractive but next to Clarissa she felt completely ordinary. Once again she cursed the outfit she was wearing. Clarissa's Cinderella costume was beautiful! Not on that, but Clarissa wasn't even half naked and was still extremely sexy. Jill felt stupid for thinking that sexy meant almost naked. Jill noticed Clarissa biting her bottom lip. It made her look really cute.

“Watch the light.” Angela said moving her small candle back and forth. She held a mirror up behind it and with a drop of incense into the little flame Angela chanted words that no one understood.

“Now you will fall into a deep sleep, a very deep sleep but you will remain standing. You will not move until I tell you what to do.”

The party goers laughed but Angela noticed the flame flickering in the girl’s eyes and both seemed completely transfixed.

“Your eyes are getting heavy, your mind is floating and your body is now far, far away. You will now fall into a complete sleep from which I will have total control.”

Angela giggled and put down the candle. She was about to hold up the note telling the girls to play along and she would give them a party gift when she noticed both girl’s eyes were closed and their heads hung limp on their shoulders. 'Was this shit actually working?', Angela thought.

‘How odd’, Angela thought and passed her hand in front of their faces.

“Wow Angela, I didn’t know you could hypnotize people!”

“Did you guys plan this?”

“They are faking.”

Angela looked over to Gitane wondering if she had something to do with this but Gitane shrugged and stood up to walk closer to Angela. Angela had read the spell for this in her gypsy grandmother's old book but she had never been able to make it work this well.

“Now I want you to stand on one foot and dance like a pretty ballerina!” Angela commanded. The two girls instantly tucked one foot under themselves and danced around as if they were ballerinas.

“Holy shit!”

“Whatever, they are still faking.”

“No, I’m not faking people, I think I really hypnotized them.” Angela said.

“Then make them do something they would never do.” Someone said.

“Like what?” Angela asked.

“Make them go topless.” Cliff said.

Angela thought about it and looked to Gitane for support. Gitane looked at the stupid blonde that came with Ben and thought she should get hers!

“Do it Angela, let’s see if they are faking.”

The two girls still spun and danced like ballerinas until Angela said, “Stop.” And both stopped dead without moving a muscle. It was eerie in it’s effectiveness.

“Take off your tops and I mean everything.”

“Angela, no!” Roger said. Cliff put his hand over Roger’s mouth. Cliff and Roger watched with disbelief as Jill reached up and in one swift motion tore off her top and threw it behind her. For a moment Jill's breasts seemed suspended in space and then they dropped along with Cliff and Roger's jaws. Everyone around giggled, laughed outright, or gasped. Jill seemed completely unconcerned.

“Holy shit!” Cliff said. He knew Jill would never do this if this shit wasn't real.

Clarissa was a different story. Her top wasn't really something she could remove. Removing her top meant removing the entire dress. Clarissa had to tear at her corset until she could get the strings loose and pull it off. After it fell she ripped at her dress and after some dress ruining sounds, she dropped her entire dress and stood in bloomers and a small white top with a bra under it. Clarissa had gone all out on her costume.

“Wow, they did it.”

“Is that one girl getting completely naked?”

Clarissa dropped her white chemise and then let go her bra and stood topless in front of them.

“Turn and face the party.”

The two girls turned and faced everyone. People laughed and looked uncomfortably at each other but no one protested, in fact everyone moved in closer.

“Make them kiss.” Gitane said and looked over at Ben. Ben smiled.

Roger stood and was about to give Angela a piece of his mind when Angela said, “Now I will snap my fingers and when I do I want you to wake feeling refreshed and more alive than ever. Your nudity will not bother you, in fact nothing about being nude will bother you.”

Suddenly from the back of the room she saw a figure all dressed in black move away from everyone and out a back door. It was him! She knew it! She had to go. He was going to leave. She wasn't going to loose her chance. She turned back to the girls and said quickly, “And you'll do whatever it takes to make your wildest fantasy come true.”

Angela broke away from everyone and took off to the back of the church.


Jill looked around and then stretched her arms above her head. Everyone was still looking at her but she couldn’t understand why. She felt silly and realized she was topless but it just felt natural. In fact she couldn’t recall why she was wearing clothes at all. She made her way through everyone saying excuse me and wondering why they were pointing and laughing until she found Roger. Roger had turned his eyes away from her and was holding his hands in front of his face.

“Roger?” Jill said.

Roger didn't want to look. Jill was standing in front of him practically naked. He wanted to look but he couldn't let himself. If he did...god, if he did he would loose it completely. All he has ever wanted was to fuck Jill. Now she was standing in front of him...

“Roger. Come on. I have something I want you to do for me.” Jill said.

Roger looked up. Jill took his hand.

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He took one look at her face and knew he wasn't going to deny her anything. Jill smiled.


Clarissa looked at Gitane and for the life of her she couldn’t remember why they had never been better friends. Gitane was beautiful in a very sexual way. Her eyes more like those of a cat than a woman, large, deep and erotically charged. Clarissa smiled but Gitane rolled her eyes. Why wasn’t Gitane noticing her? Clarissa looked down at her half nude body and noticed that she was wearing the puffy bloomers from the costume. The costume that now lay in a heap on the dirty stone floor. Gitane must not like her bloomers or any clothes. She had to make Gitane happy. She didn't know why. Maybe Gitane would just prefer to see her nude. Nothing in the way between them. Their bodies were so alike in so many ways, why would she want something hiding that fact? Clarissa pushed down the bloomers and panties in one swift motion and stood completely nude in front of Gitane.

Clarissa felt the crackle of energy flowing between them. Clarissa didn’t wait for an invitation and she wasn’t sure why she had waited this long to explore her desire to be with another woman. She should have done this years ago. She should have done this when they were in dance class. She loved Gitane and she wanted nothing more than to kiss her and feel their bare breasts touching and their hips rocking together. Clarissa may be a virgin but the way she took Gitane in her arms and kissed her, everyone would have thought she was as much a slut as Gitane.


Jill couldn't believe she hadn't been with Roger before. He was so muscular under his dorky clothes. She felt his erection pressing against the only clothing left on her body, her little bikini bottoms. Jill ripped them off and rubbed his cock through his jeans. She wanted it. She pulled at his jeans. She was completely unaware of the crowd that had backed around her and circled them watching. Jill pulled Roger by his jeans to the alter. She rubbed him again and he closed his eyes and moaned.

“Tie me to the alter Roger. Tie me down and fuck me. I want to be helpless. I want to be just like in our games. I want you to tie me down and take my virginity. Please Roger. Please tie me down and take me.”


“Here. With these. Don't talk. Just do it. I know you want me.” Jill said and pulled the leather straps from around her waist and legs. There were three from her waist and one on each leg. Plenty to tie her down with.

Jill laid down on the top of the alter and put her arms out. Roger felt like he was in a dream. He watched his own hands moving and tying Jill down. The alter was old and short but strong. He tied her hands to the opening in the sides. Roger tied Jill's legs open and had to wrap the leather under the alter.

Jill felt her hands tied down and she pulled. Roger knew what he was doing. It was secure. She struggled a little and realized she was completely helpless. She turned to Roger who looked like he had just been placed in another person's body and said, “Now fuck me.”


Sammi had been watching from the sidelines and fuck if he would have ever believed that Clarissa would have done what she was doing now! He had known Clarissa for years, been in love with her from the first time he had laid eyes on her. But Clarissa was the girl girl. The unobtainable girl. So why was it that he was now watching Clarissa with her ass in the air, her pussy dripping wet, and a guy fingering her while that slut Gitane ate her out. Not only that but Clarissa was going at Gitane's pussy like it was the best thing she had ever seen. Fuck. He couldn't believe his eyes.

Logic or no, sense or no, Sammi wasn’t going to wait for some stranger to pull out his cock and bust Clarissa’s prime little cherry. No fucking way! Not when he had been waiting his whole life to be the one to pop that little thing. Sammi pushed through the crowd of people forming around the girls and stepped up to Clarissa.

“Clarissa, what are you doing?” Sammi asked.

Clarissa looked up, her face shimmered in the candle light with Gitane’s juices dripping from her chin. She smiled meekly at Sammi. Sammi felt his heart beating faster. Gitane reached out and grabbed the leg of Sammi’s jeans and pulled. Sammi knelt down and both girls said, “Fuck me.”

“Clarissa, but…” Sammi leaned in close and whispered in Clarissa’s ear, “…but you are a virgin.”

“Sammi, please…I need to be fucked. I just need your cock inside me, please. Please take my little cherry Sammi, please. It will make Gitane happy. Gitane wants me to be a slut.” Clarissa begged.

Sammi looked at her and then down at Gitane who was rolling her hips around, her red swollen labia begging to be fucked.

“Hey dude, you take her and I’ll take the girl on the floor.” The guy fingering Clarissa’s pussy said.

Sammi watched in fascination as the guy peeled off his jeans and dropped on top of Gitane and entered her. The two were fucking within seconds. Gitane’s legs wrapped around his back and she rocked into him with the skills only Gitane possessed.

“Please Sammi, you know you want me, please fuck me. Take my little virgin cherry and make me a real woman. I’m so tired of being a virgin. I want to know the pleasures of the flesh, the feel of being a woman. I’m not a little girl anymore, I promise I won’t cry.”

Sammi dropped his pants and pulled off his shirt. Somehow the crowd of people watching didn’t matter. Somehow the guy taking off his clothes next to him didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but Clarissa’s blonde dripping pussy and the craving to be inside her. When his cock sank down into her she opened her eyes wide, her mouth forming a silent scream. At that moment Sammi knew he would do anything for Clarissa, anything. He was fucking the girl he had always wanted. He couldn't believe it. She was crying and smiling. He licked her tears.


Ben had been trying to watch Angela through all this. Angela had started this, she had been the one with the real power. Angela had been the one who knew what was going on. But he lost her early on. When the little Asian girl came up to him wearing only a smile, he had completely forgotten Angela. The Asian girl was so cute, certainly a prime candidate for the spread of yellow fever among the white guys at school. She was horrible at sucking his cock. Then another guy came over and he already had his pants off. The little Asian said something about him being her boyfriend and she started sucking him too. Ben moved around and slipped his cock inside the girl. She was tight. Really tight. He pulled her over him and was fucking her hard when something happened he never expected. Her boyfriend laid on top of her and began pushing his cock inside her ass. He could feel through the thin membrane of her warm little pussy the guy’s cock in her ass. The two of them moved together and the little Asian lay between them.

Ben got harder feeling the guys cock moving against his. Without a word they traded positions and he now felt the guys cock from inside her ass. Ben looked at the guy and he looked back at Ben. Ben pulled his cock out of the cute little Asian girl’s tight brown asshole and the two slipped both their cocks in her hungry little pussy. She moaned. She begged. She twisted. Ben didn't care about her. All he could think about was the pleasure as their cocks slipped around inside her silken warm Asian pussy. Ben felt the guy release his swollen nuts. His hot cum filled her pussy and leaked out around his cock. Ben fucked harder. His cock was harder than ever before. It fucking hurt he was so hard. The Asian girl came. She moaned and bucked. Ben finally released his load. He pushed into the other guy's cock and his cum filled her pussy. She was a mess. He was a mess. He was still rock fucking hard.


Father Paul stood in darkness and tried to control himself. He wanted to run out of the church but he couldn't find the strength to leave. He was trying to move toward the door when music started. The music was odd. A strange sound. The Angela entered the room. Her body was framed by the lights and he could see the outline of that delicate little dancer's body. God help him.

Angela knew she had to dance. She felt it as she entered the room. Peter Murphy belted out the lyrics to “Stigmata Martyr”. Angela moved slowly toward him and as she did she dropped some of her dress. She saw his face. He was transfixed. She danced and with the dance she felt a primal power surge inside her. She could literally feel the power bursting from her as the song moved into it's freeze frame section. The strange voice of Bauhaus's lead singer. The odd goth beat. She dropped more of her dress with each movement. Angela felt power. The church radiated it out. Sex was her power. Angela radiated it out to everyone around. Now she would have him. Finally, she would have him.


Jill lay on the alter. Cliff was fucking her ass. It hurt. It hurt bad. He wasn't gentle. Jill was in heaven. She sucked a cock. Another guy brought his cock up and she sucked him too. She was helpless. She couldn't get out and she was in heaven. The guy to her right came on her face and she closed her eyes and opened her mouth. Cliff moaned and called her a slut. She agreed with him and told him to cum inside her. Cliff fucked harder. She screamed.


Clarissa kissed Gitane and another girl. They were on top of two guys and facing one another. They didn't know the guys they were fucking but it didn't matter. Clarissa's pussy didn't hurt as much any longer and she was starting to enjoy the cock inside her. She leaned down and licked Gitane's hard nipple. Gitane moaned and kissed the other girl. The guy under her thrust harder and came. Clarissa moaned and came with him. Clarissa felt his cum dripping out of her as she pushed Gitane back and off the guy she was fucking. She dropped between Gitane's legs and dove into her pussy again.

“Oh God! Oh yes! Lick my pussy you fucking slut.” Gitane screamed. Clarissa felt someone else enter her from behind. She moaned into Gitane's cum soaked, dripping pussy.


Then the music reached its final climax and Angela turned her body to face the priest. Her head dropped down and her coal black hair covered her face except for one eye which peered out large and reaching for him. He felt his own heart pulled and his inhibitions seeping to the floor like the sweat dropping from his brow. Angela rolled her shoulders and slowly the dress opened and fell from her pale white arms. He couldn’t move. His feet were locked, his eyes frozen, and his body on fire. She moved a little more, her feline form slinking out of the black dress. He could see nothing but the thin little white body of a dancer with all its finely toned muscle and tight little curves. Her hair danced around her like it had taken a life of its own and her arms were tight and straight down to her sides. The barest hint of her tiny breast was visible in the flickering light from the candles. Her nipple centered perfectly on a tiny subtle mound. It was pink, small, and looked so soft. He wanted to put his mouth on that little nipple.

She shuffled her hips and her tiny, pink pussy lips peaked out with each forward movement. All he could think of was how she would feel. She fulfilled his wish with one swift movement and he found her little form tucked neatly into his. Only when she was close did he realize he hadn’t been breathing and that the music had stopped. He let out his breath and she turned her face to him.

Her eyes were huge. Her deep, round, soulful sad eyes looked into his and he knew he was in love. He touched her and his breathing echoed about the room. She felt so frail but it wasn’t true. Angela was filled with strength and he found himself losing all of his own.

“My love.” She said.

“My everything.” He said.

He moved his hands across the smooth skin of her round little ass and caressed it for a moment. He marveled at how small each cheek was and how tight the muscles. He would spend hours with his face buried in her ass if she would only let him. He would never leave her body if she would simply stay with him forever. Angela began undressing him.


Gitane rocked forward and back above the naked sweaty body of a girl she didn’t know. They kissed. Her tongue fighting for space and her lungs fighting for air. Gitane was sore but she couldn’t seem to stop fucking. A cock penetrated her ass while someone licked her toes. She could feel the cum drying on her chin, her breasts, her pussy, and her ass but still the guys fucked her. The cock slipped from her ass and entered her pussy while she was pushed away from the girl under her and into another cock. She sucked eagerly, bringing the cock back to life with her expert tongue. She licked it clean knowing whoever it belonged to had already come several times this evening. She looked up to see Ben. She moaned and moved down to his asshole. She licked.


Someone untied Jill's legs. It was Roger. Jill protested but still he untied her. In moments she was off the alter and pulled into the sea of naked bodies. Everyone fucking. Everyone moving over another person. Someone pulled her tight and a cock entered her ass. For the first time that evening a girl's naked body pressed against hers. Jill turned toward her and they looked at each other.

“I...oh...please.” Jill said and went down on the girl.


Father Paul lay on his back and felt his cock pulsing with each thundering heartbeat. Angela ran her fingers up his legs and the inside of his thighs, stopping just short of his drooping sack. His balls rose up toward the length of his cock in expectation of her touch. She didn’t touch his cock but moved her hands around it and massaged his aching flesh. He could think of nothing but the feel of her touch. Angela suddenly knelt at the top of his head with her knees on either side. He tilted his head back and saw her pink slit glistening with moist expectation.

“Tell me you love me.” Angela said.

“I love you.” Father Paul answered.

Angela moved her hips over his face and she lowered herself down. He extended his tongue and parted the moist folds of her pussy gently. The taste of her juices hit him and sent his body into shivers. Angela rocked her hips in the way only dancers can. Her slit moved over his mouth and his tongue penetrated deeper.

Father Paul felt the last of the power slip from his body and from that moment he was lost to her, lost forever to Angela’s love. Father Paul entered Angela. She was tight, sweet, and his cock felt like it had found home. Their bodies moved together and Angela moaned into his ear, “I love you. God help me, I love you.”

“I love you too. I will love you forever.” He said.

“Cum inside me. Please.” Angela begged.

“Just tell me this isn't a game. Just tell me that you and I will always be together.” Father Paul begged.

Angela reached up and touched his face. He pushed into her small hand. His cock moved slowly inside her tight little wet pussy. Angela looked into his eyes and said, “I am yours, forever. Just take me. Cum inside me. Make me yours.”

“What if you get pregnant.” Father Paul said.

“God, I hope I do.” said Angela.

Father Paul came inside Angela. Angela moaned and pulled him into her. She felt his hot cum fill her and she felt all the power leave her body. Her lover lay limp on top of her and she kissed his face over and over. She cried. She knew she would spend the rest of her life with him even though he was twice her age. She really did hope she was going to be pregnant. She loved him. Forever.


All around people woke up as if from a dream and began putting clothes on. Some continued fucking but most just left the party without a word. People shuffled out one by one. After a while only two people were left. Gitane and Clarissa kissed each other. Clarissa had managed to hold onto Gitane throughout the entire party. Cum covered their bodies. Clarissa was sore. Her jaw hurt. Her hands red and tired. Clarissa moved closer to Gitane and Gitane kissed her.

"We are a mess." Gitane said.

"I know. Should we go get cleaned up?" Clarissa asked.

"Yeah. This was my first orgy, what about you?" Gitane asked.

"This was my first everything." Clarissa said. Gitane looked at her in disbelief and then she started laughing. Gitane kissed Clarissa.

"I love you." Clarissa said.

"Yeah. I think you do." Gitane said and laughed again.

The two naked girls walked outside that way. Their naked bodies glimmered in the moonlight. They entered Angela's car and drove away.


The boys gathered around the table for a game of D&D like they did every Friday night. They opened their books and pulled out their sheets of paper and special bags of dice. Liam walked in, late as usual, and threw down his bag beside his usual chair. This wouldn’t have been unusual except for the fact that he was followed in by a girl. Any female presence always caused disruption for the band of college guys. But the girl that stood in the doorway was more than just a girl, she was beautiful. She shrugged off her thick purple coat with pink fuzzy hood. She stood in a dress that hugged every inch of her womanly form. Every guy at the table saw she wore no bra. The dress folded to allow her huge breasts to spill down over her tiny little body. Her nipples were large and clearly visible.

Jaws dropped and cocks stirred.

“So, are you boys into playing a little role play for tonight’s game?”

“Role play?” One of the boys asked.

“Who are you?” another boy asked.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, my name is Jill and I’m a 23 rd level warrior and magic user. I usually specialize in getting captured and then having to find creative ways to get out of my…ahem…bondage. I was hoping all you boys would be able to act this out for me? I much prefer real life role playing to just talking about it, don’t you?”

Jill threw some rope on the table and then dropped her dress.

Written by Satyr
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