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An Unexpected Bonus: Office Party

"My hot encounter with my manager is interrupted by an unexpected guest"

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I haven’t been back to the movie theater where I work since last Thursday, when I had that unexpected, amazing romp with my manager in his office. But tonight is my first scheduled night back at work, so I’m headed up there now. I’m a little nervous. I haven’t heard from Rick all week, except for the message he left on my voicemail telling me what day and time to come back to work.

Knowing I’m going to see him tonight, I tried to dress up, but it’s really hard to make those burgundy polyester work vests look attractive. We have to wear black bottoms and a white top with the vest, so I did the best I could with those. My black skirt is short and tight, showing off my firm butt and miles of muscular leg. My shirt is a button up, but it’s actually a few sizes small so it just barely buttons up, which most guys find pretty hot.

Anyone who heard about my escapades with my boss last week would think I’m a slut, but that’s really not the case. Yes, I enjoy sex. But, no, I have not had a multitude of partners. Four, to be exact, including Rick. I think he would be surprised if he knew that. My first time had been a huge drunken mistake at age 16 in a college frat house with a guy I didn’t even know. That pretty much sucked. My second time was with my brother’s best friend, Justin. Turned out we had been the subject of each other’s fantasies for years. He came by to visit my brother one weekend and found me home alone, which turned out to be good for both of us. He was two years older than me, with an amazing body and a wealth of sexual experience. To this day, I still masturbate to memories of Justin. My third time (and fourth, fifth, sixth, up to, oh, maybe 200th ) was a guy I dated for two years. He had not been too experienced either when we first started dating, but we enjoyed experimenting together. My body hated it when I broke up with him, but my heart couldn’t take being cheated on over and over again. He says he wants me back, but I can’t see that ever happening. Some guys can change, but some guys you just know will always be asses. Jesse is an eternal ass.

So I’m not a slut. I’m exceptionally picky about my sexual partners. If I screwed every guy who wants to get into my pants, I’d be on my back 24/7 and unable to walk. I don’t put out on the first date, and if I’m not really impressed with a guy, he won’t get a second date. That’s why this fling with Rick was so hot and so unexpected. I don’t usually do things like that.

When I walk into the theater, Mike and Chip, the ushers/bouncers are there to greet me, as usual.

“Welcome back, hot stuff!” says Chip, throwing his arm around me and squeezing my shoulders. Such a teddy bear. “Rick said to send you to his office as soon as you get here.” Then he winks at me. I wonder how much he knows about what Rick and I did last week. I don’t care if Chip knows. We’re buddies. I’ll probably tell him myself at some point. I just smile and walk back to the office, fully aware of the male employees’ eyes watching me walk.

I knock lightly on the office door. “It’s open!” Rick yells. I step in, closing and locking the door behind me. The locking part is not lost on Rick, and he grins at me. I decide not to play around. I walk over to him, climb onto his lap, my legs stretched across him, arms around his shoulders, and kiss him. No warm-up act here…I go straight for tongue and immediately get him into it. I’m already breathing hard and moistening between my legs, and I can feel Rick’s erection spring up against my hip. I reach down and slide my hand into the waistband of his pants, finding his cock and stroking the soft skin.

“Did you miss me?” I ask, between kisses.

“Every minute,” he says, then he pulls his head back and stops my kisses with his finger. “But I wanted to give you the chance to stay away, if you wanted it to be just the one time.”

I take his finger into my mouth and suck on it gently. He closes his eyes. “So does that mean…”

“You can form your own conclusions,” I say. His hand has begun stroking my legs, moving up my calf to my thigh, then up and down the insides of my thighs, stopping just short of touching between my legs. The heat from that area is getting more and more intense. I slide my hands down and unzip his pants, pulling his stiff cock out of his boxers. I take it in both hands and begin to stroke it softly, working my fingers up and down the length of him, and tracing around the head, teasing his tip with light strokes. Then I wrap my fist around his shaft (he’s so thick my fingers don’t touch, but I do the best I can) and pump it up and down. I now have several of his fingers in my mouth, and I’m sucking on them while giving him a hand job. He’s enjoying the sensations, moaning a little, with a half-smile on his face. I’m about to die, wanting him to touch me too. Finally, I ask for it.

“I need your fingers.” I say.

“To do what?” Rick seems to like me being verbal during sex. And explicit. General innuendos are not enough for him.

“Put your fingers inside my pussy and fuck me with them,” I clarify.

“Ahhh…glad to.” He slips his fingers inside my panties and moves them aside, slipping two fingers into me. He remembers where my G-spot is and goes right to it, tapping it gently while I squirm and continue to jerk him off. He grabs me roughly on the back of my neck and pulls my lips to his, kissing me hungrily, breathlessly, as our hands pleasure each other.

“I want to cum on your tits,” he gasps. His left hand expertly unbuttons my shirt, and pulls on my bra so my ample breasts spill out of the cups. I can feel myself getting close, and I want to focus all my attention on him in a minute, so I let go of him for a moment and focus on me, grinding myself into his fingers, moving my hips and helping him along. He reaches down with his other hand and fingers my clit, and that triggers my orgasm. I throw my arms around his neck, moaning in his ear as my pussy contracts around his fingers and waves of bliss spread over me.

Then I slide down on my knees and take his cock in my mouth. I know I can get him off quick like this. He loves that I can deep throat…one of the valuable skills I developed over my two years of practice with Jesse. I plunge the length of him into my mouth, relaxing the back of my throat and taking it all, balls-deep. He bucks his hips and groans, biting his lower lip and furrowing his brow. I lick all around the shaft, up towards the tip, then take him deep again, over and over until he moans that he’s getting close, then I take him out of my mouth and squeeze him between my tits. “Oh, God, yes,” he groans.

He takes over from there, tightening my cleavage with his hands as he fucks my tits. His eyes are wild with excitement at the visual feast of his huge cock buried in my breasts, and it only takes a minute before he’s shooting white cum all over my chest. He pulls away from me and aims at my nipples, squirting like a firehouse, and soon I’m dripping with his sticky juices.

I give him a wicked smile and, tilting the nipple up as far as I can with my hand, I lean my head down and lick his cum off my tit.

Rick freezes, staring at me, his cock still in his hands. “Oh, fuck, Lanie! That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. You’ll give me another hard-on just watching you do that.”

“That’s ok. We’ll just take care of that one, too.” I say, standing up and settling myself on his desk. I continue to run my tongue around my nipples, a trick only the well-endowed can accomplish, while lapping up the remains of Rick’s salty cum. He sits down to watch me, gently stroking his cock, which is indeed showing signs of life again. I’m watching him, too, and when I put my lips around my nipple and pull, stretching it out, I see his erection spring back full-force. Once again I marvel at his recovery time. He’s like an 18 year old! Unbelievable.

He takes out a condom and rolls it on, then stands up and pushes me down onto my back, on the top of his desk. He grabs my ankles and pushes my legs back towards my shoulders…then the phone rings.

Rick rolls his eyes and groans in annoyance. Letting go of my ankles, he steps away from me and reaches for the phone.

“Just ignore it,” I say, pleadingly. “Won’t your voicemail pick it up?”

He shakes his head. “The box office answers it and if it’s important they patch it through to me. That means I have to get this.”

“Damn,” I say, sitting up. Rick answers the phone and sits down in his chair. I scoot around the desk so I’m facing him, then hook my feet under the arms of his chair and pull him closer to me.

He shakes his head at me and mouths “District manager.”

“Damn,” I repeat, quieter this time. Rick’s hard-on is gone, the unused condom is hanging on him like a deflated balloon. He pulls it off while he’s talking and I hop off the desk and take it from him, carrying it to his private bathroom and flushing it. When I come back in, he has his pants on again, and there is a strange expression on his face that I can’t quite label. Anxious, maybe? Curious, I eavesdrop on the rest of the conversation.

“Who did you say?...That’s who I thought you said. Shit. Isn’t there anyone else?...No, I’m sure he’s qualified, I just don’t know if he’s the right fit…Well, if you’re sure…Yes, I’ll tell them tonight…Yes, sir. Thank you. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.”

Rick hangs up the phone and looks down at the floor for a minute. Why won’t he look me in the eye? That makes me a little nervous.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“They’re transferring me,” he says slowly, lifting his eyes to meet mine.

“Wow. To where?” I expect him to name one of the multitude of local theaters, and I’m mentally completing my transfer paperwork.

“Denver,” he says.

1000 miles away.

I feel like the air has been knocked out of me. I collapse into one of the office chairs opposite from Rick. The distance between us in that small room suddenly feels unbridgeable.

“Why?” I ask.

“I put in for a transfer. When Leslie left me, I wanted to get as far away as possible. That was before you came back. I had no idea any of this would happen.”

“So, can’t you tell them you changed your mind?” I ask.

“No. I can’t. And, to be honest with you, I really don’t want to. I need a fresh start.”

“But what about us?” I ask.

He smiles ruefully. “Sweetheart, there is no us. Last week was…God…unexpected and amazing, and I really needed it, and you are so unbelievably hot…but you’re also so young. You don’t need to be shackled to someone who’s nearly old enough to be your father. I’m flattered beyond words that you find me attractive, but I’m at a different point in my life. When I start a new relationship, I want to work towards having a wife and family.”

“You think I don’t want those things?” I’m struggling to keep the tears back. He’s saying he doesn’t want me. He’s calling me a kid. I want to run out of his office and never stop, but I feel like I’m bolted to this chair and I can’t get my legs to move.

“No. I know you do. Someday. But not at 19. You’re just barely old enough to not get me arrested. Do you know how old I am?”

“Thirty?” I guess. He laughs. That’s not a good sign.

“No…I’ll be thirty-six next month. That’s a 17 year difference between us. At your age, that’s huge. You’ve still got college. Sorority stuff. Hell, you’re a cheerleader. Enjoy all of that now. The husband and family will come soon enough.”

I sigh loudly. “So this is it, then?”

“Unfortunately. Trust me, I’d like nothing better than to continue these little office parties. No one has made me feel this good in…well, I don’t think ever." 

“Not even your wife?”


“She’s an idiot, by the way. I would have never let you go,” I say, unable to stop the tears now.

“Come here,” he says, opening his arms.

I practically throw myself at him, and he wraps me up and holds me while I cry into his chest. After a few minutes, I’ve composed myself.

“Rick, just so you know…I don’t sleep around. I dated the same guy for two years and never cheated on him. You’re not just some guy in a long string of sexual encounters.”

“Well, just so YOU know, I don’t sleep around either. You’re the first since Leslie, and we were married for ten years. You’re special to me.”

“Thank you. So…once more for the road?” I ask, teasingly.

“Oh, God…as tempting as you are, I’m going to say no. This should end now.

“Yes, it should, but that doesn’t mean it has to,” I say, pressing my lips to his neck. He closes his eyes and moves his lips to mine. We kiss, gentle pecks at first, then deeper as his tongue gently caresses mine. I sigh into his open mouth and I can feel myself trembling in his arms. He pulls his lips away from mine and wraps me tighter in his arms.

“Let’s stop there. That was a perfect goodbye kiss.”

“When do you leave?” I ask.

“This has been in the works for a while, I’m afraid. The new guy will be here tomorrow. I’ll train him and then they’re flying me to Denver to look for a place to live.”

“Tomorrow? That’s it?” I start to cry again.

“Shhhh…please don’t cry. This is hard enough as it is,” he says.

“I’m just not ready to say goodbye to you yet. I feel like we just started.”

“That’s my fault. I should have never lost control like that last week. You’re just too damn sexy, I couldn’t help myself. At the very least, I should have told you then that I was leaving. That was incredibly selfish of me. I’m sorry I hurt you.”

I wrap my arms around him and squeeze hard, taking deep breaths to stop my crying.

“I need to tell the rest of the staff. And there are some new employees you haven’t met yet, including my nephew. It’s in between shows, a good time for an employee meeting. Are you ready?” I nod. We might as well get this over with. I step into his bathroom and check myself in the mirror. My green eyes are just slightly rimmed in pink from my tears but, amazingly, my makeup has not run. Good mascara. I grab some lipstick from my purse and reapply it, then dab some powder on my nose and run my fingers through my long hair. Good as new.

When I step out of the bathroom, Rick just stares at me. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are? Some guy will be very lucky to have you.”

“It could have been you,” I smile at him, inviting one last time.

“That may be the best compliment I’ve ever received,” he says. He places his hand on the small of my back and leads me out of his office.

When we get to the lobby, he gathers all of the employees together and breaks the news. They’re as stunned as I had been. Everyone likes Rick a lot. The new guy is a wild card.

“I also want to introduce Lanie, who is coming back after a few months off. Most of you know her, but a few of you new guys don’t.” He introduces a string of guys who all smile at me and say hello, one of them winks. I don’t remember any of their names. Finally, there’s Rick’s nephew, Kyle. He’s the one who caught my eye last week. Smokin’ hot. Bright blue eyes, light brown hair that’s long in front, falling into his eyes a bit. Like Rick, he’s tall and lean. He smiles at me, then looks back down at the floor. Shy? I’m not so sure, but I think I’d like to find out.

Rick dismisses everyone back to their posts, and then the door that leads up to the projection booths opens and I get an unpleasant surprise. Tim Morelock, the assistant manager from hell.

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He actually looks a little like a demon. He’s very thin and very pale, with long, dark hair and a sniveling laugh. There are some girls who find him attractive, girls who are into Goth and like that “maybe he’s a vampire” thing, but he is definitely not my type. In fact, he really creeps me out. I didn’t think he was still working here, but there he is. I shoot Rick a look and he’s avoiding my eyes. He knows how I feel about Tim.

Mike and Chip enjoy telling me about all of our coworkers that have the hots for me. They’re kind of my spies, and they seemed to especially enjoy relating the comments made by the theater managers. It was one thing for Rick, in his infinite hotness, to tell the other employees what he’d like to do to my body. I didn’t mind. I was flattered. In fact, his fantasies fueled my own. It’s quite another thing for Tim, in his infinite scariness, to make such remarks. And he does. Or at least he did, a few months ago when I worked here. Frequently. X-rated comments about taking me from behind in the concession stand, or eating me out while I sell tickets. No, I’m not at all happy to see Tim, especially now that Rick is leaving. I might have to turn in my notice. This might be the shortest length of employment ever.

“Welcome back, lovely Lanie,” says Tim, slithering up next to me. I manage a halfhearted smile, but say nothing. “What, you don’t want to talk to me? Don’t I get any welcome back benefits, or are those just for the manager? You know I’m up for a promotion soon.”

I look at Rick in alarm, but he’s looking at his shoes. I can feel a cold fury creeping through me. Rick told him?? How could he tell him?

“Mr. Seaton, can I speak to you in your office please?” I ask, my voice shaking. Tim laughs coldly. Rick walks to the office and opens the door, holds it open for me and closes it behind us, locking it.

“What the hell, Rick?” I hiss at him. “You told Tim?”

“I’m sorry, Lanie. It was an accident. Guy stuff, you know? Some of the guys from the projection crew were in here after hours and we were shooting the shit. One of them saw you come in the other day and was asking about you, and I admit it…I was bragging. I didn’t even realize Tim was there. I’m so sorry.”

I’m so pissed now, I can’t even look at him. He walks over to me and tries to put his arms around me, but I slap them away. I sit down on the edge of his desk, my arms folded. He just stands there, looking at me, but I won’t look at him. He takes a step towards me and gently puts his hands on my elbows, then runs his hands up and down my arms. “I’m sorry,” he whispers gently. “Let me make it up to you.”

I’m still mad. He places his right hand on my knee and begins to rub my leg. He just rubs around the knee at first, but then he slides it farther up so that he’s rubbing my thigh. I’m trying to stay mad, but his touch is sending electric sparks through my entire body. He can feel me tense up, I think, because he reaches his left hand up and cups my chin. Raising my face up to his, he leans down and kisses me as his right hand slides higher up my thigh and between my legs. I gasp into his mouth and he pushes his tongue into mine.

Suddenly, I’m kissing him with everything I have. As if it were the last time I’ll ever see him, which it probably is. I reach down and slide my hand into his pants. He pauses in the middle of our kiss. “Are you sure, Lanie? I’m still leaving tomorrow.”

“Yes, I’m sure. This is your goodbye present,” I say.

He sighs. “I’m so sorry about Tim.”

“Shhh. His name is enough to spoil the mood,” I say. “Don’t worry about it. I can take care of myself around him.”

Rick unzips his pants and removes them while I unbutton my blouse. I leave it on, but it’s open, exposing my tits, which I know Rick loves. Sure enough, he reaches around me and unhooks my bra with dexterous fingers that have obviously done that before. I hold up one hand to tell him to pause for a moment, and I thread my bra straps through the armhole of my shirt, removing it and dropping it on the floor. Rick shakes his head and smiles at me. It’s not a difficult maneuver, but for some reason guys are impressed when girls do that.

Rick leans forward and takes one of my nipples into his mouth while he rolls the other one in his fingers. I gasp with pleasure and feel a moistening in my panties. As if he’s reading my body, Rick’s other hand moves down there and begins to finger me through the silky fabric of my underwear. That extra friction feels really good and I close my eyes, trying to lock on to all of these sensations, knowing this is the last time with him. He moans a little as he sucks on my nipple, then he switches his mouth to the other one, working his tongue around it before sucking on it and pinching it a bit with his teeth.

I reach down to stroke him through his boxers. His erection has returned to its full glory and I’m aching to feel him inside me again. “Rick,” I whisper. “I want your dick inside me one more time.” He looks up and smiles at me.

“As you wish.” He winks at me, reaches into his desk and retrieves a condom. I pull his cock out through the opening in his boxers and fondle it for him while he’s unwrapping the rubber, then he slides it on and moves in towards me. He removes my silk panties and drops them to the floor, reaches his hands under my ass and moves me to the very edge of the desk. Then he leans in to kiss me as he drives his thick cock into my wet pussy.

“Oh, Rick…” I moan at the initial intrusion and stretching sensation.

He begins to thrust with short, rhythmic strokes, and his eyes are locked on mine. Electricity courses through me at the intimacy. I feel like I can’t get close enough to him and I clasp my arms tight around his neck, wrapping my legs around him and kissing him as I press my upper body against his. Suddenly, the door opens. We both freeze as it quickly closes again. I look over Rick’s shoulder as he turns his head and we are both horror-struck.

It’s Tim. Damn, neither of us thought about him having a key. He leers at us and locks the door behind him.

“Don’t stop,” he says. Who is he kidding? Like we’re going to continue with him standing there? To my disbelief, he moves over to Rick’s chair and sits down. “I’m serious,” he says. “Don’t stop.”

“Tim, get the hell out of my office,” Rick says, still holding my ass, still buried deep inside me. He has not moved a muscle since Tim walked in.

“Rick, I told you not to stop. Otherwise I will report you to our District office. They will fire your ass for sexual harassment, then it’s goodbye Denver, goodbye career.”

Rick goes pale. “I don’t care, Tim. We’re not doing this in front of you. Now get out and we’ll stop and clean up. You and I can talk this over later. There must be something else you want.”

“Nope. There’s nothing else I want right now. Suit yourself. I hope you have a backup career plan. I know you’re in line for upper level management. Sure would be a shame to ruin that for a few minutes with some little whore.”

Rick bristles and starts to pull away from me, but I wrap my arms and legs tighter around him, pulling him close and holding him in place. “Wait. I can’t let you ruin your career. If Tim wants a show, we’ll give him a show.” Rick starts to argue, but I reach up and kiss him quick on the lips, stopping his words. I thrust my hips forward, and Rick lets out a soft moan. As much as I hate Tim, the thought of him watching us gives me a bit of a thrill. Rick’s still hard, and the sexual energy between us is palpable. He’s resisting my kiss, still protesting the situation, but I’m very persuasive, fisting my hand into his hair and holding him tightly against my mouth as my tongue insistently probes his and my hips grind against his cock. Suddenly, he groans, overcome by his desire for me despite our audience. Thrusting into me, he settles back into the same rhythm he had hit before we were interrupted.

I can see Tim out of the corner of my eye. He has unzipped his pants and is fondling himself while he watches us. That makes me hotter. While I know that my body provides material for many male fantasies, it’s exciting to actually see a guy playing with himself because of me. The fact that it’s someone I can’t stand, surprisingly, makes it even better.

Rick leans in towards me and whispers in my ear, “Are you ok?” I whisper back that I’m fine. “I’m not sure I can get off like this,” he whispers again. “Not with him watching.”

“Oh, I totally could. Maybe we need to invite spectators more often,” I whisper back. He laughs a little and I realize he thinks I’m kidding.

He continues driving into me, occasionally changing the rhythm a little. I want to torture Tim even more, so I lean all the way back on the desk, grabbing my ankles and spreading my legs wide open in a “V.” My cheerleading flexibility comes into play here, and both guys moan. Rick closes his eyes, adjusting to the new angle. He holds on to my hips and pumps harder, grunting loudly, and it only takes me a minute and my body is quaking from a massive orgasm. I yell out, “Oh, fuck…oh, Rick…you’re amazing!” Then, I turn my head to watch Tim, and he is full-on jerking himself now. His eyes narrow when he catches me looking at him.

“Stop,” he says, panting. We both look at him, but Rick doesn’t stop his thrusting. Tim’s cock is just average length but insanely fat, and it’s sticking straight up, glistening with precum. I can’t help looking at it, knowing that it’s hard because of me.

“Bend her over the desk and take her from behind,” he says, leering at me.

That makes Rick stop. “It’s bad enough we’re performing for you, Tim, but I won’t have you dictating our positions.”

“Just this one. I need to be able to get my cock in her mouth, and that’s the best way. We can skewer her from both ends.”

Did I just hear that right? What the hell?

“Don’t even think about it, asshole,” Rick snarls. “There’s no way I’m letting you do that.”

“Okay. It’s a shame, though. You’re really good at your job.” He’s still stroking himself absentmindedly as he’s talking.

“Rick, you can’t lose your job. I’ll do it,” I say, resigned. It’s not like I’ve never sucked a guy off before. It could be worse. With horror, I realize I’m kind of looking forward to it. The knowledge that I have this power over Tim, that he wants me so bad he’s blackmailing Rick, is giving me a high of sorts, and I know that as soon as his dick is in my mouth, I’ll own him. Plus, I won’t lie, the thought of doing two guys at once has been a fantasy of mine for a while.

“Lanie, are you absolutely sure?” Rick asks. I nod. Tim is drooling with excitement. “Tim, just so you know, I will kick your ass for this. I’m not playing. If you don’t want that pain, I suggest you walk away,” Rick says menacingly.

“It’ll be worth it,” Tim says, looking at me with lust in his eyes.

Rick pulls out of me and helps me sit up, then lifts me off the desk. I turn around and bend over it.

“God, look at her ass,” Tim says. “Maybe I’d rather fuck that.”

“No way in hell,” I say. “You’d better take what you can and feel grateful.”

With a sigh, Tim climbs on to Rick’s desk, kneeling in front of me. A shiver goes through me at the sight of his fat cock. For such a thin guy, it’s kind of surprising.

“Shove back in her,” Tim says to Rick. “Let’s get this party started.”

Rick touches my pussy and gently slides back into me. He grabs the sides of the desk as he resumes screwing me.

“Open up, beautiful,” Tim says. Cringing, I open my mouth. He shoves his dick in and it’s all I can do to keep my teeth off of it. Not that I want to bite him, although that would serve him right, but it’s just so fat that I can’t physically open my mouth wide enough. I do the best I can and he doesn’t seem to be bothered by my teeth grazing him a little. He starts pumping his hips and moaning as he fucks my mouth. I need all the strength in my arms to hold myself steady as I’m assaulted from both directions.

I am too distracted by Tim’s fat cock to properly enjoy this, but I have the presence of mind to use some of my oral techniques on him, tonguing him along the shaft and applying suction. I can’t stand him, but I want to blow his mind. Then I will enjoy telling him to go to hell in the future, knowing he’d do just about anything to get sucked by me again.

Since I just climaxed minutes before, I figure my own pleasure will be put on hold this go-round, and I plan to just do what I can to get these men off, but suddenly Rick is reaching around and touching my pussy, and I realize I might cum again after all. I can feel his fingers around my clit, both hands rubbing and pressing against it, using me as leverage while he continues drilling me from behind. Then he’s whispering against my back. “I want you to cum, Lanie. I love filling you up, pushing deep into you. I want you to love it too. I want to make you feel good.”

I gasp and moan a little, rocking my hips back to meet Rick’s pumping rhythm. He continues to whisper to me, and his words, combined with his hands and his cock, are too much for me. My orgasm is unexpected, and I suddenly can’t concentrate on the blow job I’m supposed to be performing, all I can do is thrust backward to meet Rick in a mindblowing clash of body parts. Tim must sense my excitement because all of a sudden he’s ramming his cock hard into my mouth and moaning himself. I quickly pull back and he pops out of my mouth. A look of incredulity spreads over his face. “I wasn’t finished, you damn whore.”

“Oh, yes, you were. If you think I’m letting you cum in my mouth, you’re crazy.”

He tries to force it back into my mouth, but I clamp my lips together and turn my face to the side. Then he tries to pry my lips apart, but I bite down hard on his finger. He cries out in fury, grabs ahold of his cock and starts jerking himself right in front of me, groaning and glaring at me with a crazed look on his face, then he yells loudly “Take this, you fucking, teasing, cock-sucking slut!” and shoots a load of cum all over my face.

Rick lets out a shout and shudders as he pounds a few more times into me. He’s cumming, but I think he’s also really pissed off, and he gives me a few more deep thrusts and pulls out. He takes a couple of steps around the desk and punches Tim so hard in the face that he slides across the desk and hits the wall.

“Block the door, Lanie,” he growls to me. I walk over to the door and stand against it while Rick grabs his pants off the floor and strides into his bathroom to remove the condom. Tim is sitting against the wall, stunned, his nose streaming blood. Rick comes back from the bathroom, fully dressed, grabs Tim by the collar of his shirt and pulls him off the desk.

“Do you want to beg for mercy, you slimy piece of shit? Or do you just want to take what’s coming?”

“Don’t hit me again, Rick. I’d hate to report you.”

“That’s not going to work this time, you scum bag. You’d just incriminate yourself. Sweet Lanie over there has your cum all over her. DNA evidence – you can’t even deny it. If you’d like to lose your job too, just try and report me. We’ll go down together.”

Tim is squirming now. He hadn’t considered that he could get in trouble too. He closes his eyes, knowing he’s going to get his ass beat. Rick throws him against the wall again and starts pounding on him, fists flying. As much as I hate Tim and know he deserves this, I can’t watch. It’s too pitiful.

Tim whimpers and finally Rick stops. Tim’s face is a bloody mess, and he’s got bruises down his arms.

“Now, you’re going to get out of here and don’t even think about saying a word to anyone. And first thing tomorrow, you’re going to submit either your transfer paperwork or a letter of resignation to the District office, and you’re not going to show your face in this theater ever again. I won’t be here anymore to enforce it, but my nephew will be, and he can deliver an even better beating than I can. Guaranteed.”

Hmm. Intrigued by that thought, I wonder how much Rick’s nephew has heard about me. How much Rick plans to tell him. Whether it will affect what he thinks about me.

Startled, I realize I haven’t even gotten dressed after an amazing sex romp with Rick, and I’m already thinking about starting something with his nephew.

Maybe I really am a slut.

Written by TXGirl
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