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An Offline Encounter, the Second

"Eric and Rose meet up at a strip club for their next tryst"

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Violet stood before Eric as he sat in the lap dance section of the club. Totally naughty things were going on behind her eyes, he could just tell.

She crawled into Eric’s lap seductively, her long waves of blond hair spilling onto his chest, and he reached out to put his hands on her thin waist, running them up to her small breasts, directly over her soft, pink nipples. A rush of warmth flooded downward while she began working herself on top of him. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of her soft skin, stroking her small frame and repressing the urge to force her onto the floor and have his way right there.

After a few moments he felt a hand reach down over his crotch, finding his cock, which was quickly growing very hard. He smiled, surprised but enjoying the extra attention, and about to ask Violet if she gave all the guys this kind of treatment. That’s when Eric realized it wasn’t her hand.

He startled for a moment and looked over to his left. There she was – the one he had really been waiting for. Rose sat next to him, cheeks already red, and legs crossed under her skirt on the long booth, with a lip-biting grin – which, like everything else about her, was devastatingly sexy. “Oh, hi you,” she said simply. “How did I know you’d be back here already?”

Eric’s heart melted when he saw her again in the flesh, bright eyes staring back at me. He managed a smile through his sexual daze.

“You are late,” he said. “So you know, I thought I’d just get a little warmup…hope you don’t mind.”

“So predictable,” she said, shaking her head as her long chestnut hair fell to one side. “And no, of course I don’t mind…but I hope I get my warmup, too.” She squeezed his cock, which got even fatter in her hand.

They had agreed to meet and start the night of their secret rendezvous here. It seemed appropriate, since they had gotten each other hot so often over the scenario of seducing a stripper in their regular back-and-forth sexting. It was a long-shot, true. But given how devoted the two of them were to be to upping the stakes in their little adventures, it seemed anything was possible. If nothing else, they'd get amped up and then have an amazing night fucking each other senseless in their hotel room.

Violet looked amused. She leaned in, glad that this cute chick hadn't shown up to tear his balls off, and said to Eric as she writhed over his leg, “Your girl?”

He looked back up at Violet’s emerald green eyes and said, “Only when she’s being bad.” He tweaked her nipples as he said “bad,” causing her to moan in response. It’s not something he would have done normally. Most considered him a “nice guy,” attractive in a gentle way, signaled by reddish-blond hair carefully swept back, big, nerdy glasses and an easygoing smile. At first, Violet was surprised he was in the club at all. But now she was seeing there was a little something more behind those tortoise-shell frames.

But Rose already knew better. She had the power to bring something out in Eric that was hiding below the surface, something sexually aggressive, insatiable. The more that side came out, the more depraved and slutty she became -- his own power over her -- only encouraging him further. It was an addictive feedback loop, and neither of them could ever get enough.

“Oh yeah?” Violet replied as Eric moved his hands down again over her slim waist.

He clarified and looked straight at Rose: “She’s a very bad girl…quite often.”

“I see,” Violet said as she looked down at Rose’s hand now caressing his fully erect cock, slow and rhythmically over Eric’s pants.

“You don’t seem to mind, though,” Eric replied as he looked back up and continued stroking Violet’s waist.

“Well…she’s fucking hot. Girl like that can get away with just about anything,” she said, looking at Rose. They both smiled, connecting right away. Those were words he didn’t mind hearing at all.

Violet rose and turned around, lowering her pert little ass onto his thigh. Eric could feel heat emanating from her panties, through his jeans as she rubbed against him.

He knew he had to test her statement, and Rose’s willingness to obey. He also needed a proper greeting, and had to cut his dance short.

“Excuse us –” Eric rose up, handing her a stack of bills, smiling. “Stick around, though?”

“Oh, I’ll be around,” she replied with a wink.

Eric turned to Rose, and smiled broader. “Come here, you, we haven’t had a proper hello” he said. He grabbed her hand and leading her straight to the ladies room as quickly as possible – a very underused spot at most strip clubs, he had discovered – and brought her inside.

Once in, he backed her against the wall, looking into her eyes with deep desire. She looked back with equal intensity. It was an appropriate, familiar place to be – similar to their first meeting.

“Hi, my little slut,” he said.

“Hi, my master,” she replied.

The greeting that was music to his ears, marking the entrance to their secret relationship, known only by the two of them. From here on out, they weren’t Rose and Eric…but two depraved sexual animals, willing to do just about anything for each other’s pleasure.

Eric held her face in his hand, stroking her cheek, and said, “You’re very bad to be so late…which we’ll deal with later. I hope you followed my other instructions…”

He pressed her harder to the wall and reached his hand between her legs, feeling the wet lips of her pussy, no panties, and shaven. Just for him.

“Good girl,” he said, petting her pussy and feeling the slick juices collect on his fingers, while leaning in to kiss her at the same time. Her hot mouth responded immediately, just as wet and warm.

“Mmmm fuck master. I’ve been ready for you for all day.” She reached down and once again began to rub her hand over his cock.

“I can tell,” he replied, and brought her fingers up to his lips, licking her pussy juice off slowly in front of her. She let out a sigh, shaking her head in disbelief as he did.

Eric wanted to fuck her so badly right there…but there would be plenty of time for that.

“So. I have an idea,” he said, drawing her in still closer.

Her eyebrows arched, intrigued.

“I’m listening.”

“I want you to approach Violet…get a private room here for the three of us…”

“I can do that.”

“But I don’t want you to stop there. I want you to see how far you can get with her…get her hot…for both of us. Touch her pussy…try to make her cum…until she makes you stop. If she does.”

Rose’s eyes got wider for a moment, hesitating. She said, “That sounds very naughty, master…I don’t know if I can...”

Eric reached out and twisted his slut’s nipple through her blouse with one hand, pressed harder into her pussy with the other, and spoke more firmly this time, “It is very naughty. And I know you can. I know exactly what you’re capable of, my little slut. And I need you to.”

“But I want your cock now…” she said impatiently, trying to unbutton his jeans. “Can I please taste it?”

He pushed her hand away and smiled at her enthusiasm. “Not yet,” he replied. “This first.”

Eric grabbed her by the waist, pressing into her pelvis with his hard cock. “And I’ll let you have as much of my cock as you need when the time is right, my little slut. And know that I want your hot pussy just as much. Believe me, it’s taking all my willpower not to strip you down and fuck you right here.”

She smiled back up at Eric, pure mischief in her eyes. She found the compromise acceptable. “Yes, master.”

Eric could just feel the power he had as she surrendered to him, and it was intoxicating. And at the same time, Rose loved it. The power was hers to surrender, and she did so willingly, and completely, knowing Eric would only use it to make her insane with lust. They both knew they could have any sexual adventure they wanted…so long as they kept pushing the boundaries, and always saying yes.


Violet finished her cigarette out back, thinking about the encounter she just had. A little out of the ordinary, but definitely intriguing. A hot couple coming into a strip club was definitely a welcome change of pace from the usual parade of creeps and losers. It definitely turned her on to see this voluptuous brunette stroking that guy’s cock (impressive even through jeans) like that – seems he was hiding more than just a healthy sexual appetite.

She had seen him lead her away to the bathroom, too, not so discretely, probably to…what? Fuck her brains out? Get a hot blowjob? She could feel herself getting wetter as vivid images of both crossed her mind. Her hand absently glanced over her panties, sending a wave of warmth through her clit. She hadn’t been able to cum for some time, and was feeling an acute need.

“Fuck, gotta get back to work,” she thought, stopping herself. She went inside, still distracted and horny.

Violet took a seat at the bar near the stage and observed Eric and Rose watching other dancers for a while, becoming transfixed. She envied their sexual connection. The two radiated heat directly towards one another and outward as well. Together, their energy seemed to pull the various girls moving across the stage into their orbit, each one paying them close attention – especially Rose. Eric loved it all though, clearly delighting in all the special interest she was attracting.

At one point that they each had a hand in the other’s lap, pleasuring one another while Rose eagerly caressed the breasts of a petit Asian girl, Claire. Violet found herself wishing they were her breasts. Both looked flushed, on fire, and completely focused in their sexual intensity.

A few times a dancer would approach them, flirting to ask for a dance. She was relieved when they refused each one. She wanted to be in that orbit. Then she saw Rose rise, spread her skirt down, and look in Violet’s direction. Then Violet became nervous – out of character for her. But something out Rose had her unusually on edge.

Violet felt a pang of deep desire spread from her pussy and outward to the rest of her body as Rose drew near.


Rose approached Violet hesitantly at the bar. Eric had had to prod her once again, push her out of her reluctance. She was so nervous, but at the same time excited beyond belief. Her pussy was so wet and ready from her master’s touch, and from the promise of the night ahead. Nervous energy had been flooding through her body from the moment she saw him and Violet together – and she wanted more.

“Hi there,” Rose said as she took a seat next to Violet.

“Why hello,” Violet replied, appreciating Rose’s lovely curves and full, red lips. “You’re shaking…”


“Don’t worry, it’s cute. You’re cute.”

“I think I need a drink.”

“Cute is an understatement actually. Beautiful. Very sexy.”

“Um, well you’re gorgeous,” Rose admired, eyeing her dancer’s frame from head to toe. All she wanted to do was reach out and feel her soft skin…the image of her tongue running across Violet’s pussy flashed across her mind, as her master suggested she might do, and she got weaker.

“Here, this one’s on me.” Violet ordered a shot for both of them.

Violet raised the glass, which Rose met with hers. Violet began a toast: “To…”

“Adventure?” Rose finished.

“Adventure,” agreed Violet. They drank.

Rose felt a bump from behind her as a guy squeezed up to the bar to order a drink. The move pushed her straight into Violet’s path, who caught her waist as Rose’s hands landed on her bare thighs. They looked at one another again, and didn’t even hear him apologize while they held one another’s gaze.

Her master had chosen well. She wanted to make out with this blond-haired vixen in front of her right then and there, and was almost overcome with the urge to press her lips against Violet’s, but didn’t yet dare.

“Um...” Rose attempted to form the words that wouldn’t quite come out.

Sensing her hesitation, Violet leaned in a bit. “Did he put you up to this?” she asked.

Rose demurred. “Well...sort of, I mean. Yes, but…”

Violet’s demeanor changed immediately upon hearing this. “Figures, sending the bait, that’s so typical. Tell him if he wants something he can ask himself,” Violet replied, beginning to turn away, miffed.

Rose’s heart beat faster, adrenaline rushing as she felt Violet’s attention turning cold. She didn’t want to displease her master…and just as much, she wanted her, too.

“Wait!” Rose exclaimed, her resolve finally coming out in words. She grabbed her arm and pulled Violet in a bit, whispering as her hand ran up her arm. “I want you too. He doesn’t even know how much. Will you dance for us…in private?”

Rose’s eyes were pleading, lustful. Violet could see she was genuine. But tried to test her once more.

“Kiss me,” said Violet.

Rose took a breath, then leaned in to those inviting lips, lingering for a long, wet kiss. The sensations shot straight to her pussy, which began to ache and flood.

After they broke free, Violet smiled and said, “You’re very convincing. The private rooms are in the back. Just follow me.”


Eric and Rose took a seat next to each other as Violet began her seduction. The place wasn’t pretty – a dingy booth set off by a curtain, hard wooden bench, low lighting. Somehow it made the seediness made it even hotter. This was a place where private, naughty things happened.

Eric’s cock was already aching, too. He couldn’t even try to hide the massive bulge that poked out to one side of his jeans. Rose, for her part, was practically drenched.

“Looks like someone’s ready,” Violet teased, eyeing Eric’s crotch. Rose and Eric looked at each other. Rose reached her hand out to touch his bulge. Both of them were shaking now, nearly overcome with anticipation.

A slow, heavy and dark Massive Attack song began playing, the swelling electronic beat filling the air.

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Violet removed her top once again, revealing those perfect breasts. She took her place in Rose’s lap first. Violet leaned in to kiss Rose’s neck, who shuddered at the contact. Eric squeezed Rose’s hand, then let it travel up to her thigh to stroke her, giving her the signal.

Rose reached up and began touching Violet’s sides, delighting in the soft, smooth skin, inhaling her feminine scent. Violet brought her left nipple to her face, running it over her cheek, then to her lips. Rose took it softly into her mouth, suckling and licking, tentative at first, then with growing impatience.

Eric was touching his cock while he watched the two girls enjoying each others’ bodies. At each turn, when he didn’t think he could get any hotter over the scene, one of them would ratchet up the tension and send him into overdrive: Rose biting Violet’s neck…Violet running her hands over Rose’s hips and breasts, first over her shirt, then aggressively pulling it up to feel her bare skin…then the two kissing like lovers. Eric was sure his cock had never felt so hard, so stiff. His breathing grew heavy, and his heart dropped every few seconds.

Rose was similarly in a similar state, her pussy now soaking her panties in a non-stop flow. The words kept running through her head from her master, I know exactly what your capable of, my little slut…

She grew bolder as she played the phrase again and again. She began to fully assume her hidden identity, known only to her and her master. The thought came to her without warning, and in her own voice: God, I’m such a fucking whore.

The words thrilled inside of her, and she slid her hands to the waistband of Violet’s panties, daring to slide them down a bit, then arching her back as Violet began removing Rose’s blouse altogether, leaving her bra on for the time being. Rose’s hand brushed over Violet’s pussy. It was hot and moist under the fabric. She pressed her fingers into the cleft of her pussy, and Violet moaned. She loved this feminine body, all soft and gentle, at her fingertips. And she loved that Eric was witnessing it all.

“You are a bad girl,” Violet said as she let out a long sigh.

“Tell her what you are…” Eric said, his voice taking on a deep baritone, almost threatening.

She knew exactly what to say, and she meant it. “I’m such a bad little slut,” Rose replied. The words filled the air. Hearing them out loud, coming from her own mouth felt so…wrong. Yet sexy, and 100% true. Eric, trying to maintain his composure, nearly feinted as well, as they began to draw Violet into their game.

“Wow, you really like being an eager little slut, don’t you?” Violet asked, beginning to join in herself.

She grabbed Violet’s waist and looked deeply into her eyes: “I love it,” Rose replied, soaking up the attention.

Rose kept pushing into Violet’s outer lips, with the fabric in the way, frustrating her attempts to go deeper. She grew bolder and drew her panties to the side, just like she loved for Eric to do to her – no time to take them off, just get them out of the way, goddammit. Violet responded with an incoherent string of words, eyes rolling back.

Rose could also feel Eric’s hand creeping to the inside of her leg under her skirt and moving to her own pussy as well. She opened her legs invitingly and looked over at him, smiling. He was rubbing his cock, still covered by his jeans. She couldn’t wait to taste it, feel it fucking her, filling her deeply.

Once Eric reached Rose’s pussy with his expert fingers, she became electric, on fire. There was nothing she wouldn’t do to please her master. She began to mimic her movements over Violet’s pussy to follow her master’s touch. When he lightly teased Rose’s clit, she would do the same to Violet. When he dipped a finger inside her willing cunt, she did likewise to Violet. The girls moaned softly together, each letting out little gasps and whimpers while Rose occasionally took Violet’s firm tits into her mouth.

“You like sucking on our little hot stripper’s tits, don’t you, my slut?” Eric whispered as he sat up to watch them for a moment, taking in the incredible sight before him.

“Mmm yes, master. They feel so good in my mouth…” Rose replied, fully absorbed and barely able to speak.

Eric stood to take in a better view, still rubbing himself and encouraging his slut. He was growing uncomfortably hard now. As he moved into her line of sight, Rose saw his crotch head on, and needed to have her master’s cock. It was unbearable to not be able to touch it. As she continued working on the sexy dancer’s dripping wet pussy, Rose impatiently clawed at Eric’s pants, grasping for his cock.

“Yeah you want this?” Eric asked.

“I need it, master. Please let me have it.”

Eric guided her hand over so she could unbutton his fly and pull his massive hardon out of his pants.

She managed to pull down his briefs and it swung out, finally free. Eric drew in a sharp breath and Rose watched it spring out, red and swollen, glazed with precum and pulsing. She began to pump up and down on it right away.

“Oh fuck yes…” moaned Eric. Rose moaned back, loving the feel of her master’s hard cock in one hand and Violet’s gushing pussy in the other.

Eric came closer so that Rose could now almost reach his cock with her mouth. It was tantalizingly out of reach, and each time she tried to take it, Eric pushed back on her head with his hand.

“Beg for it, my little slut.”

And she did: “Please master. Please let me suck on it. I need it so bad. I need to taste it…”

“God you two are so fucking hot I can’t stand it,” Violet interjected. Violet was getting close while Rose fingered her. Once Eric’s cock was out and Rose began pumping away, the intensity had ramped up even further.

Eric finally grabbed the back of Rose’s head and pulled her in. She took his length all the way inside her hot, willing mouth and down her throat with Eric’s hand guiding the way.

“This is where his cock belongs,” Rose thought to herself as she began sucking in earnest.

As Rose bobbed up and down, Eric’s cock emerging wet and glistening each time with the head popping out of her mouth, she continued fucking Violet with her fingers. Though she was the “bad little slut,” she was the one in control, and had never felt more lust-filled and in such a sexual frenzy in her life. Precum oozed out of Eric’s cock and she swallowed it eagerly each time. He felt so hard, so huge passing over her lips, each movement bringing him closer to spraying his hot cum down her throat.

While she was so intent on working on Eric’s cock, she became aware of a desperate moaning, reaching a fever pitch. Eric stopped her for a moment. Before she could protest, he said, “Look.”

She glanced over and realized the desperate sounds she heard were from Violet, who was wracked with spasms and cumming all over Rose’s fingers while she had been finger fucking her. She looked beautiful, sweating, flushed, as she panted out her last moans over the music. Rose loved the sticky fluids pouring out over her fingers.

Once done, she brought her fingers up to lick them, giving a satisfied moan as she did. “Let me taste,” said Eric.

He knelt down, grabbing Rose’s and greedily sucking on her fingers as well.

“Fuck, that was fucking intense,” said Violet, breathing heavily.

Violet couldn’t believe what was happening. It was so wrong, and she couldn’t stop it – didn’t want to, really, even after orgasming in front of these two sexy strangers.

“Such good little slut,” said Eric. “God you made her cum so hard. I think you deserve a good deep fucking after that. Maybe we should go back to our hotel and –“

“Wait,” cut in Violet. She wasn’t about to let these two get away now, not without seeing them fuck, at least. “Follow me. ”


Violet swung open the doors to the manager’s office, and Eric and Rose followed her in.

There was a leather couch in front of a desk. Violet motioned to the couch. It would do.

“I want to watch,” Violet said, still on fire as she began to take a seat adjacent to the couch. She spread her legs and began to lightly stroke her pussy, once again hidden from view by her panties.

Eric approached Rose, grabbing her by the waist and said, “You want this hot stripper to watch me fuck you raw?”

“Yes master, please,” Rose replied.

“Good girl,” he said. “But first I want you to strip for us.”

Eric sat on the couch. Rose was hesitant. “Come on, my slut. I want you naked just for us,” he repeated.

She complied, suddenly shy and looking down, removing her blouse and bra, then sliding out of her skirt and panties while Eric and Violet each commented on how hot she looked, both of them touching themselves as they watched.

Violet split her attention between Rose’s gorgeous body and Eric’s fully erect and seemingly monstrous cock that he had exposed to take long, firm strokes while he watched. At one point she and Eric made eye contact. Violet held his gaze, then moved her eyes down to his cock as the engorged head disappeared into his hand over and over. She nodded approvingly. Eric was equally enthralled for a moment while he watched Violet’s hand edging over her panties and dipping inside while she clutched her nipples.

Rose felt especially vulnerable seeing the two of them somewhat clothed and masturbating for her and for each other, and especially turned on as a result. Her pussy ached with the anticipation of feeling her master’s cock tearing into her.

Once she was completely naked, Eric got up slowly. He approached her tenderly at first, caressing Rose’s body with his hands and inspecting her all over.

The abruptly he turned Rose around and then pushed her face down on the couch. He unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his still hard cock. Instead of going to Rose as she anticipated, he approached Violet.

“I want you to watch her suck my cock before I fuck you, my little slut. And I don’t want you touching yourself, is that clear?”

Rose nearly protested out loud…she wanted she didn’t think she could hold off. And the thought of her master’s cock sliding into someone else’s mouth while she watched was excruciating, torturous. But at the same time, as he said it, she felt a surge of wetness flood her pussy. She relented, saying simply, “Yes, master. I want you to feel so good and get so hard before you fuck me.”

Violet licked her lips. “What a nice hot cock…what a lucky little slut you are,” she said, daring to take on their language, and staring down Eric’s throbbing member in front of her face. Rose nodded, encouraging her. She took his cock in her mouth, slowly, inch by inch, moaning as she did.

Rose’s mouth began watering. She tried to press her pelvis into the cold leather to seek relief, but Eric caught her. “I see you trying to get off… That’s very naughty, my slut.” his eyes rolled back as Violet began sucking faster, now touching her pussy at the same time. It only served to ramp up the potent mixture of jealousy, shame, all topped off with pure lust Rose was experiencing.

“Mmm, that feels so fucking good,” Eric moaned while fucking Violet's mouth. “Do you want this cock, my slut?”

Rose’s pussy was now contracting on its own, and she could almost cum without any contact other than her bare, sweaty thighs pressing together. She let out a long sigh.

“Oh my god, oh my god I need it so fucking bad.”

“Say it.”

“I need it so fucking bad!” 

Say it!”

“Fuck! Master please fuck me! Please I’m begging you to fuck my wet little pussy…” Rose let out a scream of frustration.

Eric let a few more moments pass, then said:

“Close your eyes,”

Rose obeyed.

“Lay back on the couch.”

Rose obeyed.

Eric let yet more seconds pass, enjoying his little slut being so tortured, knowing how much she loved it. She was so fucking hot, cheeks flushed, pussy lips puffy and swollen, chest rising and falling with ragged breathing. It was getting incredibly difficult for him to hold back.

Rose could finally feel him approach. Just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, it hit her. Hard.

Her master’s cock slid in deep, filling her completely as he pressed his naked chest against her bare breasts, both of them slick with sweat and sex. A fire started in Rose’s belly, and deep in her pussy as Eric began fucking her more forcefully. All the pent up desire came flooding out in uncontrollable waves as he finally allowed her the release she so desperately needed.

Eric pressed her legs up against her sides while he pounded her relentlessly. Rose was dimly aware of Violet moaning as well, and could hear not only the wet, satisfying slap of Eric’s swinging balls against her ass, but of Violet’s pussy while she fingered it, sopping and juicy.

Moments later she could feel biting on her nipples. Rose looked down to see that Violet was now kneeling before her, licking and sucking and biting her breasts with need, squeezing and feeling her body all over while Eric continued pounding her pussy and pulling her hips as well. Every nerve felt alive, overloaded with stimulation. She could barely stand to be inside her own body, the sensations were so intense.

The at long last, as Eric and Violet’s movements reached a fever pitch, Rose felt the orgasm welling up from deep inside her.

“Oh master I’m gonna fucking cum….” Rose said through a series of rising moans.

“Yes my slut, cum for us. Cum for us…” said Eric breathlessly.

“Oh god…oh god…” Rose panted.

As the force of the orgasm hit her, she could feel Eric cumming as well, releasing his cum inside of her as well, which only served to intensify her spasming. He let out a few sharp moans and then pulled his cock out. Rose’s hand immediately flew to her pussy while she watched her master continue to shoot thick, hot ropes, landing on her tits, then on Violet’s face – which was contorting with the convulsions of a powerful orgasm now, too – then up to Rose’s face as well.

Rose continued to jerk and spasm as the last waves crashed over her. Eric’s cum was now dripping over her pussy as she rubbed, deeply spent and deeply satisfied.

Violet shook her head, disbelieving how this night had turned out, and how incredibly hot it all was. Eric and Rose looked at each other, basking in the glow, sharing a lovers' smile, also in awe over their ridiculous sexual chemistry, and where it had brought them…and where it might bring them next time. It seemed, well, limitless.

Written by hardnhot18
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