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Airtight Night

"Melanie and Sue get airtight for the first time."

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Some time shortly after the night with the two girls wearing nothing but oil we were invited over to Sue and Jake's place for a barbecue on a Friday night in a late Indian summer. Melanie donned a pretty summer dress with a button-through front and white, stiletto-heeled, strapped sandals and we went over around seven o'clock. Jake greeted us at the front door and led us through the house to the back yard, apologizing en route for the fact that Sue had been delayed at work but would be joining us later. As we emerged into the back yard we saw a guy we did not know standing by the barbecue with a beer in his hand. He was in the same general age group as the rest of us, somewhere in his mid to late twenties, about five-eleven tall, with a shock of blond hair and a gym rat's body.

Jake introduced us to the guy, whose name was Steve, explaining that he was his cousin. My mind immediately made a connection – this was the cousin that Jake had mentioned to Melanie in his sales pitch when he talked her into doing both of us together. That is, he was the one that Jake double-teamed Sue with! This connection led me to the realization that Jake had invited his cousin around for a piece of Melanie's ass, which in turn meant that he had described Melanie's previous performances for his cousin's benefit! His effrontery in thinking that he could invite his cousin to fuck my wife really pissed me off! I glanced at Melanie and she locked eyes with me, communicating non-verbally that she had reached all the same conclusions and was even more pissed off than I was.

We both proceeded from that point onward to treat the cousin politely but coolly, giving him a quiet frost. Jake cooked up burgers and dogs, and we all ate together at the picnic table, chatting politely about inconsequential matters until the meal was finished, by which point Melanie and I were both warming up to Steve. Although he was not a sparkling conversationalist and was quite obviously none too bright, he was very amiable, likeable and easy-going. When he perceived that Melanie was warming up to him he worked very hard at charming her with anecdotes of his and Jake's boyhood adventures, being assiduous in including me in the conversation in order to supposedly make it less obvious that he was primarily interested in getting my wife's panties off. Melanie found this amusing and warmed up to him even more. I saw her eyes roving over his well-muscled body and calculating what his performance might be like in bed, so I knew Steve was in with a chance.

Neither Melanie nor I said anything to Jake about his obvious agenda, but he knew he was in the bad books and went out of his way to try and lighten the mood. By this time it was getting dark and Jake suggested we go indoors to get away from the mosquitoes, so we all adjourned to the kitchen. Jake mixed up a pitcher of Bloody Caesars and poured us all large ones with lots of ice, which went down well in the unseasonal heat.

Tiring of the general chit-chat, Melanie suddenly fired at Jake: “You invited Steve around for a piece of my ass, didn't you?”

Jake went red to the tips of his ears before responding, “Yes, I suppose I did.”

“Well, let me tell you something, lover,” Melanie hissed at him. “The only person who dispenses my favours is me! You are in trouble, which we will talk about later. In the meantime, what did you have in mind?”

Looking decidedly shaken, Jake laid it out for her.

“Well, I know that you are always looking for new experiences, and that you enjoy your role as Queen of Sluts, so I thought I would offer you the chance to move up to the next level. I figured you might like to go Airtight.”

“Airtight?” Mel queried.

“You know, three up, one in the mouth, one in the ass and one in the pussy,” Jake explained.

“Hmm,” Mel murmured, looking thoughtful. “That does sound – interesting.”

I was flabbergasted! I had expected a fit of rage, but my always unpredictable wife was giving the suggestion serious consideration. I held my breath and hoped for a favourable verdict; this would be a new experience for me, too – one I very much wanted!

Mel glanced over at me, read my expression perfectly, as she always does, and said, “Okay.”

While I was still reeling from the shock of my lovely wife's ready agreement to banging three guys at once she added, “But there are terms and conditions to be met.” Did I mention that she is a lawyer?

“Okay, let's hear them,” Jake prompted.

Turning to Steve, Melanie asked, “You got married a few months ago, did you not?”

“Yes, back in July,” Steve responded.

“Does your new bride know you are here and what you are doing?” Melanie demanded.

“Yes, she knows that I am here and that I am hoping to get laid.”

“Okay, so do you think she would be amenable to joining us next time and letting the boys here take her for a ride?”

“Oh, she would just love that!” Steve exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.

“Alright then, that is what I want from you,” Mel said firmly. “Please set it up.”

“The next thing applies to all of you,” she continued. “This one is just for me. Before we do this thing you each have to commit to going three times. I want each one of you in every one of my orifices tonight, to completion each time. In other words, each of you has to agree to come in my mouth, and again in my pussy, and again in my ass. So, it will require stamina. Are you all up for that?”

I could hardly believe my ears! I mean, my wife being a slut is a given, but this was a slut of a whole new order!

“You bet,” I answered, as if in a daze.

“I'm in,” averred Jake.

“Absolutely,” answered Steve eagerly, hardly believing his luck.

“Umm, okay then,” Melanie accepted our responses, licking her lips salaciously. “If you gentlemen will clear up the supper things I will go and slip into some of Sue's lingerie.”

With that she departed to the bedroom.

While we were clearing the table and stacking the dishwasher, Jake said to me, “Christ, at the start of that I thought she was going to kill me!”

“She still might,” I told him. “She may just be waiting for a better time. Right now she needs you in order for her to get airtight.”

“You think? Nah, she wouldn't do that!”

I just stared at him.

“Yeah, alright, I know, it's Mel, she might do just about anything,” he finally offered.

“At last, he gets it,” I observed sarcastically.

“When do I stop worrying?” he asked.

“When your wife tells you that you can,” I answered without hesitation.

“You mean Mel, don't you?”

“No, I mean Sue. Mel won't tell you; she will enjoy watching you sweat. But she will tell Sue at some point that it is not a problem.”

“Is Mel really that scary?” interjected Steve.

“You better believe it,” Jake replied with feeling.

“I'll bear it in mind,” Steve muttered.

“Always a good idea,” I assured him.

We finished cleaning up and adjourned to the living room, where I took the sofa and Steve and Jake took armchairs. We were busily discussing the relative merits of the Senators and the Maple Leafs when Mel joined us.

She strode into the room wearing a tiny black satin bra that just barely covered her nipples, no panties, a black garter belt with silver roses embroidered on it, black, seamed, fishnet stockings and black pointed dress pumps with silver stiletto heels that were at least five inches high. Her lovely 36C boobs were bouncing as she walked and her nipples were rigid, as if she had been running an ice cube around them. From this I knew that she was eagerly anticipating her first triple-banger.

“Alright, boys, get naked,” she ordered imperiously.

As we all hurried to comply I noticed that Steve was practically drooling as he took in Melanie's delicious breasts, incredibly long legs and perfect ass.

Catching his heated gaze, Melanie smiled at him, dropped down to squat on her heels, used both hands on her knees to spread her legs wide open, showing him her lovely pussy in its surrounding forest of almost black pubic hair, and asked coyly, “You like?”

With fall approaching she and Sue were both letting their pubic hair grow back in to the full winter bush. She reached down with her right hand and teased her pussy lips open with her fingers to show us a glimpse of her hot pink interior, framed by the black fishnets and garters, with the stiletto heels tucked in right under her pussy by her crouching position. All three of us were instantly hard!

Rising to her feet she commanded us, “Steve and Nick, come and suck my tits, Jake, eat me!”

Happy to oblige, I walked over and took her left nipple into my mouth and commenced sucking. Steve did the same with her right nipple. Jake dropped to his knees in front of her, Mel stepped into a wide stance to give him access, and he slid in between her legs with his head tilted back to begin licking along her cleft.

Steve and I suckled happily for a few minutes, with me running my right hand gently in repetitive circles over my wife's silky lower back and perfect ass, as Jake worked his face farther and farther into Mel's pussy, sliding his tongue deep inside her and occasionally pausing to suck on her clitoris. Mel murmured softly to herself and spread her legs wider for him. When she was feeling suitably relaxed she said: “Okay, guys, stand around me.”

Once again we complied rapidly, standing in an arc close in front of her. Mel then dropped into a crouch once more and started sucking our cocks sequentially.

I was to her left and she picked up my cock in her left hand, popped it into her mouth and started to suck hard as she simultaneously worked it with her hand. Her cheeks hollowed out and her head started to duck in and out as she she used her tongue, lips and teeth to bring me to a bone hard erection. As she felt my cock swell in her mouth she reached over to Steve, who was on the right of the arc, grasped his cock with her right hand and started to jerk him off as she continued to work on me with her mouth. After a couple of minutes of this she removed her mouth from my cock, turned her face to Jake, who was in the centre of the arc, swallowed his cock to the root in one swift gulp, and began blowing him while continuing to jerk off Steve and I with her hands. So she now had a cock in her mouth and two more in her hands. Presumably she was planning to put them all to good use!

After a couple of minutes she let Jake's cock fall from her mouth, turned to her right and gulped Steve's cock down, switching her right hand to Jake's cock as she did so. She blew Steve for a few minutes then moved back to the start and gobbled my dick down once more. She rotated around the arc in this fashion for fifteen or twenty minutes until all we men were straining at the leash, then stood up once again.

“Enough foreplay,” she said. “Nick, lie down.”

I did so and she then stepped over me, got down on her knees astride my hips, gathered my cock in her left hand, slid the head between the lips of her pussy and impaled herself on it in the cowgirl position.

She then bent forward, looked up at Jake and patted her ass with her right hand. He got the message, knelt down astride my legs, parted her buttocks with his hands, aligned the head of his cock with her rectum, then slid it up her ass in one smooth movement. Mel gasped slightly as he drove it home, then wriggled a little to settle herself comfortably on both cocks. I felt the pressure of Jake's cock as it slid up her ass and knew that Mel would be experiencing that sensation of fullness that she had come to enjoy so much.

Melanie now looked up at Steve, gave him her best killer smile and invited, “Come on then, Steve, make me airtight!”

Now there were some words I never thought I would hear my wife utter!

Steve dropped to his knees in front of Mel and fed her his cock. She opened her mouth wide, keeping her arms straight and her hands flat on the floor as she swallowed the entire length of his dick. He then began fucking her face with long, slow, gentle strokes, driving his cock deep into her throat each time. Mel's cheeks hollowed out as she applied suction and her jaw began flexing as she used her tongue on his cock. They quickly established a compatible rhythm so that she was accepting the full length of his dick with each thrust and they were retracting together until only the head was left in her mouth at the end of each counter-stroke.

From where I was lying, flat on my back under my wife, I had a worm's eye view of Steve's cock plunging in and out of Mel's mouth. I could see her lipsticked lips sliding up and down the shaft of Steve's cock, her sucking motions and tongue movements as she stimulated the head, and her jaw movements as she took his dick deep into her throat. When I saw his balls up against her chin it really turned me on!

Jake had started reaming Melanie's ass as soon as she swallowed Steve's dick and I could feel his dick hammering in and out of her tight back passage. I lay still and just watched him grinding on my wife's ass for a few minutes, remembering how much he had wanted this very thing, before joining the action.

I timed my first stroke to coincide with Jake, so that my cock was driving up Mel's pussy at the same time as Jake's was driving up her ass, then matched his rhythm so that she was taking both dicks simultaneously, knowing that this would give her that sensation of fullness that she and Sue discussed so appreciatively.

For the first few minutes we kept it deep, slow and gentle, gradually aligning with Steve's rhythm in her mouth. As Mel settled into it and became used to absorbing three cocks we gradually increased the pace, with Steve matching us on the front end. When Mel started moaning softly in her throat, with the note changing frequency as Steve's cock alternately closed and opened her throat, I knew she was really beginning to enjoy herself.

To confirm this I reached up for her tits, taking the nipples between my fingers and thumbs. They were sticking out like toggle switches! No doubt about it, my slut wife was having the time of her life! I sucked briefly on each of those distended nipples before resuming my duties as the pussy man.

Feeling Mel's hot inner juices beginning to flow, I raised my right hand over her back and made a fast forward motion by circling my index finger in the air. Steve and Jake both understood the sign and we all ramped up the pace.

As I watched I saw Jake spread Mel's butt cheeks apart with his hands to allow him to thrust all the way home and drive his dick in with maximum force and speed. His attack became ferocious as he slammed in and out of her ass like a man possessed.

I matched his energy, bucking up hard into Mel's now sopping wet pussy, nailing her as deeply as I could from below while hanging on to her tits and gently tweaking her nipples. My pace was no longer matched to Jake's, we were now both just giving it all we had independently.

Steve, similarly, was banging home into Melanie's mouth and throat with such force and speed that I started to wonder whether she could handle it. Silly me! Of course she could! She was now moaning loudly and constantly as she took all three dicks all the way down, hard and fast, giving full service on all three orifices.

Jake was the first to come, being in the tightest hole. I felt his dick spasm as he poured his seed into Melanie's ass and Mel emitted a deep groan around Steve's dick. Jake relaxed when his dick stopped throbbing but he remained in place.

Steve and I kept pounding away.

I was next to come, erupting inside Melanie's hot, wet womb at the end of a particularly satisfying deep thrust. As I ejaculated I felt Mel's orgasm wash over my dick in a wave of heat, triggered by my own climax.

I gave a deep sigh, all my muscle tension draining away but, like Jake, I left my cock in place as I relaxed.

I lay back and enjoyed the view as Steve continued to fuck my wife's face energetically. It took maybe five more minutes for Melanie to bring him off, but when she did he just kept coming and coming and coming! Melanie's throat was pulsing as she swallowed mouthful after mouthful until he was finally spent, whereupon she licked the head of his dick clean, then licked his cock all over like a mother cat giving a kitten a wash, then licked his balls to complete the process. I took this as a sign of her approval of his performance!

We then disentangled ourselves and all just lay there on the living room carpet recovering for a while.

Eventually I caught Melanie's eye and asked, “Well?”

“Absolutely fucking wonderful,” she responded. “As soon as you boys have got your breath back we will do it again!”

“That good?” I smiled at her.

“Better!” she exclaimed happily

“I bet everybody could use a drink,” I offered, receiving a chorus of assent.

I ambled off to the kitchen and poured a fresh round of Caesars from the pitcher then served them to the collapsed bodies.

When we had killed that round and I had served up another Melanie said, “Are you guys good to go?”

We all agreed that we were, so Mel instructed us to change positions in a clock wise direction, so Jake lay down on the floor and Mel knelt down over him and began to suck his dick back to life. Steve and I stood and admired her tight ass, black fishnet-clad legs and wide open wet, pink pussy as she demonstrated her blowjob technique. Once she had him hard again Mel mounted herself on Jake's cock and beckoned to Steve and I to stand on either side of her. She then took one cock in either hand and gobbled each one alternately until she had us both erect again, at which point I knelt down in front of her and Steve got down behind her.

She bent forward to give Steve a good angle and he immediately ran his stiff cock right up her ass. His cock was of average size and Mel easily encompassed it. She then said, “Okay, boys, go to town!”

As soon as she had finished speaking she scooped my cock up in her right hand, popped it into her mouth and started sucking. She then placed her hand back on the carpet and swallowed my dick the rest of the way down, which is no mean accomplishment given the size of my cock.

This time we all went for hard and fast right from the starting gun.

Steve was first off the mark, drilling hard into my wife's lovely ass, holding her by the hips and forcing his way down between her butt cheeks for maximum penetration.

Seeing the rapt expression on his face I asked, over Melanie's back, “Have you ever had anal before?”

“No,” he replied. “And I have never had an airtight before either, but I sure as hell want both again!”

Jake and I both laughed. Mel could not, because her mouth was full of cock!

I then slid my cock all the way into Mel's mouth at full force and maximum speed, challenging her to a flat-out face fuck. She was game and swallowed it deep, matched my speed and her head started bobbing in and out like a yoyo. I was really ramming it home and she was swallowing it right to the balls every time, but still managing to use her tongue and teeth to good effect.

Meanwhile, Jake was slamming his cock up into her pussy from beneath at a similar pace. Mel was now audibly squelching with each thrust, having been dripping wet from the outset this time. Jake had her left tit in his mouth as he was jacking her up, sucking hard on the nipple and occasionally nipping it gently with his teeth.

Mel was riding all three dicks like a champion, slamming her ass back and down to jam the cock in her ass and the one in her pussy as far home as possible, and pushing her lips down to my scrotum each time I thrust home in her throat.

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All three of us were hitting home with such force that her body was being rocked violently back and forth. She had started a high-pitched moan almost immediately and was getting louder by the minute, in spite of the mouthful of cock she was swallowing constantly.

At our breakneck pace it did not take long before Steve shot his wad up her ass. I watched as he stiffened and hauled back on her hips, admiring the way my wife's black fishnet-clad thighs were spread over both Jake and Steve while she drove her ass hard back onto Steve's dick as he came up her ass. The sight was so erotic that I immediately came in her mouth, flooding her throat and making her gulp as if she were chugging a beer, in order to swallow it all. When I had finished she swallowed my cock to the root once more then dragged her lips slowly back up, slurping with her tongue as she did so to clean me up and so that she did not miss a drop. She then kept my cock in her mouth as Jake carried on pounding her pussy, reluctant to give up her airtight status.

Jake blew in her pussy moments later. Mel rode the explosion with a sigh of satisfaction and told me later that she had about three orgasms in the course of Jake's one.

We all then disengaged and Mel sat up, looking like the cat that had been at the cream.

“More booze,” she demanded as she stepped off Jake, who hastened to the kitchen to satisfy her non-carnal desires.

We lazed around for half an hour or so, drinking and chatting desultorily before Melanie once more enquired whether or not we were fit to go. We all agreed that we were and this time Mel asked us all to lie down for our kick-start blowjobs.

We lay on the floor in a neat row with Jake on the left, me in the middle and Steve on the right. Mel knelt down over my thighs, leaned over to her left to pop Jake's dick into her mouth and started sucking him off as she worked my dick with her right hand. After a few minutes she switched her mouth to my dick and took Jake's in her left hand and Steve's in her right as she gobbled mine down. She jerked and stroked them gently while sucking hard on my cock, diving down to swallow it to the root. Several minutes later she moved her head over to Steve's cock, engulfed it in her mouth and started blowing him while jerking Jake and I off.

She went round this loop a few times before satisfied with our respective erections, then climbed over Steve and settled herself down, sliding his cock into her pussy then wriggling to get it comfortably embedded.

I stepped over Steve's thighs, positioning myself behind my sexy wife, parting her buttocks and smoothly sliding my dick up her by now thoroughly relaxed sphincter. She bucked a little as my large member forcibly expanded the available space, then emitted a satisfied sigh and adjusted her position again to settle comfortably on both dicks.

Jake positioned himself in front of her face and she obligingly opened her mouth wide for him to insert his cock, which he did with alacrity.

I was the first to move this time, withdrawing my cock until only the head was left in her ass then plunging home right up to my balls in one swift movement.

Oh, god, I thought, she is deliciously tight!

I then tried for even more power and speed than I had deployed in the last bout, driving my dick up her ass like a hydraulic ram and hauling her hips hard back onto it with each thrust.

I then felt Steve's dick start moving inside her as he began to attack her pussy with comparable vigour. I watched as Mel slid her black fishnet-clad knees farther apart, to lower herself further on to his cock, then began to wriggle her hips slightly and ram her ass back and down in an attempt to develop some form of her ass-grind that would work with two cocks pinning her in place.

Jake now began to move, using his prior experience with fucking my wife's face to advantage as he rapidly established a compatible rhythm with Melanie and she began swallowing his dick right down, then retracting in perfect synch with him. I knew that they both loved this and watched avidly as she gobbled Jake's dick as if it were her favourite meal. The sight inspired me to drive my dick even deeper and faster into her wonderfully tight ass, causing her moan to start up again.

At this moment it still seemed slightly unbelievable to me that my beautiful, devoted, loving wife was, in fact, currently servicing three dicks as three different guys drilled her simultaneously in the mouth, pussy and ass! It all seemed like an incredible dream, yet all that flesh and the tactile sensations and audible effects were all undeniably real!

Looking down I saw that Steve had both of Mel's tits in his hands as he bucked up and down between her stocking clad thighs, trying to drive his dick right up inside her. He was jacking her up hard, using his pelvis to lift her slightly into the air at the end of each pounding thrust, his dick plunging up and down between her black fishnet-clad thighs as it dived in and out of Melanie's hot, wet cavern of a pussy.

Just as the ride was reaching fever pitch and Mel was moaning like a banshee, Sue came waltzing through the front door and into the living room. She was immediately treated to the sight of Melanie, all black fishnets, garters, tits and bare ass, with her husband's cock in her mouth, mine driving in and out of her ass and Steve's pounding up into her pussy.

“My, my, Mel,” she fairly purred. “What a greedy girl you are!”

Melanie did not pause her services on any orifice, merely lifting her left hand briefly from the floor to give Sue a thumbs up while continuing to gobble and squirm.

“Well,” said Sue, “To get into the spirit of things...”

...and she began walking in circles around our group, disrobing as she went. First she tossed her jacket over a chair then she began unbuttoning her blouse as she walked, finally shrugging it off to reveal an extremely low cut black lace top that could have been a camisole but turned out to be a teddy when she unzipped her miniskirt and stepped out of it. This revealed black, seamed hold-up stockings with fancy lace tops. On her feet she was wearing plain black pumps with four-inch heels.

As she continued to walk around us, shamelessly taking in our performances and showing us her goods, I asked, “You actually go to work dressed like that, Sue?”

“Hey, you never know when opportunity might knock,” she answered, grinning impishly at me. “Actually, I enjoy watching the men's eyes bug out when I 'accidentally' flash them a bit of stocking-clad thigh or some deep cleavage!”

“Tramp!” I joshed her.

“For sure,” she smiled back, “You should know!”

We both laughed, without me ever breaking stride in my reaming of my wife's perfect ass.

“Ah,” Sue murmured, then slid the shoulder straps of the teddy off, displaying her gorgeous tits, and undid the poppers on the crotch of the teddy to reveal her pussy, settling onto her knees next to me. She then proceeded to gently massage my balls with her left hand as I ploughed Mel's ass.

That was all it took! I came almost immediately, firing everything I had up Mel's ass. Mel leaned into it and moaned even louder. Her squirming triggered Steve, who erupted like a volcano in her pussy, in turn releasing Mel's own orgasm. The vision of Mel riding two simultaneously exploding dicks galvanized Jake, who gave a series of exceptionally powerful, deep thrusts into Mel's throat and delivered her third meal of semen that night, which Mel eagerly swallowed then thanked Jake by cleaning his dick with her tongue, only in his case she also briefly sucked his balls as a measure of her appreciation for his services!

When we had all dismounted and were sprawled on the carpet, Jake said to his wife, “That is the third load Mel has taken in every hole tonight.”

What?” Sue gasped, her eyes boggling. “You have done this three times tonight, Mel?”

“Yup,” replied Mel with a self-satisfied smirk. “Triple airtight, and I enjoyed every second of it!”

“Airtight?” queried Sue.

“Yes, that's apparently what they call it,” Melanie answered.

“I want some!” Mel expostulated, predictably enough if you knew her.

“Well, give us a rest and we will see what we can do for you,” I offered.

“I'll hold you to that,” Sue promised and headed off into the kitchen to consume the meal that we had kept warm for her in the oven.

The rest of us got up and trooped through behind her, sitting around the table to update her on the evening's events while she ate.

When Sue had finished eating Melanie suggested that we all move through to the bedroom with our drinks and relax on the bed until such time as we men might feel sufficiently recovered to scratch Sue's itch.

“Frankly, my knees are feeling a bit sore from all that kneeling on the hard floor,” she admitted.

Sue laughed and said, “I would be very surprised if that is all that is sore after that marathon.”

“Well, my lips feel a bit bruised, my ass feels like someone drove a Mack truck up it and my pussy feels a bit chafed. But I am still ready for more, if anybody else is up to it,” she added.

“Me first,” Sue asserted.

“Yes, kitten, you first,” Mel readily agreed.

On that note we all paraded through the house to the master bedroom and arranged ourselves on the California king-size bed. Sue made sure that she was positioned between myself and Steve, propped herself up against the headboard, rolled the entirely undone teddy into a band around her waist, then pulled her right leg up to her chest while leaving the left leg out straight in front of her, thus giving us all a terrific view straight up her pussy, with acres of black stocking-clad legs and creamy thighs to frame it.

Melanie burst out laughing.

“Wow, Suze, you're not exactly subtle, are you?” she jibed.

“I learned from the best,” Sue shot back, giving Mel a very exaggerated wink.

This elicited a giggle from Mel, who admitted, “Yes, I suppose you did, didn't you?”

“So,” Sue continued, “Do any of you boys see anything you might fancy?”

“We see everything we will definitely fancy,” I immediately responded.

“But are you in any condition to do anything about it?” she asked archly, “Or has Mel exhausted you all?”

“I think I might be, if I can have some assistance from that wonderful mouth of yours,” I negotiated hopefully.

“What, a kiss?” Sue teased.

“Hardly,” I retorted, returning the tease. “If that is all you are offering, well...”

“Ah, don't pout, Nicky,” she gurgled, “I would love to munch on your giant salami!”

“Now that's just rude,” Melanie giggled.

“I'm in,” declared Jake, “But I want my blowjob from Mel.”

'Why, husband mine, I am hurt,” mocked his wife.

“Nothing to do with quality, honey,” he rushed to explain as his face reddened again. “I just enjoy the variety.”

“Just teasing, hubby,” Sue reassured him. “you should know I have no problem with you doing whatever you want with Mel.”

“It's so nice to be appreciated,” Mel managed between giggles.

Steve chipped in with “I'm up for it.”

“So you won't require a blowjob starter then?” Sue enquired archly.

“Oh, no, I mean, that would be really nice,” Steve stuttered out hastily, afraid that he was about to be short-changed.

“From Sue or me?” Melanie asked, continuing the ribbing.

“Er, any chance of both?” Steve responded hopefully.

The girls locked eyes briefly, then Mel purred, “Oh, I am sure we can manage that.”

He is certainly making the most of this, I thought.

“Okay, Mel, it is a dirty job, but someone has to do it. Let's get on with it!” Sue urged humorously.

“Don't you mean 'let's go down on it',” Mel riposted and both girls had a giggle fit.

When she had finished giggling, Melanie looked over the situation and suggested to Jake that he move over to lie next to Steve, which he did.

Sue then rolled to her knees, stepped over my face, facing my feet, and went down on me. I took the heavy hint and started eating her pussy, licking along her cleft until I reached her clitoris, then sucking it gently between my lips for a few seconds, eliciting an “Oh, Jesus!” gasp from Sue, then moving my head back a little to slide my tongue deep inside her.

As I slurped on her inner fine wine she was busily gobbling my cock down to the root, then pulling back up while administering her characteristic tongue flutter along the shaft until reaching the head once more, at which time she plucked my cock from her mouth and proceeded to lick it from balls to helmet before gently sucking each testicle into her mouth and spending a few moments massaging it with her tongue. She then took the shaft in her hand and proceeded to jerk me off as she leaned to her left and took Steve's cock into her mouth and began sucking him off.

Meanwhile, Mel had followed Sue's example by stepping over Jake's face and guzzling his cock as he ate her out. She was enthusiastically swallowing him to the hilt and using her lips and tongue to great effect.

After a couple of minutes Sue stepped sideways on her knees to lower her pussy onto Steve's face as she blew him, continuing to work my dick with her right hand as she did so. I enjoyed watching as Steve buried his face in her snatch and chowed down while Sue sucked his dick back to life.

After maybe five minutes Sue stepped back over my face and went down on me again, now masturbating Steve with her left hand. She briefly raised her head from my cock and said to Mel, “Your turn.”

This was how the two women were satisfying Steve's request for blowjobs from both of them; they were going to take turns with his dick, while still servicing Jake and myself!

Melanie promptly slid Jake's cock from her mouth, leaned over to her right and took Steve's cock into it, then followed up by stepping across his face and feeding him her pussy, while working Jake's cock with her left hand. Steve was now chowing down on my wife's dripping pussy. He must have thought he had died and gone to heaven, being sixty-nined by two beautiful women in a row! Mel pleasured him for about five minutes before moving back to Jake and letting Sue take over again. The two women repeated this sequence of moves three times before satisfying themselves that we were all suitably prepared for the next big event.

Melanie called it, saying “Okay, time to get Suzie airtight, guys.”

The two girls climbed off our faces and Melanie asked Sue, “How do you want them?”

Sue immediately replied, “Steve pussy, Nick ass, hubby mouth.” She had obviously been thinking about it!

Sue then assumed the cowgirl position, climbing on to Steve's cock. I briefly admired the sight of her black stocking-clad legs spread over Steve with his cock embedded in her pussy and her ass in the air before moving in behind her and inserting my cock in her anus. As I slid the full length up her ass she gave a loud gasp then jammed her ass firmly down onto it, settling comfortably onto the double penetration. Jake then touched his dick to her lips, so she opened wide and gobbled it down. Airtight!

We all started off slow this time to let Sue get used to the sensations and mechanics of a triple penetration. After the first couple of strokes Sue spread her knees wider, settled herself lower and pushed back hard with her ass. Taking this as encouragement I started nailing her ass harder, deeper and faster. I felt Steve's cock also increase the speed of its strokes and watched Jake driving his cock deeper into his wife's throat. Because of Sue's lower angle, when I looked down I could see not only my cock plunging in and out of her ass but also Steve's cock sliding in and out of her pussy , burying itself up to the balls each time, and Sue's lovely black stocking-clad legs clamped first over my thighs and then over Steve's hips.

Her back passage was a deliciously tight fit on my cock, so I knew it would not be long before I came. I therefor decided to give her the full length as hard and as fast as I could, to give her the maximum pleasure possible before I blew. I really started to give it to her, ramming home hard right to the balls each time and slapping her lightly on the butt from time to time to encourage her, because I knew from prior experience that she enjoyed this. Sure enough she began to buck slightly into me and to moan loudly around Jake's dick.

Jake was now plunging his cock in and out of his wife's mouth at high speed, driving so deep that his scrotum was banging on her chin each time. He was fucking her face even harder than he had fucked Mel's! As I watched I saw his dick start to throb and Sue begin to swallow convulsively. Jake grabbed her by the back of her head and held her there as she drank his load, then pulled her head off his dick and kissed her deeply as I, all too soon as far as I was concerned, ejaculated and shot my wad up her ass.

I pulled out and rolled off to one side onto my back. Steve immediately took advantage of being able to change his position, rolling Sue over onto her back and pulling her legs up onto his shoulders. He then went into hyper-drive as we all looked on, nailing Sue to the carpet with his cock. I took great pleasure in the sight of Sue's beautiful stocking-clad legs held in the air and Steve's cock plunging in and out of her tight, wet pussy as her magnificent tits jiggled on her chest.

Steve did her in this position for about ten more minutes before finally coming copiously inside her, as Sue informed us later. “It felt like gallons,” she bragged happily.

As we all lay about catching our breath Mel asked Sue, “So what do you think?”

“Wonderful!” Sue replied throatily. “I thought two up was the best, but this is the ultimate experience! I will take it as often as I can get it!”

“No surprise there,” Mel laughed at her.

Jake then fed us more drinks and at about two in the morning we sent Steve on his way.

As soon as he was gone Melanie turned to Sue and said, “Do you know what your husband did?”

She then explained in detail how Jake had set this up without her consent. By the time she was finished Jake was beet red and looking as guilty as hell.

“So,” Mel continued, “I thought I would let you, as his wife, decide what would be a suitable punishment for his presumptuousness.”

Sue looked thoughtful for a few moments, considering her husband's infraction carefully, then came up with a suggestion.

“You know how much he enjoys his blowjobs?” she asked Melanie.

“I most certainly do,” Mel agreed with a wicked look in Jake's direction.

“Well, how about no blowjobs from either of us for a month? That will drive him crazy!” she suggested.

“Oh, I love it!” Melanie exclaimed with an evil grin at Jake. “He can get laid but he can't get blown. No start-up hummers, no face fucks, and no slurpies.

I burst out laughing at the expression on Jake's face. He looked like a whipped puppy.

“It's not funny, you bastard!” he snarled at me.

“And its not fair either!” he whined at the girls.

“Trying for two months?” his wife asked him sweetly, at which point he flounced out of the room, causing us all to collapse in hysterics.

“He'll get over it,” Sue observed when the laughter had subsided.

“Yeah, next time he wants to get laid,” Melanie joked.

“So, tomorrow then,” I postulated, and we all fell about again.

The humour rounded off the evening nicely and Mel and I trotted over the street to our own home, leaving my best friend to sulk and his lovely wife to tease him about it.

Mel's pronounced verdict was that it was the best recreational sex ever. Hard to top that!


Written by stockingsandgarters
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