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Accidental Foursome Part 3

"Part 3 of Accidental Foursome, but nothing from here forward is really accidental. Enjoy..."

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In Part 1 we met 'Adam and Eve' and engaged in our first foray into the wonderful world of group sex. In Part 2 I had my first experience at making love to another woman. the adventure continues...

We arrived at the bar and found a table in a corner with no other people really close. The waiter came over and took our drink order and Greg and I sat back to people watch, one of our favorite past times when we go out. We had been there about 20 minutes when we saw a younger couple come in and sit at the bar. Greg shifted in his seat and I knew he was thinking unclean thoughts about that much younger lady.

“You think she’s cute?” I asked him. He looked at me a little surprised. Greg and I had never been shy about our appreciation for the opposite sex and neither of us had ever expressed any jealousy.

“I do,” he replied simply.

“Me too,” I said, “He’s pretty good looking too.”

“I guess,” shrugged Greg, “if you like tall, fit and well-muscled.”

“I do,” I said, rubbing my hand along Greg’s upper arm.

“I saw her by the pool earlier today but he wasn’t with her,” offered Greg. “She had on a swimsuit that would make a blind man stare.”

“And a few blind women too,” I replied, “She’s not just cute, she is hot. I’ll bet you’d like to see her naked.”

“Let me tell you something about men,” said Greg, “Once you’ve seen one woman naked, you want to see them all naked.” I laughed, knowing this was true. “But yes, I would like to see her naked.”

“I’d like to see them both naked,” I said. “Now that we’ve jumped off that cliff, I’d like to do more than see them naked, a lot more. Maybe the next time we try a foursome we can try a younger couple.”

“Maybe,” said Greg. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” Greg finished his drink and asked me if I’d like another.

“Iced tea for me,” I said, “I want to keep a clear head.” Greg got up and went to the bar. While he was waiting for his drink, the young lady of the couple we had been watching left to go to the ladies room. Greg moved over and introduced himself to the young man and they conversed, occasionally glancing towards me until the bartender brought our drinks. Greg shook hands with him and came back to our table.

“What were you guys talking about?” I asked.

“I told him that the hot MILF in the black dress was my wife and that she’d like to suck his cock,” he answered staring straight into my eyes. I was dumbfounded. “I also told him that we’d be staying and extra night in Orlando before flying home and if they were up for it we could get together and see what happens.”

“You cheeky bastard!” I exclaimed, slapping Greg’s shoulder. I glanced back towards the young stranger and blushed. He smiled and raised his glass at me. “What did he say?”

“He said he thought you are indeed hot and that he’d talk to his girlfriend about it and let us know. They were planning on flying home tomorrow afternoon but that he might be able to talk her into staying an extra night if they could get their flights changed.”

“Oh look, is that a bridge I see?” I teased.

“I figured I’d strike while the iron is hot,” he said, running his hand up my thigh. I parted my legs slightly to give him access to rub my pussy and his eyes widened. “Speaking of hot,” he whispered, “you are being quite the little tease this evening.”

“If you’ve got it, flaunt it!” I smiled and squeezed my legs back together, trapping his hand against my crotch. Just then the young lady came back to her boyfriend. They spoke quietly for a moment, he whispered something into her ear and she looked over at us. At first she made no indication but then she smiled and licked her lips as she stared at us. I think she was staring at Greg but I hoped she was staring at me. I was as eager to get at her body as Greg ever would have been. “Can we go outside with these?” I asked, “It’s getting horny in here.”

Greg and I took our glasses and went towards the patio passing right next to our new interests. As we passed I looked at him and raised my eyebrows slightly then at her and licked my lips. They both smiled in return but gave nothing more away. Greg and I stood at the rail and watch the sky darken. The breeze was still warm and it wafted upward as the wind caught the side of the ship. A sudden gust blew up and lifted my dress up, exposing my naked ass for all to see. I reached to hold it down and felt a small thrill pass through me, wondering if anyone had caught a glimpse of my undie-less backside. We stayed there for a bit the Greg looked at his watch and said it was time to go to the restaurant for dinner. We finished our drinks and made our way forward.

When we arrived the hostess greeted us and asked if we had reserved a table. I said we hadn’t but perhaps our friends had, we gave her their names and she said that there was no reservation in that name. She seated us at a table with two other couples and we made introductions and settled in. We had only been there a few minutes when Adam and Eve walked in. They conversed with the hostess, pointed toward our table and I saw the hostess hold up one finger. She came over to our table and asked and said, “Your friends just arrived. They asked me to apologize for the reservations mix-up and said they would join you in the piano lounge after dinner if that’s OK?”

I looked at Greg, he nodded and I told her that would be fine. She went back and sat Adam and Eve at a table nearby. Dinner was lovely as we talked with our table-mates and shared stories about the cruise. Greg and I obviously left out a few details of recent events. Presently dinner was finished, Greg and I passed on dessert and excused ourselves, thanking our new acquaintances for their fine company. We walked past Adam and Eve’s table on our way out, I said, “See you guys in a bit.”

Eve smiled and replied, “You’ll see more of us than that later if you’re still game.”

“Wouldn’t miss it!” stated Greg. “This little minx has been teasing me all night with promises of patience being rewarded, and I intend to collect on that promise!”

“Tell me about it!” said Adam. “We’ll catch up in a few.” Greg and I held hands as we left and walked slowly towards the main staircase on our way aft. As we walked down the staircase I could feel my dress again lifting slightly, part of me hoping no one would see my nakedness, the other part of me hoping somebody would. I had never so much as contemplated being an exhibitionist but something about the idea of total strangers seeing my private parts sent a little thrill through me.

As we arrived at the lounge the young couple we had seen before dinner walked by, the young lady raising her hand and wiggling her fingers in greeting as they smiled and went past. A sign or just friendly? We got ourselves seated and I excused myself to the ladies room. As I was in the stall, I heard someone enter the washroom. I came out to see it was our young lady standing leaning up against the counter.

“So,” she said, “You want to suck my fiancé's cock do you?” I was immediately on guard hoping she wouldn’t get belligerent.

“I never said that,” I said calmly, “my husband did.” I took a deep breath and decided to cross that long bridge now in front of me. “Here’s the deal. My husband and I just started sharing each other sexually. We saw you two come in and our fantasies got the best of us. I’m sorry if we offended you.”

“Offended, I hardly think so,” she replied, “flattered more like. My boyfriend and I just got engaged and we have been having some pretty serious discussions about sex and fantasies and what we would and would not do. Swinging is definitely on the to-do list.” She came over to me and placed one hand on my shoulder, rubbing the fingers of her other hand along my cheek. She leaned in and kissed me softly, her tongue flicking lightly across my lips.

“Would you believe,” I asked after our kiss broke, “that before today I had never kissed a woman, not like that. I had my first experience with another woman today and I can’t wait to have my next one. In fact it’s going to be in a couple hours with the couple we shared last night with, I’m all wet just thinking about it.”

“Well,” she spoke softly, “Maybe I can help there. I love girls as much as guys but I’ve never been with a mature woman. I’d like to try that.” She kissed me again and said, “Aaron and I are going to try to change our flights. Here’s my card, call or text me when we get ashore so I have your number. I’ll let you know how we make out. We’ll go splits on a hotel suite if you guys want.”

“Sounds good,” I replied, “I’m looking forward to it.” I kissed her this time, sliding my tongue into her mouth and letting it run across her teeth. I turned and left to go back to my husband.

When I got back to our table Greg said, “What took you so long?”

I pointed to my new friend who was just exiting the washroom, “She did. Her and her fiancé want to get together with us tomorrow night if they can change their flights. She even offered to pay for half the hotel suite. I had to fix up my lipstick after she messed it all up.” Greg shifted uncomfortably, I could tell he was getting a hard-on listening to me tell about my brief encounter with a hot young woman. “We should have done this years ago,” I said quietly, rubbing my hand up Greg’s leg to feel his erection. Adam and Eve arrived at our table and we got our drinks ordered.

“So,” said Eve, “What were you two whispering about when we came in?” She smiled and rubbed her hand along Greg’s bicep. “As if I didn’t know.”

“Actually we were trying to set up a date for tomorrow night with that hot young couple that just left,” I said matter-of-factly. “In fact, they are going to try to re-arrange their flight home so we can be together. How’s that for jumping in with both feet?”

“I’m all for gung-ho,” said Adam, laughing, “but you should be careful. There are some people out there who will play on your sense of adventure and try to take advantage. Remember, swapping partners is all about trust. I was very surprised that we all got together so quickly. It sometimes takes weeks or months of getting acquainted before people build the kind of trust you need.”

“Sounds like you’re trying to talk us out of getting together with them,” said Greg.

“Not at all,” Adam replied. “I admire your enthusiasm, you’ll need that eventually after you have a… less than positive experience. And you will, I assure you. Not everybody is into swinging for the pure fun of it. Some people have a “WIIFM” attitude.”

“WIIFM?” I asked.

“What’s in it for me,” said Eve. “There are some folks out there who will gain your trust and then start to demand more than you can give. Some will try to blackmail you, threaten to tell your friends and neighbors, your boss or family about what you are doing.”

“How do we keep that from happening?” asked Greg.

“I think this is a conversation better suited to a more private place,” suggested Eve. “When you’ve heard what we have to say, you may lose your enthusiasm. I think we should go to your cabin and talk about this. That way, you’re already in a place of safety if you have a change of heart.”

“Gee,” I said with a low voice, “You’re all gloom and doom tonight.”

“Think of it like this,” said Adam, “we’re just making sure you’re thinking with your head, not your hormones.” We finished up our drinks and left the lounge for our suite. As we waited for the elevator Adam slipped his hand across my back and pulled me in close and Eve slid alongside Greg for a brief squeeze. We waited silently for the elevator, Greg and I exchanging quick glances back and forth.

We exited the elevator and walked down the passageway to our suite. When we arrived there, I pulled out the key card and went to open the door when Eve put her hand on mine and said, “Remember our safe word. If at any time you start to feel uncomfortable, say the word and everything and everybody stops.”

“OK,” I said quietly, “let’s go.” I opened the door and we all went inside. Greg went to the fridge and took out the bottle of champagne that he had ordered and placed in there earlier. He got the glasses and poured for everyone. We sat down beside our own partners and Adam began.

“Right then, Swinging 101. Is everyone sitting comfortably? Then we’ll begin.” He held up one finger. “First, you always make your first meeting on neutral ground, especially if it’s with people you don’t know; a restaurant or pub, someplace quiet where you can talk and get a feel for what your new friends are like. Get to know each other, talk about anything except sex. Second, avoid using your real names at first until you feel you can really trust the other couple. You do know that we didn’t give you our real names, don’t you?” Greg and I both shook our heads. “That’s why there was a mix-up at dinner, we had a reservation but it was in our real names. That’s why the hostess was confused. Let me ask you, are Greg and Anna your real names?” We both nodded yes. “OK then,” he said, “just so you know we’re on the up and up, here.” Adam handed over his wallet, opened to show us his driver’s license. Eve opened her purse and showed us hers. “Now we’re all even,” said Eve.

“Wow,” I said, “there’s more to it than I thought.” I whispered. “Anything else?”

“Just a few more things,” Adam smiled. “Things are not usually going to happen the way they did with us. Often, any activity will start as foreplay among partners until one side or the other feels like approaching the other couple. This is often the point where you realize that this will happen and it is the time when you will discuss any boundaries or safe words before getting fully involved. Make sure this happens before you start any sort of shared intimacy.”

“Yeah, we saw how you did that,” I said, smiling.

“Right,” continued Adam. “So, assuming you’ve cleared all the hurdles and you start to get busy, try to occasionally make eye contact with your own partner. You can tell a ton from the way your partner looks at you, or doesn’t. Last thing, if at any time you feel uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to call a pause or a halt by using the safe word. If you want to, you can step back and talk about where you’re at and where you’re going or you can stop altogether is it doesn’t feel right. Remember, most people are into swinging for the pure pleasure of it. Pretty much everybody we’ve ever been with has been more concerned about making sure their partner or new friends have a good time than they are about themselves. Patience is truly a virtue, take your time and you will eventually get where you want to go and the ride along the way will be worth it. It’s as much about the ride as the destination, OK?”

I looked at Greg, “I think so.”

Greg nodded and asked, “How many couples have you been with, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Four different couples, threesomes with 2 different people, one guy and one girl, and an all-out swing party with about 15 couples. That one was a challenge, it was the only time since we met that we have ever had sex with other partners when we weren’t in the same room,” Eve answered. “We had to pull back for a bit and re-assess if this was what we wanted. After going off by ourselves for a bit we decided to see it through. We haven’t done an orgy since, and probably won’t. Foursomes seem to be our thing.” Eve reached into Adam’s lap and rubbed his crotch, feeling his growing erection. “Any other questions?”

Greg and I looked at each other and we both shrugged. “Nope,” I said.

“Me neither,” said Greg. “Do you guys mind if we step outside for a moment?” Adam and Eve both said no and Greg took my hand and led me out onto the balcony. “What do you think?” he asked me, “Are you still game?”

“Well,” I said, “If they had explained all this to us last night, I probably wouldn’t but now that I know how much fun it is, and considering what Eve and I have planned for tonight, I think we should go ahead. How about you.”

“I think I’ve thought with my big head enough for one night. I’m going to start thinking with my little head now!” and Greg grabbed me and pulled me close, rubbing his hardness against my belly. I gave him a thumbs up and we went back inside.

Eve was alone on the couch, “Adam is in the washroom,” she said. I went over and sat beside her and brushed her hair back from her face.

“Thanks for being so honest,” I said as I reached forward to kiss her cheek. “Greg and I have discussed it and I think…. I want to make love to you.”

“Oh Anna,” sighed Eve, “I’m so glad. We were afraid we had scared you off but it’s more important that you are into this with open eyes.” Eve turned her lips to mine and we started kissing, softly at first, then with more urgency, our tongues probing forward between each other’s’ lips and teeth. “Sit back and relax, Greg,” she said, “I think you’re going to enjoy this.” Eve turned back to me and started planting the lightest of kisses all over my cheeks, nose, my eyelids, over to nibble an earlobe as she caress me, moving her hands to my breasts. “Lay back,” she whispered, “let me enjoy you.”

I was only too happy to obey as she pushed slightly against me shoulders. I lay back and felt Eve’s hands lift up on my hips, coaxing me to raise them enough to push my dress up over my hips and bared my crotch and stomach. Her kisses trailed downward, lingering for a moment at the ridge of my hipbones before their feathery touch moved to the top of my pubic hair. “Greg,” she asked, “has Anna ever shaved her pussy for you?”

Greg swallowed audibly, “No,” he mumbled, “she hasn’t”.

“Well,” she said, “I think her cute little pussy would look awesome without any hair on it, what do you think?”

“I think I’d like to see that,” he groaned. I looked over as he started undoing his belt. He undid the button, unzipped his fly and took his now hard cock out. “I think I would like that a lot,” he stated as he started stroking it.

“I think I’d like to see that too!” Adam said from across the room.

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He took his own cock out and took a seat on a footstool to watch the show.

“All right then,” said Eve, “Greg darling, be a dear, go into the washroom and bring me out a towel a washcloth wet with nice warm water, your shaving cream and razor with a fresh blade. Adam, did you bring your clippers with you?”

Greg got up and slid his pants all the way off before going to the washroom. Adam reached into Eve’s purse and took out a small set of barber’s clippers and handed them to Eve. Eve flipped the switch and set the buzzing tool against my clit which sent a chill of excitement through me. She held it there, rubbing it slowly up and down, always keeping contact with my hard little button until Greg came back from the washroom with the towel and washcloth.

“OK Greg, get up close and I’ll show you how this is done.” She told me to lift my bum up and she slid the towel underneath me, then she opened my legs wide and started at the top of my nether hair, trimming it all down till it was very short. She worked slowly and carefully making sure she didn’t pinch or nip me with the clippers as she pared my pubic hair down to a short fuzz. “Relax Anna,” she whispered, kissing my clit, “I’m just going to clip around your lips.”

She pulled very lightly on one side of my labia and moved the clipper very slowly to remove the hair on that side, then she moved to the other side. By this time I was ultra-aroused, barely able to keep still as I felt the vibrations into my soul. She finally turned off the clipper and brushed any loose hair away. I then felt the warm washcloth against my crotch as she softened the remaining hair by warming it up. She took some lather and covered my area and picked up the razor.

“OK, Sweetie, here we go!” she purred as she started removing the rest of my pubic hair. I looked at Greg as he stroked his cock while watching Eve clean me up. I crooked a finger at Greg, then at Adam, motioning them both to come closer as I reached forward for their cocks. As Eve continued to shave me bare, I masturbated the men, starting slowly and building speed as I went.

It wasn’t long before Eve was done, wiping the remaining shave cream from my pubic area then rubbing her fingers across me, feeling the smoothness of my freshly shaved pussy. She took the now cool cloth and finished cleaning me up before moving back from me and declaring, “All done!” I felt Greg’s hand on me as he felt my new smoothness. As he touched me he stiffened and shot his load all over my hand and forearm, groaning and grunting as he spasmed.

I took a few final strokes and looked into his eyes, “Excuse me,” I said, “I’m going to finish Adam off while you recover.” Greg moved back to allow Eve to get out from between my legs and as soon as she moved away, he moved in running his fingers all over my pussy finally leaning forward to kiss where my pubic hair had been.

“Wow, so smooth,” he mumbled as he began flicking his tongue along my slit, brushing my clit on the upstroke. I felt Adam push his hips forward and the he grunted as his sperm shot out of his cock. I continued to stoke him until I felt his hand on my wrist stopping me.

“Easy Sweetie,” he mumbled, “not so tight.”

I relaxed my grip slightly and looked at him, “Sorry,” I said, “I’m a little…” I hesitated, shivering as Greg’s tongue flicked over my clit, “distracted!” I stroked him a few more times and them realized that both my forearms and one shoulder were covered in Greg and Adam’s cum. Eve saw my predicament and quickly brought over a towel to clean me up as Greg continued to lavish my newly bared pussy with his oral attention.

Eve tossed the towel aside and bent over my face, kissing me while Greg’s licking and probing increased in speed. I felt the bed shift and realized that Adam had moved above me, lying on his back with his feet either side of my shoulders. Eve rose up and straddled my head, lowering her delicious pussy over my face, I arched my neck so I could reach her sweet smelling privates with my lips and tongue and began copying on her what Greg was doing to me.

Here we were, me on my back with my ass perched on the corner at the foot of the bed, my husband of over 20 years eating my freshly shorn pussy, my new best friend’s pussy suspended invitingly over my mouth while she leaned forward and started sucking her husband’s cock. I reached up and placed my hands on Eve’s hips, pulling them down so I could get at her goodness.

Once she was properly positioned, I reached down and grasped Greg’s head pulling him into me and wrapping my legs around his shoulders. I could feel Eve rocking slowly as she took Adam into her mouth which made her clit ride back and forth as I tried to clamp my lips around it and suck it for all I was worth, using my tongue, lashing it as fast I could. I resolved to try to concentrate on Eve’s cunt, trying to ignore the pleasure starting to grip my loins from Greg’s action. It was in vain however, Greg’s expert tongue soon had me writhing as much as I could under Eve’s hips.

My moans caused small vibrations on Eve’s clit as I tried my best to keep licking and tonguing her, willing her to release a flood of warm female wetness onto my face as I had done to her earlier that day. We continued our sucking and licking each other until I completely lost my ability to concentrate on Eve, Greg’s fingers and tongue absolute magic on my cunt and clit. I pulled Greg towards me using my legs around his shoulders and trapped him there as I could selfishly think of nothing but my own orgasm fast approaching.

Very soon my world was concentrated around my hips as Greg’s attentions sent me over the edge and I felt my pussy spasm then release a warm flood into Greg’s mouth. He never slowed, continuing to lick and suck at me as the first wave subsided and built quickly again. Only a moment later I came again, this time, and for the first time ever, actually squirting a shot of fluid from my pussy, completely soaking Greg’s face and the corner of the bed.

Greg slowed his flicking tongue, finally taking one last pulling suck on my clit before retreating from between my legs onto his haunches to view his handiwork. I hadn’t even realized that Adam and Eve had moved from on top of and above me, both of them sitting side by side, fondling each other as they watched Greg give me the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced.

I lay still for a moment as my breathing recovered to something approaching normal, lying naked on the corner of the bed, my legs still open and my pussy still leaking slowly as my orgasm faded. I then sat up, took the towel that had been under my ass previously and wiped my crotch then went to my husband to clean my juices from his face. Between the towel and my lips I soon had him cleaned up.

I looked at Adam and Eve and said, “I know this isn’t why we’re all here but my husband just gave me the best orgasm I have ever had and now I am going to return the favor. Watch if you like, join in if you must but I’m going to spend the next little bit sucking his cock dry!” I stood Greg up and sat him on the bed pushing him back so his legs dangled over the edge. I pulled his hips forward until his ass was on the edge of the bed, dropped to my knees and dove between his legs, taking his cock into my mouth.

I placed my right hand around the base and started stroking him as I took his length into my mouth as far as I could then lifting back up until only the very tip was in contact with my lips. I looked up at my husband so he could watch as I sucked him, letting him see my red lips and pink tongue working him over. My eyes never left his as I worked him over until his eyes closed and his head fell back.

His hips pushed forward the way they always do right before he comes, letting me know he was close to shooting his load, giving me the chance to decide if I wanted to take him in my mouth or not. Tonight there was no holding back, not after the thrill he had just given me.

“Watch me,” I whispered, looking up at Greg, “watch me take your cum!” Greg raised his head and watched as I opened my mouth, placing my lower lip on the end of his glans. I stoked his cock twice and he grunted signalling his cumshot. His sperm was warm, almost hot as the first spurt shot into my mouth. I felt it hit my tongue and savoured the taste as he pulled back slightly squirting his load onto my lips and face. I dove my mouth back onto him and continued sucking as his orgasm peaked and passed, sliding his cock in and out across my now slick lips until he started to soften. I pulled my mouth of him with a soft pop and I looked up at my husband and smiled. I took my finger and wiped his cum from my top lip, sliding it into my mouth and licking it clean.

“Save me some of that!” said Eve as she came over beside me and using her fingers started cleaning Greg’s sperm from my face, finally licking the last bit off my chin. “That was incredible to watch,” she said, now it’s your turn. She stood up and went back to Adam, pushing him down onto his back and climbing on top of him to suck his cock while he eat her out. I have always loved watching a good 69 when Greg and I watched porn but I had discovered the previous night I liked watching it live even more.

Greg and I settled on the end of the bed both of us lying on our sides with Greg behind me, his arms pulling me close as we watched our new friends pleasure each other. Like most men, Adam was having a tough time concentrating while getting head and Eve was truly an expert. She slid her lips down and up over husbands cock, taking him slow and deep into her throat for a minute or so, then used her hands to softly stroke him as she slid her lips along the upper side of him, then her pink tongue ran from his balls, right up to the tip.

Every time she would take Adam’s cock out of her mouth he would regain enough focus to start tonguing and licking her sweet pussy again. It soon became obvious that Eve was in complete control as she would raise Adam up to near ejaculation then back off until her pleasure level was sufficiently elevated.

I whispered to Greg, “See how she does it? See how she sucks him till he almost cums and then waits for him to help her catch up? That is how it is done baby!” Greg’s cock stirred as he began to firm up again, he pressed his hips forward, pushing his growing erection into my backside. I pushed back into him and ground my ass a bit letting him know I was ready when he was.

Greg reached around and started massaging my breasts with one hand as his other hand slid down to my clit. I continued to watch the hot action in front of me while Greg continued arousing me getting me ready. Adam and Eve were moaning and groaning as I got up onto my knees and elbows presenting myself to my husband and nodding to him that I wanted his cock in me. He immediately obliged, sliding his hardness into me balls deep in the first stroke. I was as wet and ready as I had ever been, it was all I could do keep enough sense to watch as Adam and Eve brought each other closer to orgasm.

There’s an old joke that doggie style is our favourite position in the Great White North so we can both watch the hockey game; this was several orders of magnitude better than watching sweaty men chase a small rubber disk on ice! Greg progressed from slow grinding thrusts to pounding my cunt hard and fast and I eventually was unable to watch anymore and gave myself to his fucking. I clenched the sheet in my hands as Greg drove into me, involuntary moans and squeals escaping from me each time he bottomed out inside me.

The whole bed was shaking as we fucked harder than we ever had causing Adam and Eve’s bodies to rock in time to our passion. I felt Greg swell and stiffen as he drove into me one last time, dumping shot after shot of hot cum inside me. The heat of his sperm tipped me over and I came for the fourth time that day, my whole body shaking as I screamed out my release.

Greg started moving again with the slow, sweet strokes he knows I love as our orgasms fade. I pushed my ass back into him and refocused on Adam and Eve as they finished each other off, Adam shooting his load into Eve’s throat just after she moaned out her lust, grinding her bare slick cunt onto Adam’s face. I collapsed forward onto my chest, Greg’s cock slipping out of me then Adam and Eve relaxed and untangled from each other. I crawled up beside Eve and kissed her, cleaning a little spot of Adam’s cum off her top lip.

As we snuggled Adam came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me while Greg picked the covers up off the floor, crawling in behind Eve as he pulled the king-sized sheet over us all. The four of us relaxed together, whispering and murmuring to each other our favourite moments of the evening as we drifted off.

It seemed I had just shut my eyes when the alarm on Greg’s watch went off, waking us to get ready to leave the ship. We were due to dock at 7 AM and we all needed some time to clean up before going ashore. I slid out from between Adam and Eve and padded into the shower. I had just gotten the water set the way I wanted when the shower door opened.

“Room enough in here for me?” Adam asked.

“I think we’ll manage,” I replied smiling as he stepped in beside me. It was pretty tight quarters with both of us in there so we were in almost constant bodily contact as we washed and rinsed each other, taking the time to allow out fingers to wander into and over our most personal spots. I inhaled sharply as his fingers found my pussy, “Little tender this morning.” I said, “must be the first-class fucking I got last night!” I reached up and kissed Adam softly. “But as I recall you never did get to “have that sweet body” last night did you?” I said as I reached down and massaged his cock. He was nice and hard now as I pulled his face to mine and whispered, “Patience is truly a virtue and yours is about to be rewarded.”

I dropped to my knees and started sucking him making sure he was fully hard. After just a moment I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling myself upward to him. Adam reached down and clasped his hands around my ass, pulling me upward so his cock rested just at my opening. Together we lowered me down, his cock slipping right in until I was completely impaled on him. He pushed me up against the wall and started thrusting hard, the pain of my soreness mixing with the pleasure his cock was giving me. “Slow down,” I whispered, “not so hard.”

“Sorry,” he smiled back, “I couldn’t help myself.” He moved more slowly and I could feel the ridge of his cockhead as he moved in and out of me. It didn’t take long for us to orgasm, Adam flooding me with his sperm, triggering my own orgasm, this one soft, warm and sweet in contrast to the mind-numbing ecstasy the Greg had brought me to just a few hours ago. After we finished, Adam let me down slowly, caressing and kissing me as we recovered.

We finished showering and as we stepped out to dry off, we heard a grunt and a soft cry come from the bed chamber. We looked at each other knowingly and went out into the room to see Greg’s cock buried all the way deep into Eve’s pussy, a little rivulet of his come leaking out of her and running down into and across her puckered little rosebud asshole.

I snuck over to the bed and collected the run of Greg’s cum from eve’s ass and brought it to her face. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue so I let a dollop drip from my fingertips onto it. I then kissed her, our tongues swapping Greg’s fluid back and forth, its slick salty taste thrilling me once again. We cleaned off my fingers with our tongues, licking and kissing each other softly.

“Wow!” exclaimed Greg, “that was hot, so awesomely hot. I thought I’d seen everything but that was totally unbelievable” I reached my face to him and he kissed me. I could still taste his sperm on my tongue as I flicked my tongue into his mouth knowing he could taste himself on me. Our kiss broke and he shrugged, “Not so bad!” he said as we all laughed. I got up and Greg and Eve untangled themselves and headed off to the shower.

“You don’t have time for another round you two!” Adam called as they disappeared. I went to get dressed as Adam took fresh clothes from the bag he and Eve had brought with them the previous night. We finished dressing just as Greg and Eve came out of the shower their faces flushed.

“Not again!” I cried and Eve just licked her lips.

“For a guy his age, your husband has amazing powers of recovery!” she said wickedly, licking her lips.

“I supposed your oral skills had nothing to do with that!” I cried. Eve just smiled and shrugged as she passed by me to get her clothes. I looked at Greg whose face was twisted into one of those ‘I just got a blowjob’ grins. “Oh Fuck Off you!” I laughed throwing my towel at him.

We finished dressing and eve came over to me, wrapping her arms around me and squeezing me tight. “This is the hard part,” she said, “I always hate goodbyes.” She kissed my cheek and then went to Greg to give him a hug and a kiss. “You guys are awesome,” she told him, “I have never seen a couple take to swinging for the first time the way you two did. Thanks for letting us help.”

“It was our pleasure,” said Greg grinning.

“Not all yours,” laughed Adam, “we got a little pleasure out of it ourselves. Really guys, thanks.” Adam gave me a card with only a phone number and an email address on it. “Drop us a line now and again, keep in touch.” Eve came to her husband’s side. “Maybe a story about your next foursome, we like reading about sex almost as much as doing it!”

“Deal,” I said, “count on it.” We all exchanged a last round of hugs, the guys shook hands and they left to pack up their things. Just then an announcement came on saying we would be alongside in 30 minutes. We finished packing our things just as a crewmember came to collect our bags.

After he left I took my phone from my purse along with the card I had gotten from the hot young lady we had met the previous night. I switched on my phone and texted her telling her we were looking forward to getting to know them and to let me know how they made out with flights. A few minutes later I got a return text with an attached photo of them, his hand on her exposed breast and her hand on his crotch. Talk about hot! Greg and I went on deck to watch as we came alongside and then made our way ashore to collect our things.

We saw Adam and Eve as we left the terminal, a wave and a couple of blown kisses and they were away. The cruise line provides transportation to the airport and as we were staying at the attached hotel, we climbed aboard the bus. Just as we arrived at the airport my phone buzzed, it was from Alana, our prospective partner for the evening. “flt chgd, where & when?”

I texted back, “airport hotel, 7PM bar.We’ll get the room.” As rush went through me as I tapped the send icon and I turned to Greg, ”Here we go again!” I said as I licked my lips and kissed him. We collected our bags and headed for the hotel to see if we could upgrade to a suite…

Written by Headsupmax
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