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A Whole New World

"Beginning of a whole sexual awakening with a MILF (Little sexual content in ch1)"

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I am Henry, 22, just shy of 6ft with a thick set build and broad shoulders from 11 years of playing Rugby and lifting weights. My hair is wavy, dark blonde and I keep a beard of dark, well trimmed brown hair. Like most boys my school years were filled with sport, girls and fantasies of those elusive, mythical older women.

What marked me out from other boys and eventually men, was that my fantasies stretched way out beyond my early teenage years, and even beyond my late teens, until in to my early twenties I found that this was far more than a mere flash in the pan, older women had become my 'type' if you will. I loved everything about older women, they exuded confidence, a demeanor that oozed sex appeal from years of having seen it all until they no longer seemed to worry about anything and everything. They had experience sexually which meant no man could intimidate them, they weren't worried about whether they could please a man, they KNEW they could please a man and I knew they could please me.

I had been involved with a number of women older than myself, ranging from 4-5 years my senior right up to 15-20 years my senior. Each one hammering home the belief that younger girls, however short their skirts and however high their heels just could not, in any way, shape or form compete with the older lady. I enjoyed their company, and they seemed to enjoy mine....that was until things began to get slightly serious and they would up and leave in the belief that our lives were at two different stages and we could no longer go on to share the lifestyle that would be mutually beneficial, that was until one night, I met someone the same, but entirely different.

My local was a huge 17th century building, converted into a pub come restaurant that served the most amazing food in one part, and amazing beers in the other. It was all one room separated by large floor to ceiling, thick oak bookshelves, which when stood opposite each other created walkways and passages between different sections of the pub. Some of the bookshelves were positioned to allow large open spaces for tables and chairs in order to accommodate large groups and others set in such a way to create small, unique, more intimate areas just enough for a small two seat couch or comfy chairs where couples may disappear.

I had been in my local since around 7.30, the time being 10pm now I was more than merry and beyond alert to the amount of women who were beginning to frequent the pub. As usual, the vast majority of the girls who had been here since early evening were 18-25, tight fitting, short dresses and high heels, drinking as fast as humanly possible and giggling at the ques of blokes that lined up to get an early score.

I had less than no interest in this crowd, I could appreciate the attractiveness of the girls for sure, but knew there was far more to sex appeal than a tight figure and short dress. As usual it was 9pm before any of the women I would be interested in began to drift in after eating dinner in the various local restaurants and ordering their large bottles of wine before settling in at the tables to chat away, seemingly oblivious to all around them. These were the 30-50s crowd, wives, professionals, divorcées and strong minded business women. Whatever they were, it was them that I wanted and as usual I could sense my desires rising as they be began to filter in, my eyes appraising and my mind wondering as I decided what each of them did for a livelihood and whether or not I could see a wedding ring.

One group of women had just pulled up a large table, and the bar staff had brought over two bottles of wine and five glasses. I could only see four women, turning back to my conversation I blended in with my friends, pouring over the weeks events, the trials and tribulations of all of their different professions, the girlfriend troubles and the lack of girl troubles. As I let my mind wander I looked up towards the front door just in time to see the most glamorous, sexual, beautiful woman I had ever seen walk through and past the bar taking the glances of all the men with her as they stopped their idle flirting with the younger air heads at their sides, just to catch a glance at this goddess of a woman.

As she reached the table behind me, my question was answered....that's who the final glass was for I thought as she pulled up her chair after exchanging kisses with her close friends. I was stunned into silence until my friends began laughing, clearly noticing how enveloped I had become. I quickly sunk the rest of my pint and retired to the bar to gather my thoughts. By gather my thoughts I mean fantasize about the woman who had just entered. Fantasizing was about as far as it would go though I thought as I am not the most forward and confident man in the world as it is when it comes to making the first move with women, let alone one so incredible as her.

As I leaned forward on the bar, trying to see past the throngs of people to get a glimpse of whether there was a bar tender at least in the same postcode as me, thus giving me a chance of being served some time within the next decade I felt a brush on my forearm. My hairs stood on end as I enjoyed the soft contact, without looking around, as I leaned ever further over the bar I was sharply shoved to my left and was again aware of the soft feel of skin connecting with my arm. I spun my head quickly 90degrees with a stern look, ready to scold whoever had tried their luck pushing in and had instead, only endeavored to knock me slightly off balance with their lack of patience.

I was stopped in my tracks by the site of my goddess smiling at me, I saw her lips move but not a single word registered with my brain.

'I have a face you know!!' was all I heard next and became immediately aware that I was staring point blank into a pair of gorgeous, 32E breasts. My eyes shot up and I began stuttering something about being distracted, meaning I had been distracted by being pushed but instead only succeeded in digging my self a deeper hole.

As she laughed and mentioned that she could see that I was distracted, she re-iterated an apology which she had apparently made a few seconds earlier but it had not registered with me. I smiled, although she could pick up immediately that I was far from comfortable with this situation.

'I won't bite you know?' clearly sensing my nerves.

I brushed it off, saying it was the lads pushing to get into the bar who had riled me but really I had needed a moment to regain my composure at this sudden drop of fortune which had landed my way.

'I don't know why they don't wait their turn, it's not like the bars going anywhere' she huffed looking in the direction of the young lads jostling for a position.

'I know but they are forever worried that in the time it takes to get served, their air heads may run off with another male and they will lose their chance to mate'. A sharp laugh erupted from her full lips and she quickly clasped her hand to her mouth to prevent further attention being drawn to her.

'And you? have already mated? or you don't need to mate at this time? what is your reason for lacking urgency?' She leaned in, looking way beyond my eyes, and I swallowed hard.

'They aren't really my type, I prefer...' I stopped short realizing that I was about to say older women and that those words can eventually, down the line come to upset or alienate women who may be aware they are older but not necessarily wish to be reminded of it.

'Well.....what do you prefer? Men? Have I picked the only Gay in the pub? I am such an idiot sometimes, I have a knack of doing this'

'Nooooo' I said quickly. 'I meant I prefer....' I stopped again, 'what do you mean you picked?' all of a sudden her words had registered and the relaxation which had taken some time to kick in had evaporated in an instant.

'Well, you know, you see, you like, you approach. Hence the thirty or so times I had brushed your arm but of course no response until I was lucky enough to have that pre pubescent oaf push me into you. Not quite the ice breaker I had in mind but hey, you go with the flow.'

By this point I was positively panicking, she was everything I could want in a woman, long shapely legs, a full round bum and a gorgeous pair of 32E breasts, accentuating just how slim her hips really were. A top her shoulders, covered in dark auburn hair, was a beautiful face of dark brown eyes and thick, full luscious lips. For some reason she had decided to come on to me.....and not subtly either.

I began to proceed as cool as I could around this topic, how successful that would be, I had no idea because I was sure anyone and everyone in the pub could see panic etched across my face.

'Well it's alright for some if you just pick someone and get them.' I said playfully. 'Some of us aren't quite so lucky'

'And who have you picked?' she whispered. She was good at this, she was good at continually putting the ball back in my court, she was happy to let me know she liked me and wanted me, but was determined to ensure I came out with what I wanted, directly to her face, no innuendo, no long way round just plain honesty.

'I can't answer that' I said with a wry smile, my confidence coursing through me like it wasn't something I had within me but something which she was able to give me as and when she wished and take away at any moment.

'And why is that? Too shy or have you got your eye on my best friend or something?' she had me backed well and truly into a corner and she knew it.

'Nothing quite so complicated, if I tell you, then it just sounds cheesy'

'Hun, I grew up in the 70s. My whole world revolved around cheese from music to films, it's all I have ever known' she winked, melting me a bit further into submission.

'Well in that case, it's you.

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I think the moment you walked through that door, just about every bloke in here chose you'

'Aww you are as cute as you look' her manner now warm and affectionate as she stroked my forearm taking a step closer. 'Well if that was the case why has no one come on to me?'

'Hmmm, that's an easy one really' I said making it sound like it was some sort of scientific question. 'Basically the guys in here have realized how stunning you are, but you look so classy they will know they have no hope of bedding you before at least a 4th or 5th date I reckon, so they look and admire and go back to their easy pickings'

'And you are interested because.....'

It was time to get bold now I thought to my self, really see if I could test the water and push the boundaries.

'That's easy, I know how worthwhile it would be waiting until that 5th date.' I swallowed hard waiting for a response which seemed to take forever to be delivered.

She leaned in close, I could feel her breath on my neck as she whispered in to my ear

'Why can't tonight be just as worthwhile'

Again, I felt week, everything she was saying should have infused me with confidence and swelled my ego but instead, it left me stammering for what to say next.

'Would you not fuck me tonight if you had the chance then?' she whispered again, running her fingernails up my arm, sending shivers down my spine.

'Of course' I stammered.

'Good, that means we can save a 5th date for something a little more exciting' she said mischievously. My mind was racing, my heart pounding, this had just got all of a sudden out of control and I was completely at her disposal.

'So we are agreed then, tell your friends you are tired and you are going home and I will meet you in the car park in 5 minutes'. She flicked her hair and strolled away, well aware that I was watching her the whole way.

My friends were hysterical, they could see how on edge I was and had enjoyed the whole spectacle of me being prayed upon by this stunning cougar. They wanted to know every detail about what had been said but I knew I couldn't give them anything. I made my excuses about being ill and gave them a lame story about chatting to her about nothing more than work and family. Naturally they gave me some stick about not having the killer instinct and on this occasion I was more than happy to take it knowing what was to come.

I was stood at the entrance to the car park looking at my phone as a means of looking busy and therefore casual, like my heart wasn't beating at a 1000mph. Bright headlights stung my eyes as a car pulled up by my side, I was no car expert but this must have been 80,000 worth of metal she was sat inside here. She smiled as I got in, kissing my on the lips quickly but softly as she pulled away leaving me wanting more. She pulled out of the pub car park, chatting away about general life things, a world away from the saucy, seductress who had been whispering in my ear not 10 minutes ago.

'You don't mind coming back to mine do you? I am sorry I just started driving and didn't think to ask' I just nodded my approval. It's hardly like I was about to rock the boat even if I did care. We turned left onto the motorway, immediately indicating that we were a) leaving my neighborhood and b) heading for a more affluent part of the north west.

As the junctions whizzed by, my head was swimming with what was coming next, she suddenly pulled off and as I glimpsed the signs I new where she lived and that added to the car she was driving, I knew she must have been one successful woman. This is one of the traits most of my friends don't always get about me, success and intelligence in a woman for me have always been as big a turn on as big breasts or a perfect bum.

We slowed up as she turned into a large set of wooden gates and leaned forward to press a button on her dash board causing the gates to slowly open. My eyes widened as I saw the size of the mansion she called home.

'Who do you share this with?' I immediately apologized for being nosy but she giggled and said it was fine.

'I live alone, a huge waste of space really isn't it. I used to have a long term partner but we didn't share the same lifestyle choices and eventually we just went our separate ways'

We got out of the car and my mind was racing as I followed her up the gravel path, my eyes tracing every curve of her perfect body. She reached back with her hand, her fingers finding mine as she led me the rest of the way to the door. She found the lock with her key and turned to look at me, my head moved instinctively towards hers as she met me half way, her soft full lips finding mine as we embraced in our first passionate kiss.

My hands wrapped around her waist before she pulled away to turn the key and open the door, we stumbled through the door and I pushed her up against the wall, her arms raised above her head, I pushed them to the wall, in a show of dominance which brought an instant groan of approval. I began to kiss at her neck, firmly but softly, as she let little gasps of appreciation leave her mouth. My hands left her arms and began exploring her curves, she grabbed my hand and led me up her long winding staircase to her bedroom, she pushed me onto the bed, I could just make out her stunning silhouette in the dark as she began to seductively slide her dress straps down off her shoulders revealing a black, lacy strapless bra. Her breasts looked magnificent pushed together, the bra doing everything it was made to do and encouraging my already swelling erection to grow even faster. Her dress had reached her waist and I couldn't wait a second longer to touch her incredible body once again. I pulled her down upon me, locking my lips to hers and exploring her mouth with my tongue.

My body and mind were in over drive, my senses were overloaded and natural instinct was taking over. No longer was I the bag of nerves that had left the pub, but a primitive male, ready to make this woman my own.

As she reached for my zip, I grabbed her hands, again allowing her no control over this situation she had gotten herself into. I rolled her in one fluid motion onto her back, her arms above her head and took her nipple into my mouth, it was thick and long, just the way I liked, with large areolas circling them beautifully in a seductive shade of dark brown. As my tongue flicked over her nipple, and my free hand explored her other huge breast, rolling her free nipple between my thumb and forefinger, she let out gasps of excitement.

I reluctantly let her breasts go, and began kissing and licking my way down her still firm body, making sure I paid attention to every inch, feeling her shiver in my hands as I hit an erogenous zone. I slid her dress down past her wide hips, spinning her over to reveal the most luscious, unblemished bum I had ever seen, my lips went to work, spreading her cheeks to get a better look as I kissed and kneaded the flesh of this incredible part. My lips found their way lower and she took a sharp intake of breath as my tongue finally probed her pussy, sending shock waves of electricity through her body.

'Mmmmmm mmmmm lick me, please lick me, NOW' she was trying to regain some semblance of control and that let me know I had her exactly where I wanted her. I rolled her back onto her back, exploring her inner thighs, as I reached the top, I would switch thighs leaving her temporarily disappointed as I missed her by now soaking sexual organ.

After a fourth visit to her inner thighs, I couldn't wait my self and began to probe the soft folds of this perfectly manicured pussy with my tongue, I felt her hand on my head, running her fingers through my thick hair as she pulled me closer and deeper into her sex, my tongue darting in and out as I found my target on her clitoris, her hands pulled at my hair as she writhed on the bed, drawing her knees upwards and widening her legs to give me better access. I began running my tongue over her clit in slow circling motions, as I went about building up a slow but deep orgasm within her, I slid two fingers in to this dripping mound. She went crazy,

'Ahhh, FUCK ME NOW, JUST FUCK ME!!!' I was in overdrive myself and began working my fingers in and out of her furiously, she screamed that she was coming and with my eyes closed I continued to work her gorgeous cunt for all it was worth, as her back arched I knew she was close and finally an experience I had never yet had the pleasure of coming across.....what seemed like a burst pipe exploded, covering my face, not in water but in sweet, heavenly pussy juice. I began licking furiously not wasting a drop but was quickly stopped by my goddess who pulled me up to her. In my frenzy I had forgotten her orgasm and had just been thinking about my self.

She kissed me deeply, I held her, my pants still on as she ran her fingers over my body and placed her head onto my shoulder as we cuddled.

'You have no idea what you have let yourself in for young man' she said in her best school teacher voice. 'After that performance, you have just opened a whole can of worms and I hope for both our sakes your mind is open too' with that she giggled and looked me gently in the eyes.

'Oh don't worry about me beautiful, I have all the stamina in the world, especially with someone as gorgeous as you'. She smiled, but not the soft, welcoming smile, or even the sexy seductive smile. This was a smile of someone plotting something sinister.

'Well, what if it wasn't just me you had to deal with, I wonder how your stamina would hold up then?'

My mind was racing, a threesome? I wondered. My life as a sexual being was about to change forever from this night forward, and as far as I was concerned, I wasn't going to try and stop any of it.

Written by wilbert
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