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A Shared Prize

"A college student indulges her attraction to four much older men."

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I had a thing for older men. As a twenty-one-year-old college student, I was well aware of how many girls my age had daddy issues, but I wasn't attracted to men my father's age. No, I longed for men old enough to be my grandfather. While my friends gushed over the hot forty-something literature professor who strutted around campus like he owned the place, I was always looking for an excuse to stop by the office of my professor, who was nearing retirement.

But the man who excited me the most? That would be Sam. I was putting myself through school, and to make extra money, I cleaned houses, mostly on the weekends. I did a pretty good business being recommended by word of mouth. Though I had several clients, I blocked off Saturday afternoons for Sam. He was in his late sixties and divorced, and since he'd retired a few years before, the last thing he wanted to spend time doing was housework. The first time I laid eyes on the man, I knew it would be a challenge for me to resist flirting with him. He was tall and lean, his silver hair still thick. Whenever I showed up at his house, he was always nicely dressed. And he always paid me far more than I charged. "You do such a wonderful job, Mina. You deserve the extra," he told me.

On an unseasonably warm Saturday in mid-October, I arrived at Sam's to take care of the weekly cleaning. I told myself the mild weather gave me an excuse to dress skimpily, but as I waited for Sam to answer the door, I wondered if I'd gone too far. My shorts were revealing enough to show some cheek, and my top was skintight. The truth was, I hoped my outfit would entice Sam into making a move. Maybe he'd find me bent over the side of his tub, scrubbing away while lifting my ass in the air, and he wouldn't be able to stop himself from touching me.

My hopes fell when Sam opened the door. He gave me a friendly smile, allowing his gaze to sweep over my body ever so briefly. Then his eyes met mine again. "Hi, Mina! Come on in." I kept my own smile fixed on my lips, but I had to suppress a disappointed sigh. Sam was ever the gentleman, even when I showed up on his doorstep practically half-naked. He was either oblivious to my flirtation or he was choosing to ignore it.

It wasn't like I could ask my friends for advice about how to seduce Sam. They would be quick to judge me, or worse, tell me I was chasing older men as a way to avoid being hurt again. My first and only serious boyfriend was a guy I'd met during my freshman year of college. We'd broken up this past summer after he told me he'd met someone else. I was heartbroken at first, and then I grew furious. Finally, I decided I was through wasting time with guys my age. I just wanted someone sweet and kind. And older. Someone like Sam. Of course, I knew men his age could be brutal and degrading, the way my friends often complained college guys were during sex. But I sensed Sam would treat me well; he wouldn't use me or take advantage of me.

"Hi, Sam!" I greeted him in a chipper voice as I stepped into the living room. "It's warm out there today, huh?" I had my light brown hair pulled back in a ponytail to keep it out of my face as I worked. At five feet, two inches, I felt tiny standing before Sam, who was almost a foot taller.

"It sure is," he said. "Let me know if you get too hot while you're cleaning, sweetheart. I can always turn on the air conditioning."

My knees weakened a little every time he called me by some affectionate name. I knew he felt comfortable doing it precisely because he was so much older, but it still sent a surge of lust straight between my thighs. Countless times, I'd made myself come while imagining Sam telling me I was such a good girl as he fucked my sopping wet pussy. Thinking about it caused my face to flush. "I'm fine right now," I told him. My voice gave no indication of the filthy things I was entertaining in my mind. He followed me at a distance while I moved through the house, getting my supplies ready. "Have you been staying out of trouble this week?"

I heard his soft laughter. "Absolutely. I do have a group of friends coming over a bit later, however. We'll try to be on our best behavior, but I can't make any promises." My eyes widened a little, and I looked over my shoulder at Sam. Imagine my disappointment when I realized he was only joking. "All kidding aside, I promise we'll stay out of your way, Mina."

"Oh, don't worry about that! I'm glad you plan on having some fun tonight."

As I busied myself with the housework, I couldn't help but wonder who Sam's guests might be. He'd never before had visitors while I was there. By the time I heard the doorbell, it was almost six o'clock, and I was dusting the furniture in Sam's bedroom. I heard a man's deep voice coming from the living room, and minutes later, after the doorbell rang for the second time, another man greeted Sam with a boisterous hello. The daylight was fading outside, but I still had to vacuum the bedrooms.

Once I was finished with all the cleaning, I put away the supplies and then ventured into the kitchen, where three other men were sitting with Sam at the table. They had open boxes of pizza before them, and they were drinking beers. "I'm all done," I told Sam. I felt self-conscious in my revealing clothing while two of his friends let their stares linger on my bare legs.

Sam flashed a warm smile. "Why don't you join us, Mina? You must have worked up an appetite."

I couldn't help but grin at his invitation. "Are you sure?"

He patted the seat of the empty chair next to him. "Absolutely! Come over here and take it easy." Once I was sitting at his side, he began the introductions. "Mina, this is my friend, Tom." He nodded toward a man who appeared to be in his mid-sixties. His hair was still mostly dark, with only a bit of gray, and his blue eyes were bright as he regarded me. Like Sam, he was tall and fit.

"Nice to meet you, Mina," he said. Unlike Sam, who treated me in a grandfatherly fashion, this man had a seductive way about him. He'd made no attempt to hide the fact that he was checking me out earlier. His stare now briefly dropped to my breasts, and I wondered if my nipples were hard beneath my shirt.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Tom." Jesus, I was actually blushing!

"And this is Doug," Sam went on. I turned to another man who I guessed was around Sam's age. He reminded me of a teddy bear, with his fleshy frame and prominent belly. When he said hello to me, I realized he was the man with the boisterous voice. I loved his welcoming smile. His hair was gray like Sam's, and only just beginning to thin. He also had a neat beard, which I imagined would tickle a little if he were to nuzzle my neck with his lips.

"Last but not least," Sam said, "this is my friend, Henry. He and I have known each other for over forty years." I turned my attention to a quiet man sitting across from Sam. I hadn't heard him come in and figured he must have arrived while I was vacuuming. He was mostly bald, his remaining hair dark gray. His build was thin, and I guessed he was the oldest, probably in his early seventies. His smile was kind, but his hazel eyes seemed sad behind the glasses he wore. 

While I ate a slice of pizza and drank the beer Sam offered me, I discreetly looked to see which of his friends wore wedding rings. Tom and Doug did, but Henry had no ring on his hand. I listened to the four of them talk and joke, their banter good-natured. They were polite enough to include me in their conversation, asking me about what I was studying, and what my plans were following college.

When we were finished eating, Sam stood to clear the table. "Need some help?" I asked, starting to get up.

"Nope." He rested his hands on my shoulders, and I could feel the warmth of his palms through my shirt. "You just stay right there and relax." A delicious shiver went through me at his touch. "You're not cold, are you?" He slid his hands down my arms.

"Not at all." My voice came out as a purr, which wasn't what I'd intended. I noticed Tom lift an eyebrow, the hint of a smile playing at his lips. Doug maintained that same cheerful grin, unfazed by my behavior. Henry, meanwhile, sneaked curious glances at me, though he was quick to avert his eyes when I caught him. I had the feeling he was trying to figure out just what the hell I was doing flirting with his friend, who happened to be almost fifty years my senior. 

Sam offered me another beer, which I quickly accepted. It would give me a reason to linger at the table with him and his friends. I watched as they began playing some card game which I'd never heard of, and which required them to partner up. Sam and Henry played against Tom and Doug. Both Sam and Doug slipped on reading glasses, and while I stayed at Sam's side, he took a minute to explain the game's rules to me. It seemed complicated at first, but I quickly caught on.

Sam and Henry won the first round. I clapped and cheered as the two of them exchanged triumphant smiles. Tom threw his cards down in disgust, and even Doug's face darkened, revealing his frustration. "That was a fucking lousy hand," he grumbled. "I couldn't do anything with it."

"Language," Henry said mildly.

Doug gave me a sheepish smile. "Sorry, Mina."

I waved a dismissive hand. "You're fine!"

"And you're my good luck charm!" Sam wrapped his arm around my shoulders, drawing me to him for a brief hug. I dared to rest a hand on his thigh. Our eyes met, and his initial surprise at my touch gave way to a subtle understanding. I realized he hadn't been oblivious to my previous flirting, after all. The smile that appeared on his lips was far from platonic. For several seconds, his gaze lingered on my breasts. It made me wonder how long he'd resisted the urge to get a good look at them, and knowing he was allowing himself to do so now emboldened me.

I kept my hand on his thigh as the men began the second game. It was getting a little late, and I had a paper I needed to finish writing for class next week, but the thought of leaving never crossed my mind. After months of longing for Sam, I was now touching him in an intimate way, and I wanted him to do the same to me. Though I was tempted to move my hand even farther up his thigh, I didn't want to distract him from the game. The four men might have been close friends, but they were fiercely competitive. Even Henry swore under his breath when it became clear Tom and Doug would win this time around.

"You'll win the next one," I assured Sam and Henry.

"I certainly hope so," Sam replied, "or we'll hear those two crowing about it for the rest of the night!"

I shot a look at Tom and Doug, who were wearing smug smiles. Now was my moment to be outrageous, I decided. I could get away with it while everyone was fired up and ready for the next game, which would determine the winners. Grabbing Sam's hands, I lifted them to my breasts. "Rub these for luck!"

Sam's mouth dropped open in shock, but he didn't pull his hands away. Henry's eyes were just as wide, while Doug let out a delighted hoot of laughter.

"Unfair advantage!" Though Tom tried to sound stern, I could tell he was struggling to hide his grin. "We need our own good luck charm."

"Not a fucking chance!" Sam retorted. Then he began gently squeezing my breasts. Again, our eyes locked, and I knew he was getting just as turned on as I was. When a faint moan escaped my parted lips, the entire table grew quiet; everyone sensed that the atmosphere was now charged with lust.

Too soon, I told myself. Let the four of them finish their game. Looking over at Henry, I offered a playful smile. "How about you?" I asked him. "You want to rub them, too?"

He immediately averted his stare, shaking his head. I noticed his cheeks had flushed. "Oh, no, I couldn't."

Sam shot him a look of feigned outrage. "You might cost us the game if you don't! Now get over here and feel these amazing tits!" I gasped at Sam's words, and his expression immediately grew remorseful. "Sorry, sweetheart. I shouldn't talk about your breasts that way."

I couldn't help it; I actually erupted into giggles before burying my face in his neck. Then I whispered, "I love the way your hands feel on my tits, Sam."

Now it was his turn to moan. Meanwhile, Henry continued protesting, talking about how it wouldn't be appropriate for him to touch me in such a way, but the three other men drowned him out, their shouts growing louder as they egged him on. Lifting my head, I saw Henry staring at me, his eyes almost pleading. "It's okay," I mouthed. "I want you to."

Henry made a show of releasing an exasperated sigh before leaning closer. I thrust out my breasts to welcome his touch, and the moment he cupped them in his palms, I cheered along with the other men. Henry's touch was brief, not nearly as sensual as Sam's, but I noticed a faint smile playing at his lips. When he dared to meet my eyes, I said, "Do you like them?"

He gave a begrudging nod even as his smile widened. Then everyone finally settled down to play the last game. I was on the edge of my seat, my knee bouncing nervously, for I was just as invested in the outcome as the men around me. The moment Sam and Henry won, I threw my arms around Sam's neck and kissed him. He was no longer surprised by my advances, for he immediately responded. With one hand cupped against the back of my head, and his other hand fondling my tit, his mouth grew fierce against mine. I heard Tom and Doug clapping and whistling, but I stopped paying them any mind whatsoever when Sam slid his tongue between my lips. My panties were now drenched, and I could feel a needy ache deep in my pussy.

When I finally broke the kiss, I looked around the table in a kind of blissed-out daze. Tom was regarding me in a way that made it clear he wanted to be in Sam's place. Doug stroked his beard while waiting to see what would happen next. And Henry was so still, it was as if he was frozen in place. Maybe he was worried I'd try to kiss him as well. That was certainly in my plans for the evening, but I didn't want him to balk before we even got started. Turning back to Sam, I saw his incredulous expression. I'd been a flirtatious but sweet girl all these months, and now I was letting him kiss me and play with my tits.

"I think you should get a look at what brought you so much luck," I told him. Before anyone could speak a word, I pulled my shirt over my head and cast it aside. Sam fixed his stare on my breasts, and I found myself wishing I'd worn a sexier bra. But I'd initially showed up here to clean, not to seduce four men.

"You are beautiful, Mina." Sam placed emphasis on every word he spoke, as if he'd never meant anything more. I smiled, fighting back a sudden wave of shyness. Was I really going to do this? Glancing around, I discovered I had the rapt attention of everyone at the table, including Henry. My face grew hot, and my hands began shaking as I reached behind me to unclasp my bra. When I finally worked up the nerve to remove it altogether, a collective moan of appreciation filled the room. My breasts weren't all that large, yet Sam and his friends seemed captivated by the sight of them.

"My God, those are perfect," Tom sighed. I couldn't see his right hand beneath the table, but I was certain he'd begun stroking himself through his pants. Beside him, Doug licked his lips, his stare taking on that heavy-lidded look men sometimes got when they were aroused. I found that Henry was gazing at my tits, too, no longer making any effort to look away.

And Sam? Sam was regarding me with such a fervent hunger that I would have gladly let him have his way with me right then and there. Whatever he saw in my face made him bold enough to roll my left nipple between his fingertips while he lowered his head to suckle my right breast. His left hand was pressed against my back, and I actually began rocking my hips a little. "Ooh, that feels so nice!" I breathed. I'd never been so wet and ready in my life, not even when I thought I was madly in love with my ex-boyfriend and was determined to fuck him every chance I got.

I was keenly aware of everyone's stares on me as I slipped a hand between Sam's thighs. He released a groan, the sound muffled by my tit in his mouth. My eyes widened at the feel of his growing erection, for his cock already felt plenty substantial beneath my fingers. Just how big would he be when fully hard? I wondered with a mixture of lust and trepidation.

Before I got too carried away, I grinned down at Sam and said, "There's another winner I need to congratulate."

We all looked at Henry, who held up his hands. "That's not necessary," he told me through nervous laughter.

"I'll take his place as runner-up!" Doug offered.

I only winked at him, then slowly rose from my chair and closed the short distance between me and Henry. Now that I stood directly beside him, he had to lift his head to look up at me. Nodding to his lap, I whispered, "You mind if I have a seat?"

He swallowed hard, seeming to struggle with how to respond. Finally, he scooted his chair back from the table so I had room to straddle him. His stare was riveted to my breasts as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Though Sam was to my right and had a clear view of what was going on, I had my back to Tom and Doug. I'd deal with them soon enough, I decided. Right now, my attention was focused solely on Henry. Taking a deep breath, I caught the scent of his aftershave. Ever so gently, I removed his glasses and placed them on the table. Then I cupped his face in my hands. "Is it okay if I kiss you, Henry?"

I could feel him trembling beneath my touch. "I don't understand why you're doing this," he said in a voice only I could hear.

Bringing my lips to his ear, I whispered, "Well, I've had a crush on Sam for a while now, but I also love older men in general, and the four of you are too much for me to resist." I planted gentle kisses on his cheek and along his jaw, inching closer to his mouth. Our first kiss was tentative, almost chaste. But when I began rolling my hips, growing more excited, Henry took hold of me with a firm grip that made me gasp. His lips were hungry, his tongue insistent on claiming my mouth. I moaned in encouragement, then placed his hands against my breasts.

I sensed Sam draw closer. As Henry gently suckled my neck, Sam turned my face to him so we could share another deep kiss. He'd taken off his glasses as well, and I saw a feral need in his eyes. The man wanted me as much as I wanted him, I knew. The realization made me grin. "Do you think you and Henry should be gracious winners and share your prize with Tom and Doug?"

Henry lifted his head from between my breasts long enough to say, "Hell no!"

"Oh, fuck you, Henry!" Tom retorted.

I looked over my shoulder at Tom, who gave me an enticing smile. "You and Doug are married," I pointed out. "I don't want to get anyone in trouble here."

"You won't, sweetheart," Doug chimed in. "None of us will breathe a word about this."

His assurance put me at ease as well. I never would have trusted guys my age to keep their mouths shut if I let four of them fuck me, as I hoped these men would before the night was over. After taking my hair down from its ponytail, I looked at Sam and said, "I think you and Henry should play nice and share."

Sam slid a hand along my inner thigh. "Well, if that's what you think is best, Mina, we can do that."

Henry reluctantly loosened his hold on me so I could stand. After clearing the cards and beer bottles out of the way, I hopped up on the table and then leaned back so I was laid across it like an offering. That was the moment the room's energy intensified even more, for both Tom and Doug immediately stood. I smiled up at them, and Doug placed a hand on my cheek. "What a sweet, gorgeous girl you are," he murmured. Of course, those were just the words to make me cream my panties. I nestled into his touch, but I had no time to relax before Tom wove his fingers through my hair and lifted my head slightly. He pressed his mouth to mine, his kiss fierce enough to steal my breath. I eagerly returned it, moaning when our tongues met.

"I've been hard for you all evening," he whispered.

In response, I lifted my hand, wanting to feel for myself. He guided me to his groin, and we both gasped at that first touch. The man was not lying about being fully aroused! It was as if he'd suspected just how the night would unfold.

The thing about offering yourself to four men is that you can't divide your attention equally among them. At some point, you have to surrender to the numerous mouths and hands, and eventually the cocks, that are seeking to pleasure you. While Tom and I kissed, Doug leaned forward so he could take my nipple between his teeth and give it a playful bite. I whimpered into Tom's mouth, arching my back. As Doug soothed my nipple with his tongue, I felt gentle hands working to remove my shorts. I yielded completely, delighting in the feel of warm palms caressing my skin.

Soon I wore nothing but my panties. When Tom finally broke our kiss, I lifted my head to meet Sam's stare. He gave me an expectant look, seeking permission before he stripped me completely naked. "Um, before we go any further," I managed to say through my heavy breaths, "maybe we should discuss some things first?"

Sam's gaze softened. "Of course, baby. And we don't have to go any further. This has already been more fun than the four of us have had in years."

"But I want to!" I insisted. "It's just that..." I pressed a hand against my forehead as I struggled for the right words. "I know I'm acting really slutty right now, but I've only had sex with one guy, and that was my ex-boyfriend. We broke up this past summer, and I haven't been with anyone since." I looked at each of the men and noticed they were all listening intently. I had no idea how to phrase my next sentence tactfully, so I just blurted it out. "After he and I ended things, I got tested for STIs, and my results came back fine. I'm still on birth control." Understanding dawned on their faces as they grasped my meaning. It was beyond surreal to share such personal details while sprawled out on a kitchen table. I finally sat up and moved so I could see each man.

Tom looked at the wedding ring on his hand. "I've been married almost forty years, and I've never cheated on my wife." For the first time, his self-confidence seemed to falter a little. "She and I haven't had sex in years."

Doug cleared his throat. He didn't meet my eyes as he said, "I'm in the same situation."

"I haven't been with anyone since my wife and I divorced," Sam revealed, "and I was always faithful to her while we were married."

"I still can't believe you haven't gotten laid since you and Bette split," Tom said.

Sam shot him a look. "Forgive me if I haven't wanted to jump right back into the lion's den."

"My wife passed away last year," Henry told me in a quiet voice. "I haven't even thought about trying to meet anyone else." All at once, it became clear to me: his sadness and his initial reluctance to touch me were because he was still grieving. I reached for his hand, and he gave mine a grateful squeeze.

"So now that we know all this about each other," I spoke in a surprisingly steady voice, "I just want to say I'm okay with not using condoms." Before any of them could respond, I slipped off the table and excused myself to use the bathroom. I figured it would be good for the four of them to talk and make sure they were fine with doing this together.

In the bathroom, I freshened up the best I could. If this had been planned between the five of us, I would have spent hours getting ready. But of course, no one could have imagined group sex would follow a card game among longtime friends. My panties were embarrassingly wet by this point, so I left them on the floor. With my finger, I rubbed toothpaste on my teeth. I figured Sam wouldn't mind if I used his comb and took a swig of his mouthwash.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, I heard their low voices in the kitchen, as well as the mention of a "little blue pill." I decided to give them a few more minutes to work out that matter. After washing my face, I relieved myself for a second time. The last thing I wanted to do was interrupt our fuckfest because I needed to pee.

By the time I returned to the kitchen, the four of them seemed to have worked out the details. Once again, I grew a bit shy beneath the weight of their stares on my naked body. My pussy was shaved completely smooth, so I didn't even have any pubic hair to hide behind. "My God, Mina, you are a vision!" Sam said just before he started toward me. I beamed as he took me in his arms and planted a tender kiss on my mouth. "I think the bed will be more comfortable than the kitchen table, don't you?"

I quickly nodded, and as the five of us headed down the hall, I discovered how exciting it was to be naked while they were all still fully dressed. Sam's hands were all over me, and once we reached his room, he drew me toward a chair in the corner. As I sat on his lap, facing the others, his friends began removing their clothes. I delighted in watching the three of them undress. Leaning back against Sam, I let out a pleasured sigh when he cupped my breasts. "Are you sure about this, Mina?" he asked. "We can stop any time, you know."

"I'm so sure!" I promised him. As his fingers teased my nipples and he kissed my neck, I started breathing faster. Tom was the first to stand naked before me. He had only the slightest paunch, while the rest of him was lean and strong. I could tell he was proud of his body. His cock was an average size, with a perfect mushroom tip, and his pubic hair was dark and full. When our eyes met, he gave me one of his sexy smiles.

"You're getting me even wetter," I revealed before spreading my legs wide.

Tom leaned to slide his hand along my thigh. His stare never left mine as his fingers explored my wet folds. A needy whimper escaped me, and my hips again moved of their own accord. "Oh my, you are wet for us, aren't you, Mina?" he said in a guttural voice.

Doug drew closer now, too. While he didn't have Tom's self-assured swagger, he seemed comfortable in his own skin. I was glad, for I loved his belly and meaty thighs, not to mention his ample body hair. His cock was semi-hard, and I thought I'd be able to take it all when I went down on him. We shared playful grins, but when he began stroking his dick to full hardness, the sight made my pussy muscles clench. "I can't wait to feel that cock inside me, Doug."

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My words made him draw in a sharp breath. "Oh, sweetheart, I am all yours!"

When Henry moved to stand at Tom's side, I gave him a tender smile. He was quite thin, and I felt an ache in my chest imagining him trying to cope with spending his life alone. His chest hair was silver, and his pubic hair was mostly gray as well. I'd never seen an uncircumcised cock outside of porn. While Henry stroked, I was fascinated by the movement of his foreskin. I noticed his balls were heavy, too. "You're so fucking sexy, Henry!" I told him.

"And you're one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen, Mina."

My blush deepened at his praise. Turning toward Sam, I closed my eyes when our lips met. Before I moved from his lap so he could undress, I knew there was one more issue I needed to discuss with him and his friends. "I understand things will be intense once we get started." My voice shook a little, betraying my nervousness. "So I just want you to know that while I'm fine with you telling me I'm a naughty slut, being called a bitch or a whore turns me off." Noticing how serious the mood had turned, I did my best to lighten it. "Being called a good girl, however, gets me dripping wet."

"Oh, we definitely want our good girl dripping wet," Sam whispered.

He was making me so fucking horny, I could barely concentrate on what I was trying to say! I managed to rush through the rest. "I also don't like being spit on or slapped, and I don't enjoy being choked or having my hair pulled, either."

The four of them were clearly taken aback. Henry looked at Tom in shock. "Christ almighty, times have certainly changed since I was in my twenties!"

It was Tom who pressed a hand against my cheek. "Mina, you're looking at four of the luckiest men in the world right now. All we want to do is make you feel good."

I immediately relaxed beneath his touch, offering him a grateful smile. "Thank you."

"If at any point you're not enjoying yourself, you just say the word, and we stop, okay?" Doug's face was earnest as he spoke.

And this was why I loved older men so much, I thought. With a grin, I said, "Now that we have that out of the way, let's get busy fucking." When I climbed to my feet, the four of them immediately surrounded me. Sam began hurriedly stripping, but I wasn't able to watch because Doug drew me into his arms and kissed me. I melted into his embrace, not at all bothered by the slight chafe of his beard. He was an amazing kisser, I found, starting out so gentle that I quickly craved more. I ended up being the one seeking out his tongue with my own.

I felt hands caressing my ass and squeezing my breasts. I felt gentle fingers weave through my hair, drawing my head back and exposing the length of my neck for lips to explore. When I was finally able to drink in the sight of Sam's naked body, I couldn't stop my eyes from widening. His cock, fully hard and straining out from him, was at least eight inches long. I'd realized he was well endowed while stroking him in the kitchen, but I hadn't guessed just how much! After swallowing hard, I said, "That cock is definitely going to stretch my pussy, Sam!" His grin wasn't at all arrogant; if anything, he seemed pleased that I found him so irresistible. Looking at each man in turn, I added, "And the more cum I have inside my pussy when we're finished, the happier I'll be."

After I made that announcement, things moved at a much more frenzied pace. In seconds, Sam pulled the covers back from his bed, and strong hands guided me to it. Once I was lying comfortably on my back, Tom knelt between my thighs. Both Sam and Doug, who were near him, watched as Tom spread me wide, revealing my wet pussy. Henry, meanwhile, knelt beside my upper body. He didn't hesitate to lower his head and kiss me. I was thrilled to see him so much bolder now. Of his own volition, he grazed my nipple with his fingers. "I want you so much," I whispered against his lips.

Tom settled between my thighs, and I could feel his warm breath against my skin. My clit was already swollen and stimulated from his attention before. That first sweep of his tongue sent a ripple of pleasure through me, so strong that it made my back arch. Sam watched the scene unfold while stroking his cock with a firm grip. When Tom's licking grew more fervent, I let out a low moan. It might have been years since he'd had sex, but the man was still an expert at eating pussy. He somehow intuited just the right pace and rhythm to use. Lifting my head, I looked down at him. The heat in his stare made my thighs quiver.

Doug knelt to my left, offering me his cock. I lifted my head and immediately moved to take him between my lips. Even Tom, who was still busy licking and sucking my clit, moaned at the sight. I mewled when he eased a finger into my cunt. My arousal was so intense, I trembled as if cold. While Doug gently thrust his hips, driving his dick farther into my mouth, I eagerly sucked. "Such a good girl!" he groaned. "Yes, yes, take my cock!"

I moaned all around him, and when his tip entered my throat, I strove to relax my muscles. I heard his fast breathing as I welcomed him even deeper. Henry dared to take my right hand and guide it to his dick so I could jerk him off. All the while, Tom's skilled tongue was driving me closer to my first orgasm. The room was filled with the sounds of our moaning, and our licking and sucking. I finally had to pull off Doug's dick to draw in a lungful of air. Yet I kept stroking him even as I turned to Henry and opened my mouth.

He was so careful, sliding between my lips. I felt the tremor of excitement course through him as I took more of his cock. "Ah, Mina!" He stroked my hair, his gentle touch letting me know how much it meant to him that I wanted to do this. My senses were already so overwhelmed, it was difficult for me to maintain any kind of rhythm. Henry seemed to understand my helplessness, for he began fucking my mouth with shallow thrusts. That gave me the opportunity to shower attention on his sensitive tip with my lips and tongue.

Tom was relentless in finger-fucking me while he sucked my clit. When I began writhing, desperate to come, Henry withdrew from my mouth. It was then that Sam, who had remained in the background while his friends enjoyed me, appeared in my line of vision. I fully expected him to feed me his cock, but instead, he leaned to stroke my cheek. "You're so close, aren't you, sweetheart?" he whispered.

"Yes!" I practically wailed.

"Be a good girl and come for us!" he urged.

That gave me the final push I needed to topple into the grip of an earthshaking orgasm. My thighs clenched around Tom as I came hard, spasming and releasing plaintive cries. His tongue slowed but didn't stop, and the other men stroked my skin so my bliss never fully abated. I was still shaking when Tom lifted his head, a satisfied grin on his wet lips. Hands grasped my limbs, easing me up from the bed. I allowed them to guide me into a kneeling position. Someone even thought to place a pillow beneath my knees so I was elevated more for easier fucking.

At that point, each man was fully determined to have his turn taking pleasure from my body while offering as much as he could in return. Tom knelt behind me, sliding his cockhead between my slick folds, while Doug took his place before me, his cock just inches from my lips. I moaned at the feel of Tom's dick sliding into my pussy. As excited as I knew he was, he took his time before bottoming out. "Your dick feels so good in my pussy!"

"And your pussy feels fucking amazing around my dick, Mina." Once he'd worked up to a steady rhythm, driving me wild with each thrust, I was eager to have a cock in my mouth. My pulse quickened even more at the realization that I was about to be spit roasted. This was infinitely hotter than any dirty fantasy I'd ever dreamed up!

Sam brought his lips to my ear. "You doing okay, darling?" he asked. I grinned and nodded, offering my mouth to him for a kiss. "They can play with you for a little while, but soon you'll be mine."

Doug's hand was gentle on my head as he moved to offer me his cock once more. Looking up at him, I managed to say, "Don't hold back!" Then I was reduced to moaning when Tom began fucking me harder. Doug wasn't at all rough, but he was clearly eager to do as I said. My forehead was pressed against his hairy belly while he invaded my throat. Tom's powerful thrusts drove my mouth even farther down Doug's shaft, and I struggled to fight my gag reflex.

"Fuck yes, Mina! Take it all!" Doug groaned. I noticed him tensing up, but he withdrew from my mouth before he got too close. Gasping for breath, I realized I'd broken into a sweat. All around me, men were jerking their cocks, eager for one of my holes to claim.

Tom's fingertips dug into my flesh. "You want me to come inside your pussy, you gorgeous little slut?" he growled.

"Yes! Gimme your cum!" Tilting my head back, I met Sam's stare. He pumped away at his dick even faster, his features contorted with lust. Again, he was the one to push me over the precipice.

As soon as the wave of contractions started, my pussy milked Tom's cock, drawing forth his orgasm. He buried himself inside me to the hilt, and I felt each spurt of his seed. Squeezing my eyes shut, I fought back a scream while Tom released a strained groan. I was shuddering so hard, it was difficult for me to remain upright. He kept a strong hold on my hips as he struggled to catch his breath. When he finally pulled out, I felt his gentle caress along the curve of my ass.

After I'd recovered from my orgasm enough to form coherent sentences, I told the three men still waiting their turn, "We should make use of all my holes."

Once again, I managed to shock them. "I didn't think that was on the table," Doug said slowly, looking from Sam to Henry.

Sitting down on the bed, I could feel Tom's semen begin to ooze out of me. He was lying on his back nearby, and when our eyes met, he smiled and reached for my hand. I didn't think I'd ever seen a man look so utterly satisfied.

Turning back to the other men, I said, "I enjoy anal as long as it's not rough. We'll need lube, of course."

"I use it to jerk off, so we're good there," Sam replied. We all watched him retrieve a bottle from the nightstand drawer.

"So now we just need to decide who gets my ass," I said with a grin. Then I hurriedly added, "Sorry, Sam, but it won't be you. I know my limit, and your dick definitely exceeds it."

He only chuckled, his gaze full of affection as he regarded me. "Trust me, Mina, I'm beyond thrilled to have your pussy."

My freshly fucked cunt pulsed at his words. Before I could reply, Doug spoke up, lifting his hand as though he was being called on in class. "Uh, I have some experience with anal." When all of us looked at him in surprise, he appeared sheepish. "My wife used to enjoy it."

"Perfect!" Leveling my stare on his hard cock, I realized I couldn't wait to feel it claiming my ass. It put me at ease to know Doug had done this before. When I looked over at Henry, I found him almost rigid with anticipation. "I'd love to feel your cock inside my pussy while Doug's fucking my ass," I told him.

It took some maneuvering, but we quickly figured out the best way to position ourselves. Henry lay on his back with his dick standing at attention. I straddled him, taking a moment to caress his cheek. He smiled up at me while giving my tits a gentle squeeze. I loved the way his eyes were full of such intense desire. Reaching between us, I grasped Henry's cock and placed myself directly above its tip. "I've been wanting to do this all night," I said. Then I began lowering myself onto his erection. I still had some of Tom's semen inside my pussy, and I could hear the squelch of it as yet another cock claimed my cunt. By this point, the air was heavy with the scent of sex and sweat.

Henry felt so fucking good inside me that I couldn't resist riding him. My hips worked up to a relentless rhythm, making Henry release a helpless groan. Knowing I was being watched and admired by so many men only heightened my excitement. "Baby, if you don't slow down, I'm not gonna last!" Henry finally told me with an apologetic grin.

I quickly slowed to a stop. "Sorry I got carried away!"

"You don't ever need to apologize for that!" Henry said.

Looking over my shoulder at Doug, I flashed a smile. "I'm ready for you now."

I could tell he was plenty ready for me, too, but his movements were gentle as he lubed up my puckered hole. Tom had now sat up and was eagerly watching Doug prepare my ass. As I leaned forward, bringing my face closer to Henry's, Sam stroked my hair. I sensed his nervousness, and I looked up at him with a reassuring smile. Doug knelt behind me, between Henry's spread legs. I felt him right at my hole. "Ready?" he murmured. "I promise I'll go slow, Mina."

"I'm ready!" Of course, I hadn't prepared in any way for anal, and as Doug began working his tip inside my ass, the first twinge of pain made me wince.

Sam must have been watching me closely, for his voice was edged with concern when he spoke. "Maybe we should stop." Upon hearing his words, Doug immediately stilled. A little of his cockhead was inside me now, exerting an insistent pressure.

"I'm okay," I promised. Then I focused on taking several deep breaths, willing my body to relax.

Of course, Henry also noticed my discomfort. With gentle fingers, he reached between us to massage my clit. "How's that feel?" he whispered.

"Really good!" I relaxed even more beneath his touch until I was ready to take Doug deeper inside me. Sam placed a soothing hand on my back as Doug's cock stretched my hole even wider. I knew it would be a little longer before pain gave way to pleasure, but my body continued yielding to him.

At a glacial pace, Doug claimed my ass inch by inch. I was grateful to him for being so careful. Behind me, I heard Tom's lust-filled moan. "Mina, he's almost all the way inside you now!"

I didn't dare make a sound for fear it would be mistaken for a whimper of pain. Once Doug finally bottomed out, he patiently waited for me to let him know I was ready to be fucked. Sam brought his face level with mine, then gave me a tender kiss. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" he asked.

"I'm great," I replied, offering him a confident smile. Now that I had taken all of Doug's cock, I managed to relax even more, and the pain began to ebb. Turning my head so Doug could see my profile, I told him, "You can start moving now."

Doug groaned in response. "Your ass is so nice and tight, Mina! I'm afraid I won't last long."

Looking down at Henry, I noticed his jaw was set in a firm line. He seemed to be wrestling with his own need to come. I figured he could feel the pressure of Henry's dick through the wall of my flesh separating the two of them.

"That's okay," I assured Doug. "I'm enjoying you plenty now." And I was. Never had I dreamed how incredible it would feel to have two men inside me at the same time! The bliss only intensified when Doug started fucking my ass with gentle thrusts. It felt like every pleasure zone within me was getting continually stimulated. Animal-like cries escaped my lips as Henry rubbed my clit.

Turning my head, I found Sam's dick just out of reach of my lips. "I still have another hole for you to use," I said between moans, then opened my mouth.

"Oh, Mina!" he breathed. Due to his size and my somewhat awkward position, I couldn't take much more than his tip, but he seemed plenty satisfied with my efforts. Tom joined us then. The feel of his palms sliding over my skin made me moan louder around Sam's cock. When Tom fondled my nipple, his touch was so light it was little more than a tease, and I trembled with need.

As my current reality outmatched my wildest fantasies, I felt like a stranger to myself. No longer was I Mina, a college student who cleaned houses for extra money. No, I'd become ecstasy embodied as every cell in my body hummed. I was beyond pain, awash in endorphins. Looking down at Henry, I positively beamed while he dared to move inside me a little. My wild cries grew distant to my ears, and all I could hear was his voice pleading, "Come for me, Mina!"

I tried to be a good girl and do as he asked, but before I could, Doug reached his release. The sound of his groans filled the room as his cock pulsed inside my ass. "Oh, my God!" I wailed. Knowing another of my holes was now full of cum started a chain reaction within me. I began quaking, and even in the grip of his own climax, Doug held me fast. Henry's thrusts grew more fervent, driving his cock farther inside my cunt. He stoked my lust until I surrendered to it entirely. Both of my holes were so full, my muscle contractions seemed like halfhearted attempts, but they continued nonetheless, and I knew Henry and Doug felt them.

"Ah, fuck!" Henry shuddered while he came hard inside me. My eyes rolled, and I found I could no longer keep my body poised on top of him. Again, steadying hands prevented me from collapsing. As my cries became desperate whines, Doug carefully pulled out of my ass. I slumped forward, resting my forehead on Henry's chest. My body had gone completely limp, so I depended on Sam and Tom to lift me off of Henry's cock. They moved slowly, making every effort to be gentle. Once they'd laid me down on the bed, Henry rolled onto his side, and I offered him my mouth for another tender kiss. "Thank you, Mina," he whispered. I smiled at the knowledge that I'd made him so happy.

My skin was damp with sweat, and Doug smoothed my hair back from my face. When he lowered his lips to mine, I relaxed into that kiss, enjoying the sensual pleasure his mouth provided. "You were such a good girl," he said with a sweet smile.

Finally, I turned to Sam, who now sat on the edge of the bed. He was still fully hard, but his expression held concern rather than lust. "You need to rest. You and I can play another time."

I immediately propped myself up, ready to argue. "Sam, no! I want you to fuck me!" Here was the man of my dreams, the one who had started all of this, primed and ready. And now I was about to miss my chance to have him!

I sensed his inner struggle. On the one hand, he wanted to make sure I wasn't exhausted and potentially injured. On the other hand, he desperately wanted to fuck me. "Mina, you've already had three cocks inside you tonight."

"And I'm ready for one more!" To prove I meant it, I leaned toward him so I could wrap my fingers around his shaft. He moaned at my touch, but still didn't relent.

Tom climbed from the bed. "I'll get a glass of ice water for you, Mina. You look flushed." As he strode from the room, his now-flaccid cock swayed between his thighs.

"I just need water," I insisted. "Then I'll be fine."

Henry pressed a hand to my cheek and turned my face toward him. "None of us want you to hurt yourself, darling." His stare was so tender that I felt a knot of tears rise in my throat.

"I promise I won't."

Tom returned to the room with four glasses of water cradled in his arms. He offered one to each of us, and I quickly drank all of mine. When I was finished, Tom took the glass and placed it on the nightstand. My body temperature was already cooling down, and my face didn't feel nearly as hot. "I swear if I start feeling any pain at all, I'll tell you," I said to Sam.

With a sigh, he set his glass alongside mine. For a long moment, he was still, torn between leaving the bed entirely or joining me. Then, in what seemed like a single fluid movement, he turned and cupped my face in his hands. His kiss was so full of need that it immediately resurrected my lust. Neither of us spoke as I pulled him onto the bed with me. Doug and Henry now stood near Tom, watching Sam kiss my neck and stroke my skin. I ran my fingers through Sam's hair as his lips traveled lower.

While his mouth lingered over my breasts so he could suckle my nipples, my hips began an insistent rocking, betraying my arousal. My gaze drifted to the three men who'd just fucked me. Though they were now spent, I knew they were enjoying the sight of their friend getting ready to have his turn.

Then I focused my attention solely on Sam, guiding his head upward so we could share another kiss. Our tongues met, again and again, between our parted lips. "I want to feel you inside me!" I moaned.

He flashed a sly grin. "You know I can't deny my good girl." A pleading whimper escaped me when I felt his cock at my opening. Beneath my hands, Sam trembled from his own barely controlled lust. Since my pussy was stretched and slick with cum, Sam was able to effortlessly enter me, yet his size ensured I was still plenty satisfied. I had to marvel at the fact that Sam, sweet, gentlemanly Sam, now had his cock buried all the way inside my cunt. "All mine," he whispered. Then he began moving between my thighs.

I vaguely heard Tom murmur, "My God, her tight pussy's still gripping his cock!"

"I know just how tight she is," Doug said in a husky voice.

"Harder," I urged Sam. "Take my pussy!"

Unable to resist my pleas, he pumped his hips with a more fervent rhythm. Even when I felt his cockhead tap my cervix, I only craved more. I was wild for his dick, and for him. Reaching between my thighs, I desperately rubbed my clit, for I could tell by Sam's uneven breaths and his taut muscles that he was close. My voice quaked from the force of his thrusts when I cried out, "Fill my pussy with your cum!"

Though I begged and writhed beneath him, he somehow lasted until his cock and my fingers gave me yet another orgasm. This time, I couldn't hold back a low scream. Sam gasped at the feel of each contraction deep within my cunt. Above me, he grew rigid just before driving himself all the way inside me with a fierce thrust. Then he released a roar as he finally surrendered to his own climax.

I lay beneath Sam, clinging to him. We were both breathing fast, and while he remained inside me, growing soft, I closed my eyes and smiled. "That was perfect," I whispered.

Sam stroked my cheek. "You're the perfect one, Mina." After he pulled out, I remained on the bed, feeling so relaxed and sleepy that I didn't want to move. "We should call it a night," I heard Sam tell the others. "Our girl is clearly tired."

"But so happy!" I piped up, making them laugh. My lips, swollen from so many kisses, welcomed even more as each of Sam's friends wished me a good night. Tom was the first, gently lowering his mouth to mine. "You're amazing at eating pussy, by the way," I told him with a grin.

He chuckled, obviously pleased by my compliment. "I'm glad you think so, baby. I'd love to enjoy yours again sometime."

Doug was next, and his smile was as warm as ever. "I really hope to see you at the next card game, sweet girl." When he kissed me in that slow, lingering way of his, I couldn't suppress a moan of pleasure.

Finally, Henry sat down on the edge of the bed. His smile was tender as he stroked my hair. I sat up so I could slip my arms around him. "I hope we can see each other again soon," I whispered in his ear. "I had such a wonderful time with you tonight."

"Likewise, Mina." He held me close, kissing my face and hair, and finally my mouth. His lips were so warm and soft on mine. "Tonight meant more to me than I can express. Thank you, sweetheart."

After the three of them had left, and it was just me and Sam once more, we shared our own deep, sensual kiss. Then he led me to the bathroom. I nestled against him, still hungry for his scent. "I'll run you a hot bath," he told me, "and then I'll get you another glass of water. Or would you like something else? You need to rehydrate."

"Water's great." As Sam crouched by the tub, I decided there was no longer any need for modesty between us, not after what we'd just shared. Moving to the toilet, I sat down and relieved myself. It was then that I noticed the dried cum coating my inner thighs. It was still hard for me to fully believe that I had the seed of four different men inside me. The thought sent another current of pleasure through my body.

I was able to climb into the tub just fine on my own, but Sam insisted on helping me. Once I was settled into the water, which was the perfect temperature for soaking, and I had a glass of ice water within easy reach, Sam sat on the edge of the tub. "Do you have to go back to your apartment tonight?" he asked. "I'd love for you to stay here."

I beamed at his invitation. "I'd love to stay, too."

"I'll go change the sheets while you relax in here. After I shower in the other bathroom, I'll be back to check on you."

Before he stood, I reached for his hand. "Or you could join me in here," I suggested.

He gave my hand a squeeze as his smile widened. "I like the way you think." When his stare dropped to my breasts, I scooted down in the water and then arched my back so my nipples emerged above the surface. I heard his faint moan at the sight, but when our eyes met again, his expression grew earnest. "How are you feeling?"

I knew my ass would be sore for a few days, and my cunt was a little tender, but the pain only served as a reminder of the bliss I'd experienced before. "I'm fine," I assured Sam. "I had such a great time with the four of you!"

Apprehension lingered in his eyes. "I hope you never regret what we did."

"How could I regret it? I've had a crush on you for ages, Sam!"

He only shook his head, flashing a grin. "And I have no idea why."

"Because you're the sexiest man I've ever met!" I cried, as if it couldn't be more obvious.

Sam leaned forward to stroke my cheek. Then he slid his palm along the curve of my shoulder, inching closer to my breast. I moaned as he cupped it in his hand. When he spoke again, it was in that voice I loved, so tender and yet so seductive. "And you, Mina, are my very good girl." 

Written by Obsolete_Fox
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