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A First Step

"A Couple Explores with Other Couples"

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Famous Story
My husband and I got out of our car and walked in silence the short block to the townhouse we'd never visited before. It was about 7:30 on this fall night. The air was cool and crisp. I nervously fiddled with my purse as we walked.

The conversation that started it all took place about three months ago. One evening my husband, Chris, and I were lying in bed after making love. We lay on our sides facing each other, his hand tickling the soft skin of my neck. We were playfully flattering each other about how much we enjoyed what just took place and how good the other person was at giving pleasure. Then all of a sudden he blurted out, "Do you ever miss being with women?"

Now this isn't as random a question as you might think. Before we decided to marry we discussed with each other our significant, previous relationships. Chris told me he had slept with three other women before me, and I related that I'd been with two men before him. Neither of us were shocked that we weren't the other's first, as we never professed to be completely chaste.

Chris was quite shocked though when I told him that back in college I had had relationships with two girls. I told him it was just a phase I had gone through, and he asked many questions that day, but we didn't discuss it much after that. While I hadn't believed he'd forgotten about the conversation, I'd assumed he'd decided to let the subject die.

This is why the question took my by surprise. I was a little flustered and my immediate response was a lie. "I thought you'd forgotten about that," I said.

"How could I forget?" Chris responded rhetorically.

I decided I'd better be honest. "Well, I sometimes think about it." I hastily added, "But not like, you know, all the time." I smiled nervously as his hand moved from my neck down to my exposed hip. He propped himself up on one elbow and rested his head on his hand.

"Well, you know if you're interested in still trying any of that..." he began.

My eyes went wide in shock. I had to admit the thought had occurred to me from time to time, but I would never do anything behind Chris' back. The fact he had never brought the subject up told me he wasn't that intrigued by it. He seemed satisfied with our love life; I certainly was. Even after the birth of our first child almost a year ago, Chris seemed as interested as ever in me and my body. I was a little self-conscious about the changes that took place in my shape with the pregnancy, but he didn't seem to mind. He even said it aroused him. Besides, on the subject of another woman in our life, even if he did consent to it, I wasn't so sure I wanted to start something like that. Once you do it, you can't take it back. It could change our marriage forever in ways we could never foresee.

This had been the way I'd looked at things up until that night. However, as Chris explained his thoughts to me that evening I began to rethink my earlier positions. He told me he'd be interested in seeking out another woman to share in our lovemaking only if I was. For some reason I didn't want to seem over-eager. Perhaps in the back of my mind I was thinking that there had to be some downside for me if he was this interested in it. Was there an ulterior motive? I know that's a horrible thing to think about when pondering an offer made by one's spouse, but I've known many men and even the most loving and trusting sometimes don't always have your best interest in mind. We decided to sleep on it and discuss it later.

After a couple days of pondering, we came to an agreement that we would pursue my husband's idea with one ground rule. If either of us, at any point, decided that this wasn't what we wanted we would stop and the other person would accept that decision as final.

Overcoming the hurdle of making a decision wasn't the hard part though. While one reads about swingers and threesomes in magazines and on the internet, the number of single women willing to engage in this type of activity, we realized, wasn't exactly a large universe. We couldn't think of a single woman we knew who we would dare approach. So we turned to the anonymity of the internet. We found numerous websites advertising local hook-ups for swingers, but in the end there was a lot of false advertising. The few women that we did find on these sites that lived nearby weren't exactly what we wanted either. I wasn't about to let just anyone into our bedroom.

After a few weeks of failed attempts, I tentatively suggested we might have better luck looking for other couples. At first, Chris was put off. He said he was absolutely not interested in getting in bed with "some other dude," as he put it. I was greatly relieved. I have to admit the idea of my husband getting it on with another guy wasn't arousing in the least bit. I suggested to Chris that we could always find a couple that was of the same mind and that most of the "sharing" would take place between me and the other wife. I wasn't sure I would like the idea of being with another man anyway. He still wasn't sure, but I convinced him that he would never have to engage in anything the least bit sexual with another man. I also reassured him I wouldn't want to get physical with another man, only the man's wife.

We left it at that and submitted our names and criteria to one of the websites to see what type of response we'd get back from couples that lived nearby. A couple days later we received an email from Sam and Carey. They lived just over the river in the city. They were in their early thirties and married like us. They sent us a picture of themselves and we did the same. Sam and Carey seemed like a completely normal couple from their picture and emails - the type of couple we might see at our local grocery store or in the park. They didn't seem like freaks. They told us they were interested in meeting us and that they had met another couple online that had similar interests. After a few emails back and forth to make sure we were both on the same page we agreed to meet them and the other couple out for drinks to determine if anything beyond that was possible.


The next weekend, Chris and I arrived at the selected wine bar to see that Sam and Carey were already there. We didn't often go out in the city since having our baby, so after getting a baby sitter, just going out was a nice little treat for us. They were seated in a secluded corner of the establishment at a short coffee table surrounded by two plush love seats up against the dark-paneled walls and two overstuffed chairs.

As we walked towards them, my mouth went dry and my fingers nervously fidgeted with the material of my skirt. Soft piano music played in the background. Our new acquaintances stood and greeted us. Carey was all smiles. I tried not to give away my nervousness, but felt for sure my hand was cold as she took it.

"Hi Carey, I'm Erica, it's so good to meet you," I heard myself say.

I turned to greet Sam; his eyes met mine and I felt myself blush. He was quite handsome in person. We shook hands, and Chris and I took a seat on the other couch. As we exchanges pleasantries, it seemed to me the other three were a lot less nervous than I. As Carey started to tell us a little about the other married couple that would be joining us, I looked over our new acquaintances sitting across from us.

Sam had dark brown hair cut short, chocolate eyes, and was of average build - not thin, but not over-weight either. He made eye contact with me while his wife spoke. I felt myself blushing again and turned to Carey. She was a perky girl, with a slight Southern accent. She was quick to smile as she talked, a trait that was immediately disarming. Her light brown hair fell down past her shoulders and her blue-gray eyes looked out through black-rimmed eye glasses. Her figure, like her husband's, was well proportioned. While it wasn't easy to determine while she was sitting down, it looked like she was pretty curvy where it counted, certainly not petite.

As we chatted, a server came by to take our drink order. Carey explained they had found John and Olivia, the other couple, in the same way they had met us.

"Sam and I figured we all might as well meet together and if we all get along, then great," Carey explained. "If not, no harm done. Or, if you only hit it off with John and Olivia, you four can continue getting to know each other without us," she added with a friendly smile and a wink.

"Oh...I...surely, not..." I stammered.

"We're not encouraging that, of course," said Sam with chuckle, saving me from having to come up with a response.

John and Olivia arrived just as our drinks did. I was a little taken aback. If Sam and Carey were the epitome of 'the average neighbor', John and Olivia were definitely a 'head turning' couple. I felt flattered that they would consider us as potential lovers.

After greetings and introductions were exchanged they sat in the two empty seats. John and Olivia appeared a little younger than us and Sam and Carey, possibly late twenties rather than early thirties. They were both much trendier dressers too. John was tall, with dark, short hair, and looked to be in fit condition. He wore black slacks and shoes with a blue dress shirt that hugged his chest. Olivia was striking in a cosmopolitan sort of way. She, too, was tall, with straight, dark brown hair falling down to her shoulders. Her white blouse fit snugly on her slim frame and contrasted nicely with her knee-length black skirt and bronze skin. Tall black boots nearly touched the hem of her skirt.

The conversation flowed freely. As I sipped chardonnay, I felt my nervousness ebb. I'm not sure whether it was the alcohol or the friendly banter but I became more and more comfortable with these people as the evening went on. They didn't appear to be judging my appearance, which was a big worry - you don't know how much I stressed about what to wear. We learned a little more about each other such as jobs, how we all met our spouses, and how long we'd all lived in the area. We determined that Chris and I were the only couple with a child.

At one point I excused myself to go to the ladies' room.

"I'll join you," said Olivia. "Come with us Carey," she added.

In the restroom, I entered a stall while Olivia and Carey, who were using the bathroom as an excuse to chat away from the guys, primped in the mirror.

"I love your boots," I heard Carey say to Olivia.

"Oh, thanks," she replied. "I got them for a steal."

I exited the stall and approached the mirror and sink.

With raised eyebrows and a slight smile on her face, Carey asked, "So what do you two think so far?"

"I'm enjoying myself," I said tentatively.

"All I can say," replied Olivia, "is that your husbands are cute! If you don't mind me saying."

We giggled and laughed in response.

"Don't mind at all," I said.

"Yours is a cutie too," said Carey with a wink to Olivia.

"And such a great bum too," I added.

"He does, that," responded Olivia as she ran a hand through her hair. "It's one of his best features, as I'm sure you'll find out. Although, there is another one..."

"Oh reeeaally?"cooed Carey.

"Well, if this goes any further we'll have to compare notes," I said with a grin.

"And don't overlook Carey's ass either," quipped Olivia with a long, intentional look down at Carey's rear. "I think it would put John's to shame."

Carey laughed. "Come now...I've got nothing on Erica here."

"We'll just have to find out," said Olivia.

"Does this mean we're all in?" asked Carey.

My heart skipped a beat. This was it. If I didn't speak up now, it would be a lot harder to do so later.

"Well, we still have to convince the guys," I said, as I straightened my shirt.

"That won't be hard, they'll do what we say," Olivia joked, sealing our fate. "Ready gals?"

We smiled at each other as we finished up in front of the mirrors and returned to our table.

After about two and a half hours at the wine bar we went our separate ways agreeing to touch base on email later that week.

In the car, Chris and I conferred. I told him the women were sold on the idea of the three couples getting together again. I asked him what the guys had discussed while we were in the bathroom.

"Oh, we talked about where we lived, our jobs, you know, stuff like that," he said.

"Did you discuss the whole swapping thing?" I asked, somewhat incredulous that they hadn't brought it up.

"No way," he said. "I wasn't going to bring that up."

"But that's what we were there to determine," I said in frustration.

"Here's how it is," he said. "I'm all for it and I'm sure the other guys are too. Didn't you notice them checking you and the other girls out? But we're never going to admit that to each other. No guy is going to tell another guy he wants to hook up with his wife. Plus, implicit in that is he's going to get naked with the other guy. No dude is even going to put that thought out there."

"You guys are soooo sensitive," I joshed. I shook my head. "I hadn't thought about it like that though."

"So it has to look like we're being pulled into this by our wives and we're just along for the ride," he explained.

"I get it," I replied laughing. "I need to make sure you don't come across as too eager to get it on with some guy."

"Whatever!" he laughed. "That's not the part I'm eager about at all!"

As we parked our car and walked to our house I asked with a twinkle in my eye, "So which part are you eager about?"

I actually saw Chris blush. "I'll tell you later."

We paid the babysitter and saw her off. Our ten-month-old daughter was asleep upstairs in her nursery. I checked in on her for a minute to see how she was sleeping and then joined Chris in our bedroom.

He had begun undressing. I came up behind him and wrapping my arms around his bare chest, nuzzling my face against his neck, smelling his strong, masculine scent.

"So, what part of our adventure are you looking forward to?" I asked playfully.

"Oh...I don't know," Chris toyed with me.

"So which one would you rather be with?" I asked egging him on.

"Well, it's not that easy."

I laughed, "So you want them both."

"Well...of course, they are both pretty attractive, in different ways. Carey is more like the girl-next-door type. Olivia has that knock-out figure and classic looks."

My hands moved down his chest to his waist. I pressed my hand between his legs and felt his bulge pressing against the material of his pants. "They turn you on, don't they," I prodded him.

"Do Sam and John turn you on?" Chris said, turning to face me.

"Not as much as what I've got in my hand right now," I replied. "But, yeah, they're definitely attractive. They certainly don't turn me off to the idea of sharing. And Olivia and Carey aren't half bad either."

Chris smiled down at me again, desire in his eyes. I felt his hands move up under my shirt, running over the soft skin of my stomach. "Oh yeah? Do they do it for you too?"

"Mmm...yeah," I responded and my tongue touched my upper lip. He pressed his mouth to mine in a deep kiss.

"This whole evening has been such a turn on," my husband whispered as he kissed me.

"I know what you mean sweetie," I replied. Our kisses turned more passionate as his hands pushed my shirt up over my head and mine fiddled with his belt buckle. I quickly unclasped my bra, letting my breasts fall free. Chris immediately took them in his hands, massaging them and tweaking my nipples. I moaned, pushed his pants down his thighs and grasped his hard shaft through his undershorts.

Our love making was quick and passionate. I wanted it that way. As I lay on the edge of the bed, with him on top of me, I fantasized about Carey, or perhaps Olivia, looking on and joining in some way. Chris and I both came hard within moments of each other. After it was over, he collapsed on top of me, my legs wrapped around his waist.

"Oh baby, that was good," I sighed. "You'll never guess what I was thinking of," I said seductively.

"Oh, what?" he asked.

I just smiled.


So that is how we found ourselves, this evening, in front of Sam and Carey's townhouse in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. "Nervous?" I asked.

"A little," he said.

"Remember, we can always back out," I reminded him.

He smiled ruefully, "Too late for that." He knocked.

Carey opened it and welcomed us in with a big grin and hugs. I felt her hand linger a little longer than normal on my hip and her bright eyes locked on mine for an extra beat. I'm sure I blushed again. Sam greeted us as well, me with a hug and Chris with a handshake. He offered to get as drinks as Carey showed us into their living room. It was furnished casually, a couple mismatched couches and some chairs grouped in a U-shape facing a television set. The three of us sat down while Sam worked on the drinks.

I had decided to dress up a little for the occasion. I was wearing a black skirt and light blue blouse. Chris calls it my "Pam" outfit, a la the character from The Office. As we sat, I worried that I had overdressed; Carey wore dark jeans and a loose fitting top. I wondered what was underneath. I had taken care in picking out my bra and underwear. I wasn't one hundred percent sure anyone would see them tonight, but it was better to assume that would be the case. I had chosen one of my favorites, a matching pale blue bra and bikini pantie set.

John and Olivia put me at ease when they arrived. Olivia looked stunning again. She wore tall boots, dark brown this time, with another knee-length skirt and a body-hugging, dark, long-sleeved tee-shirt. I was clearly not overdressed. John gave me a warm hug; his strong arms felt good on my body. Olivia embraced me with a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. Her finger tips touched mine as we separated, sending a nice shiver down my spine.

Sam returned with the drinks, a gin and tonic for me, a beer for Chris and a vodka and tonic for Carey. John and Olivia sat on couch opposite Chris and me. A new bout of nervousness swept over me, but it receded as the gin and friendly conversation took over. Sam returned with drinks for the others and took a chair next to his wife. As we sipped our drinks the conversation revolved around how we each had gotten the idea of swapping. Sam and Carey told us they had done it before with another couple, but the couple had moved away. Like us, they didn't know anyone who would be into the idea so they turned to the internet.

John and Olivia were in a similar situation as us. They had never opened their marriage to other partners; however, neither of them had ever been with someone of the same sex before marriage. "This is going to be a whole new experience on many levels," said Olivia, grinning as she looked from Carey to me.

"Just as long as you don't get to like it too much, honey," responded John with a wink as he placed his hand on his wife's thigh. We all laughed at that.

Chris laid his hand on my back. I smiled at him in response and wiggled in my seat.

The evening progressed like that. We exchanged friendly, somewhat sexually suggestive banter as we started on our second round of drinks. It was then that Carey got the ball rolling.

"So if y'all are okay with it, this is something I thought we'd try. It's a little game we have," she said with grin. "Something to break the ice and get things going. Are y'all okay with that?"

"Sounds good to me," said Chris. We all agreed.

Carey explained that the game involved a deck of cards, each with a different instruction on it. "When it's your turn, you draw a card and do whatever the card tells you to do. Since this is our first time together we've removed a lot of the more explicit cards to keep things a little more comfortable for people," she explained.

"Oh, boooooo," joked Olivia.

"We want to keep it comfortable for everyone involved," added Sam.

"Maybe if y'all like it we can add the other cards back in," Carey responded with a smile. "Before we start, who needs another drink?"

The game began with cards that asked us to reveal to the group such things as what our first sexual experience was or which celebrity we'd most like to join in bed. We all got a good laugh and a few embarrassments. The pressure got turned up a little when Olivia drew a card asking her to tell the group who in the room, other than her spouse, she'd most like to make out with.

"Oh gee," she paused, obviously nervous, "I'll go with Sam." We all laughed and Sam raised his hands in the air in mock celebration.

It was now Sam's turn. He drew a card that asked him whether he'd ever had a fantasy about being with someone of the same sex. I noticed his face get red. "I can't say that I have," he replied.

"Whatever dude," replied my husband jokingly. "You know you have." We all got a good laugh again. Clearly the alcohol and joking around had loosened everyone's inhibitions a little.

Carey drew next. Her card, instead of asking her to tell us something, told her to remove an article of clothing. She giggled and removed her shoes. My husband drew his card and laughed. His instructions were to select two people to remove an article of clothing. "Well, I know I'll probably pay for this later, but I choose Erica and...Sam, since it's his house."

"Oh, you bastard," shouted Sam laughing. He pulled his shoes off.

"I'll definitely remember this!" I said to needle Chris as I slipped my shoes off my bare feet.

It was then my turn. I drew my card and read it aloud, "Pick two people in the room to kiss each other while everyone counts to ten." I put my finger to my lips to mimic a look of deep concentration on my decision. "Well, Olivia wanted to soooo...Olivia and Sam."

Olivia looked at Carey with a nervous smile and then over at Sam, who was grinning. They both stood and met in the middle of the room, their spouses looking on. I admit I was eager to see what they'd do and how far this game would take us. As we began to count they placed their hands on each others' hips; their mouths met in a tentative kiss. As we slowly approached "five," they kissed again, this time when their lips touched their mouths opened slightly. By the count of "ten" Olivia and Sam had progressed to open-mouth kissing and as they parted the look on both their faces said they were disappointed to have to go back to their respective seats.

"Well done," Carey encouraged them.

John was next. He pulled a card that instructed him to remove an article of clothing as well as choose someone else to do the same. "Carey, it's your game," he said with a wink, "Go ahead." John tugged his shoes off and Carey pulled her socks off.

Olivia drew a card. She read, "Tell the group your favorite sexual position." She blushed, smiled nervously and looked over at her husband. "Oh wow, umm," she mumbled.

"Oh, come on honey, I know what it is," John teased.

"Okay, I love to be on top, facing him," Olivia admitted.

"Woo hoo, nice!" exclaimed Carey. "Okay Sam, your turn," she said.

The idea of climbing on top of John and riding him caused me to clench my thighs together and left my mouth a little dry. I shifted in my seat. I could tell Chris was a little excited too; his fingers flexed on my back.

Sam took a card and read, "Who in the room would you most like to see naked? He looked from Olivia to me and back to Olivia.

"What about me?" asked Carey in mock disapproval.

"I see you naked all the time sweetie," he said laughing. "Erica, I'm a breast guy and I'll bet you've got two beauties under that shirt," he said with a smile.

I felt myself blush again. "Well thank you Sam," I replied flashing him what I hoped was my best playful smile as the gin and tonics took over, "I hope I don't disappoint you."

As the game progressed, a pile of socks, shoes, and a pair of boots developed on the floor, and we learned a little more about each others' sexual desires and intimate moments. John's shirt was off and lay crumpled on the floor. Carey was forced to share with us the most exotic place she'd ever had sex; it was in a lake at night with Sam before they were married. John revealed his favorite sex position: "taking Olivia from behind," as he put it. I was enjoying myself, but nervous at the same time. I didn't want to be the next person to remove an article of clothing, as it would have to be my shirt. I badly didn't want to be the first woman without a shirt. I knew it was just a game and anyone of us could back out at any time, but I didn't want to be the one do to that either. I was in control, but I wasn't, and it thrilled me.

I drew a card. As I read it, my hand went to my mouth. "When was the last time you masturbated and what did you think about." This was worse than having to remove my shirt ahead of the other girls. I was utterly embarrassed. I didn't even talk about things like that with my husband. "So this is really embarrassing," I started. Everyone was looking at me. I tried to ignore Chris, sitting next to me. Pretend he's not there, I told myself. I could feel my face redden.

"I think it was Tuesday morning, in the shower. Chris had left for work," I said tentatively.

"Nothing wrong with that Erica," Carey said reassuringly.

"Yeah, I love the shower," Olivia said.

"Me too," John said grinning. Olivia playfully slapped his arm.

"And what were you thinking about?" Carey asked eagerly.

"Well, I guess it was several things." I figured I'd be honest and make this as good as possible. "I thought about the sex Chris and I had had that weekend. The thought of it aroused me. And then I thought about us all getting together tonight and what may happen." I was getting into it. "I fantasized about having sex with Chris in the room as you all watched. You all were having sex too, of course."

"Wow, that's hot," said John.

I noticed Sam's hand slip down to his wife's thigh and press between her legs through the denim of her jeans. Carey's mouth was open and her tongue touched her upper lip. I felt good now that I'd said it. I'd been bold and they'd liked it. I was satisfied. I felt Chris rub my back to reassure me. He seemed okay with my revelation as well. I inched closer to him on the couch.

John followed me and drew a card. It instructed him to choose two people. They would have to take off one piece of clothing worn by the other person.

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He chose Carey and me. After what I just disclosed I could do this. No problem.

Carey and I stood in the center of the room. "You first," I said.

She chose my shirt and began to unbutton it. Smiling, she then pushed the shirt off my shoulders and down my arms. I let it fall to the floor and stood there in my bra; I felt for sure they could see my heart pounding beneath my chest. "Very cute," she said.

I put my hands on her hips and slowly slid her shirt up her sides and over her breasts. She helped me as I lifted it over her head and arms and off. I was careful not to snag her glasses. Her ample breasts were held in place by a black lace bra. I realized that I wanted to kiss her right then and there, to feel her soft lips on mine, but we quickly returned to our seats to the applause of the rest of the group.

I wasn't self-conscious at all. I sat with my hands under my thighs completely at ease. At least that's what I tried to project. I hoped my cleavage would distract the others from the pudge at the top of my skirt. Oh well, I thought.

Olivia drew a card. It gave her the option of either removing one article of clothing of her own or removing two pieces of clothing of her own and choosing two other people to remove one piece of theirs. "Let's get this party moving," she said with an evil grin, "Chris and John, you're in this with me." The guys laughed good-naturedly.

Olivia stood and quickly pulled her tee-shirt up over her head. She then unzipped her skirt and pushed it down her long, thin legs. She smiled as she sat back down, knowing everyone was ogling her. As I had expected, she had a fantastic body underneath those clothes; I was envious.

John and Chris both stood. John unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants off. Chris did the same. They both sat back down in their undershorts, bulges protruding from both. I reached over and patted Chris' thigh, softly brushed his shaft through the thin material. He smiled at me.

Olivia did the same to John and announced, "Someone is a little excited." We all giggled and laughed.

"I never thought my wife would be so into stripping in front of other people," John kidded.

Sam picked up the next card. "Remove an article of clothing of one of the people sitting next to you and kiss whatever is underneath for thirty seconds," he read. He looked over at his wife. "Okay sweetie, you know what I like."

Carey smiled in response. "Oh, I know." She sat up and Sam reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. Carey threw it aside letting her large breasts free from their constraint. As we counted, Sam leaned over and took his wife's right breast in his hand and lowered his lips to her nipple. His tongue circled the large areola. Carey's eyes closed as she gave into the pleasure and sucked in her breath as Sam's lips closed on her dark nipple. I squirmed in my seat as I watched Carey enjoying Sam's attention.

"Oh, she's liking that," Olivia commented.

As we neared fifteen, Sam switched breasts and greedily sucked on his wife's left nipple. He must have nibbled with his teeth, because Carey winced before a look of pleasure spread over her face once more. Carey shivered with pleasure and opened her eyes as we reached thirty.

Carey's card instructed her to choose someone in the room with whom to make out for thirty seconds. To my private glee, she immediately shouted "Erica!"

She stood and instructed me to stay right where I was. My mouth went dry and I quickly licked my lips so they'd be a little moist. I'd been anticipating this all evening and now it was happening. I hadn't kissed a woman since college, and now Carey stood in front of me. She spread her legs, climbed on the couch and straddled my lap. She pulled her auburn hair back from her face, leaned down towards me and pressed her lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around her lower back, feeling her smooth skin against my hands, and opened my mouth to her. I was so ready for this. Our tongues intertwined and toyed with each other, hers reaching back into my throat and then withdrawing to allow mine to explore her mouth. I felt the soft flesh of her breasts on my upper chest as we kissed.

It went entirely too quickly, and as the group reached thirty Carey pulled away, looking longingly into my eyes. "I'm sorry that had to end," she smiled. The group hooted and clapped in approval. I exhaled and breathed deeply; my face was flushed once again. I took a sip of my gin and tonic and relished my first girl-kiss in over nine years.

My husband's turn came, and he drew a card. It told him to remove one piece of clothing from someone sitting next to him in the circle. He looked over at me. "I know you're just dying to get that skirt off, sweetie."

If it meant one step closer to having my desire fulfilled, I certainly was. I stood up and Chris unzipped my skirt and pulled it slowly down my thighs. I stepped out of it, revealing to the group my blue undies. I was a little self-conscious, but as the guys whistled and the girls signaled their approval, I felt better.

As I sat down, I thought about why Chris had chosen me over Carey. I leaned closer to him and whispered in his ear. "You know, you could have chosen Carey. I wouldn't have minded one bit. I might even have liked it. We're here to enjoy ourselves. Don't be bashful." We exchanged knowing smiles and cuddled close, his hand on my bare thigh, squeezing slightly. I pressed my thighs together, my desire growing.

"Okay Erica, your turn," said Carey.

I picked a card and read aloud, "Choose two people of the opposite sex. If they haven't stripped down to their underwear yet, have them do so. The woman must give the man a lap dance for three minutes." I thought about it for a quick second and chose Carey and Sam.

They stood, unbuttoned their jeans and pushed them down their legs eagerly. I would have been incredibly apprehensive about performing a lap dance in front of my news friends, but Carey was as adroit as someone who did this for a living. Sam sat back down on the couch and Carey stood in front of him, gently swaying her hips along with imaginary music. I felt the grip of Chris' hand on my thigh tighten a little in anticipation.

Carey grinned enticingly down at her husband and ran her hands up her stomach to her breasts and squeezed them, tugging on the nipples playfully. She then lowered herself onto the couch straddling Sam's thighs with her legs. She leaned over him and rubbed her nipples against his face and then, clutching her breasts, slid his face between them. She ran her hands through her brown hair, letting it fall seductively slightly askew over her face and shoulders. She swayed her hips over his groin, her thong underwear exposing her plump, bare bum to the room. Lowering her mound to the bulge that protruded from her husband's undershorts she then ran her hands over his bare chest.

She licked her lips as she pressed herself against her husband. Sam let out a soft moan. "Mmmm, sweetie," he mumbled.

Carey continued to swivel and rub her hips against Sam's groin area and brush his face with her full breasts. It was then I felt Chris' finger press against my labia through the material of my panties. It sent a spark through my body and I took my eyes off the performance to give a glance Chris' way. He was completely engrossed with watching Carey and Sam. I clenched my thighs around his hand and tried to press my mound closer to it. I didn't realize how aroused I was. I looked over at John and Olivia again. She was literally on the edge of her seat, her mouth slightly parted, a smile on her face. He sat erect, his hand between his legs. It looked like he was putting some pressure on his own bulge.

I turned my attention back to Carey as she rubbed her mound a little more vigorously against her husband. She moaned along with him as her lap danced turned into mutual pleasure. Her eyes closed, she was obviously lost in the moment. Sam's eyes were wide open taking in the sight of his wife grinding her body against his on their living room couch in front of two other couples. She slowed a little, opened her eyes, smiled, and looked down at Sam. "How was that sweetie?" she asked huskily.

"Mmmm, wonderful," he responded. Carey slid off Sam and sat back down next to him on the couch. Both their faces were flushed as they looked back at us.

"Okay, so whose turn is it now?" asked Carey breathlessly, "I got a little distracted."

"Uh, I guess it's mine," said John as he moved his hand from his groin to the deck of cards.

I felt Chris' hand relax on my thigh and looked over at him. He looked at me. "You enjoying yourself?" he asked quietly. I nodded in assent, my eyes surely giving away my desire. I put my hand on his thigh and touched his shaft through his undershorts. It was rock hard.

John read from his card. "Choose someone to remove an article of clothing of yours and then remove an article of their clothing. The two of you must caress whatever is underneath for thirty seconds." John looked around the room and his eyes settled on me. "Erica, care to join me?"

I accepted and we stood in the center of the group. All eyes were on us as John reached around my back and fumbled with my bra clasp.

"First time?" I joked. He finally got it and my bra fell to the floor, my breasts exposed. I touched the tip of my tongue to my lips, knelt down in front of John and grasping the waist line of his shorts slowly pulled them down his legs. His hard cock sprung free, standing out straight in front of me at eye level. It was larger than I had imagined. I wondered about what it would feel like in me and I felt a twinge between my legs. I could smell my arousal. I wondered if John could.

I grasped his shaft in my hands as the group began to count. I softly ran my fingers over the taught head and down the hard length of it. As I clasped it with my right hand, I took his balls in my left hand, massaging them gently. John groaned and I looked up at him. His mouth was open and I stroked him a little harder. I stood, but continued to stroke him.

His hands went to my breasts. He cupped them in his hands softly, lifting them slightly. The rough skin of his thumbs played across my nipples; they responded by hardening. I bit my lower lip and rubbed my hand over John's cock more firmly. He squeezed my breasts a little harder in response to my caresses.

Before I knew it, our time was up and we parted. I returned to me seat and looked at Chris. His smile reassured me. I looked over at John, his cock still standing up hard in his seat. And then my eyes turned to Olivia. Her dark eyes were on me and she wasn't smiling. I couldn't tell whether she was pleased or not until she gave me a seductive smile.

"Olivia, it's your turn," said Carey, breaking the spell.

Olivia drew a card and read. "If you are not naked at this point, remove your remaining clothes. If you are naked, pleasure yourself for two minutes." She blushed. "Looks like I'll join you naked, John," she said laughing. Olivia stood and unclasped her black bra and dropped it on the floor, revealing her petite breasts. Carey whistled jokingly. "You like 'em?" Olivia said with a wink as she gripped them both in her hands and squeezed them together in a mock pose.

"Oh yeah, keep going girl," responded Carey. Olivia then slipped her panties down her long, lithe legs. I saw my husband's eyes widen at the sight of her neat patch of curly dark hair covering her mound. "Very nice," added Carey.

"See what I get to enjoy all the time?" commented John with a grin.

"See what I get to enjoy?" Olivia quipped reaching over and grasping John's still hard cock as she sat back down. We all laughed.

Sam drew a card. "If you're not already naked, have your partner select someone to remove an article of your clothing and kiss whatever is underneath."

Carey giggled and paused. "Oh, I could be real mean here," she said. "Chris!"

"What?!" my husband exclaimed. "You can't pick me, you gotta pick a girl."

"That's not what the card says," Carey replied in her sweet Southern drawl. "Are you backing out?" she needled him. John, Olivia and I were dying laughing. Sam was not amused.

"Come on dude," John prodded, "It's not like it'll turn you queer or something." Chris reluctantly got up with Sam and quickly pulled down Sam's undershorts. Sam's cock had been stiff from Carey's attention, but now seemed a little deflated. Chris puckered his lips and bestowed a quick peck on the tip as we all laughed.

"It's not funny at all," Chris pouted as he returned to his seat.

I nuzzled him with my body to reassured him, but teased him at the same time. "I didn't know you swung that way sweetie. Wish you told me earlier."

"Ha ha, very funny," he replied.

"Good job honey," Carey said to Sam. "Was Chris as good as me?" she joked as she drew a card.

"Oh my God," she exclaimed as she read it to herself, and then out loud, "Remove all remaining clothing and pleasure yourself for two minutes."

Carey looked up at all of us, her face definitely a bit red. But she dutifully pulled her underwear down her legs and tossed them at Sam playfully. She leaned back on the couch and ran her right hand through the curly hairs covering her mound. She closed her eyes, spread her legs and began to draw her fingers over her labia. Chris' hand returned to my thigh, and I squeezed it against my mound. I exhaled deeply as I watched Carey play. I could feel my arousal growing and absentmindedly moved my body against Chris' hand. I looked over at Olivia and John. They were fixated on Carey again, John lightly stroking his cock and Olivia pressing her thighs together and releasing them. I was so glad it wasn't just me who was so aroused.

Carey began to rub her clit; her mouth was open and soft little moans were escaping with each breath. She was clearly enjoying herself. Sam reached over and tugged at one of her nipples and she groaned in response. The two minutes went quickly and we alerted her. She paused, opened her eyes and smiled at us all. "I didn't want that to end," she said, reading all our minds.

Chris chuckled and drew a card. It said to have his partner choose someone to give him oral pleasure for two minutes. A dozen thoughts went through my mind in a moment, some conflicting. "Olivia," I said, "with John's permission."

"Of course, that's part of the game," said John.

Olivia sauntered across the room and knelt down in front of my husband. I stared, wide-eyed, as she grasped his rigid shaft and squeezed it. I watched as he smiled down at her and she eagerly took him into her mouth. I knew I'd chosen wisely, as Olivia definitely seemed to know what she was doing. I watched Chris' face as his expression changed from a smile to a look of pleasure. He moaned softly as Olivia ministered to his desires.

Beforehand, I wasn't sure what I would have thought of another woman satisfying my husband, but this particular instance didn't bother me at all. In fact, it aroused me. I only wished someone would have been doing the same to me. Who? Anyone right now. I needed it. I looked over at Sam, John and Carey and it appeared they were all in the same spot. Carey was lightly stroking her husband and John had his hand on his cock.

Olivia finished up her two minutes. "Way too short," said Chris smiling at me. "Isn't it your turn now?"

At first I thought he meant to go down on him, but then I realized he meant the deck of cards. My arousal and the drinks were making me flustered. I drew a card from the deck.

"If you're not completely naked, remove your remaining clothes. You've been naughty. Bend over to allow your partner to discipline you." I gasped. "Oh my...," I paused. Chris and I had never done anything as kinky as spanking, just some occasional love pats. Our sex was pretty conventional. But I guess this was the day for crossing lines. "Where would you like me?" I asked him.

He smiled, appearing to relish his position and my obvious embarrassment. "Why don't you kneel down on the floor," he suggested. I tugged my panties down my legs and knelt on the carpet, facing John and Olivia with my bum in his direction. I felt Chris place his hand on my rear. He caressed it softly at first. His hand lifted, but instead of the slap I was expecting I felt his finger slide between my thighs and along my damp lips. I gasped involuntarily and closed my eyes trying to shut everyone else out. He removed his finger and then I felt it. SLAP. His hand came down on my ass. Not too hard, but hard enough to make me flinch. I grunted and bit my lower lip. And then his finger returned to my pussy. I felt another slap on my ass, this one felt more firm. A moan escaped my mouth from the pleasure and pain, and then another slap. I felt my eyes well up.

Then his hand returned to my rear softly, caressing it. His finger again found my wetness and I felt it slide in. "Mmmmm," I moaned.

"Is that better sweetie," I heard Chris say. I opened my eyes to John and Olivia staring down at me from their seats. I averted my eyes and looked down at the floor. My breasts were hanging down, swaying; my rear was completely exposed to my husband. I was simultaneously embarrassed and incredibly aroused. I stood up. The blood drained from my head, and I wiped my eyes.

"You okay there?" asked Carey thoughtfully. I nodded and sat down, my bottom a little sore.

Chris put his hand on my thigh. "I wasn't too hard was I," he asked?

"Not at all," I said smiling meekly, "I can't believe we just did that."

"I know."

John drew a card. He read, "If you're not already naked, remove the rest of your clothing. Let the others in the room give you oral pleasure until you are satisfied." He looked up questioningly. "Does this mean everyone?"

"No, no...anyone who wants to," Sam hastily replied.

"Okay girls," Carey said as she got up off the couch, "we've got work to do."

I tentatively crossed the room and knelt down on the floor with Carey and Olivia as John moved to the edge of the couch and spread his legs, his large, stiff cock pointing in our direction.

"May I?" asked Carey of Olivia.

"Be my guest," answered Olivia smiling.

I watched as Carey began by gently flicking the tip with her tongue and licking the sides of the shaft. She then took it in her mouth and began in earnest. John leaned back on the couch and enjoyed it. As Carey sucked, Olivia massaged John's thigh and then caressed his balls. John let out a low moan.

"Okay, give me a chance," Olivia said.

Carey moved off, and Olivia took her place, clearly experienced at what John enjoyed. She looked up at me, "Erica, help me out here." I looked at her wondering what she wanted. She must have sensed my indecision.

"Come on, get close in here with me." She motioned me in between John's spread legs. We leaned in together. I tentatively began to use my tongue on John as Olivia did the same. I looked up at John; his eyes were wide with desire. Olivia's soft, wet tongue occasionally touched mine; we smiled at each other as we shared her husband.

Carey moved up besides me, and I felt a tug on one of my nipples. The warmth of Olivia's body next to mine, John's cock on my lips, and Carey's touch of my breast caused me to moan with pleasure.

John also gave out a loud moan. "I'm so close," he said.

I backed off a little and Olivia took over and accepted his entire shaft into her mouth as he reached orgasm. Olivia licked her lips and then leaned over towards me kissing me deeply. I could taste her husband in her mouth as we kissed. Her lips were soft, so different than a man's. I'd missed this.

My desires had begun to overwhelm my patience with drawing cards and taking turns. I needed fulfillment soon.

Olivia drew a card. "Remove all your clothes and let the others in the room give you oral pleasure until you are satisfied." Olivia smiled deviously. "I certainly don't mind being on the receiving end here, but if it's okay with our hosts, I think while I'm having my fun you all should be able to have some too."

"I second that!" I said a little too eagerly.

"Absolutely," Carey responded.

"Agreed," echoed Sam and Chris.

Olivia decided to lay down on the carpet and propped a pillow underneath her head. She spread her legs wide and John got down between them and began his work. "Now make sure you let others take turns, honey," Olivia said teasingly.

Carey knelt down next to Olivia and began to caress her breasts. Chris and I gathered close as well. I put my hand on his cock and began to stroke it gently. He smiled at me as we watched.

John looked up. "Who's next?" he asked.

Carey got down and took his place. As she toyed with Olivia's wetness, I decided to be bold. I knelt behind her and placed my hand on her rear and caressed the soft, smooth flesh. She wiggled it for me in encouragement. I slid my hand between her thighs from behind and found her soaked. I gently slid a finger into her wetness and she moaned. I withdrew it and slowly massaged her clit. Carey gasped as she licked Olivia's pussy.

I looked over at the guys. All three of them were stroking hard cocks, watching the three of us enjoy ourselves. How I wanted one of those cocks in me.

Carey decided to let someone else have a turn. She backed off, wiping her hand across her wet face and smiled.

"Don't stop, please," moaned Olivia.

"Go Chris," I encouraged my husband. He dove down between her legs. I knew Olivia would enjoy this. Chris was a pro.

As my husband went to work, Olivia began to moan and twist. Her hips bucked and her face contorted into a scowl of pleasure. "Oh God, I'm close," she shouted. "Yes, that's it, yes, yes, yes. Fuck yes! Fuck! Oohhhh" she screamed as her orgasm washed over her.

As Olivia's body relaxed, Chris thankfully said, "Okay Erica, you're next."

I eagerly lay down on the carpet, spread my legs and looked up at the group. "Who's first?" I giggled nervously. Carey motioned Sam in. He lowered himself onto my mound and began to meet my needs. I closed my eyes and gave into the sensations. I felt his tongue run lightly up my labia, taking in my juices and then back down again. His fingers spread my lips, and his tongue found my clit. I moaned in pleasure to encourage him. He ran circles around my clit with his tongue, causing my thighs to quiver.

Someone began to caress my right breast; I opened my eyes to see it was Olivia. She tweaked my nipple a little, which caused a shiver to run down my spine and I smiled up at her. Olivia responded with a hard pinch.

After what seemed like way too short of a time period, John replaced Sam between my legs. I closed my eyes again as he flicked my clit with his tongue. It felt like sparks were sent through my body, and my hips quivered in response.

I felt his tongue leave and another take its place. I opened my eyes to see Carey between my legs. "Oh yes," I gasped as her tongue found my clit, and Olivia continued to pull at my nipples. The multi-talented Olivia was also stroking John's cock with her other hand. Sam was behind Carey, and from the sounds she was making it appeared he was thrusting into her from behind. I couldn't believe I was the center of attention and being devoured by Carey while four others looked on. I felt my orgasm building as Carey's tongue caressed my clit.

Carey gave a muffled cry into my wetness as Sam's orgasm spurted into her. Carey moaned deeply and attacked my pussy with her mouth. Pleasure spread through my hips up my body to my head and down to the tips of my toes. I clenched her head with my hands and pressed her face into my mound. My body shook with waves of pleasure; my hips bucked and thrust up into Carey's face as my orgasm took me.

As it subsided, I lay there with my body buzzing and my mind hazy. I looked up at Chris, who was smiling at me. "Oh wow," I sighed and returned his loving look. He squeezed my hand.

Carey lay down on her back next to me, and I looked over at her as Olivia dropped between Carey's thighs. I propped myself up on my elbows and told them I wanted Carey next. I needed to taste a woman before the night was out. It had been far too long.

After Olivia had had a few minutes she moved out and I lay down on the carpet in front of Carey's spread legs. I grasped her smooth thighs with my hands and buried my face in her hairy mound. She was dripping wet. I relished the strong taste of her juices mixed with her husband's semen and her scent. As I smothered her clit with my mouth, I felt someone lift my rear up into the air.

"It's me sweetie," I heard Chris say. I felt his cock slide between my thighs and push into my wetness. I moaned a little into Carey's pussy and continued to rub her clit with my tongue as my husband fucked me from behind. His pace increased, his cock pushing deeply into my body.

Carey began to squirm and twist beneath me. Her hips rose up off the carpet. I looked up at her to see her chest rising and falling with heavy breathing. Olivia's mouth was on one of her breasts. "Oh yes, yes, yes, yes," I heard her moan. "That's it Erica, oh, oh, oh my God, now, now..." Carey's body exploded beneath me, twisting and shaking as her powerful orgasm overtook her. As Carey came, I felt Chris spasm and come inside of me.

As Carey's breathing subsided, I looked up from my position between her legs. I noticed either Sam or John had ejaculated onto Carey's breasts. I moved up and collapsed on top of her, our warm bodies pressed against each other. I could feel the squishy wetness of the cum between our bodies and liquid leaking down my thighs onto Carey's. I felt naughty and used, but I didn't care. "Oh my God, Erica, thank you so much," Carey said breathlessly.

"Oh it's my pleasure," I replied. I felt her laugh beneath me as she hugged me.


No one left the townhouse that evening. Chris and I got a spare bedroom, while Olivia and John took the couches downstairs. Chris and I showered and climbed into bed exhausted. I didn't know what I would think tomorrow when I faced our new friends over breakfast, or what this would mean for our marriage, but for this evening I was satisfied.

This story is me indulging in a little fantasy of mine. I appreciate any comments or feedback. Thank you to the editors who reviewed my story for me.

Written by ericahope
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