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A First For Gracie, Part 3 - Daddy Makes A Decision.

"Daddy decides how to bring Candy into the relationship"

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Author's Notes

"If you have not read A First For Gracie Part 2, I gently suggest you do as this is really dependent on what transpired in Part 2."

Daddy rolled off the bed and walked to the bedroom door to collect his boxers.  He pulled them on and said he was going to fix a cheese tray to snack on and then they could all talk. 

“Oh yeah, I want you both naked at all times tonight.” 

“Yes, Daddy,” they both said in unison.  Gracie looked and Candy and they both grinned. 

He walked out of the room and Candy moved up and lay with Gracie, kissing her deeply then laying her head on Gracie’s breasts.  Gracie started caressing Candy’s hair immediately without even thinking about it.  “Miss, I don’t know what you’re thinking right now, but I must tell you I am so happy to be here right now, with you.  This might have started out as an instruction, but it has ended with something much, much more to me.”  She hugged Gracie tight, then her hand began tracing across her stomach.

“I know what you mean,” Gracie responded, still caressing Candy’s hair. “I had no plan tonight, no idea what I was going to do.  And then I met you and, and you see what happened.  I acted like I had known you for years!  It was like I was... home.”

“And you took control so fast!”  Candy chimed in. “I loved how you took over and all I had to do and act, not think.  And now, I feel like I need you in my life to be my… my Mistress.” 

“Candy, I love what we have discovered tonight.  But being your Mistress is a really big deal!  Hell, I am submissive to my husband!  But what happened tonight was so natural for us both.  You don’t know anything about me, really.  And I don’t know much about you except how to make you cum.” 

“I know, Miss, but tell me this doesn’t feel really strong, and just so right… I dare you!” 

Gracie chuckled.  “I can’t, baby, you’re right.  So, tell me why you want a Mistress and why me?  I need to know what you’re feeling, and what you’re thinking.” 

“I told you I am so happy right now.  It is instinct as much as anything else.  I need someone in my life to love, to fuck, and to keep me focused.  You did all of those things tonight.  You stuck panties in my mouth tonight to help calm me down.  Well, actually to be kinky but it helped me calm down.”  Candy said with a giggle. 

“Well, Daddy is going to ask us what the fuck is going on when we talk.  You know that, right?”  Gracie asked. 

“We need to understand how we think we want to do this when he asks.  If I am going to be your Mistress, you need to be ready to do as you are told.  And I will have complete say in every aspect of your life.  And you need to realize that I am submissive to my Master, Daddy.  We can have nothing in place that he does not agree with.  Are you willing to move forward knowing this?” 

“Yes, Miss.  I am ready and willing.  I don’t know Daddy too well so I am concerned about that.  But you are his wife, and tonight is his fault.  So I am thinking that there is some way we can all make this work.  Heck, you even told him he could fuck me tonight…so that is a good start.”  Candy giggled again. 

Gracie grinned.  “Yes, that was hot.  OK, when Daddy asks, I will start to explain but you need to be ready to answer his questions to you when he asks.” 

“OK, I will, Miss.”  Candy sat up and looked into Gracie’s eyes.  Tears filled her eyes as she spoke. “Gracie, I love you, I am sure of it.  I want to do nothing but what you decide is good for me.  I want to please you.  I want you to be my lover, my friend, and…my Mistress.  Will you be my Mistress?” 

“Yes, Candy, I will.”  Sighing heavily, she added, “I have no fucking idea how to do this, but I love you too, sweetie.  From now on, you are to call me Miss, or Mistress.  And I will call you baby, pet, or slut, depending on what is happening.  Are we clear?  Do you understand?” 

“Yes, Mistress.  I am so happy!” she said, then she kissed Gracie very passionately. 

“OK, then.  Let’s go talk to Daddy.” 

They rolled off the bed and walked hand in hand into the great room.

Daddy finished cutting up some cheese and summer sausage.  He added some grapes and apple slices and crackers.  Just as he finished, Gracie and Candy walked into the great room headed for the bar at the edge of the kitchen, where he had prepared some food. 

The fact that they were hand in hand did not escape him.  “Hi, Daddy!” Gracie said. 

“Hi, Daddy,” Candy echoed. 

“Hello, girls, please be seated!  Can I get you some more wine?” 

“Yes, please,” they both said.

He pulled out another chilled bottle of wine and grabbed three clean glasses.  Setting them down in front of the naked ladies who had joined him, he opened the wine and filled their glasses first, then his as he was standing on the kitchen side of the bar.  “Eat, please, girls.  I know you must be starving.” 

“Oh my god, I am so hungry!” Candy said as she grabbed a cracker and added cheese and sausage. 

“Me too!” replied Gracie and did the same.  The three made small talk while they ate and cleared the plate Daddy had prepared. 

“Mm, thank you, Daddy!  That was awesome!” Candy said. 

“Yes, Daddy, thank you for this, we needed it,” Gracie agreed. 

“I am happy to do it for you girls,”  Daddy replied. 

Gracie leaned over to Candy and kissed her deeply.  “I love you, Candy,” she said.  She wanted to let Daddy know there was more than his instruction at play.  Her point was understood by Daddy without her speaking a word to him. 

“I love you too, Miss,”  Candy replied.

“So, that is a great segue into our talk, ladies!” Daddy said.  "Let’s go sit in the living room where we can be more comfortable."  He watched the two beautiful ladies walking away as he left the kitchen.  Damn, those are some nice asses! he thought.

He followed them into the living room and chose the easy chair across from the couch that the girls had chosen.  He took a long sip out of his wine glass and put it down.  “You girls OK with your wine?” he asked. 

“Yes, I’m good,” Candy answered. 

“I’m fine, Daddy.  Thanks,” Gracie added.

“OK, so tonight…Oh my God!” Daddy started.  “I had no idea what kind of events I put into motion with my instruction.  So many things happened that weren’t expected and/or shouldn’t have happened.   But let’s talk about where we are.  Gracie, your status right now is different than when you received that text.  Candy, you’re in a different place as well.” 

He looked at Candy. “What kind of work do you do, baby?” 

“I work as a customer service associate at a parts warehouse,” she answered. 

“And where do you live?” 

“I have a small apartment about a block and a half from the bar where Gr-- I mean, Miss met me.”  Looking at Gracie, “We drove by them on our way here.”  Gracie nodded but did not speak. 

“Alone?” Daddy asked. 

“Um, yes, why do you ask?” Candy responded, becoming a little bit uncomfortable.  Daddy’s eyebrow raised high on his forehead, but he continued. 

“Well, I was thinking as I was preparing the cheese tray. Actually, I was shaking my head more than anything else.  But I see something with you especially, Candy, but with Gracie too.  I don’t know what this is but I know it is serious.  I don’t know you much, Candy. 

"I learned your name a few minutes ago just before I slid my cock into your wonderful pussy,” he said and they all three chuckled. 

“But I do know my Gracie.  And I know this is something special.” 

Daddy looked Gracie in the eyes, looking deep into her.  It made her tingle when he did this.  “Baby, tell me about what is going on.” 

“Um, yes, Daddy,” she answered nervously.  He can see my soul.  I don’t know how he does it, but he knows me, she thought. 

“Candy, I mean, baby, and I have realized there is something strong between us.  We both knew it immediately when I touched her at the bar.  We just now have understood that it is love, and we have given ourselves to each other as Mistress and pet.  That is, if you agree we can do this.  You are my Master and I will do what you say.”  She took a deep breath and waited for Daddy to reply. 

He looked long and hard at both of them with his head resting on his hand, his finger flicking his mustache.  First at Gracie, then at Candy.  God, she is beautiful, he thought, just as beautiful as Gracie.

“OK, this is what I think.” Daddy said, raising his head off of his hand.  “I make the decisions in this house, and that will remain.” 

Looking square and firmly at Gracie, “You ought to be caned for how far you let this go.” 

Gracie gasped and sucked in a chest full of air.  Sweat beads formed immediately on her forehead.  She’d only been caned once before and vowed never to do anything to bring that on again. 

“Yes, Daddy,” she said and bowed her head. 

Candy saw this reaction and immediately was terrified.  She folded her hands on her naked lap and bowed her head in silence.  Oh fuck, she thought.

“But given how I started this, I realize I am partially responsible, so I am going to give this a pass on discipline.” 

Tears of relief fell down Gracie’s face.  “Thank you, Master,” she said without looking up. 

“Candy,” he said.  She looked up at him. 

The way he looked at her caused her to be completely calm and to realize he was looking deep into her.  Wow, he is powerful! she thought. 

“Yes, Daddy?” she replied, sitting straight and looking him directly in the eye.  “I want you to move into our house.  I will not allow Gracie to maintain a submissive outside of our home.  The only reasonable thing for us to do is to bring you into our home, to form a little family, if you will.  We have plenty of room in our home.  You will live here as a member of our marriage. 

"I haven’t put the entire structure together in my mind, but you will be Gracie’s pet and you will also be beholden to me.  The sky is the limit sexually for us, but that will show itself in due time.  What do you say?”

Candy was stunned but elated.  “Are you serious, Daddy?” she asked and then looked at Gracie.  “Is this real?” she asked her. 

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Gracie knew not to speak unless Daddy invited her, but she did smile broadly and nod. 

Candy looked back at Daddy.  “Oh my god, that is wonderful!” she screeched.  “I would love to do that, Daddy!  I am shocked you would offer this to me.  I want to be with Miss more than anything and I think this is a dream!  Please don’t let me wake up if it is a dream!” she exclaimed as tears began running down her face. 

Daddy looked at Gracie.  “Baby, will this cover your needs with Candy?  Do you have anything that you would like to add?” 

“Daddy, you’re such a wonderful man.  I did not dare to wish for this, but it is exactly what I was hoping we could do.  I so love you for how good you are to me,” she said. 

Looking at Candy, “Baby, you should realize what a blessing was just bestowed on you, on us.” 

“I think I do, Miss,” Candy answered.

“Then it is settled. We will begin making arrangements.  I will leave the details to the two of you.  Candy, we have three other bedrooms in the house.  You will need one for yourself, although I hope you will sleep often in our bed.  Baby, you and Candy handle the what and where.  I give you that freedom as her Mistress.  You know what will and will not be OK in our house so I feel good having you get her moved in.  Candy, your Mistress will lay down her rules to you that will be in line with my expectations.  I will let her manage that part of our household on her own.  I will only step in where the three of us are concerned, or where I see things are not as they need to be with the two of you.  Fair enough, ladies?” 

“Yes, Daddy.  Thank you, sir!” Candy answered gleefully.  “I can’t believe this has happened.” 

“Yes, Daddy, thank you.  I am beyond the moon happy with your decision,” Gracie answered.

Daddy stood and walked around the coffee table to the girls on the couch.  Gracie moved over and patted the couch between her and Candy, and he sat between them, putting his arms around both of them.  He kissed Gracie deeply and passionately.  Then he turned and kissed Candy deeply and passionately.  She moaned as he pushed his tongue into hers and licked her tongue.  As their tongues danced, Daddy was tweaking Candy’s nipple.  Gracie stood between Daddy’s legs and pulled his boxers down.  He lifted so she could get them over his ass and pulled them off of him.  Their tongues continued to dance as Gracie knelt down and took his hardening cock in his hand, lowering her tongue to his cockhead and licking it in circles. 

Daddy moaned into Candy’s mouth as Gracie sucked the head into her mouth. 

Daddy pulled on Candy’s nipple harder. 

Gracie took her left hand and snaked it up Candy’s leg and found her wet pussy.  She rubbed her clit gently and pushed her mouth down further on Daddy’s now rock hard dick.  Daddy put his hand on the back of her head to pull her down and leaned in and sucked on Candy’s neck as she moaned from having her clit rubbed.  She leaned back to let Daddy have her neck and thrust her hips up to match Gracie’s rubbing rhythm.  “Fuck!” she said as her orgasm started to build and Daddy was sucking a mark on her. 

Daddy was thrusting up into Gracie’s mouth as she sucked him.  She was pushing further down with each bob.  She pushed until she wanted to gag, then pushed further, taking Daddy all the way in her throat.  She moaned at her achievement, rose up and pushed back down.  Feverishly, she began to fuck his cock with her mouth, pushing him in and licking his balls. 

Candy was moaning and bucking from the finger that was now rubbing her clit hard and fast.  She yelled out, “Cumming!” as she released and squirted all over Gracie’s hand and onto the couch cushion. 

Daddy followed her and yelled, “Cumming!” as he pulled Gracie all the way onto his cock and unloaded his cum into her throat.  She swallowed his entire load, one rope at a time. 

Smiling to herself for her achievement, she pulled off of his cock when he finished cumming.

She leaned up and Daddy leaned down and they kissed deeply.  Gracie shared his load with him.  “Mm," he said as he tasted himself.  “Thank you, baby, for that. God, that was wonderful!  You’ve never had me in your throat before.  What brought that on, baby?”  He turned to Candy and kissed her and pushed his cum-covered tongue into her mouth to share with her too. 

Gracie replied, “I am just so happy for what you’ve decided.  I wanted to please you so much, Daddy.”

“It was wonderful, baby, I love you!”  Daddy said.

“Your cum tastes yummy, Daddy,” Candy said as she savored the taste he had given her.

“I’m glad you like it, baby,”  Daddy replied.  “We will have to make sure you get more.” Then he smiled at her. 

“Most definitely, Daddy!”

Daddy stood up and collected the empty wine glasses.  “Why don’t your girls adjourn to the bedroom and I will refill our glasses.  It will give me a chance to recharge properly.” 

“Great plan! Come along, pet,” Gracie said as she stood and put her hand out so Candy could grab it.  “I need to taste you again, baby.” 

“Oh, Miss!  I would love to feed you my cum again!”  Candy said excitedly. 

The two headed into the bedroom and Daddy headed to the kitchen.  I like where this is going, he thought as he poured the remains of the wine into his glass.  He collected another bottle and filled the glasses for his girls…Hmm, my girls, he thought.  I like that.

Gracie and Candy wasted no time embracing and falling onto the bed.  They kissed passionately, tongues dancing.  Each of them was pinching and pulling on the other’s nipples.  Moans escaped both their mouths as if they had been away from each other for months.  They hungrily sucked on each other’s tongues for what seemed like an hour.

Gracie raised herself up from Candy, smiled mischievously, and rotated so she had her face right over Candy’s pussy.  Then she leaned in to kiss Candy’s mound, all the time lowering her pussy to Candy’s face.  She moved her mouth to Candy’s clit just as Candy was sucking on hers.  Both moaned. 

Gracie ground her pussy down to Candy’s mouth and moved it back and forth over her mouth.  Candy answered by pushing her cunt up to Gracie’s mouth and bucking against her.  Gracie licked over Candy’s dripping hole, collecting her juice.  Candy collected Gracie’s juices as they poured out of her opening and down across her clit.

Both had their hands on the other’s asses, massaging them while they fed on each other’s dripping cunts. 

Fuck this is so hot!  Gracie thought. 

This pussy tastes so good! Candy thought. 

The cunt-fest continued and their moans got louder and louder. 

Daddy walked into the bedroom with the glasses of wine.  “Holy shit!” he said as he saw his girls eagerly eating each other in a hot 69 session.  Fuck, that is sexy! he thought.  His cock started to skyrocket from seeing his wife and her pet getting each other off.  Gracie’s ass was facing the door and it was right at the edge of the mattress. 

Daddy set the glasses down on the nightstand and then returned to the foot of the bed.  Candy looked up as Daddy moved closer and watched his raging cock and heavy balls move into her vision right over her face toward the pussy she was sucking on. 

He put his cock to Gracie’s pussy opening and pushed in, dragging his balls across Candy’s tongue.  Candy licked them as they passed by.  Gracie moaned onto Candy’s clit as Daddy penetrated her pussy.  And she moaned again as he started to pump her faster and harder. 

She felt his wet thumb push against her asshole, causing another moan onto Candy’s clit.  Candy sucked Gracie’s clit into her mouth as Daddy’s cock thrust back and forth right in her face.  Daddy pulled his lubricated cock out of Gracie’s pussy and placed the head against her asshole. 

Gracie moaned again, knowing what was coming.  She focused on her asshole and relaxed it as much as she could and sucked on Candy’s clit at the same time. 

Candy’s eyes got huge as she watched this raging cock begin to enter her Mistress’s asshole.  Fuck, that’s hot!  she thought. 

Gracie moaned loudly and pulled hard on Candy’s clit as Daddy pushed his cock all the way into her asshole.  He bottomed out and stopped to give Gracie a chance to adjust. 

The girls continued sucking on each other, both feeling their orgasm start to build from their cores. 

Gracie pushed back against Daddy and he knew she was ready.  He pulled his cock out until the head was all that was left in her and thrust hard and fast into her.  His balls slid across Candy’s mouth.  Then he started fucking her hard and fast. 

He knew he would not last long with this hot scene.  Gracie and Candy both started to buck and moan as their release approached.  Daddy had his fingers deep into Gracie’s hips as he ravaged her asshole. 

The scene was too much for all three of them.  Gracie’s thighs started to shake against Candy’s face.  Candy’s were quivering as well.  All at once, Gracie released and squirted onto Candy’s face and Daddy’s balls.  Candy screamed as her orgasm washed over her as well, squirting on Gracie’s face. 

The girls' cumming sent Daddy over the edge and he grunted, pushed deep into Gracie’s ass, and filled it with his cum.  Gracie lowered her head onto Candy’s mound and Candy lowered her head to the mattress. 

When Daddy finished cumming, he pulled his cock out of her and placed it in Candy’s face.  Candy eagerly took it into her mouth and cleaned it for Daddy.  Fuck, she is so hot!  Daddy thought.

Daddy moved away from the foot of the bed and Gracie and Candy moved so they were both lying with each other at the head of the bed. 

Daddy crawled next to Gracie and spooned with her.  He kissed her neck while he caressed Candy’s face.  “Thank you, ladies, for a wonderful experience,” he said. 

“Thank you, Daddy," they both said in unison.  Gracie kissed Candy lovingly.  Being spent, they all fell asleep in each other’s arms. 

Daddy woke the next morning to Candy saying, “Ooooh, that feels so good, Miss!”  He opened his eyes to see Candy bent over the dresser, and Gracie rotating a jeweled plug into Candy’s ass. 

Candy was dressed in Gracie’s clothes.  She was not wearing panties.  Gracie was in a sexy sweatsuit and sneakers. 

“Well, good morning, girls,” Daddy said. “What’s going on?”

“Oh, good morning, Daddy,” Gracie said. 

“Good morning, Daddy,” Candy echoed.

“I am going to take Candy to her car so she can go to work.  Then I am going to Candy’s apartment and get an idea of the move.” 

Turning to Candy, Gracie reminded her, “That plug is to stay put today.  Also, you will flash your pussy to someone in the office today.  Understood?” 

“Yes, Miss.” 

“And no fucking anyone in the office unless I approve it, got it?” 

“Yes, Miss.”  Candy smiled.  The world was so right.  I love my life, she thought.


Written by Anonymous
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