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A Few Good Men

"A wife's fantasy is realized with the help of a few friendly Marines."

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Drew tried not to show his nervousness.
“How does one go about approaching something like this?” he wondered. “If she say’s ‘no’, then he was going to feel pretty stupid, but if she says ‘yes’, then it would become a question of how far he was willling to take it.

He knew her fantasies, but was she going to be able to enjoy herself if it was really taking place?

He had to try.

“Let’s do something different tonight.”

Anne looked up from her work. “Okay. What do you want to do?” She took a sip of wine.

“Keep drinking,” he thought to himself.

“I mean really different.”

He took a deep breath and gathered his confidence. “I want you to be my slave tonight. You have to do whatever I tell you to do, and if you disobey me, you’ll be punished.”

He braced himself, thinking she’d just laugh and call him a sick-o.

Anne just stared at him for a moment, her face unreadable, and then a small smile appeared on her lips and her eyes seemed to light up just a bit. “You want me to be some kind of sex slave tonight?” she asked.

Sitting up tall and poised, she leaned forward and rested her elbows on the table. A look of amusement crept into her expression.

He thought it was a very good sign that she drew closer. He'd half expected her to get up and run. 

“Not ‘some kind’ of sex-slave," he softly said as he took a sip of beer, “My sex slave.”

“Well, what do you have in mind?” she asked, again sitting up straight, obviously interested, but suddenly seeming unsure.

“I’m not going to tell you; that would take all the fun out of it. You’ll have to trust me… You know I love you, and this is something I really want to do. I know you are going to enjoy it. I know what you like. You’ll just have to trust me.”

“You’re not going to tell me anything?”

“I will tell you that we’ll be going out.”

She smiled and picked up her wine glass. “Ok, but nothing too crazy. Okay?”

“If we do this, you’ll have to obey me completely, period. Either you’re in or you’re out. There can’t be any ‘in between’ stuff.”

He took a deep breath expecting he’d made an ass of himself. He suddenly regretted opening his mouth.

“Are you in?”

She sat back in her chair and took a big gulp of wine.

“Well…” she paused and looked at him for a few seconds.

“If you are calling the shots, then I can’t be held responsible for anything… I like that.” She laughed, and her expression gave away her excitement.

“Sure. I’m in.”

He felt his cock stiffening. “Good. Go get dressed.”

He stood up with her, and as they walked toward the bedroom he continued. “I want you to wear those sheer black panties, the ones with the flowers.”

“Anything other requests?” she asked looking down at the floor, but with a smile on her face.

“Yes. Wear a dress…and no bra. Also, these aren’t requests. Nothing that I ask of you tonight will be a request. Do you understand that?”

“Yes,” Anne said in a whisper, looking into his eyes.

“When we get into the car, it’s ‘game on’. There will be no turning back then.” He kissed her hard. “Do you understand that also?”


No sooner had they started driving down the street away from their house, when Drew issued his first command. “Lay your seat back.”

She did.

“Open the glove box, slave.”

She found her vibrator waiting for her there. She picked it up and lay back smiling.

“Pull your dress up.”

Anne slowly pulled her dress up above her waist while looking around, afraid someone might see her. Her neatly trimmed pussy was clearly visible through the sheer black material.

Drew had to adjust himself to make room for his erection.

“Leave your panties on," was all he said.

She lay back fully on the seat with her eyes closed, and touched the tip of the vibrator to her sex. She smiled and made a throaty sound; not quite a moan, more an acknowledgement of something delicious.

In a voice husky with lust, he groaned, “Put your feet up on the dash.”

“It’s still light outside, someone will see me" she protested, lifting her head to look at him.

With a quickness that caught her completely off-guard, his hand came down on the inside of her soft, white thigh with a loud smack. They both looked at her thigh as a red handprint appeared. “That fucking hurt” she though, but said nothing. Her sex was tingling now, demanding even more attention.

Neither spoke. She put her feet on the dashboard and spread her legs. Her knees fell open and she placed the vibrator back on her pussy, pressing the thin material of her panties into the crease between her legs. Her smile returned as she closed her eyes and she gave in to the sensations.

As they pulled into the resort, Drew told her to sit up and get herself arranged. The drive had been a short one and she hadn’t had time to work up to an orgasm, which was perfect as far as Drew was concerned.

She didn’t want to cum now either, not with the vibrator at least. She wanted him to make her cum. She wanted a man. She wanted a cock.

He reached between her legs and pulled her panties aside, easily slipping his fingers between her swollen lips and into her very wet pussy. “Good” he thought; he wanted Anne to be wet and lusty all night. The car was filled with her musk, driving him crazy, making him ooze.

“Shall we?” He asked with a grin, pulling his hand away and licking his fingers. He loved the way she smelled and tasted.

He walked around the car and opened the door for her as she checked her makeup and straightened her dress. Drew hoped his hard-on would go down before they got inside.

They walked into the restaurant holding hands.

Drew sat back and surveyed the room as they finished their dinner; meanwhile, the waiter opened their second bottle of wine. Neither Anne nor Drew had eaten much, but the wine seemed to be going down with no problem. She seemed to have a pretty good buzz going and was chatting away, obviously enjoying herself. She even seemed a little giddy. Everything was perfect Drew thought, as long as Anne was enjoying herself he was content.

It was well past nine by now, and the restaurant’s lounge was starting to fill-up with resort guests and the locals who come here to dance on the weekends. Drew noticed that Anne kept looking over at a table occupied by four men wearing United States Marine uniforms.

Two of the men appeared to be in their mid to late twenties, and the other two were in their forties, or maybe even their early fifties. One of the older men was a big black man, about six foot-five and around two hundred and fifty pounds. The other three were all about average in height, but well muscled and obviously in excellent shape.

Anne kept glancing over at them. Who could blame her? With a bottle of wine going to her head and the ‘stimulating’ car ride over, all she could think of was sex. Looking at those four guys, she imagined their hard cocks, and how they would feel in her hands, and mouth and pussy...and her ass. She was starting to get wet again.

“Go ask one of them to dance.” Drew said pointing to the table; basically daring her.

“I can’t do that…”she trailed off.

“Come with me,” Drew said, standing up and offering his hand to her.

“Shit.” She whispered under her breath. She thought they were going over to the Marine’s table, but instead he led her down a darkened hallway that ended in a small room with mirrored walls and a couple of sofas. There were two large, open doors on either side, one led to the ladies room and the other to the men’s room.

“Stay here for a second,” Drew said, and walked quickly into the men’s room.

Anne stood there for a few seconds alone, looking at herself in the mirror. She wore a black sleeveless dress that displayed her long legs nicely. No bra as instructed. She had to admit, she looked very nice…very sexy. MILF she thought and smiled.

Drew reappeared in the doorway and walked quickly up to her in a way that made her uncomfortable. He held out his hand to her without smiling. Hesitantly, she took it, “what is he doing?” she wondered, thinking he looked a little crazed.

He grasped her hand tightly and turned back toward the men’s room and pulled her inside. It was unoccupied.

“Put your hands on the wall, Anne,” Drew said sternly. She turned and did just as she was told.

“Now stick your ass out for me.”

The command came out so husky that it sounded almost like a whisper.

She complied.

He pulled Anne’s dress up over her beautifully shaped ass then ran his hand over the soft flesh. She could see herself in the mirror, her black panties contrasting with her creamy white skin.

He delivered three quick slaps to her soft ass. Not hard enough to inflict pain, but hard enough for him to make his point.

He stood looking down at her reddening cheek and was about to deliver a lecture on obedience, when the big Marine walked in.

The Marine stopped dead in his tracks. Drew was still holding Anne’s dress above her waist, gently rubbing her ass.

“Whoa! Sorry, man” the marine said and started to backpedal, but never taking his eyes off of Anne’s long legs and perfect ass. Grinning and looking a little flustered, he began to make a hasty retreat.

“Wait!” Drew called after him. He heard Anne let out a groan of embarrassment as she stared at the wall; her eyes wide-open in fear.

She didn’t move though.

“What the fuck am I doing in here?” she was thinking. “I should just walk out of here…that’s it, I’m leaving," she thought. But, instead of walking out, she closed her eyes and rested her forehead against the cool tile wall.

“Sorry about this,” Drew said to the Marine. “We were having some discipline problems and needed to have a talk. You marines understand about discipline, don’t you?” Drew asked, still clutching Anne’s hemline, holding it up so the stranger could take in her wonderful form.

“Yes, sir, we do know about that,” he said, in a throaty whispering. He took a step forward and stopped, never taking his eyes off Anne’s ass.

“As you can see,” Drew said as he pulled her panties below her ass cheeks, the right one turning bright pink. “I’ve stung her right side pretty well. The left side is all yours if you are interested. Three slaps is the limit though.”

The Marine stepped forward and stood very close to Anne, almost touching her.

Drew looked down at the Marine’s crotch just as it made light contact with Anne’s hip. There was a bulge in the man’s pants that looked surreal. He was obviously very turned on, and obviously very well endowed.

Drew also noticed that the room was filling with the Anne’s delicious scent.

“Three, huh?” the marine asked, running his hand over Anne’s left ass cheek. He drew his hand back and brought it back to her ass with a whack. It seemed very loud in the tiled restroom.

Anne groaned and bit her lip. The pain was searing; this guy slapped a lot harder that Drew ever had. His hand came down on her ass again, this time even harder and she yelped.

“Fuck,” she whispered in a way that made it plain that she was not protesting.

The stinging traveled right to her clit and made it tingle in the worst way. She wanted to cum right then and there. She wanted a hard cock.


The third blow from the big Marine was the hardest and Anne cursed under her breath and gritted her teeth, but she also stuck her ass out even further, pressing her hands flat against the wall.

The Marine looked at Drew inquisitively.

“No…that’s enough,” was his answer.

The Marine nodded his acknowledgement, but continued to stand there, gazing down at Anne’s red ass. Drew tugged her panties down further and pulled them out away from her bottom.

That was all the invitation the Marine needed; he gently slipped his hand between Anne’s ass cheeks and down to her exposed labia. He slowly eased his two middle fingers into her.

She bit her bottom lip and pushed her ass back to meet his hand, growling deep in her throat. Her hands were pressed flat on the wall above her head and her back bowed in slightly as she bent forward at the waist. Her legs were straight and spread apart as if she were about to be frisked. Anne’s head hung down facing the tiled floor, her hair hiding her face. She rocked her hips up and back to meet his hand.

She was the picture of lust.

“That’s enough for now.” Drew said softly. “Thanks for your help.”

The Marine removed his hand from between her legs and looked at his fingers. They were wet and creamy.

Drew pulled Anne’s panties back up and let go of her dress. Her face was flush and her eyes were wild and sparkling.

The imposing Marine took a step toward the door then did a quick about-face. Looking at Anne and then Drew, he laughed loudly and said in a deep baritone: “I have to pee… you made me forget”.

Drew had taken Anne’s hand and began leading her out of the restroom but she stood fast. He turned to her, wondering what the problem was when he saw where she was looking.

The marine had pulled his half-hard cock out of his pants and they both had a clear view of it. It was as big as Anne’s forearm, maybe thicker, with a dark purple head that reminded her of a big juicy plum.

Drew allowed her to take it all in… let her have a good look, and as she was led down the hallway toward their table.

Anne felt her thighs sliding against each other and realized she was embarrassingly wet. That was the biggest cock she’d ever seen.

Anne and Drew returned to the table and proceeded to drink more wine, talk, laugh and dance.

At one point, while they were on the crowded dance floor, one of the younger Marines made his way over and began to dance very close to Anne. She acknowledged him by stepping back a bit while turning toward him, inviting him to join them.

A big smile lit his face.

Anne smiled back, and then turned to gauge Drew’s reaction. He winked at her, turned around and disappeared through the crowd in the direction of their table.

For the next hour or so, Drew and the Marines took turns dancing with her, usually one on one, but sometimes two or three men would be dancing with her at once. Anne’s sensual and seductive way of dancing kept them vying for her attention the remainder of the evening.

After a few songs, she noticed that the Marines, when not dancing, were sitting at her table drinking and laughing with Drew. She was glad he someone to talk to while she danced with these strangers.

When the bar finally closed, they all said “good night”, and “nice to meet you”, while most people headed for the parking lot. Not Drew and Anne though. Taking her hand, he led her down a corridor that opened into the resort’s main lobby and approached the desk.

”What are we doing?” Anne asked, pressing herself against Drew, holding his arm tight.


“We have a room? Why didn’t you tell me?” she was surprised but pleased.

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“I don’t have any clothes for tomorrow.”

“They are already in the room; I dropped them off earlier today. I also made a nine o’clock tee-time for tomorrow. We don’t have to go, but I thought I would be fun.”

“Okay.” She squeezed his arm tighter and pressed her sex onto his thigh.

It wasn’t a room, it was a suite. The main room consisted of a full size kitchen, a dining area, and a living room with two sofas separated by a large leather ottoman; a wide-screen television hung on the wall.

Anne took in the room and said in honest surprise, “Very nice…”

“Glad you like it. Come in here, I want you to see the bedroom.” He said smiling.

Anne walked in first and looked around the room. On the bed was a pale pink and white Victoria’s Secret babydoll with matching panties. Beside the lingerie were what looked like four small belts, one side was lined with lamb’s wool; the other side was bare leather. Each had a buckle and thin chrome chain attached, resembling a leashed collar.

“What are…” she began but stopped in mid sentence when it occurred to her what she was looking at. They were restraints.

She continued speaking, hoping she wouldn’t sound too afraid or too excited for that matter “What are you going to do with those?” Her pulse quickened as she fought back the nervousness that was trying to well up and manifest itself. Her mouth tasted like copper from the adrenalin rush.

“The night isn’t over yet slave. Put on the nightie and come out here when you’re ready” he said matter-of-factly as he picked up the restraints and headed to the living room.

When she emerged, the mood of the living room had been completely transformed. Several candles had been lit, creating warm yellow light and long dark shadows. Soft music filled the room. Drew sat on one of the sofas with a glass of wine in his hand.

The restraints lay on the ottoman.

He patted the sofa next to him inviting her to sit-down. Anne snuggled up to him and took the wine glass from his hand taking a long drink. She sat the glass on the end table and straddled him, kissing him hard, grinding herself down onto his erection.

She looked fantastic in the new lingerie.

Drew broke the kiss and eased her off of his lap and stood up. She glanced at the bulge in his pants, and then at the stuff on the ottoman. Her heart skipped a beat and her clitoris tingled.

She watched as he fastened two of the chains to the legs of the ottoman, and then pulled two chairs from the dining room to the other side of the ottoman. He fastened a chain to each chair.

“Come here and lay down. Put your feet in the chairs.”

His voice was very husky again.

She complied.

The length of the leather ottoman allowed her to lie fully on her back, with her bottom at one edge and her head just fitting on the other end, tilting back slightly. She lifted her legs and placed a foot in each chair. “Lift your head, Anne,” he commanded, and then slipped a large silk blindfold across her eyes. She could see nothing.

Drew wasted no time in securing the straps around her ankles and wrists, immobilizing her. She couldn’t bring her hands below her shoulders, but she could reach upward, and she could touch her own face. Her legs were straight down in a slight “V”.

She was now helpless and knew that he was going to use her body as he wished.

“It’s about fucking time” she thought. Her body had been aching for a hard penis for too many hours now and she was growing impatient.

Anne felt the chairs slide apart, opening her legs wider as Drew knelt between them, pulling her panties aside and then placed a soft kiss on her mons venus. Grasping her thighs, he licked the length of her slit until his tongue ran across her clitoris where it lingered, gently massaging the sensitive spot. Sliding two fingers into her, Drew began to rhythmically suck and lick her clit, guiding her toward her orgasm.

As Anne lay there enjoying the pleasure between her legs, looking forward to her much needed cum, she was shocked out of her sensual reverie when a strong hand grasped her right forearm and at the same instant, a mouth closed over her nipple, sucking it firmly, sending a shock of pleasure through her body.

As her arm was guided upward, she opened her hand and tentatively accepted what was being offered; a good sized cock, so thick that her fingers couldn’t wrap all the way around. It was not yet fully erect, and as she slowly slid her hand up and down its length, she felt it firming and growing thicker in her hand, begging to be kissed.

Another mouth went to work on her other breast. Anne realized there were two men sucking her breasts, running their hands up and down her body, squeezing her tits as they gently kissed and sucked them and a third stood near her head, his hard-on in her hand.

She was wondering if her count of three men was correct when the soft, warm skin of a cock’s head brushed across her lips. Four strangers… she knew who they were… five cocks she thought.

Reaching up with her left hand, she grasped the new cock and guided it back toward her mouth and began licking around the head before taking it as deep into her throat as she could.

Drew began sucking on her swollen clit in earnest while thrusting a couple of fingers against her g-spot, demanding her attention. Soon the sensations overwhelmed her body tensed and shook. Anne threw her head back and cried loudly as she came, her pelvic muscles spasming around Drew’s fingers, her head tilted back as she gasped for breath.

It was a long, intense orgasm, but she couldn’t help thinking it would have been nicer had there been a thick cock thrusting into her, filling her up and giving her something to squeeze and grind against. As she came to her senses she realized she needn’t worry because there were at least five erect penises in the room and she was pretty sure they were not done for the night.

As she laid there, her body shuddering in the aftershocks of her orgasm, the men all broke contact with her body, depriving her of the firm masculine flesh she had just begun to enjoy without reservation.

Anne craved their touch and she wanted them to take her any way that they wished; she wanted them to use her body for their pleasure.

Then they were on her again. Mouths were on her tits, hands caressed her entire body from her feet to her face and everywhere in between. A hand slid to her crotch and a set of fingers found her clit and began gently stimulating the sensitive nub once again. “Drew” she thought.

The fingers were welcome, but not nearly as thrilling as when she felt the smooth round head of a hard cock sliding up and down her wet, swollen entrance and then penetrating her in one slow deliberate thrust. The fingers continued their gentle massage.

“Fuck me,” she breathed, pushing her pelvis upward, capturing the full length of the anonymous penis as it thrust into her, she threw her head back in pleasure and opened her mouth invitingly.

The soft tip of someone’s erection pushed past her lips and started to gently fuck her mouth. She sucked the salty pre-cum from its tip, which made her yearn for more.

Eager for his full load of semen, Anne sucked harder and swirled her tongue around the head as he thrust more urgently, getting closer to his climax. Reaching up, she cupped his balls with one hand and began stroking the length of the hard shaft with the other and was soon rewarded for her efforts as she felt the cock pulsing, shooting jets of cum into her mouth.

“Mmmm, yes cum for me,” she thought as she swallowed his load.

With that taken care of, Anne’s attention focused completely on the sensations between her legs.

With the fingers that she was sure belonged to Drew stimulating her clitoris, and a hard, thick cock fucking her with long deliberate thrusts, Anne cried out as she for came a second time, squeezing the man inside her and causing him to cum with her. Semen flooded her as he growled and thrust wildly against her pelvis until their orgasms subsided.

Instinctually she tried to pull him deeper and hold him there with her legs, but the restraints held her legs apart and all she could do was thrust her hips up to meet him, milking the softening shaft with her cunt muscles and moaning with every spasm.

The man between her legs slipped out and away, and again the men were all shifting positions around her. Strong hands grabbed her arms and legs as they removed the leather straps from her ankles and wrists, then they pulled her standing upright, having to hold her tight as she swayed unsteadily under the influence of the wine and two orgasms.

“Do you want to see us now Anne?” Drew whispered softly from behind her, his lips touching her ear and his hands resting on her hips, caressing the soft flesh, traveling up and cupping her breasts.

“Yes, take it off… if that’s what you want.”

He slipped the silk blindfold up and off. She felt his hard cock pressing against her ass. “Nothing new there” she thought smiling to herself.

Two of the Marines stood before her in the dimly lit room, one was the big man from the restroom; the other was one of the younger guys.

The young man was lean and all muscle, blue eyes, blonde hair, smooth pale hairless skin and a perfectly shaped, long, smooth penis that was bobbing up and down with his heart-beat.

The other two Marines stood back watching, having already had their pleasure.

At Drew’s direction, the young marine lay back on the messy ottoman, his hard-on lying against his well defined abdomen, the oozing tip of the pink cock reached all the way to his belly button.

Anne was impressed.

Holding her hips from behind, Drew guided Anne so she straddled the young man. When she felt him pushing downward on her hips, she knew what to do. Gripping the base of his erection she guided him in, lowering herself slowly.

They both gasped at the new pleasure. Pressing her hands onto his hard muscular chest, Anne steadied herself and began to rock her hips, sliding her pussy along the length of the hard dick she now held captive.

Feeling Drew’s hands caressing her shoulders and back, Anne turned her head to look at him while she rode the young Marine.

He was directly behind them, watching them fuck; the tip of his cock had a large bead of cum oozing from it and she wanted it. She wanted him to be fucking her too, so she lay down on the young man, hooking her arms under his shoulders and pressing her face against his chest. She tilted her ass up toward Drew, exposing her tight asshole to him and closed her eyes.

Drew gazed down at her cum covered ass and pressed his cock against her sphincter until the head disappeared inside the tight hole. As he slid all the way in he could feel the length of the marine’s cock as it moved in Anne’s vagina, amazed at how they were basically occupying the same space in her body. She cried out in pleasure as he entered her.

Anne thought if felt wonderful having two cocks in her, fucking her at the same time. Having the stranger in her pussy while her husband fucked her ass was incredibly erotic for her. She was being very, very nasty and loving it.

She liked that thought. She liked the feeling of being filled with cocks. Greedy for their cum, she decided to take it out of them on her terms, whether they thought they were ready or not.

Pressing her palms flat against the ottoman, she rose up and began to thrust her hips, concentrating on sliding up and down the cock that was in her pussy, knowing the young man couldn’t hold out much longer. She was right. As she slid along the length of his penis, Anne looked down at the Marine and watched as his pale skin flushed bright red and his muscles tensed. He grabbed her hips and let out a nearly inaudible cry as he tried to hold her still while he came.

Still gripping her hips from behind, Drew buried himself as deep as he could and let out a growl as he came in her ass. Anne turned her head and kissed him hard as she felt him pulsing in her asshole. She felt cum running down her thighs as she collapsed on the hard body beneath her, waiting for Drew’s spasms to subside. His cock softened then slid out.

The men slowly disengaged themselves from Anne’s body and stood-up.

She sat upright on the edge of the ottoman and gazed at the men standing around her. Only one had a full hard-on and it was huge. The big man she had met in the restroom stepped forward, towering over her as she sat, his cock just inches from her mouth. Anne grasped his dick with both hands and brought the head to her mouth and ran her lips and tongue around the thick gland.

Its weight surprised her. She tried to take it into her mouth, but it was so thick that just the tip would fit. She continued to stroke it with her hands as she admired the thick veins that throbbed along the dark brown shaft.

“Lay back,” she heard Drew say.

She did as Drew instructed and the Marine knelt between her legs.

Grasping Anne by the hips, the big man pulled her to him, her ass slid easily across the semen splattered leather; his big dick nestled between her open legs and pushed against her labia, parting the lips and sliding through them.

As the massive head disappeared into her pussy, he stopped to let her get used to his size. There was no need though. Anne hooked her feet behind him and tried to pull him deeper, her eyes closed and a big smile on her face.

He took the cue and began to slowly move his cock in her, pulling almost all the way out, then pushing back in, going deeper with each thrust until she was completely filled with his cock.

He pushed himself up with his feet and hooked his arm around the small of her back as he lifted her off the ottoman. She was still impaled on his dick as he laid her down on the soft carpet and continued fucking her. Anne wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled herself up against him as he lay on her, rhythmically thrusting into her at the perfect angle.

Her orgasm built quickly and she nearly fainted as she came, overwhelmed by the sensations that were exploding in her as he fucked her with that huge dick. He didn’t let up. He kept thrusting and thrusting, never changing his pace.

As she finally regained her senses and caught her breath from the orgasm, Anne could tell that if he kept fucking her like this for a few more minutes, she was going to cum again.

His pace never changed, the pleasure was increasing with every thrust, and soon another orgasm shook her body, causing her to cry out in ecstasy.

She wrapped her trembling legs around his waist and whispered “Give it to me…”, and then she started to fuck him back, thrusting her hips up to meet his, urging him to cum. He thrust hard and fast for just a few seconds and then growled between clenched teeth as he pumped his cum into her satisfied sex.

Anne lay there with her eyes closed as she tried to catch her breath. She considered getting up to go to the bathroom, but didn’t think she could walk because her legs were shaking so much. As she lay there, she heard the rustling of the men moving around, getting themselves dressed in silence.

“Thanks guys,” was all she heard as Drew opened the door for them.

“Our pleasure,” replied the big Marine.

They were gone.

Anne opened her eyes and Drew stood above her gazing down at her. His dick was hard again.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” Anne laughed.

“This will be your final task for tonight,” Drew said as he stroked his penis absently.

She got to her knees and took him into her mouth and had him cumming in no time.

After she released Drew’s softening penis from her mouth, he pulled her up and kissed her.

“Want to take a bath?” he asked.

“Yes…do you mind if I take it alone?”

“Of course not,” he said as he took her hand and led her to the huge marble tub.

Written by Chef_D
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