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A Cure For Boredom

"John and Alice need help with a boring sex life"

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Author's Notes

"This is an early story written for fun long before I had a clue about writing. It was a bit of a grammatical mess and I've done my best to fix that. There is a lot going on, so please read the tags."

Alice and I had met in high school and were married shortly after graduation. We’re both blue-collar workers in a local automobile plant and our jobs provide us with a fair amount of disposable income. We don’t have children and really are not planning on having any. We are dedicated to each other, and life would be perfect except for one little issue.

We had become bored with our sex life.

It wasn’t an issue of looks. I’m John, and I stand a bit over six feet tall. I have brown hair, hazel eyes, I’m fit, and I’ve been told I’m not hurting in the cock department. I’m a solidly built guy with broad shoulders and my job keeps me in pretty good shape. I can’t say I’m handsome, but I’m okay. Alice is a red-haired, green-eyed hottie with amazing legs and a stellar ass. Most people think she’s pretty, bordering on gorgeous. I think she’s the most desirable woman in the world. Then again, I might be just a tad biased. We share a positive outlook on life and are fundamentally happy people.

We had been married for six years and had happily embraced the sex life that helped solidify our union. We’ve had a lot of fun and a few muscle strains while broadening our sexual experiences. We love to learn new things that might spice up our sex lives, although those things have never included other people. We still had sex, but it wasn’t nearly as fun as it used to be.

We were lying in bed one evening, recovering from our most recent sexual experiment, and the results were mixed. Yes, we both orgasmed, but no, it wasn’t all that exciting. I held Alice in my arms and I wasn’t surprised at what she said next.

“John, can we talk about our sex life?”

“What’s on your mind, babe?”

“I love you, and no one could make me happier,” Alice whispered as she rose up and kissed me. “You satisfy me in bed. And that’s what I want to talk about. Our sex life is fine, but that’s all it is. It isn’t exciting anymore. I think that you feel the same as I do.”

“You know how much I love you. But yeah, I do feel the same. I am at a loss as to what to do about it.”

Most folks don’t understand that Alice and I are more than husband and wife. She is my best friend in the world as well. I can’t imagine anyone else I would rather spend time with, and I guess because of that, we hadn’t bothered to seek out other couples to be friends with. It is not that we aren’t friendly or don’t like people; it’s just that we’ve never needed anyone but each other.

I suppose hanging out with other couples might have led to a “forbidden fruit” fantasy. Harmless flirting with someone else’s spouse might spice things up at home or explode in our faces. We’ve never had the opportunity to have sex with other people or any other more adventurous stuff because we don’t have relationships with other couples. Sex with other people doesn’t give us the heebie-jeebies or anything. I trust our love enough to know some strange dick isn’t going to take my wife from me.

I couldn’t imagine how we would even go about setting up sex with other people. The idea is okay as a concept, but the execution would be way too complicated.

Alice was thoughtful. “I think we could use the help of a sex counselor.”

I gave her a raised eyebrow. That never seemed to work for my Dad when he was dealing with Mom and I found my results to be similar. “A sex counselor? Is that a thing? Where would we find one?”

“Well, I was sitting on the john at work and overheard Janet and Barb talking. They didn’t realize I was in there. Barb told Janet that the sex counseling service she and her husband were using had fixed her marriage. She actually said that they had changed her life.”

“Do you know the name of the service?”

“They’re called Sexual Counseling Group. I checked them out as much as I could. I couldn’t find out a lot, which actually makes me feel better. Privacy is important.”

My raised eyebrow ran out of steam and I grinned at her. “Oh, you already checked them out? When is our appointment?”

Alice playfully slapped my arm and laughed. “This Friday afternoon.”

If Alice was half as nervous as I was, she was ready to vibrate out of her shoes when we arrived at the modern office building on the appointed day and time. The security guard escorted us from the front door to a penthouse office. After knocking on the door, the security guard let us in and closed it as he left.

Standing before us was a very attractive and sharply dressed woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties. “Hello, you must be John and Alice. I’m Bonnie, and I will be your counselor.”

We shook hands, and Bonnie motioned for us to sit on the couch. Bonnie sat down across from us a few feet away.

“SCG is a specialized not-for-profit organization devoted to improving sexual relations between consenting adults. Our primary focus is married couples. Our approach to treatment is unique and proprietary. It not only works; it works over ninety percent of the time. I can also tell you that every case that did not work out can be directly attributed to the client’s inability to be more open in their sexual life.

“We have a process tailored to the individual, in addition to the couple, that utilizes a variety of options designed to improve your sex life. We do not sit in a room while I ask you a ton of personal questions about your deepest desires.

“Due to the proprietary nature of our work, we require our clients to sign a contract. The contract protects your interests as well as ours. There are no fees. If, when we are done, you would like to contribute, we will happily accept your donation. However, none is required.

“Would you like to give us a chance to help you?”

I looked at Alice, and she nodded vigorously. “Yes. What do we do?”

“The first step is to sign the contract,” Bonnie stated as she reached behind her. She grabbed a folder from the desk, pulled out two copies of the contract, and handed them to John and Alice.

After they had read through the contract, Alice spoke up, “I have a concern. It says that we cannot cancel treatment once it has started. That sounds kind of ominous to me.”

“We invest a lot of time and resources in developing treatment tailored to each individual. The treatment cannot be effective if it is not completed. SCG invests in you; therefore, we require you to commit to us fully.”

Alice looked at me for reassurance, and I gave her a grin of anticipation. We signed the contracts and handed them back to Bonnie.

“Thank you both. I firmly believe you will be very happy that you have decided to let us help you. The next step is a bit tedious but very important. We have a series of questions that you need to answer as honestly as possible. Please keep in mind we are working on your sex life. Many of the questions will be sexual in nature and will cover all kinds of sexual behavior.

“You will be placed in separate rooms while you complete the questionnaire. We use a client code for identification, meaning your name will not be on the questionnaire. Your privacy is assured. I am the only one who will know who you are. Please keep an open mind and answer the questions as honestly as possible.

“Once you have completed your questionnaires, we will need a few weeks to evaluate them and develop your treatment plan. I will contact you when we are ready to proceed.”

We spent the next two hours answering questions. Alice finished first but only had to wait a few minutes before I joined her. Some of the questions made me nervous, but I answered them honestly. We left Bonnie’s office, went downstairs, and ate at the restaurant on the main floor.

Two weeks to the day later, Bonnie called Alice. “We are ready to get started! I need the two of you to come back to my office this evening at six. Can you make it?”

I saw the goosebumps rising on Alice’s arms as she took a deep breath. “We will absolutely be there! Thank you,”

We were so excited and nervous that we arrived too early and had to walk around the building for a while. We walked through the door exactly on time, and the security guard again escorted us to the penthouse office. Bonnie greeted us at the door and escorted us to the couch. She turned to the credenza, where a bottle of champagne sat open in an ice bucket. She poured two glasses and turned to us.

“Your adventure begins now. All that I ask is that you trust me completely. Will you trust me and do everything I ask of you?”

Both of us were nervous as new brides, but after giving each other a reassuring look, we answered positively.

“The champagne I just handed you has two purposes. The first is to celebrate the wonderful experience you are both about to embark on. The other purpose is to give you a mild sedative. You will fall asleep, and your adventure will begin when you awaken. The medication has a mild euphoric effect but will dissipate quickly after you have been awake for a while. It is intended to make the transition into your adventure less stressful. I have the pharmaceutical data sheets if you want to read them.”

I think Alice and I decided at the same time that we weren’t quitting now. I gave her a kiss on the lips and clinked my glass against hers.

Bonnie clapped her hands together and grinned. “Please enjoy a toast to new sexual excitement. Cheers!”

Alice and I talked with Bonnie while we waited for the drug to take effect. One moment I watched Alice struggle to keep her eyes open, and the next, I didn’t remember.



I woke up in fits and starts. I felt quite happy and enjoyed the comfortable bed beneath me. Wait a minute. Why am I on a bed? I started to move around, and that is when I noticed my arms wouldn’t move. I tilted my head back and saw that my wrists were secured in fur-lined handcuffs attached to the headboard.

I looked down at my feet and saw that my ankles were secured in a similar fashion to the footboard. Normally, that would have been more than enough to freak me out, but it was at that moment I realized that I was totally nude!

Even though this was far from normal, I wasn’t upset. As a matter of fact, I was remarkably calm. I saw movement from the corner of my eye as Bonnie walked into view.

Bonnie wasn’t wearing her fashionable business attire. She was wearing a nearly transparent négligée that revealed a stunning figure. The only other article of clothing she wore was a matching thong.

“Alice, as I told you in my office, you have been lightly drugged with a medication we have developed. The medication will help you relax into our treatment plan and will fade soon. As to why you are where you are… Let’s just say it will become clear as we proceed.

“Please be assured you will not be harmed in any way. Our goals and yours are the same. We are dedicated to helping people like you rediscover sexual excitement.”

Bonnie pressed a button on a remote, and a high-definition TV lowered from the ceiling, tilting to provide an excellent view from the bed. The TV came on, and my eyes went wide in shock. The camera was focused on an X-shaped structure attached to a vertical beam secured to the floor. Handcuffed to the X, much like I was to the bed, was my husband! His feet were supported by steps attached to the X, and He was totally nude as well!

Into the room walked a blonde and a brunette. Both were very attractive and both were totally nude. The brunette walked over to my husband and began to talk to him.

Bonnie muted the sound. “Chelsy is telling your husband what I just told you.”

I watched as the blonde walked over to Chelsy and gave her a passionate kiss.

“The blonde kissing Chelsy is Mary Anne. Please watch as they work with your husband.”

I watched Mary Anne run her hands down Chelsy’s arms, then around her waist. Mary Anne pulled Chelsy close and continued to kiss her deeply. Their lips parted and she began nibbling Chelsy’s ear before doing the same to her neck. She moved from her neck back to Chelsy’s mouth, kissing her passionately. I found it intriguing because I’d never seen two women doing anything like that.

Marry Anne slid her hand from Chelsy’s waist to cup her pert breast. Bonnie had turned the sound back on, and I could hear Chelsy’s rapid breathing as Mary Anne lowered her head to lick and nip at her breast. I continued to watch as Mary Anne switched breasts. John was watching closely as well, and it was fairly obvious it was having an effect on him. His cock began to rise and stiffen as the two women put on a show for him.

Mary Anne slid her hand down Chelsy’s belly and cupped her mons. Slowly, she began to move her hand along her moist labia. Chelsy began to make soft noises and languidly reached out her hand, grasping John’s now fully erect cock. She began to stroke it as Mary Anne teased and enticed her.

Mary Anne began to kiss her way down Chelsy’s body. She finally went to her knees and began to kiss and lick Chelsy’s inner thighs. She gradually moved her attention upward until she reached Chelsy’s mound. Pushing Chelsy’s legs apart, she slowly licked her way up and down her labia.

John was suspended from the X with his crotch in the perfect position for what happened next. I could see Mary Anne’s cheeks moving as she tongued Chelsy’s pussy. Chelsy moaned louder, leaned forward, and slid John’s cock in her mouth. She began to suck his cock while her hand continued to stroke him.

Mary Anne inserted two fingers into Chelsy’s dripping pussy while continuing to tongue her clit. Chelsy groaned around John’s cock as she began to tremble. Mary Anne increased the pace of her tongue and her fingers as Chelsy’s moans became higher pitched and louder.

Suddenly, Chelsy grabbed the back of Mary Anne’s head and pulled her hard against her crotch. It was obvious from her sounds and her body shaking that she was having a very nice orgasm.

When Chelsy’s orgasm finally subsided, Mary Anne stood. Chelsy slipped John’s cock from her mouth and kissed Mary Anne passionately. Mary Anne then turned to the X and began to climb the vertical post using the foot pegs that were attached to it. She stopped climbing, swung one leg up, and rested it on the X, placing her crotch on John’s mouth. Chelsy returned to slowly stroking and sucking John’s cock while John began to tongue Marianne as she pushed her pussy against his mouth.

Bonnie had been lying next to me since the show featuring my husband started. She had been lightly stroking my arm while I watched my husband. I think she could tell by my breathing that the show was exciting me. She kissed my bare shoulder and my nipples stiffened. She licked and nipped at my neck while Chelsy sucked John’s cock. When Mary Anne climbed the X, Bonnie began licking and sucking on my nipples.

I couldn’t help but begin to squirm and moan as Bonnie raised the fire in me while I watched the screen. By now, the calming medication had completely worn off. I was undoubtedly fully myself, but I made no move nor made a sound that would indicate I wanted this to stop.

John began to stiffen as he approached his orgasm. Chelsy took his cock from her mouth and held it in her unmoving hand. The purple rage of his erection and his boiling balls had John groaning in frustration as he continued to lick Mary Anne’s dripping pussy. Mary Anne pulled hard on the back of his head while thrusting her hips against his face. She ground her pussy hard against his mouth, and her pelvis shook as her orgasm overcame her. She managed, just barely, to not fall from her perch.

Bonnie moved between my legs while the TV showed Mary Anne climbing back down the X. Bonnie began kissing and licking her way up my thighs. I was trembling and moaning as quietly as I could, but it was clear to Bonnie, I’m sure, that I was aroused and ready. Bonnie buried her face in my crotch and didn’t bother starting slow. I needed to orgasm, and she wouldn’t keep me waiting. She ran her tongue over my throbbing clit while she inserted her fingers into my hot pussy. She fingered me hard as she molested my clit with her perfect tongue. A tongue that was meant by nature’s wonderful design to fulfill one primary purpose: licking my pussy. I thrust my hips up to force my pussy against her mouth and wonderful tongue.

Apparently, Bonnie really enjoyed this part of the counseling program. I was certainly committed to my treatment now, and she wanted to ensure I got the most out of the experience. It was obvious that Bonnie was well-versed in pleasuring women, and just as obvious that she enjoyed putting that knowledge to work. Before long, I began to tremble as my arousal grew and grew until I orgasmed so fucking hard. Ecstasy exploded through my body while I lost my mind and thrust my hips hard into Bonnie’s face. That wonderful orgasm never seemed to end. I had no idea a woman could bring me such ecstasy.

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My body turned to marshmallow and I melted back onto the bed. My eyes were open now and I wanted more. She dropped back onto the bed beside me, and we naturally looked up at the TV. She saw that Mary Anne was back on the floor. She was again kissing Chelsy passionately. John’s rock-hard erection stood alone as the two women kissed. Their lips separated, and they turned to John. One at a time, each woman bent forward and kissed the head of his cock. They held hands, turned, and walked out of the room.

Bonnie nestled up against me and kissed my neck. I wanted to kiss more than her neck but I was restrained, which limited things a bit. “Why are they teasing my husband so much? It seems kind of mean.”

Bonnie rolled over to face me. “He has some things inside him that he needs to accept as a wonderful part of who he is. The more intense his arousal, the less resistant he is to letting go so he can embrace that side of himself. The most important role in all of this is yours. Your understanding and acceptance are all he needs. I don’t think that will be a problem for you.”

John was hanging on the X with a cock so hard it looked like he was in pain. A young black man, probably in his early twenties, entered shortly after Chelsy and Mary Anne left the room. He had a lanky build with well-defined musculature. It was easy to tell that he was well-endowed since he was also obviously, and deliciously, naked. His cock swung back and forth as he walked. He was a hunk and he had a sweet cock on him. I watched as he approached my husband and stopped, standing very close to him.

“That’s Jamar,” Bonnie whispered.

Jamar began to run his hands over John’s legs and up across his stomach. He ran them up John’s chest and across John’s nipples before slowly running them back down his body. He leaned forward and ran his tongue up John’s thigh, stopping below his testicles. He repeated the process on John’s other thigh. He grasped John’s cock and licked it from the base to the tip. I could hear John’s rapid breathing through the speaker and was stunned. He’s enjoying this!

Jamar took John’s cock into his mouth and worked it slowly. He caressed and teased while his hand gripped John’s cock and slowly stroked it. He stopped stroking when John was on the verge of cumming. John again groaned in frustration. Jamal climbed the post much like Mary Anne had. He stopped with his semi-erect cock close to John’s head. Jamal grabbed his cock with one hand and moved it toward John’s mouth. To my utter amazement, John opened his mouth readily to accept it. Jamal’s cock became fully erect as John sucked on it, and Jamal began fucking my hubby’s mouth.

I quickly got over being amazed at my husband’s bisexual revelation. Watching them had me positively dripping and that changed my perspective. Watching two men have sex, especially when one of them was my husband, was the hottest thing I had ever seen. Bonnie was caressing my body as she watched my husband. She was doing to me what the others had been doing to my husband. I didn’t know what she was up to, but I knew she had plans for me. My treatment was far from over and I had absolutely no problem with that.

Jamal pulled his cock from John’s mouth and descended the X until he was standing on the floor. Walking to the nearby table, he picked up the condom and rolled it onto his cock. He picked up a tube of what must have been lube from the same table and covered his cock with it.

He returned to the X and climbed until he was positioned between John’s spread legs. There was the sound of a motor, and the X began to articulate, raising John’s legs and bending them at the knees. John was spread before Jamal and he used that access to press the head of his cock against my husband’s anus.

Jamal pushed until the head of his cock slipped into John’s ass. He leaned forward and licked John’s nipple as he slowly pushed his cock deeper into John. He then kissed his way up John’s chest until he reached John’s mouth. John opened his mouth to Jamal’s tongue while Jamal began to slowly pump his cock in and out of John’s ass. Fuck me! This is so fucking hot! Jamal braced himself with one hand and caressed John’s nipple with the other. He rhythmically stroked his cock in and out of John while kissing him passionately.

I watched, enthralled, as Jamal fucked my husband. I didn’t recognize my own voice. It was full of gruff arousal when I asked Bonnie, “He’s really enjoying that, isn’t he?”

Bonnie smiled. “The questionnaires tend to reveal any repressed sexual urges. You needn’t worry, though. In his mind, nothing compares to you.”

Jamal slowly stopped pumping his cock in and out of John. He pulled his cock from John’s ass and pulled the condom off. He climbed up the X until he again presented his cock to John’s mouth. John willingly opened his mouth to Jamal. He began sucking hard at Jamal’s cock as Jamal plunged it into his mouth. Jamal pumped his cock into his mouth while my husband licked and sucked enthusiastically until suddenly Jamal’s body stiffened. He began to shoot spurt after spurt of cum down John’s throat.

John continued to suck on Jamal’s cock well after Jamal had finished. Finally, Jamal freed his cock and began to climb down. He stopped long enough to kiss John deeply. The kiss continued for a few minutes before Jamal pulled away and dropped to the floor. He smiled at John, turned, and left the room.

John groaned loudly in frustration. John’s cock was as hard as it had ever been in his life. He needed to come so badly it hurt.

“Now that’s just mean! Come on now, let him cum, for goodness sake!”

Bonnie chuckled. “He’ll be fine. We do know what we are doing.”

Mary Anne walked back into the room. She walked over to John and began climbing the X. When she had gotten as high as she needed, the motor began to run again, lowering John’s legs until they were straight again. Mary Anne positioned herself over his cock and gradually lowered herself onto it until he was buried in her. She began to fuck herself on John’s cock. Raising and lowering herself as she held on with her hands. She began to pound herself on him as fast as she could until her orgasm overcame her. John was almost there when she climbed off his cock and climbed down.

“God Dammit! Let the poor man cum! Let me fucking loose so I can do it myself!”

Bonnie just laughed and pointed at the screen.

This time, Mary Anne didn’t leave. Instead, she began to suck my husband’s cock with clear intent. Within seconds, John began to moan loudly. He stiffened against his bonds as he began to shoot jets of come out of his pulsing cock. She let the first one fly through the air and I will admit it was fucking amazing. She put his cock back in her mouth and I swear it didn’t look like he was ever going to stop cumming. Mary Anne languidly licked his cock as she slowly pulled it from her mouth. She smiled up at him and climbed up the X far enough to kiss him soundly. They kissed for a few minutes, then she climbed down.

Motors could be heard in the background as the X lowered to the floor. Mary Anne released the cuffs on his ankles and wrists and held his hand as he stepped down. She led him away, leaving an empty room.

I was in erotic shock. I had just watched the man I love in the most erotic scene I had ever seen or could have dreamed of. The effect on me was amazing. I was ridiculously horny when I heard a door open. A tall, very muscular black man entered the room. As he approached, I could see his tight spandex briefs and the significant bulge they contained.

Bonnie walked over to him and leaned against his muscular body. “Robert. Please let me introduce you to Alice.”

“Hello, Alice. You are very beautiful.”

Robert’s smooth, deep voice caressed my skin and ears. I got the most wonderful chills.

Bonnie ran her hands up and down his muscular chest. She kissed him lustily while her hands continued to roam his body. Her hand found his big bulge and began to stroke and squeeze it. I watched in fascination as the bulge began to grow. Bonnie wasn’t going to settle for rubbing. She wanted to hold and stroke it. I know I sure did, so I may have been projecting a bit. She grabbed his waistband, pulled his underwear down, and let them drop to the floor. She then wrapped her hand around his growing cock and began to squeeze and stroke it.

I was getting soaked watching them. His cock just kept getting bigger. He was as sexy of a man as I had ever seen in my life.

Bonnie went down on her knees and began to lick the head of Robert’s cock. He stroked her hair as he looked directly into my eyes. She put her mouth over the head and slid his cock into her mouth. Licking it as she sucked. When Robert became fully hard, she could only suck half of it comfortably. He didn’t try to force more than she wanted. I could see he was very happy with what she was doing for him. I had the distinct feeling that he was a strong lover, not a mean or selfish one.

I badly wanted to strum my aching clit, but my hands were still bound. Bonnie looked over at me. She had to see how horny I was. She pulled Robert's cock from her mouth and gave me the sexiest smirk. “Would you like some of this?”

I nodded as hard and fast as I could. “I would like some very much, please.”

Bonnie released Robert's cock as he put his knee on the bed. He placed one of his arms on either side of my head, leaned in, and began to kiss me. He caressed my face as our tongues intertwined, and we kissed for an endless time. After a while, he withdrew from my breathless mouth. My heartbeat fluttered as he stood up from the side of the bed. I watched as he slowly walked to the end of the bed and returned to the bed between my restrained legs. I should have been apprehensive of the massive cock approaching me or resistant because I’m married. I wasn’t either of those things. I was horny as fuck and I wanted that wonderful big black cock in my pussy.

He moved up the bed until his cock was almost touching my entrance. He slowly rubbed the head of it up and down my labia, the back of the head sliding over my swollen clit. I was a shaking mess as I lay under him, willing him to stick that big cock in me. I’ve never been so turned on in my life! I wanted that cock so badly, and right now!

Robert didn’t need to be a mind reader to see what he needed to do. He slid the head of his cock into me, penetrating me slowly, before withdrawing until only his cock head was in my sopping wet pussy. He continued to penetrate me like that. Each repetition buried his cock deeper into me. When his huge cock bumped against my cervix, he stopped moving and my pussy began to really enjoy his intrusion. He kissed me passionately as he began stroking his amazing cock into me fully.

I couldn’t say when my hands and feet were freed. I wasn’t paying attention to that anymore. This amazing man was fucking me so wonderfully and he had my undivided attention. I moved my legs up and apart to give him deeper access. I threw my arms around his neck and held on for dear life as my orgasm slammed into me. Handcuffs never entered my orgasmic mind.

Robert continued slowly stroking his cock into me as I shivered below him. I moaned out my enjoyment as his amazing cock fucked me. I finally noticed I was free when he stopped stroking into me and rolled me onto my side. Okay, whatever you want. Just keep fucking me. The last thing I wanted to do now was get away!

Robert lay down behind me and I looked at the door as another man entered the room. He had black hair and blue eyes on a handsome face. His body was cut with muscle, and I was immediately drawn to him. He was naked, and I couldn’t help but notice his big cock. He walked to the bed and lay down facing me. “Hello, Alice. I’m Daniel.” He leaned in and kissed me. While Daniel kissed me, Robert raised my leg and slowly slid his cock back into me. He began to slowly fuck me while I kissed Daniel. I was in heaven!

Daniel whispered, “Would you like to suck my cock?”

I responded by grabbing his cock and looking him lustfully in the eye. “I would love to suck your cock.”

Daniel took the hint and lay back on the bed. I took his cock in my mouth and began to worship it with my tongue. I slowly jacked his cock with my hand as I fed him into my mouth. I was getting close and knew I would cum again, but Robert picked that moment to pull his cock out. I was ready to scream in frustration until I saw Daniel and Robert change places.

Daniel moved me onto my hands and knees. He slid his big fat cock into me so nice and easy. He began to stroke in and out of me wonderfully. Robert slipped around before me and I took his huge cock into my mouth. I vowed to give him the best blow job of his life. I loved that cock and wanted it to be happy. Daniel increased his tempo, pushing me ever closer to another orgasm.

Robert pulled his cock from my mouth long enough to turn around and slide under me into a sixty-nine position. I began to worship Robert's cock again while his tongue licked my clit, and Daniel continued to fuck me with his beautiful cock. It was all so wonderfully erotic. My entire body had turned into an erogenous zone. The two men brought me to my sexual peak, and the orgasm that washed over me was awe-inspiring in its intensity. I had a death grip on Robert's cock as I screamed out joyful gibberish.

I never stopped through it all. I continued to suck Robert’s cock like it was the most wonderful cock I had ever seen. In fact, it was the most wonderful cock I had ever seen or felt! I felt him stiffen under me as his cock swelled within my mouth. He growled and flooded my mouth and throat with his seed. I stroked and sucked his cock while swallowing his cum, and continued to lick and suck long after he stopped spurting. I was determined to empty him completely.

Daniel withdrew from me and flipped me onto my back. He began to fuck me while holding himself up by his extended arms. My eyes were drawn down my body and I watched his big cock sliding in and out of my pussy. I was on fire with lust. “Fuck me, Daniel. Fuck me hard!”

Daniel gave me what I wanted. I didn’t think I could orgasm again, but his cock felt amazing. I really enjoyed his cock slamming into me and wanted him to cum in my pussy. Daniel must have read my mind because he increased his pace and began to pound his cock into me. I loved the feeling of his cock exploding his hot cum into my pussy. I could feel the spasming of his cock as he shot his cum against my cervix. I kissed him hard and long as he spasmed and thrust until he was empty.

Soon, the three of us were lying side by side. Robert and Daniel took turns kissing me sweetly as they held me. Bonnie sat at the bottom of the bed. “So, do you think our program effectively addressed your boredom problem?”

I smiled. “Oh, absolutely! I think that your program may be too effective.”

“How so?”

“I’m going to be bored often from now on!”

An hour later, Bonnie was sitting in the penthouse office, still in her negligee, when the door opened. I walked in, followed a short time later by my husband, John. When John saw me, he came to me and held me close. The kiss was full of love and heat for each other. When we finally came up for air and noticed Bonnie, she pointed at the couch. We sat down close to each other and gave her our attention.

“Alice, to be clear. Your husband was watching you the same way you had watched him.”

I turned red as Bonnie looked at John. “What did you think about what you saw, John?”

“It was the hottest thing I had ever seen. Those guys were like gods, and it made me a bit jealous. “

I looked at my husband. “Babe, they were amazing, but they aren’t you and never will be. You are the one I love.

“I never knew you liked guys as well as girls. It was so hot watching you with Jamar!”

John blushed. “I have always had thoughts but suppressed them. I am married to you, and that has always been enough for me. It always will be, too.”

Bonnie took back control. “What did you guys think of the treatment?”

John and I spoke at once. “Awesome!”

“I am so glad you liked it. I have to say you guys are a fun couple to work with.”

John smiled. “I believe it was our pleasure.”

“Now that you have seen what we do, I want you to help us help other couples. Would you like to do that?”

We weren’t doctors. “How would we be helping?”

“All of the people that you were with are volunteers. They help clients act out scenarios based on the questionnaires and our research. The scenarios are designed to bring out repressed healthy sexual urges. In many cases, they help fulfill a sexual fantasy that the couple would never realize in normal life.

“Volunteers help couples open up to a completely satisfying sex life. Another benefit of volunteering is that you get to enjoy your work while helping another couple.”

John spoke for both of us. “We would definitely like to volunteer.”

I smiled at him and turned to Bonnie. “We can start tomorrow.”

Written by Woodart
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