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Uncaging Our Hearts

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Competition Entry: Rainbows

Author's Notes

"I hope you find my story meaningful. There is nothing more painful than having your heart caged. Can you imagine if you were told you can't love the person in your life? Everyone should be able to proudly share who they love."

The 1950s (hiding in cages)

"Gross indecency" is what they call it in British law. Homosexual men are prosecuted. However, strangely enough, sex between women is not criminalized. Therefore, the men who are attracted to other men have to hide their feelings. Many do what is expected and marry women - living a lie. Gay men deny their hearts and true feelings. Sadly, they love in silence. 

Tom and Hank work together in quiet, setting up their tent along the banks of the river. Anticipation fills the air. They both feel it but maintain their pretense.

"I have been looking forward to this camping trip for weeks," Tom says, patting Hank on the back.

"Me too," Hank replies with a smile, not making eye contact. 

Neither unloads the fishing and hunting gear packed to conceal the true nature of their trip. 

Hank crawls into the tent after Tom. The moonlight seeps through the tent, ready to highlight their forbidden act, but thinks better of it and hides to leave them to the shadows. 

Hank cups Tom's face and pulls him towards him. Touching foreheads, they stare into each other's eyes for the first time tonight; eyes say what their mouths won't. They mash their lips against one another and hold for a few seconds before their mouths begin to move together. Their kiss is passionate and deliberate. The high from their pent-up urges quickly surges through them. Tom reaches down and unfastens his belt with hurried fingers. Hank fumbles with his own pants. Both are eager for their fuck - the fuck denied them for weeks.

Hank roughly pushes Tom face down onto the sleeping bag and Tom slides his knees up to position his ass. Hank squirts lube on his rigid rod and strokes it to maximum fullness. Scooching forward on his knees, he pushes Tom's ass cheeks apart with his cock and none-too-gently pushes inside his ass, eliciting pants from his lover. Under the protection of the tent, their bodies do what they must to express the inexpressible. 

Quick grunts are all that is heard in the summer night air. It is as if nature shushes itself to eavesdrop on their illegal act, refusing to mask their fucking. After Hank cums, Tom hurls him to the floor and presses his heat inside him, fucking his ass until he takes his release and they both collapse in exhaustion. They fulfill each other's deep-seated needs over the long weekend, grateful for the short reprieve from the discriminating society in which they live. 

Two days later, Tom drives up in Hank's driveway of his picture-perfect house with the pristine white picket fence. His lovely wife, Elizabeth, opens the door and excitedly waves hello to her husband, as their young son, William, dashes past her to greet his dad. Tom gives Hank a casual nod of his head before Hank opens the door to return to his socially acceptable life. Tom drives off to rejoin his own respectable wife and appropriate life. 

Like many others of their time, both men continue to hide behind the mask of a straight man, allowing the discrimination against homosexuals to go unchallenged. 


June 1970 (rattling the cages)

"Mom and Dad, I'm gay."

William's mom, Elizabeth, bursts into tears, yelling about his condemned soul, running from the room. However, Hank sits quietly, studying his son. William wrings his hands, afraid to look at his father now. If he had he would see his father's eyes well up. William would have assumed disappointment, but he would have been wrong. 

His father stands up and moves towards his son. "Stand up," he orders.

William obeys and Hank shocks him by pulling him into a warm bear hug saying, "I love and accept you, son."

Father and son sit down on the couch and have an emotional, deeply connecting talk. William shares his plans to participate in the upcoming Pride March and has no idea the depths of his dad's pride over his bravery.

Later that evening

William holds Nate’s cock in his hand, admiring the way it grows beneath his touches. He can’t resist a long lick of his veiny shaft before relaying his thoughts.

“I still can’t believe Dad is okay with it. I figured his reaction would be worse than Mom’s.”

“You are lucky, Will. I don’t think my dad will ever speak to me again.”

William looks down the bed at his mate’s head lying against his thigh. Nate gingerly strokes William’s cock, his mind wandering elsewhere in sadness.

“Dad wants to go with us to the Pride March in New York City. Being the first march, he is worried. With the Stonewall riots still fresh on everyone’s minds, he's afraid the police might get ugly and he wants to be there to support us.” William rubs his thumb up and over Nate’s mushroom head, wiping away a drop of pre-cum.

“That is great, babe. And he's right, we might end up in a riot. Who knows what will happen. I am happy we are experiencing our first ‘coming out’ in public together.” And after that statement, he chooses to forget the struggles for a while and he sucks on William’s cock.

William groans in pleasure and returns the favor. For the next half hour, the young men turn their attention to their love for one another and save thoughts of riots for another time. They lay on their sides enjoying each other’s cocks with hands and tongues.

Nate jacks William’s thick cock from base to mid-way while ferociously sucking his head, driving William wild. It feels so good, William forgets what he is doing for a moment and just holds Nate’s cock gingerly on his tongue. His loins steal his focus. They always try to come together, but William can never last long.

Nate swirls his tongue around his dick, smiling, knowing his lover is about to blow. He parts his muscular ass cheeks, slides a finger inside his ass, and finger-fucks him, bringing him to a rapid orgasm. William groans in pleasure, tightly pursing his lips around Nate’s cock until his balls have fully emptied. He takes a few moments to recover before turning his attentions to the fat cock in his mouth. Nate is a slower cummer but William doesn’t mind because he loves sucking his lover’s cock more than anything else in the world. In his mind, it is much more intimate than fucking – each swallowing the other’s essence.


Hank attends the first Pride March with his son and Nate, never telling his son he is gay. He has been hiding in the shadows so long, he doesn’t know how else to live. Living in shame and secrets takes its toll on a soul. Most can't truly understand the weight of shame; it drags every part of your being into the ground. Although he now finds joy and healing watching his son find his voice among the growing gay liberation movement, an unfulfilled longing of a true mate of his own remains.

As for William, he had many lovers, but in the year 1986, at age thirty-five, he decides on a new path and adopts a four-year-old boy named Grayson from foster care. 

The homosexuals are no longer staying silent in their cages.


April 2000 (fleeing the cage)

“We have two hours before my parents come home,” she purrs.

“Then, we better get busy. I plan to eat your pussy for at least thirty minutes.”

Grayson slides her leggings down, kissing every inch of skin as it’s revealed. She mews with each touch of his mouth on her sensitive skin. He is the first boy to give her an orgasm and now she craves them more than chocolate - and she really loves chocolate.

He slides back up to her crotch and hooks his fingers in the waistband of her panties, slowly working them down, blowing on her pussy puffing up in arousal.

“Please, Grayson. Please,” she begs.

After lifting her legs over his shoulders, he takes his first lick, sliding his tongue from her pussy to her clit. He smiles as she squeals. His teasing, slow licks continue until she pushes her mound towards his face, wanting more. He pauses, making her wait, and then buries his face in her bush, lapping, and sucking.

He has learned how to make her cum during fucking by pleasuring her between her legs until she is on the verge of her orgasm and then sliding his dick in. Her flushed, writhing body tells him she is already close. He rises upon his knees, lifting one of her legs in the air as he plunges inside her. He is perfectly positioned to thumb her clit as he fucks her. His cock fits snugly inside her tight, young pussy and he quickly thrusts, craving his own release too. Her back arches as she orgasms. He thrusts two more times and soaks her with his cum. Their mutually satisfying sex has held them together to this point. 

He curls up beside her, rubbing her back. Rolling over to face him, she cups his face in her hands, kissing him.

“You are so hot, Grayson.”

“You are pretty hot yourself, Sharon. I can’t wait for Senior Prom. You will be the most beautiful girl there,” he says. “So, you still good with the plans? I will pick you up at six o’clock and we will meet the other couples for pictures and then head to my house for dinner before the dance. Dad is going all out; Malone’s is catering dinner for us.”

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“Ummm. About that …”


“Well … Mom and Dad don't like our dinner plans,” she answers looking away.

“Why? What do they have against Malone’s food?”

“Ummm. It isn’t the food. It’s your dad.”

Grayson rises up on his elbow, suddenly irritated. “What about my dad?”

“Don’t get mad, okay.”

“Too late for that. What do they have against my dad? You know my dad is the greatest.”

“You know … he’s gay.” Sharon bites her lip, seeing how angry Grayson is becoming.


“Well, they don’t want me seeing stuff … you know … him kissing a man or something.”

“Oh for God’s sake, Sharon! Dad hasn’t dated in forever. But, if he does, so what?”

“Why can’t we just go somewhere else to eat? Dillan’s parents are hosting a dinner at their house. Why don’t we just eat over there? Truthfully, I am not comfortable at your house either. I mean, I feel sorry for you not having a mom and all, but -”

“I don’t need a mom. Dad is everything I need,” he barks, yanking the covers off and jumping out of bed.

He quickly dresses while Sharon loudly sighs.

“Come back to bed, Grayson. We still have some time before my parents get home.”

“I don’t feel comfortable in your home anymore, Sharon. I am uncomfortable with your parents.”

He walks towards the door, then turns to her and fumes, “Oh, and find another date for Prom, Sharon.”

“What?” she shrieks. “Prom is a week away, you can’t dump me now!”

“I can do anything I want, Sharon. Goodbye,” he says, turning again and walking out of the door.

The next day

Grayson walks off the track towards his dad.

“Great races, son!” his dad says, patting him on the back.

“Thanks, Dad. I guess I did okay,” he said bumping shoulders with him.

“Okay? You got first in the mile and second in the relay! Better than just ‘Okay’.”

“I did break my fastest time in the mile,” he says, half-smiling.

“Wow! Grayson! Way to go, son! But, you look a little down for someone who just had such a great meet though. What’s bugging you?” His dad pulls his arm to stop their walking.


“Sharon? I saw her hanging on another guy on the team. What’s with that?”

“Oh, nothing. I broke up with her yesterday. No biggie.”

“What? But you have already rented your tux? I have dinner planned for you and your friends?”

“I just decided I don’t want to go. She has already found another date. No big deal.” Grayson can't bear to tell his dad what Sharon said about him.

“Son, I always play it straight with you. I don’t think that was right dumping her a week before Senior Prom. What happened?”

“I hear you, Dad. But, I don’t want to talk about it. Okay?”

“Okay, son. I will see you at home,” his dad says, thinking there is more to the story but decides to drop it.

Grayson walks to his car and as soon as he is safely inside his tears fall. He rests his forehead against the steering wheel, reliving the pain over Sharon’s words yesterday. A knock on his window makes him jump.

“Grayson, what are you doing?” asks Mel through the window.

He quickly swipes at a tear, but it is too late, she has seen it running down his cheek. Mel is his track friend and runs around the car and climbs in the passenger seat.

“Hey, what’s wrong? Tell me?” she says, patting his shoulder. “I heard you and Sharon broke up. Is that it?”

“God, no. She's a witch.”

“Then, what?”

“I broke up with her because her parents didn’t want her coming to my house for dinner because Dad is gay. And she has an issue with him also.”

“That bitch! Oh my God, Grayson, your dad is awesome!”

“You know Mel, I never missed not having a mom, but ever since I was little so many people seem to have an issue with it. If I don’t care, why do they care? She mentioned feeling sorry for me because I didn’t have a mom too.”

“Come here,” she says, pulling him into one of her bear hugs. Mel is a hugger. He doesn’t usually like it, but today, he lays his head on her shoulder and hugs her for a long time.

“Dad wanted to know what happened with Sharon. I didn’t tell him. I just couldn’t hurt him like that.”

“Grayson, your dad is tough. He can take it. He would want to know and wouldn’t want you holding it in for his sake.”

She kisses his cheek and he raises his face and looks at her differently, wondering why he didn't notice how pretty she was before.

“So, would you like to go to Prom? That is if you aren’t already going. And you are not the second pick. I would really feel proud to take you to Prom, Mel. I want to enjoy the night and I know I will with you.”

She takes two seconds to squeal, “Yes!”

Grayson and Mel go to Senior Prom and that night becomes a springboard for a more intimate relationship. They fall in love and develop a mutual passion for fighting discrimination. Both hold public offices, and alongside his father, Grayson champions gay rights, including their right to marry. They watch the Pride Marches multiply their numbers as more and more people jump on the bandwagon for equality. In 2005, Grayson and Mel marry and shortly after their son, David, is born.

Homosexuals are out in the open now and demanding the same rights as others enjoy. They confidently step into the sunlight and will be silenced no longer. 


June 2040 (no more cages)


His arm circles me, pulling me back against his morning missile. 

"Good morning, Senator," he whispers. "And what's on your agenda for today?" 

"Ummmm, affordable healthcare ... again," I grumble trying to nestle his hardness inside my ass crack. "And Mom and Dad are coming over to babysit Isabella, giving us a nice dinner out."

"Mmmm, alone time with you. I can't wait," he says, nuzzling my neck. "Grayson is obsessed with her, you know. Mel said he talks non-stop about her."

"Ha! I know. She already has her granddad wrapped around her tiny little finger."

He pushes his fat cock further inside my crack. "And, I think the first item on your agenda is being plundered by your sexy husband." 

I turn my head to see his devilish grin and silently thank God for this magnificent man in my bed. Rolling over to face him, we grind our stubbly beards against one another, kissing, tasting. We press chest, groin, and thighs together, relishing in each other's heat.

The morning sun streams through the cracks in the curtains highlighting his naked body. I roll over on my back and he climbs on top. His strong hands run up my thighs and rest behind my knees rocking them towards my chest. At first, he teases me with just the tip, then as my hole stretches for him, within three thrusts his whole turgid shaft is inside my tight cock cocoon. His hammering begins in earnest as his cock greedily slides in and out my needy asshole. We have always enjoyed a voracious appetite for each other. My husband in particular likes to be publicly affectionate and we witness envious glances from others on occasion.

"Mmmmmm," we groan in unison.

Then, we hear Isabella crying. He collapses his head on my chest with a different groan coming out his mouth.

"Your turn," I say with a wink, running my fingers through his coarse black hair.

"Fuck." He reluctantly withdraws his pouting cock from my hole and dresses to go take care of our 6-month-old daughter. 

"To be continued, Senator," he says, casting me a wicked smile over his shoulder. 

I smile readjusting my body in the bed. I glance over at my family tree on the wall - wishing Great-Grandpa could see how far we have come. Here is my ancestral line: Hank and Elizabeth gave birth to a son named William. William adopted a son named Grayson. Grayson married Mel and they had me. And my husband, John, and I had our daughter, Isabella, via surrogate.

Studying the picture, I notice the expression on Great-Grandpa Hank's face - a look of unrest. Grandpa and Dad always said there was a heaviness to Great-Grandpa. I hope somehow he knows his acceptance of his gay son, William, paved the way for my happiness today. 

I think back to the stories from Grandpa and Dad. Scratching my beard, I can't imagine not being able to openly love who you want. I am the first in our family to be able to legally marry a man. Now, our sexual orientation is just another descriptor, like the color of our eyes. We are proud of whoever we love. Moving my eyes to my family picture, my heart rejoices. I feel truly blessed for my life with my husband and daughter. 

We live as equals now. There is no need for parades. Race doesn't matter. Sexual orientation doesn't matter. Hearts freely fly in whatever direction they choose without question. Judy Garland's "Over the Rainbow" plays in my head. The skies are now blue and dreams do come true. 













Written by KimmiBeGood
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