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The Social Club

"I needed a job so I asked my best friend. He told me about the Social Club."

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I walked over to my friend Bob’s house on Sunday evening, then knocked on the door.  Bob opened it and invited me in.

“Hey, Gary, how’s it going?  Did you find a job yet?” Bob said.

“No, not yet.  There’s not much around here,” I said.

Bob and I had graduated from high school about a month ago.  It was July and hot as hell outside.  Since we turned eighteen, we’d been looking for work.  I don’t know why we were unable to find anything steady.  Bob and I worked at a carwash for a week but quit.  The amount of money the owner said we would make never came to fruition.  We figured we weren’t even making minimum wage.  The car wash paid fifty cents an hour, plus tips.

It was nineteen seventy-four.  The war had ended, and more people were looking for work than available jobs.

“Let’s grab a sixpack and go to the park,” Bob said.

“I’m flat, man.  I don’t have any money,” I said.

“No problem, it’s on me,” Bob said.

We walked to the liquor store close to the house.  Inside, Bob got a sixpack of beer from the cooler and placed it on the counter.  Then, he asked for two packages of cigarettes.  I stood next to Bob, watching as he took a wad of bills from his pocket, peeled off a ten, and placed it on the counter.

After receiving his change, Bob picked up the bag and walked toward the door.  I wondered where my friend got the money as I followed him out.  We walked to the park, found a picnic table, and sat down.

Bob gave me a bottle of beer and a package of cigarettes.  Thanking him, I opened the smokes and lit one.  Bob popped the tops off two of the beers.

“Okay, dude, where the fuck did you get the money?  Did you rob someone?” I said.

Shrugging his shoulders, Bob said, “No.  I didn’t rob anyone.”

Bob took a drink, then smoked his cigarette.  I waited for him to tell me where he got the cash, but he didn’t offer any explanation.  We finished our beers, then opened another one.  I asked Bob about the money again, but he didn’t answer me.

“Did you find a job you haven’t told me about, Bob?” I said.

“Yeah, sort of, Gary,” Bob said.  “My ol’ man is after me to get out of the house.  He told me an eighteen-year-old man was too old to live with his parents. So he’s been preaching since my birthday.”

“What does your mom say about it?” I said.

“Mom doesn’t go against anything the ol’ man says, Gary.  If you remember, my brother joined the service, and my sister got married when they turned eighteen.  I don’t want to join the Army, and I sure don’t want to get married,” Bob said, then laughed.  “I don’t even have a girlfriend.”

“Yeah.  I know what you mean.  Living at home isn’t terrible, but I wish I could get out of the house.  My mom doesn’t like it when I have a few beers and won’t let me smoke in the house.  I thought about going to live with my dad, but I can’t stand his new wife,” I said.

We opened our third beer.  When we finished it, Bob said he wanted more. So, after going back to the store, we returned to the park.

“So, are you going to tell me about your job?” I said.

Shrugging his shoulders, Bob said, “Do you know the Social Club over on Tenth Street?”

“Yeah, I’ve seen it, but I don’t know anything about it,” I said.

“It’s a private club.  The members get together there to drink and play cards.  A guy I know invited me to the club to serve drinks and stuff to the players.  My first time was last Friday and Saturday nights,” Bob said.

“How much did you make?” I asked.

Bob took a drink of beer, then stared across the park.  “I made one-hundred-sixty dollars.”

“They paid you eighty dollars a night?  How many hours did you work?” I asked.

“I worked from eight at night until four in the morning. So about eight hours each night,” Bob said.

“Fuck.  That’s like ten bucks an hour.  Is it before taxes?” I said.

Laughing, Bob popped another beer.  “There are no taxes, Gary.  It’s all cash.”

“Something sound fishy.  What the fuck do you have to do?  There has to be more to it than passing out drinks and snacks,” I said.

“I can’t talk about it, Gary.  It’s an illegal game.  The men play for money.  They play for a lot of money.  They told me to keep my mouth shut about what and who I saw there,” Bob said.

Bob and I finished our beers, then left the park.  When we got to his house, I told him I’d talk to him later. Then, as I headed home, I lit a smoke.  Bob and I had been friends for a long time.  In the past, he never held anything back when we talked.  However, his responses to my questions, or rather the lack of response, troubled me.

Over the next few days, I continued my job search.  I put in applications at many businesses, but the answer was always the same.  They told me they would call if anything became available.

I didn’t see Bob again until Sunday.  As we did the week before, we went to the store for beer, then the park.  Sitting at a table, we drank our beers and had a smoke.  Unlike the previous Sunday, Bob bought twelve beers instead of six.

Bob and I caught up on our week.  I told him about my job hunting.  Bob said he also put in applications and received the same results as I had.  I wanted to ask if he still worked at the Social Club, but I didn’t.

“How are things at home?  Is your dad still after you to move?” I said.

“He asks me when I’m going to move every day.  It’s starting to piss me off,” Bob said.  “At this point, I’m desperate.  If I could, I’d move tomorrow.”

“Things at my house aren’t great, but I want to get out on my own.  So maybe if we find work, we can get a place together,” I said.

“Getting a place together would be great, Gary,” Bob said.

By the time we opened our sixth beer, Bob had begun to loosen up.  We talked about the idea of sharing a flat or apartment and wondered if we could.

“So, did you work at the Social Club again this weekend?” I finally asked.

Bob nodded but wouldn’t look me in the eye.

“How did you do?  Did you make as much money as you did the last time?” I said.

“I did okay,” Bob said.

When I said, “Do they need any more help?” Bob’s head jerked toward me.

“I don’t think you’d like the job, Gary,” Bob replied sharply.

I decided to let it drop.  There was something Bob wasn’t telling me, but I had no idea what it could be. So finally, we decided to call it a night and go home.  We tossed our empties and headed to Bob’s house.  I said goodbye, and we agreed to talk later.

The following week was a carbon copy of the last week.  I went out every day and put in applications at almost every business within walking distance.  There was another thing.  On Wednesday, Mom told me she had a boyfriend, and he would move into the house.

When I asked when Mom said it would be soon.  Then she dropped the ball, telling me I needed to find a place of my own. So later in the evening, I went to Bob’s house to tell him the bad news.

Bob popped for a twelve-pack of beer.  We sat in the park, drinking and talking while I smoked a cigarette.

“I’m so fucked, Bob.  My mom is tossing me so her boyfriend can move into the house with her,” I said.  “I have to find a way to make money.”

“I hear you, Gary. But, unfortunately, things suck at my house too.  My ol’ man is getting impatient with me and wants me out,” Bob said.

“Yeah, but you have the gig at the Social Club.  At least you’re making money.  Shit, you’d have to find a great job to make what you make working there.  Are you sure they don’t need more help?” I said.

Bob didn’t say anything as we watched the sunset and drank our beers.  Finally, I lit a smoke, exhaling after taking a drag.  I turned to my friend and asked again.

“I don’t know if they need more help, Gary. But, even if they did, I couldn’t introduce you to them.  You’re my best friend and don’t want to mess it up,” Bob said.

“Why would it mess up our friendship, Bob?  Is what you do illegal?” I said.

“Parts of my job are, Gary. But, I want to get out of the house so bad, I’m willing to take a chance,” Bob said.

Chuckling, I said, “You don’t have to kill anyone, do you?”

Shaking his head, Bob laughed and said, “No.  I don’t have to do anything like that.  It’s just weird, that’s all.”

“Why is it weird?  What do you have to do?  How bad can serving drinks be?” I said.

By this time, we’d finished our beers.  I felt a buzz and felt Bob did too.

We decided we wanted more to drink and went to the store for a sixpack.  When Bob asked for a half-pint of whiskey, I felt he wanted to get drunk.  When we got back to the park, he opened the booze and took a swig from the bottle.  Then while Bob chased the whiskey with his beer, I took a drink.

Bob seemed distant.  I wanted to ask what was going on, but I didn’t. Finally, a few drinks later, Bob took a deep breath.

“Serving drinks and snacks is only part of my job at the club, Gary,” Bob said.

“What else do you have to do?” I asked.

Bob picked up the whiskey, took a drink, then offered it to me.  I also took a drink.

“Fuck, man, I don’t just server the men.  I service them too,” Bob said.

“What do you mean?  You have sex with them?” I said.

Bob hung his head and nodded.  “They have a couple of girls at the club to screw the men, but some of them want sex with a man.  So when they do, it’s me.”

“Are you saying you suck and fuck them?” I said, not believing what I heard.

Nodding, Bob said, “No one’s fucked me.  The girls take care of the fucking.  I have only sucked them off.  When I do, they are generous with their tips.”

“How generous?” I said.

“Last Saturday, a man gave me fifty dollars.  A blowjob is ten bucks, but most of them tip.  If they’re winning, they tip me well,” Bob said.  He turned to look at me.  “Now you know why I didn’t want to tell you about the job.”

“So, are you a queer or something?” I said.

“No, but I will have sex with a man.  I’ve screwed one of the girls too.  There are a few of the men who like to suck cock, so they blow me,” Bob said.

“Do you get paid when they suck your cock?” I said.  Smiling, Bob nodded.  “It sounds like a pretty good job.  What’s sucking cock like?”

“Honestly, after the first time, I found it was kind of hot,” Bob said.

“Do you swallow?”

Nodding, Bob said, “They pay better if I swallow their cum.  It isn’t too bad.  I tasted mine before.   I guess most of it is about the same.”

I smiled.  I had licked my hand after jacking off, and the taste never bothered me.  There were times I thought about having sex with a man.  My experience was limited to one girl I dated near the end of my senior year of high school.  The girl and I made out, and I felt her up, but that’s as far as it went.  I had to take care of myself when I got home.

“I’ve never received a blowjob, let alone given one.  So I wouldn’t know where to start,” I said as I thought about what Bob did as part of his job.

Laughing, Bob said, “It isn’t rocket science, Gary.”

“How long have you been giving head?  Did you suck cock before you got the job?” I asked.  The booze had removed any filters I may have had.

Shaking his head, Bob said, “I found out about the job from the man at the hardware store.  I went in to apply for a job five weeks ago, and while we talked, the man told me about the Social Club.  He told me the club was looking for someone.

“Gary, I would have never considered it if I wasn’t desperate to get out of the house.  So when the man at the hardware store told me how much money I could make, I asked what I would have to do.  I was shocked as shit when he said I would have to serve drinks and give men blowjobs.”

“It sounds blunt if you ask me,” I said.  “What did you do?”

“I thought about it for a few minutes, then told him I would do it.  Then, when I said I’d never sucked a cock, he smiled.  We were in his office and alone.  He stood up, unzipped his pants, and pulled his cock out.  When he told me I could learn, I agreed.  Then, kneeling on the floor, I sucked his cock while he coached me.  It was bizarre at first, but after a few minutes, I got into it.

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“Mel, that’s the man’s name, helped me and taught me how to suck a cock.  He told me when he was ready to come, then held my head and came in my mouth.  Then, after I swallowed his cum, Mel told me where to be on Friday night.”

“What happened on your first night?” I asked.  I couldn’t explain why, but my cock was getting hard.

“Mel introduced me to Tony, the man who runs the club, and I went to Tony’s office for another interview.  After I blew him, he offered me the job.  The first night, I sucked five or six men and made ninety dollars.  Since then, I’ve gotten better, and they tip me more,” Bob said.

By this time, both of us were pretty drunk. So we smoked a cigarette while I thought about everything Bob told me. But, most of all, I wondered if I could do it. Finally, I realized I could make more money in two nights than if I worked forty hours a week in a factory.

“Do you think I could get a job at the club?” I said.

“Probably.  Tony asked me if I knew anyone my age who would be interested.  He said most of the men like younger men,” Bob said.

Nodding, I said, “I’m interested, Bob.  What do I have to do?”

Laughing, Bob said, “You have to suck cock, Gary.”

I put my hand on his leg and said, “Will you teach me how?”

“Are you sure you want to do this, Gary?” Bob said.

“Yeah.  What the hell, it can’t be all bad,” I said.

“Do you mean you want to suck my cock?” Bob said.

“I guess it’s the only way to learn, isn’t it?” I said.

“Yup.  Now?” Bob asked.

Shrugging my shoulders, I said, “Why not?”

Bob got off the picnic table and stood in front of me.  As he pulled his zipper down, then unfastened the button, I wondered what I was getting myself into tonight.  Then, when he lowered his jeans, I saw his cock.  After staring for a moment, I reached out and took it into my hand.

I was surprised by how it felt to hold another guy’s cock.  Knowing what I liked when I jacked off, I began moving my hand.  As Bob’s cock grew, I looked up at him.

“Take it into your mouth, Gary.  You’re doing great,” Bob said.

I knelt on the ground and opened my mouth as Bob moved closer to me.  He looked down, watching as I took a cock in my mouth for the first time. Then, when I felt his glans slide over my tongue, I closed my lips around his shaft.  What should have been revolting wasn’t, not at all. On the contrary, I found the feeling of having a cock in my mouth was more than acceptable.  It was enjoyable.

Moving my head forward, I took more of Bob’s cock into my mouth.  He held still as I became comfortable.  Then, Bob started moving his hips, sliding his cock over my lips and tongue.  When his cock head bumped the opening of my throat, I gagged.

“You have to learn to relax your throat, Gary.  When my cock is at the opening, swallow and push your tongue forward.  I know you can take all seven inches,” Bob said.

Nodding, I did my best to get Bob’s cock into my throat as I sucked on it.  A million thoughts were raddling around in my head, but I ignored them.  Then, I felt Bob’s cock enter my throat.  At first, I panicked because I couldn’t breathe.  When Bob told me to back off, take a breath, then do it again, I did.  Next time, I held him in my throat a little longer.

“Play with my nuts, Gary,” Bob said.

I put my hand between his legs, cradled his balls, then rolled them in my palm.  Bob pulled back until only about three inches of his cock remained in my mouth. He told me to use my other hand on his shaft, so I wrapped my fingers around his cock, pumping as I moved my head.

“I’m getting close, Gary.  Get ready for my cum,” Bob said.

I increased the bobbing of my head and hand.  Bob warned me again, and then I felt the first spurt of cum hit the roof of my mouth.  As his cock spewed semen into my mouth, I fought the urge to gag and cough.  A moment later, the pulses stopped, and I held his softening cock between my lips.  Bob moved back, extracting his cock from my mouth.

When his cock was gone, I used my tongue to swirl his cum around in my mouth and found the taste a little different from mine, but it wasn’t offensive.  Then, with my lips closed, I swallowed.

“Damn, you did great for your first time, Gary.  It won’t take long for you to become a pro.”  Bob chuckled, then said.  “Okay, it’s time for you to get your first blowjob.  The more you know how it feels, the better you’ll get.”

Bob stood, pulled his jeans up, then fastened the button.  Then moving close to me, he undid my pants.  As he lowered my zipper, he looked up at me.

“When one of the men asks for a blowjob, you should take charge and remove their pants.  If they want to blow you, ask what they want you to do.  Some of them will want to undress you, and others will drop to their knees and wait for your cock,” Bob said.

Bob pushed my underwear down, gazed at my erection, then turned his head up to look at me, and smiled.

“Damn, Gary.  I didn’t know you had such a big cock.  What are you?  About eight inches?” Bob said.

“It’s about eight and a half when I’m hard, Bob,” I replied while smiling.

Bob curled his fingers around my cock, then began moving his hand over the length.  Using his other hand, he played with my balls.  After stroking me for a few minutes, he leaned close and licked the head of my dick.  I stood still, watching my best friend give me my first blowjob.

As it was when I blew Bob, what he did wasn’t the least bit strange.  I guess if I closed my eyes, I wouldn’t be able to tell if it were a man or woman playing with my cock.  Finally, Bob took me into his mouth.  I tried to pay attention to what he did, but the sensation felt overwhelming.  Bob took more of my cock, swallowed, and let it into his throat.  After a few moments, he backed off, then bobbed his head.

Removing his mouth, Bob looked up at me.  He continued stroking my cock and said, “You have to learn what the men want.  Sometimes, they want to get off quickly.  But other times, they’ll want you to take your time.  If you’re not sure, ask them how they want it.”

Pressing my hard cock against my stomach, Bob licked my shaft from my balls to the head.  He flicked his tongue at the ridge, then moved his mouth to my balls.  Pressing his face against my nuts, he sucked on into his mouth.  I let out a groan as Bob rubbed my ball with his tongue.

Bob used his hands and mouth to take me to a level of excitement I’d never felt before.  Then he would pause, telling me what he did and why. Then, using my cock and balls as props, Bob gave me a lesson in skillful cock sucking.

“Hold my head, Gary.  Most men like to feel they’re in control, but you have control when you’re sucking a cock if you think about it.  You can set the pace and do what you want to do, regardless of what they want.  If it doesn’t bother you, let them have their way,” Bob said.

Following his instructions, I put my hands on the sides of his head.  Before taking my cock into his mouth again, Bob said, “Fuck my mouth.”

Holding his head, I slowly thrust my cock in and out of his mouth.  Bob made strange sounds, and his spit ran out the corners of his mouth, dripping to the ground.  Then, he placed his hands on my ass, using them to set the tempo.  Finally, as he pulled me against his face, I felt my cock enter and exit his throat.

While watching my cock move in and out of Bob’s mouth, I heard, “Awk, awk, awk,” as my cock fucked his throat.  Finally, after a few minutes, I told him I was close to coming.

Bob pulled back, wrapped his fingers around my shaft, and increased the suction as he moved his head and hand together, causing me to erupt.  As my cock sent several shots of semen into his mouth, Bob maintained his sucking, bobbing his head and jacking my cock.

When the pulsing subsided, Bob removed my cock from his mouth.  Tilting his head, he showed my cum, then closed his mouth, swallowed, and then extended his tongue and cleaned the head of my cock.

Bob stood up, smiled at me, then took a drink of beer.  He watched me redo my pants, and then we sat at the table.  I drank my beer while still reeling from the blowjob Bob gave me.  I’d wondered what having my cock sucked would feel like, but the actual thing was beyond my wildest dreams.

“Well, how do you feel about sucking cock and getting a blowjob?” Bob said.

“It’s fucking amazing,” I said.

“Giving or receiving?”

Laughing, I said, “Both,” as I put my hand on Bob’s crotch.  “I need to practice what you taught me.”

Bob took out his cigarettes and offered me one.  He lit our smokes, and then we took a drink of beer.

We finished our cigarettes, flipped the butts away, then Bob stood up.  When he began unfastening his jeans, I smiled, then knelt in front of him.

Reaching for his crotch, I took Bob’s cock in my hand.  He watched me as I caressed him and made his dick hard before taking his semi-hard cock into my mouth.  For the second time, I felt his cock in my mouth.  As I did the things he’s told me, I realized I wasn’t nearly as apprehensive.  For some strange reason, sucking cock seemed natural to me.

For the next fifteen minutes or so, I sucked, stroked, and caressed his cock and balls.  When Bob put his hands on the sides of my head, I let him fuck my mouth, and while taking him deep, I rubbed his nuts against my chin.  We kept it up for another ten minutes, and then Bob fed me my second load of semen.  As he had done, I showed him his cum before swallowing it.

We dressed, sat on the picnic table, and finished the whiskey and beer.  While having a smoke, I turned to Bob.

“So, do you think I could get a job at the Social Club?” I said.

Bob chuckled as he nodded.  “Yeah, I think so.  We can go to the club and talk to Tony tomorrow.”

“I thought the club was only open on Friday and Saturday,” I said.

“No.  The Social Club is open Tuesday through Saturday, but I only work on Friday and Saturday nights.  The club opens at five in the evening and closes at about four in the morning.  The weekends are the busiest,” Bob said.

Nodding, I said, “What else can you tell me about the club?”

“The Social Club is for members only.  They serve drinks and food, but the kitchen closes at nine.  The members pay for their drinks and anything else.  When you start your shift, Tony gives you twenty dollars.  When you place an order at the bar, you pay for it and then collect the members' money.

“When you collect from the members, they’ll tip you.  At the end of the shift, you get the twenty dollars you started with, plus the tips.  You have to share the tips from serving with the bartender.  Tony says you should give the bartender fifteen percent, but you can give her more if you want to,” Bob said.

“What about the extra services?  How does it work?” I said.

“When a member wants something special, they see Tony, and he gives them a token.  If the member wants you to take care of them, he’ll give you the token and ten dollars.  The chip has a number printed on it, referring to one of the small private rooms at the back of the club.

“If you get a token, you have to watch the member.  He’ll get up then head to the back rooms.  Once he’s gone, you follow.  I think you know what happens then,” Bob said, then he added, there are two colors for the tokens.  White and green.  If a member has a white token, they want a girl.  The green ones are for a guy.”

“It all sounds pretty easy to me,” I said.

“It is.  Make sure you keep your bar money separate from the other cash.  You don’t have to share the money you get for going to the back room with a member,” Bob said.

“How often does a member want to suck your cock?” I asked.

Chuckling, Bob said, “It happens more often than I thought it would.  It seems some of the members like giving blowjobs.  You’ll be surprised at some of the things they ask you to do.  A couple of the members want you to jack them off.  There were a couple of times a member bought a white and a green token.

He wanted to watch while I had sex with one of the girls.  The man sat in a chair, jacking off, while we sucked and fucked each other.  Gary, if you decide to work at the club, you have to keep an open mind.  Don’t set expectations and go with the flow.”

“Thanks, I’ll keep it in mind.”  I started laughing.  “Shit, Bob, until a couple of hours ago, I never thought about sucking cock, or I’d like it.”

“I need to get going, Gary.  I’ll let you know what time we can see Tony tomorrow,” Bob said.

After taking care of our trash, Bob and I left the park.  I said goodbye to him at his house, then walked home.  As I strolled down the sidewalk, I thought about the things I learned and did, realizing I was comfortable with my decision to work at the club if I could get a job there.

Written by Darkvision29
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