It was the summer of 1989. I was sitting inside of my car, a 1984 Chevrolet Cavalier, in my friend Aaron’s driveway. It was about 9:20 pm on a Friday night and I wondered how long it would be until he would arrive back home. He was notorious for being late to most everything.
I was going into my junior year of high school, as was my friend. My shift at work had just ended. We both had part-time jobs at grocery stores, although they were at different stores. Aaron also had to work that night and we were going to finish our shifts at the same time. As such, I expected that he would arrive home at roughly the same time as me. At that point, I had been sitting in my car listening to my ‘Whitesnake’ cassette tape for a good fifteen minutes.
I was always really into music, particularly rock music. But on this evening I was having trouble getting into any sort of music.
Aaron had asked me to stop over and spend the night at his family home. There was an illness in his family and his parents and younger sister were out of town for a few days. While the sick family member was close to Aaron’s parents, he hardly knew them personally. Since he had to work over that period and he was playing baseball at the time, Aaron stayed home alone while the rest of his family was away.
The distracting part for me was that I was very attracted to Aaron. I had already known for several years that I liked both guys and girls. Since we were at an age that we didn’t really have sleepovers anymore, this was most likely going to be the last opportunity to have Aaron alone in any sort of compromising situation.
Growing up we had had many sleepovers together. Through the years I had frequently been know to set up as many scenarios as I could to get my friend undressed in front of me. I knew that I was going to have to pull out all of the stops if I wanted to finally have some sort of real sexual contact with him.
I knew that he was straight. It wasn’t as if we were going to have some sort of relationship, but I did at least want to have one real experience with my friend.
As I sat inside of my car thinking about possible scenarios, I was struggling to keep my excitement to a minimum. I have always had a high sex drive, but in those days it was quite out of control. I struggled with incredibly frequent erections up until my mid-twenties.
I was pulled out of my dream state by the flash of lights. Aaron had arrived home and now I had to switch back into friend mode.
I got out of my car and grabbed my overnight bag and my case of cassette tapes. I approached Aaron with a quick jab about him being on time as always. He chuckled and we headed into the house together.
We kicked our shoes off on the porch and headed into the house. Aaron lived on a dairy farm and it was a strict policy that all shoes were removed on the front porch. Although the outside generally smelled of cow manure, Aaron’s mom kept the house quite clean and presentable.
We quickly decided that we were going to hit the pool before it got too late. I was quite happy with that decision as it fit into my plans exceedingly well.
We headed up to Aaron’s room to get changed. I dropped my bag onto the bed and started to pull out my swimsuit and towel. As I retrieved them I turned around to find that Aaron was already shirtless and pulling down his pants. I took a moment to stare at his tan lines as he unwittingly flashed his bare ass at me. I could see his limp cock jingling about as he pulled down his pants and then quickly slid his swimsuit up.
He was completely changed and I had just pulled my gear out of my bag. The only difference was that I wasn’t going to turn my back on him. I started to chat him up as I stripped down in front of him and methodically changed in front of him. Fortunately, I was able to keep my excitement to a minimum throughout the process.
We turned on a security light in the backyard and headed out to the pool. It was a pretty small pool, but for good reason. It was actually dug by hand and made by their family. The pool was circular, about twenty feet in diameter, and about four and a half feet deep.
With a running charge, we each cannon-balled into the pool. We swam and splashed for about a half-hour until we decided to head back in. The swim was quite refreshing and got us both cooled down after a hot day.
We grabbed our towels and headed back inside the house. After cooling ourselves down, the house now felt quite warm. It was an old farmhouse and it didn’t have air-conditioning. We headed to the fridge and poured a couple of glasses of soda. As we were gulping our drinks down, Aaron said that he wanted to take a shower to wash off the chlorine. I quickly agreed that I needed one also, for one reason or another.
The lower floor of the house was basically structured in a bottom-heavy figure-eight pattern where most of the rooms adjoined with two others. There was a game room and the master bedroom which consisted of the top part of the figure-eight, while the living room and dining room made up of the left side of the lower half and the kitchen and bathroom made up the right side of the lower half.
Aaron headed from the kitchen into the bathroom and turned on the water in the shower. He came back into the kitchen and after a quick chat, he disappeared into the bathroom again. I heard a bit of a shuffle in there and peeked in just in time to see a glimpse of his bare ass as he popped into the shower.
We shouted back and forth a bit while he was in the shower. I didn’t think it was appropriate to hang out in the bathroom at that time, but I was just on the other side of the doorway. At the time that it seemed like he was finishing, I started to head in and I told him to hurry his ass up.
As soon as I heard the rustle of the shower curtain, I headed in to catch him just before he could grab his towel. He was one sexy motherfucker. That could not be disputed. I brushed him to the side jokingly, shrugged off my wet swimsuit, and hopped into the shower.
Behind the veil of the shower curtain, my excitement was getting the best of me. My cock was rock-hard and it wasn’t budging from that state without a fight. I briefly considered rubbing one out to hopefully relieve a bit of the anxiety, but then thought that there was no way that I could do that unnoticed.
I heard the sound of a blow-dryer kick on. Aaron always insisted on blow-drying his hair. He was pretty particular about that for whatever reason.
I took a bit of an excessively long shower. I was actually in there long enough that the hot water was starting to run out. Fortunately by that time I had managed to tame my erection so I headed out of the shower.
I stalled for a minute and pretended that I didn’t know where to get a towel. Aaron grabbed one and handed it to me. I wanted him to have to look at me as many times as possible so he felt comfortable being naked around me.
Aaron asked me if I wanted to dry my hair and I declined. While his hair was thin and wispy, mine was thick and wiry. I had to just get it in place while it was wet and leave it there.
I took my time toweling off. Aaron was still drying his hair with a towel wrapped around his waist. When it seemed like he was about done I followed suit and wrapped my towel around my waist.
We exited back into the kitchen and refilled our glasses before heading back upstairs with them. I led the way upstairs and as I rounded the turn in the stairway, my towel mysteriously came untied. Aaron chuckled at my misfortune and I settled for draping the towel over my shoulder so it partially covered my front.
Now inside Aaron’s bedroom, I wasn’t sure what the dress code was going to be going forward. I was hoping that it would be minimal. I grabbed a pair of underwear from my bag and slid them on. As I turned around Aaron was doing the same. He seemed to be content with that amount of clothing for the time being and so was I. It was significantly hotter upstairs than it was downstairs and the one small window in his bedroom wasn’t providing much relief.
Not surprisingly, the first thing that Aaron wanted to do was to regale me with his drumming. It was one of the most annoying parts of hanging out with him and he insisted on giving a prolonged performance every time I was in his room. At least this time he was doing it in just his tighty whities, so that made it a bit more tolerable.
As he played, I was sorting through his music collection and lining up some stuff to listen to after he finished. Occasionally I would look up and pretend to be into his jam session, but I was mostly just checking him out. It was the best opportunity to give him a long, slow look-over that I had gotten in a couple of years. Locker rooms and random clothing changes were about the only times that I had the opportunity to see him naked anymore.
I found myself staring more and more as time went on. He just kept getting more muscular every time that I saw him.
Damn, he was gorgeous!
As he played away his feathery blonde hair swayed around gently. He usually squinted as he played concealing his pretty blue eyes, but he occasionally looked up to see what I was doing. He had a small, pointed nose and a wide smile. His chin was angular, sharply defined, and adorned with a dimple. It was another of his standout features.
He was roughly five feet, nine inches tall in those days and 150 pounds. If you scanned his entire body you would not find one ounce of visible fat.
His shoulders were filling out considerably and he was getting noticeable triceps muscles. His biceps were getting larger all of the time. When he flexed they peaked considerably. Aaron’s arms and hands had quite visible veins throughout.
His chest had mildly defined pectorals and the center of it was decorated by a small tuft of blonde hair. Aaron’s abdominal muscles, however, were far more defined. They flexed and relaxed as he banged away on the drums. His ass was muscular and stuck out just a bit. His legs were muscular and very lean. They were covered in a thin blanket of light-colored hair.
Aaron's body had three different shades to it. He had a farmer’s tan which was quite dark, followed by a swimsuit tan that was medium-dark, then the swimsuit area which was pasty white.
I had seen his cock many times. It was probably a bit above average in length, but slightly narrow. When it was soft it had a subtle curve that went upward and to his right. In its neutral state, it usually poked outward as if it was looking off slightly to the right. It featured a rather pointed head that had a bit of length to it.
He had a moderate amount of pubic hair, as did almost everybody in those days. I had never know anybody that did anything more than some minor trimming. He also had a pretty prominent “happy trail” that started just below his navel and traveled downward.
At that time, I felt like he was the sexiest man that I had ever seen in person. He still is.
I found myself staring a bit too much and my cock was starting to point outward. I was wearing my usual string bikini underwear that didn’t do much concealing. They were rather small, but I was very skinny and full-sized briefs either bunched up or went halfway up my back.
Aaron surely hadn’t noticed my arousal yet, because he was too engaged in his jam session. I decided to sit on the bed and sort through music for a bit and try to settle things down.
Other than our many common interests, Aaron and I were completely different. I had thick, wiry, dark brown hair that was medium length on top and “party in the back” as they say. I had dark brown eyes, a considerable nose, and rounded features which included a very subtle chin.
I was about five feet, nine inches tall as well. But I was only about 130 pounds. I was quite scrawny and thin. My upper body had no musculature whatsoever and my ribs were visible from both the front and back. Most adults could put their thumb and forefinger around any area of my arms.
My lower torso had a slight amount of definition but that was mostly because there was no body fat at all. I had a flat little butt. My legs were very scrawny and the calves looked even thinner than my thighs did. I had a fair covering of medium brown hair all over my legs.
My cock was a bit above average as well. I had slightly less length than Aaron, but I was also a bit thicker. My cock stuck straight out, or upward at many times. There was very little taper to it and it was adorned with a fat, blunt head.
I also had a moderate amount of pubic hair. I did have a bit of a moderate farmer’s tan, but I went to the tanning bed and had a moderate base tan all over.
My excitement had started to wane and I had hoped that the jam session would soon be over. It was probably ninety degrees in that room and Aaron’s hairline was now damp with sweat. I didn’t really ever sweat, but I was damn hot nonetheless.
Eventually, Aaron stopped playing. When he got up he reached for his glass and gulped the contents down quickly. As he leaned back his Adam’s apple bobbed as he loudly swallowed. A loud belch was soon to follow. It was quickly followed by Aaron’s signature goofy laugh. I just shook my head and smiled.
We played a few random songs off of various cassette tapes for a while. Eventually, we started talking about various things and turned the music down.
I started to ask him about his last girlfriend Carrie and if they were still seeing each other. He said that he thought that they were through, although there didn’t seem to be a distinct ending. I started to press him about any details of what they had done sexually. I knew that it hadn’t gone very far.
After a bit of prodding, he admitted to a bit of “over the clothes” groping, but that was about all.
I knew Aaron quite well, so I knew what he liked and what kind of girls he liked. I pressed him for details about how big Carrie’s breasts were. Then I followed by asking if he just had one hand on them or two at the same time. He claimed that it was just one hand and that they filled it completely.
Aaron was a boob-man. Ironic that he lived on a dairy farm, but nonetheless. The more that I pressed him to describe what had happened, the more that I started to see his tighty whities begin to bulge in the front.
I was not going to let up on him. I started asking about other girls that I knew that he liked. I asked about Julia and Sandra in particular. They were the girls in our class with the biggest breasts. I commented on how they would probably go out with him. I told him that there was no way that he could get his hands around either one of their gigantic breasts.
Aaron did his usually snorting chuckle and started to fidget awkwardly. I could see that he was probably fully erect as his cock had slid up and to the right and was nudging at his waistband. Admittedly I was quickly finding myself in a similar state, but I had a lot less room to navigate.
I went to adjust my cock as it was poking my briefs straight outward. It had pulled the elastic away revealing myself partially as I looked downward. I swung my cock around to the widest part of the waistband where the string attaches to the front panel. There was still a bit of the head visible, but that was all that I could do at that moment.
I wasn’t going to let that derail my objective. Besides, we were both clearly in the same condition. Mine was just a little bit more graphic.
I continued on talking about Julia and Sandra. I described grabbing their big, full tits and squeezing them, then taking off their bra, licking every bit of their breasts, and sucking on their nipples in intricate detail.
Aaron was squirming around in excitement and he would randomly reach down and give himself a nudge.
I asked him if he wanted to “tittie-fuck” Julia. He snorted again and then said, “No…what’s that?”
I answered by telling him that I would take Julia’s shirt and bra off and lay her down on the bed on her back. Then I would climb on top of her and straddle her midsection. I would grab onto her breasts with both hands and pull them slightly apart. Then I would slide my cock in between them and begin to thrust away, squeezing her huge tits together as I stroked. I would pump away at her soft, jiggly tits until finally I exploded and shot my load all over her chin.
Aaron snickered nervously at the thought. He asked, “You can’t really do that, can you?”
I responded, “Well, probably not. I don’t think that Julia likes me. She has always been kind of sweet on you, though.”
He stammered for a bit and followed, “No. I mean that you can’t really cum like that. Can you?”
I told him that guys can cum in a lot of ways especially if they are into something. Aaron was going absolutely crazy. He was moving around and nudging his cock repeatedly.
The sight of Aaron’s excitement had me even more aroused than he was. I was avoiding touching myself, but my legs were not wanting to stay still.
Aaron asked if I had ever come before. In a rare moment of honesty on that subject, I admitted that I had quite frequently. He said that he never had.
I followed by challenging that I knew that he played with himself sometimes. He admitted that he did, but said that he had never taken it that far. He asked what it was like. I told him that it felt incredible and that once he had done it, it would not be the last time.
I called him out on his erection and said that he could ignore it and hope that it goes away or he could give it what it wants. He chuckled at that thought. Then he told me that I looked like I was in the same situation, I admitted that he was right.
In an overstated fashion, I pulled my underwear down which quickly slid to the floor. I grabbed my cock with my right hand and started slowly stroking away as I moaned softly.
“Dude! What are you doing?” Aaron shouted. I wondered if I had taken this too far, too quickly.
“I am going to take care of the problem. If you would like me to, I can show you how,” I added. A voice inside of my head said, "please, please, please."
I grabbed my towel from earlier and headed to the edge of the bed. Aaron started to freak out a bit. At first, he didn’t want me to sit my bare ass on the bed, then he didn’t want me to use the towel as a cum-rag. But, finally, he agreed that I could sit on the towel on the edge of the bed as long as I had a box of tissues at the ready.
I sat there uncomfortably for a while. Aaron was just staring at me until I started to stroke away slowly. Aaron was studying my every move. I told him that he was being creepy and that he needed to join me on the bed if he was going to hang out and watch.
I expected him to walk out of the room and that it would be over, but to my surprise, he kicked his underwear off, grabbed his towel, and sat down beside me. Even better, as I slid over he sat on the right side of me. Aaron was left-handed and I was right-handed, so I had him right where I wanted him.
Aaron immediately started asking me how I do it. He claimed that he didn’t think that he had been doing it right.
I started by showing him how I like to grip my cock. My technique has always consisted of the thumb on the top just past the center accompanied by the four fingers all offset across the underside. I showed him the grip both on and off of my cock and he was staring at me quite studiously. My cock was pulsing with excitement as I was showing off to him.
He struggled to replicate my hand placement and when I reached over to try to show him he panicked and pulled away. I once again thought that I may have pushed this too far.
Fortunately, as I returned my hand to my cock and slowly continued, he slid back over beside me. Even though it wasn’t everything that I had wanted, I was still incredibly turned-on sitting naked on the bed beside Aaron. I knew that I was going to have to stop and start or I was going to cum very quickly.
Aaron started back up again and he still wasn’t doing stuff that looked like it would feel very good. He was trying to create a circle with his hand in an effort to replicate a pussy. His hands were shaking noticeably, even more than mine were.
I told him to stop for a second. I needed to get him a bit more relaxed. I stood up and we did a few of the goofy “dick tricks” that we used to do in our younger years. I started by doing the cock wag back and forth and we tried to see who could make their cock slap harder from side to side. I won that battle.
Then we did the “stomach slap” where you pull your cock down as far as you comfortably can, then let go and let it slap against your tummy. Aaron won that one, in part due to his curvature.
I sat back down on my towel and then lied down on the bed. Aaron followed. I looked at him and asked if he really wanted to do this. He looked at me nervously and then responded that he did.
I told him that I was going to get him there one way or another. Then I put my hand on his shoulder and told him that he needed to trust me. He nodded and said that he felt like he needed to take his sexuality further. He said that he thought that was part of the reason that he had trouble keeping girlfriends.
I sat back up and Aaron followed. We were sitting so close together that most of the right side of my body was in contact with his left side. I held my hand in front of Aaron in sort of a backward c-shape. He, of course, had to reverse it to use his dominant left hand.
I gave my cock a couple of strokes. I told him that he needed to give it a gentle squeeze at first. It only needed enough pressure so that the skin slides up and down with your fingers across the “bone”. I told him that moving his hips slightly, rubbing the inside of his thighs with his other hand, and thinking sexy thoughts help a lot. I told him not to hold his moans back because that is part of the experience.

He said that it felt a lot better this time. He was trying to do all of the things that I suggested at least occasionally. At that point, he had his eyes mostly closed, but my eyes were fixed on his majestic cock.
With it now rock-hard and about a foot away from my face, I had every opportunity to thoroughly examine Aaron’s cock. It was over seven inches long. He had outgrown me since our last encounter. The curvature made it a little bit hard to tell exactly how long. It had an even more pronounced curve, both upward and outward, than I had remembered. It basically touched his hip bone in its naturally erect position. It was significantly thicker at the base than it was at the tip. Even the base had become thicker than mine was, he really had me beaten on all measurables. That didn’t bother me at all.
I was so distracted that I was forgetting to stop and start. With seconds to spare, I groaned, “Aaron, I’m cumming!”
Aaron’s blue eyes immediately opened wide. He quickly turned just as the first wave of cum splashed against my sternum. I heard Aaron say “Dude!” as four more waves splashed against my torso, each one a bit shorter and lighter.
I sat there panting in the intense heat of that bedroom. My load was slowly trickling down me. Some of it got caught in my pubic hair, the rest of it trickled down my sides and between my legs. It was a pretty impressive load. At least I didn’t embarrass myself on that front.
“So, that was really good. Wasn’t it?” Aaron asked.
“Dude, you know the answer to that. You saw it,” I answered.
I grabbed the box of tissues and it took about six of them to mop up what hadn’t landed on the towel. I placed them on the back corner of the towel for the time being.
“So, you are the last man standing. Are you going to go through with this or are you going to puss-out?” I asked.
Aaron answered, “Yeah, I think that I am doing better now. Besides, that looked pretty awesome.”
He started back up and I started to egg him on a bit. I asked Aaron what he was imagining. He immediately said that it was Julia’s tits. I chuckled at my ability to push his buttons. When I asked what he was doing with them, he responded that he was sliding his cock in between them. I told him that he needed to slather those bazooka’s in some baby oil before he did that. He chuckled in an excited manner.
I told him that I didn’t know if his cock would even be able to poke out of the other side of those mountains. When I asked him where he wanted to cum, he fired back “on her tits.” I continued on taunting him for several minutes. There were a couple of times that I thought that he was going to cum, but it wasn’t meant to be.
I put my hand on Aaron’s shoulder and told him to stop for a second. I told him that I was going to get him there and cautioned him not to freak out. I told him to pull his hand away and I slowly reached over. Surprisingly, this time he was much more accepting of some assistance.
It was the first time that I had ever held another man’s cock in my hand. It felt so warm and stiff. It also felt different than I thought. Another person’s cock doesn’t give you instant feedback the way that your own cock does.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
He responded with a nervous, “Yes.”
I told him to just let out a moan when I did something that he liked. Then I told him to close his eyes and think sexy thoughts.
I started to stroke it slowly. I pulled Aaron’s cock closer to his center so I didn’t have to reach clear across his body. It took more effort to wrangle it upward than I would have imagined. When my hand traveled clear down to the base of his cock I could feel how much thicker it was than mine. I wanted for this to go on night long, and so much more.
Within a minute he was starting to moan. His body kept tensing up and I could occasionally feel his hips jerk instinctively. I asked him how he was doing and he responded with a distressed sounding “Good!”
I continued on, but now a little bit harder and faster. I started to focus my attention on the top half of Aaron’s cock. I made sure that each stroke contacted the underside of the head. The moans were getting more frequent.
I told Aaron, “You are going to cum so fucking hard!”
A wide smile drew across his face. “Yeah? I hope so.”
At that point, I could tell by his moans that it was only a matter of time. He started to breathe heavily for a few seconds and then his eyes opened and he shouted, “Wait! I’m cuuu...”
That was all that he got out until he was lost in the moment. His mouth drew wide open and he stared blankly at the wall. I continued to stroke as the first blast of cum rocketed up and hit him on the left side of his chest. The next two landed above and then below his belly button. The remainder dribbled either onto my hand or down his cock and onto my hand.
It was a huge load and he had topped me once again. It was very thick and white, particularly the big glob that was resting on the back of my hand.
Aaron was gasping for air. Sweat was dripping down his face. Most of his torso was now damp with perspiration.
I stared at the cum that had landed on his chest and on my hand. I wanted to lick it off so very badly. There was no way that he would go for that, though. I thought that maybe I could get a taste of it from my hand if he wasn’t looking. I finally let go of his cock when I decided that it had surrendered, but I didn’t want to ever let go of it.
“Are you alright?” I asked Aaron.
With a sort of weary enthusiasm, he said, “I am really good. Like totally good.”
He started to look around and saw the cum all over the back of my hand. He started to apologize and quickly grabbed the tissues and tried to help clean it off of me. I was not impressed with his consideration. He was too distracted to realize that I was once again fully erect or that it was entirely his fault.
Aaron continued to clean himself up. His limp, little cock danced around as he cleaned up his mess. I could see a bit of cum still leaking out. He went to toss his pile of tissues into the trash can and I stopped him. I explained that it might seem a bit strange if his mother found a pile of fifteen used tissues in his trash can. She would probably ask him if he was sick and then realize that it was something else.
I told him that we would take them downstairs and flush them a couple at a time. We put on underwear and a pair of shorts and headed downstairs with our cum-soaked tissues wrapped up in our towels.
I suggested that we should wash up a bit, either with a washrag or a quick shower. Aaron didn’t seem too keen on the shower idea even though he was drenched in sweat and cum. So, instead, we each scrubbed down with a wet washrag. I warned Aaron that any cum that didn’t get cleaned up would mat any body hair together and that it was quite uncomfortable to pull away.
As I finished washing up, I had to pee really badly. I tried to explain to Aaron how that was going to work for him after ejaculating.
Not surprisingly, he had to go as soon as I was finished and he was freaking out quite a bit. It took him forever to get going and he was convinced that he was going to have to go to the hospital even though I had just told him how it would work.
Finally, after staring at his cock for five minutes as I tried to talk him through it, he got things flowing.
We headed into the kitchen and decided that we were hungry. Aaron decided to make cheese popcorn, which wasn’t surprising because that is what we had always snacked on when I stayed over at his house. I ran upstairs and collected our glasses from earlier while he was popping the corn. While upstairs, I took a moment to soak in what had just happened and I really hoped that things were just getting started.
I headed back downstairs and we gobbled through a good portion of the popcorn. Once we had washed our hands of the butter and the cheddar cheese powder, we headed into the game room to play some pool.
We played a few quick games of pool. Throughout we were pulling wads of dried cum out of our body hair. I told Aaron that’s why I wanted to have the towel on my lap. He sighed and agreed that that would have been a better solution.
It was already one in the morning and Aaron was starting to yawn continuously. We decided to call it a night, so we turned off most of the lights downstairs and headed up to his room. We turned off all of the lights except the bedside lamp. We kicked off the bedspread and just left a sheet on the bed. We piled into the bed and both of us sat up against the headboard and talked for a bit.
I knew that I was going to have to be the one to break the ice about the topic, so I went for it. “Are you alright with what happened earlier?”
Somewhat nervously Aaron answered, “Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay with it. Are you?”
“Yeah, I’m good. I just know that you were a bit hesitant and I didn’t know if I crossed the line there at the end.” I added.
“No. We are cool. I don’t know if I would have gotten there if you wouldn’t have helped me. How many friends would have done that for each other?” he asked.
I joked, “Well, Tim might have helped you out with that.” Aaron laughed. “But seriously, I hope that you actually enjoyed that.”
Aaron retorted, “Like you said earlier, ‘Dude you know the answer to that, you saw it.”
With that bit of encouragement. I grabbed the waistband of my shorts and pulled down my shorts and underwear in one go. I tossed them over by my bag and said to Aaron, “If you do it at night you will sleep like a baby.”
Aaron hesitated for just a bit, but then followed my lead. We sat there shoulder to shoulder stroking our cocks in unison until I said, “You know that you actually have one up on me, don’t you?”
“What do you mean?” Aaron asked.
“Well, I haven’t ever had anybody touch my cock before. I wonder what it would feel like. When I touched yours earlier, it felt different than I thought that it would. When I touch mine I know what it feels like, but with somebody else, you have to try to read what they are feeling.” I added.
Aaron answered, “Yeah, I guess that would be different.”
We continued stroking our cocks for what seemed like an eternity, but it probably was another couple of minutes. I slowly reached over and grabbed a hold of Aaron’s cock with my right hand. Fortunately, he pulled his hand away as mine arrived in acceptance of what I was about to do.
I grabbed his left hand with mine and slowly brought it over to my cock. There was some hesitation, but he finally did it. He started to stroke it slowly with his rough hands.
To be honest, he wasn’t very good at it. Probably because he wasn’t really very into it. But I did get him to touch it, so I considered it a win.
We started to exchange dirty questions with each other, mostly about our fantasies and things that we would like to try. That went on for quite a while as we both slowly stroked away at each other's cock. My fantasy was that I would like to have my cock sucked. I told Aaron that I didn’t feel like I was ready for sex, but I thought that a warm, wet mouth would feel incredible on my cock. He seemed to be in agreement on the fantasy.
It was ‘all or nothing' time. I pulled his hand away from my cock and I started to get up. Never letting go of Aaron’s cock I slinked around and slid myself between his legs on my hands and knees.
Aaron looked pretty concerned at that moment, but he did not fight me in the least. I just looked him in the eyes and said, “You are going to sleep very well tonight.”
I leaned forward and as I neared Aaron’s cock I could smell his musky scent. I could smell a combination of sweat and his cum from before. The smell turned me on even more, although I wasn't touching myself at all.
Aaron and I were staring directly at each other’s eyes and I closed in on his curvy manhood. I grabbed his cock and pulled it toward my eager mouth. As my tongue touched his cock, our eye contact was broken as his eyes rolled back into his head.
After about three long licks up the underside of Aaron’s cock, I stopped because I felt guilty. I started to say, “Do you want—.
Aaron interrupted me, “Don’t you dare stop.”
I was probably pretty rubbish at the sucking part as it was my first time, but I could supplement it with some pretty deft stroking and licking anyway.
I was surprised by how much Aaron had submitted to the pleasure. I actually had the opportunity to explore his body with my left hand as I pleasured him with my right hand and mouth. He squirmed and writhed in my grasp and any restraint that he had shown earlier was now gone.
I kept him guessing the entire time. I switched hands at times, sometimes using both at once. I rubbed his inner thighs and caressed his balls as I pleasured him. He moaned in elevated pitches as he absorbed everything that I did to him.
I wanted to lick every inch of his body, but that may have seemed a bit too gay for him. Certainly, there was nothing gay going on here. Just one friend pleasuring another in a totally hetero way.
Aaron’s voice went up again, “Oh, fuck!” he groaned in a long, drawn-out manner.
Before he even finished shouting, Aaron grabbed my head and started to pummel my mouth with quick, shallow strokes. Fortunately, he didn’t go very deep, because I certainly wouldn’t have been able to take all of him comfortably on my first time.
He went hard and fast as he pumped his cock about halfway into my mouth. I kept my hand at the base to give his cock some extra attention and to hopefully restrict how deep he would be able to go.
About a minute into his barrage, he locked up completely. As he did, he drove his cock inside my mouth even further. I felt it throb against the back of my throat as he came. There was some cum, but much less than there was earlier.
As Aaron recovered, he realized what he had just done to me. He gently pulled me off of his cock. Ribbons of cum and saliva trailed from my mouth to his cock. My eyes were red and there were tears streaming down my cheeks. Aaron began to freak out.
Fortunately, he hadn’t forced his cock too deep into my mouth. I was very close to choking at times but managed to not gag very hard on his cock. I was, however, coughing a bit as I had cum and saliva dripping into my airway.
When I finally was able to talk, I attempted to reassure him that I was fine. Actually, I was more than fine. I had already got to do pretty much everything that I had hoped to do with Aaron. Somehow I got lucky enough that he lost control at the end, so he mistakenly thought that he was the aggressor in the situation.
I continued to cough up a cum-ball for a few minutes and then we settled back into bed. Aaron apologized to me about one hundred times before we both fell asleep naked.
I woke up before Aaron did the following morning. I wanted to snuggle up against him so very much but knew that it wasn’t a good idea. Instead, I decided to pretend to make some incidental contact while he was still asleep and unaware. I checked under the sheet and saw that, much like myself, he was rather hard through the night. I slowly reached my hand backward until brushed up against his cock.
Unfortunately, the first bit of contact woke Aaron up from his slumber and he rolled over onto the other side. Then I had to pretend to be asleep until he ‘woke me up’ as he jostled around.
He was pretty quiet as we got dressed. This time we both put on shorts and a t-shirt. I could have done with less, but sometimes you have to take what is handed to you.
Aaron was more quiet than usual. I could sense that he was still upset with what had happened late in the night. I was confident that he still believed that he had forced himself onto me.
We headed downstairs, brushed our teeth, and had a bowl of cereal. We watched television for a bit. It was Saturday morning and most of what was on didn’t intrigue us. We did manage to catch a few episodes of Looney Tunes, which was rather nostalgic and we traded impressions of the characters as we knew each and every line.
After the show was over, Aaron said that he was going to get a shower. He headed into the bathroom and I heard the water turn on shortly thereafter. The sound of the water falling changed as he climbed into the shower and it was time for me to make my move.
I took my clothes off and dropped them onto the bathroom floor as I entered the room. I pulled the curtain open and Aaron covered up as I poked my head inside.
“Dude! What are you doing?” he shouted.
“I am just getting my shower, same as you.” I claimed.
I immediately dropped to my knees and grabbed his cock. Within seconds it was hard and the false protest was over. I slurped and stroked his cock as he gently thrust away.
Once I felt like he was well underway, I rose to my feet and turned around. While it might have seemed that I was looking to get my ass fucked, that was certainly not the case at that point in my life.
I backed up into Aaron and grabbed both of his arms and pulled them around my body. I placed his left hand on my hard cock and encouraged him to stroke it.
These were the last two things that I really wanted from him. I wanted to feel his arms around me, and I wanted him to make me cum.
After a bit, he caught on to what I wanted. He was holding himself tightly against me as he stroked my cock. It didn’t take very long for me to reach orgasm.
As I came, I leaned forward and braced myself against the shower wall. As I was mid-orgasm I felt Aaron’s cock pop in-between my legs. As I was riding out my orgasm, I noticed that Aaron was starting to thrust away.
His cock was rubbing underneath my ass-crack and through to my crotch. As it poked through my legs, it would strike the backside of my scrotum and force my balls upward making my softening cock bounce.
Aaron locked both hands around my waist and was now squeezing me tightly from behind. We were bent over considerably and we surely had to look sort of like two dogs fucking, except we weren’t dogs and we weren’t actually fucking.
I was bracing both of us up with both hands at that point as he was getting more aggressive. As turned on as I was, my cock was completely limp from my recent orgasm. As I looked down, all that I could see was my balls and cock bouncing around aggressively, with an occasional flash of the tip of Aaron’s cock as it darted underneath. The bathroom was filled with the sounds of both of our erratic breathing and the crisp sound of Aaron’s hips as they made a firm, wet slap against my ass.
His cock slid tightly between my legs with the slightly squeaky slipperiness that only shower sex can provide. I could feel Aaron’s hot breath on the back of my neck as he demonstrated his raw sexuality.
I was surprised at how long he lasted. My best guess is that he pumped away furiously for close to ten minutes.
Aaron started to get rather vocal with his moans and assorted banter. In the end, his pitch went up and he shouted, “Take my load, Rob!” several times. His pace stuttered as he tried to power through his orgasm. I could feel his cock raise up beneath me as it throbbed between my legs.
As he ground to a halt, I could feel Aaron’s forehead resting on my upper back. He mumbled “Take my load, Rob” several more times, but very low. Then the dialog changed to, “I’m sorry, Rob” and it continued on.
I could feel Aaron’s cock going soft between my legs. It sounded like he was crying back there. He was still sort of pinning me down by the way that he was positioned, but I stood both of us up and turned around to face him.
He was apologizing profusely to me. I was trying to reason with him, but from what I could tell he seemed to think that he had just raped me anally. It took a while, but I managed to convince him that it didn’t happen that way. He finally got settled down and realized that he had overreacted to what had just happened.
We remained in the shower for a few minutes and finished cleaning up together in a playful manner. We grabbed towels and dried off quickly. Then we grabbed our dirty clothes and headed upstairs naked to put on some clean ones.
As we got dressed, I tried to check on Aaron to see if he was okay with everything that had gone down. After a bit of prodding, I got him to basically admit that he loved everything that we did. I knew that he would have preferred for it to have been with a girl, but I was happy to have turned him for at least one night.
He asked me the same question back. I couldn’t really be honest and admit that stroking and sucking his cock was the best part for me. I told him that I just really loved that I got to interact with somebody else for the first time and that it was really cool to watch him discover some new things.
I packed up my bag as I needed to go to work later in the day. Aaron had baseball practice in a couple of hours also, so our adventure was pretty much over.
Over the next year, we would have a handful of other experiences. They were usually pretty brief and they just consisted of stroking and sucking. He had some scattered girlfriends that occasionally kept him satisfied.
After that point, we didn’t really hang out a lot and there was never any further sexual contact.